YOU ' RE SUS . LET IT SNOW LET ' S CELEBRATE Check out one of our Looking for something fun Many of us are familiar with staffer's opinions on the hit to do after break? Take one or two holidays game Among Us. See if you some time to read our how- celebrated during this time of agree or disagree with his to on making paper year, but we probably aren't opinion on the game that snowflakes. They are familiar with much more than has become popular for beautiful and will make that. Read this article to learn many. your decoration game more about different holidays strong! that are celebrated.

On behalf of the Newspaper Club, we have hidden a bulldog with a Santa hat on one of these pages. If you find the miniature bulldog, email [email protected] and [email protected] to win a prize. Make sure to state the page number and where it is found on that page in your email for a chance to win.


'Twas the week before winter break,

When all through the school, not all the students were in person, but we all still had rules; The remote learners were up on the teachers' Promethean boards, In hopes that they could still speak some words; The Bulldogs were nestled all in Teams, While visions of Covid-19 left in the seams. And Newspaper Club in their homes and advisors in their app, Had just settled our brains for a long Paw Print nap. When out in the school arose some wonders, We sprang from our chairs to see each other ponder. Away to the metings we flew like a flash, tore open the Canva and brainstormed an entire stash. The ideas were a go, gave much needed hope that we were still pros. When what to our wondering skills did appear, But an amazing edition for our peers. With a virtual club being such an attraction, We are so grateful to be back in action Adapted from " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas".


COVID-19 has changed our lives in every way. One of the big things it has effected is the way we go to school. From August 18th to October 5th, all OPS students were attending fully remote school, but since October 5th, students have attended school with a 3/2 model, while some students have continued to attend full remote classes. The big question on everyone’s mind right now is: should all students come back to school right now, should we continue with the 3/2 model, or should we go back to full remote?

What The People Think

Well, I think we all know how bad COVID-19 is right now, with around 650 COVID-19 cases per day, in the Omaha area alone. Maybe some people are thinking that it would be better to go fully remote right now, until we can gain control of COVID-19. Others may think that COVID-19 is not a big deal, and that we’d be fine if we went back at 100% capacity. Some people may feel that the 3/2 model that we are on right now is perfectly fine.

What I Think

I personally feel that it would be better if OPS schools went fully remote right now, just because of the number of average COVID-19 cases per day, but I’m not saying I WANT to go full remote. I think I’m like most people, I can do online learning if I have to, but I’d much rather prefer to go to school in person. Sure, there are some perks to having fully remote school, such as not having to wake up as early, and being in the comfort of your own home while attending school, but it just doesn’t have the same feeling as being in-person, with all of your friends and teachers. I feel like if we went back to school 100% in-person, we would have a lot of outbreaks, with lots of people either being sick or having to quarantine. Just look at the school districts who have gone back to 100% in-person, such as Millard and Elkhorn, and how they’ve had a lot more outbreaks in their schools than OPS has, and OPS even has more students than Millard and Elkhorn do. I hope we can get COVID-19 under control sooner than later, because I really don’t like only having in-person school for half of the week, but I feel that if we go back to school fully remote, we can keep everyone safe and help our community get on track for returning to normal life, if there is a “normal” anymore.


W r i t t e n b y : M a g g i e H e r r m a n n - A r m s b u r y

Mockingbird the play is “I am doing the play for about a young girl that has The show will be several reasons. I wanted Autism that is dealing with free to watch! Go to give Beveridge students the death of her brother support your an opportunity to do while trying to navigate the challenges of home and fellow Bulldogs! something creative during school life. these challenging times. I also wanted to showcase all the unbelievable talents of the kids at Beveridge. I The play is based loved this script from the moment I read it. It has on a book by such life-affirming and Kathryn Erskine meaningful moments and adapted by shared in it and I thought Julie Jensen. that was perfect for a time like this. To relish the wonderful memories and sharing them with our You can stream Mockingbird at the link loved ones even while going through some at the following times: emotionally and mentally- wrecking times.” December 10th or 11th at 7:00 pm December 12th at 2:00 pm -Mr. Schik

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 NCPA SCHOLARSHIPS W r i t t e n b y : B a i l e y B a n u e l o s

The NCPA scholarships are a huge opportunity that all eighth graders can take if they are considering going to North or South High School. The deadline for applications for this year was December 1, but anyone interested in the NCPA scholarship who is a seventh grader should consider applying next year. If any seventh graders (now) are considering the scholarship, then you should visit to apply for an NCPA scholarship or for more details. Eighth graders must apply to the program, and it is only available at Omaha South and Omaha North High School. The application process involves an application, student essay, parent essay, and letter of recommendation from someone not related to you. It is designed for students whose parents have not earned a four-year degree and have financial need.

All high school students participating in NCPA will: 1.Follow a college-prep academic schedule. 2.Receive direct academic and personal support from a NCPA staff member. 3.Attend interactive summer camps at UNL. 4.Participate in community service and leadership activities. 5.Be paired with a mentor.

Students who successfully complete NCPA requirements and maintain basic eligibility requirements will be able to attend the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board covered by NCPA (basically for free). Any future eighth graders looking to apply for an NCPA scholarship can visit to fill out an application form or to get more information. If the website does not give proper information then you can contact your counselor.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 CULTURAL HOLIDAYS W r i t t e n b y : K a y d e n H u n t e r Christmas The word Christmas comes from an Old English term Cristes maesse, meaning “Christ’s mass.” It was a name for the festival service of worship held on Dec. 25 (Jan. 7 in many Eastern Orthodox or Eastern Rite churches) to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Although it’s accepted that Jesus was born in Bethlehem a few miles south of Jerusalem, there is no certain information on when he was born. A reason for that is due to the stories of his birth, recorded in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, were written several years after the event. Those who wrote it gave no specific dates. For several years, the Christian church itself ignored the celebration of Jesus’ birth. The major Christian festival was Easter, the day of his Resurrection. It was understood as his true “birthday” since it was the day of his birth in heaven. Only gradually, as the church developed a calendar to honor the major events of the life in Jesus, did it celebrate his birth.

Hanukkah (Or Chanukah) is a Jewish holiday. The triumph of the few over the many, the weak over the strong, and faith in one miracle-making god is celebrated on the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Jerusalem was ruled as part of the Seleucid Dynasty in about 198 BC. One member of the Seleucid Dynasty in particular, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who ruled from 175-63 BC, brought Greek culture to the land of Israel and insisted that the Jews living there should worship the pagan gods idolized by the Seleucid Greeks. Mattathias, a high priest from the village of Modi’in, led a revolt against the rule of Antiochus. When Antiochus ordered the Jews to make sacrifices with animals and pay homage to Greek Gods and pagan idols, Mattathias denied. Antiochus threatened those of who were not abandoning their Judaism with a death penalty, and his armies disrespected the Temple in Jerusalem. The small army of Jews was lead by Mattathias and later by his son Judas Maccabaeus, or Judah Maccabee. In Hebrew, Maccabee means hammer. The Maccabee regained access to the Temple after 7 years of fighting. In 165 BC, the Maccabees purified and rededicated the Temple. A larger story found in the Jewish oral law compiled in the Talmud told of a tiny vial of oil that Maccabees found when they came to the Temple. There was only enough to last one night, but the oil magically it lasted for 8 nights, during which time Judah Maccabee was able to gather fine fresh oil for the temple lights. Some scholars believe that the story was added to move focus of the story from the military victory. Hanukkah became know as the Festival of Lights and the Festival of Dedication.

Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is an African American festival. Celebrate all around the world by 1,000,000s of people of African descent, the week-long holiday of Kwanzaa was developed by the American scholar and activist Maulana Karenga in 1966. Kwanzaa celebrates African families, community, and culture. It is based on the African harvest celebration. The name comes from the Swahili words for “first fruits in harvest.” It takes place from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, a time that in some African cultures is called “the time when the edges of the year meet." It is traditionally spent in focus, celebration, and assessment. The symbolism of the festival comes from several African traditions. Every night, one or more out of 7 candles is put in a candleholder including 1 black, 3 green, and 3 red candles. They light the candles.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 "IN PIZZA WE CRUST" W r i t t e n b y : K a c i H i r c h e r t

Why do we have pizza everyday? The reason we have pizza everyday is because it can be frozen and then stay fresh for a while. Why would we want it to stay fresh? Just in case we have to go fully remote again it will save the lunch people from having to throw out the old pizza and get all new pizza.

But, how do students feel about having pizza every day? Some might think “could be a better lunch choice.. pizza gets boring.” And other students could think “OH MY GOODNESS PIZZA OH YES I LOVE PIZZA SO MUCH!”. One thing I would like to state about the school pizza, this year the school pizza just tastes PHENOMENAL! I very much enjoy the size of the pizza as well, last year it was just a small square.. but this year it’s a nice lovely appetizing triangle slice of pizza. I’ve overheard some of my classmates speaking on there opinion about the school pizza everyday, Here are some of the things I have heard.

“It’s a little odd that we have pizza EVERY DAY.” Yes, it is a little odd. But it’s pizza, PIZZA. Pizza is great. Well to most people at least. Another thing i’ve overheard about the school pizza, “I’m so glad we always get pizza, It’s my favorite food!”. In my opinion I love to hear things from people with two different opinions. That’s my take on school pizza!

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 CREWMATE OR IMPOSTER? Y o u ' r e a s u s o n e , B e v e r i d g e s t u d e n t .

Written by: Daniel Thin Win

Among Us is a game where you find out who the imposter is by voting them off. You can be a crewmate or an imposter. It is a fun game from 2018. It can be played on phones or computers, and it is free to play.

Backstory Among Us was made in 2018 by Intersloth the same people who were from Puff Balls United who made the Henry Stickman series which was a flash game series on Newgrounds and Stickpage. As I said before, it was made in 2018 but didn’t become popular until 2020 because of a popular live streaming website called Twitch. When live streamers started to play the game, their viewers started to play the game. When it was put on phones, more people started to play it, along with many Youtubers.

Gameplay The main part of the gameplay is finding out who the imposter is it can be 1-3 imposters. When you are a crewmate, your goal is to find out who the imposter is and vote them out or by finishing all your tasks. As an imposter, your goal is to kill everyone by either killing them or by having the other crewmates vote each other off until there are 1-3 crewmates left depending on how many imposters there are. You can also sabotage and go into vents. But only the imposter(s) can go in vents, so doing so you basically forfeit the round, proving yourself to be an imposter. Crewmates can prove themselves innocent by something called a visual task, which is a task that visually shows change that only crewmates can do. The imposters have a kill cooldown ranging from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. At max, a lobby is 10 people. There are 3 different maps to play on, the most common being the default map called “The Skeld.” The voting off system mentioned before works by mob rule, so whichever person has the most votes, even if they only have 1 more vote than the other person, they get voted off.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 CREWMATE OR IMPOSTER? Y o u ' r e a s u s o n e , B e v e r i d g e s t u d e n t .

A ReviewBy: Landon of Salazar Bubsy

In case you don’t know who Bubsy is, let me give you some background. Back in the 90s, made his debut and took the world by storm. Because of this, many video game companies tried to make their own mascot similar to Sonic. Some of the mascots included Gex, Croc, and Awesome Possum. However, many if not all of those mascots were sadly forgotten; all of them, except for Bubsy. Bubsy became legendary, an icon in the videogame industry. That’s right, Bubsy became legendary… legendarily bad. Yeah, despite some praise in his first few years, Bubsy was torn apart overtime. Many people have complained about the cheap deaths, slippery controls, and way too fast movement. And despite the series being killed off in 1996, he returned 20 years later, despite all the criticisms. And in honor of his 4th game’s 24th anniversary, I will be reviewing his very first game. What could possibly go wrong?

The story revolves around these aliens known as woolies who come from a planet known as Rayon. The main material that the woolies use at their home planet is yarn, so to get more, they go to earth to steal all of our supply of yarn balls. Bubsy, being a cat, has the largest collection of wool, so when the woolies steal it, it is up to Bubsy to get all of his and earth’s yarn back. The story is cute and original, however it isn’t explained very well in the game, but Sonic had a similar problem, so I guess it’s ok. Plus, Bubsy’s instruction manual doubles as a comic that explains the story, while Sonic had it explained in text. Bubsy: 1, Sonic: nothing.

Bubsy is a fast, anthropomorphic bobcat that can glide and wears a white T-shirt with a red exclamation mark on it. Yep, despite being a bobcat, he can glide. Bubsy for some reason gets a lot of hate for being able to glide, and I don’t know why. Most people say that it isn’t right for an animal like a bobcat to glide, and that he should be a flying creature like a bat. But SEGA did the exact same thing to basically every Sonic character, having a fox and echidna being able to fly and glide despite being flightless animals. Bubsy is also said to be annoying with all of his catch phrases he says at the beginning of every level. And while I do agree that hearing the same voice clip over, and over again after dying is a bit annoying, he isn’t that bad of a character. Sure, he’s a bit narcissistic, but other than that, he’s bright colorful and expressive and isn’t that bad of a character.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 CREWMATE OR IMPOSTER? Y o u ' r e a s u s o n e , B e v e r i d g e s t u d e n t . The music on the SNES is great. The soundtrack mostly has a bouncy feel to it, but it also has a hint of jazz. This creates a short but memorable tune for each level. While some might complain that the tracks are too short and get reused too much, it doesn’t feel repetitive to me. I’d love to hear these tunes anytime. My favorite tunes are The Title Theme, Fair Is Foul, Field Yield, and more. But I must remind you that I said the music on the SNES was great. The music on the Genesis…oh boy. The music in the Genesis version of the game is bad. It sounds like it’s being played on an 8-bit console like the NES, not a 16-bit console like the Genesis. Genesis does what Nintendon’t, right here folks. Anyways, the music is great… on the SNES.

The game has you play as Bubsy running and gliding through levels collecting yarn balls and other collectables. The gameplay to me, did need some getting used to, but it was solid enough. Most people complain about dying in 1 hit, the way too zoomed in camera, the hit box, and the fall damage. I do agree that some of the choices the creators made were pretty dumb. But there is 1 thing I would like to point out: the fall damage. 2D platformers and fall damage don’t mix very well, but Bubsy does have a compromise. And that compromise is the gliding. I mean, it’s pretty obvious why they added it in, it’s to break your fall. Why are people so picky? That’s it! I’m outta here, you can’t make me!

Bubsy has 5 worlds with 3 levels each, with 1 more level as a separate world, giving this game a total of 16 levels. Like Sonic, the levels are large. The worlds in this game each have a different theme to them. The first world’s levels are meadows with ponds, houses, and tall mountains. The next world is carnival themed with rollercoasters. The 3rd world has a western setting with a train that the levels always start on. Something funny is that Sonic also had a similar idea in Sonic Mania, having a train in a western setting. Anyways, world 4 has a river at the bottom with a hill over it. The next world has tall trees and is very jungle-like. And finally, the 6th world takes place in a space ship in space. Despite world 5 being easy to get lost in, I enjoyed these levels. They were big and fun to explore.

Woah, are you still reading this thing? I’m surprised you made it this far. Anyways, the company that created Bubsy, , put a ton of effort and money into our furless leader...wait, shouldn’t that be fearless? But it was a bridge too fur… well, more like a bridge too short. And after a few years, Bubsy faded into obscurity. Luckily, Bubsy is recovering from that dreadful past. While I do agree that the game isn’t the best, I don’t think it’s as bad as people say it is. I think the problem is that Bubsy was over-hyped when he first came out, giving the illusion that his game is horrible. I’d recommend it to 4 out of 5 stars people who want a challenge or don’t have anything to do. Even if you don’t like the game, you can still love to hate it. It’s only 5 dollars on under the title, Bubsy: two- fur, and it even comes with Bubsy II which is said to be better than the first game. Hmm, maybe I should review Bubsy II sometime. What could possibly go wrong?

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 CREWMATE OR IMPOSTER? Y o u ' r e a s u s o n e , B e v e r i d g e s t u d e n t . AnimaniacsBy: Landon Salazar Review

Animaniacs was a 90s cartoon variety show that had many skits, segments, and songs. Some of Animaniacs’ cast included Slappy Squirrel, Rita, Buttons, and more. However, there were 2 reoccurring segments that stole the show. One of these segments was about 2 lab mice known as Pink and the Brain who would try to take over the world. There was 1 problem, as 1 of them was a genius and the other was insane. And then in another segment, there were the main stars of the show: the ones who took the spotlight and the ones who didn’t bother to rehearse for this show. They were Yakko, Wakko, and their sister Dot, also known as the Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister). The Warner Brothers and sister were animal-like creatures who would cause chaos in the Warner Brothers studio. Back when Animaniacs came out, it appealed to both kids and adults with their smart writing, adult humor, and even some educational songs. But sadly, the series ended in 1998 causing the Warner Brothers, the Warner sister, and all of the other stars to never be heard from again… until 2017. It was announced that Animaniacs would be coming back in 2020, and after 3 years, the new series finally came out. Hmm, are you pondering what I’m pondering? I think so, but can we have fries instead of hashbrowns? Oh sorry, wrong thing. I think that we should review this new series and see if the children of today will like it as well as the parents. Without further ado, let’s see if they’re still animany, totally insainy, and cockamamie, Animaniacs.

Before we start judging the 2020 version, we have to see what made the original fantastic. So far, I’ve narrowed it down to 2 things: the humor and the characters. I’ll get to the characters later, but for now, let’s talk about the humor. The humor was perfect, as it had a good blend of pop culture, slapstick, fourth wall, and adult humor. The dialogue is also just gold. For example, in a scene where Dot Warner is doing an ink blot test, she’s asked what one of the pictures looks like, and she responds with, “It looks like you’re a very bad artist.” That’s just 1 of the jokes and a very tame one as well. I’d love to show more, but the censors won’t allow it. Anyways, on to the reboot.

The story of Animaniacs begins in the 1930s when the Warner Brothers and sister were created in the studio’s newly opened animation department. But unfortunately, they were out of control and ran amuck around the studio until their capture. The Warner Brother’s films, which made absolutely no sense, were locked away, never to be released. As for the Warners themselves, they were locked away in the studio’s water tower also to never be released. Since then, the studio disavowed any knowledge of the Warners to the public until the 90s when the Warners escaped, and that’s when the original series takes place. Once the series ended in 1998, they were presumed dead, until 2020 when they literally rose from their (career) graves and sold their souls for a new series (no I’m not kidding, both of those things happened). And so, the Warners are causing havoc in the studio once more, hopefully for good. I like how the story was handled in both the original and the reboot of the show. It makes it more unique than other shows by acknowledging that they were created in a studio and that they haven’t been on TV since the early 2000s.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 Animaniacs CREWMATE ReviewOR IMPOSTER? Y o u ' r e a s u s o n e , B e v e r i d g e s t u d e n t . By: Landon Salazar

The Warner Brothers and sister are zany animal-like creatures named Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Yakko is the tall one wearing the tan pants and belt, he’s 14 years old, and a wise cracker. Wakko is the shorter one wearing the red baseball cap and blue turtleneck sweater and the most insane of the siblings. He says he’s 7 in the “hello nurse” song but Tom Ruegger (co- creator) says he’s 11. And finally, Dot is the shortest one wearing the pink skirt and flower. She’s 11 years old, has wit, and says if you call her Dottie you die (no I’m not kidding, she said that in the original series). The Warners are basically my favorite characters of the show. I love their design, they look like furry animals, like cats or dogs, but it’s very abstract so you don’t know what animal they are. I also love how their zany personalities get in the way of other characters. My only problem with them is that they seem a bit less zany and more intelligent than in the original series.

Pinky and the Brain are two lab mice who plan to conquer the world. While I do think that having a genius paired up with an idiot has been done before, Pinky and the Brain just have something special about them. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there. Brain is serious and basically abuses Pinky when he does something dumb. And Pinky is loyal to Brain, eccentric, foils Brain’s plans, and is obviously dumb. What I like about Pinky is all of his misunderstandings. For example, if someone said the word “amuck” he might hear the word “duck”.

The humor in the original relied on adult, slapstick, and pop culture humor, and it did it much better than other shows. Is the humor just as good in the reboot? Yes, the humor is mostly the same. However, the grownup jokes seem to be a bit toned down. Seeing how the censors are like these days I wasn’t surprised, but that does take away one of the main selling points of Animaniacs. The slapstick also doesn’t seem to be as good, but the pop culture jokes on the other hand are great. What’s even better is that the humor is up to date, so now nothing is outdated, and everything is funny again, right? But, here’s the catch. This modern humor also includes internet culture such as memes and iPhones. It’s time for good idea, bad idea. Good idea: create original humor that all generations can enjoy. Bad idea: Take what Gen Zs thought was funny on the internet and incorporate it into your show. Yeah, 4/5 times an internet joke in a show ends up being unfunny and can ruin its image. Very few shows have been able to make it work, does Animaniacs make it work? Well…

Yes! Animaniacs nailed what very few shows were able to do, and that is to modernize the humor. This reboot isn’t unfunny in any way. In fact, it might even be better than the original because of the humor alone. I love the way they joke about the Leeroy Jenkins meme, Donald Trump, and even the Soviet Union (no I’m not kidding, there’s a whole episode making fun of the Soviet Union). This is one of the very few reboots done right. Overall, this reboot is perfect. It does have its share of awkward moments but other than that, it’s perfect. Looks like the Warner Brothers and sister are still animany, totally insainy, and cockamamie, Animaniacs. Those are the facts!

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 SIMS 4 SNOWY ESCAPE T O U R B y : A e d a n R i c h a r d s o n

Sul Sul (That’s Simlish for hi)! I’ll be your Local Travel Guide, Aedan. I’ll be showing you Mount Komorebi (Ko-Mo- Way Bi ). Don’t let the "re" fool you. Don’t worry, locals sometimes forgot that it's that way, so it’s not just you, tourist. As we walk away from the train station, did you bring your map? Huh, that’s weird! They're supposed to give you one when you first exit the station. But I have mine on me all the time! Let’s see where in the world we are. As you can see I circle each neighborhood. We are at the first right next to the Train Station. I welcome you too. Drum Roll please! Wakaba! This is for more of the new people trying to figure out the ropes .So let’s make a pit stop! You’re a lucky bunch, as you get to see no other then the Town Mascot……YamaChan! Yay!

Our minty Mountain Mascot here is the host of the Voidcritter Hunt! All of the kids around here, even kids from the top of mountain, come to visit our Minty Friend.The Voidcritter Hunt and YamaChan are the main parts of the Youth Festival. We celebrate our kids and teens for being the face of the future. We also have special vending machines just for festivals. Oh no, I forgot whatever you do, read the stickers on the sides. One of them says, “Never shake the vending machine. They are very sensitive and you don’t hurt their feelings.” Another one says, “And if they do they will squish you. Not because of you hurting their feelings, no not that it’s due to gravity."

As we walk a little closer we can see my parents' favorite Lounge called Hazakura Lounge. You can get some drinks and chat with locals and tourists. You can even listen to our newest local musician and maybe even some karaoke. Well that’s what my friends say.The most evil things is my parents have the “taming of the shoe” sign they got from the build buy catalog they use. There’s a lot of items in this catalog. In each town, they get more stuff. Here’s a picture of the Newest Catalog.The Snow Collection based off our culture and architectural lands. So remember to get that if you want some figurines or a new countertop. You can even get the YamaChan Statue so you can have him forever in your house!

Let’s move up north to the more slow town and older part of town: Senbamachi. It translates to Thousand Leaf Town. I live here, so let’s make a pit stop at my house! Take some photos of the map or my house, but just make sure you tag me on Simstagram .Just breathe the fresh air, and just calm down and wind down.


"It’s a very nice house anyway. Let’s walk towards the daily hike board. You're going to need some bug spray. Let’s just say the lighting bugs are in season, and they are moving south from the mountain tops to here. But don’t worry, they don’t hurt a lot. Let's go to the temples. It gets very beautiful around these parts.Let's keep walking to the new festival around the Festival of Lights.

The town up here is Yakamastu. All tourists love it here because that’s where all of the snow is. There are some swanky rentals up here. But the center piece itself is the mountain That’s the place where my mom and my dad met. She was a an excellent rock climber, and he was not. She was an amazing cook of raw fish, and he was not. They climbed together until they were at the top. They were married here and wrote their initials up there. Speaking of mountain, that’s a new social gathering spot.

The mountain excursion lets you and some other Sims climb the mountain and get the secret lot. Just pack some water, tents, and food you need. But let’s not climb the mountain right now. Let’s go to the Slopes where you can see adrenaline-seeker Sims flying down the mountain. The festival here is the Snow Festival. It is snowy all the time so why not celebrate that! Enjoy some festive snow sculptures or some nice Ikayaki (or yummy fried squid is what I like to call it)!

Well, that’s the tour! I hope you stay around and play with us soon. So grab your gear, pack a lunch, and some tents. Pack some warm clothes to enjoy all of the mountain fun! MR.MR.MR. ROTHEROTHEROTHE INININ THETHETHE WORLDWORLDWORLD OFOFOF SIMSSIMSSIMS

He describes He would like to Traveling through himself as a visit Senabamchi, Sims with his Mr. Rothe said, people person, a as he likes a Mr. Rothe would family would be "What even is frequent traveler, slow-paced life. love to learn how his idea of fun! time?" when and outdoorsy! to ski and asked about how snowboard in the long he would world of Sims. stay.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 ORDER'S UP! W r i t t e n b y : V i v i a n L o p e z

Chop Stick House is a family friendly restaurant. The star review is 4.6, and their food is at a fair price. Their menu is amazingly simple and very tasty. Everything comes out hot and ready to eat. Also, you can take-out or dine-in. Some of their foods are soup, chicken, fried rice, and egg rolls. Chop Stick House is located in a very safe environment at 5522 N 103rd ST, Omaha, NE 68134.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 Need More Masks?

Create your own over break! By: Vivian Lopez

You will need to cut off the head of the sock and the tall of your sock that includes the heel.

Then, you will have to check Lastly, put on your new DIY if your sock is five and a mask and enjoy it. Also, half inches with a ruler or you can put a napkin tape measure if you want it inside your mask so that to be right. you are more safe.

Place your sock on a flat table. Cut a strip on each side as wide as your finger, but do not cut it all the way.

THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 How-to Make a Paper Snowflake By: Anthony Lopez

First, you need to get a piece of paper. If your Turn the triangle piece of paper is not around and cut lines square, then you need to into the folded part of fold your paper like this the paper. and cut off the leftover part. Cut along this line.

Unfold and then glue the first two little loops Fold it into a that are symmetrical. Then, do every other on triangle. that side. Finally, do the others on the opposite side.

Your finished product should Fold it in half. look like this.



THE BEVERIDGE PAW PRINT | DECEMBER 2 0 2 0 | VOL . 5 Meet our Newspaper Club Members- Old and New

Isabella Alday / Natalie Anderson / Bailey Banuelos / Isabella Behne / Skye Belmont / Layla Burmood / Grace Caudell / Kayden Cotten / Oliver Dauner / Vivian Dauner / Elizabeth Else / Xander Foley / Chloe Gilbert / Emorej Harper / Lazaro Hernandez-Garcia / Maggie Herrmann-Armsbury / Kaci Hirchert / Callie Huffman / Kayden Hunter / Ives Jacob / Benett Jurgensen / Gabriella Kelso / Isabelle Koch / Kai Cult / Ada Lewis / Anthony Lopez / Vivian Lopez / Caitlin Loseke / Ater Lual / Abigail McFarland / Kyah McGee / David Mondragon-Pineda / Samuel Ouren / Emilly Pinquoch / Jenna Pospisil / Aedan Richardson / Thalia Ruiz / Landon Salazar / Ruby Scanlan / Daniel Thin Win / Julie Zamora / Eluzai Zuniga Advisors: Ms. Golka and Mrs. Hazel