AOH Newsletter-January-2021
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MSGR. CHARLES A. KELLY, JR. JANUARY 2021 EDITION DIVISION 44PO010007 VOLUME 11, ISSUE 1 Sisters of the Poor and, Business Meetings and of course, our Christ- mas contributions to the NEXT Business Meeting at St. Joseph parishes that we serve. Church on January 14th, 2021 at 7 PM. Hopefully, this year things Regular Monthly Business Meet- will go back to normal. We ings are held at 7 PM on the 2nd can get back into the busi- Thursday of the month. No meet- ness of helping our com- ings are held during July and Au- munity through the charita- gust. ble work that the Kelly Di- vision is always happy to perform. Our next scheduled meet- ing is Thursday, January 14, 2021, at 7 pm. This Jack Simila meeting will be via video Division President conference. Please mark your calendars and plan to I would like to wish all our attend. This meeting will members a happy and be a good opportunity for cheerful New Year! Last us to catch up and make January, we started with plans for the new year. high hopes and excitement Look for an invite in your with the start of a new email. Remember, if vide- year. Then the pandemic oconferencing is not for hit. After the year we had, you, there is an option to Contact Keltex or call it’s only natural to go into join the audio-only meet- this year with a little hesi- ing. If you do not have ac- (609)624-3252 tancy. Once again, I look cess to a computer, please forward to working with call me on the number be- Dues Notice you. We’re not sure what’s low. in store for us, but I know 2021 Dues are payable start- that whatever comes up, ing this month. Dues remain the Kelly Division will rise I wish you all a Happy and at $40 and, if 75 or older, dues are $20. to the occasion. Prosperous 2021, and I Please pay at Division Meet- hope to see you all soon. ings or mail check payable Last year I wrote about Please be safe, to: the importance of brother- hood and giving back to IOM AOH Msgr. Kelly our community. The pan- Jack Simila Division demic put a damper on at: 919-730-7394 our efforts to raise money Larry Kelly for Charity. Still, it did not 120 Carriage Point Ln. Glen deter us from using our Allen Va. 23059 treasury to donate much- needed funds to The Little PAGE 2 JANUARY 2021 EDITION THE KELLY NEWSLETTER (Continued from page 1) stone, so is of a type know as Poulnabrone Dolmen a tripod dolmen. It is known Co. Clare locally as ‘The Hag’s Chair’. A BIT OF IRISH HISTORY The 3 metre long capstone was at one time on the ground, but in 1965, follow- ing excavations carried out at Dolmens the site, it was replaced. There are quite distinct re- Dolmens, properly called Por- mains around the dolmen of tal Tombs, mark burial places a stone structure which was in a very distinctive way, with at one time part of the tomb. large capstones, as shown ___ below, elevated at an angle and held up by huge standing Figure 1: Poulnabrone Dolmen Carrowmore Dolmen stones. They were created Co. Sligo between 3000 BC and 2000 The Poulnabrone Dolmen is BC and are generally held to one of the finest remaining be tombs, though they may dolmans in Ireland. It is also also have had a ritual signifi- one of the most visited, so cance. unless you arrive early in the morning you are likely to find quite a few people around. The stones we see now Poulnabrone means “hole of would have originally been the sorrows” and in 1986, covered in earthen mounds, when the area around the with the area below the cap- dolmen was excavated, the stone forming an entrance remains of 16 adults and chil- Figure 3: Carrowmore Dolmen leading to the tomb proper. dren were found to have Hence the correct name of been buried there, over a pe- About 30 megalithic tombs Portal Tombs. riod of perhaps 500 years. can be seen at Carrowmore, The region where the dolmen spread over an area of 1.5 sq There are more than 100 dol- stands – the Burren – is a miles, making it the largest mens scattered throughout treasure trove of stone age such site in the country. Ireland, in various states of remains, with some 70 tombs There are several dolmens in repair. and about 500 circular stone various stages of preserva- structures or forts. tion, all of them quite small Quite how the people of the ___ compared to those found time manipulated the truly elsewhere but nonetheless massive capstones into place Ballykeel Dolmen impressive. is unknown, but the fact that Co. Armagh The remains here are among so much of their work still the oldest known, over 700 stands some 4,500 years lat- years older than those at er is a testament to their evi- Newgrange and yet the site is dent skill. not anything like as frequent- ly visited. ___ Seen following are some ex- amples of dolmens . ___ Figure 2: Ballykeel Dolmen Ballykeel differs from many Home dolmens in have three portal PAGE 3 JANUARY 2021 EDITION THE KELLY NEWSLETTER Prayer List In Memorium -Mike Dougherty and al- so his wife, Diana, who is -Mike Norton’s sis- being treated for spinal ter,Mary Bracken stenosis; Mike's brother- -Mike Norton’s niece, in-law James Cramsie Debbi Rossi with incurable leg infec- tion -Mike’s sister, Maryellen, God grant them eternal rest suffering from multiple strokes -Chuck Mulherin’s wife, Vera, diagnosed with can- cer -Jim Calpin, Neuropathy Pain and irregular heart beat CLOSING THOUGHT/PRAYER Hail glorious Saint Patrick, and the light be his shrine we honor thy name Great Saint intercede, that And when to the end of life’s Tho’ Erin may claim thee, we always may be path we have trod the world knows thy fame Devoted and loyal true chil- Be near and intercede for us The faith of our fathers is our dren of our heavenly father great bishop of God treasure too And the Blessed Mother and How holy that faith that they thee learned from you Our faith and devotion be Through crosses and trials its ever like thine fires burn bright Our thoughts be of Jesus, It shows us the way, the truth Our hearts, minds and souls Home MSGR. CHARLES A. KELLY PAGE 4 JANUARY 2021 EDITION AOH DIV. 44PO 01 POWHATAN, VA The Msgr. Charles Kelly, Jr. Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians was 2021 Division Officers formed in December, 2009 and conducted it’s first meeting on January 21, President-Jack Simila 2010 at St. John Neumann Church, Powhatan, Virginia. The next few meet- [email protected] ings were taken up with election of officers and the many procedural items Vice President– Open needed to get our group started. Treasurer-John Frampton [email protected] Since that time we continue to grow, adding new members and supporting and donating to Catholic schools and Churches in the area, in line with our Recording Secretary-Mike Norton [email protected] commitment to Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. Financial Secretary-Larry Kelly [email protected] Standing/Compassion Comm.-Mike Dougherty [email protected] For Further Information: Marshal-Sonny Dorish [email protected] Contact Editor Sentinel-Jim Dunn [email protected] W E’ RE ON THE WEB ! Webmaster-Dan Harrington [email protected] W WW. AOHKELLY. ORG THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER Take into consideration all age us, "Pray the Rosary." those on our prayer list as We have a LOT to pray for well as those among the and pray about. In addition faithful departed. We are to those mentioned above supporting the Knights of we have a lot at stake in Columbus at St. John Neu- this upcoming election mann parish with their ro- in November. I hope the sary tabulation ( one mil- US Constitution and the lion rosaries is the K of C part about religious free- goal). As our past state dom still applies. president used to encour- Links AOH National Irish Museum-DC Ancient Order of Hibernians AOH Virginia The Wild Geese Msgr Charles A. Kelly, Jr. Division AOH Kelly Irish Times 2480 Batterson Road AOH Dooley Irish Echo Powhatan, VA 23139 Irish Culture and Customs Sew Fabulous Embroidery Home .