Delegated Decision List 22 March Leader Let the County Farms at Bedol, Sarn and Plasgwyn, Kerry following interviews. 26 March Portfolio Holder for Learning and Approved the appointment of school governors: Mrs J Owen to Cradoc Welsh Language CP School, Mr R Dover to Carreghoffa CP School, Mr G Davies to Ysgol Dyffryn y Glowyr and Mrs J Jenkins to Arddleen CP School. 28 March Portfolio Holder for Highways, Approved the appointment of Mr Graham Jones to chair the Bryn Recycling and Assets Posteg Liaison Committee. 29 March Portfolio Holder for Finance, Considered applications for charitable and hardship rate relief. Countryside and Transport 5 April Leader Let the County Farm at The Willows, following interviews.

5 April Portfolio Holder for Highways, Approved the Highway Infrastructure Capital Programme 2019 – 2024, Recycling and Assets delegated approval to the Head of Service for Highways Transport and Recycling to determine and approve a prioritised list of schemes within overall budget allocations and approved the continuation of the moratorium on major schemes within the budget allocations. 9 April Portfolio Holder for Highways, Approved the purchase of land to extend cemetery. Recycling and Assets Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, Housing and Public Protection 11 April Portfolio Holder for Learning and Approved the appointment of school governors: Mr D Ap Dafydd to St. Welsh Language Mary’s RC School. 11 April Portfolio Holder for Finance, Approved a deviation from policy and not require a Performance Bond Countryside and Transport for pension purposes in respect of the contract with Shaw Ltd to manage the Council’s residential care homes. 23 April Portfolio Holder for Highways, Granted delegated authority to the Head of Property, Planning, and Recycling and Assets Public Protection – in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Recycling and Assets – to accept offers, following a suitable period of marketing, which meet or exceed the recommended minimum sale price of the following properties: potential building plot at Aberhosan, former Youth Centre, , former library at Hay on Wye, former library at Knighton and former library at .