VOLUME 21 : FEBRUARY 2010 World Rose News NEWSLETTER of the WORLD FEDERATION of ROSE SOCIETIES EDITOR Richard Walsh, 6 Timor Close, Ashtonfield NSW, Australia 2323 Phone: +61 249 332 304 or +61 409 446 256 Email: <
[email protected]> WFRS was founded in 1968 and is registered in the United Kingdom as a company limited by guarantee and as a charity under the number 1063582. The objectiv es of the Society, as stated in the constitution, are: • To encourage and facilitate the interchange of information and knowledge of the rose between national rose societies. • To co-ordinate the holding of international conventions and exhibitions. • To encourage and, where appropriate, sponsor research into problems concerning the rose. • To establish common standards for judging new rose seedlings. • To establish a uniform system of rose classification. • To grant international honours and/or awards. • To encourage and advance international co-operation on all other matters concerning the rose. DISCLAIMERS While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors, editor nor the WFRS can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The WFRS makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Editor’s Comments This is our second all electronic edition of World Rose News . This edition contains reports from Regional Vice-Presidents and also from some of our Standing Committees, Associate Members, newer members, gardens of note, awards to distinguished rosarians, a tribute to Frank Benardella, some articles about roses and dates of up-coming events in the rose world…in short, a celebration of roses and rosarians.