Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1961-12-23

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1961-12-23 N'5 * * * * * * HOME Star Heralded STo Purity, Love, Joy o ·j owan Ildlto"" Not.: Th. followlns Chrlltm.. f.llure WI. wrlll... by a '0,,-, Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit" 7-3240 _ ..1,1 .. , odltor 0' Tho D.lly low.... who I. flOW work I.. , for I'" Fo. orll GOY8mmont In WI.hlnslon. D.C . In publlshlns II, .0 '"I that Mr. powa" h .. wrillon In a.coptlonilly Insplrln, .....w .. to sarva IS • ,.. Establlibed iD 1861 Associated Pr Leased Wire and Winpboto United Press-lDtemAUooaJ Leased Wires Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, Decenber 23, 1961 mlndar of tlta spirit of Chrillmls.) By DAROLD POWERS SPICIII to Tho Dilly lowln A tiny stiUncss crept beneath the shroud oC night and awakened me. The velvet dark was vibrant with expectancy. Curiously I lay . suspended in lhc sort breathing oC Lhe city, wailing. My bcing smiled inLo Lhe face of the universe. and I thought I IICnsed in that smile every soul oC man. A downy love hovcred that moment and then IiCled slowly away. Then I noticed a tiny ray of light had formed eavy now e ts owa at the window and was beginning to grow. I watched in fascination as the soft light spread. Dawn was far off, but the objects of my room were taking visible form. I slipped out of bed and into my coal. Cross· ing to the door, I stepped out onto the porch. The night was cold, and the Iirst breath hurt. For a second I wondered why I had come out. To Diminish Today; Called .Worst Since '30s Then I noticed a shadow under my feet, as • • • • though cast by a pale noontime sun. Not want· POWERS ing to look up just yet, 1 looked out acros the city. There was the • same Caint light on its tall buildings, softening the dirty bricks and washing the patches of sooty snow on their rooftops. Local Churches Plan Macmillan, May Reach Ing Far away a siren wailed, but otherwise the city lay cloaked in silence. Yet I imagined many to be awake and wondering. Just as I. And I stepped to the edge of the porch and looked up. Light Christmas Services Kennedy Issue 15 Inches dazzled me, and I glanced away quickly. Shading my eyes, I By BARB BUTLER hold a candlelight rvicc lit 7:4a looked again inlo the center of the night. There was a giant flare Aul... nt Man.,I", Editor p.m Sunday evening. oC some sort, and it seemed Lo hang from nothing. (ommunique ~thany Bapti:t hureh ha In Central A whitish Cire without flame, it hovered motionles over the Iowa City Church have a v . ItCh duled a c ndl HaM commu- land. It was alone in the sky. There was neither moon or airplane. rlety of activities planned Cor nion rvicc for 5 p,m. Sunday. Agree To Prepare All Transportation "And it carne to pass that a great star came and shone over Chrl tmas Eve lind Chri 1m Day ob ervanees. The Zion Lutheran hurch will For Nuclear Testing; At Near Stand-Still; Bethlehem ... " The words seemed Lo live in the night. hold hristm Eve c ndl light What did this slar of the Sixties mean? I wondered why the Tho Congregational Church will service Ilt 7:30 p.rn. unday wilh a Berlin Talks Included Many Roads Blocked feature a cantata, "Tho P tit star, if that was what it was, shone in this place. But did It matter? hrlstma communion 5 rvice al Noel," by their youth and junior PALM BEACH, Fla. ( UP[) - By ..aft Writer Everywhere a star was needed to slab the darkne s. JO a.m. 'onday. choirs and a story·sermon, "The Pr id nl Kenn y r turned Fri· And Combined luted WI .... A few feeble lights had twinkled on across tbe nei/:hborhood, Parade that Wcnt the Wrong Way," Llllh ron Churrh of (;l orist III d y "'Jlhl rr m two day oC taIlls and I knew others were watching the phenomenon. And perhaps at their 10 :45 a m. Sunday servlc . Kin will hold Chri 11110. I ~ v ill Bermuda with British Prime A urp mow lonn x. co v- behind one of these lighted windows a child was being born. A candlelight 'crvic with r ad· per at 7 p.m. lIndoy. Mini ter Harold Macmillan ID But children were always bcing born, in every land and time. Ing carols and pecl I mu ie wllJ The M!.'nnonlt lIurch will whl h th!.'y agreed to m ke pre- ploding through th Central Why had the star picked this land and this dark morning? And be held at 6 p.m. Sunday. ChI' tma Ev rvi c ot parntions ror po ibl tmo. pherlc Plain Friday mund ted low where was the breath of purity whose birth was heralded? Trinity E plcopal Church will nu I ar lis. with snowfnlls rnnging up to I shaded my ~es and looked more closely into the star's sort hold a Cirri tma Eucari t rvlce l. Mark '~ Mclhodist Church \~i11 Ka"nedy .nd Macmlll." III"" eight incb In the lOuthw 1. light. Its rays seemed to SI)read equally everywhere, and it seemed at 11:30 p.m. Sunday. Communi n hold II hri tmas nlw;ic 'rvict' a communique .t Hamilton. a.r· The big snow, crossing low, both very near and very lar from earth. Perhaps Lbe whole planet services will be held at 0:15 a.m. unday III place oC the regular wor­ mucla In which they ukl ~y (rom the 80uthwe t hit Iowa City could sec it. Chri tmas Day. ship scrvlc at :30 a .m. Lind,\ h.d r.ached no final decision on about 3:30 p.m. FridAY afternoon, I shivered and lold myself I was being too melodramatic. It The First Bapti. t Church will Robl do or the Philippin s will be r.,umi"l1 nuc".r tolt. In tfIo at· cau In, traffic tie-ups and I avo hold a Christmas E,e service at gue I solOist. molphere •• • r.fUlt of maill.. Ing only the hardi t Chr lmu could be an unexpected comet or another luminous cloud Crom a Soviet taa". But. tlMy seld ••• a shoppers on the 1Itreet.s. 11 p. m. (our Iowa City atholic rocket test. All m.tt.r of "prudenc." .... ...... Predictions ealled Cor much drift. 1 went inside then and pulled up a chair by the window, wnere TIle First Engli h L u t h r II n Churchc will hold midniiht M Churf;h is planning a (amily erv- Christmaa Eve. Umln.ry ....,. would .,. taken to In, pushed by strong and gusty I could see the light's rays on the nearby buildings. StUI the city ice Cor 7 p.m. Sunday with a • resumption of 'alt.. wlDcb with anow gradually din\. was hushed. Christmas Eve service lit n p.m. ~ . la~ ' s Church Will pr ced Th two I aders aJ announced Inl hing today and ~ming len· There should be a holy chUd , I mused. This strange star must A Chri tmas Communion scrvico th Ir serVI 0 with a cantata at that th U.S. amb dar In Mos- erally faIr tonight. be shining more brightly somewhere on earlh than here, some· will be held at 9:30 a .m. Monday. 11:45 p.m. Low rna s Chrislm cow would make contact with Rus· Howo ••r. eccenl.... to A__ I- where its rays must be dancing over a mother and child at the First Presbyterian Church will diay will be at , 7:30, 9, 10, and sia with regard to re umlng ex· I • afecI P..... ,.,..rts. ttM WI""'" pent moment of separation. hold one servicc at 10 n.m. Sunday 1 a.m. ploraLory talks on Lhe BerUn Bure.u ..Id thet before tfIo ..."" For I did not really think the light was simply a comet or a morning instead of til ir r gular C~i s ~ma d y In t St. crisi . I I .ut.11ctu Setvnlay IeciII acc""",, Th l d I ion was made, the 'etlonl .. luminous cloud. A sLar would not descend Crom the outer reaches Lwo services. ChrisLmas Eve servo Patrick ChUrch will be h Id al But Honey new __,.. .x- ices will be held at 11 p.m. 6:30, 6: 15, 9;45 and 11 a .m. commUnlqu said, a th resull of • 0 0 ,..... to reach 15 Iftche. 1ft _ of the galaxies to herald an ordinary birth, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Ma at St. Thoma Mor WIll the conclu ions reacbed t th Big fral Mel ...,... centr.1 I_a. I was growing warm again, and a pleasant drowziness turned will hold Children's Chri tmas Ev be at th Sam time as tho rCiUlor Four (orelgn ministers and NATO "aut ....y. I said I'd brl", tho dell hou.. , "'1" Sant. Clew .... The torrn struck 00 the heeb my thoughLs loward other Christmases. The star seemed to j). Services and programs at 5:30 and unda,y masses. council m tings rettnUy in Paris. hll hattda full _Inc'n, two·.nc,...... lf·y • .,... 1d L..... AIIMrheaky, of warming, clearing weather and 7 p.m. Sunday. A Christmas Day Christmas day m _ at 5L TIl question of a summit m t· 401 Eas' Marltot St.• th.t IIM'1I ... wIwIt .... wants from Sant.. the W !her Bureau forecast Average service is planed Cor 10 a.m.
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