Lbrut Scoping Opinion
FORMAL SCOPING OPINION UNDER REGULATION 13 OF THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2011 (AS AMENDED) In respect to: The redevelopment of the former Stag Brewery site. To facilitate the development, the majority of the buildings and structures within the site would be demolished. However, the façade of the former Bottling Plant would be retained and the Maltings and the former hotel would be retained, altered and refurbished. The development would compromise new buildings, ranging in height from 3 to 8 storeys and would accommodate approximately 1000 residential units, and also provide retail, office, hotel, leisure, community, education and healthcare uses, and areas of public and private open spaces. Located at: Stag Brewery, Mortlake and Chalkers Corner, Richmond Adopted by: London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Date: 30/06/2017 1 EXCUTIVE SUMMARY This opinion has been prepared by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) as LPA with all reasonable skill, care and diligence. It is based on the information contained in the ‘Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report’ (March 2017) (Scoping Report) provided to LBRuT on behalf of the Applicant by Waterman Infrastructure & Environment Limited (Waterman IE), and the comments and opinions resulting from consultation with consultees prior to adopting this opinion. This opinion is made freely available to members of the public. The LBRuT accept: o No responsibility whatsoever for comments made by third parties whom this opinion references. o No responsibility whatsoever to third parties to whom this opinion, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies upon the opinion at their own risk.
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