PoS(RTN2005)001 T uild- b KKL Gauge the sometimes and http://pos.sissa.it/ model es vity vitably gra in Flux (ine Super basic compactifications, a with elopments Strings, v On flux de on problem. rieste. T recent models, School Theories acuum v e Models inter D- students, W Gaug 6, string for SISSA/ISAS TN and the R Ring to er the 2005, avity suitable intersecting 4 gr D-brane for be to approach Föhring Super on notes includes ∗ Physik, 31-February en intended This Strings, statistical lecture g für el, GERMANY on of v the le ered. Notes v January Italy set hen, hool and , a co Sc . SISSA k-Institut er is Münc by are 2005 rieste [email protected] Blumenha T inter This Theories, scenario Speak superficial) ing W ∗ E-mail: D-80805 Max-Planc Published Ralph Lecture RTN 31/1-4/2 SISSA, PoS(RTN2005)001 6 7 2 4 9 3 7 at 15 13 13 10 12 11 18 17 15 been “first string string string ything an has wing it contains acua v has Blumenhagen e whether it whether follo lik or to which theory Ralph the unique. wn gies is with whether that do it Model y string ener neutrinos w that boils lo ensure w question accurac whether at to Standard handed of e particles kno v basic ha ysics question we what right gree ph the Higgs de solution, w do this , least a em the kno at ) 2 1 / to to ( answer Y xists particle we ) including e neither theory e U 1 to v of ( 001 orld → U ha that w Y there × ) string acuum 1 (SM) we w if theory v ( our ) , compactifications of fermions, 2 U w ( Fluxes × implies U D- ork SM S flux string kno w string Model flux ) w × with models al 2 progress 3 ( c for we ) G and e hir U 3 resembling c S ( do frame D-branes acua U mak of Models satisfied. v S Standard on nor formulation D-brane the acua magnetized brane admissible to potential break e are ane challenge the In an to lik string fields scenario latter or order D-br acuum tadpoles minima F great scalar of v T ealistic models acuum/v models minima symmetry in r on a w v supersymmetric generations , -duality This nature. a Gauge Orientifolds Chirality T Ne Intersecting The AdS A dS MSSM compactifications such KKL still Notes ward admits. incorporates has is Mechanism Three Gauge with o requirements” e one It Clearly 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 1.5 2.2 3.1 4.1 3.2 4.2 D-brane Flux The Statistics T • • • D-brane do . . . . . 1. Contents 1 Lectur to theory least order theory theory measured. 2 3 5 4 PoS(RTN2005)001 , 3 es its an on the , and one mo- 2 (1.1) (1.2) open these e notes. , essen- mech- by IIB source strings acuum end v an v of and etc. [1 ha are denotes Therefore, of ype references. themselv vide can FCNCs T coordinates. p open Blumenhagen D-brane lecture of by Q and natural pro only in of consult are presented the list scenario, candidate can and strings directions Ralph can and these One to does occurrence a e intended. theory case . in topic please space-time is quantization the intersecting/magnetized open ws: ving ersal which this which ered ha suppression the D-brane number complete v D-branes and use same the , in µ a follo space-lik Upon inflationary co in er en X , the . of subject transv v v field, p as 0 the 0 e such requirements”. precisely 1 of terms, models vide string we oided = = and + which v this of an is p π models wing. π ends a , with , in auge Ho pro 0 C 0 is It directly g soft on = order seeing = constant, be p σ ) to the σ string olume ws), is , | follo controlled | of 1 it. 1 µ µ by ( ws conditions These of + X vie try object X p to U the σ τ re vie C ∂ ∂ a orld-v form p hardly 3 coordinates potential in theory re easily not “second fluctuations / D w general class content bored to µ for violation symmetries Z background. ψ ] p in the P time will xtended form 001 airly Q boundary unification feel rise C could 11 cosmological as f e confined I string ) p 9 recent , e auge , , = 1 whose concrete that . and . v g be an string p . D-brane the or . concrete + IIA requirements. . where [10 gi . S additional F scale: , is , p a of i get 1 notes, ( 0 the can the dimensional 0 articles masses, w | are denoted a ype Fluxes space coupling + Dirichlet ) 1 2 = to realize of papers, therefore T ](see w 1 order p µ − weak to µ meanwhile kno to breaking, are is [9 in + ψ with = along vie p-brane there lecture p auge to with the µ first re ( g those xcitations, a who first fermion smallness and e ingredient. , properties are get features to the the i.e., orld-sheet couples theory → the Models resp. w it er mechanism recent will D-branes as v xcitations string these D-branes refer a stabilize these o issues: readers ane e least conditions w the constraints and D-brane we string is our to superpartners essential on at concretely BPS that a supersymmetry D-br nauseam.] D-brane, open the topological couplings those needs or gral [Since of mainly by these couplings with on see a F ad their denote the to fields by ]. lecture w ) More massless satisfy inte all boundary 8 τ one as direction Polchinski will to , ge. along , en will e orld-sheet I uka to 7 lightest σ v erlap Notes this the e the ( , v Cosmological Y Gauge Mechanism Details w e people gi 6 o char W In First one. Gauge the , • • • • • described y 5 apologize , anisms D-branes same 1.1 4 Lectur Instead satisfying I are mentum tially An D-branes. time-lik where odd R-R Neumann be attached where Their string, PoS(RTN2005)001 or do one 2 also (1.3) (1.4) string G figure called forces higher closed adjoint , remark- that a a 8 of so including one-point planes E amplitude read (see the orientifold as planes , ) G 7 Blumenhagen 2 non-oriented in quite kind E under from resulting is , es fields indicate (RP 6 either called ge the It E Ralph anishing olv the , v and ) auge wed char in orientifold g Klein-bottle N transform obtained 2 non-v vie p ( objects uilding. the P the crosscaps also be precisely b be S w symmetry , o , rank from ) ne branes tw that can crosscaps/orientifold can . a dangerous , particular N consequence ( . w the model a in theory O for the  are result ) vie S xpansion discrete 0 on p computing As e L re a groups A signals + . a e between auge 0 get carry string ) by ords, v L g by τ symmetry ( amplitude y , t which w motion . fields for π a vity for σ p auge 2 ] j fields also the ating of g and − − this ? 4 ( e gra ) [12 / theory auge D-branes other = 2 N i.e. such Ω instance g one to → vity 2 auge 1 perturbati gences, 1: ( objects  ) g In time, see + propag 001 by r e τ er P p for the gra , v T S as F string Can σ t equations di to t ? ( their d II out . modes, : rank) d ) Figur and ∞ string other Please coupling the 0 N Ω rise ) ( and ype Z e defines detected N T Fluxes crosscap. interesting U ( v the = that viding each infrared of O be gi (higher closed K one S the massless Di with of a theory). strings can for group on as top Recall least obtains . D-branes strings addition or string quotient on w Models string At es auge In I transformation la fields g one the coordinate . ane open tadpoles presence p ∞ is mak ype closed erse. A the Klein-bottle. T v Gauß → non-oriented parity and D-br of e amplitude l D-branes of Such which uni the on massless whose olds N which (lik e on loop p-form of our some limit symmetries? closed lik orientifold contain satisfied Notes in to arise, fields one the e tension. orld-sheet R-R that An Placing auge Orientif not aces w see In g 4 auge 1.2 we representation F orientifolds Depending g the able Lectur 2). planes functions has string rank couple models surf carry PoS(RTN2005)001 1 3. − w the p la disc. (1.5) com- D string under are models the ge y diagram, Figure the D-branes. symmetry Gauß o in the on background a Blumenhagen closed char tw is a introduce wn yields string the orientifold one-loop Ralph 2 2 2 sho precisely 1 1 1 can p p p tadpoles as which therefore as carrying are between brane these p string and seen also locally O for ating consistent these be olution, , a massless we the v open . amplitude in p In to can anish. objects Q tadpoles that v propag = models conclude already this to so all ersal p o j anishing l l l other T annulus ? string has diagram diagram p seen D-branes. − diagram the transv non-oriented e 10 cancel non-v v channel Σ holomorphic p strip 5 structure Z planes, plane. to − space a bottle / ha closed orientifold with the x 10 = a l l l tree from Σ 1 π π π we Annulus 001 2 2 2 as + In order Klein p Möbius wing 3: ain F As computing in denotes uilding 2: e comple 4: ? compact ag space b e compute a e orientifold d a orientifold follo by strip. π π π p M 2 2 2 − to Figur an on Fluxes the 10 the arise → Σ Figur Figur considered model Z of anish. has admits and v compact M with necessary be = Möbius ge : detected a introduced. t=1/(4l) t=1/(2l) t=1/(8l) to sitting 0 is M define σ also gences e string er can be the be v ge char v er o can v that Models ha to one D-brane can di the char e than a where v ane , One π π π D-branes annulus . ha 2 i story else erall z consistent assume Ωσ of D-br v equation cancel tadpoles the tadpole o infrared us the for on to between IIB: . this the let R-R t t t p-forms , π π π nothing M 2 2 2 whose w ype arena Notes order ating channel is of T e coordinates resulting No In same grating introduction • global complete x tree o ple the the natural propag Therefore, Lectur the Inte branes, which In T The PoS(RTN2005)001 - o o 3 one x tw tw auge (1.8) (1.6) (1.7) , sym- point inter i chiral g space- appear a Z a 3 is all Choosing get Then in and vially . ∆Φ phenomeno- ) Blumenhagen i fields between 3. 5 not σ that , wskian Z . − o 3 . which τ this space. . y )( , i three-dimensional non-tri Ralph ε does 0 intersect such matter − fields Figure Mink n to = ( are i stretched do i in one − realize the olution, e internal v i ε to wn of in − branes with 0 , string i n branes 0 i branes space 0 fermionic ˜ sho symmetry α = iy = ) the = ) i as i i the dimensional i ε flat + open Z Y i light such Y 1 . σ auge − τ x 0 in xpansion − 0 ∂ g ∂ an o n 2 wing e i four ) ( mechanism x the = = i Y Z = space + tw i i ) Z ( i i es, 0 z τ allo 2 ∈ 1 Z the six-dimensional ∑ Z ∆Φ n X ( ∂ σ τ ax that = τ ( D6-branes directions ∂ mode ∂ i by i U ∂ ∆Φ i + i = ersal anti-holomorphic is x flat ) ) Y tan i ) D-branes is × 6 σ τ ∆Φ i ∆Φ a i the i / conditions ∂ an + 2 + Z position 2 W other τ additional the so i e sharing ∆Φ ) e of in )( = 2 ( + i transv 2 X i ε i + an ( − y 001 Model σ do the i i + Z coordinates X e tan ∂ U n ( Z Intersecting Z σ ( parallel S case to in i along σ τ σ x − ∂ ok denotes − ∂ ∂ ∂ general 5: v × e boundary ay i e in just C ε In w M ) D6-branes + conditions 3 to i n Standard Fluxes o ( simple comple → α : : wing dimensional Figur : : D-brane intersect U One tw ) 0 π the i S has ycle. 0 π the with M ε c read = : six = of follo 1 and = one = + the σ σ one σ n σ σ ( boundary the the 1 Considering of introduce feature. x Z Models consider that in ∈ plane ∑ n has Consider us 0 where features enience so z these ane = , v that 1 ) σ coordinates let . dimensional τ the Ω x , precise con ∆Φ D-br main M σ canceled. space. er important ( branes i v on for of 1 D-branes auge, three the Z IIA: means y co g are more ery a the of representations v comple ] ]. be ype Notes on in This internal metry T implementing o e [13 cone Placing T One , [13 wrap Chirality • w chiral the which finds intersecting logically Lectur sect D6-branes No anomalies light 1.3 in matter time. in and PoS(RTN2005)001 3 of as an Z on on the the , one . (1.9) . brane in (1.11) (1.10) Chern . to that with , fermion analogy stack 1 from the boundary boundary theory Z so a first in rise and . . on ed Blumenhagen e b considered the chiral I 2 v freedom I R string 1 fields gi mix I 1 be m fermion R and sector of number Ralph I I Dirichlet between a n the yl IIA m can e and Therefore, with symmetry R-R of = 2 . W and grees ype ) T i T the alent: de branes ,left-handed auge v D6-branes g o in ∆Φ sector 0 0 chiral ( i modes say ) the D-branes ε intersection D-brane tw equi intersection = = N − D6-branes around tan D9-branes. i n ( i i one Neumann ˜ the, ψ Y Y the U = Consider are τ the σ I ∂ sector ∂ × filling ]. ) brane ) (NS-NS) F gets i . and that + I multiple i oscillator 0 i intersecting M ε [14 intersection m ( a the ∆Φ X + arz . ) = intersecting i one τ i n ( set-ups flux that string U ε between = b i xchanges ∂ clear of o ψ , o consider − e I intersecting magnetised ) Y J i n a tan i σ is 7 F ( the ˜ tw tw α − w ∂ 2 / such are + mainly auge bosonic it ⇒ space-time T i one ∆Φ at general g of L no = = ( with Z with closed eu-Schw F , X a ⇐ of i i I ) number v ) σ 001 generically ε in the number n wing 1 X J tan ∂ we + e ( σ o the i n IIA Ne IIB − = modes v . − ∂ σ ( gets between intersections α If ) spirit tw w to σ follo ha arz F the ype ype Ω ( magnetic fermions D6-branes directions vie one 1 the T T the I c that Fluxes N string wrapping y Therefore of : : in of of point. intersection generic representation . of 0 π is } the with chiral the eu-Schw 3 = = D-branes for open compared , olds fermions olds v found point constant uilding ab in 2 σ o σ I b , orientifold a e stack models an Therefore Ne 1 v tw , { . an Models ha I 2 denotes Since xist the ∈ R halfed, I 1 topological intersection e I 1 i Orientif Orientif model n ane R in -duality we sector undle space presentation I orld-sheet I another T are b the n the m space-time D-brane for bi-fundamental w a there D-br perform string. π Here at = string / with the wing the i string ) on 2-shift auge i sector / g i.e. and in for 1 compact for ∆Φ denotes open 3 by ∆Φ follo , Y a ( the olume. = ab Notes C en I fermion closed i e -duality string v of tan ε × Performing Summarizing, The On T Intersecting -dimensional gi 3 , D6-branes the 1 twisted orld-v R with Similarly w 1.4 conditions, condition class are Lectur with Therefore, chiral where I 1.5 additional M gets transforms open four to a PoS(RTN2005)001 - 1 is = for the ) La- that = pre- G anti- inter a under of (1.12) (1.15) (1.16) (1.17) (1.13) (1.14) planes N ϕ anishes an (1.16 ]. v resulting homology symmetric group for of special constraints, introducing possible [15 ariant symmetries, eq. Blumenhagen olume property v ycle The or the v which c . by in in are 0 a auge on alues the π wrap locus g auge the orientifold considering the v Ralph left g a e as side v on by P K-theory , or ) that and S ha F point / ones ferent canceled O6 images . ycle, O pay hand π itten determines form c condition S ( ed dif anish. (sLag). be δ a to antisymmetric W v only xpressed 6 left fix ϕ ) e the e implies to µ representations 2 v gets ) 4 additional the ( ycle with D-branes the e to the be Kähler ha simple the v U − D6-branes in symmetry by S a 3-c ) . . are one orientifold ha the tadpole 0 a as 0

(1.14 the we can all ) π , ( 3 general 1. = just branes all Since of δ auge parameter Ω . 6 then their a . that g , to 3 a global is O a , image restricted N 0 ϕ price which ) a i π Ω able 7 π w NS-NS a which σ ycle e more 4 π ϕ a transform T . wn The C i = and ( the ∑ ferent N 2 0 8 of d augmented the a ( y 6 − Lagrangian ) all sho its e ℜ to in do π / µ ) of when dif | a = U that = 0 a ) π the M restriction = a + 3 en are 8 a π ( Z π is that and three-c can v

also ) | 3 ) 001 Ω G a tadpoles, boils + 3 J gi a supersymmetry H the supersymmetry π = a special ϕ Thus, Ω ( i π if ) is ∈ 1 ( 1 finds One e δ anishes case ( erall a identical minimizing, ( anishing σ a v a v R-R three-form a π v = = π ℑ Lagrangian. o ( 3 N N D-brane one this ol Therefore, strength Ω a a a conditions Fluxes brane. N indicating ∑ N the a and ∑ V . condition dual the 6 In background π L so-called olume is µ F ycles . es v spectrum ) the a 6 field with 6= special 1 = O Lagrangian that 0 a 3-c is point-wise These 8 ϕ − by π group, global ( . between NS-NS G is R-R = σ a ed ? Poincaré 0 a preserv three-form a Ω Models e defines called π d called case ϕ the orientifold auge . massless cancellation 2 implies g the the 1 is is κ 1 addition ane by an a wrapping carries for manifestation ycle of plane π preserv = with in c the stretched homology in en preserv 6 chiral olution ycle is D-br v general v N of in O tadpole part operation to gi ycle plane in on ycle denotes the ycles theory motion is the condition ) 6 ) image strings a vial a fermions. R-R e D6-banes O 3-c three-c of π in ferent N v tri ( order D-branes ( Notes the field three-c ycle δ of the three-c dif e is U the resulting abo If In Open A The 1 e combined chiral imaginary = the K a xact, e classes The grangian where secting whose If representation The whereas Lectur holomorphic wrap the equation the the ∏ stacks supersymmetry serv three-c then PoS(RTN2005)001 - a as w such cases inter into ycles, (1.18) model second moduli M guaran- function a 3-c vitational 1 compacti- three-form most using xtra gra Blumenhagen e actory eloped of in cases v able construct flux , as kinetic T supersymmetric + the de er to ) v satisf D-branes Ralph a of for uilding most π well has b with auge Lagrangian xample ◦ g in e 6 as O so-called Moreo mechanism. some This π action the e model + arz techniques v special that where a together completely ) ) π on ) a a freeze using ◦ no π π fecti 0 a ◦ ◦ D6-branes to ef anomalies, about π ut theory holomorphic ( (1.17 b O6 O6 4 realized b b gy π π − wn 2 the one π π requirements. a literature, aspects as ]: field Green-Schw N ◦ ◦ + − w comments a 0 a w a a [8 kno intersecting/magnetized . + π π the ]. π π it 0 ) models, w-ener is compactifications. ◦ ◦ order allo b , intersecting main 17 Multiplicity . see in condition e 0 a 0 a . lo 9 = π , π π / N non-Abelian ) ◦ potential, ( ( lik for 6 olving the Z 0 a general the 1 2 1 2 [16 O v / much π string conformal 6 π ( 001 matter in generalized second please in b 4 Namely T in a ) N ery particular − a some a Kähler v pure xplain the MSSM discussed ) xtra π 6= Abelian, by e ) ) 0 b spectrum models. ∑ e in b b b ◦ anomalies. cancellation compute π the a list space 6 not use a + ed appear , , O + to Fluxes ) s will and been a a and by π b b fulfils discussed me techniques occurred. references Chiral auge e π π mix can ( ( au’ − ( v g we ◦ Gepner as b with a 1: canceled let tadpole a ha also π N has Representation (for of π eloped actors one and ◦ f ( b v are semi-realistic b here ∑ 0 a uilding able ( R-R structure π de N b T theory ( notoriously ◦ a Models Calabi-Y 4 lecture determined which a 6= auge that ∑ the + b models 2 π g these some rich a is toroidal been ane , Abelian N elopment − − D-branes so yet non-Abelian a this e v model string er are that which sometimes v ery v orientifolds = = of de v be of xotic D-br xist general ha ged e e IIB which a we A superpotential. → to on these concrete e there end check Ho v subject, y ype the gets fields), emer ar instead more f compactifications ha T there us absence the , Notes ut in and has models, one chosen models b Methods So On Man o e interesting broad ely Besides T Let the es • • • • v Flux ery ery v fications 2. (massless anomalies. Nai v secting/magnetized Lectur flux tees PoS(RTN2005)001 an the are: their (2.6) (2.5) (2.3) (2.2) (2.1) (2.4) terms mass- by es and depends its reads and 3 equations flux i.e. H in τ Blumenhagen p − C fields these string 3 condition general F of ! Ralph in this 2,4-forms through, τ = Chern-Simons fields 3 Im for 2 5 G via e F R-R 5! which auge · sources g 4 running flux cancellation and fields − is identity , τ local ) consequences 3 ten-dimensional action, 1 e G e p-form Im + . + reads flux local v · p v 3 3 y the ρ 3 3! F F tadpole p-form · G ( 3 the G to ν ∧ Bianchi µ 2 F τ . three-form ∧ µ 0,2-forms fecti 1 2 3 man ? 0 equation T 3 action + κ ef x − H Im p ∧ 2 G e other G i 6= qualitati 2 The Γ v τ 4 π ) M F 1 ∧ . + µ τ 8 Z 2 + 4 3 the 10 p M D3-brane 2 B τ∂ F The C NS-NS = / ) Im Z fecti F solutions µ 0 comple contains ( Ricci-flat. ∧ ∧ 1 Einstein ycles ∂ R 0. ef α 2 Z + c 3 = 3 ν the 1 p 2 F µ some 001 Γ 6= H π the in − 2 10 2 1 the g 1 gy k Z 4 to p the κ dimensional , R . ( S = 2 1 ϕ for + in C theory longer 5

+ − of contains d 3 e − = F y g considers ie H utes ν four = ? µ ux w-ener − an l ∧ 1 term + d IIB Fluxes f R size lo 2 √ + 0 the one p N x = C , not C tadpoles F 1 2 the 5 10 in ype w with contrib IIB e is F d = w T stabilisation es − superstring d source τ , 5 No ne Z F ype flux T -flux 2 10 that 1 = xtra 3 Models κ metric e field 5 G moduli potential e F vial = an controlling ane -forms. the to recall particular generate p the B I term I action. field − us S scalar In D-br that lead non-tri can vides 8 a that let on moduli 10D pro can kinetic flux with 1 dual tadpoles 5-form the -axion ten-dimensional first the + p Notes means in implying induces on This The The F e the spectrum. But The New • • • motion magnetic with less self-dual of Lectur which 2.1 amount PoS(RTN2005)001 as the the the the not tree (2.8) (2.7) (2.9) term, to to (2.10) (2.12) (2.13) (2.11) at 2 F-term | does actor) en an W f defined | v distinguish W 3 as Blumenhagen gi is anti-self-dual structure, − 3-brane arp 3-brane e can summarize, x D w v D are a the Since o a ati Ralph T e . one the v e ] 3 written , )] lik G lik w ρ ainst comple [19 be deri ∧ imaginary − No ag 3 dilaton. utes . ρ the utes an G can potentials ( as type moduli. i ux y l the 6 ariant f − d [ v and and i.e. N (suppressing itten cancels co ! M . + contrib and contrib to 2 log 0 ) Z 3 Kähler | G by 3 τ G ≥ the potential a-W W 6 structure | flux − flux ? en Im af 3 definite ws: ! x i (2.10 v moduli, )] , ∧ 2 10 e piece τ moduli − and the W gi 3 whose 3 v the κ in v-V J . all − scalar 4 G o G follo K is W type D  3 j j τ M y i.e. ∧ ( ∓ ∂ 6 er i.e. i as D comple iG ol sum i 3 W the proportional 11 v positi d I 0, breaking. ∓ 3 Guk ∂ V − o / 0,  Ω i [ W is D G is i M ≥ self-dual structure J the the of 6 = ) I Z = ≥ M + D ? j j x log Z ux i τ is 001 no-scale G i b in l  3 runs writes ux ∧ f l J G − G sign) and (2.9 f = G I T Im = ∓ 3 ∑ dimensions 6 j  T 1 i ? in G 2 10 ∑ ρ

one W term Ω the sum y κ comple

and K 6 4 ρ ∧ characterized four e and imaginary d 0 K Fluxes metric so-called Ω the term e dilaton 0 = the in = be supersymmetry M an the ≤ Z M = , F V ≥ the algebra the on with Z ux the ρ V τ → l modulus F first i can superpotential ux f Here into l of V of f − er (including Im N 1 v  little N is the only ]. 2 10 The o ux l potential κ → flux f erse Models 2 log olume → v [18 T tadpole tadpole es. modulus case − in potential = runs some ane W = flux scalar ISD V IASD R-R R-R term depends our the 3-form potential 3 3 K el axion-v D-br potential only after G v is G In Kähler scalar ISD and and 1 the j . le on i 0, 0, the w − K i G the the scalar sum i.e. second = = ∂ , no = , tree scalar split of cases − 3 + 3 2 6 on er and − + Notes the the the i apparently v ? NS-NS NS-NS G G o G e ∂ by superpotential can The The • • tw = a el that i v minima Using Moreo where piece One Lectur 2.2 of the which so D where depend Consider dilaton le PoS(RTN2005)001 x is w in be au on in- ne (3.1) (3.2) been to scalar (2.14) (2.15) this for e simple dilaton. the v comple es has the by ha this Calabi-Y the i.e. all F-theory presented to Blumenhagen , of flux on be G-flux and via to the Ralph IIB . and general generated longer )] geometry ρ in y that mechanisms ype moduli going corrections T − an o n the 0 described ρ y is w branes ( of α d i T on not 3 m − freezes y [ superpotential D is best , process. d I ) structure flux condition ] is 6 log imply 4 ( mn and x superpotential ˜ fields. 3 g all only ol ) step approach the y V − ( o the A d of for orientifolds )] 2 which tw τ geometry ∧ which with − 0 to their G-flux . comple ) e a . 3 by → − y ) = ( τ 1 + the G massless , all el ( α 2 ν and i v ∧ ( W with 12 x d I as model 3 − / T le d G [ )[ supersymmetry D µ a Ω ? x needed = potential, branes proposed freeze log d + Z backreaction → 001 tree In ) string KKL G corrections 7 ν 4 1 ) T − backreaction, ( µ are to = ( 3 at remain D , g  the → by 0 ) IIB ( = y W en Ω ( 0 Kähler G 5 KKL one v A string e ∧ additional 2 F with = gi + ype e Fluxes strong e dilaton. Ω ) T ws the v equation. moduli 1 a W = , glected comments: the 2 M are ( geometry to the O3-planes with ' Z ne the 2 10 allo es discussed i G s moduli, models au d 0. − W gets olv we some = ain ρ and  also Kähler v or = fields: D Einstein been ag G F in Models one G G-flux log . is the Kähler with → ) potentials ut ∧ 0 the − has A b . ane J non-perturbati el these Calabi-Y corrections ISD, moduli 4 that 6= = v the in ( 0 . fourfolds. ) le G point be scenario α F K i.e. xp D-br also and V lecture e au Kähler ]. M also form, T e, seen → arped ( term on stringy v this are can considerations = 1 fix scenario e w 0 [20 the fix this v H supersymmetry α a at to = starting our , ha to KKL arped or or F Notes er that e end structure source primiti just w potential with and Calabi-Y stance Supersymmetry F There There In F V e v W The second lecture us • • • • • • • The we order In Lectur 3. Let Ho proposed this The Recall PoS(RTN2005)001 - is 0. ut of by for b Put one cor = Phe- (3.5) (3.3) (3.4) (3.6) 0 which elliptic W just = that realized (leading σ de-Sitter such F dilaton D arithmetic 1 T D7-branes wn, the V induced arping. Blumenhagen correction of the of w as sho theory ely by >> that KKL itten, v branes. assume e is D7-branes. v cr W 3 en er so that base Ralph σ v equation v , D on visors a ) to also gi 3 , fecti ansatz di we of the 0 and the ( respecti is maximal ef we ho and in G to potential cr of an σ + ) order superpotential, 1 admits wing moduli frozen , goal, branes ycles 2 gets ( (non-supersymmetric) scalar (According point 3 the G condensation are 4-c the follo D to solutions . to one = brane the to leading  of minimum corrections) the . G i.e. fourfold cr 0 at 0 the , lead σ the In α phenomenological augino σ resulting . fields moduli < a account. g ρ the ρ reached for 3 2 in by R. a ia cr I project i also (no the e σ stuck by er G-flux e + a 0. ∈ wing into v 2 6 1 corrections 13 A 1 ' 0 − < / t e cr can are  e + en W v 0 introduction σ , 2 masses already which ins structure 0 follo cr structure 1. >> minima a 6 W A σ tak e , W x W 001 whene a x 1, 2 induced supersymmetric v Figure cr the A minimum. − a the soft corrections = σ e << = ha w are − In be with s es by A ) W scenario g and ne F D = − AdS we susy comple ( V such σ comple en picture 0 can ) i i mak Fluxes background v = , V this this 0 of vy 0 ( = gi gime all non-perturbati requires at W ρ H re is with i 3-branes, non-supersymmetric hea w justified). ) -flux e supersymmetric D induces 1 that v input simply ut no G includes b F-theory the − minima for ( 0 corrections stabilisation one solution assume Models one = ISD out the 3 i potential self-consistent ISD , G-flux where ∑ stringy assume we ingredient in looks ane an the step an perturbati e Euclidean w form ISD i.e. in of moduli Similar W scalar stable on , one D-br grating the ne approximation condition y a ) arise flux. . 0 moduli, on in the one, second inte W the has (3.4 The turns of simplicity branes additional instance generic minima = ferently the 3 minima Notes for dif frozen Kähler fibration.) for genus nomenologically the rections D One After W or instanton e alue non-supersymmetric magnetic yields with Concerning Using F v dS AdS • • • 3.2 solutions. that apparently with order Lectur The Self-consistenc finds This 3.1 where PoS(RTN2005)001 a es are v that (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) gi leads meta- be motion moduli concrete to lecture of which 4 all a gets − which indicate Blumenhagen this , 10 yet 3 to − O of apparently fixing Q finally = not models s Ralph 0 . equations = end determined 2 W 3 D one σ seems and 200 D 1, which be . the string + minima Q 0 string and to  + = can wn, σ a a which ux the l local − ain , f sho 1, scenario . e alues to 3 N to A v is = Ag concrete D 180 T tension e A + v 2 theory 0 lead W = this possible 3 + choice O positi solutions a σ condition potential T string a constant. construct to − the , − 160 of just 3 2 14 D Ae account can D for stable σ / is 8 a generically T scalar ) ) scenario. σ + = σ shifted into one 1 3 ( 001 D ux picture l V is  this f V · set-up cancellation t (meta-) σ N o 140 a 15 t cosmological T 2 − resulting V of = lecture). σ e (10 2 whether reads D A of Fluxes geometry the KKL V a confirm tadpole w small 7 landscape final to the = no with the seen in number compactifications , D 120 R-R of potential with V be ar f this + flux Figure minimum (tension) the to F so Models control so-called In V scalar potential arping that acuum back immense = w ane v local the t V The o 1 satisfy 2 3 t an under tadpole acua. -1 -2 to dS remains the V the 6: D-br scalar v to come e It discussed e D on xists v also ated is e total of v realization will ha NS-NS it Figur ficiently e Notes the de-Sitter the model. suf moti there (we W As The aking e T meta-stable comments: • • • tuning that a w so Lectur stable By to fe PoS(RTN2005)001 3- let 11 con- (4.2) (4.1) (4.3) − either which 10 sectors. · for construct 7 has . orientifold 2 lectures, to untwisted Blumenhagen = is the models, D twisted on first i.e. o , methods 2 4 , orbifold aim Ralph ) s − tw also Z the Z turn 10 , the in The by − 400 M , ( these three = 3 on Z aking en only 0 with T v resulting H of min W gi the we N in 8. 1, the . . 3 2 ∈ of first 350 0 are = D-branes. z z introduced 3 1 moduli. = F − − z alues the min a orientifold v M models each N → → → L Z 1, e F 0 3 2 1 ) actions in z z z = α 1 300 frozen tak operations 2 2 methods gets A ( ) 1 − 2 approximation. Z 2 : ( π Z consider compactifications 0 Z o 2 R and 6 orbifold ( ycles one o Θ 15 × Ω tw T vity / we 2 in choice tw 3-c flux general 250 partially Z gra the IIB the , 001 of , 32 = the that identity Here Z 2 1 these orbifold with z z and for ype . 3 super M 2 ) intersecting/magnetised ) T compactifications min z − − and ) Z N ideas σ 51 200 apply on ( , the → → → the × ∈ detail. Fluxes 3 V 3 2 1 2 to flux Bianchi 3 ( · the z z z models between Z H sector 15 e / = guarantees    trust the 6 directions with M ) : more and Z models T y (10 order 150 11 0 Θ flux consider in h can α in , torsion 2 3 obe the which combine ) ], 1 21 3 G Models π we string in h internal brane H 2 to ( 24 untwisted ( ger V , potential ane Standard-lik 1 2 is xample xample or six 23 e e and the discrete ) inte , 1.5 0.5 2.5 3 which 3 all D-br , F in scalar 22 account step an this the ealistic , 51 on for es r ( is on The into [21 = concrete ycles es, quasi-realistic flux upon reflects 7: min ) a Notes natural e N R supersymmetric 3-c 11 semi-realistic ward e flux wing h o As A The 8 A , T dwell 21 Figur ollo h ( chiral 4. Depending where form has where Lectur structing us projection 4.1 F PoS(RTN2005)001 t × the = 2 3 (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) (4.7) (4.8) (4.9) T τ (4.10) (4.11) = that = 6 D3-brane 2 τ T Blumenhagen = the finds 1 . τ that to ) τ 2 so Ralph , One set 48 k , + x ) = d 1 3 0. ed, can 0 ( z 4 as ∧ β , d / fix = j − 3 3 2 we x z τ ux y ) t l 2 3 ∂ d d f d τ τ 1 / 1 2 N z ∧ ∧ τ i τ d 2 W y y ∂ + xpressed + actors, d + d f partially e k 1 1 0 3 = τ 2 τ ution ∧ z β − j i is ( be . 1 d 2 T τ ) τ i 2 y ∂τ 6 Λ 1 z β − / d β − T i d − can Λ ) − 1 ( . − β W 3 F z i J contrib three of ∂ I τ , i d = = α I . 1 a δ ∑ − i i i y τ 0 = π τ 3 I + the Λ 2 α − β = 16 τ 3 + e i α + / z J is 3-form to W 3 Λ α 0 + d β τ = I 2 0 α X yields 2 i coordinates x z ∧ τ ∑ β τ structure as 001 , I d satisfy x k = = 1 = = x + − + α y z and I t 3 0 0 2 respect d d z z by ariables τ ) M α α ( 1 1 v d , ∧ Z , ) as τ j 3 2 en conditions o ( ( τ ∧ = = x y comple v with τ 2 Fluxes 3-forms 3 comple d xpressed holomorphic G d 3 3 tw − z gi e − F ∧ √ d H 1 ∧ 3 in ( i 2 is the be ∧ τ x with 8 x actor written ) 2 type f 1 d d τ z These i Z 3 2 be = 1 ) , d ∧ . be of can τ T Ω 1 constant k 1 G ) to symmetric = x M action τ 0 − ∧ ( < Models d ( 3 can α 3 2 j G − 2 equations Ω each Z ) H supersymmetry 1 = = 1 condition. indeed ane Z ( π i 0 × G-flux 2 on of totally ariantly and β is ( 2 α = = v the i three G-flux is Z D-br the e co 6= W on basis the superpotential k the the solv these 6= to G-flux Defining j to to . cancellation Notes point 2 apparently 6= the choosing e T i Due , try resulting this × w addition symplectic 2 tadpole which Lectur At T a solution and with In Since No the PoS(RTN2005)001 : - to of of L the the are the F e tad- ) auge v mod- 1 is to (4.13) (4.12) (4.16) (4.15) (4.17) (4.18) (4.14) g super side top ha − I a the pairs ( is fermions n y the R on which conditions such flux all compensate Ω the of hand Blumenhagen of and three the which chiral 2 I , by T ) of right of directly 1 Ralph cancels , planes, . details ] 4 numbers the therefore )] D9-branes, 8 − cancellation torus ution [23 ( )( p placed can 2 1 flux S number π , the representations group 3 U . be = I and e. − vial able contrib × quantum ) characterised tadpole orientifold The v 0 T 6= 4 )( ) can . is / 1 auge 0 ati 1 , K 3 c in magnetised the the g ( g around α , 2 four A b these 6= U ( x non-tri ne as [ − of wn , ( J ) phenomenological 0 brane × with I b on for conditions = 6= n L ays inde sho = I a ) − I , arctan w flux. ws I a and I a anti-symmetric B units branes account, m ux  ) al n l the + m D9-brane I 4 f introduces 1 for , or in − ) orientifold model the ( is I a = 17 the N I a 3 I b K follo by 2 e ) into n branes / I tadpole n U I a / a the ( m 8 T 2 the − one F 8 m as and I a × en A 2 magnetised 8 − that Therefore, I n v ) of ( in  T 001 technical ( = supersymmetry . (4.13 four 2 a Z gi ( = = I Z acts brane torus I a ∏ π is 3 a U min K a gets Note the symmetric 2 m S n 16 N arctan = -planes m more MSSM-lik 2 a same arctan Such to × ∈ J a I-th tadpoles, n O magnetised + number ab I one ) ) or 1 a m 4 I Fluxes ∑ ) 2 3 the n F 3 / I a 2 ( branes condition with the a . n e − / ux four 3 = l U , a 1 N f projection with S of 2 A A N magnetised literature. a 11 ( N D-branes ∑ − the × h a = , resulting ∑ ) 2 4 the by wrapping 3 of D6-branes. preserv A ( − bifundamental, Models olume the , satisfy arctan to en one-generation U v Since the in magnetised v S original a cancellation 24 . quantisation supersymmetric gi ane ) orientifold = − utions I a the to ( the is instance m G brane which the magnetized cancel enforces flux D-br ferent as − The ) matter e rise denote , I a for to intersecting tadpole I a dif on to I a m contrib n the lik es each , ( o utes for m v e denotes I a consult tadpole the flux. v n I gi tw for ( → lead order Notes to ati the ) K I a g aking e and Introducing In Consider T MSSM contrib m can gers ne D3-brane please , order I a -dual n and Supersymmetry pole els magnetic between ( Lectur 4.2 where where symmetric and the the inte satisfy In T D3-brane group. PoS(RTN2005)001 is is to to (i.e. it (5.3) (5.1) (5.2) rise es partially action that breaking needed e flux v ving discretuum. au ws is Blumenhagen and gi es sho fecti ork ef w Ralph flux breaking gy Calabi-Y D9-branes. , i thereby countable a α xample supersymmtry a more with i e R ener on N to w i soft ycles 0 ∑ lo ) This ) ) ) ) ) much 3 a model. ) ) > 1 1 1 1 1 3-c = . acua models 0 0 , , j m R the ) magnetized v − − − , , 3 , 4 3 e? 2 , , , N 1 1 3 a F ( stabilisation, ( 1 0 1 ( − − n S supersymmetry of ( ( ( ( ( M the ( induces i N U these Z course S ther string N compactified 0 ∗ j of which i e ) α L × of ) ) ) with reads 2 a 2 η ) ) ) ) 1 1 1 ) space ar ) IIB 1 1 0 1 0 , , = for moduli m 2 ut semi-realistic π − , , , , = , 3 4 ( b comments: , 2 1 1 1 1 2 a through 3 to ( ( ( ( ( 0 − − U n for ype ( ( ( anes 18 S H ( acua T component / br acua, v ∧ possible moduli v − some 3 lead ation, ) condition ) ) D F 1 a , ) ) ) ) ) semi-realistic backreaction 1 1 G-flux i 001 N flux 0 1 1 0 0 , , are flux m group α , , , , , Z , 2 2 numbers + with S 1 0 0 1 1 1 a 2 the 0 ( ( ( ( ( − − i N n Consider observ this ( ( ux ( α l N 2 f 4 auge models. 1 ) many of i general g N ∑ models π continuous Fluxes 1 1 a 2 4 w 1 3 1 1 lecture e on ( = cancellation glected such Wrapping a ======the 3 lik Ho with ne N 1 2 = D9-branes. f c a b d estimate. this H 2: h h of turn N N N N N ux N N compactifications supersymmetric M l we an f Z encouraging end acua yielding 0 e we able tadpole N (non-)supersymmetric v class reduce T α Models flux MSSM an backreaction 2 w me ) 1 es mak is The π No ane . 2 let that j magnetised The . us ( construct entire i , flux α string 7-planes α discrete This to D-br let an the ∧ 0). O of i seen ], act, on f α considerations generation 6= on e ycles R ) v [25 In 3 ask: , our ha 0 general = customary ( 3-c Notes j possible moduli. e i 3 establish terms G In Three in e wing η b may As W y • • Statistics that ferent. ollo really frozen with corresponding Lectur indeed so 5. dif One man with F PoS(RTN2005)001 x it of be i.e. has this one (5.4) (5.5) (5.6) (5.7) After might space. can . entually 200 ersion comple x moment, v statistical v e number ' e a acua v enough, the aluating Douglas Blumenhagen by v m the in v moduli the e ge of approach en all v and positi lar gets leading an M.R. Ralph er gi ) study v count is gion pragmatic o is discuss W that re | to 2 without small its Such D W so 2 sum will ) ant models ) should In  F-theory) -space D 1 ω det w N ( ) arise with N number η the landscape, acua. we 1 in ]. − structure/dilaton N det one v ( → N we 2 | α forms. in x R | m as ) , [27 this − N estimated 2 . ) axis o − e W ) w L ∗ gral, ] realistic ( − W fundamental 2 L 1 y − string tw α models ( be ∗ D α string D vac 25 ∑ appear No ( L search e det for inte ( , ) the  m N comple sphere y 1 which → the of α 2 ∗ L H det ! + e , ) can L δ an | α ) × [26 m m the H problem to − α α α the string d 2 ∗ N 2 ∗ the look m F α Kähler ( , e ∗ η d L α e L by 2 Z ) model in planes. L N ( α so-called to (as C N of α ( ! Z C 2 α 19 d ) Z (with ) , wing θ Z and m by ∗ / − i number 2 i C 2 ∗ m e ac L ( ensemble the with π 1 acuum Z gion π L 2 v 1 ( parallel L 2 N ollo v ( i , 2 1000 π ge θ quanta re S ∑ y F 001 m n π 1 2 radius the ature 4 2 π problem. implies vac ∑ susy ' lar further = = d of model 2. acua in ∗ runs landscape standard-lik / flux orientifold ) v N = = = the = L Z ∗ η curv string ux z l L N ) ) of f ∗ 2 the ∗ as α as generac m the the gion which 2 acuum L ≤ L the Fluxes N − the , re aluated d de plane v of er e of which L v α ω ≤ ≤ v = ( M e x to fundamental o long such amazingly vac Z ∑ √ L L with L quantities ux a l ( ( / as (necessary) f and number with as = = ux ux ution an gions w string N a l l N acuum f f y sum ) R ) re with v is to → N comple α the N the ysical ∗ ( Models (5.5 L N and numbers approach ph of fundamental N on contrib denoting the This ≤ huge ane which gral L discrete M . frequenc in the the in space light ≤ this 250 C D-br arious rescale inte the typical the and v 0 scaling w approximation 10 of on 2 us idea or statistical ne of the / F path ' 3 to w ] the a denotes an denotes with b complementary moduli . Let , ux ∗ good l as vie Notes m [26 = f er the F L ution formula get estimate 2 some e v is that m N In In • • gral.  we helpful the ∗ L This solutions where where Lectur where with gets structure approximating proposed Ho sheds says inte written distrib to be PoS(RTN2005)001 to on we just e ating e possi- lik v princi- alue xcluded y anthrop- ha e v estig School cosmolog- v ould man Blumenhagen in w the some I the on inter y almost tuned" anthropic W Ralph wh i.e. parameters from carry "fine weak TN instance R lectures. rare, and the xplain the for ysical e e e the v should ph lik these ha of with problems the one might realized xtremely e and are This present picture are anizers tuning where constant g quantities to or acua one fine v matter me manusscript. forms. the 20 ysical / this the landscape life ph properties vite theory in e in 001 the thank so-called cosmological to en about to on certain (meta-)stable string the e means. spok a of e intelligent lik all Fluxes light in combine lik standard-lik e Theories w been v ution orld comments li with ould ne also theory possible almost that a w has to I all can Gauge distrib ord useful quantities meta-w string Models about w one with and vidence of for happen , e ane shedding some bring final ysical vity uniform and acua v D-br in to a ph no gra eig course on for W that of wledgements: statistical constant, alsification alues string f v Super gue we course imo Notes of e. essential → ical find ar T philosophically e Of Ackno saying • • set right thank Lectur ically the observ Strings, the bilities, ple, More PoS(RTN2005)001 . ” ” with RR D68 . models Lett. 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