1 Australian Plants Society Armidale & District Group PO Box 735 Armidale NSW 2350 web: www.austplants.com.au/Armidale e-mail:
[email protected] Crowea exalata ssp magnifolia image by Maria Hitchcock Winter Edition 2020 - 3 In this issue: Office bearers for 2017 ......p1 Editorial …...p2Error! Bookmark not defined. New Website Arrangements .…..p3 Solstice Gathering ......p4 Passion, Boers & Hibiscus ......p5 Wollomombi Falls Lookout ......p7 Hard Yakka ......p8 Torrington & Gibraltar after fires ......p9 Small Eucalypts ......p12 Drought tolerance of plants ......p15 Armidale & District Group PO Box 735, Armidale NSW 2350 President: Vacant Vice President: Colin Wilson Secretary: Penelope Sinclair Ph. 6771 5639
[email protected] Treasurer: Phil Rose Ph. 6775 3767
[email protected] Membership: Phil Rose
[email protected] 2 Markets in the Mall, Outings, OHS & Environmental Officer and Arboretum Coordinator: Patrick Laher Ph: 0427327719
[email protected] Newsletter Editor: John Nevin Ph: 6775218
[email protected],net.au Meet and Greet: Lee Horsley Ph: 0421381157
[email protected] Afternoon tea: Deidre Waters Ph: 67753754
[email protected] Web Master: Eric Sinclair Our website: http://www.austplants.com.au From the Editor: We have certainly had a memorable year - the worst drought in living memory followed by the most extensive bushfires seen in Australia, and to top it off, the biggest pandemic the world has seen in 100 years. The pandemic has made essential self distancing and quarantining to arrest the spread of the Corona virus. As a result, most APS activities have been shelved for the time being. Being in isolation at home has been a mixed blessing.