GBDT-MO: Gradient Boosted Decision Trees for Multiple Outputs Zhendong Zhang and Cheolkon Jung, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Gradient boosted decision trees (GBDTs) are widely regression [12]. Other methods, such as used in machine learning, and the output of current GBDT neural networks [13], can adapt to any dimension of outputs implementations is a single variable. When there are multiple straightforwardly by changing the number of neurons in the outputs, GBDT constructs multiple trees corresponding to the output variables. The correlations between variables are ignored last layer. The flexibility for the output dimension may be one by such a strategy causing redundancy of the learned tree of the reasons why neural networks are popular. However, it is structures. In this paper, we propose a general method to learn somewhat strange to handle multiple outputs by current GBDT GBDT for multiple outputs, called GBDT-MO. Each leaf of implementations. At each step, they construct multiple deci- GBDT-MO constructs predictions of all variables or a subset of sion trees each of which corresponds to an individual output automatically selected variables. This is achieved by considering the summation of objective gains over all output variables. variable, then concatenates the predictions of all trees to obtain Moreover, we extend histogram approximation into multiple multiple outputs. This strategy is used in the most popular output case to speed up the training process. Various experiments open-sourced GBDT libraries: XGBoost [8], LightGBM [9], on synthetic and real-world datasets verify that GBDT-MO and [10]. achieves outstanding performance in terms of both accuracy and The major drawback of the abovementioned strategy is that training speed. Our codes are available on-line. correlations between variables are ignored during the training Index Terms—gradient boosting, decision tree, multiple out- process because those variables are treated in isolation and puts, variable correlations, indirect regularization. they are learned independently. However, correlations more or less exist between output variables. For example, there are I.INTRODUCTION correlations between classes for multi-class classification. It is verified in [14] that such correlations improve the generaliza- ACHINE learning and data-driven approaches have tion ability of neural networks. Ignoring variable correlations achieved great success in recent years. Gradient M also leads to redundancy of the learned tree structures. Thus, boosted decision tree (GBDT) [1] [2] is a powerful machine it is necessary to learn GBDT for multiple outputs via better learning tool widely used in many applications including strategies. Up to now, a few works have explored it. Geurts et multi-class classification [3], flocculation process modeling al. [15] transformed the multiple output problem into a single [4], [5] and click prediction [6]. It also output problem by kernelizing the output space. However, this produces state-of-the-art results for many com- method was not scalable because the space complexity of petitions such as the Netflix prize [7]. GBDT uses decision its kernel matrix was n2 where n is the number of training trees as the base learner and sums the predictions of a series samples. Si et al. [16] proposed GBDT for sparse output of trees. At each step, a new decision tree is trained to fit the (GBDT-sparse). They mainly focused on extreme multi-label residual between ground truth and current prediction. GBDT classification problems, and the outputs were represented in is popular due to its accuracy, efficiency and interpretability. sparse format. A sparse split finding algorithm was designed Many improvements have been proposed after [1]. XGBoost for square hinge loss. [15] and [16] worked for specific arXiv:1909.04373v2 [cs.CV] 28 Dec 2019 [8] used the second order gradient to guide the boosting loss and they did not employ the second order gradient and process and improve the accuracy. LightGBM [9] aggregated histogram approximation. gradient information in histograms and significantly improved In this paper, we propose a novel and general method the training efficiency. CatBoost [10] proposed a novel strategy to learn GBDT for multiple outputs, which is scalable and to deal with categorical features. efficient, named GBDT-MO. Unlike previous works, we em- A limitation of current GBDT implementations is that the ploy the second order gradient and histogram approximation output of each decision tree is a single variable. This is to improve GBDT-MO. The learning mechanism is designed because each leaf of a decision tree produces a single variable. based on them to jointly fit all variables in a single tree. Each However, multiple outputs are required for many machine leaf of a decision tree constructs multiple outputs at once. learning problems including but not limited to multi-class This is achieved by maximizing the summation of objective classification, multi-label classification [11] and multi-output gains over all output variables. Sometimes, only a subset of the This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of output variables is correlated. It is expected that the proposed China (No. 61872280) and the International S&T Cooperation Program of method automatically selects those variables and constructs China (No. 2014DFG12780). predictions for them at a leaf. We achieve this by adding Z. Zhang and C. Jung (corresponding author) are with the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China e-mail: L0 constraint to the objective function. Since the learning [email protected], [email protected] mechanism of GBDT-MO enforces the learned trees to capture UNDER REVIEW 2 variable correlations, it plays a role in indirect regularization. where the first term is fidelity term, R is regularization term Experiments on both synthesis and real-world datasets show of f. In this work, λ is a positive number to control the trade- that GBDT-MO achieves better generalization ability than the off between fidelity term and regularization term. We suppose standard GBDT. Moreover, GBDT-MO achieves a fast training l is a second order differentiable loss. Based on the space of speed, especially when the number of outputs is large. f, i.e. a constant value for each leaf, the fidelity term of (2) Compared with existing methods, main contributions of this is separable w.r.t. each leaf. Then, (2) is rewritten as follows: paper are as follows: L   • We formulate the problem of learning multiple outputs for X  X  l(ˆyi + wj, yi) + λR(w) (3) GBDT, and propose a split finding algorithm by deriving j=1 i∈leafj  a general approximate objective for this problem. • To learn a subset of outputs, we add a sparse constraint Although there are many choices of R, we set R(w) = 1 2 to the objective. Based on it, we develop two sparse split 2 kwk2, which is commonly used. Because (3) is separable finding algorithms. w.r.t. each leaf, we only consider the objective of a single leaf • We extend histogram approximation [17] into multiple as follows: X λ 2 output case to speed up the training process. L = l(ˆyi + w, yi) + w (4) 2 The rest of this paper is organized as follows. First, we i review GBDT for single output and introduce basic definitions where w is the value of a leaf and i is enumerated over the in Section II. Then, we describe the details of GBDT-MO in samples belonging to that leaf. l(ˆyi + w, yi) can be approxi- Section III. We address related work in Section IV. Finally, mated by the second order Taylor expansion of l(ˆyi, yi). Then, we perform experiments and conclude in Sections V and VI, we have respectively. X  1  λ L = l(ˆy , y ) + g w + h w2 + w2 (5) i i i 2 i 2 II.GBDT FOR SINGLE OUTPUT i

In this section, we review GBDT for single output. First, where gi and hi are the first and second order derivatives of ∂L we describe the work flow of GBDT. Then show how to l(ˆyi, y) w.r.t. yˆi. By setting ∂w to 0, we obtain the optimal derive the objective of GBDT based on the second order Taylor value of w as follows: expansion of the loss, which is used in XGBoost. The objective P ∗ i gi to multiple variable cases will be generalized in Section III. w = −P (6) hi + λ Finally, we explain the split finding algorithms which exactly i or approximately minimize the objective. Substituting (6) into (5), we get the optimal objective as follows: (P g )2 A. Work Flow ∗ 1 i i L = − P (7) n 2 i hi + λ Denote D = {(xi, yi)i=1} as a dataset with n samples, where x ∈ Rm is an m dimension input. Denote f : Rm → R We ignore l(ˆy, y) since it is a constant term given yˆ. as the function of a decision tree which maps x into a scalar. Since GBDT integrates t decision trees in an additive manner, C. Split Finding the prediction of GBDT is yˆ = Pt f (x ), where f is i k=1 k i k One of the most important problems in decision tree learn- the function of k-th decision tree. GBDT aims at constructing ing is to find the best split given a set of samples. Specifically, a series of trees given datasets. It first calculates gradient samples are divided into left and right parts based on the based on current prediction at each boosting round, and then following rule: constructs a new tree guided by gradient. Finally, it updates  the prediction using the new tree. The most important part of left, xij ≤ T xi ∈ (8) GBDT is to construct trees based on gradient. right, xij > T

B. Objective where xij is j-th element of xi and T is the threshold. The goal of split finding algorithms is to find the best column j and f Based on the construction mechanism of decision trees, threshold T such that the gain between the optimal objectives can be further expressed as follows: before split and after split is maximized. The optimal objective m L f(x) = wq(x), q : R → [1,L], w ∈ R (1) after split is defined as the sum of the optimal objectives of left and right parts. where L is the number of leaves of a decision tree, q is a ∗ ∗ ∗ function which selects a leaf given x and wi is the value of gain = L − (Lleft + Lright) (9) i-th leaf. That is, once a decision tree is constructed, it first where maximizing gain is equivalent of minimizing L∗ + maps input into a leaf, then returns the value of that leaf. left L∗ L∗ gain Now, we consider the objective of (t + 1)-th decision tree right because is fixed for a given set of samples. is gain given prediction yˆ of the first t tree. used to determine whether a tree is grown. If is smaller n than a threshold, we stop the growth to avoid over-fitting. X Exact and approximate split finding algorithms have been l(ˆyi + f(xi), yi) + λR(f) (2) developed. The exact algorithm enumerates over all possible i=1 UNDER REVIEW 3

X[2] 0.4300 X[2] 0.4300 X[7] 0.2700 <= > <= > <= >

X[0] 0.6500 X[2] 0.4300 X[2] 0.4100 X[3] 0.3200 X[0] 0.5800 X[2] 0.4100

<= > > <= > <= > <= > <= >

X[0] 0.6500 X[1] 0.6200 X[2] 0.4300 X[3] 0.1100 X[3] 0.2100 X[7] 0.3100 X[1] 0.3700 X[1] 0.3900 X[2] 0.5100 X[2] 0.3500 X[0] 0.6700

<= > <= > <= > <= > <= > <= > <= <= > >

-0.1725 -0.1753 -0.1976 0.6095 0.2459 -0.1059 1.1028 0.4547 0.9765 0.1636 0.6787 0.2267 -0.2305 0.0637 1.3054 0.0532 -0.0428 -0.0830 -0.1976 0.4824

(a) Round 1, variable 1 (b) Round 1, variable 2 (c) Round 1

X[3] 0.3700 X[2] 0.4500 X[7] 0.2200

<= > <= > <= >

X[5] 0.2500 X[1] 0.3700 X[2] 0.4100 X[1] 0.5700 X[6] 0.5100 X[3] 0.4000

<= > <= > <= > <= > <= > <= >

X[5] 0.2500 X[3] 0.3200 X[7] 0.4300 X[7] 0.3200 X[3] 0.1100 X[3] 0.3000 X[0] 0.3700 X[6] 0.5100 X[2] 0.4300 X[1] 0.5100 X[0] 0.5800 X[1] 0.4600

<= > <= > <= > <= > <= > <= > <= <= <= <= >

0.3170 -0.0941 0.6294 0.0190 -0.1329 0.1759 -0.1993 0.2137 0.4334 -0.0687 0.2162 -0.1459 0.3142 0.4752 0.0713 0.2955 -0.1510 0.2789 -0.1773 0.0693 0.0342 0.4903

(d) Round 2, variable 1 (e) Round 2, variable 2 (f) Round 2

Fig. 1. Illustration of the learned trees of GBDT-SO and GBDT-MO on Yeast with 10 output variables. The first and second columns show GBDT-SO for the first and second output variables, respectively. The last column shows GBDT-MO for corresponding variables. We limit tree depth to 3 for illustration. splits on all columns. For efficiency, it first sorts the samples III.GBDT FOR MULTIPLE OUTPUTS according to the values of each column and then visit the In this section, we describe GBDT-MO in detail. We first samples in the sorted order to accumulate g and h which are formulate the general problem of learning GBDT for multiple used to compute the optimal objective. The exact split finding outputs. Specifically, we derive the objective for learning algorithm is accurate. However, when the number of samples multiple outputs based on the second order Taylor expansion is large, it is time-consuming to enumerate over all of the of loss. We approximate this objective and connect it with the possible splits. Approximate algorithms are necessary as the objective for single output. We also formulate the problem of number of samples increases. The key idea of approximate learning a subset of variables and derive its objective. This algorithms is that they divide samples into buckets and enu- is achieved by adding L constraints. Then, we propose split merate over these buckets instead of individual samples. The 0 finding algorithms that minimize the corresponding objectives. gradient statistics are accumulated within each bucket. The Finally, we discuss our implementations and analyze the complexity of the enumeration process for split is independent complexity of our proposed split finding algorithms. In this of the number of samples. In literature, there are two strategies work, we denote X is i-th row of a matrix X, X is j-th for bucketing: quantile-based and histogram-based. Since the i .j column and X is its element of i-th row and j-th column. latter is significantly faster than the former [9], we focus ij on the latter in this work. For histogram-based bucketing, a bucket is called a bin. Samples are divided into b bins by A. Objective b adjacent intervals: (s0, s1, s2, . . . , sb) where s0 and sb are usually set to −∞ and +∞ respectively. These intervals are We derive the objective of GBDT-MO. Each leaf of j a decision tree constructs multiple outputs. Denote D = constructed based on the distribution of th input column of the n m whole dataset. Once constructed, they are keeping unchanged. {(xi, yi)i=1} as a dataset with n samples, where x ∈ R is an m dimensional input and y ∈ d is a d dimension output Given a sample xi, it belongs to kth bin if and only if R instead of a scalar. Denote f : m → d as the function of a sk−1 < xij <= sk. The bin value of xij is obtained by R R binary-search with complexity O(log b). Given bin values, the decision tree which maps x into the output space. Based on histogram of j-th input column is constructed by a single fast the construction mechanism of decision trees, f can be further scanning. When samples are divided into two parts, it may be expressed as follows: unnecessary to construct the histograms for both parts. One f(x) = W , q : m → [1,L], W ∈ L×d (10) can store the histogram of their parent node in memory and q(x) R R construct the histogram of one part. Then, the histogram of where L is the number of leaves of a decision tree, q is a another part is obtained by subtracting the constructed part d function which selects a leaf given x and Wi ∈ R is the from the parent histogram. This trick reduces the running time values of i-th leaf. That is, once a decision tree is constructed, of histogram construction by at least half. it first maps an input into a leaf, then returns the d dimension UNDER REVIEW 4 vector of that leaf. Next, the prediction of the first t trees is using the exact objective in (14) and the exact leaf values in Pt ∗ ∗ yˆi = k=1 f(xi). (13). Fortunately, it is shown in [18] that we and Le are good We consider the objective of the (t + 1)-th tree given yˆ. approximations of the exact leaf values and the exact objective ∗ ∗ Because it is separable w.r.t. each leaf (see (2) and (3)), we when the diagonal elements of H are dominated. we and Le only consider the objective of a single leaf as follows: are derived from an upper bound of l(yˆ, y). See appendix A X for details and further discussions. Although it is possible to L = l(yˆ + w, y ) + λR(w) i i (11) derive better approximations for some specific loss functions, i we use the above diagonal approximation in this work. We We highlight that w ∈ Rd is a vector with d elements which leave better approximations as our future work. belongs to a leaf. Again, we suppose l is a second order . l(yˆi + w, yi) can be approximated by the second order Taylor expansion of l(yˆi, yi). Set R(w) = B. Sparse Objective 1 kwk2, we have: 2 2 In Section III-A, we define the objective as the sum of X  1  λ all output variables because there are correlations among L = l(yˆ , y ) + (g)T w + wT (H) w + kwk2 i i i 2 i 2 2 variables. However, only a subset of variables are correlated i (12) in practice, not all variables. Thus, it is required to learn the ∂l ∂2l values of a suitable subset of w in a leaf. Although only where (g)i = ∂yˆ and (H)i = ∂yˆ2 . To avoid notation conflicts i i a subset of variables is covered in a leaf, all variables can with the subscript of vectors or matrices, we use (·)i to indicate that an object belongs to i-th sample. This notation is omitted be covered because there are many leaves. Moreover, sparse when there is no ambiguity. By setting ∂L = 0 for (12), we objective is able to reduce the number of parameters. We ∂w L obtain the optimal leaf values: obtain sparse objective by adding 0 constraint to the non- sparse one. Based on the diagonal approximation, the optimal !−1 ! ∗ X X sparse leaf values are as follows: w = − (H)i + λI (g)i (13) i i ∗ T 1 T wsp = arg min G w + w (diag(H) + λI) w (17) where I is an identity matrix. By substituting w∗ into (12) w 2 s.t. kwk <= k and ignoring the constant term l(yˆi, yi), we get the optimal 0 objective as follows: where k is the maximum non-zero elements of w. We denote !T !−1 ! P P G = (g)i and H = (h)i to simplify the notation. Note ∗ 1 X X X i i L = − (g)i (H)i + λI (g)i the difference between H and H. 2 G i i i For j-th element of w∗ , its value is either − j or 0. (14) sp Hj +λ Accordingly, the objective contributed by j-th column is either We have derived the optimal leaf values and the optimal G2 − 1 j or 0. Thus, to minimize (17), we select k columns objective for multiple outputs. Comparing (13) with (6) and 2 Hj +λ 2 (14) with (7), it is easy to see that this is a natural generaliza- Gj with largest vj = . Let π be the sorted order of v such l Hj +λ tion of the single output case. In fact, when the that: is separable w.r.t. different output dimensions, or equivalently, when its hessian matrix H is diagonal, each element of w∗ is vπ−1(1) ≥ vπ−1(2) ≥ · · · ≥ vπ−1(d) (18) obtained by the same way as in (6). Then, the solution of (17) is as follows: P (g ) w∗ = − i j i ( e j P (15) Gj i(hj)i + λ ∗ − H +λ , π(j) ≤ k (w )j = j (19) sp 0, π(j) > k where h ∈ Rd is the diagonal elements of H. And the optimal objective in (14) can be expressed as the sum of objectives That is, columns with k largest v keep their values while others over all output dimensions. set to 0. The corresponding optimal objective is as follows: d ( P 2 ) ∗ 1 X ( i(gj)i) 2 Le = − (16) 1 X Gj 2 P (h ) + λ L∗ = − j=1 i j i sp (20) 2 Hj + λ j:π(j)≤k GBDT-MO and GBDT are different even when H is diagonal because GBDT-MO considers the objectives of all output Our sparse objective is similar to the objective in [16]. Since variables at the same time. GBDT-sparse only uses the first order derivative, the second However, it is problematic when l is not separable or order derivative is set to a constant (1.0) for GBDT-sparse. equivalently H is non-diagonal. First, it is difficult to store Thus, Hj in (20) is the number of samples belonging to the H for every sample when the output dimension d is large. leaf. The final solution of the sparse objective only contains Second, to get the optimal objective for each possible split, it a subset of variables. However, to get the optimal subset, all is required to compute the inverse of a d × d matrix, which variables are involved in comparisons. That is, all variables is time-consuming. Thus, it is impractical to learn GBDT-MO are indirectly used. UNDER REVIEW 5

Algorithm 1 Histogram for Multiple Outputs Algorithm 3 Gain for Sparse Split Finding Input: the set of used samples S, column index k, output Input: gradient statistics of current split, output dimension dimension d and number of bins b d and sparse constraint k. Output: histogram of kth column Output: gain of current split b×d b×d b Initialize Hist.g ∈ R , Hist.h ∈ R and Hist.cnt ∈ R Ql,Qr ← top-k priority queue for j = 1 to d do (Gl )2 (Gr )2 for i in S do j j append l to Ql, append r to Qr Hj +λ Hj +λ bin ← bin value of xik end for Hist.cnt[bin] ← Hist.cnt[bin] + 1 P P score = vl + vr, (21) for j = 1 to d do vl∈Ql vr ∈Qr Hist.g[bin][j] ← Hist.g[bin][j] + (gj)i Hist.h[bin][j] ← Hist.h[bin][j] + (hj)i Algorithm 4 Gain for Restricted Sparse Split Finding end for Input: gradient statistics of current split, output dimension end for d and sparse constraint k. Output: gain of current split Q ← top-k priority queue Algorithm 2 Approximate Split Finding for Multiple Outputs for j = 1 to d do (Gl )2 (Gr )2 Input: m j j histograms of current node, input dimension and append l + r to Q Hj +λ Hj +λ output dimension d end for Output: gain split with maximum score = P v, (22) gain ← 0 v∈Q for k = 1 to m do Hist ← histogram of kth column b ← number of bins of Hist D. Sparse Split Finding Pb Pb G ← i=1 Hist.g[i], H ← i=1 Hist.h[i] We propose histogram approximation based sparse split l l G ← 0, H ← 0 finding algorithms. Compared with the non-sparse one, the key for i = 1 to b do difference is to compute their objective gain given a possible l l l l G ← G + Hist.g[i], H ← H + Hist.h[i] split as follows: Gr ← G − Gl, Hr ← H − Hl  (Gl )2 (Gr )2 2    Pd j j (Gj ) l 2 (Gr)2 score ← j=1 Hl +λ + Hr +λ − H +λ , (16) 1  X (Gi) X j  j j j + − const (21) 2 Hl + λ Hr + λ gain ← max(gain, score) i:πl(i)≤k i j:πr (j)≤k j  end for l 2 end for l (G ) r where π is the sorted order of Hl+λ and π is the sorted (Gr )2 order of Hr +λ respectively. const means that the objective before split is fixed for every possible split. When we scan C. Split Finding over columns, we maintain the top-k columns for both parts (G)2 whose H+λ is the largest. This can be achieved by a top-k priority queue. We describe the algorithm in Algorithm 3. Split finding algorithms for single output maximize the In Algorithm 3, the sets of the selected columns of left gain of objective before and after split. When dealing with and right parts are not completely overlapping. We restrict multiple outputs, the objective is defined over all output those two sets to be completely overlapping. In other word, the variables. To find the maximum gain, it is required to scan selected columns of two parts are shared. Then, the objective all columns of outputs. The exact algorithm is inefficient gain in such a case becomes: because it enumerates all possible splits. In this work, we use the histogram approximation based one to speed up the 1 X  (Gl)2 (Gr)2  i + i − const training process. To deal with multiple outputs, one should l r (22) 2 Hi + λ Hi + λ extend the histogram construction algorithm from a single i:π(i)≤k variable case into a multiple variable case. Such an extension is l 2 r 2 π (G ) + (G ) straightforward. Denote b as the number of bins of a histogram. where is the sorted order of Hl+λ Hr +λ . We call it the Then, the gradient information is stored in a b×d matrix and its restricted sparse split finding algorithm. We describe the gain j-th column corresponds to the gradient information of j-th computing for it in Algorithm 4. There are two advantages of variable of outputs. We describe the histogram construction the restricted one: algorithm for multiple outputs in Algorithm 1. Once the • it has lower computational complexity because it only histogram is constructed, we scan its bins to find the best maintains a single top-k priority queue. split. We describe this histogram based split finding algorithm • it introduces smoothness prior into the function space in Algorithm 2. Compared with the single output one, the because it makes two child nodes with the same parent objective gain is the sum of gains over all outputs. more similar. UNDER REVIEW 6

1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.0

2.5 1.5 0.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 2.5 1.5 0.5

(a) Non-sparse split finding (b) Sparse split finding (c) Restricted sparse split finding

Fig. 2. Examples of different split algorithms for 4 samples in rows and 3 outputs in columns. The sparse constraint is set to 2. The dashed line divides samples into two parts. Numbers denote the objectives for each column. Selected columns of left part are marked in blue and selected columns of right part are marked in red. Best viewed on the screen.

Algorithm 5 Tree Growth TABLE I Input: set of samples S, gradient statistics, and hyper- COMPLEXITY OF SPLIT FINDING. parameters for tree learning. Methods Complexity Output: a decision tree GBDT-SO O(bmd) Hist ← Histograms of S GBDT-MO O(bmd) Split ← SplitF inding(Hist) GBDT-MO (sparse) O(bmd log k) GBDT-MO (exact hessian) O(bmd3) Q ← priority queue sorted by Split.gain Q.push(Split, Hist, S) repeat memory cost. We describe the algorithm for growth of a tree Split, Hist, S ← Q.pop() in Algorithm 5. Histl, Histr, Sl, Sr ← ApplySplit(Split, Hist, S) if stop condition is not meet then F. Complexity Analysis Splitl ← SplitF inding(Histl) l l l We analyze the training and inference complexity for Q.push(Split , Hist , S ) GBDT-SO and GBDT-MO. For the training complexity, we end if focus on the complexity of split finding algorithms. Recall if stop condition is not meet then m d r r that the input dimension is and the output dimension is , Split ← SplitF inding(Hist ) k b r r r sparse constraint is , and is the number of bins. Suppose Q.push(Split , Hist , S ) that b is fixed for all input dimensions, t is the number of end if boosting rounds and h is the maximum tree depth. Table I until Q is empty shows the training complexity. The complexity of non-sparse split finding is O(bmd) because it enumerates on histogram bins, input dimensions and output dimension. For the sparse We provide an example to show the differences between non- case, it is multipled by log k because inserting an element sparse split finding, sparse split finding and restricted sparse into a top-k priority queue requires O(log k) comparisons (see split finding in Fig. 2. Algorithm 4). When the exact hessian is used (see (14)), it becomes O(bmd3) because calculating the inverse of a d × d E. Implementation Details matrix requires O(d3) operations. GBDT-SO has the same We implement GBDT-MO from scratch by C++. First, complexity as GBDT-MO for split finding. However, it does we implement the core function of LightGBM for ourselves, not mean that GBDT-SO is as fast as GBDT-MO. Beyond split called GBDT-SO. Then, integrate the learning mechanism for finding, GBDT-SO has more overhead that slows its training multiple outputs into it, i.e. GBDT-MO1. We also provide speed down. For example, samples are divided into two parts, d a Python interface. We speed up GBDT-MO using multi- i.e. times for GBDT-SO, but once for GBDT-MO. Thus, core parallelism, implemented with OpenMP. A decision tree the training speed of GBDT-MO is faster than GBDT-SO in grows up in the best-first manner. Specifically, we store the practice. Table II shows the inference complexity. It can be information of nodes that has not been divided in memory. At observed that GBDT-SO needs more comparisons than GBDT- each time when we need to add a node, we select the node MO. whose objective gain is the maximum from all stored nodes. IV. RELATED WORK In practice, we store up to 48 nodes in memory to reduce the Gradient boosted decision tree (GBDT) proposed in [1] has 1Our codes are available in https://github.com/zzd1992/GBDTMO. received much attention due to its accuracy, efficiency and UNDER REVIEW 7


Methods Comparisons Additions friedman1 random projection GBDT-SO O(tdh) O(td) GBDT-SO 0.1540 0.0204 GBDT-MO O(th) O(td) GBDT-MO 0.1429 0.0180 GBDT-MO (sparse) O(th) O(tk)

to speed up the training process. It is worthwhile because interpretability. GBDT has two characteristics: it uses decision it is not clear how to construct sparse histograms, espe- trees as the base learner and its boosting process is guided by cially when combining with the second order gradient. the gradient of some loss function. Many variants of [1] have • The main motivation of GBDT-sparse is to reduce the been proposed. Instead of the first order gradient, XGBoost [8] space complexity of training and the size of models, also uses the second order gradient to guide its boost process whereas the main motivation of GBDT-MO is to im- and derives the corresponding objective for split finding. The prove its generalization ability by capturing correlations histogram approximation of split finding is proposed in [17] between output variables. which is used as the base algorithm in LightGBM [9]. Because It may be hard to store the outputs in memory without the second order gradient improves the accuracy and histogram sparse format when output dimension is very large. In such a approximation improves the training efficiency, those two situation, GBDT-sparse is a better choice. improvements are also used in the proposed GBDT-MO. Since machine learning problems with multiple outputs V. EXPERIMENTS become common, many tree based or boosting based methods have been proposed to deal with multiple outputs. [19] [20] We evaluate GBDT-MO on problems of multi-output re- generalize the impurity measures defined for binary classifi- gression, multi-class classification and multi-label classifica- cation and ranking tasks to a multi-label scenario for splitting tion. First, we show the benefits of GBDT-MO using two a node. However, they are based methods. That synthetic problems. Then, we evaluate GBDT-MO on six real- is, new trees are not constructed in a boosting manner. Several world datasets. We further evaluate our sparse split finding works extend adaptive boost (AdaBoost) into multi-label cases algorithms. Finally, we analyze the impact of diagonal ap- such as AdaBoost.MH [21] and AdaBoost.LC [22]. The spirits proximation on the performance. Recall that GBDT-SO is of AdaBoost.MH and AdaBoost.LC are different from GBDT. our own implementation of GBDT for single output. Except At each step, a new base learner is trained from scratch on for the split finding algorithm, all implementation details are the re-weighted samples. Moreover, AdaBoost.MH only works the same as GBDT-MO for a fair comparison. The purpose for Hamming loss, while AdaBoost.LC only works for the of our experiments is not pushing state-of-the-art results covering loss [22]. on specific datasets. Instead, we would show that GBDT- MO has better generalization ability than GBDT-SO. On They do not belong to GBDT families. Two works which synthetic datasets, we compare GBDT-MO with GBDT-SO. belong to GBDT families have been proposed for learning On real-world datasets, we compare GBDT-MO with GBDT- multiple outputs [15] [16]. [15] transforms the multiple output SO, XGBoost, LightGBM and GBDT-sparse2. XGBoost and problem into the single output problem by kernelizing the LightGBM are state-of-the-art GBDT implementations for output space. To achieve this, an n×n kernel matrix should be single output, while GBDT-sparse is the most relevant work to constructed where n is the number of training samples. Thus, GBDT-MO. All experiments are conducted on a workstation this method is not scalable. Moreover, it works only for square with Intel Xeon CPU E5-2698 v4. We use 4 threads on loss. GBDT for sparse output (GBDT-sparse) is proposed in synthetic datasets, while we use 8 threads on real-world [16]. The outputs are represented in sparse format. A sparse datasets. We provide hyper-parameter settings in Appendix B. split finding algorithm is designed by adding L0 constraint to The training process is terminated when the performance does the objective. The sparse split finding algorithms of GBDT- not improve within 25 rounds. MO are inspired by this work. There are several differences between GBDT-MO and GBDT-sparse: A. Synthetic Datasets • GBDT-sparse focuses on extreme multi-label classifica- tion problems, whereas GBDT-MO focuses on general The first dataset is derived from the friedman1 regression multiple output problems. GBDT-sparse requires the loss problem [23]. Its target y is generated by: is separable over output variables. It also requires its 2 ∂l(ˆy,y) f(x) = sin(πx1x2) + 2(x3 − 0.5) + x4 + 0.5x5 (23) gradient is sparse, i.e. ∂yˆ = 0 if yˆ = y. During training, it introduces the clipping operator into the loss y = f(x) + 0.1ε (24) to maintain the sparsity of gradient. The facts limit the where x ∈ 10 and ε ∼ N (0; 1). Each element of x types of loss. R is sampled from U(−1, 1). The last five elements of x is • GBDT-sparse does not employ the second order gradient. irrelevant to the target. We extend this problem into multiple Its objective for split finding is derived based on the first order Taylor expansion of the loss as in [1]. 2GBDT-sparse is implemented for ourselves, and we do not report its • GBDT-sparse does not employ histogram approximation training time due to the slow speed. UNDER REVIEW 8

Train: GBDT-SO 0.06 Train: GBDT-SO 0.30 Train: GBDT-MO Train: GBDT-MO Eval: GBDT-SO Eval: GBDT-SO Eval: GBDT-MO 0.05 Eval: GBDT-MO 0.25






0.10 0.01 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Boost rounds Boost rounds

(a) friedman1 (b) random projection

Fig. 3. RMSE curves on friedman1 and random project. RMSE curves for training samples are drawn in solid lines, while RMSE curves for test samples are drawn in dashed lines. Best viewed on the screen.

0.60 0.98 0.6 3.0

0.97 0.55 0.5 2.5

0.96 0.50 0.4 2.0 Eval: GBDT-SO Train: GBDT-SO 0.95 Eval: GBDT-SO Train: GBDT-SO 0.45 0.3 Eval: GBDT-MO Train: GBDT-MO 1.5 Eval: GBDT-MO Train: GBDT-MO

0.94 Accuracy Accuracy Cross entropy Cross entropy 0.40 0.2 1.0 0.93

0.35 0.1 0.92 0.5

0.0 0.91 0.0 0.30

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Boost rounds Boost rounds

(a) MNIST (b) Caltech101

Fig. 4. Cross entropy curves and accuracy curves on MNIST and Caltech101. Cross entropy curves for training samples are drawn in solid lines, while accuracy curves for test samples are drawn in dashed lines. Best viewed on the screen. output case by adding independent noise to f(x). That is algorithms. The output variables of friedman1 are correlated 5 yi = f(x) + 0.1ε where y ∈ R . because they are observations of the same underlying variable The second dataset is generated by random projection. corrupted by Gaussian noise. The output variables of random projection are also correlated because this projection is over- T y = w x (25) complete. This supports our claim that GBDT-MO has better generalization abilities because its learning mechanism encour- x ∈ 4 w ∈ 4×8 y ∈ 8 x where R , R and R . Each element of ages it to capture variable correlations. However, GBDT-MO w U(−1, 1) and is independently sampled from . suffers from slow convergence speed. For both datasets, we generate 10, 000 samples for training and 10, 000 samples for test. We train them via mean square B. Real-world Datasets error (MSE) and evaluate the performance on test samples via root mean square error (RMSE). We repeat the experiments 5 In this subsection, we evaluate GBDT-MO on six real-world times with different seeds and average the RMSE. As shown datasets and compare with related methods in terms of test in Table III, GBDT-MO is better than GBDT-SO. We provide performance and training speed. MNIST3 the training curves in Fig. 3. For fairness, curves of different is widely used for classification whose samples 28 × 28 methods are plotted with the same and maximum are gray images of handwritten digits from 0 to 9. tree depth. It can be observed that GBDT-MO has better gen- Each sample is converted into a vector with 784 elements. Yeast4 has 8 input attributions each of which is a measure- eralization ability on both datasets. This is because its RMSE ment of the protein sequence. The goal is to predict protein on test samples is lower and its performance gap is smaller. localization sites with 10 possible choices. Here, performance gap means the differences of performance between training samples and unseen samples which is usually 3yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ used to measure the generalization ability of machine learning 4archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Yeast UNDER REVIEW 9


Dataset # Training samples # Test samples # Features # Outputs Problem type MNIST 50,000 10,000 784 10 classification Yeast 1,038 446 8 10 classification Caltech101 6,073 2,604 324* 101 classification MNIST-inpainting 50,000 10,000 200* 24 regression Student-por 454 159 41* 3 regression NUS-WIDE 161,789 107,859 128* 81 multi-label


MNIST Yeast Caltech101 NUS-WIDE MNIST-inpaining Student-por accuracy accuracy accuracy top-1 accuracy RMSE RMSE XGBoost 97.86 62.94 56.52 43.72 0.26088 0.24623 LightGBM 98.03 61.97 55.94 43.99 0.26090 0.24466 GBDT-sparse 96.41 62.83 43.93 44.05 - - GBDT-SO 98.08 61.97 56.62 44.10 0.26157 0.24408 GBDT-MO 98.30 62.29 57.49 44.21 0.26025 0.24392

47.16 XGBoost 40.34 LightGBM GBDT-SO 15.64 14.84 GBDT-MO 8.22

5.45 5.22 4.00 3.21 2.44 2.55 2.70 2.01 Seconds 1.16 0.81 0.74 0.70 0.66 0.52 0.46

0.27 0.17

0.1 MNIST Caltech101 MNIST-inpainting NUS-WIDE

Fig. 5. Average training time in second for each boost round. Four relatively larger datasets are used. Y axis is plotted in log scale.


Restricted/Unrestricted MNIST MNIST-inpaining Caltech101 NUS-WIDE k = 2 0.619/0.599 - - - k = 4 0.737/0.758 0.149/0.179 - - k = 8 0.721/0.778 0.161/0.195 0.578/0.663 1.248/1.266 k = 16 - 0.153/0.208 0.620/0.738 1.237/1.365 k = 32 - - 0.628/0.866 1.256/1.453 k = 64 - - 0.650/0.937 1.263/1.493


MNIST MNIST-inpaining Caltech101 NUS-WIDE Restricted/Unrestricted accuracy RMSE accuracy top-1 accuracy k = 2 97.54/97.79 - - - k = 4 98.19/98.18 0.26424/0.26368 - - k = 8 98.07/98.06 0.26245/0.26391 53.57/54.11 44.20/44.20 k = 16 - 0.26232/0.26248 55.98/54.69 44.22/44.27 k = 32 - - 56.71/56.64 44.07/44.04 k = 64 - - 58.09/57.58 44.23/44.22

Caltech1015 contains images of objects belonging to 101 categories. Most categories have about 50 samples. The size of each image is roughly 300 × 200. To obtain fixed length 5www.vision.caltech.edu/Image Datasets/Caltech101/ UNDER REVIEW 10 features, we resize each image into 64 × 64 and compute the TABLE VIII HOG descriptor [24] of the resized image. Each sample is IMPACTOFDIAGONALHESSIAN. finally converted to a vector with 324 elements. Accuracy/Time MNIST Yeast MNIST-inpainting is a regression task based on MNIST. diagonal hessian 98.30/0.79s 62.29/0.0011s We crop the central 20 × 20 patch from the original 28 × 28 exact hessian 98.17/3.96s 62.89/0.0094s image because most boundary pixels are 0. Then, the cropped image is divided into upper and lower halves each of which is C. Sparse Split Finding a 10×20 patch. The upper half is used as the input. We further crop a 4 × 6 small patch at the top center of the lower half. All experiments of GBDT-MO performed in Sections V-A This small patch is used as the target. The task is to predict and V-B use non-sparse split finding algorithm. In this sub- the pixels of this 4 × 6 patch given upper half image. section, We evaluate our unrestricted sparse split finding algorithm (Algortithm 3) and restricted sparse split finding Student-por6 predicts the Portuguese language scores in algorithm (Algorithm 4). We compare their performance and three different grades of students based on their demographic, training speed on MNIST, MNIST-inpainting, Caltech101 social and school related features. The original scores range and NUS-WIDE with different sparse factor k. The hyper- from 0 to 20. We linearly transform them into [−1, 1]. We use parameters used here are the same as the corresponding non- one-hot coding to deal with the categorical features on this sparse one’s. dataset. Their training speed in seconds is shown in Table VI. The 7 NUS-WIDE is a dataset for real-world web image retrieval restricted one is faster than the unrestricted one. Their speed [25]. Tsoumakas et.al [11] selects a subset label of this differences are remarkable when k is large. The performance dataset and uses it for multi-label classification. Images are on test samples is shown in Table VII. The restricted one represented using 128-D cVLAD+ features described in [26]. is slightly better than the unrestricted one. Note that the We summarize the statistics of the above datasets in Ta- performance of our sparse split algorithms is sometimes better ble IV. Those datasets are diverse in terms of scale and com- than the non-sparse one’s with a proper k (for example, k = 64 plexity. For MNIST, MNIST-inpainting and NUS-WIDE, we on Caltech101). use the official training-test split. For others, we randomly select 70% samples for training and the rest for test. We repeat D. Objective with Exact Hessian this strategy 10 times with different seeds and report the aver- age results. For multi-class classification, we use cross-entropy GBDT-MO replaces the exact hessian with the diagonal loss. For regression and multi-label classification, we use MSE hessian to reduce computational complexity. We analyze the loss. For regression, the performance is measured by RMSE. impact of the diagonal approximation on MNIST and Yeast For multi-class classification and multi-label classification, the because their output dimensions are relatively small. Ta- performance is measured by top-1 accuracy. ble VIII shows accuracy and training time for a single round. RMSE and accuracy on real-world datasets are shown in Two methods have similar accuracy but the diagonal approx- Table V. The overall performance of GBDT-MO is better imation is much faster. Thus, the diagonal approximation of than others. We provide statistical tests in Appendix C to hessian achieves good trade-off between accuracy and speed. show the performance of GBDT-MO on datasets with random training and testing split. We compare the loss curves and the VI.CONCLUSIONS accuracy curves of GBDT-MO and GBDT-SO on MNIST and In this paper, we have proposed a general method to learn Caltech101 in Fig. 4. We conclude that GBDT-MO has better GBDT for multiple outputs. The motivation of GBDT-MO generalization ability than GBDT-SO. Because its training loss is to capture the correlations between output variables and is higher while its test performance is better. reduce redundancy of tree structures. We have derived the We also compare the training speed. Specifically, we run approximated learning objective for both non-sparse case and 10 boost rounds and record the average training time for each sparse case based on the second order Taylor expansion of loss. boost round. We repeat this process three times and report For sparse case, we have proposed the restricted algorithm the average training time in seconds as shown in Fig. 5. which restricts the subsets of left and right parts to be the The training speed for Yeast and Student-por is not reported same and the unrestricted algorithm which has no such a re- here because those two datasets are too small. GBDT-MO is striction. We have extended the histogram approximation into remarkably faster than GBDT-SO and XGBoost, especially multiple output case to speed up the training process. We have when the number of outputs is large. It is slightly faster than evaluated that GBDT-MO is remarkably and consistently better LightGBM. Since we eliminate the interference from outer in generalization ability and faster in training speed compared factors, the comparisons between GBDT-SO and GBDT-MO with GBDT for single output. We have also evaluated that show the effects of the proposed method objectively. the restricted sparse split finding algorithm is slightly better than the unrestricted one by considering both performance and training speed. However, GBDT-MO suffers from slower 6archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Student+Performance convergence, especially at the beginning of training. In our 7mulan.sourceforge.net/datasets-mlc.html future work, we would improve its convergence speed. UNDER REVIEW 11

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APPENDIX A APPENDIX C APPROXIMATED OBJECTIVE STATISTICAL TESTOF RESULTS Yeast We suppose there exists γ > 0 such that There are no standard training and testing splits on , Caltech101 and Student-por. We obtain the results in Table X V by averaging the results of 10 random trials. Thus, statistical γHii ≥ |Hij|, ∀i (26) j tests on how likely GBDT-MO is better than others are necessary. Denote X is a random variable which means the That is, H is dominated by its diagonal elements. Then, we performance differences between GBDT-MO and the others. have: X is commonly supposed to be Student’s T-distribution be- cause its true variance is unknown. We estimate the mean T X X w Hw = Hijwiwj (27) and standard deviation of X from the 10 random trials. Then, i j the confidence in whether GBDT-MO performs better than 1 X X ≤ |H |(w2 + w2) the others is defined as P (X > 0) for classifications and 2 ij i j i j P (X < 0) for regressions, as reported in Table XII. Most X X confidence scores are significantly higher than 0.5. Thus, it = |H |w2 ij i can be expected that GBDT-MO performs better than others. i j X 2 ≤ γ Hiiwi i The last inequality holds based on the assumption in (26). Substituting this result into the Taylor expansion of loss 1 l(ˆy + w, y) ≈ l(ˆy, y) + gT w + wT Hw (28) 2 X γ X ≤ l(ˆy, y) + g w + H w2 i i 2 ii i i i We ignore the remainder term of the Taylor expansion [8]. Substituting this upper bound of l(ˆy + w, y) into (12), we get the optimal value of w. P ∗ i(gj)i wj = − P (29) γ i(hj)i + λ Recall that h is the diagonal elements of H. This solution is the same as (15), except the coefficient γ. In practice, the ∗ actual leaf weight is αwj where α is the so-called learning rate. Then, the effect of γ can be canceled out by adjusting α and λ. Thus, we do not need to consider the exact value of γ in practice.


We discuss our hyper-parameter settings. We find the best maximum depth d and learning rate via a grid search. d is searched from {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and learning rate is searched from {0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5}. We provide the selected d and learning rate in Table IX. We set L2 regularization λ to 1.0 and the maximum leaves to 0.75 × 2d in all experiments. We preliminarily search other hyper-parameters and fix them for all methods. We list them on real-world datasets in Table XI. Note that the hyper-parameters in Table XI may not be optimal. When comparing with the gain threshold, we use the average gain over the involved output variables. We provide the number of trees of the best models in Table X. For single variable GBDT models, the number of trees is the summation of the number of trees for each output variable. UNDER REVIEW 13


Learning rate/Maximum depth MNIST Yeast Caltech101 NUS-WIDE MNIST-inpaining Student-por XGBoost 0.10/8 0.10/4 0.10/8 0.10/8 0.10/8 0.10/4 LightGBM 0.25/6 0.10/4 0.10/9 0.05/8 0.10/8 0.05/4 GBDT-sparse 0.05/8 0.10/5 0.10/9 0.10/8 - - GBDT-SO 0.10/6 0.10/4 0.05/8 0.05/8 0.10/8 0.05/4 GBDT-MO 0.10/8 0.10/5 0.10/10 0.10/8 0.10/7 0.10/4


MNIST Yeast Caltech101 NUS-WIDE MNIST-inpaining Student-por XGBoost 1700 299.0 2234.0 5921 4880 133.4 LightGBM 1760 334.0 2692.0 11636 5618 219.6 GBDT-sparse 645 21.4 237.4 494 - - GBDT-SO 2180 183.0 3697.0 12051 6373 373.7 GBDT-MO 615 85.1 517.7 3546 2576 125.0


MNIST Yeast Caltech101 NUS-WIDE MNIST-inpaining Student-por Gain threshold 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-6 1e-6 1e-6 Min samples in leaf 16 16 16 4 4 4 Max bins 8 32 32 64 16 8


Confidence Yeast Caltech101 Student-por XGBoost 0.067 0.930 0.888 LightGBM 0.745 0.988 0.685 GBDT-SO 0.812 0.955 0.561