The List of Chinese Companies Invested

in Belgian

Direct China Chamber of Commerce


Global DCCChina™ LIST A List of Chinese Companies Invested in the Belgian for International Investors, Business Innovators & Researchers When you Absolutely, Positively have to have it to Reach Your Business Goals

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Why Belgian was chosen by the Chinese companies?

100 Chinese businesses to invest in . A group of one hundred Chinese companies has chosen Belgium as the location for their European plants. Activities will be centralized in offices in the Belgian capital and a first plant will open in in province.

Belgium is a small, highly developed and densely populated country (10 million of inhabitants) at the cross-roads of Western Europe. Belgium is one of the founding members of the European Community, and its capital, , is also the capital of the European Union. It is a federal state, with 3 relatively autonomous regions: in the north, where the language is Dutch (""), in the south, where the language is French, and the centrally located Brussels, which is officially bilingual. Belgium's rich history has left impressive churches, town halls, castles and works of art, dating back to the early , spread around the cities and country-side.

Belgium has possibly the highest "quality of life" in the world, as testified by its excellent food, housing, health care, education and infrastructure, its world records for high productivity and low poverty, and the appreciation of foreigners residing in Belgium. For a personal view on what distinguishes Belgium and the Belgian character (good living, pragmatism, food and drink, open-mindedness, compromise, privacy ...), check my "Essay on Belgian Culture".

How do you find Chinese companies in Belgian?

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The Chinese companies in Belgian are representing EU-China trade relationships. The Belgian is a key country in the EU which China has a great deal imports/exports trading with. Therefore Chinese companies invested in Belgian are important indicator for economic development between China and the EU.

The best way to find Chinese companies in Belgian is to get a List of Chinese Companies Invested in Belgian which is compiled by DCCC, including all the names and locations of Chinese companies in Belgian, etc. to obtain the list, email to: [email protected]