March 2019 “Media Page” Our Main District 43 website is also contains FOUR other features. NEW FEATURE IS “OUR STORIES DISCLOSE” CHECK IT OUT ON THE WEB ADDRESS ABOVE

District 43 “Groupvine” Media Page Featuring Pictures, Poetry and Prose media for the enhancement of our Sobriety. !!!!!!!!!!ANNOUNCING !!!!!!!!! ON-Line Website for the “Groupvine” ADDS a new feature called “SOBER HANDS”. This collaboration of recordings from the feature “Many Voices”, set to Signing Video of our frozen text. It will be a real help to Alcoholics who are deaf or hearing impaired. Please check it out at under Groupvine. Scroll down to “Sober Hands”. Our thanks to the readers and to Megan for making this project possible. Spread the news Please.We are happy to announce that our on line presence now includes these FOUR FEATURES for our web followers to enjoy. “Many Voices” Which is our own members recording our Meeting Literature aloud. This has often been described as listening to a meeting on line. A convenient way to “get” the message. and “The Groupvine” which is our District 43 Newsletter available On Line and as a Hard Copy handout. This is passed out at our District 43 monthly meetings. Our GSR’s take this form of media back to our Groups for distribution. No matter how you get our Media, we are glad your here and we want the “Hand of AA to Always be There” for you.

It's Not About Me by Ginny A.

All of the years I've suffered from fears and said what in the hell did I do?

The train in my brain spins circles, insane and wonders Hey what's wrong with you?

Numbing the real, not wanting to feel, the emotions that seeth in my gut

Then alcohol came, turned into my game and helped me get out of my rut.

The demon brew, well, it turned on me too and wanted to take me away.

Tried putting it down, the whirlwind I'd found but no matter how wrong it would stay.

Then came the day when battered and frayed the misery had taken its toll.

The demon had won and it was no longer fun and I found I was losing my soul.

It was time to get real, no matter the feel and surrender to that which I knew.

Too admit to myself it had always been me, all those years that I believed it was you.

Self seeking fears, drowning in tears of selfish and ego, I know.

The will, I thought mine had grown selfish with time and I knew that I had to let go.

Surrendering myself, to get something else to comfort and lead me along.

The peace that I get, at times, I don't fret and try to stay honest and strong.

Rigorous honesty I'm told, that it takes and sadly sometimes only few.

Listening to truth that it's not about me, that I need make it all about you 12 Steps (Author unknown)

I took Step One, began to moan, I can't do this one on my own. I took Step Two, began to pray, Restore me God, please now, today. I took Step Three, gave up my will, Maybe God could love me still. I took a Fourth, I looked inside, Nothing more would I hide. And on the Fifth, I said aloud, I’ve done some wrong, and I'm not proud. I took Step Six, and got prepared, To lose the defects, I was scared. Now I'm at Seven, take them away, My God, for this I do pray. And on Eight, the list was long, Amends to make for all the wrongs. I took Step Nine, put down my pride, Amends made, I will not hide. Step Ten I take, each day I pray, I make amends along the way. And on Eleven I pray to know Each day His will, which way to go. I take Step Twelve, I'm like a bird, To others now, I spread the word....

He's Not The God He Used To Be

He's not the God He used to be, or am I the one who's changed… I let Him slip away from me, kept Him distant and estranged.

I wandered from Him for a while, just up and walked away… A life of self imposed exile, my faith in Him had gone astray.

The hand of God I once had feared, I now reach up to hold… My path to Him once blocked has cleared, I now soberly behold.

I see another side of Him, a side I hadn't seen before… I had a change from deep within, my faith once lost I now restore.

The hands of time have changed my view, He's not the God I thought I knew… He's not the way He once appeared, He's not the God who's wrath I feared.

There is a God inside of you, and there is a God inside of me... He's not the God I thought I knew, He’s not the God He used to be...

Gordon R. The principles of the 12 steps can be very difficult or very simple to understand.

This is an effort to simplify the meaning of the principles of the 12 steps for those who may be having difficulty. These are the principles that are incorporated into our daily lives as ‘we walk the walk’. Employing each of these behaviors will help to rebuild a life of increased self esteem and self confidence. So, in my never ending quest to keep it simple, here are the action principles behind the twelve steps:

1. Honesty - The operative principle behind step 1 is honesty. If you cannot get honest about the scope of your problem, and honest about a sincere effort to resolve it you will not succeed. How about a definition of honesty as the absence of the intention to deceive? Who do we try to fool? Ourselves 2. Hope – In order to engage in a course of addiction recovery, we must have hope of success. If there is no hope, why try? Perhaps we have failed on our own, how about enlisting some help? A way to instill hope is to realize recovery is not a question of ability; after all there are millions in recovery, but rather persistence and application. 3. Faith – This stage of action is to begin to employ the recovery skills being learned. You can seek out help, but it is also necessary to utilize it. Our job is to become willing to do the right thing. A simple way to view the ‘next right thing’ is don’t engage in your behavior. Have faith it will work. 4. Courage - This step is really about courage to honestly (see step 1) look at ourselves. Take a look at how our behavior has become warped to justify our continued behavior. We are here to take an honest assessment of ourselves. 5. Integrity - If we have truly done a thorough job of introspection and evaluation of our assets and shortcomings do we have the integrity to own up to it? It can be very difficult to be open and honest about our past behaviors. We accept the need for a dose of humility. 6. Willingness – Now that we have accomplished an inventory of the good and no so good aspects of our character and behavior, are we willing to change them? All of them? The important part in this 12 step principle is the willingness to let go of old behaviors. 7. Humility – Here we move further into action, in step 6 we became willing to as let go of our old behaviors, now we ask for help in actually letting go. Can we learn to forgive ourselves? 8. Discipline and Action – We are continuing to remove the barriers that can block forward sober growth. We are getting ready to sweep our side of the street clean. Make a list of all those people we have harmed both through actions and not being present to up to obligations. 9. Forgiveness – Asking for the forgiveness of those we have intentionally or unintentionally injured is the order of the day. A key point here is to try to correct those injuries through action, not just words. It is highly recommended that guidance and help is utilized here. Asking forgiveness is not a gift to the other person, but rather an act of kindness to you. 10. Acceptance - To be human is to make mistakes. Hopefully our journey has led us to the point where we can readily admit mistakes and accept ourselves for being imperfect. We must also learn not to judge others but accept them for who they are, not our vision of who they should be. 11. Knowledge and Awareness – Here we search and become aware of following our path being aware of our purpose in life and actively pursuing it. I view this principle as just being aware, not being got up in the rush of life, making conscious effort to do the right thing and to be at peace. 12. Service and Gratitude - Having brought about a personality change sufficient to remain in recovery; we are empowered to demonstrate the new principles by which we live, in our daily life through example. We seek out and are available to help others in need.

There you have it. Simple actions you can practice each and every day to improve the quality of your life in addiction recovery and those people you come in contact with. These are the simple one word action principles of the 12 steps. The Road of Happy Destiny

Heavy of foot, and slowly I trudge, step by step, wearily I climb. Doggedly slogging the sleetch and the sludge, moment by moment, one day at a time.

Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, the pace was mine to keep. Some are the mighty, some are the lowly, it comes to those who seek.

From the flames of the Devils inferno I rise, into the Sunlight of the Spirit I soar. Wiping the tears of joy from my eyes, knowing HIM better and wanting HIM more.

Onto the shores of Faith I firmly land, the World of the Spirit lies waiting for me. On solid ground I solemnly stand, as I'm restored to sanity.

Through a new and Triumphant Arch, at last I shall walk free. In fear I run… In Faith I march… The Road of Happy Destiny.

Gordon R 11/15/16 Moral Inventory (thanks Rev Barb)

A thought provoking check list. Here are some things we can ask ourselves.

You can rate yourself 1 - 10 for each, 1 representing No success in that area and 10 means that you are having habitual success.

How am I doing in each of the following virtues?

1. Thankfulness: It is the habit of my life to thank my higher power and others for what they have done...I can honestly say that I am a thankful person and often express my gratitude.

2. Gentleness: My life is free from all outbursts of selfish anger or rage. I am approachable, quiet in spirit, open to criticism, and don't get defensive when I am corrected or rebuked.

3. Humility: I do not have an inflated self-opinion and consistently consider others as equal with myself. I have a teachable spirit and avoid all bragging, name-dropping and spiritual pride.

4. Pure Attitudes: My lifestyle is one of the right relationships, not just outwardly but inwardly too. I have no hate, ill will, malice or bitterness toward any other person anywhere on this earth.

5. Acceptance: I refuse to fight back when people criticize, condemn, reject or complain against me, even if they do it with wrong motives. I practice giving a soft answer to turn away their wrath.

6. Peacemaking: It is my practice to try to bring peace between others who are at odds. I don't just stand by and allow division to fester without trying to get involved to bring peace.

7. Boldness: I have been able to launch out and take risks for my recovery and beliefs, keeping fear under control and taking risks when my higher power calls to me to do something. There is nothing now that My Higher Power is asking me to do which I'm resisting because of fear.

8. Trust: I not only believe, but "act as if" my higher power is guiding my life and situations. My life is one of simple reliance on my Higher Power. I'm free from fretting, worry or anxiety about the future.

9. Persistence: It is normal for me to hang in there, when I am acting in healthy ways, when things get difficult, stressful and unrewarding, even if I must face suffering difficulty and persecution. My persistence keeps me from giving up too easily and I just keep on keeping on.

10. Harmony: I'm not a participant in any group evil, like quarreling, dissension, fighting or factions in my family or in my place of worship, fellowship or work.

11. Submission/Surrender: I do not resist those placed in authority over me, even if they're less competent or gifted. When I "turn my will and life over" to the care of my Higher Power, it means I follow my H.P.'s direction even if I question it at first.

12. Right Relationships: Reflecting on all my relationships past and present, I'm able to say there are no broken relationships with anybody, anywhere, which I have not attempted to straighten out.

13. Giving Living: I regularly practice generous giving to my family, place of worship, AA/NA, and homeless, helpless, widows, orphans, and other needy folk. Generosity is a normal behavior to me. Moral Inventory continued page 2 14. Family Time: It is the routine of my life to control the amount of time I spend in work, pleasure or other activities which take too much time from my family. I obey my spiritual leading and make my Family time the top priority of my relationship life.

15. Forgiveness: If there is an individual or group of people who have hurt me in the past, I release my resentment, bitterness or grudge against them. I have fully forgiven everyone who has ever hurt me.

16. Restoring others: I hurt when temptation overtakes a brother or sister in the fellowship or elsewhere in my life, so I do not avoid or exclude them; rather I often get involved, humbly coming alongside to help them back to their feet spiritually.

17. Restitution: If I've ever taken things which do not belong to me, or hurt people by what I said or did, I have gone back and made restitution for everything my Higher Power has prompted me about so far (knowing that my H.P. would not prompt me to do so if it would cause harm to me or another person).

18. Resisting Materialism: I resist the grasping materialistic lifestyle of my culture, choosing rather to live a life of contentment and satisfaction with what I have. I'm not always "wanting more".

19. Selfish Ambition: I have laid aside all envy and selfish ambition. I have no jealousy of another's success. I do not eagerly hunger to climb the ladder to gain personal power and position.

20. Spiritual Intimacy: It is the routine of my life to spend time alone with my Higher Power each day to read spiritual books, meditate and pray...and beyond that I "practice the presence" of my Higher Power all day long. I'm constantly sensing my Higher Power's surrounding presence in my life like the air I breath.

21. Thought Life: My thought life is absolutely free from all impure thoughts. I have habitual victory over all tempting sexual fantasies, daydreams, or other selfish thoughts. I never get high on "old highs".

22. Living Above Reproach: I painstakingly avoid situations which could feed lustful or selfish desires or even tempt others to gossip about me. I have no dangerous emotional bonds which could lead to trouble. I carefully attend to all my relationships so that not even the hint of impropriety exists.

23. Truthfulness: My yes is yes, my 200 is 200, my five-point buck is a five-point buck, and the fish is whatever size it is. I totally avoid half-truths, white lies, flattery or exaggeration. I practice absolute honesty both in my relationships with others and myself. I do not lie in order to allow myself or others to avoid unpleasant emotions.

24. Tongue Stewardship: I abstain from slander, gossip, harshness, unkindness, biting criticism, caustic remarks, obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking. Instead I use my tongue to build others up, giving words of encouragement, comfort, help, inspiration, and challenge. My tongue is completely under my Higher Power's control.

25. Living my Recovery: I typically share my recovery with both straight and chemically dependent people every time my Higher Power prompts me to do it. Twelfth stepping is a habit of my life.

26. Spiritual Passion: I hunger to become more spiritual and take my spiritual growth seriously. I do not ignore, dismiss or excuse areas where I fall short, even those I have listed above, since I have a spiritual passion for becoming more like my Higher Power would have me be, the I AM of Him. AA GRAPEVINE

The international Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous


—Print is $28.97 for one year, $54 for two years— *Enjoy 12 issues yearly *A meeting anytime *Share and pass it on —Online is $34.94— *Online edition of monthly grapevine magazine *Five new online only stories per week *Access to archives 1944 to the present *Audio recordings of stories. Listen on the go —Print and online. $49.97 (best value)— *Combines both the print magazine and complete online access *12 issues of grapevine print and online *12 issues of audio recordings *Six issues of La Vina online

—Go to: for more information and to order.

Carry the Message Project The Carry The Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Viña subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient. Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or that is homebound. Become a Grapevine Representative

Service Opportunity Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It's easy to get started. Simply let your homegroup know that you are interested. Register with us online and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office. The Way...

So many came before us, and still so many come... A doorway opened for us, we shall enter one by one... Have faith God could restore us, thy will not ours be done...

First we must be willing, "willingness is the only key"!!! Emphasized as indispensable, without action willingness is fantasy.

We cross the threshold onto a path, into a fourth dimension… Castaway our woes and wrath, tear down the walls of apprehension

Entirely ready and so humbly asked, to remove that which we abhor... Remove all we admitted objectionable, now and heretofore.

Leave behind your bedraggled ghost, make peace with all your battles... Free yourself from the whipping post, that bound you to your shackles.

As you sally do not stray, He'll guide you on your way... Do not dally nor delay, no harm or evil lurks… "This is The a faith that works".

Gordon R. Inspired by "12 Steps and 12 Traditions" page 14 first paragraph. sa Some Poems That Inspire and Your help for The Pink Can Project

The Secret Written by Ralph S. Cushman

I met God in the morning When my day was at its best, And his presence came like sunrise Like a glory in my breast.

All day long the Presence lingered, All day long he stayed with me, And we sailed in perfect calmness O’er a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered, Other ships were sore distressed, But the winds that seemed to drive them Brought to us a peace and rest.

Then I thought of other mornings, With a keen remorse of mind, When I too had loosed the moorings, With the Presence left behind.

So I think I know the secret, Learned from many a troubled way: You must seek him in the morning If you want him through the day!


AA Anniversary Poem

A time to remember and not to forget all the lives you have touched, all the people you’ve met.

Today you look back shining light from your face. To the first time you sat in that folding chair space Where grateful souls gathered cause all of them knew. That God would show up, He would carry you through.

When life seems unfair and the journey is long. Reflect where you were when you knew you belonged Cause the price has been high and your seat you did earn. See God’s people teach, when we’re willing to learn.

Three hundred and sixty-five days again, it’s a chip you have earned and the time that you spend giving back with the tools once were handed to you. So they do not get rusty; others benefit too.

We in this room know just how desperate feels. We found the same grace that flows through to heal For all the rough patches, broken pieces of heart. Have been healed and transformed in whole and in part.

Angie M “Our Program Etched in Stone” Photo by John S. The Line—by Gordon R. There was a line that had been crossed, To Thee I Pray—Gordon R. 7-12-18 somewhere along the way… I cannot say upon what occasion, I can’t To Thee I Pray pinpoint the day. ...for this day, No way to know just where or how, I lurched and to receive my daily bread, this loathsome line… that You will lend me shelter, I did not heed the hazard, I shunned the to rest my weary head. warning sign. I pray only for knowledge, of Your will for me today,

that from my head I move to heart, I had passed into a region, of which there’s what I must do and say. no return …wandering and wasted, not knowing where To Thee I Pray to turn. …that You will cleanse my soul, I’ve veered into a vortex, of sorrow and and fill my heart with inspiration, regret… as I seek Your conscience contact, a place I can't forego, a place I won't forget. through prayer and meditation. Grant me strength and courage, as I draw upon this day, Lured by obsession, as a moth to a flame… stay with me, that I may flourish, fettered by fear, shackled by shame, in all Your loving sway. broken in spirit, of body and mind. I’ll take with me my flesh and blood, …and To Thee I Pray leave my soul behind. …that I am now the man, You intend for me to be, open wide my faithful eyes, In my wake I strew the wreckage, of the that I may clearly see. bridges that I burned, Guide my thoughts and direct my actions, is this line a blessing, or a lesson to be hush my mind and lay me still, learned? remove temptations and distractions, Be forewarned my fellow friends, for you too that I may better do Thy will. know this line. This subtle foe we’ve come to know, …was To Thee I Pray …for Your love and Your protection, once a friend of mine. and render basic needs, that as I grow on fertile ground, You’ll supply the seeds. I cannot sustain without it, Nor commence through night or day, No query or no doubt about it, my life is boundlessly abundant when, ...To Thee I Pray. PRAYERS FOR ALL TWELVE STEPS Contributed by Mary Ellen G

FIRST STEP PRAYER: Dear Lord, I admit that I am powerless over my addiction. I admit that my life is unmanageable when I try to control it. Help me this day to understand the true meaning of powerlessness. Remove from me all denial of my addiction. SECOND STEP PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that only You can restore me to sanity. I humbly ask that You remove all twisted thought and addictive behavior from me this day. Heal my spirit and restore in me a clear mind. THIRD STEP PRAYER: God, I offer myself to Thee – to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life. May I do Thy will always. FOURTH STEP PRAYER: Dear God, it is I who has made my life a mess. I have done it, but I cannot undo it. My mistakes are mine and I will begin a searching and fearless moral inventory. I will write down my wrongs. But I will also include that which is good. I pray for the strength to complete this task. FIFTH STEP PRAYER: Higher Power, my inventory has shown me who I am, yet I ask for Your help in admitting my wrongs to another person and to You. Assure me and be with me, in this Step, for without this Step, I cannot progress my recovery. With Your help, I can do this, and will do it. SIXTH STEP PRAYER: Dear God, I am ready for Your help in removing from me the defects of character which I now realize, are an obstacle to my recovery. Help me continue being honest with myself and guide me toward mental and spiritual health. SEVENTH STEP PRAYER: My Creator, I am now willing that You have all of me, good and bad. I pray that You now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to You and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here to do Your bidding. EIGHTH STEP PRAYER: Higher Power, I ask Your help in making my list of all those I have harmed. I will take responsibility for my mistakes and be forgiving to others, as You are forgiving to me. Grant me the willingness to begin my restitution. This I pray. NINTH STEP PRAYER: Higher Power, I pray for the right attitude to make my amends, being ever mindful not to harm others in the process. I ask for Your guidance in making indirect amends by staying abstinent, helping others and growing in spiritual progress. TENTH STEP PRAYER: Dear God, I pray I may continue to grow in understanding and effectiveness; to take daily spot check inventories of myself; to correct mistakes when I make them; to take responsibility for my actions; to be ever aware of my negative and self-defeating attitudes and behaviors; to keep my willfulness in check; to always remember I need Your help; to keep love and tolerance of others as my code; and continue in daily prayer how I can best serve You. ELEVENTH STEP PRAYER: God, as I understand You, I pray to keep my connection with You. Open and clear from me the confusion of daily life. Through my prayers and meditations, I ask especially for freedom from self-will, rationalization, and wishful thinking. I pray for the guidance of correct thought and positive action. Your will, not mine, be done. TWELFTH STEP PRAYER: Dear God, my spiritual awakening continues to unfold. With the help I have received I shall have the opportunity to grow. I am grateful. I pray most humbly to continue walking day by day, practice the principles of this way of life in all I do and say. I need You, my friends, and the program every hour of every day. This is a better way to live. The Twelve Steps contain the If We Use The “STEPS”, They principles of the way we change. Become The Archway Which We Pass Through To Freedom

Change actually begins with Surrender. Then the Dominoes start to fall. We go from Willingness to Faith. !!!!!!!!!!ANNOUNCING !!!!!!!!! We now have a limited quantity of the “SOBER HANDS” project on “DVD” This collaboration of recordings from the feature “Many Voices”, set to Signing Video of our frozen text. It will be a real help to Alcoholics who are deaf or hearing impaired. Please check it out at the web version at under Groupvine. To obtain a DVD version please email: [email protected] 44th Annual 2018 Spring Assembly and Conference Hosted by Districts 10,11,&12

This event took place on March 23—25 2018. It featured many wonderful sessions like Alcathons, Al-Anon, Alateen, Archives, Grapevine, Hospitality, Literature and Step Workshops. There were two main speakers, a banquet, a dance and ice cream social. Breakout panels included Work on the Steps, Your Home Group, Our Primary Purpose, Under 40 in AA, Keeping AA fresh, Traditions Surprise, Safety in AA, Bridging the Gap, The Concepts, Treatment, Grapevine Writing Workshop, Internet And Anonymity, and Accessibility. It was GREAT!!!!

The “DuPage Open” was 2-17-2018 Media Page 1 A fantastic 3 speaker event with over 500 in attendance


Slideshows of two Presentations. “Where We Meet” and the “Sober Hands Project”

New for this year were the AA Info Cards

The size of a business card that you can put in your wallet or purse to give away. AA answering service # and our Dist. 43 Website The “DuPage Open” was 2-17-2018 Media Page 2 A fantastic 3 speaker event with over 500 in attendance

Our “Archives” Displayed much Literature and History of our District 43 The “DuPage Open” was 2-17-2018 Media Page 3 More of “Archives Display” A fantastic 3 speaker event with over 500 in attendance

Also New for this The Signing video is year of the following was a DVD frozen AA text. of our How it Works, The “Sober Hands Promises, 3rd & 7th Project”. This DVD Step Prayers, St. contains all 10 of Francis Prayer, A the Videos with Vision for You, audio readings Responsibility Statement, Preamble, from our Serenity Prayer, Dist. 43 Website 12Traditions �See You Next Year !!!� District 43 Service 2018 (Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of the Month except for May is 3rd Sunday and start at 1:30 at the WSFC)

At a recent Dist. 43 meeting the following were elected to serve for a two year term. Our thanks for their service as Trusted Servants. DCM-Richard H, Alt. DCM-Chris H. Accessibilities/Special Needs-Kim R. Accessibilities Alt. Eileen I. Answering Service- Mike C., Alt. Laura B. Archives-Steve B., Alt. Patti D. Archivists-Dist.43 George C., Alt. Jeff K. Bridging the Gap-Jeanine O, Alt. Dan R. Corrections-Marc B., Alt. Derek S. Events Chair-Nicolette M., Alt. Kayla V. Grapevine-Karen Groupvine Editor-John O. Alt. Mary Ellen G. Public Information/CPC- Jeanie L., Alt. Bruce Secretary- Shannon K., Alt. Emily K. Treasurer- Dan B., Alt. Treatment-Greg P., Alt. Cassie O. Webmaster-Magic M. Lcm East/West- Kelly H, WSFC- John S. West Suburban Fellowship Club Elected Officers for 2018 are Greg G.— President Shawn T. — Secretary Tom L. — Facilities Jeni M. — Meeting Coordinator Jeni V. — Events Coordinator

POSITIVE QUOTES DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE THIS??? �AUDIO Files of RECOVERY� There is a Link of selected Audio files on our District 43 A.A. Web Page Go to Groupvine and then under “Audio Readings” (Many Voices) Click the + sign for a list of Audio files available. ***NEW VOICES*** for October Feature“MANY VOICES” includes recordings of our own Dist. 43 members reading highlights from our literature. Thanks to our Web Master for his efforts on behalf of the Groupvine Contact us at [email protected] with your comments.

A Calming Sunset Picture from “Villa Desiderata Retreat” Mc Henry, Illinois Submitted by Marilyn R. District 43 “Groupvine” Media Page

Dist. 43 Archives Workshop display table pictured below. Over 25 attendees gathered on Sat. July 15th District 43 “Groupvine” Media Page

At a recent District 43 monthly meeting we were treated to an informative talk about our 65th annual General Service Conference. The conference was held in New York. Our own Area Representative, Kelly L. explained the ins and outs of the Conference. She was kind enough to supply the pictures below. Thanks Kelly for your service. Below are Pics from the “DuPage Open” February 18, 2017 On that date the combined Districts of 40,41,42, and 43 came together to host that event. Featured were Three Speakers who carried the message of Hope and Recovery with over 700 people in attendance. It was an electric experience as the large crowd joined hands at the end and said “The Lords Prayer”. One attendee was quoted as saying, “We have found the Power”.

Dist. 43 Archives DuPage Open display table February 2017 District 43 “Groupvine”

The Poet’s Corner

The Chosen and Still Suffering by Gordon R. In the eyes I see the sadness, of the pain life has inflicted… I see the misery and madness, of the tortured and afflicted. I hear the whispering cries for help, only the chosen hear… For those of you still suffering, I hear you loud and clear. I know the pain that you are feeling, for I have felt it too… The secrets you're concealing, are tearing into you. Your eyes have shed a thousand tears, and will a thousand more… Cease your battles waged for years, and surrender to this war. You need not be alone, as you suffer in your silence… To thy self you must atone, and be rid of self reliance. I've walked a distant mile, in the shoes that you now A poster showing the Hands of wear… Recovery. Picture taken of a They may have been on different feet, but exactly the same meeting room at the WSFC in pair. Naperville. God’s hands and heart reach out to you, take hold this gift He’s offering. He will be there to guide you through, …the chosen and still suffering.

The Road of Happy Destiny Heavy of foot, and slowly I trudge, step by step, wearily I climb. Doggedly slogging the sleetch and the sludge, moment by moment, one day at a time. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, the pace was mine to keep. Some are the mighty, some are the lowly, it comes to those who seek. From the flames of the Devils inferno I rise, into the Sunlight of the Spirit I soar. Wiping the tears of joy from my eyes, knowing HIM better and wanting HIM more. Onto the shores of Faith I firmly land, the World of the Spirit lies waiting for me. On solid ground I solemnly stand, as I'm restored to sanity. Through a new and Triumphant Arch, at last I shall walk free. In fear I run… In Faith I march… The Road of Happy Destiny. Gordon R The Poet’s Corner continued

A Door of Recovery. Picture Our District 43 Grapevine Poster. Picture taken at taken of a meeting room our annual Summer Picnic 2016. Thanks Erik for the door at the WSFC. poster and your service as Grapevine Chairman.

“I cast a shadow today because of this man” By Tad H.

Millions who ordinarily would not mix Find gratitude living this man’s fix A gift for all sadly too many nix

Through the program I have grown Comforted knowing I am not alone With the spiritual foundation of not being known

A design for living in God’s good graces Basements full of smiling faces Of those who actually take the paces

I trudge the Road of Happy Destiny T’was circumstance not virtue you see That put the grim jest to rest instead of me.

I have a shadow today because of this man You're just a drinking dream… by Gordon R. The Chosen and Still Suffering…

I had a dream of you last night, and when I woke I paused to by Gordon R. (inspired after reading think... "Why We Were Chosen" Something wasn't feeling right, did I really have that drink??? In the eyes I see the sadness It seems so real and what am I to do??? of the pain life has inflicted… For a moment I relived love affair with you. I see the misery and madness, of the tortured and afflicted. I swore you'd never touch my lips… but there you were my I hear the whispering cries for help, subtle foe... only the chosen hear… You had me in your evil grips… In the sordid places we once For those of you still suffering, would go. I hear you loud and clear.

You only stalk me while I sleep, you are not welcomed here... I know the pain that you are feeling, As I softly slumber in you creep, but soon you'll disappear for I have felt it too… The secrets you're concealing, I'm not the man you use to know, you're just a false illusion… are tearing into you. The time has come when you must go, retreat from your Your eyes have shed a thousand tears, intrusion. and will a thousand more… Cease your battles waged for years, Upon awakening it's plain to see, things aren't the way they and surrender to this war. seem... You need not be alone, The gift of amends... as you suffer in your silence… To thy self you must atone, Where once I stumbled, now I stand... and be rid of self reliance. I've walked a distant mile, on my side of the street. in the shoes that you now wear. Now wholly humbled, with broom in hand… They may have been on different feet, I now set out to sweep. ...but exactly the same pair.

To curb the clutter of my debris…clear away the God’s hands and heart reach out to you, wreckage of my past. take hold this gift He’s offering. Out from the gutter I shall rise free…of the mess I He will be there to guide you through, have amassed. …the chosen and still suffering.

I shall not snivel, scrape, nor spew, as I set fourth a sincere attempt. I will not withhold , to whom is due, my motives pure with honest intent…

I do not evade, to those I owe, I go with head held high. I am not afraid, be it friend or foe, ...I try to rectify.

The damage I've caused, I must not forget. To all those I've harmed, I truly regret. Family, lovers, employers, and friends... forgiveness of self, the gift of amends.

Gordon R. Important information pertaining to the use of AA: AA-The extra strength allergy relief medication · AA is an allergy relief program commonly used to treat and inhibit the use of alcohol and the common defects caused by alcoholism. · AA is designed to reduce the symptoms commonly associated with alcoholism. · When taken as directed AA is known to substantially reduce the negative side effects associated with alcoholism such as : misery, depression, despair, remorse, guilt, shame, physical, mental, and spiritual maladies, a mental obsession and a physical allergy commonly known as alcoholism. · We do not recommend that you use AA unless you are capable of being honest and completely willing to give yourself to this simple program. AA is available for use by those who have a sincere desire to stop drinking. · CAUTION: AA will impair your ability to consume alcohol. If you are on any other medications such as alcohol or any other mind altering substance we suggest that you discontinue use immediately as this will cause a substantial reduction in the effect caused by AA. · Some of the most common side effects associated with AA are: Honesty, Hope, Faith, Courage, Integrity, Willingness, Humility, Brotherly love, Justice, Perseverance, Spirituality, and Service. A spiritual awakening and a psychic change have been reported in most cases. · If you are experiencing a resurrection lasting more than four hours, you needn't seek medical attention, as you may be experiencing the initial effects of AA. · AA has no negative side effects on pregnant women or women who are nursing. · To reduce your risk of chronic relapse, a lifestyle change maybe recommended. In 9 out of 10 cases practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. · An increased risk of recovery and long term spiritual affects have been associated with AA. Consult your sponsor immediately when changes do occur. · AA should be taken with plenty of open-mindedness and willingness. Do not take AA alone. Independent studies have shown that AA is most effective when working with others. · Always remember it is important that you use AA only as prescribed: 1. Trust in God 2. Clean House 3. Help others · WARNING: Do not skip doses or discontinue use as severe reoccurrence of fatal allergy symptoms may occur. · AA is recommended for long term daily use. Prodigious results have been found in those who continue long term use of AA. As with all allergy relief medications some results may vary, sometimes quickly sometimes slowly. · For more information and to learn more about the AA 12 step program of recovery and alcoholism we suggest you contact your local AA community directly, retain a sponsor, and read the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

By Gordon R. 5/24/17 The Poet’s Corner continued


HOPE is the laughter where once there was none, reposes the gloom of the glowering glum...

HOPE is the newcomer succumbed to submission, who's journey is launched with an honest admission...

HOPE is the promises we read in our book, good will for the painstaking measures we took...

HOPE is the rooms where we humbly share, hands held as one as we close with a prayer…

HOPE is the big book covered in blue, it's primary purpose still tried and true…

HOPE is a power far greater than me, wiser and stronger than I'll ever be...

HOPE is the new life we've all come to find, 12 simple steps, one day at a time.

Gordon R.

The Bewildered One… by Gordon R. Fight The Good Fight

My heart weighs heavy for those in contempt Fight the good fight don't give in Unwilling to make an honest attempt Don't let this disease win Frail in faith and discontent... prior to Find your strength through other's hope investigation Don't slide back down a slippery slope Fueled by the flames of denial and belligerence Remember how you feel after another battle to Destined to remain in everlasting ignorance gain back courage that you lack Defeated by an attitude of intolerance... Start again and don't look back a bar against all information We can't make up for lost time Life continues without reason or rhyme Come down from the cross of your own When quicksand surrounds your very soul Crucifixion Call on God to fill that hole Wanderers of faith blinded by addiction In our darkest hours of the day when life seems Lost in the comfort of any conviction… like there is no end a faithful ear can silence your strum Lean on an army of friends Riddled by fear and profound disillusion Let them help you find yourself again Halfheartedly seeking to find a solution Don't go back to where you've been A drifter alone in a state of confusion You are…The Bewildered One Written by: Molly R. The Poet’s Corner continued

The Secret The Touch of the Master's Hand by Ralph S. Cushman 'Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer Thought it scarcely worth his while I met God in the morning To waste much time on the old violin, When my day was at its best, But held it up with a smile. And his presence came like sunrise "What am I bidden, good folks," he cried, Like a glory in my breast. "Who'll start the bidding for me?" "A dollar, a dollar. Then two! Only two? All day long the Presence lingered, Two dollars, and who'll make it three?" All day long he stayed with me, And we sailed in perfect calmness "Three dollars, once; three dollars, twice; O’er a very troubled sea. Going for three…" But no, From the room, far back, a grey-haired man Other ships were blown and battered, Came forward and picked up the bow; Other ships were sore distressed, Then wiping the dust from the old violin, But the winds that seemed to drive them And tightening the loosened strings, Brought to us a peace and rest. He played a melody pure and sweet, As a caroling angel sings. Then I thought of other mornings, With a keen remorse of mind, The music ceased, and the auctioneer, When I too had loosed the moorings, With a voice that was quiet and low, With the Presence left behind. Said: "What am I bid for the old violin?" And he held it up with the bow. So I think I know the secret, "A thousand dollars, and who'll make it two? Learned from many a troubled way: Two thousand! And who'll make it three? You must seek him in the morning Three thousand, once; three thousand, twice, If you want him through the day! And going and gone," said he.

The people cheered, but some of them cried, "We do not quite understand. End of Myself by Angie M. What changed its worth?" Swift came the reply: "The touch of the Master's hand." There's a place I must go called the end of And many a man with life out of tune, myself And battered and scarred with sin, where surrender is all that can be, Is auctioned cheap to the crowd The road is steep the climb is slow Much like the old violin. uniquely designed for me, I tarry because I still think I know best A "mess of pottage," a glass of wine, and my ego it dogs every step, A game — and he travels on. That leads me to the end of myself, He is "going" once, and "going" twice, the place I can truly find rest. He's "going" and almost "gone." Logic says "no, you must not go", but it But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd hasn't yet told my heart Never can quite understand I'm at the end which is the beginning The worth of a soul and the change that is God's peace, His will impart. wrought By the touch of the Master's hand. The Poet’s Corner continued

On the Wings of an Angel

Wistful and weary, searching for solace, deep in the depths of despair and dismay. Numbing the pain, listless and aweless, on the wings of an angel I lay. ... I am broken

I rise from the gallows of gloom, out from the shadows of light. Weaving my way from warmth of womb, on the wings of an angel I launch into flight. ... I am reborn

Soaring higher and higher, fair winds of faith I stream in stride. Released from all my dire, on the wings of an angel I freely glide. ... I am free

A brave new world awaits me, unspoiled and unscathed. Away I cast my sordid past, embroiled and depraved. Emancipated from ebriosity, I shall no longer run nor hide. God shed his loving grace on me, on the wings of an angel I ride. …I am restored

Gordon R 1/31/2017 A Gift...

We have this gift that we've been given, we open every day. A gift that if we are to keep, we must learn to give away... A gift that offers hope, for the future of tomorrow. A gift we did incur, through much suffering and sorrow... A gift that we do not deserve but so humbly accept. A gift we've come to cherish, nurture, and respect... Our gift comes not bejeweled, nor adorned with bow or ribbon. We embrace this gift unwittingly as we trudge this road we've striven... Our chains of bondage broken we no longer run adrift. But for the grace of God does He bestow, our freedom with a gift...

Gordon R.

The Follower

I follow in the footprints of those who blazed the way, in hopes that others yet to come will follow me one day. I have found the path of least resistance, on the road to thinking straight. No miles mark this journeys distance, but by steps and actions that I take.

I follow faithfully, In all its splendor and its luster, into the Spirit of the Universe.…This road is mine to roam. I follow gratefully, With all the strength one man can muster, on solid ground I now traverse.…This road is mine to own.

A spiritual traveler on the Broad Highway, upon a course of vigorous action. Through dark of night or light of day, devoid of all distraction. Far and wide as the eye can see, this road that I now travel, as more shall be revealed to me, whilst the mysteries unravel.

This path that lies before me I shall follow heretofore, thoroughly and honestly, I shall follow evermore. I follow in the footprints of those who trudged before, for I am just a follower, ...nothing less and nothing more.

Gordon R 3/23/17 Sunlight of the Spirit — by Gordon R.

There comes a time we all must say…as we look into the mirror "There's got to be a better way…to release me from my fear"

We admitted we were powerless…and we'd go to any length. Those simple words empowered us…provided hope and gave us strength.

I heard Him say while on my knees…"I'll guide you down this road" A place we pay no dues or fees…Love and Tolerance is our code.

So much pain we had to feel…we had to set it free. Our Higher Power helped us heal...and restored our sanity.

So give to Him your flaws and fears...He'll remove the dark obsession. The things you lost you once held dear…soon return to your possession.

We had to come a long long way...from where we used to be. There was a price we had to pay…A priceless entrance fee.

Take my hand come walk with me…We'll trudge this road together... The Road to Happy Destiny...a spiritual endeavor.

We find a new design to live…a change in attitude. We freely give all we can give…A life of gratitude.

Say to Him "Thy will be done"You will know it when you're near it… A better life is sure to come…In the Sunlight of the Spirit.

Angels-- Gordon R. From the deepest valleys, to the tallest peaks…there are Angels in our midst.

Through the darkest alleys, on the meanest streets…Angels do indeed exists.

There are Angels all around us, There are Angels everywhere.

They’re hiding in plain sight, You’ll never know they’re there.

From the earth below, to the Heavens above…as far as the eye can see

Angels are the couriers of love, from God to you and me.

They are the immortal, messengers of God, Forever guarding over us…

Angels are mysterious… Angels are Anonymous… Fear and Faith - by Gordon R. I was standing in the darkness alone and full of fear… I was overcome with sadness as my eyes began to tear.

Fear had cast its shadow, of sorrow and despair...Driven by a hundred forms, fear was everywhere.

Fear had paralyzed me, fear had froze me in my tracks...I was mesmerized, demoralized, I was slipping through the cracks.

Fear was like a cyclone swirling, whirling, in my head… The fabric of our existence, an evil and corroding thread.

My self reliance failed me, so I called upon my faith… I asked my higher power to rid me of this wraith.

At once I had commenced, to feel an inner strength… The courage and the faith to go to any length

Fear was now a fancied foe who fought a futile fight… For faith had flung a fatal blow, as darkness soon returned to light.

The faith that I was seeking was with me all the way… I all but had forgotten, all I do is pray.

God Bless The Alcoholic by Angela M.

God loves the alcoholic For who knows mercy like he A sensitive in this cold, hard world He drinks spirits to be free

God bless the alcoholic Shunned by friends and foe Who can know what drives him When he himself can’t know

God help the alcoholic His thorn is his disease Destroying things he once held dear Is there a life for these?

God carry the alcoholic It’s a sliding, slippery slope Protect and guide his steps until He finds the rooms of hope. I Stand by the Door (thanks Cheryl T) By Sam Shoemaker (from the Oxford Group) I Stand by the Door (continued)

I stand by the door. There is another reason why I stand there. I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out. Some people get part way in and become afraid The door is the most important door in the world - Lest God and the zeal of His house devour them; It is the door through which men walk when they find For God is so very great and asks all of us. God. And these people feel a cosmic claustrophobia There is no use my going way inside and staying And want to get out. 'Let me out!' they cry. there, And the people way inside only terrify them more. When so many are still outside and they, as much as I, Somebody must be by the door to tell them that they Crave to know where the door is. are spoiled. And all that so many ever find For the old life, they have seen too much: Is only the wall where the door ought to be. One taste of God and nothing but God will do any They creep along the wall like blind men, more. With outstretched, groping hands, Somebody must be watching for the frightened Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door, Who seek to sneak out just where they came in, Yet they never find it. To tell them how much better it is inside. So I stand by the door. The people too far in do not see how near these are To leaving - preoccupied with the wonder of it all. The most tremendous thing in the world Somebody must watch for those who have entered the Is for men to find that door - the door to God. door The most important thing that any man can do But would like to run away. So for them too, Is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands I stand by the door. And put it on the latch - the latch that only clicks And opens to the man's own touch. I admire the people who go way in. Men die outside the door, as starving beggars die But I wish they would not forget how it was On cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter. Before they got in. Then they would be able to help Die for want of what is within their grasp. The people who have not yet even found the door. They live on the other side of it - live because they Or the people who want to run away again from God. have not found it. You can go in too deeply and stay in too long Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it, And forget the people outside the door. And open it, and walk in, and find Him. As for me, I shall take my old accustomed place, So I stand by the door. Near enough to God to hear Him and know He is there, Go in great saints; go all the way in - But not so far from men as not to hear them, Go way down into the cavernous cellars, And remember they are there too. And way up into the spacious attics. Where? Outside the door - It is a vast, roomy house, this house where God is. Thousands of them. Millions of them. Go into the deepest of hidden casements, But - more important for me - Of withdrawal, of silence, of sainthood. One of them, two of them, ten of them. Some must inhabit those inner rooms Whose hands I am intended to put on the latch. And know the depths and heights of God, So I shall stand by the door and wait And call outside to the rest of us how wonderful it is. For those who seek it. Sometimes I take a deeper look in. Sometimes venture in a little farther, 'I had rather be a door-keeper But my place seems closer to the opening. So I stand by the door. So I stand by the door. The Line Loured by obsession, as a moth to a flame… There was a line that had fettered by fear, been crossed, shackled by shame, somewhere along the broken in spirit, way… of body and mind. I cannot say upon what I’ll take with me my flesh occasion, and blood, I can’t pinpoint the day. …and leave my soul No way to know just where behind. or how, I lurched this loathsome In my wake I strew the line… wreckage, I did not heed the hazard, of the bridges that I burned, I shunned the warning sign. is this line a blessing, or a lesson to be learned? I had passed into a region, Be forewarned my fellow of which there’s no return friends, …wandering and wasted, for you too know this line. not knowing where to turn. This subtle foe we’ve come I’ve veered into a vortex, to know, of sorrow and regret… …was once a friend of a place I can't forego, mine. a place I won't forget. Gordon R 6/17/2017

God is an Enabler

Whether brokenhearted, or spirits grim and dim… God enables me, to give it up to Him.

When faced with indecision, as fear unfurls it’s wicked wraith, it is He who will enable me, to draw upon my faith.

While in my darkest hour… I will not fret or flee, Nor shall I crawl or cower, God… will enable me.

For only He empowers me, from all that may befall, God is an enabler, ...theGreatest one of all.

Gordon R 7/28/17