
Gregor Johann Mendel, an Austrian priest (1822-1884), discovered universal heredity rules, i.e. the "Mendel's laws," in the 19th century. With a few exceptions, not only the horses but also the humans receive their own genes from their parents under the said laws. Nevertheless, we may be unrestrained when discussing the breeding of , so that the laws established even more than one century ago is likely to be ignored. It is possible to trace the Thoroughbred's pedigree back to around 1700, but the fact that the records of those days are suspicious has been coming out after detailed scientific verification. I have heard a proverb saying, "History is a fabrication generally accepted." Still, are you going to overlook such suspicious records? Taking account of the foregoing, I would like to discuss the topics of the following chapters, provided that they are based on the contents of the previous version of this book adding some new opinions, containing the articles that I wrote for some publications.

1. What Is Scientific Importance of Dam Lineage? 2.What Is Truth in Pedigree Record? 3. What Is Heredity Mechanism of Coat Color? 4. What Is Inbreeding? 5. What ls Truth in All Sorts of Pedigree Theories? 6. What ls Essential to Future Breeding in Japan?

1. What Is Scientific Importance of Dam Linease?

Seekinq Better Layout of Tree Diagram

When you look up some noun word, the paper dictionary will instantly give you many of not only the related words, e.g. the forms of verb, adverb and adjective, but the relevant idioms, illustrative sentences, etc., as well as the meaning of the original word. Meanwhile, the electronic dictionary will not do so due to its limited screen size. The foregoing goes for the Thoroughbred's pedigree. For instance, each page of "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES VOL.IV" shows the detailed tree diagram of each dam lineage, which makes you easily make out the degree of the lineage's prosperity. Howeveq not only the ordinary racing fans but also the breeders would not browse "THOROUGHBRED FAMILY TABLES IN JAPAN" very much, to say nothing of "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES" that is expensive, limited in quantity and all written in English. Taking it into account, this book is made up as a brief version of them in a sense, containing the dam lineages of all the winners of GI races from January 2013 through June 2017 (as well as the winners of Japanese GI races born in or after 2001) for this edition. As far as the Japan's Gl winners of 2016 are concerned, Makahiki, the winner of Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby), and Satono Diamond, the winner of both Kikuka Sho and , are of the Argentine dam lineage. The Japan's breeding circles swept by the genes of Sunday Silence will more accelerate import of mares of unrelated lineages from South America etc. in order to avoid the risky inbreeding. Nevertheless, the Japan's racing circles are especially lacking in the pedigree information of South America and Oceania. Therefore, I take great pains collecting the maternal pedigree information of the Gl winners of those countries when adding them to the tree diagrams of dam lineages. The layout of the tree diagrams of this book is settled after a great deal of trial and erroq and thus it

- 4l- sometimes takes half a day when adding only one GI winner to the diagram for seeking the better layout.

Mitochondrion as Profound Organelle

The importance of maternal lineage has been well acknowledged. However, have you ever considered the scientific grounds of it? "Mitochondrion" is organelle, which you must have learned at school. Meanwhile, both humans and horses respire, of course. The "respiration" means gaining energy from organic matter such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, etc. resulting in synthesizing adenosine triphosphate as called "ATP." ATP stores up highly-efficient energy and internally distributes it into every organ for living, that is to say, "stamina source," which is synthesized at mitochondrion. Genes exist in given chromosomes (DNA) in nucleus, a half of which are from its father and the other of which are from its mother. In other words, a life comes into existence by fertilization of a sperm and a ovum. In spite of the foregoing, mitochondrion has its own genes as well, which suggests that it was an individual organism; thus it is considered that the larger organism "cell" took in the smaller mitochondrion around two billion years ago. Both human and equine mitochondria are said to have a given number of their own genes related to the athletic ability, according to the latest scientific report. The mitochondrial genes are maternally inherited, as so-called the "maternal inheritance," which is an exception of the "Mendel's laws." Of course, sperm has its own mitochondrion as well as the mitochondrial genes, but the said genes are especially selected for dissolution immediately after fertilization. It is biologically assumed so far that sperm becomes exhausted after pushing forward to ovum with its flagellum moved vehemently and such exhaustion deadly damages the genes concerned. It is considered that such damaged genes will adversely affect the offspring and therefore be forced out in full conformity with Nature.It reminds us of such father as devoted to his family just working, working and working away, but finally walked out on... Under the circumstances, the respective genetic quantities inherited from the respective great-grandams, which are (i) dam of sire of sire, (ii) dam of dam of sire, (iii) dam of sire of dam and (iv) dam of dam of dam, are equal, i.e. l2.5Yo, but the mitochondrial genes are inherited from (iv) only. "Sire Lineage" having its ups and downs is merely forthe sake of classification of the respective sub-lineages in a sense, while "Dam Lineage" definitely carries a meaning in genetics, i.e. biology. Tracing the maternal line of Cold Ship, i.e. back to Point Flag, Pastoralism, Tokuno Eighty..., the name of Fairy Maiden (born in 1924) imported to Japan by Shimofusa Coryo Farm early in the Showa era will come out as the Eth dam (on the page 16-h-l of this book). The lineage of Fairy Maiden produced Kumohata and Haku Chikara as the first-rate stars around the World War ll. Tracing the matemal line of , i.e. back to Campaign Girl, Lady Shiraoki, Miss Ashiyagawa..., tracing the matemal line of Meisho Samson, i.e. back to My Vivien, Will Princess, Yell..., or tracing the maternal line of , i.e. back to Tanino Sister, Energy Tosho, Comice Tosho..., the name of Florries Cup (bom in 1904) imported to Japan by Koiwai Farm in the Meiji era will come out as the gth, lOth or llth dam ofeach ones (on the page 3-l-1). The lineage ofFlorries Cup produced Katsurano , Nihon Pillow Winner. etc. as well as Kodama that is the first-rate star horse about halfa century ago. The quantity of Vodka's genes inherited from her 11th dam Florries Cup, i.e. the receiving quantity of the genes in nucleus, is (1/2)'r:112048 +0.059/0, i.e. nearly zero; however, Vodka inherited all the mitochondrialgenes of Florries Cup through her 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th, 6th,7th,8th,gth and lOth dams. As you know, the "dam Vodka" is capable of making the lineage of Florries Cup more thriving.

42 Mystery about Maternal Inheritance

"Biwa Hayahide and ," "Phalaenopsis and " and "Galileo and " are the first-rate half-siblings having different sires, respectively. A dam can give birth about ten times at the very most. Remember that even a first-rate sire hardly produces plural first-rate crops by its first ten mating, so thatthe above-mentioned half-siblings can be deemed the fruits of "matemal power," which can catch glimpses of mitochondrion. A question has just arisen. There are various maternal lines even in a given lineage. some of which often produce a lot of first-rate horses, but some of which hardly produce them, for instance. Does it mean that the genes of certain lines have been mutated favorably? If such a mutation did not come about, all the horses of a given maternal lineage must have the identical genes, and it might be just as well to refer to any of the horses of the maternal line of Florries Cup as "the one of Lineage 3" accordingly. The "maternal power" of Urban Sea as well as her German matemal line is perceived through the two Epsom Derby winners, i.e. Galileo and Sea the Stars. Urban Sea is of Lineage 9. Notwithstanding, do you perceive the said power through any dams of Lineage 9? Urban Sea produced four GI winners and many of her close maternal relatives are the first-rate such as her half-brother King's Best that is the winner of the Two Thousand Guineas; therefore, such a line is considered most extraordinary. In the meantime, a few papers report that there are some mismatches within the mitochondrial genes of the Lineage t horses, which is detailed in the following chapter "2. What Is Truth in Pedigree Record?" Furthermore, Pacificus, which is the dam of Biwa Hayahide and Narita Brian, and Catequil, which is the dam of Phalaenopsis and Kizun4 are half-siblings, that is, there are many first-rate ones in the close maternal relatives of them. Even if you explain that the said fact is because such sires as having high compatibility with the maternal line concemed were mated to the dams of the said line repeatedly, it will be still insufficient anyway. It must be the extraordirtary "maternal poweq" that is to say, any "distinctive gene" can be acknowledged in the said relatives, which does not exist in the other lines of the same lineage. Notwithstanding, the meaningful mutation does not come about quite often; thus, supposing that the said relatives distinctively have any mutated genes is going too far. Takirtg it into account, I personally o'maternal suppose that the power" is based upon "something special" that cannot be clarified by the current biology. Actually, studying mitochondrion in the circles of cytobiology is still growing, but in the meantime, the "something special" might exist somewhere other than mitochondriort. The genes in nucleus, rather than the genes in mitochondrion, considerably take part in synthesis of protein composing mitochondrion, from a standpoint of not quality but quantity of themselves. In this regard, the origin of mitochondrion is based upon the "coaction" of the genes of both nucleus and mitochondrion, the story of which is not so easy.


In the most current molecular biology, the study of an innovative conception "epigenetics" is accelerating, under which the "development of character" is made by not only the "gene" but also something else. Therefore, the above-mentioned "something special" may be that. The identical twins mutually have the identical genes, that is to say "clone" in a sense. However, they have a subtle difference in the fingerprints. Why? lf there is a set of the identical twins in the circle of your acquaintance, please carry out an observation of them in detail; then you will find out something different between them other than the fingerprint and therefore will realize that such "difference" is independent ofthe gene itself.

43 The publications on the epigenetics often refer to Audrey Hepbum who was a great. actress in the 20th century and the devastating famine in the Netherland. The said famine broke out due to record-breaking cold snap in 1944 and 45 making the war-devastated area still worse, and the starving people just got out alive eating weeds. bulbs of tulip and so forth. So did Audrey Hepburn; therefore they might have thought that the famine brought her the well-proportioned shape, but it is said that she suffered throughout her lifetime from the physical constitution worsened by the malnutrition. Among the rvomen in the Netherland getting out alive with such physical constitution, there was a greater likelihood of giving birth to their own children having the similar constitution. ln the meantime, the said children also gave birth to their own children (i.e. the grandchildren of the women with malnutrition) having such constitution to a remarkable degree. The above-mentioned means that the substance of their genes had not varied, while the function of the genes had actually varied according to some "external factor" that is the famine in this case. The tbregoing is the negative side of the epigenetics, but let's think of the positive side. For instance, if there is a horse having excellent track record because it receives some specific training as the extemal factor. such record could be the result of the epigenetic variation of its genes caused by the external factor. If so. it is likely that the offspring of the said horse will receive the same excellent nature. Considering the above, the fact that only given maternal line is likely to produce the excellent horses even though all horses of the same dam lineage must have the identical mitochondrial genes can build up the following hypotheses:

(i) ln the maternal line concerned, the mitochondrial genes have been activated by some "extefllal factor." (ii) In the maternal line concemed, only the genes of a chromosome matemally inherited have been activated by some "external factor" through successive generations.

Regarding (i), it has been scientifically confirmed that the genes in nucleus can receive an epigenetic effect, but we have to still discuss whether the mitochondrial genes can do so. Regarding (ii), some supplementary explanation would be required. In a given kind of mouse, only the chromosomes maternally inherited work on the development of genetic character. lt means that the DNA (genes) patemally inherited scarcely gives effects, while the DNA (genes) maternally inherited actually gives effects on the living body. lt is said that in some ways our genes acknowledge their own background; i.e. from which parent they are, father or mother. The effect depending on the difference between the genes patemally inherited and those maternally inherited is called the "parent-of-origin effect." "Epigenetics" is the state-of-the-art idea in the circles of molecular biology and therefore further studies are still required, but for the time being, my hypothesis is that the importance of dam lineage has a close relationship with epigenetics.

Inheriting Maternal Excellence

When updating the tree diagrams of dam lineages, at the 3rd dam of Sacred Elixir that is the 2016 winner of Australian GI race, The J.J. Atkins, I found a name full of memories for Japanese fans; she is a great mare of New Zealand, i.e. Horlicks (on the page 10-d-1). Her great run at 1989 desperately competing with with a surprising record of 2400m (2:22.2) at that time has been deeply impressed on our mind. I have all been touched by the fact that her offspring has been receiving her great genes.

44 2. What Is Truth in Pedigree Record?

Doubt ahout Correctness in Maternal Linease

From the 18th centun' through the earlr' 20th centurv. there were a lot of such mares carried in "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES" as falling into one or more of the following:

( I ) Year of birth or coat color unclear: (2) Bome b_r dam at extremel)'high or low age; (3) !lerel) named "its sire's name * Mare" for example. as considered named later; or (-1) Both oldam and its fbal or both of sisters having the same name

Re-eardin-s ( I ). the records in those days are thought to be incomplete. which would be a matter of coLrrse in the l8th century. Regardin,e (2). the mares' actual years of birth might be different from those stated in "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES" considering that a lot of horses the years of birth of which are unclear are considerably' found as the above, and therefore the instances of extremely early or late foal-bearing might not be so many as referred to in it; or the mares at high age in those days might not have been easily screened out even if the track or maternal records were not excellent, so that they might have been cared for as much as having fecundity. On the other hand, although the earliest foal-bearing is considered at the age of 4, the instances of the extremely early foal-bearing, i.e. the mares at the age of 3 bearing foals can be found after carefully reading "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES." As a recent example, lndomitable born in 2003 of Sub-Lineage I 4-f is the dam of Tum Me Loose that is the 2014 winner of New Zealand 2000 Guineas etc. Kwan that is Indomitable's dam was born in 2000, which means giving birth at the age of 3 (on the page 14-f-2). Also, according to the statistics on the bearing age in Japan, just one instance of bearing at the age of 3 is acknowledged in each of 2014 and 2016. For instance, there is a gap of half a year between the breeding season of the Northem Hemisphere and that of the Southern Hemisphere, and therefore it is likely that the bearing age of 3 is close to 4 as for the mares moved from the Northem Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere. The age of 3 was actually considered the age of the earliest foal-bearing in the circumstances above, but reading "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES" more carefully, Lovelom born in 1906 of Sub-Lineage l3-b had its dam Hebrew Maid bom in 1904, which means Hebrew Maid's bearing at the age of 2. Even though some website refers to Lovelom's year of birth as 1907, what do you think of it? Lovelorn is the 1Oth dam of Ocean Park that is the 2013 winner of New Zealand Stakes etc. (on the page

1 3-b- 1 ). Regarding (3), the rule that the racehorses should be duly registered with their own names soon after their birth seems not to have been enforced around that time. Consequently. some of them are considered named later to the effect of the "daughter of Sire-X." In "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES," there are l0 mares named Godolphin Arabian Mare,24 mares named Herod Mare and, what is more, 36 mares named Highflyer Mare! A mare of Sub-Lineage 12-b named Sisterto Ruric (born in 1862) can be considered named as such after her sister Ruric (bom in 1853) subsequently. Sister to Ruric is the l4th dam of Australia that is the

20 1 4 winner of Epsom Derby and lrish Derby (on the page I 2-b- I ). A mare of Sub-Lineage l4-f named No Name (born in 1861) had a daughter named Nameless (born in 1874). It is inferred that the said mares were injudiciously labeled so and officially registered under such strange names after all! These mares are the l3th and 14th dams of Final Score, the 2014 winner of

45 Premio Lydia Tesio, which was imported to Japan by Norther Farm (on the page l4-f-1). Moreoveq the most funniest name is the I 7th dam of Nieto Mireyo that is the 2015 winner of Derby Nacional (Peruvian Derby); that is "Fernhill or Gleam Mare" (born in 1854) (on the page 8-k-3). The sire of this mare is u,ritten in "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES" as Gleam, but the said name itself reveals the fact that the mare's sire might be Fernhill. Can you accept such a name as the official name ofThoroughbred? Regardin-e (4). the examples are as follows:

- A mare of Sub-Lineage 21-a named Miss Sarah (born in 1 842) and her daughter named Miss Sarah (bom in 1850) likewise; - A mare of Sub-Lineage 4-o named Highflyer Mare (bom in 1792) and her sister maned Hi_ehfl1er Mare (bom in I 793) likewise; and -Tuo dau-shters of the latter Highflyer Mare above (born in 1800 and 1801), as named Trumpator Mare both (The born in I 801 is the tap-root mare of Sub-Lineage 4-p) The sisters of Sub-Lineage 4-o above. which are the examples of (3), just fall into (4) as well.

Incorrectness Pointed Out bv Scientific Paper

The tap-root mare of Lineage 9 is Vintner Mare. Meanwhile, there were sisters, both of which were -qreat-granddaughters of Vintner Mare as identically named Curwen Bay Barb Mare (as shaded in Figure I belorv). Their 1,ears of birth as well as coat colors are not unknown. The former Curwen Bay Barb Mare as in Figure I is the 2nd dam of both tap-root mares of Sub-Lineages 9-b and 9-c, producing Nasrullah, Alydar, Tanino Gimlet, etc.

(Figure 1) Lineage 9

Vintner Mare (blk) White Legged Lowther Barb Mare Old Spot Mare This lineage (containing 9-b Whiteneck and 9-c) is thought Lineage 12. Curwen Bay Barb Mare Bay Bolton Mare (1728) O C t Crab Mare ' ノ ソ ( h I S*eepstakes Mare ' 〉 [Bolton] 0 ' ノ a Curwen Bay Barb Mare

MissJigg(1717) 1 ハ . ソ o I vaU 1gr 1740) I Basto Mare Cyprus Arabian Mare ( 1720) Switch (1739) Tipsey (b 1750) Babraham Blank Mare (b 1771) Columbine (1781) Miss Muston (b 1790) Delpini Mare (gr 1807) Comus Mare (gr 1816) Miss Lydia (grl838) Maid of Masham (gr 1845) 9-e Teddington Mare (ch 1855) Adelaide (br 1866) 9-h Y. Melboume Mare (br 1859) Q-o

| Toxophilite Mare (b 1861) " 9-f

46 The latter Curwen Bay Barb Mare as in Figure I is the founding mare of almost all of Lineage 9 other than the above. producing Urban Sea (rvhich is the dam of Galileo and Sea the Stars), Mr. C.B., Harp Star, etc. The genes of mitochondrion in animals are received solelv from their dams, as called the "maternal inheritance." and accordin,ell'. all the horses of the same dam lineage are to have the identical mitochondrial genes. that is. an1 offspring of both of the said trvo Curwen Bay Barb Mare must have the identical ones. A paper carried in a science magazine ",lnirnol Genetics" in 2002 (as referred to as "Paper 1''). horvever. reports that there is a mismatch betrveen the genes of one of Curwen Bay Barb Mare and

(Figure 2) Lineage 12

卜Ia Either of these could be the former Curwen Brimmer Mare Bay Barb Mare in Figure l. Old Hautboy'Mare Montagu Mare Whiteshirt Mare ' 12¨ a D' Arcy's Chesnut Arabian Curwen Bay Barb Mare Greyhound Mare (ch 1723) Grisewood's Lady Thigh(ch 1731) Duchess [Diamond] 12‐ b Cullen Arabian Mare (1749) Principessa (br 1762) Heinel (b 1171) Woodpecker Mare (b 1788) Cobbca(b1802) Witchcry(b1814) Dulcamara(ch l 8)

Salute (b 1 Sultan (br 1836) May (b1853) 12-e MeyneH(ch 1736)・ ……… 12-c Bay Starling(b1750) Blallk Mare(ch 1759) Snap Mare(b1773) Woodpecker (b1787) Precipitate .(ch 1796) Monimia 1821) Hester 1832) (b1842) 12¨ d Jenny Spinner (ch l7

Prophetess (ch 1 7 Piracantha 1772 Ruler Mare 86 Walnut 1796 Mare (b 1802)

Mare (b 1 816) rutandorf Mare(b1834) Miss Nancy(b1845)・ 12-f Curwen Bay Barb Mare Mothcr VVicstcrn 1 73 1 Spillcta(b1749) Proserpine(b1766) Luna(ch 1779)・ 12-g

-47‐ those of the other and the genes of either of the two are identicalto those of Lineage 12. Then, see the tree diagram of Lineage I 2 (Figure 2 on the previous page), the tap-root mare of which is Royal Mare. There was a mare named the same Currven Bay Barb Mare as those of Lineage 9. It is the 6th daughter of Ro1'al Mare and is the fbunding mare of all of Sub-Lineages l2-b, 12-c,12-d,12-e and l2-f. u,hich is the tbrmer of the shaded in Figure 2. Looking closely into the lineage concemed, such a sister of the said Cunren Bav Barb Mare as also named Curwen Bay Barb Mare can be found out, which is the laner of the shaded in Fi-eure 2. The rears of birth of all the said mares of Lineages 9 and 12 named Curwen Bay Barb Mare are unknou n- but judging from their foals' years of birth, the years in question must be around 1710. At any rate. seven mares named Curwen Bay Barb Mare are carried in "FAMILY TABLES OF RACEHORSES," all of uhich are thought to be named after Curwen Bay Barb as stated in (3) of the above paragraph "Doubt about Correctness in Matemal Lineage," that is, Curwen Bay Barb is thought to be the sires of all of the said mares, and accordingly, all of them must be of the same generation. In addition, Paper 3 referred to below reports that the genes ofSub-Lineages 9-b and 9-c are identical with those of Lineage 12; accordingly, it is highly likely that the former Curwen Bay Barb Mare of Lineage 9 is either of the two Curwen Bay Barb Mare of Lineage 12. Paper 1 also reports that Sub-Lineage l-u (as detailed below), Sub-Lineages 5-a,5-b,5-c,5-d and 5-e, a part of Lineage 6, Sub-Lineages 1l-b and 1l-9, a part of basic line of Lineage 16, and a part of l9-c have genes that are not identical with those of their own original lineages, respectively. In the meantime, a paper carried in a science magazine"Milochondrion" in 2006 (as referred to as "Paper 2") reports that, of the lineages of horses that were analyzed, there are genetic mismatches in 28

(Table 1) Classified by Sub-Lineages ofsample horses according to their pedigree records Cenotypes Group I 1-e. 1-k, 1-1. 1-m. 1-n. 1-s. l-t. 16.A1 Group 2 1-n, I -p, l-u, 2-d, 2-e, 2-f , 2-i, 2-n, 2-o, 2-s, 6-e, 8-a, 8-c, 8-d, 8-h, 16-a, l6-c, 16-9, 16-h,20, 52 Group 3 3-c, 18, l8-a, A48 Group 4 3-b, 3-d, 3-e, 3-g, 3-1, 3-o, l5-a, l9-c Group 5 4-c,4-d,4-i,4-k,4-1,4-r, I l, 1 l-a, I 1-d, 11-f, ll-g, 13-a, 13-b, l3-c Group 6 5-e, 5-h Group 7 5-e Group 8 6-a Group 9 6-b, 6-d, 6-f, 20, 23. 23-a, 23-b Group l0 7 , 7 -a, 7 -f , 17 -b, 22, 22-a, 22-b, 22-d Group 1l 8-c Group 12 2-f,9-b,9-c, 12-c, 12-d, l2-f, A29 Group 13 9,9-a,9-e,9-f Group 14 9-b, l0-a, l0-c, 1 7-g, l4-a, 14-b, 14-c, 14-f, 42 Group l5 I 1-f Group l6 12-b Group 17 5, 19,19-b, l9-c Group 18 2-a, 19-c, 20, 20-a, 20-c, 20-d Group 19 21-a,23-a Group 20 23-b Group 21 25 Group 22 26 Group 23 A4 Group 24 B3 Group 25 B4

48 (Figure 3) Lineage 1

's Natural Barb Ma Place's White Turk Mare Taffolet Barb Mare Byerley Turk Mare Darley Arabian Mare Bonnl'Lass(I723) ""' 1¨ a Pafiner Mare (b 1735) Julia (b 1756) Promise(br 1768)・ 1-d

Prunella(b1788) l― e

Penelope (b 1 798) l― o rcb(b1808) ヽヽ l‐ s Filagrcc(ch 1815) Phantom Marc(ch 1820) Odcssa(ch 1833) Flax(b1855)

Queen Benha(b1860) 1-w

Trampoline(ch 1825)・ …・・…・・・・ l― t Glcncairnc(b1838) Glcngowric(br 1851) Maid ofthe Glen(b1858) 1-u Wire黒 鹿毛1811 Vincgar青 毛1832 Mustard黒鹿毛1836 Clarinda黒 鹿毛1846 Nightingale青 毛1857

Hilarity鹿毛1871 1¨ p Waltz(ch 1822) Morisca(b1826) Zillah(ch 1835) These could be The Prairic Bird(b1844) 1-r Lineage 2. Pawn (b 1808) l¨ f Pa、vn Junior(br 1817) Dclhi(blk 1838) EHcn Horne(br 1844) 11 Paradigm(br 1852)

Pttaf罰 n(b1870)・ …… 1-1

I Footlight(b1876)・ … 1‐ m I IHumiltta` (br 18ラ7) Chelandw(b1894) 1-n ・ Rouge Rosc(ch 1865)・ ― l― k

Problem(ch 1823)・・・…・…・・・・ l― g Io(ch 1836) Sun■ ower(b1847) Sunbea111(b1855)

Sunshine(b1867)・ ・ 1¨ h

Sunray(b/br 1874) l― i Princcss(b1769) Puzzle(b1778) Hornby Lass(b1796)

Morel(ch 1805)・ … 1¨ b

Miustard(ch 1824) l¨ c

‐49 of Sub-Lineages. Moreover, a paper carried in a science magazine "Journal o.f Animal Breeding and Genetics" in 2013 (as referred to as "Paper 3") reports that. of 296 horses. a lot of mismatches in the mitochondrial genes were detected. According to Paper 3. onlr appro.rimate 600/o of the said 296 horses shared mitochondrial genes with other ones of their o\\.n matemal lineages even though the) must have a common matemal ancestor according to their pedigree records. and the qenory*pes of the said 296 can be classified into 25 groups. which is arranged as Table 1 on the previous page. For example. Group I as in Table I means the group having the genotype that is intrinsic to Lineage l: houever. Fi-gure I shows that Group 1 contains the ones of Linages l6 and Al. Also, Group 2 means the group having the genotype intrinsic to Lineage 2; however, Sub-Lineage 1-n (producing Forty Niner etc.). Sub-Lineage l-p (producing Black Caviar etc.) and Sub-Lineage 1-u (producing Montjeu etc.) coLrld be of Lineage 2 (as indicated in Figure 3 on the previous page), provided that one of four horses of Sub-Lineage l-n analyzed is still in Group l. Never forget that the genetic mismatches as stated above are in not many sample horses which the researchers just picked up for the purpose of their analysis. In other words, they may be only small part of all the mismatches in all the matemal lineages, and it is likely that more mismatches will be found out.

Evel=二 liュ&.as Self¨ Rg匹≧rted

In the 1970s ard 80s when I set foot in the races, some strange pedigree charts were able to be found. For example, Figure 4 below is the 5-generation pedigree chart of Neptunus that produced a lot of moderate crops. The said chart was carried in aJapanese publication "Nihon No Shuboba Roku (1982

(Figure 4) S-generation pedigree chart of Neptunus (brown 1961) carried in a Japanese publication "Nihon No Shuboba Roku (1982 version)" by Thoroughbred Pedigree Center Co., Ltd.

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