THE WASHINGTON - ROCHAMBEAU REVOLUTIONARY ROUTE IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, 1780 - 1783 An Architectural and Historical Site Survey and Resource Inventory Project Historian: ROBERT A. SELIG, Ph. D. Project Sponsor: Rhode Island Rochambeau Historic Highway Commission Rep. Nicholas Gorham, Chair Project Director: Roseanna Gorham Chairman, Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route – Rhode Island (W3R-RI) 2006 (updated 2015) This report is in the public domain For additions/corrections/suggestions contact either the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations c/o Ms Roseanna Gorham at
[email protected] and/or the author at Potential collectors of artifacts at archaeological sites identified in this survey should be warned that collecting archaeological artifacts can be harmful to the historical record of the site. Also, there may be penalties for unauthorized collecting of archaeological artifacts from public land. Further information may be obtained by contacting formally organized collector organizations. Listings of qualified archaeologist may be obtained by contacting formally organized archaeological associations. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 2. Timeline: France and the American War of Independence 6 3. Timeline: Rhode Island in the American War of Independence 1763-1792 12 4. Timeline: The Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 17 5. INTRODUCTION 5.1 Purpose of the Project 26 5.2 Scope of the Project 30 5.3 Goals of the Project 31 5.4 Sources 32 6. METHODOLOGY 6.1 Criteria for Selection: How Sites Were Chosen for Inclusion 41 6.2 The Form 43 6.3 Other Parts of the Survey Report 43 7.