Step up Feasibility Study
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STEP UP: A PROGRAMME FOR PRE-PROFESSIONAL CONTEMPORARY DANCE IN IRELAND A Feasibility Report for The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and The University of Limerick By Dr. Victoria O’Brien December 2010 Step Up: A Feasibility Report The College of Dance. Photograph by Grace Hall. December 2010 2 Step Up: A Feasibility Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………… 5 CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1 Chapter Overview .......................……………………………………………………........ 7 1.2 Background to the Feasibility Study ....……………………………………………....... 7 1.3 Terms of Reference………… ..……………….…………………………………………. 8 1.4 Overview of Study Chapters ....………………………………………………………….... 9 CHAPTER 2: Review of Existing Dance Training Provision in Ireland 2.1 Chapter Overview .....................................................……………………………........... 11 2.2 Survey of Existing Vocational Dance Education Schools …………………………..... 12 Bray Institute of Further Education ………………………………………………........... 14 Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, Cork .…………………………………………………….......... 14 College of Dance, Monkstown, Co. Dublin ……………………………………............ 15 Inchicore College of Further Education, Dublin ………………………………............ 15 Sallynoggin College of Further Education, Co. Dublin ………………………............ 16 Belfast Metropolitan College …………………………………………………...…........ 16 2.3 Survey of Undergraduate Dance Programmes ..…………………………................... 17 2.3.1 University of Limerick .……………………………………………………...…....... 17 2.3.2 University of Ulster .……………………………………………………………...... 18 2.4 Private Dance Schools ...........………………………................................................. 19 2.5 Survey of Youth Dance Companies in Ireland ………………………………….......... 20 Cois Ceim’s Creative Steps ….…………………………………………………........... 22 County Wexford Youth Dance Company .……………………………………...…....... 22 Dublin Youth Dance Company ….……………………………………………….......... 22 Irish National Youth Ballet .….…………………………………………………...…...... 23 Irish Youth Russian Ballet Company …................................................................... 23 Kerry Youth Dance Company ..….……………………………………………….......... 24 Shawbrook Youth Dance ..….…………………………………………………….......... 24 Youth Ballet West .….……………………………………………………………..…..... 25 2.6 A Survey of of Current International Destinations for Irish Dance Students....…….… 25 2.7 A Summary of Demand for Step-Up Based on Current Provision ....………..…....… 26 CHAPTER 3: Existing Models for Establishing a Step-Up Programme: Survey of International Pre-Professional Dance Programmes 3.1 Chapter Overview …......................................................………………………...…. 30 3.2 Banff Professional Dance Program & Apprenticeship Program, Canada ……....... 31 3.3 EDge at London Contemporary Dance School .........……………………………….... 33 3.4 Transitions at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Dance and Music, London ……….… 35 3.5 Verve at Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Leeds .........………………….. 37 3.6 Summary of Attributes of Models for Step-Up ...................…...…………………..… 39 CHAPTER 4: Proposed Organisational Structure and Programme for Step-Up 4.1 Chapter Overview .........…......................................................……………….......… 42 4.2 Organisational Structure and Programme...............…………………………………….. 43 4.2.1 Programme/Company Name and Branding.............………………………………..… 43 4.2.2 Artistic and Organisational Goals ...........……………………………………………...… 43 4.2.3 Director .................................................. ………………………………………...…… 43 4.2.4 Governing Board and Legal Entity ............………………………………………..…… 44 4.2.5 A Qualified Group of Dancers ...............…………………………………………..…… 44 4.2.6 Curriculum ........................................... ……………………………………………..… 46 4.2.7 Rehearsal, Performance and Touring .............……………………………………...… 46 4.2.8 Choreography....................................... …………………………………………..…… 47 4.2.9 Academic Tie-In...................................... ……………………………………………… 48 4.2.10 Workshops and Outreach....................... ……………………………………………… 48 4.2.11 Interaction with Professional Dancers.........…………………………………………… 48 4.2.12 Affiliation............................................………………………………….....……………. 49 December 2010 3 Step Up: A Feasibility Report 4.2.13 Location.......................................………………………………….....……………...… 49 4.2.14 Support Staff........................................………………………………………………… 49 4.2.15 Programme Website .................................….……………………………………..… 50 4.2.16 Additional Supporting Online Media ........………………………………………….. 50 4.3 Financial Implications for the Proposed Structure ……………........………………. 51 4.4 Positioning of the Step Up Programme ......................................................………… 52 CHAPTER 5: Partners for the Step-Up Programme 5.1 Chapter Overview........…......................................................…………………………… 55 5.2 Primary Funding Partner...........…………………..……………….................….............. 55 5.3 Primary Affiliate Partner ...........…………………..……………….................….............. 56 5.4 Secondary Sponsoring Partners......…………..……………….................…................. 57 5.5 Dance Partners..……………..………..………………..…………………........................ 58 CHAPTER 6: Step Up Budgets and Implementation Timeframe 6.1 Chapter Overview.........…......................................................……………………..…… 61 6.2 Step-Up High-Level Budgets ……………………………………………………………. 61 6.2.1 Notes and Assumptions for Budget Table ……………………………………………. 63 6.2.2 General Budget Assumptions .......…………………………………………………….. 66 6.2.3 Step Up Set-Up Phase Costs .......…………………………………………………….. 67 6.3 Step Up Implementation Roadmap ......................................…………………………. 67 6.3.1 Year 1 ......................................................................………………....................... 68 6.3.2 Year 2 ......................................................................………………....................... 69 6.3.3 Year 3 ......................................................................………………....................... 70 CHAPTER 7: Conclusions & Summary of Recommendations 7.1 Study Conclusions ......….......................................................………………………… 72 7.2 Study Recommendations ........................................................……………………….. 73 List of Plates ....……………………………………………………………………….……….. 76 Acknowledgments....……………………………………………………………………….…. 77 Selected Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………. 79 December 2010 4 Step Up: A Feasibility Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The lack of provision for vocational dance training in Ireland has been a major impediment for the development of the art form, and this fact has been increasingly acknowledged by dance policy makers, educators and artists. The net result of this gap in the formal dance education system is that many students of dance in Ireland who wish to train at vocational level leave every year to take up places at schools and colleges outside the country. By commissioning this study, the Arts Council in collaboration with the University of Limerick is bringing this issue to the fore and is actively seeking to find additional solutions to improve access to advanced dance training and to continue the progressive development of new generations of dancers, choreographers and teachers in Ireland. After a comprehensive review of the existing dance educational landscape in Ireland, this study finds that 270 students attend a pre-vocational or undergraduate dance training programme each year. An additional 250 students participate in Youth Dance company activities. The study finds that of this pool approximately 50 students are leaving the country each year to attend in excess of 20 different schools and colleges outside the country, primarily in the U.K. The concept of supporting the professional development of dancers and aiding their transition to a professional career is not a new one. This study has carried out a December 2010 5 Step Up: A Feasibility Report review of existing international models that could be used to create a structured environment for the professional development of Irish students and to increase the interaction between dancers trained abroad and the Irish dance sector. The proposed programme is named Step Up and this study has outlined two primary options for its delivery. The first option is a summer intensive model; the second option is an academic year model. Both models involve a curriculum of daily class, rehearsals and the public performance of works commissioned from guest choreographers. The study outlines a proposed structure for the future Step Up programme and discusses each of the components and their individual considerations in detail. Remaining cognisant of the challenges and constraints of the current macroeconomic climate, initial high level budgets have been established based on the suggested options, and these budgets range from an annual cost of €64,724 (for a minimal summer-intensive model) up to a maximum of €212,740 (for an optimal academic- year model). The proposed programme will not exist in a vacuum and consideration has been given to the future positioning of Step Up. Based on this proposed positioning, the study outlines the importance of partnership and collaboration, in particular with existing dance education providers and professional dance companies. The study recommends that a primary affiliate or sponsor for the Step Up programme is found as this is typically the artistic and institutional