From: Social Movement Technologies [email protected] Subject: Daily FB Digest: AFT Date: September 24, 2015 at 10:25 AM To: [email protected]

Daily Facebook Digest Posts ranked by Total Interactions in Multiple Lists/Saved Searches (4)

Illinois Federation of Teachers Go To Post 18 hours ago Top Post

“It hurts me to hear us having to justify these services on financial grounds, to say that, ‘Oh well it’s cheaper to provide services for homeless people than to let them die in the streets.’” - Rep. Guzzardi READ MORE: 66 | 13 | 288

AFT - American Federation of Teachers Go To Post 13 hours ago 2nd Best

306 | 6 | 105 Ohio Nurses Association Go To Post 23 hours ago 3rd Best

This nurse never stopped advocating for what is right, even after she was terminated.

Jury awards $3M to fired nurse who complained of 'rushing patients through' to save money Jurors agreed with nurse Linda Boly, who said she was fired from Legacy Good Samaritan in Portland after complaining that cost-cutting measures were jeopardizing patient care.

123 | 7 | 47

NYSUT Action Center Go To Post 23 hours ago 4th Best

Racial disparities in education have narrowed significantly, but the achievement gap between more affluent and less privileged children is wider than ever.

Education Gap Between Rich and Poor Is Growing Wider

74 | 7 | 50

Chicago Go To Post 18 hours ago 5th Best

Chicago Teachers Union: potential layoffs, strike looming

Chicago Teachers Union: potential layoffs, strike looming CHICAGO -- So what if 5,000 CPS teachers are laid off this Thanksgiving? The union who represents them says the picture is not a pretty one:...

64 | 4 | 49

Latinos For Go To Post 12 hours ago 6th Best

Via Brave New Films "Thanks to the carried interest loophole, Hedge Fund millionaires & billionaires pay a lower tax rate than teachers. SHARE if you think that greedy hedge funders like Martin Shkreli should NOT be getting a tax break off the back of teachers!" WATCH: #billionairesVSteachers #IncomeInequality #SupportOurTeachers #SupportTeacherUnions #AFT AFT Public Employees AFT / NEA / NYSUT members for Bernie Sanders CA Teachers & Their Families... 89 | 2 | 42

AFT - American Federation of Teachers Go To Post 16 hours ago 7th Best

"Pope Francis is lifting up the lessons of solidarity and inclusion—lessons that the American labor movement has taught and learned time and again throughout history." AFT Secretary-Treasurer Lorretta Johnson on faith, union and family.

My Church, My Union, My Home | Politic365 By Lorretta Johnson For my entire life, the Catholic Church has been my home. My husband and I were married at St. Frances Academy—the oldest

115 | 9 | 24

CFT - California Federation of Teachers Go To Post 11 hours ago 8th Best

"Pope Francis arrived in Washington DC today and immediately showed why his poll numbers are higher than any American politician by turning down lunch invitations from members of Congress to instead dine with 300 members of the homeless community after his scheduled Thursday address."

Pope Francis Ditches Lunch with Congress to Dine with DC's Homeless Best. Pope. Ever.

35 | 2 | 20 Illinois Federation of Teachers Go To Post 20 hours ago 9th Best

Maybe Gov. Rauner could learn a thing or two from the Pope.

127 | 5 | 0

AFT, Local 212 MATC Go To Post 19 hours ago 10th Best


Stephen Colbert gives a Hunger Games tribute sendoff to Scott Walker Tuesday night marked the second installment of Stephen Colbert's "Hungry for Power Games," his Late Show tribute to both the Hunger Games franchise and the 2016 presidential race. "Citizens, last week the games lost...

14 | 2 | 17

United Federation of Teachers Go To Post 24 minutes ago 11th Best

Eid Mubarak to those observing today.

44 | 1 | 10

UTLA Go To Post 12 hours ago 12th Best

#lapublicschoolsnotforsale #backoffbillionaires Alex talks on Which Way LA About Charter Plan | United Teachers Los Angeles Alex Caputo-Pearl talks about the leaked charter plan to expand in Los Angeles, which will be primarily funded by philanthropist Eli Broad on KCRW Which Way Los Angeles, 89.9 radio show , Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015.

39 | 1 | 7

AFT - American Federation of Teachers Go To Post 20 hours ago 13th Best

HPAE President Ann Twomey wrote this piece about the Pope's visit to the U..S.

A Message of Hope for the Community of Labor Pope Francis’ arrival in the is greeted eagerly by labor, immigrant rights and social and economic justice organizers. People from various faiths and political beliefs I’ve spoken wit...

40 | 2 | 6

AFSCME Retirees Go To Post 21 hours ago 14th Best

“According to the Brookings Institution, more than 50 percent of nonunion workers say that if an election was held in their workplace tomorrow, they would vote for union representation. When unions are strong, families are strong. And when families are strong, America is strong.”

When Unions Are Strong, Families Are Strong | Randi Weingarten 28 | 0 | 4

CFT - California Federation of Teachers Go To Post 10 hours ago 15th Best


20 | 0 | 5

Chicago Teachers Union Go To Post 22 hours ago 16th Best

"Whose Schools? Our schools!": Gage Park Neighbors Rally Against Charters

"Whose Schools? Our schools!": Gage Park Neighbors Rally Against... Noble charter school network is looking to add two charter high schools on the Southwest Side. 24 | 0 | 3

Ohio Nurses Association Go To Post 19 hours ago 17th Best

The Ohio Nurses Association joins a broad coalition of medical professionals, hospital associations, and other health advocates in vocalizing opposition to Issue 3 on the basis of health concerns. View our press release here: association-announces-opposition-to-issue-3/

6 | 3 | 4

Caucus of Working Educators Go To Post 17 hours ago 18th Best

This is what gentrification looks and feels always starts with rezoning of schools

Brooklyn hipsters fight school de-segregation: They ‘aren’t racists’ — ‘they just don’t want to... More than 100 parents showed up to oppose a proposed rezoning plan that would desegregate two public elementary schools in Brooklyn Heights.

10 | 3 | 3

Chicago Teachers Union Go To Post 19 hours ago 19th Best Most vulnerable students suspended most often... “Obviously, it’s very depressing”

Most vulnerable students suspended most often A new report from the Consortium on Chicago Schools Research offers a sobering look at racial disparities in disciplinary actions at CPS high...

17 | 2 | 2

OFT - Ohio Federation of Teachers Go To Post 20 hours ago 20th Best

The politically-connected online school wants to limit the damage of its F grades on state report cards

E-school giant ECOT, with 15,000 students, wants to count the same as tiny charter schools in... Officials at the ECOT online charter school want their school to be counted as a single school - not weighted based on its enrollment of 15,000 - in key charter school evaluations by the state.

1 | 0 | 6

AFT, Local 212 MATC Go To Post 18 hours ago

Residents grappled with the realization that Walker would soon be back behind his desk performing his duties.

Wisconsinites Alarmed That Walker Has More Time to Be Governor 10 | 0 | 4

AFT-Wisconsin Go To Post 14 hours ago

"If he actually spoke to anyone beyond his narrow circle, he may have discovered that beating up teachers, nurses and firefighters and ladling on more and more austerity not only harms the economy, it's just not that popular.. 'The American people have rejected Scott Walker's anti-union brand,' said Wisconsin AFL-CIO leader Phil Nuenfeldt. Support for unions is growing in America--58 percent of Americans approve of unions--61 percent now say they want unions to maintain their influence or...

Four Whoppers that Sunk Scott Walker Scott Walker had it all, plenty of money from a cadre of billionaire backers, the Koch Brothers' blessing, 90 full-time staff and a passion for campaigning. The 47-year old career politician had tackled 25 primary...

15 | 0 | 3

AFT Connecticut Go To Post 13 hours ago

Watch and share the first ad in support of a fair #union contract that empowers and respects #TechProfessionals at Danbury and New Milford Hospitals - vital caregivers who are "there for us." #PatientsBeforeProfits

11 | 1 | 3

Schenectady Federation of Teachers,~NYSUT, AFT Local 803 Go To Post 14 hours ago October 14th 6pm at Proctors; NYSUT will be releasing a documentary that will outline how big money is trying to steal public education from the public. While we would love teachers to see this film it is more important that the general public learn what we know!

6 | 0 | 4

Saint Paul Federation of Teachers Go To Post 21 hours ago

If you missed The People's Board meeting last night, you can still watch it at the link below. (Thanks to everyone who spoke and to the candidates for sharing their thoughts!)

St. Paul Teachers Turn Up Heat On School Board With “People’s Board” St. Paul's school board has decided to no longer televisethe portion of its meeting where the public offers comments. So on Tuesday, the St. Paul Federation of Teachers decided to give the public its own televised...

10 | 0 | 3

Corpus Christi American Federation of Teachers Go To Post 19 hours ago

CCISD INSURANCE: After consultation members and insurance committee members expressed concerns about excluding Driscoll and Spohn from insurance options aT our meeting last week, CCISD reconsidered today unveiled options to employees that include Spohn Network and Driscoll Children's Hospital.! ���� 18 | 1 | 1

Illinois Federation of Teachers Go To Post 21 hours ago

September 30th layoffs put on hold. The state also agreed to defer proposed layoffs of employees represented by the Illinois State AFL - CIO and Illinois Federation of Teachers.

State puts employee layoffs on hold – Illinois News Network Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration on Tuesday confirmed it was putting the brakes on the layoffs while they are being contested in court. “Layoffs of union

13 | 1 | 2

NYSUT Nassau Go To Post 23 hours ago

Watch and Share: We Must Strengthen Labor Unions When working people join together to form a union, we win. Working folks speaking up together through a union not only raise wages, but also improve working conditions for everyone. Unions are the great counterweight to greedy corporate CEOs: strong unions mean a strong middle class.

Here’s how to save the economy 4 | 0 | 4

AFT, Local 212 MATC Go To Post 17 hours ago

SEIU and AFSCME decide to hold off, in part because of a prospective candidacy.

Top unions put brakes on Clinton endorsement

3 | 0 | 4

MORE UFT Go To Post 15 hours ago

...and how much money has UNITY caucus accepted from the Broad Foundation? We need a change of leadership in NYC. #MORE2016

Teachers' union protests Eli Broad's support of charter schools on opening day of The Broad A crowd of protesters with United Teachers Los Angeles held a rally outside The Broad on the museum's opening day Sunday.

9 | 0 | 2 Illinois Federation of Teachers Go To Post 23 hours ago

VIDEO: If Governor Rauner is successful in getting the cuts he has proposed to EI approved, the special education system will be flooded with children who are ill-prepared to enter the school system and will require costly investments into the special education programs. Rally tomorrow at the State Capitol from 10am - Noon. #IneedEI

19 | 0 | 0

AFT - American Federation of Teachers Go To Post 2 hours ago

VIDEO: Striking professors call on the Vatican 5 | 2 | 2

United Educators of San Francisco Go To Post 14 hours ago

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this happen. This just goes to show you that when we stand together and we organize, we can win! Onward!

A major tenant victory at City Hall | 48 hills Supes approve anti-eviction package. This is why it’s good to have incumbents face a challenge By Tim Redmond SEPTEMBER 23, 2105 – San Francisco tenants won a big victory yesterday in a vote that is in part a...

16 | 1 | 0

Oregon Nurses Association Go To Post 16 hours ago

One RN’s take on ‘Just a Nurse’ culture.

Nurses Don’t Want Undue Recognition. They Just Want Credit Where Credit Is Due. The View’s Joy Behar made a surprisingly ignorant comment about nurses this week during a discussion of the Miss America pageant. Miss Colorado (Kelley Johnson), dressed in scrubs and wearing a stethoscope around...

12 | 0 | 1 The Plainedge Federation of Teachers Go To Post 23 hours ago

17 | 0 | 0

Detroit Federation of Teachers - DFT Local 231 Go To Post 16 hours ago

One of our community partners 482Forward is hosting an event about the Coalition for the Future of Detroit Schoolchildren's recommendations. We hope you can attend. Below is information from them about their event. 482Forward At 482Forward we believe community voice, transparency and democracy are non-negotiables for public schools in Detroit. To uplift these values, we are hosting a theater production on September 24 about the Coalition for the Future of Detroit Schoolchildren... about the Coalition for the Future of Detroit Schoolchildren...

1 | 0 | 3

Alliance Educators United Go To Post 17 hours ago

Congrats to the educators at Iftin Charter School!

10 | 2 | 0

AFT, Local 212 MATC Go To Post 14 hours ago


Did Scott Walker bow out because people don’t hate unions as much as he thought? His signature accomplishment failed to impress on the His signature accomplishment failed to impress on the national stage.

9 | 2 | 0

AFT, Local 212 MATC Go To Post 21 hours ago

".... I’m weary and wary of politicians whose ambitions precede and eclipse any serious, necessary preparation for the office they seek. Walker is a perfect example."

Scott Walker’s Cocktail of Ignorance Too many Republican candidates are too cavalier about the knowledge and preparation that a president should have.

9 | 2 | 0

Brevard Federation of Teachers Go To Post 18 hours ago

Hurray for FEA!!!!! 6 | 1 | 1

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