Minutes of the

Ordinary Meeting of Council

Wednesday 23 May 2018 4.00pm Council Chambers 209 Comur Street, Yass

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

Table of Contents 1. Prayer ...... 2 2. Apologies ...... 2 3. Declaration of Interest/Disclosures ...... 2 4. Confirmation of Minutes ...... 3 5. Mayoral Minute ...... 4 5.1 Mayoral Minute - Barton Highway - RMS Industry Briefing ...... 4 6. Director of Planning Reports ...... 5 6.1 Bango Wind Farm - Community Enhancement Scheme ...... 5 6.2 Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 - Small Bar License, 15 Queen Street, ...... 5 6.3 Development Application No 5.2018.18.1 - Dental Surgery, 40 Middle Street, ...... 7 6.4 Weed Management Arrangements...... 7 6.5 Assessment Panels: Yass Valley Grant Programs ...... 8 7. Director of Engineering Reports ...... 8 7.1 Bus Shelter Construction ...... 8 7.2 Murrumbateman, , Bookham and Binalong Flood Study - Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018 ...... 8 7.3 Murrumbateman BMX Track Update ...... 9 7.4 Drainage Concerns Browne Street Yass ...... 9 8. Director of Finance & Corporate Reports ...... 10 8.1 2018/19 Operational Plan (including Making of the Rates)...... 10 8.2 Q3 Quarterly Budget Review Statement 2017/18 ...... 11 8.3 Investment and Borrowings Report ...... 11 8.4 Councillor Fees 2018/19 ...... 12 9. General Manager Reports ...... 12 9.1 Governance and Finance Committee ...... 12 10. Notice of Motion ...... 3 10.1 Wind Turbines in Yass Valley ...... 3 11. Questions with Notice ...... 13 11.1 Questions on Notice - Cr G Frost ...... 13 12. Minutes and Recommendations of Council Committees ...... 14 12.1 Minutes of the Traffic Management Committee held on 2 May 2018 ...... 14 13. Confidential Matters ...... 16 13.1 Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study - Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018 ...... 16

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

Open Forum

Presentations to Council – Items on the Meeting Agenda  6.2 – Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 – Small Bar License, 15 Queen Street, Binalong Nick Arokiaswamy Jan Giles – Applicant Adrian Sykes – Applicant

 7.4 – Drainage concerns Browne Street, Yass Dennis Pollack

 Notice of Motion – Wind Turbines in Yass Valley Noelene Hazell Jim Field John McGrath Jackie Groom Robyn Winterflood Paul Regan David Sainsbury Barbara Folkard

Council Meeting - The Mayor declared the meeting open at 4.51 pm.

Present Councillors Rowena Abbey, Mayor, in the chair, Cecil Burgess, Geoff Frost, Nathan Furry, Allison Harker, Jasmin Jones, Michael McManus, Mike Reid and Kim Turner. Also present were the General Manager – David Rowe, Director of Planning – Chris Berry, Interim Director of Engineering – Steven Beasley, Director of Finance & Corporate – Sharon Hutch and Corporate Planning & Executive Support Officer – Shirree Garland.

1. Prayer

2. Apologies Nil

3. Declaration of Interest/Disclosures Councillor M McManus declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary conflict of interest in the Notice of Motion Wind Turbines in Yass Valley and stated that he believed that his interest would not preclude him from voting Reason: Councillor McManus declared an interest as he is employed by Transgrid who connect most wind farms in NSW to the network.

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

Councillor Burgess declared a pecuniary interest in the Bango Wind Farm – Community Enhancement Scheme and stated that he believed that his interest would preclude him from voting. Reason: Councillor Burgess declared a pecuniary interest as a neighbouring property may be entering into a financial arrangement with the proponent. Councillor Jones declared a non-pecuniary, non-significant interest in development Application No 5.2018.18.1 – Dental Surgery, 40 Middle Street, Murrumbateman and stated that she believed her interest would not preclude her from voting. Reason: Councillor Jones declared an interest as the dentist is the one she attends.


RESOLVED that Item 10.1 Notice of Motion Wind Turbines in Yass Valley be brought forward and dealt with following confirmation of the minutes. (McManus/Harker) 79 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

4. Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 April 2018 covered by page numbers 3-11 inclusive and resolution numbers 58-78 inclusive, copies of which had been circulated to all Councillors, be taken as read and confirmed. (Turner/Furry) 80 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

10. Notice of Motion

10.1 Wind Turbines in Yass Valley

Councillor Geoff Frost has given notice that at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 May 2018, he will move the following motion.

RESOLVED Council opposes in principle the siting of new industrial wind turbines in Yass Valley. (Frost/Turner) 81 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, G Frost, A Harker, J Jones and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors C Burgess, N Furry, M McManus and M Reid

Note: Notice of a Rescission Motion was received on Thursday 24.06.2018 that will be considered at the next Council meeting scheduled for the 27.06.2018

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018


1. That Yass Valley Council remain impartial to any permissible development and that we continue to judge all applications on their merits 2. That Yass Valley Council continues to work in the best interests of the whole community. 3. That Council put out a survey to the community (McManus/

MOTION RESOLVED that Council reconvenes for a special workshop to determine appropriate wording to present to the State Government on its position on industrial wind turbine farms which will come back to Council for a vote. (Jones/Turner) 82 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, A Harker, J Jones, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors N Furry and M McManus

5. Mayoral Minute

5.1 Mayoral Minute - Barton Highway - RMS Industry Briefing

SUMMARY Roads and Maritime held a briefing session on 11 May 2018 at the Yass Bowling Club outlining plans for the safety improvements and duplication of the highway.

RESOLVED that : 1. Council note that the NSW Government, through the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, the Hon. Melinda Pavey, reinforced its commitment to duplication of the Barton Highway and that the RMS are investigating opportunities to partner with industry to achieve the most productive use of available funding. 2. Council continue to lobby both State and Federal Governments for additional funding until the entire Barton Highway is duplicated. (Furry/Harker) 83 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

6. Director of Planning Reports

At 05:57 pm Councillor Burgess left the Chambers.

6.1 Bango Wind Farm - Community Enhancement Scheme

SUMMARY Reporting on the outcomes from the public exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for the Bango Wind Farm community enhancement scheme. It is recommended that the Agreement be finalised as exhibited.

MOTION That the item lay on the table until the September 2018 Council Meeting. (Frost/ MOTION LAPSED

RESOLVED that the Voluntary Planning Agreement for the community enhancement scheme associated with the Bango Wind Farm be finalised as exhibited. (McManus/Furry) 84 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones and M McManus AGAINST: Councillors G Frost, M Reid and K Turner

At 06:10 pm Councillor Burgess returned to the Chambers.

6.2 Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 - Small Bar License, 15 Queen Street, Binalong

SUMMARY Considering Development Application No. 5.2018.31.1 for the addition of a bar license to an existing cafe at 15 Queen Street, Binalong. The application attracted four submissions.

MOTION That Conditional Development Consent be issued for Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 for a small bar licence at 13 and 15 Queen Street, Binalong including requirements:  Limiting the hours of operation from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm Sunday to Thursday and from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm on Friday and Saturday  Extend opening hours by an hour in daylight saving times on Sundays and Thursdays  Limiting the number of patrons to 50 persons  Rural fencing be provided around the licensed area (Frost/Turner) FOR: Councillors G Frost and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus and M Reid MOTION LOST

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

RESOLVED that Conditional Development Consent be issued for Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 for a small bar license at 13 and 15 Queen Street, Binalong including requirements:  Limiting the hours of operation from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm Sunday to Thursday and from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm on Friday and Saturday  Extend opening hours by an hour in daylight saving times  Limiting the number of patrons to 50 persons  Rural fencing be provided around the licensed area  That days of operation be limited to 150 days (McManus/Furry) 85 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

FORESHADOWED AMENDMENT That Conditional Development Consent be issued for Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 for a small bar licence at 13 and 15 Queen Street, Binalong including requirements:  Limiting the hours of operation from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm Sunday to Thursday and from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm on Friday and Saturday  Limiting the number of patrons to 50 persons  Rural fencing be provided around the licensed area (Jones/

FORESHADOWED AMENDMENT That Conditional Development Consent be issued for Development Application No 5.2018.31.1 for a small bar licence at 13 and 15 Queen Street, Binalong including requirements:  Limiting the hours of operation from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm Sunday to Thursday and from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm on Friday and Saturday  Extend opening hours by an hour in daylight saving times  Limiting the number of patrons to 50 persons  Rural fencing be provided around the licensed area if required by the Liquor and Gaming Authority (Frost/

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

6.3 Development Application No 5.2018.18.1 - Dental Surgery, 40 Middle Street, Murrumbateman

SUMMARY Presenting the assessment of Development Application No. 5.2018.18.1 for a dental surgery at 40 Middle Street Murrumbateman. The application attracted three submissions. MOTION That conditional Development Consent be issued for Development Application 5.2018.18.1 for a dental surgery at 40 Middle Street Murrumbateman including requirements that:  Noise is to be limited to acceptable levels beyond the boundaries of the subject land being 55dB(A) during the daytime (7am – 6pm), 45dB(A) during the evening (6pm – 10pm) and 40dB(A) at night (10pm-7am).  Submission of a landscaping plan that includes native plants & shrubs to screen the development, plant selection should not interfere with sight lines of vehicles entering and leaving the site.  Advertising signs shall be non-illuminated at all times. (McManus/ MOTION LAPSED

RESOLVED that the item be deferred pending further discussions with the applicant. (Jones/Frost) 86 FOR: Councillors G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess and M McManus

6.4 Weed Management Arrangements

SUMMARY Reviewing the arrangements for carrying out our weed management obligations in the future.

RESOLVED that : 1. be advised that the Service Agreement for Weed Management in Yass Valley will not be extended beyond 30 June 2018 and negotiations commence on the transfer of assets and liabilities. 2. Yass Valley Council Financial staff be directly involved in the settlement negotiations with Hilltops Council. 3. The process of establishing a weed management service at Council be commenced. (Burgess/Turner) 87 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

6.5 Assessment Panels: Yass Valley Grant Programs

SUMMARY Assessment Panels for Council’s Community Grant Program and Local Heritage Grants Program are comprised of elected representatives and Council staff. Nominations are sought from elected representatives to be part of the Assessment Panels for the grant programs.

RESOLVED that Councillors Burgess and Furry be elected to participate on the Assessment Panel for the Community Grants Program and Councillor Frost be elected to participate on the Assessment Panel for the Local Heritage Grants Program. (Harker/Reid) 88 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

7. Director of Engineering Reports

7.1 Bus Shelter Construction

SUMMARY Council has received funding to install 14 bus shelters. One proposed location has now become redundant and a decision is required on an alternate location.

RESOLVED that Council install a bus shelter in Craig Close Yass. (McManus/Jones) 89 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

7.2 Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study - Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018

SUMMARY Providing advice on the submission of tenders for the Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018.

RESOLVED that this item of the Director of Engineering Report be classified as Confidential in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public relating to commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the position of the person who supplied it. (Burgess/Turner) 90 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil This is page 8 of 18 of the minutes of a meeting of Yass Valley Council held on the above date

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

7.3 Murrumbateman BMX Track Update

SUMMARY Updating Council on a suitable location for the Murrumbateman BMX track and advise of significant matters that have delayed community consultation.

RESOLVED that 1. Consultation be undertaken with the Murrumbateman community regarding interest, specifications and suitable locations for a BMX track. 2. The results of the BMX track consultation are included as part of the Murrumbateman Masterplan process. (Furry/Reid) 91 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

7.4 Drainage Concerns Browne Street Yass

SUMMARY Periodic flooding has been occurring on the northern side of Browne Street, adjacent to an existing drainage channel. Drainage infrastructure is undersized however preliminary assessment indicates the impact of the flooding may be mitigated by the reconstruction of Browne Street.

RESOLVED that the matter be considered when Council adopts the Yass Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study with drainage improvements for Browne Street derived in consultation with the local residents. (Jones/Furry) 92 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

8. Director of Finance & Corporate Reports

8.1 2018/19 Operational Plan (including Making of the Rates)

SUMMARY In February 2018, Council resolved that the Draft 2018/2019 Operational Plan be placed on public exhibition from Friday 2 March 2018 to Wednesday 18 April, 2018. This was undertaken and submissions were received, considered by staff and recommendations for amendments to the plans noted in the submissions summary. In addition to the adoption of the Operational Plan, Council must, each year, ‘make’ the rates and charges by resolution. RESOLVED that Council: 1. Adopt the 2018/19 Operational Plan as amended following consideration of the submissions received. 2. Makes the annual Ordinary Rates for 2018/19 as detailed in the following table and in accordance with the Statement of Revenue Policy within the 2018/19 Operational Plan and in accordance with Special Rate Variation awarded by the Minister for Local Government of 8.5% (inclusive of 2.3% rate peg) per annum cumulative for 4 years. MINIMUM BASE CATEGORY SUB - CATEGORY AD VALOREM TOTAL YIELD CHARGE CHARGE Farmland 0.0026821 $607.50 $3,882,357 Residential Non Urban 0.0022881 $401.50 $3,028,075 Residential Yass 0.0040537 $612.00 $1,646,076 Residential Binalong 0.0035049 $612.00 $119,608 Residential Bowning 0.0035049 $612.00 $67,647 Residential Wee Jasper 0.0035049 $612.00 $27,540 Residential Bookham 0.0035049 $612.00 $9,792 Residential Murrumbateman 0.0024538 $612.00 $158,411 Residential 0.0016771 $332.00 $159,031 Residential Sutton 0.0021757 $332.00 $74,904 Business Sutton & Gundaroo 0.0022881 $401.50 $16,705 Business Yass & Other Villages 0.0096512 $612.00 $781,728 ESTIMATED YIELD $9,971,874 3. Make each annual and consumption charge for water, sewer, liquid trade waste and waste for 2018/19 as detailed in the following table and in accordance with the Statement of Revenue Policy.


WATER CHARGES Yass Water Availability Charge 20mm-32mm $470 Murrumbateman Water Availability Charge 20mm-32mm $390 Water Usage Charge per kilolitre for the first 5kL per day $3.30 Water Usage Charge per kilolitre in excess of 5kL per day $4.30 SEWER CHARGES Sewer Residential Charge $680 Sewer Non-Residential Charge (based on previous years' water consumption) Minimum $680 $2.90 LIQUID TRADE WASTE CHARGE Liquid Trade Waste Charge (per kilolitre based on water consumption) with $2.00 appropriate pre-treatment

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

Liquid Trade Waste Charge (per kilolitre based on water consumption) without $12.00 appropriate pre-treatment WASTE MANAGEMENT CHARGES Domestic Kerbside Collection Charge $387 Vacant Properties $30 Business Waste Collection Charge $387 Waste Management Environmental Charge $117 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CHARGES Stormwater Management Charge $25 ON SITE SEWAGE MANAGEMENT CHARGE On Site Sewage Management Charge $32

(Furry/Turner) 93 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, N Furry, A Harker, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors G Frost and J Jones

8.2 Q3 Quarterly Budget Review Statement 2017/18

SUMMARY This report represents the 3rd Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) for the period 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2018 in the financial year ending 30 June 2018.

RESOLVED that : 1. The 3rd Quarterly Budget Review Statement recommendations contained within be adopted and income and expenditure adjustments be voted. 2. In accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation (NSW) Clause 203 (2)(a), Council’s financial position as at 31 March 2018 is satisfactory, having regard to revised projected estimates of income and expenditure, and the original budgeted income and expenditure. (Furry/McManus) 94 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

8.3 Investment and Borrowings Report

SUMMARY In accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) Clause 212, this report provides a summary of Council’s investments as at 30 April 2018. In accordance with paragraph (1)(b), it can be certified that the investments listed have been made in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy.

RESOLVED that Investment Report as at 30 April 2018 be received and it be noted that the summary has been prepared in accordance with the Act, the Regulations and Council’s Investment Policy. (Furry/Reid) 95

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

8.4 Councillor Fees 2018/19

SUMMARY To detail the determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal regarding councillor fees for the 2018/2019 year.

RESOLVED that . 1. Council adopt a 2.5% increase in Councillor Fees and Mayoral Allowance for 2018/19 taking the payment for Councillors to $11,860 with an additional allowance of $25,880 for the Mayor, all amounts to be paid in arrears in equal monthly instalments. 2. Council approve, in accordance with Council Policy GOV-POL-6 (3.2) Councillor Expenses and Provision of Facilities, an amount of $1,500 to be paid in arrears in equal monthly instalments to the Deputy Mayor from the Mayoral Allowance. (McManus/Burgess) 96 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Councillor G Frost

9. General Manager Reports

9.1 Governance and Finance Committee

SUMMARY It was recommended at the Council meeting on 28 March that the Committee be dissolved, however Council resolved to hold a workshop to discuss the opportunities and role of this Committee. The recommendations are the result of discussions at the workshop.


The Governance and Finance Committee be dissolved. (McManus/


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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

MOTION That . 1. The name of the Committee be changed to Councillor Governance Committee. 2. Membership of the Committee stay the same:  Council Representatives: Mayor Rowena Abbey, Deputy Mayor Kim Turner and Councillor Geoff Frost  Staff Representatives: General Manager, Director Finance & Corporate Services  Community Representatives: Elizabeth Goodfellow and Geoff Gorrie 3. The Committee meet as required following delegation of a ‘task’ from Council. 4. The functions delegated to the Committee be:  To provide advice to Council on Councillor Governance matters  Undertake specific activities OR tasks as delegated to the Committee by a resolution of Council  Prior to undertaking an ‘activity’ OR ‘task’, prepare a project brief for approval of the Council  Review the effectiveness and performance of the Committee annually. (Jones/McManus) FOR: Councillors J Jones and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, M McManus and M Reid



RESOLVED that the Governance and Finance Committee be dissolved and that a letter of thanks be written to Elizabeth Goodfellow and Geoff Gorrie thanking them for their contribution to the Committee. (Furry/McManus) 97 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus and M Reid AGAINST: Councillors G Frost and K Turner

11. Questions with Notice

11.1 Questions on Notice - Cr G Frost

SUMMARY Responses provided to questions on notice from Cr Frost in relation to waste services and contract management. RESOLVED that the information be noted. (McManus/Furry) 98 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

12. Minutes and Recommendations of Council Committees


RESOLVED that the meeting be extended by 30 minutes. (Furry/Reid) 99 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

12.1 Minutes of the Traffic Management Committee held on 2 May 2018

MOTION That Council receive the draft Committee Minutes of the Traffic management Committee meeting held on 2 May 2018 and adopt the following recommendations: Item 6.1 - Various Parking Modifications That the following changed parking arrangements be implemented subject to available funding 1. Truck parking adjacent to Motor Registry on Yass Valley Way, 2. Parking arrangements adjacent to Landmark in MacDonald Street Yass. Item 6.2 - Safety Concerns Berinba School Yass That Council accept the $50,000 grant funding from RMS. Item 6.3 Safety Concerns Mont Street Yass The Committee provide in principle support for the installation of raised line-marking on Mont Street & for the removal of the hedge encroaching Council’s road reserve. Item 7.1 Update on Installation of Bus Shelters 1. Council seeks Murrumbateman community feedback on the site sufficiency the recently installed bus shelters, 2. Council continue to work with the RMS to investigate a bus pull-over area and park-n-ride in the Murrumbateman village, 3. Council continue to work with the RMS to improve connectivity in Murrumbateman including shared paths joining the new facilities (e.g. motel) to the town centre. Item 7.2 Representation Received on the Barton Highway Duplication 1. That the concerns raised in relation to the proposed Murrumbateman Road overpass and horse underpass be referred to the RMS for consideration, 2. That RMS be asked to investigate the potential of removing the Murrumbateman overpass and upgrading Euroka Avenue and connecting Murrumbateman Road traffic to the Euroka Road interchange with the Barton Highway.

Item 9.3 Request for Speed Camera on Dog Trap Road Yass That Council make application to the Centre of Road Safety to request the installation of a speed camera on Dog Trap Road.

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

Item 9.7 Safety Concerns Intersection Bellevale Road and Yass Valley Way Yass (LATE ITEM) The Committee provide in principle support for making Bellevale Road no right turn into Yass Valley Way, which means all traffic will have to turn left towards the roundabout. Subject to community consultation. (Jones/Frost) FOR: Councillors G Frost, N Furry, J Jones, and K Turner AGAINST: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, A Harker M Reid and M McManus



That Council receive the draft Committee Minutes of the Traffic management Committee meeting held on 2 May 2018 and adopt the following recommendations: Item 6.1 - Various Parking Modifications That the following changed parking arrangements be implemented subject to available funding 1. Truck parking adjacent to Motor Registry on Yass Valley Way, 2. Parking arrangements adjacent to Landmark in MacDonald Street Yass. Item 6.2 - Safety Concerns Berinba School Yass That Council accept the $50,000 grant funding from RMS. Item 6.3 Safety Concerns Mont Street Yass The Committee provide in principle support for the installation of raised line-marking on Mont Street & for the removal of the hedge encroaching Council’s road reserve. Item 7.1 Update on Installation of Bus Shelters 1. Council seeks Murrumbateman community feedback on the site sufficiency the recently installed bus shelters, 2. Council continue to work with the RMS to investigate a bus pull-over area and park-n-ride in the Murrumbateman village, 3. Council continue to work with the RMS to improve connectivity in Murrumbateman including shared paths joining the new facilities (e.g. motel) to the town centre. Item 7.2 Representation Received on the Barton Highway Duplication 1. That the concerns raised in relation to the proposed Murrumbateman Road overpass and horse underpass be referred to the RMS for consideration, 2. That RMS be asked to investigate the potential of removing the Murrumbateman overpass and upgrading Euroka Avenue and connecting Murrumbateman Road traffic to the Euroka Road interchange with the Barton Highway.

Item 9.7 Safety Concerns Intersection Bellevale Road and Yass Valley Way Yass (LATE ITEM) Community consultation be undertaken into improving Bellevale Road safety. (Furry/Reid) 100 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, N Furry, A Harker, M McManus and M Reid AGAINST: Councillors G Frost, J Jones and K Turner

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

13. Confidential Matters

RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 10A of the Local Government Act, 1993 the following items on the agenda be classified as CONFIDENTIAL and considered in the Closed Meeting of Council in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act for the reasons as specified: 13.1 Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study - Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018 Item 13.1 is confidential in accordance with section s10(A)(2)(di) of the Local Government Act because it contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and discussion of the matter in an open meeting would be, on balance, contrary to the public interest. (McManus/Burgess) 101 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

Closed Council commenced at 8.12 pm.

13.1 Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study - Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018

SUMMARY This report provides advice on the submission and evaluation of tenders for the Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Tender YVC/ASS/10.2018.

RESOLVED that Council not accept any tender due to scope amendments and Council negotiate an outcome with the three best ranked companies. (McManus/Turner) 102 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

RESOLVED that the meeting resume in Open Council (Burgess/Harker) 103 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

Open Council resumed at 8.15 pm.

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 23 May 2018

RESOLVED that the resolutions in Closed Council be adopted. (McManus/Furry) 104 FOR: Councillors R Abbey, C Burgess, G Frost, N Furry, A Harker, J Jones, M McManus, M Reid and K Turner AGAINST: Nil

The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.

…………………………………………….. Mayor

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