January 26,2011 the Spotlight BC Eyes District Offices, Glenville Cleared of Oak Wilt Clarksville for Closure DEC Completes the Bethlehem Central Time Revenues

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January 26,2011 the Spotlight BC Eyes District Offices, Glenville Cleared of Oak Wilt Clarksville for Closure DEC Completes the Bethlehem Central Time Revenues BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LIBRARY **** •• *•••• *••••••• *•• **~ 18119 10-08-2011 -. ,12054 BElHLEHEMpUBLIC LIBRARY Celltowerinfi'hal'stre'tch 451 DELAWARE AVE. ..' ESCO granted height variances . DELMARm'12054-3042 ... • - ••:. __ 3042 ~""'; ,.,," " '.~ < See Page3'" . , t.~!.J.!U... ttJ.J • .! .. Utll,~.i.J.J,;U.J.;1 ' Serving Bethlehem, More than 50 students of ' ~. -.. Ha~agr~el Eielniintary recentlY ;NewScotland stayed~fte( sChooJto help oth' , . ers.'" " .<, ... ' ' . > .·~&G";ilderland ',- :~ :, "". 5eePage B. .Plall would cost $8Muver next ' , )s being pitched, one With a goal of iss~ing five years, detailsto'bedecided a personal computing device to' every high . ' ..,. , .. ' '"", schooler' and greatly expanding laptop access to lower grades. ' , ' . " . , By CHARLES WIFF . Although the details have yetto be decided . Ever since she learned how [email protected] upon, the district estimates such' a endeavor . tonrake a glass bead at a class The Bethlehem Central Schoo1.District has . would cost $8 million to accomplish in the neXt iii Corning, Cheryl Gutmaker has been introducing technology in the classroom five years, a sum that would be borrowed and' . been fascinated by glass. foryear~ now, With ev.en young chilqren being need voter approval. Superintendent Michael . ' ,See Page 14: exposed to laptops, the Internet and online col· Tebbano.such a move could beahard'sell, but , laboration like class wiki pages. he said he hopes the community will see the But now, a much more expansive program . 0 Pushes Pagld6 ' ... ,--;;:. Vista ro:ai ;Short , .'" Jundirig'~' -": ,days,., uncertain. O"velopefllas worked 'ShOft .' ' •. , ':b'oys' • ' $1 M'promiseinto basketball team heldo;;';'for'a' financing proposal 62'58Suburbilil,Council victory 0 :,~.,,,,,..t ~-= getaways '_.'.,<" 'B{CHARLESWIFF"""",~,"n . ,"f ..•. " ",:,.,~". },' ..... :, • over Bethlehem -Thursday, in . Clifton Park. , . , ·,wiffc@s;;otlightnews.co~,:;~.: n,"". I Cap!t~tOistiicroptions . .'See pige 24. " : Developers are prepatiiig. toaboundfOrasnOwbOimd , . ~ \,~ submitto.the Town ofBethlehem . " ',:eSCape'" ~ :: =~~~~:ds;~~~~!/~~;" BY~HARLESWI~F" '·,·<!~i INDEX hope will be gomg up in the com' ' , v;if{c@spotiightnewtcofT) .. -",.;:j • EditorialPages ; ... ;:.~.... :•• ;•• 6·8 . ing year at the Vista Technology'· ..' ,," ",,,. .' ."'-'" " Police Blotter : ............ :.. :...... 5 ,Campus. ..,' . I It's'neirrlv Febrilary;':rhere's ,',Sports ........ : ..... :: .... :..... 2n4 , At the same time, . financing" :beenfewei-,fuan 10, hours oiday·, t:":" • Entertainmen(... ;.......... 14-15 . for the project's vital·infrastruc.· Jight'for'mo"fe"than two months." ture is still nof certain .. Colum. The'temperature stays stubborn~ 'Classifieds ...... :.;.... ::•• :.. 18,19. bia ; Development is seeking' ly below the freezing point The (rossword ,....... :........ :., ...... 15· issued by the Bethlehem ,twinkling lights are packed away, Legals ..... :.... :........ :.: .... 2Q.21 In~ustrial Development Agency the Christffias'cookies are stale Real, Estate .............. ,.......... 19 to finance the nearly $7 million. 'and .weeks of sitting by th~ fire AtYciurSe~ice ................... 22. Vista BOlflevard., aplan that the are morphing into an ,aCute,case\ independent agency tentatively of cabiitfever. ..':, .. The, Spotlight .(USPS '396-630Hs pub­ lished each Wednesday by Community approved recently.': •. '. SO what's a snowboimd Capital ¥edia Group LLC, 125 Adams St., Del­ The developer is also expect: . District'resident to. do? Well,for mar,N.Y. 12054. Postage paid at Delmar; ing t9 receive'$lmillion from AI, those 'who are looking for soine NY, and at additional mailing offices. P05~tmasler; send add~ess changes to bany County 'for that project, but local ilutdoor;fun, in·thecolder The Spotlight, P.O. Box 100, Delmar; a county representative recently months,' snowshoeillg can offer a N.Y. 1'2054. Subscription rates: Albany questioned if the 2003 proinise . relatively cheap and easy escape County, one year $26, two years $50, elsewhere, one year $35, Subscriptions applies to this' plan. from the'winterdoWrums. are not refundable. - ''The county's intent was that ~---~----'----~~. Girl Scout Daisies from· 'Unlike downliill skiing (mostly this money' was to sUPIlOrt high:', . What's your favorIte Guilderland Troop 16.13' centered dozens of miles away) tech job creation at the park," head out on snowshoes to' or its cross.cotintry cousin, snow, said spokeswoman Mary Duryea. pla~e to snowshoer lind animal tracks at the shoeing takes hardly any practice, 11111111 I ''Thus far, no commitments have Commllnt at Five Rivers Environmental requires' limited equipment and 6 ' 09859 "00.1 )20 been' made on, the 'county's end. www.spotllghtnews. Education Center in Delmar can be practiced ahnost anywhere THE SPOTLtGHT$.75 . , com. last January. ' . with a good 'settling of snow. [] ROadPage;1:6-1-=~~====:=='========~~ ____ ~~S~Ub~m~m~oo~p~hO~W~ __~ __~~ 'S~h~or~t~~~8, " .. ' . ..,'!i" .' $,3',.... ·3, '~g~~I~r ,(EAnflW~.· $3' ,1"r)l1'f!-/f; 3' ;':".Mo~r" $'3.3" P'RM,~~T"fOR'!!E _ ". " ' [9UlPMCN'f -., "fml}T'(EAIl' .' -FHlHVfiM C,D._.:m_~.. '.·. i.__ i.tJ<itf,'!._-:-~!!o! ~.' "'wAr:Iii ;;;;al,A •• ;;iilthl n,!ZJJii.!3MJiiIi· "li!fJ"Cg ;;:;Y!WtU,u'ttiflif!ilij!S1i Orclerby Friday'to get iDYR SerS/iceF,REE f6"f;;12montns See o~cad inside for details. Ca:'t""'8S~222'"'5JDJ . , .... , ' .. , , " . , , . , ...' ', .. ~ . " ',T"""- .. :~ ~;r~~~t~- i .~~~-::.- l • ~. '. , . " •.i ~. ,,",' - r;". ~·.t:"'jT':Y ,," .... _ Page 2 • January 26,2011 The Spotlight BC eyes district offices, Glenville cleared of oak wilt Clarksville for closure DEC completes The Bethlehem Central time revenues. such as two-year effort "This was something that could have School District will be money trom a sale. to remove fungus, taking a closer look at "N 0 decision has been potentially been very devastating to the closing a facility, although made yet, and we're will continue town. " it's unlikely a decision will exploring the feasibility monitoring area - James MacFarland, be reached anytime soon. if what the Fiscal Think . director of operations for Glenville The school hoard has Tank suggested in the By JOHN PURCELL directed Superintendent fall is something we could [email protected] Michael Tebbano to look do to procure long-term After nearly two years into closing Clarksville servings," he said. that could have potentially for the next few years, of intensive eradication Elementary School and been very devastating keeping our eyes open Clarksville's enrollment efforts, the New York the district offices at 90 to the town," said James to make sure it hasn't has been declining for some State Department Adams Place in Delmar. time, and that's creating a MacFarland, director of spread." Those were two popular of Environmental operations for Glenville. Moving firewood more disparity between class Conservation is ideas arrived at by a Fiscal sizes there and in the rest "We lobbied as hard as than 50 miles is prohibited declaring the Glen Think Tank group that met of the district's elementary we could from the town by the DEC, unless the in the fall to look at long­ schools. Predictions and Oaks neighborhood in Symptoms of oak wilt can be perspective that this was wood meets the state's term solutions to keep the the rate of growth in the Glenville free of oak identified by blotchiness in potentially huge, and DEC, heat treatulent standards district fiscally sound. area indicate enrollment wilt, a devastating tree white oak (A) and discoloration to their credit, they spent through kim drying, which disease. Tebbano said he'd will continue to fall. in red oak (8). the money that had to be is meant to kill harmful spent" discuss the decision with '''The reason why we're On Friday,Jan. 7, DEC pests. the board on Feb. 2, but thinking of that isn't officials said measures Image courtesy of the NYS DEC Terry Phillips, of Scientists also it's likely the district will, so much that we want to halt the spread of oak Summerset Lane, said don't know where the wilt, including tree and he first noticed there was for the immediate future, to punish a part of the the planting of maple trees disease originated from stump removal trom the something wrong with the focus more on this year's community,"Tebbano said. to replace some of the nationwide, but it could affected neighborhood, trees in his neighbor's yard, budgeting process, which "When you take a look at removed oaks. have entered the country is kicking off. the long-range data ... our have been successful, and soon he noticed the "We believe the disease from a foreign plant or Both closures could save elementary population is but monitoring will same thing happening with evolved from a related declining over the next six continue in the coming has been successfully his trees. money, Tebbano said, but eradicated from this site endemic fungus. Forest to eight years." years. The DEC's "My next door neighbor his biggest concern is that and we are hopeful that pathologists in Wisconsin efforts also included had some trees die, and the benefits would be one- - Charles Wift further monitoring will first identified oak wilt they just died all of a confirm the eradication," in 1944. Georgeson said sudden," said Phillips. said Gene Kelly, regional DEC officials periodically director for the DEC. He contacted an take surveys throughout Let The Hot Yoga Spot help you 'The last maple tree was arborist, who told him he the state to look for any planted in November,
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