A Cooperative Strategy for 21St Century Seapower
FORWARD ❚ ENGAGED ❚ READY A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower MARCH 2015 DRAFT/PRE-DECISIONAL - NOT FOR DISSEMINATION - 02 FEB PREFACE merica’s Sea Services—the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard—uniquely provide presence around the globe. During peacetime and times of conflict, across the full spectrum—from Asupporting an ally with humanitarian assistance or disaster relief to deterring or defeating an adversary in kinetic action—Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen are deployed at sea and in far-flung posts to be wherever we are needed, when we are needed. Coming from the sea, we get there sooner, stay there longer, bring everything we need with us, and we don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. Our founders recognized the United States as a maritime nation and the importance of maritime forces, including in our Constitution the re- quirement that Congress “maintain a Navy.” In today’s dynamic security environment, with multiple challenges from state and non-state actors that are often fed by social disorder, political upheaval, and technological advancements, that requirement is even more prescient. The United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are our Nation’s first line of defense, often far from our shores. As such, main- taining America’s leadership role in the world requires our Nation’s Sea Services to return to our maritime strategy on occasion and reassess our approach to shifting relationships and global responsibilities. This necessary review has affirmed our focus on providing presence around the world in order to ensure stability, build on our relationships with allies and partners, prevent wars, and provide our Nation’s leaders with options in times of crisis.
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