Maria Slough Maria Slough Eurogroup for Animals fighting for in the EU

"I am pleased to say that we have that this will lead to institutional and a unique position in the European societal change." Parliament. We have acted as the Secretariat of the EP Intergroup on the On the wall are a collection of tragically Welfare and Conservation of Animals sad photographs showing piglets being for more than 30 years. This Intergroup subjected to mutilation and torture. serves as a discussion forum among Visibly moved, Reineke said, "We are and driven animal advocates in MEPs and is one of the oldest, most currently building momentum for our community is a great source of regular and well attended Intergroups in pigs. In the millions motivation. I’m truly convinced that if Parliament. of pigs are painfully castrated yearly we really want to make a difference for to avoid the risk of boar taint despite the greatest number of animals who Vegan insider Maria Slough talks to the “Last year’s campaign #StopTheTrucks more humane alternatives existing. suffer the most, we have to advocate at was a great success. Thanks to the Piglets have their tails cut or burned EU level and drive institutional change." Director of Eurogroup for Animals about overwhelming support from EU citizens off; their teeth are clipped or ground how promoting veganism within the EU we handed over 1 million signatures away to control behaviour, particularly She reaches down to stroke Mila's head. to the EU asking for an end to the in barbaric intensive farming systems. could save countless lives transportation of live animals over Our campaign End Pig Pain emerged "Animals will only truly be respected as long distances. in reaction to those pigs’ suffering: sentient beings across all 28 Member ain clouds gather in as "It was a very natural process. Vegetarian we want to show the urgency of their States if comprehensive and effective I arrive at the picturesque 19th at 16, I kept learning about the suffering “‘Protect our Pets’ campaign mobilised plea so politicians will act to stop EU legislation is in place. Eurogroup for Rcentury building that houses in the dairy and egg industries. I cut by our members, asked the EU to tackle it now. By mobilising the people of Animals are here to collaborate and help Eurogroup for Animals. Once inside, back on all animal products. For me the unscrupulous pet trade raging Europe behind our political call, we will achieve just that.” a small cream dog named Mila stops this is an ethical personal choice. I throughout Europe. We obtained the succeed to obtain the legislative halfway towards me before turning on don’t understand societal selective full backing of the uplifting pigs need.” If you would like to support the work of her paws and running to hide behind compassion between species, plus I just behind our political asks for which we Eurogroup for Animals please visit a door. I sit on the floor and wait. love the taste of my plant-based food.” hope to see new legislation soon. A small bark announces the return of Eventually she braved the length of the animal advocacy organisation, our Mila. I asked Reineke how her team corridor; lithe spirit with crooked legs Eurogroup for Animals is not a vegan primary mission is to unite to improve "The Eurobarometer on animal welfare deals with compassion fatigue? enhancing her grace. After a cursory or vegetarian organisation. It was the well-being of as many animals as (EU wide survey) of 2016 showed that Follow Maria Slough on Twitter and sniff, she kissed me on the nose, twice, founded by the RSPCA in 1980 and possible by improving legislation, its the support for animals is much stronger "Our biggest challenge is the legislative Instagram for even more behind-the- before running up the stairs. currently represents 61 animal advocacy enforcement, upgrading standards than 10 years ago. The survey showed inertia and lack of leadership among scenes content. organisations in the EU and beyond. for animals and changing societal that the vast majority of EU citizens EU decision-makers. We deal with “What a perfect way to start a meeting,” I attitudes.” want to see much better protection this by partnering up with likeminded @mariasloughpics said to Reineke Hameleers, the Director “We believe that it is fundamental that for companion animals and for farm stakeholders and being very creative in @mariasloughphotography of Eurogroup for Animals, who tells me the animal advocacy movement sticks I asked Reineke how this work translates animals. Our challenge is to make sure the way we advocate for change. Being how her vegan journey evolved. together. As the only Pan-European into results. these voices are being listened to and surrounded by so many passionate 62 63