Endangered Species Portfolio
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Preparing for the Future in Rothschild's M.yna Breeding by Guy A Greenwell, Bird Curator Conservation & Research Center (CRC) National Zoological Park, Front Royal, Virginia InMarch, 1978, I gave a paper inSeattle I decided to examine ourown flock data back. I prepared a letter and question at the 1st Birds inCaptivity Symposium in at Washington. Records had been kept, naire. I sent them to every zoo in the coun which I was groping toward ways to make but never summarized. In fact, getting the try which was named in the latest listing by our efforts in aviculture more relevant to information together so it could be sum IZY (International Zoo Yearbook) ofBali the conservation ofbirds in the wild. Since marized appeared more formidable than myna breedings (1976). I sent it to several that time several bits of information have the summation. I obtained the coopera private breeders also. I wanted to know if directed my thoughts. This paper is in tion of a volunteer, Joan Smith, who as a they had had breeding by a wild-caught tended to discuss them with you and to let representation of FONZ (Friends of the pair. you know where they have led me. National Zoo) was keeping records at the I had to assume that those were prob Again I'm going to discuss the Bird House last summer. I asked her to ably unrelated because of the great Rothschild's myna or Jalak Bali as the In makecopies oftheindividual record sheets amount of shuffling which would have donesians prefer we call it. It is Leucopsar of all the Rothschild's mynas and to run been done in assembling enough birds for rothschildi-Streseman 1913 to the scien offcopies of all notes about them in daily shipments, and again inthe fmal selling off tists. The reason for choosing it is that it keeper reports, death reports, etc. She did, of the birds. If that were a true assump breeds well enough in zoos that a number and I found it fairly easy to make a record tion, then any first generation offspring of lines have developed. Also, it is an at ofeach bird, and what we know about it. 3 from those pairs would be unrelated to tractive aviary bird being largely white, Several facts became apparent very thoseoflikeparentagein othercollections. with black wing and tail tips and with bare soon. What we had suspected was true. I found that of the thirty-seven collec skin ofa turquoise-blue color on the lores One pair had started to breed, They had tions which responded, collection and behind the eye. It has an erectile crest, dominated all others and had inhibited numbers 5, 12, 20, 23, 24, 26, 35, and 37 slightly longer in males. any breeding by others. From our first had bred wild-caught pairs. From their It is found only on Bali and is now con hatching in December, 1970 until the answers and those of the others, I fined to the few remaining forest areas at death of the female in September, 1973 discovered that there still existed 27 ofthe the northwest tip of the Island. There has one pair fledged 36 young ... but no wild caught birds and 58 first generation been some confusion aboutthe number of others nested. By October, 1973 the male young late last winter. From that excellent Rothschild's mynato be found in the wild. was mated with one of his two-year-old nucleus, we could set up a ''multitude'' of Thatis because another partly white myna daughters and they were the only pro unrelated pairs. Then by judicious shuffl occurs on Bali. It is the black-winged star ducers for the next year. The male caught ing back and forth, we could provide a ling Sturnus (Gracupica) melanopterus, a avian pox from a wild common starling sound genetic basis for the breeding for bird reported as common and frequently which somehow got into the Bird House years to come. mistaken by visitors for the more widely and died on November 4, 1974. By then, At the time of the Seattle Symposium heralded but always rare Bali myna. he and his daughter had fledged 15 more there was not much hope that aviculturists The latest report I have is that of the youngsters. During 1973 and 1974 two would have the freedom to make the ex Smithsonian's John Seidensticker who pairs of second generation young started changes and shipments of birds necessary was there last August looking for indica to breed, in isolation from the original to set upthe unrelated pairs. It would have tions that the Bali tiger Panthera tigris pair, but all were from the same been illegal under the Endangered Species balica still existed. John found that the parents.2 3 Act. It seemed that the only chance would tiger is gone and the Rothschild's myna is Our records drove home to me two be to obtain CSSP (Captive Self declining and vulnerable, though he points. The first, that many collections Sustaining Population) status for the hesitated at estimating numbers. 10 There might have our situation - one pair Rothschild's myna under the Act. And at was an estimate of550 by an expedition of dominating the breeding resulting in many about that time the F&WS quit accepting The Ecological Institute of Universitas related young. The second, if those early proposals for such status, saying they had Nasional, from Jakarta, earlier the same pairs were sufficiently productive, there decided to issue new regulations for cap year: 5 This is a species very much en might still be plenty of first generation tive birds. dangered. Having learned that the young around for some widespread Nowthere is hope. The F&WS has come numbers were dwindling and that the ex outcrossing. out with regulations which will allow inter portationinto captivity was very muchless Although I was reluctant to get into the change of captive-reared birds, under oflate, I began to wonder how ourcaptive records analyzing end ofthe bird business restrictions, but making it possible. populations stood. any further, I had gone too far to turn How desirable is it to avoid inbreeding? Photo courtesy of San Diego Zoo 39 We must assume it is all important. Recent donesian government to survey the situa 6 studies by Dr. Katherine Ralls, et. al. 7 tion in 1978. 10 He reported that the Bali show statistically that young hoofed Barat Forest Reserve which had been set animals which resulted from related aside as 19,365 hectares in the 1940's had matings have lower survival rates than been reduced and fragmented by those from unrelated matings (at the withdrawals and resettlement inside the National Zoo). It is not possible yet to borders so that the area is about 11 ,500 makesuch comparisons for captive-reared hectares now. What was once a con Bali mynas. Neither our early records nor tinuous block of forest consists of five or 4549-1 ST. A:t..7GUBTINE RD. those sent me by other institutions show six widely separated fragments now. The JA.CKSONVILLE. FL.A.. 38a07 TELEP:E-:J:ONE (904) 731-44aa enough about the dates and numbers of continuity ofhabitat, so necessary for suc deaths in the nests, before fledging. I cess of many species, particularly fruit SOUTHEAST DISTRIBUTOR would expect the greatest proportion of eating birds, is lost. for deaths, if they are based on inherited Illegal harvesting of timber within the Kaytee Bird Feed weaknesses, to occur during those trying 11,500 hectares is continuing. Some cut times while the young are dependent on ting is for charcoal burning on the nearby Sluis Bird Products their parents for food, warmth, etc. island of Java, some is for fuel wood and Kellogg's Bird Foods One result of the questionnaire reveals for the wood carvers of Bali. Hunting and other products that Bali mynas have relatively long pro within the reserve is not being controlled. Call or write for the dealer in your area. ductive lives in captivity. One group of In effect a nature reserve is being treated as We will ship anywhere. fifty individuals examined showed five still "a commons with free resources for those alive ateight years old and one still alive in who can get them first". Hejoined Indone its ninth year. All were still producing sian planners who recommend that the young. Similar information was gained by forest be made into Indonesia's first Spilsbury ten years earlier, so that was not national park. Heappealed to the Indone Endangered new. 9 sian government for more responsible Another result from the questionnaire control tosave the Jalak Bali. However, he Species has been to reveal that most collections do told me that without widespread support, not keep good enough records for long it probably would be impossible to reverse Portfolio term management of their flocks. Record the trend in time to save the species in the A.F.A. Publications is pro keeping at the National Zoo appears to be wild. ducing an outstanding port better than average, but there are many He did feel that all hope for the species folio on endangered birds of gaps. If we are to know in ten years what was not lost if we could provide a soundly the world. The portfolio will Rothschild's mynas have been bred to bred stock in captivity. When the national include top quality photo which, we must have clear records. There forest is gone, the need for charcoal will graphs of many of the must be much shipping about of birds to still be there.