Annual Report 2005
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Annual Report 2005 Contents Contents Main Features of 2005 4 Financial highlights 5 Facts about Sparebanken Vest 6 Managing director Stein Klakegg 8 Group management 10 Corporate governance 12 The brand 16 Retail market 18 Corporate market 20 Subsidiaries 22 Risk and capital management 24 Visjon Vest 28 Personnel 30 Primary capital certifi cates 31 Directors’ report 32 Profi t and loss account - Group 41 Balance sheet - Group 42 Statement of cash fl ows - Group 44 Equity movements 45 Notes to the accounts - Group 46 Key fi gures 2001-2005 - Group 70 Key quarterly fi gures 2001-2005 - Group 73 Profi t and loss account - Parent Bank 77 Balance sheet - Parent Bank 78 Statement of cash fl ows - Parent Bank 80 Notes to the accounts - Parent Bank 81 Key fi gures 2001-2005 - Parent Bank 110 Key quarterly fi gures 2001-2005 - Parent Bank 113 Auditor’s report 117 Control committee’s report 118 Organisational structure 119 Elected offi cers 120 Overview - notes to the accounts 124 Sparebanken Vest focuses on the West of Norway. Through the photos in the Annual Report the bank wishes to illustrate its diversity and commitment to its customers, employees and the regional culture. Published by Sparebanken Vest, the Information Department P.O. Box 7999, NO-5020 Bergen Tel.: +47 21 74 42 Fax: +47 55 21 72 89 Project management: Jørn Lekve and Anne Lise Urdal, Sparebanken Vest Design / layout: Creato Media AS Printing: Grafi sk Trykk AS Photos: Kai Berg, Morten Vee, NorPhoto AS, Robin Strand, Bente Synnevåg, Terje Rakke/Nordic Life, Egil Mathiesen, Øystein Klakegg, Erstad&Lekven and Marit Hommedal 3 Main features of 2005 Highlights • Sparebanken Vests recorded profi ts of NOK 475m after tax in 2005 • The bank’s fi nancial targets were reached, with a return on equity of 15.44%, against 11.54% in 2004, refl ecting earnings of 17.25 per PCC • NOK 100m of the profi t for the year has been allocated to gifts for the public benefi ts, with NOK 45m to be distributed in 2006 and NOK 55m allocated to the gift fund • The bank’s market shares have increased, with a net infl ow of 4 700 new retail customers and 400 corporate customers. An offi ce providing advisory services has also been opened in Florø • Total assets increased by NOK 8.2bn to NOK 54.6bn, mainly due to a sound increase in home mortgage loans • The level of net interest income, measured in kroner, was in line with the previous year and other income developed well • On 9 January 2006 Stein Klakegg, a graduate in economics and business administration, took over as managing director of Sparebanken Vest Main activities in the period ahead • A high level of activity related to the bank’s application for approval as an IRB bank • Establishing a lower cost level will entail personnel reductions • In January 2006 a new branch providing advisory and real estate services was opened in Haugesund. A new branch is also due to open in Etne in the course of 2006 • The decision to merge the regions of Sogn and Nordfjord and create one region - Sogn & Fjordane - refl ects a stronger focus on this county • The Western of Norway is characterised by optimism in the commercial sector, and the bank’s activities for the public benefi t will be directed at initiatives in the fi eld of commercial and social development • The bank expects to maintain a satisfactory level of earnings in the coming years, although the results for 2006 are likely to be slightly below the strong performance recorded in 2005 4 Financial highlights Financial Highlights - Sparebanken Vest Group (NOK million) 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Profi t and loss account Net interest income and credit commissions 972 960 903 876 787 Net operating income 471 406 353 115 183 Total operating expenses 875 819 747 722 684 Profi t before losses and write-downs 568 547 509 269 286 Loan write-downs and losses on guarantees (75) 60 114 166 86 Profi t before tax 643 487 395 103 200 BALANCE SHEET Total assets 54 680 46 457 40 351 35 449 32 367 Net lendings 46 565 41 089 36 559 31 838 28 762 Securities 3 155 2 966 2 347 2 083 1 812 Deposits from and debt to customers 27 333 24 871 22 237 22 192 19 349 Subordinated loan capital and equity 4 206 3 778 3 160 2 954 2 571 Key Ratios (%) Ratio of net interest income and credit commissions to average total assets 1.92 2.19 2.33 2.52 2.50 Ratio of profi t before tax to average total assets 1.27 1.11 1.02 0.30 0.63 Return on equity after tax 15.44 11.54 11.80 3.12 6.39 Loan loss ratio (0.16) 0.14 0.31 0.51 0.29 Change in gross loans to and receivables from customers 12.78 12.22 14.39 10.99 9.53 Change in deposits from and debt to customers 9.90 11.85 0.20 14.69 8.81 Net capital base (NOK mill.) 3 909 3 477 2 901 2 705 2 192 Capital ratio 11.36 11.28 10.48 11.07 9.93 Core capital ratio 9.95 9.56 8.38 8.63 9.68 Dividend per primary capital certifi cate (PCC) (NOK) 17.10 12.60 12.60 3.50 9.50 PCC price at year-end (NOK) 206.00 187.50 162.00 104.00 118.00 Effective return per PCC 16.59 23.52 59.13 (3.81) 0.00 Further information is shown in the summary of main fi gures and defi nitions on pages 70-72. 5 Facts about Sparebanken Vest More customers and a broader market area Sparebanken Vest exists on the strength of its customers. 2005 again saw a gratifying net infl ow of new customers and at year-end Sparebanken Vest was the main bank for 206 000 retail clients - an increase of more than 4 700 on the previous year. On the corporate side, the bank had 10 200 clients at year-end, refl ecting an increase of 400 in the course of the year. Sparebanken Vest and society The launch of a new The bank’s vision is to be a driving trademark and graphic force in the development of the profi le in 2004 has been social and commercial life of the a success. Customer West of Norway. Our main objective surveys show that the is to be an independent savings bank scores high marks for bank and the leading fi nancial recognisability, and we are services group based in the associated with the values West of Norway. we seek to represent. Sparebanken Vest strives to be Broader market area when its predecessor, Bergens a good and attractive work place, Today, Sparebanken Vest Sparebank, was founded. where our core values create is an independent, alliance-free and a workforce that is customer- a modern bank for the market area Vision and objectives oriented, skilled at forging represented by the counties of The bank’s business concept is customer relationships, and Hordaland and Sogn & Fjordane, and two-fold, with the emphasis on banking highly competent. Haugalandet in Rogaland. A new branch operations, but also taking account of offi ce and real estate activities were the bank’s social involvement. As an independent institution, started in Haugesund in January 2006. initiatives aimed at enriching The Group also conducts real estate “While maintaining satisfactory society are an essential part broker activities through its subsidiary profi tability and an appropriate level of our activities. The bank seeks Eiendomsmegler Vest and real estate of risk, Sparebanken Vest shall cover to establish fruitful partnerships management operations through AS the customers needs for fi nancial with others to promote and Filialbygg. In March 2006, the bank services through sales and advisory develop the best interests of the extended its real estate broker activities services. Western Norway, and in so doing with the purchase of a 70% holding the allocation of gifts for the in Kyte Næringsmegling. Sparebanken The bank’s commercial operations shall public benefi t plays an important role. Vest is Norway’s third-largest contribute to the development of the The accounts for 2005 gives scope savings bank with total assets of West of Norway by providing added for gift allocations totalling NOK 100m. NOK 54.7bn, 57 branches and 749 value for those whose interests are Of this, NOK 55m has been added employees. Based in Bergen, it is also linked to the bank. Gifts for the public to the bank’s gift fund, the second-oldest bank in Norway with benefi t are a supplement to business while NOK 45m will be roots stretching back to 1823 operations.” distributed in 2006. 6 7 Managing director Stein Klakegg Good prospects for the West of Norway and Sparebanken Vest -In the course of 2006 Sparebanken Vest will strengthen and confi rm its position as the bank of fi rst choice in the region. The bank’s focus will continue to be directed at the Western Norway. The key to further progress lies in close and active interaction with the customers. So says Stein Klakegg - managing director of Sparebanken Vest since 9 January 2006. look forward to considerable changes. More acquisitions and mergers can be expected. Sparebanken Vest is set to play a role in the development within the industry and is determined to remain in the forefront of growth and development in our market area.