Review Article pISSN: 2287-4208 / eISSN: 2287-4690 World J Mens Health 2018 September 36(3): 183-191

Dehydroepiandrosterone and Erectile Function: A Review

Ahmed I. El-Sakka Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

To review the contemporary knowledge regarding the and erectile function. Medline was reviewed for English-language journal articles spanning the time between January 1990 and December 2017, using the terms ‘erectile function’, ‘dehydroepiandrosterone’. We used original articles and review articles that found to be relevant to the purpose of this review. Criteria included all pertinent review articles, randomized controlled trials with tight methodological design, co- hort studies and retrospective analyses. We also manually revised references from selected articles. Several interesting studies have addressed the age-related decline in dehydroepiandrosterone levels with many age-related phenomena or deterioration in various physiological functions. Particularly, aging; neurological functions including decreased well-being, cognition, and memory; increased depression, decreased mineral density, obesity, diabetes, increased cardiovascular morbidity, erec- tile dysfunction (ED), and decreased . Supporting this result, some trials of dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation in healthy, middle-aged, and elderly subjects have reported improvements in different aspects of well-being. Several studies had demonstrated that dehydroepiandrosterone level is declined as a part of aging. Large-scale well-designed prospective studies are warranted to better define indications and therapeutic implications of dehydroepiandrosterone in men with ED.

Keywords: ; Dehydroepiandrosterone; Erectile dysfunction;

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INTRODUCTION have involved changes in body composition, decreased bone mineral density, obesity, diabetes, increased car- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a prohor- diovascular morbidity, erectile dysfunction (ED), and mone. By the age of 70 to 80 years, levels may be as low decreased libido [3,4]. Supporting this result, some trials as 10% to 20% of those encountered in young individu- of DHEA supplementation in healthy, middle-aged, and als [1,2]. The mechanism underlying this physiological elderly subjects have reported improvements in differ- decline is unknown. However, this age-related decline ent aspects of well-being [5]. in DHEA levels may correlate with many age-related Consistently, in our previous study we have dem- phenomena or deterioration in various physiological onstrated age-related decline in testosterone level functions. Particularly, aging; neurological functions throughout 4 years of follow-up in patients with ED. including decreased well-being, cognition, and memory; Patients with decreasing testosterone levels were increased depression; aggressiveness; and dementia older than patients with a steady testosterone level [6].

Received: Jan 16, 2018 Revised: Feb 24, 2018 Accepted: Feb 26, 2018 Published online May 11, 2018 Correspondence to: Ahmed I. El-Sakka Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Round Road, 41111, Ismailia, Egypt. Tel: +20-122-3456364, Fax: +20-64-3200035, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2018 Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology

Therefore, this steady decrease in circulating DHEA EFFECT OF concentrations with age might initiate the speculation DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE that DHEA therapy have potential benefits in several ON ENDOTHELIAL AND SMOOTH diseases associated with aging. MUSCLES FUNCTION Recent analyses for the association between age and ED revealed positive effects for testosterone, DHEA, DHEA is involved in vascular smooth muscle relax- perceived general health, emotional support, intimacy ation. Furthermore, the general and sexual effects are motivation, and a negative effect for -6 (IL-6) not due to the actions of DHEA alone but due to its (all p<0.05). Higher testosterone and DHEA and lower function as a precursor of multiple androgens, espe- IL-6 levels buffered against an age-related increase cially testosterone and as well [9,10]. in ED [7]. Furthermore, an interesting study demon- Endothelial dysfunction contributes to the patho- strated that men who work nonstandard shifts and genesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease have poor sleep quality are at increased risk for hypo- and leads to the development of resistance. gonadal symptoms and however, Since DHEA has its own receptors, primarily on endo- no associations between sleep quality and mean serum thelial cells its administration has been shown to im- testosterone, free testosterone, , DHEA, follicle prove flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery, an stimulating , and luteinizing hormome levels endothelium-dependent process; reduced plasminogen were observed [8]. activator inhibitor type 1, a suppressor of fibrinolysis with a pathogenic role in coronary artery disease; and BIOCHEMISTRY OF improved insulin sensitivity [12]. The improvement of DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE endothelial function with DHEA was subsequently confirmed in postmenopausal women [13]. Several DHEA is a steroid prohormone synthesized in the experiments have confirmed the anti-atherosclerotic of the , the , adi- actions of DHEA [13,14]. pose , , and . In target tissue, DHEA These data support the action of DHEA on the endo- transformed through intracrine mechanisms to andro- thelium, based on the rapidity of action on endothelial gens or . The secretion of DHEA follows a di- nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and failure to block endo- urnal pattern like that of . While in women ad- thelial cell activation with selective estrogen or testos- renal production of DHEA and DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) terone receptor antagonists [13,14]. The roles of DHEA contributes substantially to overall produc- in vascular endothelial cell survival [15,16], prolifera- tion, in men the adrenal contribution is very small [1,2]. tion/angiogenesis, and activation, including transcrip- Together DHEA and DHEAS are the most abundant tional regulation of endothelin-1 were demonstrated steroid in humans. The highest concentrations of these [17]. Although a convincing evidence from in vitro are observed in men in the second and third studies for vasculoprotective effects of DHEA, human decades of age, and gradually decrease by approxi- clinical trials of DHEA replacement on metabolic and mately 10% per decade [1]. vascular function have shown contradictory results. DHEAS exists at approximately 250 times higher Epidemiological data in men have demonstrated either than those of free DHEA in serum. In target tissues an inverse or no relationship between cardiovascular such as the brain, bone, , and adipose, DHEAS mortality and circulating DHEAS levels [18,19]. is converted to DHEA by the sulfatase , which A specific DHEA receptor was identified on bovine may then be further metabolized to , aortic endothelial cells [20]. This receptor is primarily , , testosterone, dihydrotestos- coupled to Ga12 and Ga13 subtypes of the G terone, and 17β-estradiol [9-11]. Meanwhile DHEA is a family which activates eNOS. Further study had dem- prohormone, it is claimed to have several positive ef- onstrated the existence of a DHEA-specific receptor in fects on age-related disorders. It would be theoretically human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) involving transformed according to local and general hormone ERK1 signaling pathways that contributes to remodel- needs. ing of blood vessels and initiation of atherosclerosis [21]. In vitro study DHEA also inhibits VSMC proliferation

184 Ahmed I. El-Sakka: Dehydroepiandrosterone and Erectile Function through a mechanism independent of its transforma- DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE AND tion into estrogens or androgens and shows minimal ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION affinity for estrogen and androgen receptors found in VSMC cells, but binds specifically to putative recep- DHEA plays an important role in sexual function. tors in the same cells. Although consistent with the Low levels of DHEA were associated with a higher risk mechanism of action through conversion into testos- for ED in men [30,31] and low sexual responsiveness terone and estradiol, these findings will enlighten our in women [32]. It has also been speculated that DHEA interpretations of the biological actions of DHEA and plays a role in the process of erection. The Massachu- the control of sexual function, which involves many setts Male Aging Study investigated 17 , and vascular mechanisms. DHEAS was the only one inversely correlated to ED prevalence [31]. This data was later confirmed by an- DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE AND other study, which demonstrated that DHEAS levels NITRIC OXIDE PATHWAY were significantly lower in men with ED in comparison to age-matched normal controls [33]. The same group DHEA is shown to activate potassium channels had demonstrated that DHEA treatment was associ- via soluble guanylate cyclase activation and enhance ated with higher mean scores for each of the five do- endothelial­ function through increased nitric oxide mains of International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) (NO) synthesis and ultimately dilate arteries, block score [34]. hypoxia-induced vasoconstriction [14,22]. Through a In a more recent study, 79 men with sexual dysfunc- plasma membrane initiated mechanism, DHEA acutely tion and had received oral testos- increase NO release from intact vascular endothelial terone undecanoate (80 mg twice daily), DHEA (50 mg cells [23]. The decrease in cytosolic NOS enzyme activ- twice daily), or placebo. There were no significant dif- ity and penile NOS is not affected by adrenalectomy ferences in sexual performance outcomes between pla- in castrated rats [24]. Adrenalectomy combined with cebo or intervention, as assessed by IIEF, the Androgen castration significantly reduced penile neuronatal NOS Deficiency in the Aging Male, Aging Male Symptom (nNOS) content, in contrast to what was found with Scale, and Global Assessment Questionnaire [35]. castration or total ablation of androgen binding in the Lacking evidence-based data to show involvement penis [25], where NOS activity appeared to be inhibited of DHEA in ED is obvious, however promising data in the presence of constant NOS levels. The cause of supporting the possibility of DHEA-specific receptors this reduction in penile nNOS content is unknown. It availability on vascular endothelial and smooth muscle may be related to a loss of nerve terminals or a true cells allows the postulation of its possible involvement NOS downregulation [26]. However, penile eNOS con- in the vascular mechanisms of erection [21]. DHEA is tent remains unaffected after 1 week. The rat adrenal only a weak androgen by itself that does not have any gland contributes to the maintenance of the erectile restorative effect on the erectile response in adrenal- mechanism and may affect nNOS content in the rat ectomized or castrated animals [36,37]. Furthermore, penis [27]. DHEA is involved in conditions associated with aging, In pulmonary artery tissue from DHEA-treated rats, immune suppression, and major diseases. In addition, soluble guanylate cyclase, but not eNOS, levels were DHEA enhances the feeling of well-being, but not libi- increased [28]. However, in other experiments, DHEA/ do in older men [36,37]. The positive effect of DHEA on DHEAS did not affect relaxation induced by acetylcho- erection supports the notion that adrenal corticoids are line or sodium nitroprusside, and relaxation responses involved in this process. Clinical studies showed that were not changed by treatment with methylene blue oral DHEA treatment increased total serum testoster- [29]. Nevertheless, in vitro studies supporting proper in- one levels, libido, sexual activity, and sexual satisfac- trinsic functions have shown that DHEA may directly tion in postmenopausal women [38]. More recent study increase NO production from intact endothelial cells, reported that higher endogenous levels of testosterone probably through G protein-dependent activation of and DHEA are beneficially related to sexual health in endothelial NO synthetase [23]. men and seem to ameliorate the age-related ED [39]. Furthermore, testosterone and DHEA might exert 185 their positive effects on erectile function via their va- DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE sodilative and molecular properties. Additionally, lower AS A TREATMENT FOR ERECTILE levels of IL-6 were associated with age-related increase DYSFUNCTION of ED, which further confirms the hypothesis of an as- sociation between inflammation and ED. The levels of Several studies have reported decreased serum several proinflammatory cytokines are also elevated in DHEAS levels in patients with ED and denoted that cardiac dysfunction, and the administration of phos- decreased secretions of DHEA and DHEAS are impor- phodiesterase type 5 inhibitor such as was tant risk factors for ED in aging men [41]. DHEA levels reported to cause a sustained reduction of proinflam- reach their peak in the third decade of age in men. The matory cytokines, linking the influence of proinflam- serum DHEAS levels were significantly lower in the matory cytokines on vasculogenic function and ED [40]. younger patients with ED compared with non-ED pa- tients. Diminished DHEAS levels, especially in young

Table 1. Summary of different clinical trials that assessed DHEA in ED and other conditions Authors Year Subjects Duration Comments Feldman 1994 1,265/total 1,709 men in the MMAS 8 y follow-up In the MMAS, DHEA sulfate was the only hormone that et al [31] study showed a negative correlation to the prevalence of ED among 17 investigated hormones, including T and estradiol. Reiter et al [33] 2000 309 patients with ED and 133 - Until the age of 60 years, the mean serum level of DHEAS is healthy volunteers lower in patients with ED than in healthy volunteers. Reiter et al [34] 2001 27 patients with hypertension, 24 6 mo Oral DHEA-treatment may be of benefit to patients with ED patients with diabetes mellitus, who have hypertension or to patients with ED without 6 patients with neurological organic etiology. disorders, and 28 patients with no organic etiology were treated with 50 mg DHEA. Morales 2009 86 men received: oral T (n=29) 80 mg No clinical benefit of T or DHEA supplementation in men et al [35] twice daily, DHEA (n=28) 50 mg with hypoandrogenism and SD. twice daily, or placebo (n=29) Munarriz 2002 Women with sexual dysfunction Androgen replacement therapy with DHEA is a safe and et al [38] effective treatment for androgen insufficiency with female sexual dysfunction. Nair et al [43] 2006 Placebo-controlled, randomized, 2 y Neither DHEA nor low-dose testosterone replacement in double-blind; 87 men and 57 elderly people has physiologically relevant beneficial elderly women effects on body composition, physical performance, insulin sensitivity, or quality of life. Løvås et al [47] 2003 Thirty-nine women 9 mo No evidence of beneficial effects of DHEA on subjective health status and sexuality in adrenal failure. Hunt et al [48] 2000 A randomized, double blind study in 12 wk DHEA then DHEA replacement corrects this steroid deficiency which 39 patients with Addison’s 4-wk washout effectively and improves some aspects of psychological disease period, then function. 12 wk of placebo Yoshida 2010 419 individuals; 208 males and 211 - DHEAS is inversely associated with sex dependent diverse et al [58] females carotid atherosclerosis such as increased maximum and mean intima-media thickness in males and decreased common carotid arteries-blood flow volume in females. Genazzani 2011 48 healthy postmenopausal women 12 mo Daily oral DHEA therapy, hormonal replacement therapy et al [63] randomized into three groups and all provided a significant improvement in received DHEA, daily oral estradiol sexual function and in frequency of sexual intercourse in plus dihydrogesterone, early postmenopausal women or daily oral tibolone DHEA: dehydroepiandrosterone, ED: erectile dysfunction, MMAS: Massachusetts Male Aging Study, DHEAS: DHEA and DHEA sulfate, T: testoster- one, SD: sexual dysfunction.

186 Ahmed I. El-Sakka: Dehydroepiandrosterone and Erectile Function men with ED, may either be an etiologic factor for DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE ED or a negative consequence of it. However, patients DECLINE AND AGE-RELATED treated with DHEA had a statistically significant in- DISORDERS crease in all domains of the IIEF in contrast to the placebo group. Interestingly, the serum DHEAS levels Although the underlying mechanism of organic ED increased significantly after sildenafil citrate treat- in both middle-age and older men is basically the same, ment in the ED group (especially in patients younger the middle-aged men’s ED is assumed to have some dif- than 50 years). Also, patient age was an important fac- ference from older men’s ED [52]. The relation between tor affecting the sildenafil citrate response [42]. biological, psychosocial, and lifestyle factors in terms The first clinical effects were reported after 8 weeks of the age-related increase in ED seems to be best of DHEA treatment and a remarkable improvement explained by their concomitant influence on general in maintaining the erection after 16 weeks. health [53]. This notion is supported by the recent re- volume, postvoid residual, and PSA were not sults, which indicate that perceived general health, as significantly changed after DHEA therapy [34]. Despite a proxy of general health, is associated with a buffered the evidence that has questioned the validity of im- age-related increase in ED [7,54]. provement in sexual function when treatment relied Reduction of DHEA with aging is clinically relevant solely on DHEA administration [43], several previous and has been related to a variety of age-related condi- studies had demonstrated the usefulness of DHEA in tions [54]. A positive relationship between diminution treating sexual dysfunction associated with testoster- of DHEA levels and decline in muscle mass, muscle one or DHEA deficiency [34]. A nice explanation of strength, as well as mobility and a higher risk for falls, that effect was demonstrated as both testosterone and has been reported with aging [55,56]. The relationship DHEA are considered central and have between DHEA levels and cardiovascular risk factors been found to modulate endothelial function, which ul- such as dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia are inconsis- timately influence libido and penile erections [44]. Sev- tent [54]. Nevertheless, studies have shown that low eral studies on other organs support the protective role DHEA levels are related to a higher risk for athero- of DHEA and DHEAS i.e., reduction of vascular steno- sclerosis, failure, cardiovascular complications, sis in heterotopic heart transplants [45]. Because there and overall mortality [57-59]. A meta-analysis of endog- is also some experimental evidence for direct effects on enous DHEA on cardiovascular disease risk indicates the brain, the possibility of a central effect of DHEA the variations in metabolic effects of DHEA and sug- might be evident. An interesting mechanism that could gests inconsistency in the positive effects of DHEA on better define the role of DHEA in sexual performance cardiovascular disease [60]. is that administration of DHEA results in The relationship between low level of DHEA and of active androgens by tissue targets without represen- mood disorders and depression symptoms were more tation in the peripheral circulation [10]. obvious in the literature [61]. Furthermore, DHEA Although experimental studies had demonstrated supplementation has shown positive effects on mood as that DHEA has direct genomic and nongenomic ef- well as sexual function both for men and for women fects on the vascular endothelium, however its clinical [62,63]. effect as a facilitator of penile erections is not evident Increased DHEA concentrations under hypoglycemic [46]. Most of the literature had not confirmed the role conditions denotes stimulation of the hypothalamic- of DHEA in the field of sexual medicines [43,47]. Addi- pituitary-adrenal axis on hypoglycemic stress. There- tionally, other studies questioned the concept of DHEA fore, decline of androgen may have deleterious effects as a with a central putative effect on libi- on glycemic control and ultimately therapeutic effect do [48], although this hormone had been found to influ- in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). ence self-esteem and mood in younger individuals [49]. In one of our previous studies, we have assessed the Furthermore, the evidence-based studies supporting an pattern of type-2 DM-associated androgen alteration anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic ac- in patients with ED. We have shown that there were tions, and antidepressant effect of DHEA supplemen- significant associations between low levels of total tes- tation are often poor [50,51] (Table 1). tosterone or DHEAS and poor control of DM [64]. Fur- 187

thermore, in a consequent study we have demonstrated As DHEA is claimed to have several positive effects on that there were significant associations between good age-related disorders. It would be theoretically trans- control of DM, decreased fasting blood sugar, and formed according to local and general hormone needs. achievement of normal levels of testosterone at 3- and As a potential future therapy, DHEA supplementa- 6-month follow-up visits. However, no significant as- tion in specific indications such as osteoporosis, mood sociations were detected between controls of DM or de- and cognitive disorders, sexual well-being and reha- creased fasting blood sugar and change in DHEAS and bilitation protocols, needs to be better studied in more insulin levels [65]. In addition, administration of testos- prospective multicenter and larger studies. We believe terone to hypogonadal men improves insulin sensitiv- that the route to achieve an ideal antiaging supple- ity and [66]. Earlier study reported mentation, which should be readily available, effective no significant linear correlations between total or free and safe, is still long. Therefore, physicians prescribing testosterone with fasting plasma glucose; however, DHEA should consider and inform their patients of total testosterone was negatively correlated with glyco- the fact that long-term effects not only concerning ef- sylated hemoglobin levels [67]. Among other research- ficiency, but also safety, remains uncertain [70]. ers, we expanded the current knowledge regarding, the percentage of patients with type 2 DM with subnormal CONCLUSIONS levels of total testosterone or DHEAS is much higher than that observed with subnormal levels of these Several studies had demonstrated that DHEA androgen in patients without DM. Further study had level is declined as a part of aging. It is not yet clear shown that the existence of chronic diseases subtracts whether this decline should be considered as a physi- 10% to 15% from the values of androgens found in men ologic reflection of the aging process or whether active without chronic diseases [68]. Other study had shown administration of DHEA might help to prevent and also, no positive effects on erectile function were found treat age-related disorders. Furthermore, large-scale when conditions such as diabetes or neurological disor- well-designed prospective studies are warranted to bet- ders were present [34]. ter define indications and therapeutic implications of The mechanisms of androgen alteration in men with DHEA in men with ED [71,72]. DM have not been completely discovered. It has been shown that androgen deficiency in type 2 DM is com- Disclosure monly associated with hypogonadotropic [67]. A more recent study showed that in middle-aged The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. pre-diabetic men, the more severe lower urinary tract symptoms were associated with low total testosterone Author Contribution and DHEAS, while in elderly men were associated with low free testosterone and DHEAS [69]. Review conception & design: El-Sakka AI. Data acquisition: El-Sakka AI. Data interpretation: El-Sakka AI. Drafting of the FUTURE THERAPEUTIC manuscript: El-Sakka AI. Critical revision of the manuscript: El- SUPPLEMENTATION OF Sakka AI. Approval of final manuscript: El-Sakka AI. DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE REFERENCES DHEA has gained a lot of attention and media inter- est as a and sold over the counter 1. Orentreich N, Brind JL, Rizer RL, Vogelman JH. Age changes in some countries as in the USA. In Europe, it is either and sex differences in serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate forbidden as in France or subjects to medical prescrip- concentrations throughout adulthood. J Clin Endocrinol tion as in Switzerland. Since long time, alleviation of Metab 1984;59:551-5. aging consequences was a dream to obtain durable 2. Genazzani AD, Lanzoni C, Genazzani AR. Might DHEA be and healthy life and to sustain a better quality of life. considered a beneficial replacement therapy in the elderly? DHEA is recently proposed as an antiaging medicine Drugs Aging 2007;24:173-85. and is considered as a “fountain of youth” hormone. 3. Gurnell EM, Chatterjee VK. Dehydroepiandrosterone re-

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