Algorithm WReciprocalSum 283 Algorithmic composition 61 Algorithmic simplffication 276 Associated sequences 187 Asymptotic Expansion 166 114, 117, 118 Binary sequence 121 Binary tree 195 Binet form for w 289 Binet forms 183, 184 111, 112, 253 Card sorting 219 Carmichael associated to D 298 293 Characteristic 165,369 Chebychev 308 Chebyshev polynomials 206 123,369 Complexity 196 Computer Experiments 149 Conway's divergent sequence 84,92 DeMoivre 106 Difference equations 121 Difference operators 315 Digital halftoning 337 Dilation Theorem 287 Dispersion 223 Distributions of order k 33,34 d'Ocagne's identity 279 Double sums 251 Equations of the Bring-J errard form 95 Error diffusion 337 Euler polynomial 115 Eulerian number 117,118,119 Family of RATS cycles 86 Fermat pseudoprimes 135 Fibonacci chimney 364 Fibonacci 44 Fibonacci honeycomb 354 Fibonacci numbers 219 Fibonacci partition function 63


Fibonacci plane 43 Fibonacci polygon 354 Fibonacci polynomials 206 Fibonacci polynomials of order k 32 Fibonacci pseudoprime 297,299 Fibonacci sequence 75, 165 Fibonacci tree 195 Fibonacci vector 353 Fibonacci-Lucas identity (F-L identity) 369 Fibonacci-Lucas number (F-L number) 369 Fibonacci-type polynomials of order k 32 Finite sums 251 Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion 339 Fractal sequence 223 Frequency Distribution Function 329 Generalized binomial coefficient 1 Generalized Pascal triangle 5 Generating functions 182, 186, 254 Golden mean 12 Golden ratio 56, 57, 149 Golden section 98 Golden squares 23 Golden tiles 14 Golden triangles 15 Goldpoints 12 Growth coefficient 196 HA-Fibonacci line-sequence 238 HA-golden pair 237 Hamming distance 79 Hyperbolic formula 108, 109, 112 IA-Binet's formula 236 IA-Fibonacci line-sequence 235 lA-golden pair 234 lA-Lucas line-sequence 236 Inherent transformations 356 Inherent transmission matrix 356 Inhomogeneous geometric line-sequence 233 Invariant form 76 Irreducible quintics 96 Jacobi Symbol 241 Jacobsthal integration sequences 130 Jacobsthal polynomials 129, 206, 307 Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials 206 Jigsaw 14 Jigsaw patterns 14 Lehmer numbers 296 Lehmer pseudoprime with parameters Land Q 297 Linear pixel shuffling 337 Linear recurring sequence 76 Lucas polynomials 206 296 Lucas Sequence of the First Kind 325 SUBJECT INDEX 383

Lucas Sequence of the Second Kind 325 Lucas sequences 261, 296 Mathematica 122, 149 MIDI 66 Moment 103,104,105, 107, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117 Morgan-Voyce polynomials 307 Multiplier 326 Multivariate Pascal polynomials of order k 29 Music composition 61 Negation formula 280 Normalization factor 109, 110, 112, 114 Normalized complexity 197 Palindrome 228 Partial fraction decomposition 281, 282 Pascal triangle 103, 111 Pascal triangle of order k 27 Pascal-DeMoivre coefficient 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115 Pell convolutions 180 Pell polynomials 206,287 Pell-Lucas polynomials 206 Period 326 Period of a sequence 144, 145, 146, 147 p-Iocal strong divisibility sequence 3 Polynomial moment 103, 104, 106, 111, 114, 117, 118, 119 Power series 253 Primality 136 Primary pretender 294 Prime factoring of a integer sequence 3 Prime pretender 294 Progressive major scale 67 Pseudoprime to base b 293 Q-reciprocal sum 277 Quasi Morgan-Voyce polynomials 184 Rank of apparition 3 Rank of Appearance 261, 330 Rational sum 277 RATS 83 RATS cycles 83 Reciprocal sum 277 Reducible quintics 98 Reduction Theorem for w 281 Regular Recurrence Modulo p 325 Representation Theorem 278 Representations as a sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Restricted Period 264,326 Restriction of a sequence 3 Rising diagonal functions 191 Second order recurrence sequences 214 Self-similar tree 195 Simson formulas 183, 186 Snake Oil method 254 Sorites 156 384 SUBJECT INDEX

Special Multiplier 327 Special Restricted Period 327 Square Lucas numbers 99 Squares of Fibonacci numbers 202, 207, 208, 209 Stable Recurrence Modulo p 329 Stirling number 112 Strong divisibility sequence(SDS) 2 Strong Lucas pseudoprime with parameters P, Q 297 Sums of reciprocals 155 Super pseudoprime to base a 300 Sylvester's algorithm 155 Symmetric power 77 Tile figures 14 Tiling polyhedra 21 Touching one's 121 Translation Theorem 288 Tree sequence 195 Tribonacci sequence 44, 202, 207, 209, 210 Unit reciprocal sum 277 Units Digits of recursive sequences 141 Variation of parameters 263 Vector recurrence relations 357 Vector sequence planes 355 Vieta polynomials 308 w-polynomial 282 Waring's formula 251 Weight enumerators 81 Wolstenholme's Theorem 213 Wythoff pairs 53,56, 58 Wythoff Representations 53,56 Z-Transforms 121 Zeckendorf representation 53,54,55 Zeckendorf-Wythoff Array 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58