The Dbmocuat, Mason. Condition, Maso
MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912 NUMBER 28 VOLUME XXXVII ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. 1 ForHi-ntuition. 1,4!)D91 looooooooDOOOOOoammoi Mason was as quiet as the ''Deserted From .stale lor Normal purposes uii With $2.00 worth of Ccash trade G. S. THORBURN Village" the Fourth, From County for Normal imrposes 260 00 during the days, July 5 to ^ LOCAL NEWS First Installnieut ot primary money 192 CO T, J, Sweeney has put a new steel Twenty-five Present—Voted $12,000 Library money 37 81) 20, we will give a Maple Street Grocer x>ooooa nuoDOooa ooooDoooooDaDOoocKiu —Unanimously Re-elected E. A. Door receiiits. comiuenci'tneiit exercises 29 10 roof on The Sweeney, Uebato on curb ai second ward ifi 70 New timothy hay for sale, Densmore and J. N, Thor• Sale of old Iron 6 2(1 Fine Leather Handbag 2 cans Salmon 25c UPTON PIANO CONTESTANTS burn as the Trustees. Sale of uinslc (.Miss Paine) 2 UU Salmon, lunch size can 10c 28w2 ADAMS Bros, Annual school meeting of District Total receipts 521,634 18 for $1.03. Potted Ham, can 5c and 10c If you want the mildest, sweetest DISnUliSKMK.N'l'.S, DurlriK the montli of' July we will No. one, Vevay and Mason, was held French's Prepared Mustard—10c Teachers (not iiicludlugsiiperintendent).5(l,9S4 00 A big value for a little money. oiler increased votes for subcriptions cigar on earth, buy San Robles live- ill the hlgii school room Monday even 'I'eniporaiy loan 4,700 00 French's Paprica, bottle 10c Oji bonds 3,500 (III to the Democrat, We will fjlve 5,000 cent cigar, wl ing.
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