Republika E Kosoves

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Republika E Kosoves Republika e Kosoves Republika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo Qeveria- Vlada-Govemment Ministria e Puneve tejashtme - Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kabineti i Ministrit - Kancelarija Ministra - Cabinet of the Minister UDHEZIM ADMINISTARTIV Nr. 02/2014 PER POSTET DHE RRETHET KONSULLORE NE REPUBLIKEN E KOSOVES ADMINISTRATIVNO UPUTSTVO Br. 02/2014 O KONZULARNIM OKRUZIMA I POZICIJAMA U REPUBLICI KOSOVO ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION No. 02 /2014 ON THE CONSULAR POSTS AND DISTRICT IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO Ministria e Puneve te Jashtme Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova Ne mbeshtetje te Ligjit Nr. 03/1-044, "Per Pursuant to Law No. 03/L044 on "Ministry of U skladu sa Zakonu Br. 03/1-044, "Za Ministrine e Puneve te Jashtme dhe Sherbimin Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Service of the Ministarstvo inostranih poslova i Diplomatsku Diplomatik te Republikes se Kosoves" Republic of Kosovo" (Official Gazette No. sluzbu Republike Kosovo"(Sluzbeni list br. (Gazeta Zyrtare Nr. 26/02 qershor 2008 ); 26/02 June 2008); Law No. 03/L-033 on the 26/02 June 2008); Zakonom br. 03/1-033, "O Ligjin Nr. 03/1-033, "Per statusin, imunitetet "Status, Immunities, and Privileges of statusu, imunitetu i privilegijama diplomatskih, dhe privilegjet e misioneve diplomatike, Diplomatic and Consular Missions and konzulatnih misija i osoblju Kosova i konsullore dhe personelin e Kosoves dhe Personnel in Kosovo and of the International medunarodnom vojnom kao i njenog pranine nderkombetare ushtarake si dhe Military Presence and its Personnel"(Official osoblja"(Sluzbeni list br. 26/02 June 2008), u personelin e saj" (Gazeta Zyrtare nr. 26 / 02 Gazette No. 26/02 June 2008); Vienna Beckoj Konvenciji od dana 24. april 1963. qershor 2008), ne Konventen e Vjenes e dates Convention dated on 24 April 1963; Article 8, godine; u clanu 8, stav 1.4, Uredbe br. 02/2011, 24 Prill 1963; ne nenin 8, paragrafi 1.4, i paragraph 1.4 of the Regulation No. 02/2011 "O oblastima Administrativne odgovomosti RreguUores Nr. 02/2011, "Per Fushat e "On the areas of administrative responsibility Kancelarije Premijera i Ministarstava" Pergjegjesise Administrative te Zyres se of the office of the prime minister and (Sluzbeni hst Br. 1, 18 april 2011), u clanu 38, Kryeministrit dhe Ministrive" (Gazeta Zyrtare, ministries" (Official Gazette, no. 1, April 18, stav 6. Uredbe br. 09/2011, "O radu Vlade nr. 1, 18 prill 2011), ne nenin 38, paragrafi 6 te 2011), Article 38, paragraph 6 of the Republike Kosovo" (Sluzbeni list Br. 15, 12 RreguUores Nr. 09/2011, "Per Punen e Regulation No. 09/2011 "of Rules And septembar 2011), Ministar inostranih poslova. Qeverise se Republikes se Kosoves" (Gazeta Procedure of the Government of the Republic Zyrtare, nr. 15, 12 shtator 2011), Ministri i of Kosovo"(Official Gazette, No. 15, Puneve te Jashtme, September 12, 2011) , the Minister of Foreign Affairs, nxjerr, hereby issues, izdaje sledece, UDHEZIM ADMINISTRATIV ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVNO UPUSTVO PER POSTET DHE RRETHET ON THE CONSULAR POSTS AND O KONZULARNIM OKRUZIMA I KONSULLORE NE REPUBLIKEN E DISTRICT IN THE REPUBLIC OF POZICIJAMA U REPUBLICI KOSOVO KOSOVES KOSOVO Neni 1 Article 1 Clanl Qellimi Purpose Svrha Qellimi i ketij Udhezim Administrativ, eshte The purpose of this Administrative Instruction Svrha ovog Administrativnog Uputstva je rreguUimi i marredhenieve qe krijohen ne is to regulate relations established in the regulisanje sporazuma koja nastaju u rrethin konsullor, gjate procedurave te hapjes, consular district, during the opening, konzulamom okrugu, tokom procedura funksionimit ose mbylljes, se posteve functioning or closing procedures of other otvaranja, funkcionisanja ili zatvaranja, konsullore te shteteve te tjere, ne territorin e countries consular posts in the territory of the konzulamih pozicija drugih zemalja, na Republikes se Kosoves. Republic of Kosovo. teritoriji Republike Kosovo. Neni 2 Article 2 Clan 2 Fusheveprimi Scope Delokrug Fusheveprimi i ketij Udhezim Administrativ, The scope of this Administrative Instruction, Delokrug ovog Administrativnog Uputstva, perfshin pergjegjesine dhe procedurat includes the responsibility and administrative obuhvata odgovomost i administrativne administrative, qe krijohen ne rrethin procedures, created in the consular district, procedure, koje nastaju u konzulamom okmgu, konsullor, gjate hapjes, funksionimit ose during the opening, functioning or closing tokom otvaranja, funkcionisanja ili zatvaranja, mbylljes, se posteve konsullore te shteteve te other countries consular posts in the territory of konzulamih pozicija dmgih zemalja, na tjere, ne territorin e Republikes se Kosoves. the Republic of Kosovo. teritoriji Republike Kosovo. Neni 3 Article 3 Clan 3 Perkuflzime Deflnitions DeHnicije 1. Per qellim te ketij Udhezimi, termat e 1. For the purpose of this Administrative 1. Za potrebe ovog Uputstva, korisceni perdorura kane kete kuptim : Instruction, the terms used herein shall have pojmovi imaju sledece znacenje: the following meaning: 1.1. ''Ministri" - nenkupton Ministrine e 1.1. "Ministry" - shall mean the Ministry of 1.1. "Ministar" - podrazumeva Ministarstvo Puneve te Jashtme te Republikes se Kosoves Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo inostranih poslova Republike Kosovo (u (ne vijim MP J). (herein after MFA); daljem tekstuMIP). 1.2. ''Post konsullor" - nenkupton 1.2. "Consular Post" - shall mean the 1.2. "Konzularna pozicija" - podrazumeva konsullaten e pergjithshme, konsuUaten, general consular, consular, sub-consular or generalni konzulat, konzulat, vice konzulat, nenkonsuUaten, ose agjencite konsullore. consular agencies; ili konzulame agencije. 1.3. "Rreth konsullor" - nenkupton 1.3. "Consular district" - shall mean the 1.3. "Konzularni okrug" - podrazumeva territorin qe i eshte caktuar nje posti territory appointed to a consular post for teritoriju koja je odredena jednoj konsullor per ushtrimin e flinksioneve exercising consular functions, pursuant to konzulatnoj poziciji radi obavljanja konsullore, sipas ndarjes territoriale, ne the division in the legislation of the konzulamih funkcija, prema podeli legjislacionin e Republikes se Kosoves. Republic of Kosovo. teritorije, u zakonodavstvu Republike 3 Kosovo. 1.4. "Lokale konsullore'" - nenkupton 1.4. "Consular facilities" - shall mean the 1.4. "Konzularni lokali" - podrazumeva godinen dhe pjeset e godinave dhe territorit building, parts of buildings and the adjacent objekat i delove objekata i susednih ngjitur, qe perdoren, pa marre parasysh se territory which are used, regardless of the povrsina, koji se koriste, bez obzira na to ko kush eshte pronari, per qellimet e postit ovmer, for the purposes of the consular je vlasnik, za potrebe konzulata. konsullor. post. 1.5. "Arkivi" - nenkupton te gjitha shkresat, 1.5 "Archive"- shall mean all requisitions, 1.5. "Arhiva" - podrazumeva sve dopise, dokumentet, korrespondencen, lidhur me documents and correspondence regarding dokumente, prepiske, u vezi sa procedurat administrative, qe krijohen gjate administrative procedures which are administrativnim procedurama, koja nastaju hapjes, funksionimit ose mbylljes, se created during the opening, functioning and tokom otvaranja, funkcionisanja i posteve konsullore te Shteteve te tjere, ne closing of other countries consular posts in zatvaranja, konzulamih pozicija dmgih Republiken e Kosoves. the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. zemalja, na teritoriji Republike Kosovo. Neni 4 Article 4 Clan 4 Pergjegjesit Responsibilities Odgovornosti 1. Zyra e Drejtorit te Pergjithshem, eshte 1. The Office of the Director General is 1. Kancelarija generalnog direktora, pergjegjese per procedurat administrative te responsible for administrative procedures of odgovoma je za administrativne procedure hapjes, funksionimit ose mbylljes, se posteve opening, functioning or closing other countries otvaranja, funkcionisanja i zatvaranja, konsullore te Shteteve te tjere, per rrethin consular posts in the consular district of the konzulamih pozicija dmgih zemalja, na konsullor ne Republiken e Kosoves. Republic of Kosovo. teritoriji Republike Kosovo. 2. Departamenti per ^eshtje Konsullore, ne 2. Department on Consular affairs, within the 2. Odeljenje za Konzulama pitanja, u Ministri, ndjek dhe realizon proceduren Ministry, follows and carries out administrative Ministarstvu, sledi i realizuje administrativnu administrative per hapjen, funksionimin ose procedures of opening, functioning or closing procedum za otvaranja, funkcionisanja i mbylljen, e posteve konsullore te shteteve te other countries consular posts, in the consular zatvaranja, konzulamih pozicija dmgih tjere, ne rrethin konsullor, ne Republikes e district of the Republic of Kosovo. zemalja, na teritoriji Republike Kosovo. Kosoves. Neni 5 Article 5 Clan 5 Vendosja e postit konsullor Establishment of a consular post Postavljanje konzulame pozicije 1 • Posti konsullor, hapet ne rrethin konsullor. 1. A consular is opened within the consular 1. Konzulama pozicija, otvaran se u 9 te Republikes se Kosoves, me pelqim te district of the Republic of Kosovo, with the konzulamom okmgu, Republike Kosovo, uz Ministrit. consent of the Minister. saglasnost Ministra. 2. Shteti kerkues, paraqet kerkese ne 2. The requesting state, submits a claim to the 2. Drzava koja zahteva, podnosi zahtev Drejtorine e Pergjithshme, te Ministrise, per Directorate General of the Ministry, for the Generalnoj direkciji, u Ministarstvu, za hapjen e postit konsullor, ne rrethin konsullor. opening of a consular posts, within the
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    STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Department of Economics 659 Degree project in economics Spring 2014 Brain Drain – A Future Threat in Kosovo? A Minor Field Study in Prishtina Aleksandra Dennier * Sara Harmenberg ** ABSTRACT: This thesis primarily examines the risk for brain drain in the future in Kosovo through survey data collected during March-April 2014 at the Public University of Prishtina. Differences in current emigration intentions between university students and a control group from a practical school are investigated. Also differences between fields of study are assessed in order to determine whether Kosovo risks future labor shortages in any specific sector. Further, the emigrations intentions under the hypothetical but plausible future scenario of European Union entrance is introduced and examined. Lastly, it is assessed whether Kosovo might benefit from future emigration through potential brain gain effects. No indications of potential brain have been found, but the generally high level of emigration intentions across all investigated groups is notable. The most important push factor for emigration from Kosovo today is unemployment, why development of functioning labor markets is of most importance for creating a sustainable society in the future. However, the results from investigating potential brain gain support that future emigration might not be solely harmful, but also benefit Kosovo in the future. Keywords: international migration, human capital, demographic trends JEL Classification: F22, J11, J24, O15 Student id. no: 22214* 22292** Supervisor: Anders Olofsgård Date submitted: May 14th, 2014 Date examined: June 11th, 2014 Discussant: Melinda Nordvall and Adrian Rydén Examiner: Örjan Sjöberg ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the course of this field study, we have had the pleasure to meet many inspiring people and received help to extents for which we cannot express enough gratitude.
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