74 Qualifying Events to Determine Open Field
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Oakland Hills 74 QUALIFYING EVENTS Is Host to Open for 4th Time TO DETERMINE OPEN FIELD • he qualifying process to determine the Prize money in each of the 13 Sectional T 150 men who will play in the 61st Na- Qualifying Championships has been in- tional Open Championship begins May 19. creased from $100 to $600. The lowest Local Qualifying Rounds will be played scoring professional will receive $300, the at 61 sites on May 19, 22 and 23 and Sec- second-place professional $200 and the tional Qualifying Championships at 13 third-place professional $100. A total of sites on June 5 and 6. All rounds will be $7,800will be awarded at the 13 Sectional over 36 holes in one day. Qualifying Championships. Thus, the total After Local Qualifying, the eligible prize money for all phases of the Open field for the 13 Sectional Championships will be $67,800. will approximate 20 per cent of total en- Twenty players drawn from seven cate- tries, excluding those exempted from both gories are exempt from all Qualifying. qualifying series. The 150 competing at The exempt players and their cate- Oakland Hills, near Detroit, will be the gories are: Last five individuals to win exempted players and those who survive the Open-Cary Middlecoff, Dick Mayer, Sectional Qualifying. Tommy Bolt, Bill Casper, Jr., and Arnold Palmer; 1960USGA Amateur Champion- Entries for the Open must be received Deane R. Beman; 1960 PGA Champion- at the USGA office, 40 East 38th St., New Jay Hebert; 1960 British Open Champion York 16, N. Y., on official forms no later -Kelvin Nagle; 1960 British Amateur than May 3. The entry fee has been in- Champion-Joseph B. Carr; Head profes- creased from $10 to $15. sional at Oakland Hills-AI Watrous; ten The 72-hole Championship will carry a lowest scorers and those tying for lOth $60,000 purse for professionals. The win- place in the 1960 Open, excluding any of ner's share will be $14,000. Every pro- the last five individuals to win-Arnold fessional who returns a 72-hole score will Palmer, Jack W. Nicklaus, E. J. Harrison, receive at least $250, and every amateur Julius Boros, Mike Souchak, Ted Kroll, who returns a 72-hole score will receive Jack Fleck, Dow Finsterwald, Ben Hogan, a gold medal. Jerry Barber and Donald R. Cherry. LOCAL QUALIFYING lOW A . nmnmmnm DES MOINES TENN. munu MEMPHIS KANSAS m WICHITA NASHVILLE Friday, May 19 KY. nmn •• LOUISVILLE TEXAS ..... mmmnmnnnm DALLAS CALIF .... mmmn. LOS ANGELES LA ... nnn NEW ORLEANS HOUSTON l'uesday, May 23 MD. nmmmmmmnmm BALTIMORE MIDLAND CALIF. mmmm SAN FRANCISCO MASS. nmmmnnnnnnmmm BOSTON UT AH nmm ••• SALE LAKE CITY N. J. mnnnmumm ... MONTCLAIR MICH. DETROIT VA. mmmnnnmnn RICHMOND N. Y.. mmm.mnm LONG ISLAND GRAND RAPIDS WASH. mmmm SEATTLE WESTCHESTER MINN. _mm MINNEAPOLIS SPOKANE MISS. nn. JACKSON W. VA. mmmnn •• HUNTINGTON Monday, May 22 MO. nmmmnnmmn KANSAS CITY WIS. nmmmmmmnn MILWAUKEE ALA. m •••• mmmmm BIRMINGHAM ST. LOUIS SECTIONAL QUALIFYING ARIZ. mnnmn •. mnnm. PHOENIX NEB. mm ..... nn LINCOLN Monday June 5 ARK. nnmmunmm LITTLE ROCK N. M.. mn.mnm ALBUQUERQUE COLO. mnnnnnm ... mmmn DENVER CALIF. mm •••• mnmnn SAN DIEGO N. Y. ... nmnmm ALBANY GA. mmmmmmmnmmm ATLANTA COLO .. m •••• umnnmn. un DENVER BUFFALO ILL. um CHICAGO CONN .. m.mnn •• nnn NEW HAVEN N. C.. n •.. n.m PINEHURST MO.. mnnnmmnnm KANSAS CITY D. C. numnnnm .••• WASHINGTON N. D. n.n ..... mmmnn FARGO OHIO mmnnmnn CINCINNATI FLA. mmnn ... mn JACKSONVILLE OHIO .... CINCINNATI MIAMI CLEVELAND ORE mn m. PORTLAND TAMPA COLUMBUS TEXAS u.mmn.m DALLAS GA. mm ••••• nmnm ...... ATLANTA TOLEDO Tuesday, June 6 m nnmm HAW AIl u ••• umunmm HONOLULU OKLA. nmnm muuu TULSA CALIF. BAKERSFIELD IDAHO u.m.mnm. BOISE ORE. mn uu PORTLAND D. C WASHINGTON mnmmnmnunm ... ILL. .m.mmnn.unmnmm CHICAGO P A. nmummmmmnu HARRISBURG MICH. DETROIT SPRINGFIELD PHILADELPHIA N. Y. mnmmnm METROPOLITAN mnnmunmm IND .. m.mn .... mn INDIANAPOLIS PITTSBURGH OHIO CLEVELAND SOUTH BEND S. C. .mmnum GREENVILLE OKLA. nmmn OKLAHOMA CITY USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: APRIL, 1961.