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n 0‘ .H V H I ,0 r_ green book’s HISTORY-MAKERS

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© l96l New York World 5 Farr l964-l965 Corp.

, The oi - Unisphere. symbol The l964-l965 09$? New York World's Fair, represenls Jrhe AA” h: basic Theme of "Peace Through Under-

my: sTanding" and was given by The Unifed :95

V Sfa’res S’reel Corporalion. Fif~3

Don'l miss your special New York World's Fair I964 edilion of Trav- The <


All The exci’rememL and glamour of This "GrealestL Fair of Them All" in The HUNTER AND greales’r cily. wi’rh The dramaTic delails TA TEAPPEIZMECAME in and slories, will be in The 64-65 FmM 9T. LOUI; WHERE HE piclures l Failure - many WA§ A BLACszTH. A 05. “Mfrsnew eaTuresGREE:eSTgne€00: -+-o ife p you gCOUT’ HE WON FAME As i "VACATION WITHOUT AGGRAVA— AFIG'HTEIZ AND BECAME Send or A CHIEFOF THE CROW TAONZH check money order j: 'ND'ANsl HE WAs ONE OF (Specral Advance Price $l.50) +o VlClOf‘ 9M: THEFOUNDEZ; 0|: DENVER, H. Green co.. 200 w. l35+h s+.. N‘ Y.

COLORAW'/ ‘ Guem'rAae fawn“ ' AA: 0 C , LO 27+h Conse-cu’rive Issue ' Travelers' GREEN BOOK FOUNDED I935 "Assured ProI‘ecI'ion for Ike By VicIor H. Green Negro Traveler"

I963-64 EDITION > Published by VICTOR H. GREEN CO.


i I I I This edi’rion ol Travelers' I Green Book Is dedicaled Io our

: many friends and adverIisers

A whose cooperaIIon and encour- . L; wgflflwjiw. agemenf made if possible: Mrs. Alma Green, Pierre- ... Reginald poln’re, Carl’ron Ber’rrand, Ally. oer; J. J. Fieulleleau. Ally. I-Iope Slevens, Conslance Curlis. AI .‘ed. Lockharl. William Capifman, I-Iy Schneider, Wendell ColIon, Pefer Ken V Celliers, Brown. " Thomasina Norford, Dr. P. M. '- lICI . g H. Savory. Ted Shearer, Vondel Nichols. Frank Palumbo. and YOU.


THE 50 SIaIes ...... 4-77

Canada ......


I FeaI'ures:

‘ Your 23 . '. Righls I I ‘I l Guideposls 95 i« Convenlion Calendar ...... 78

Bee ...... 97 A” Gee

I ; HisIory-Makers ...... 99

:e’ Trunklines ...... 99 ', Travel

. .. . Baseball CircuII ...... 97 ' LOCKI‘IART AGENCY

Copyrighl I963 by Vic’ror H. Green Co. Cover by All Riglfis Reserved—Edilorial & Adverlising WILLARD SMITH Offices are Ioca’red a’r 200 W. I35’rh SI., New York 30, N. Y. iiIeHTs GUARDIANS—Congressmen William L. Dawson. Ill.; Augusfus c. Hawkins, Calif.: Adam C. Powell. N. Y.; Roberf N. C. NixI Pa.: Charles C. Diggs, Mich.I are five s’ralwar’rs ROBT. COTTROL


Mosf people who 'go on holiday.' as fhey say in England. fhe‘ Caribbean and o’rher places where ’rhe accen’r is English, are seeking someplace ’rhaf offers resf. relaxafion and a refuge from fhe cares and worries of fhe work-a-day worfheliré . The Negro fraveler. fo whom fhe Travelers Green Book has dedicafed ifs effor’rs since I936. is no excepfion. He foo, is looking for "Vacafion Wifhouf Aggravafion". Of course. fhis is no surprise. The Nafional Associafion for fhe Advancemen’r of Colored People, fhe Nafional Urban League, Jrhe Congress on Racial Equali’ry. fhe S’ruden’rs Non-Violence Commif’ree. fhe Soufhern Chrisfian Leadership Associa- fion and ofher groups fighfing for minorify righ’rs make if very clear fhaf fhe Negro is only demanding whaf everyone else wan’rs . . . whaf is guaranfeed all cifizens by fhe Consfifu’rion of fhe Unifed Sfafes. In fac’r, fhe milifancy of fhese civil righf groups exhibifed in sif—ins. kneel-ins. freedom rides. ofher demonsfrafion and cour’r baffles has widened ’rhe areas of public accommodafions accessible fo all. Realizing fhaf a family planning a vacafion hopes for one fhaf is free of fensions and problems. fhe Travelers Green Book includes fhe following brief summary of various s’rafe s’rafufes on discriminafion as fhey apply fo public accom- moda’rions or recreafion:

ALASKA Law bans iimcro in recreafional facilifies. Viola’rors are subiecf fo criminal punishmenf (cour’r proceedings). CALIFORNIA Anfi—iimcro law in recreafional facili’ries. Viola’rors are subielcf

' fo civil suifs for damages plus $250. COLORADO Anfi—iimcro law in recreafional facili’ries. including discrimina- CONNECTICUT fory adverfising. Adminis’rrafive enforcemen’r machinery. Alfern- afively. enforcelmenf Jrhrough courf proceedings (criminal pun- ishmenf) . DISTRICT OF An’ri-iimcro law in recreafional facilifies. Violafors subiecf fo COLU‘MBIA criminal punishmenf, forfeifure of licenses (cour’r proceedngs). IDAHO Anfi-iimcro in recrea’rional facilifies. Violafors subiecf fo crim- inal punishmen’r (courf proceedings). ILLINOIS Anfi-iimcro law in recreafional facili’ries. including discriminafory adverfising. Viola’rors subiec’r fo civil damages. criminal punish- menf and iniuncfion (courf proceedings). 2 INDIANA law in An’ri-iimcro recrea+ional +acili+ies. Viola+ors are subiec+ +0 civil damages and criminal punishmen+ (cour+ proceedings).

IOWA . Viola+ors +0 criminal . subjec+ punishmen+ (cour+ proceed- ings.) .

KANSAS . . . Viola+ors subjec+ +0 fines (cour+ proceedings). MAINE . . . including discrimina+ory adver+ising. Viola+ors subiec+ +o criminal punishmen+ (cour+ proceedings).

. . . MASSACHUSETTS including . . . adver+ising. Adminis+ra+ive en+orcemen+ machinery. Al+erna+ively. enforcemen+ +hr0ugh cour+ proceed-‘ ings (civil damages, criminal punishmen+). MICHIGAN . . . including . . . adver+ising. Viola+ors are subiec+ +0 civil sui+s for +reble damagesI criminal punishmen+. and revoca+ion or suspension of license (cour+ proceedings). MINNESOTA . . . Viola+ors subiec+ +o civil damages and criminal punish-

men+ . . .

MONTANA . . . No specific sanc+ions.

NEBRASKA . . . Viola+ors subjec+ +0 criminal punishmen+ (cour+ proceed- ings). NEVADA Law declares iimcro in recrea+ional +acili+ies +0 be agains+ public policy. Adminis+ra+ive inves+iga+ing machinery.

NEW . . . HEMPSHIRE Viola+ors subjec+ +0 fines . . .

NEW JERSEY . . . including discrimina+ory adver+ising. Adminis+ra+ive enforce- men+ machinery. Al+erna+ively, en+0rcemen+ +hr0ugh cour+ pro- ceedings (civil damages. criminal punishmen+).

NEW MEXICO . . . No specific sanc+ions.

NEW YORK . . . including discrimina+ory adver+ising. Adminis+ra+ive en- OREGON forcemenf machinery. Al+erna+ively, enforcemen+ +hr0ugh cour+ PENNSYLVANIA proceedings (civil damages. criminal punishmen+).

. NORTH . . . DAKOTA Viola+ors subjec+ +0 criminal punishmen+ . .

OHIO . . . Adminis+ra+ive en+orcememL machinery. Al+erna+ively. en- +orcemen+ +hr0ugh cour+ proceedings (civil damages. criminal punishmen+). RHODE ISLAND . . . Adminis+ra+ive en+orcemen+ machinery.

VERMONT . . . Viola+ors subjec’r +0 criminal punishmen+ (cour+ pro- ceedings). VIRGINIA Prohibi+ion 0+ adver+isemen+s discrimina+ing because of religion. Viola+ors are liable +0 iniunc+ion sui+s (cour+ proceedings).

VIRGIN ISLANDS . . . Viola+ors subjec’r +0 civil damage (ac+ual damages plus puni+ive damages up +0 $5000). criminal punishmen+ and re- voca+ion or suspension of licenses (cour+ proceedings).

WASHINGTON . . . including discrimina+ory adver+ising. Adminis+ra+ive enforce- men+ machinery. Al+erna+ively. en+orcemen+ +hr0ugh cour+ pro— Ceedings . . . WEST VIRGINIA N0 law prohibi+ing discrimina+ion in recrea+ional +acili+ies. Human Righ+s Commission au+horized +0 inves+iga+e charges of discrimina+ion.

WISCONSIN . . . . Viola+ors subjec+ +0 civil damages and criminal pun~

ishmen+. . .

WYOMING . . . Viola+ors subjec+ +0 criminal punishmen+ . . . 3 This informa’rion was condensed from "Civil Righ’rs and Minorifies" by Paul Harfman. associa’re direcfor of fhe Iaw depar’rmenf of ’rhe An’ri-Defama’rion League of B'nai B'ri’rh. O’rher excellen+ reference ma’rerial is fhe "Reporf On S’ra’re Am‘i- Discrimina’rion Agencies and +he Laws They Adminisfer" prepared by ’rhe Commis- sion on Law and Social Ac’rion of fhe American Jewish Congress. Shad Polier is chairman of Jrhe Commission: Leo Pfeffer. direc’ror: and Joseph Robison. assisfanf direc’ror. Mr. Robison is aulhor of +hese AJC reporfs. have fhis ‘ By-fhe-way. if you encounfer any problems in fhese sfafes fha’r legislafion (inciden’rally. Massachuse’rfs had a law banning discrimina’rion in recrea- Jrional facili’ries open ’ro Jrhe general public as far back as I865 . . . ’rhe firsf of ifs kind) you can fake your complainf fo:

-—- Alaska — Dep’r. of Labor Juneau. Alaska

~- California — Div. of Fair Employmenf Pracfices. DepI'. of lndusfrial Rela’rions 455 Golden Ga’re Ave.. San Francisco I. Calif.

— Colorado — Anfi—Discrimina’rion Commission I525 Sherman St. Denver

—— Connecficu’r — Commission on Civil Righ’rs S’ra’re Office Bldg.. Har’rford I5

— Illinois —— Fair Employmen’r Prac’rices Commission Chicago

— Indiana -—— Civil Righfs Commission |004 Sfafe Office Bld.l Indianapolis 4. Ind.

— Kansas — Commission on Civil Righ’rs S’ra’re Office Bldg.. Topeka. Kan. Massachuse’rfs — Commission Agains’r Discrimina’rion—4I Tremon’r St. Bosfon. Mass.

—— Michigan —— Fair Employmen’r Prac’rice Commission 900 Cadillac Sq. Bldg. Defroif 26. Mich.

—— Minnesofa —— Minnesofa Fair EmploymemL Pracfices Commission Rm. I2. S‘a‘le Office Bldg.. S’r. Paul I

—— Missouri — Commission on Human Righfs Rm I3IB. S’rafe Capi’rol Bldg..

Jefferson Ci’ry. Mo. .

—- —— IIOO New Jersey Div. on Civil Righfs. Depf. of Educa’rion Raymond Blvd. Newark 5. N. J.

—— New Mexico — Fair Employmen’r Pracfices Commission Capifol Bldg.. Sanfa Fe. New Mexico

—— New York — Commission on Human Righ’rs 270 Broadway. N. Y. 7 Ohio. Civil Righls Commission —- 22 E. Gay S‘r.. Columbus I5

— Oregon —— Civil Righ’rs Division. Bureau of Labor |2|6 S.W. Hall St. Porlland | —- Pennsylvania ——- Human Rela’rions Commission. Dep’r. of Labor and Indus’rry I4OI Labor & Indusfry Bldg.. Harrisburg

—— Rhode Island — Commission Agains’r Discriminafion Sfafe House. Providence 2

-— Washing’ron —— S’rafe Board Again51L Discriminafion 206 Capi’rol Park Bldfi.. Olympia

—— Wisconsin —- Fair EmploymemL Pracfices Division 634 2nd S+.. Milwaukee In- dusfrial Commission ALABAMA

— Ho'l'els — Moi-els — Tourisi' Homes Res'l'auran‘l's ATMORE

FREEMANVILLE SERVICE STATION 8: GARAGE Comple’re Au’ro Service — Picnic Supplies 4 Mis. N. W. of A’rmore Box I48 Eas’r of Jackspring Rd. R’re. 3. Alabama 2 Mis. W. of Hwy 2| Afmore. ______—————————— S’rree’r Paris Mo’rel I73 Ashley *The SNACK BAR ...... 70 Carver Avenue Where Thex Have A Knack For Delicious Snacks

"The Besf Place In Birmingham For Food 8: Resf”

FRATERNAL CAFE Famous for Our Homecooked Food

Open: I624 Four’rh Avenue 6:30 A.M. +0 8 P.M. N. Birmingham, Ala.

*PALM LEAF HOTEL ...... 328% Noth I8’rh Siree’r

Your Gracious Hos+ess . .. . Mrs. Eva Lou Russell


I60! Four+h Avenue No. B. F. Davis. Owner AL 2-9I77


William Washing’ron Holel ...... 2|6 W. Norrh S’rreerL FLORENCE

Hawkin's Bar-B—Que ...... 837 W. Mobile Avenue GADSDEN

Mrs. A. J. Shepard Tourisf Home ...... I324 4H1 Avenue

Barnes Morel ...... 422 Nor‘rh 9H1 Siree’r

James Service Sla’rion & Bod Sho ...... 2|3 N. 6H1 SIree‘r

Ll 3-39ll



Courlesy Service

2l.3 N. 6H1 S+ree+ W. J. Wills Gadsden, Alabama Manager

James Sundry & Snack Bar ...... 554 Me-ighan Blvd. Skyline Recreafion Cen’rer ...... 550-C Meighan Blvd. The Marisue Apari‘memL & Mo’rel ...... 550—C Meighan Blvd. HUNTSVILLE

Glaly's Jane Morel ...... I302 Posey Avenue

Mrs. India Herndon TouriswL Home ...... 5|5 Oak S’rreeiL

Mrs. Rose Allen Tourisi' Home ...... 2|2 Lowe S’rree’r

PaHen Service Sla’rion ...... 329 Norih Church Si‘reeiL MOBILE

E. Jordan Touris’r Home ...... 256 Norfh Dearborn S’rreeiL

F. Wildins Tourisl Home ...... 254 Nor+h Dearborn Siree’r

Le Grand Ho’rel ...... |46l Davis Avenue ”The Ul’rima’re In Sou’rhern Hospi’ralify" MIDWAY HOTEL . . . Resf of Midway 5 Minu+e Walk lo Churches of All Denominafions. Weslern Union. P. 0., Railroads. Courihouse, Union Halls. and Places of Pleasure. Mrs. Lovie Beck Johnson |07 N. Dearborn Sfreei’ MONTGOMERY

Alexander's Blue & Gray lnn ...... |4l5 Wilcox Ho’rel Ben Moore ...... 902 Highland Avenue

...... Mrs. Dave Sims Touris’r Home 900 Cleveland Avenue ‘ BlSl

Mrs. Dave Sims Tourisf Home ...... 322 Cleveland Sheer MOULTON inot

Triangle Shopping Cen’rer ...... Sommerville Avenue .PHENIX CITY FLA

Rayfus Parham Tire Shop & Service S’ra’rion ...... l725 Seale Road TUSCALOOSA

G. W. Clopion Touris’r Home ...... |5|6 25+h Avenue

Hol'el Presfon ...... IOI Universi’ry Avenue TUSKEGEE

Flossie's Fashion ...... Carver Shopping Cen’rer. Soufhside & Jericho Sheers Gunn's Grocery. Garage 8: Gas ...... 2 Mi. Eas’r of Tuskegee TUSKEGEE INlSTITUTE

Rogers Shoe Shop & Shoe Sfore. Inc...... Phone 944

Snowden's Garage & OK Rubber Welders ...... Phone 582

Typewri’rer Sales & Service Co...... Chambliss Bldg. Wiley's EaiL Shop ...... Monfgomery HiwayI US. 80 a’r Greeniorks ALASKA

Ho'l'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — Resfauranis ANCHORAGE

Parsons Hol’el ...... 300 M Siree’r

The Wes’rward Ho’rel ...... 3rd Ave. & F Sf.

Traveler's lnn ...... 720 Gambell Sl’reeiL FAIRBANKS Fairbanks Hofel Savoy Hofel

Traveler's lnn ...... 8l3 Noble Siree’r


Baaranomc Ho’rel ...... 2nd & Franklin St. KETCHIKAN

The lngersoll Hoi'el ...... ARIZONA

—- Ho'l'els Moiels — Tourisf Homes —— Resfauran'l's BISBEE Hofel Copper Queen DOUGLAS Fausfina Wilson TouriswL Home IOOZ lb’rh Sireel FLAG STAFF El Rancho Flag Slafl: Box 124! Park Plaza Mo’rel . 66 & 89 GRAND CANYON Brigl'nL Angle El Toya Holel KINGMAN Moun+ain Villa Molel Hwy. 66. Eas’r

*Whife Rock Cour’r , 843 E. Andy Dr. MESA Pefer Pan Mofel 620 Main St. NOGALE’S Coronado 900 Grand Ave. Tucon Road PHOENIX Alhambia Res’rauramL l246-48 EaSIL Washinglon Sf. Hofel Rice 535 EamL Jefferson S’rree’r Lucille's Mo+el 202! E. Van B-uren Sf. *PADUCAH HOTEL AND APARTMENTS 14 North 6H1 Sfreef

254-0938 — Reasonable Rafes - Wri’re for Reservafions Rose Res’rauran’r 947 WeslL Wafkins Sfreel l02l Easf Washing’ron Sf. PRESCOTT Mission Lodge l2ll E. Gurley TUCSON ' Mrs. Louise Pii’rs TouriswL Home 722 Norih Perry Sfree’r Rio Moiel 303l So. olh YUMA Rev. James Coleman's Down’rown Lodge “3 S. Gila S’rreel' Yumal Arizona ARKANSAS

Ho'l'els — Motels —— Tourisi' Homes — Resi'auranfs ARKADELPHIA Hill's Holel I601 Wesf Pine Slreef BLYTHESVILLE 51‘. Francis Sundry Sfore I204 Heans Sfreel CAMDEN Burnell's Service S’rafion 204 Grins’read S. E. Mrs. Benjamin Williams Nor’rh Main Slree’r CONWAY Deluxe Diner ELDORADO C. W. Moore Tourisf Home Dr. Dunning TourismL Home Green's Ho’rel FAYETTEVILLE N. Smilh TourismL Home FORDYSE Harlem Res’rauranf FORT SMITH Mrs. Clara Oliver Tourisl' Home Ullery Inn Ho’rel HELENA Barbour's TourismL Home 8l4 Rich’ror Sf. HOPE Green Lea1c ResfauramL Highway 67 Lewis-Wilson Ho’rel 2|7 Eas‘r 3rd S’rree’r HOT SPRINGS Arkansas Loan Company 428 Malvern Avenue Barabin Villa 7l7 PleasamL Sfreel C. & D. Holel 320 Church Slree’r CriHenden Ho’rel 3l4 Co’r’rage S’rree’r Gray's Ho’rel 436 Church S’rree1L Harris Ho’rel Church & CoHage st. Home Rooms for Renl’ l20 Gaines Ave. J. W. Rife Touris’r Home 347l/2 Malvern Avenue Jewell Apar’rmen’rs 7|l PleasamL S’rreel Lifile Palace Cale 403l/2 Silver Slreef *McKENZlE MOTEL 40l Henry St. 2 blocks off Hwy. 270 Eas’r Sou’rh's Fines’r—Air Condi+ionecl—Phone NA 3-7849 Na‘rional Bapfis’r Sanilarium 50! Malvern Ave. New Edmondson Tourisl' Home 207 Ash Slree‘r Palm Lounge Reslauran’r 4|5 Malvern Ave. nyhian Ba’rhs 4l5l/2 Malvern Sf. Res’r-A-While Touris’r Home l2l Grove S’r...... 435 Malvern Avenue The Harlem Chicken Shack ...... 5I8 Malvern Avenue The S’rore Royal Liquor ...... 526 Malvern Avenue The Texan Inn ...... 605 Pleasan’r S’rree1L Town Talk Barbeque ...... 500 Pleasanl SI. Wadkins Tourisl' Home ...... 2I2 Garden SI. LITTLE ROCK Res’rauranf College ...... I6+h and Bishop Holel Graysonia ...... 809 Gaines Sfree’r Hofel Honeycu’r ...... 8|6 Wes’r 9’rh Sfree’r Miller Hofel ...... 8I2I/2 Wesf 9+h S’rree’r Mrs. H. Gilmore Tourisf Home ...... I324 Wes+ l9+h SI. Tucker's Ho’rel ...... 7OlI/2 WesxL 9+h Slree’r . maé MADISON U. S. Bond's Molel ...... U. S. Hway. 70. V2 mile w. of Madison NORTH LITTLE ROCK

Cal's MoIeI & Cafe ...... ~...... Highway 67W De Lux Cour’r ...... 2720 Easf Broadway Ideal Beau’ry Shop ...... RI. 5. Box 360 Jim's Res’rauramL ...... <908 Cedar S’rree’r N.L.R. Nov-Vena Res’rauran’r ...... | IOI Eas’r 6Ih SfreeiL Wafers Drive-In ...... RI. 5. Box 360 PINE BLUFF Duck Inn ReslauramL ...... 405 Norlh Cedar Siree’r M. J. Hollis Touris’r Home ...... I'I08 Wes‘r 2nd Avenue Pee Kay Ho’rel ...... 300 Eas’r 3rd S’rreel RUSSELLVILLE E. La’rimore Tourisf Home ...... 3I8 Sou’rh Husron Avenue TEXARKANA Brown's Holel ...... 3|2 Wes’r Elm Siree’r G. C. Touris1L Mackey Home ...... I02 Easr 9Ih Slreer Gran’r's Cafe Res’rauran’r ...... 830 Laurel S‘rree’r TUCKERMAN Freeman's Touri51L CourI ...... Hwy. 67 WEST MEMPHIS

RE 5-9I77 Mr. & Mrs. James Williams, Props. Open 24 Hours




—— Home Cooked Meals Air Condil’ioned Rooms — Free Parking 3|4 S. ll’rh S+ree+ Wesf Memphis. Ark. CALIFORNIA

HoI'els — Mofels — Tourist Homes —- ResIauranfs IAI ALTURAS

Niles - ...... P. O. Box 89I MA ANAHEIM

‘ Disneyland ...... I44I So. Wes’r SIreeI s NEI BERKELEY l Berkeley Inn ...... 250I Tas’re 51'. 0A

Berkeley Plaza ...... l I75 Universi‘ry‘ Ave.

Bonanza Mo’rel ...... I720 San Pablo Ave.

ClaremonI' HoIeI ...... and Claremon‘r Ave. Ashby ,

Durani' Ho’rel ...... 2600 DuramL Ave. Pill FRESNO

...... SM De Lux Res’rauramL 2I93 lvy S+reef 1 :

: Fresno Hacienda ...... Hwy. 99 and Clim‘on

Palm Mo’rel ...... Hwy. 99' Noth j SAI ‘ Poplar Grove Mofel ...... Hwy. 99 HOLLYWOOD '

I Carlion ...... 20II N. Ave. Lodge Highland }

Hollywood Plaza ...... I637 N. Vine . r : Hollywood RooseveH' ...... 7000 Hollywood Blvd. : Hallmark House Mo+or Ho+el ...... 7023 Sunse+ Blvd. ‘ W Hollywood Thunderbird Inn ...... 8300 Sunse’r Blvd. 3: * Wilcox Ho’rel ...... 6500 Selma Ave. Hollywood 6' ‘- Imperial "400" Mo’rel ...... 6826 W. Sunsei Blvd. I Sands-Sunsef Ho’rel ...... 8775 Sunse’r Blvd. LOS ANGELES I Alexandria ...... 2I0 W. 5H1 SIreef I Ambassador ...... 3400 Wilshire Blvd.

AsIor Mo’rel ...... 290| S. Flower SI". i Rd. SAI Bel Air Mo‘rel ...... 70I SIone Canyon

Bil’rmore ...... 5I5 S. Olive S’rree1L SIree’r » 3T0 Californian ...... I907 W. 6H1


— Reasonable Rafes -— Comforl' — Privacy Good Accommoda’rions For Informa’rion and Reservafions WriIe or Tel.: 735-8290 VAL

EC Eas’rsider ...... I05 350I S. Wese’rrn l. EC MoIeI ...... 960 Jefferson Blvd. HAYES MOTEL ...... WesIern Avenue 1 MOTEL ...... 3700 S. HAYES WESTERN | 700 W. Florence Harmon Mo’rel ...... 800 E. Manches’rer ManchesIer Mo’rel ...... l I256 W. 7Ih SIreef Mayfair ...... 7720 S. SI. New Casa MoIeI ...... Main " 4766 S. Main SI. I, Noi‘el MoIeI ...... 3922 $0th Wesiern PALM VUE ...... l} IDA Raywood Mo’rel ...... Santa Barbara Motel I758 W. Santa Barbara Ave. Sky Terrace Motel Normandie & JeiClerson Blvd. Slatler-Hilton 930 Wilshire Blvd. LAKE ELSIMORE Lake Elsimore Hotel MADERA Casa Grand Mo’rel NEEDLES El Adobe Mo’rel ...... U. S. Highway 66 OAKLAND California Hotel 350! San Pablo SlreeiL Carver Ho’rel l4|2 Market S‘rree’r Fifty-Eiflh Motel 2320 55th Ave. PERRIS Mvuse-A-While Highway 395 SACRAMENTO Dunlop's ResiauramL 4322 4th Ave. SAN DIEGO Douglas Ho’rel 206 MarketL S’r. Ebony Inn Motel 740 32nd S’r. Manor Hotel 2223 El Caion Blvd. Motel Weslern Shores 6345 Pacific Hwy. Simmons Holel 542 6th Avenue Y.W.C.A. lOlZ C. S’rreeiL SAN FRANCISCO Booker T. Washington Holel I540 Ellis Si. Bulllord Holel 843 Hayes Sireel Edison Hotel l540 Ellis S’rreeiL New Pullman Hotel 232 Townsend Sireel Sir Francis Drake Hotel 450 Powell Si. Texas Hotel I840 Filmore Slreel The Scaggs Ho’rel l7l5 Webs’rer Street SAN LUIS OBISPO Ranchoiel I900 Montgomery Sl'. STOCKTON El Camino Mo’rel l506 Mariposa Sunset Molel I305 So. Wilson Way VALLEJO Bell Motel I308 Lincoln Hwy. Charlotte Holel 5|8 Sacramem‘o S’r. YOSEMIT‘E NATIONAL EXER“ Camp Curry Glasier Point Hotel High Sierra Hotel Hotel Ahwanne Yosemite Lodge COLORADO

Hotels — Motels — Tourist Homes — Restaurants ADAMS CITY Crestline Mo’ror Hotel 7330 Hiway 85 COLORADO SPRINGS

G. Roberfs Touris’r Home ...... 4l8 Easf Cucharras S’rree’r GREELEY

Mrs. E. Alexander Touris’r Home ...... l06 Eas’r l2+h S’r. LA MAR

Alamo Ho’rel ...... La Mar. Colorado MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK Spruce Tree Lodge MONTROSE

‘ PON Adams Holel ...... Mon’rrose, Colorado

Cale ...... Chipe’ra Mon’rrose. Colorado ! PUEBLO SHA

Coronado Lodge ...... 2|3O Lake SOU CONNECTICUT

Hoiels —— Mofels — — Tourist Homes Resfouron'l's STA BRIDGEPORT

Holel Barnum ...... ISO Fairlield

Arcade Ho’rel ...... IOOI Main Slreef

BridgepomL Molor lnn ...... lOO Kings Highway Cu’r-ohC Rle IA. Exi’r 24, Conn Turnpike

Sl’ra’rfield Holel ...... I24l Main Sfreel’ CLINTON

Clinfon Holel ...... l4 E. Main Slree’r

Coaslway Morel ...... US. Hwy No. l DANBURY

New Englander Mo’ror Ho’rel ...... Main SrreelL DARIEN

Howard Johnson's Molor Lodge ...... Conn. Turnpike ExirL ll EAST HARTFORD

Howard Johnson's Molor Lodge ...... 490 Main S’rreef GREENWICH

lndian Harbor Molel ...... 34 E. Pulnam Ave.

New Englander Mo’ror Holel ...... |l|4 Pos’r Rd. (U.S. I) HARTFORD

Bond Holel ...... 338 Asylum Sf. Farming’ron Ave. Molor Lodge ...... 226 Farming‘lon Ave. Georgian Mo’ror Holel 8r Apls...... 725 Asylum Ave.

Harh‘ord Hofel ...... 240 Church 51‘.

Mrs. Johnson Touris’r Home ...... 20|6 Main 5+.

Sfa’rler Hillon ...... Ford and Pearl Slreels MOODUS Banner Rd. Banner Lodge ...... 3-90l5 Dawn Lodge ...... TRiangle TW 8-9573 Moodie's Lodge ...... R’re l5l Ted Hillon's ...... NEW HAVEN |l5| Sl. Duncan Holel ...... Chapel 4 Ave. Ho’rel Garde ...... Columbus Howard Johnson's Mofor Lodge ...... 2260 Whi’rney Ave. 267 Dlxwell Avenue Monferey Res’rauramL ...... I605 Ave. Na‘rhan Hale Molor Inn ...... Whallevy Van Rip Winkle Holel l548 Whalley Ave. Tall" Ho’rel Chapel & College SI. I560 Whalley Ave. NEW LONDON Crocker House I78 Sfa’re SI. Ligh’rhouse Inn Lower Blvd. Mohican Ho’rel 28| Slale SI. 46 Hempsfead S’r. POMFRET CENTER Willow Inn Highway 44, I/2 Mile W. of Conn. RIs IOI & 44 SHARON Gordon's Touri51L Home SOUTH NORWALK Palm Gardens Ho’rel Posf Road STAMFORD RobenL Graham Tourisl Home 37 Hanrahan Ave. WATERBURY Communi’ry House TourismL Home 34 Hopkins SI. El’ron HoIel Walerbury, Conn. Pull Meadow Morel ...... U. S. Hwy. 6-A WEST HAVEN Dadds Ho’rel 359 Beach SIree’r “ Seaview Holel 392 Beach S’rreeiL Dixon's 379 Beach SIreeiL 372 Beach S’rreeiL


— — Hofels Moi-els Tourist Homes — Resiaurani‘s DOVER Dean's HoIeI Forres‘r S’rree1L Division SIreeI

Free Radio Cenlral Healing Privale Balh CORA ANN'S MOTEL

9 Miles Soulh of Dover. Del. U. S. Rie. I3 — 2 Miles Noth of Felion, Del. Ph. 284-4074 Wm. & Cora Gibbs, Props.

LAUREL Joe Randolph's Res’rauranf Wes’r 6’rh S’rreeiL REBOBO‘TH BEACH Mallory Cabins Rebobo’rh Avenue Ex’r. TOWNSEND Rodney Holel Dupon’r Highway—Rf. I3 WILMINGTON Chrislian Assn. Bldg. Res’rauranf IO’rh and Walnu’r SI. Miss W. A. Brown TourislL Home I306 Ta’rnall Sireei

Y.M.C.A...... IOIh and Walnu’r SIreeiL


Ho'l'els — MoI'els —— Tourisi' Homes — Resfauran'l’s WASHINGTON. D. C. *ALFRED'S RESTAURANT I6l0 l'U" Sfreel. N.W. Ambassador Ho’rel Fourfeenfh & K Siree’r. N.W. Bellevue Holel l5 E. St. N.W. Buddie's Touris’r Home l320 5+h Sfree’r Burling’ron Holel ll20 Vermon’r Ave., N.W. Cadillac Ho’rel I500 Vermon’r S’rreel’. N.W. Carlyle Hoiel 500 N. Capilal Siree’r Commodore No. Capi’rol & F S’rree’r. N.W. Charles Holel I338 R Sireef. N.W. Clore l-lo‘rel M4 5 Sireel. N.W. Cozy Res+auran+ 708 Florida Avenue, N.W. Dupon’r Plaza l500 New Hampshire Avenue. N.W. Earl's ReslauramL l2l8 U Sireel’. N.W. Edward's Touris’r Home l837 lo’rh S’rreel'. N.W. Execulive House Sco’rf N.W. , Circlel ln’rerna‘rional lnn Thomas Circle. |4+h & M Slreefs. N.W. JohnsonI Jr. Holel I509 Vermonf Avenue. N.W. Ken Rod Holel 62| Rhode lsland Ave.. N.W. Kenyon Grill Res’rauramL 3|l9 Georgia Avenuel N.W. Madison l5’rh 8c M St. N.W.

Manger Annapolis Holel . llll H S+ree+. N.W. Manger Hamillon Hoiel l4’rl1 & K St. N.W. Io’rh & H N.W. Manger Hay-Adams Holel St. . Modern Touris+ Home 3006 Bill St. N.W. Palsy's Touri51L Home 2026 |3+h St, N.W. Pills' Touris’r Home l45l Belmon’r St. N.W. Raleigh Holel l2+h Sl.'& Pennsylvania Ave. Republic Gardens Reslauranl I355 U 51“.. N.W. Rivers Tourisf Home lO'2l Monroe St. N.W. Roger Smilh Holel Pennsylvania Ave. 8: l8+h 51".. N.W. Sheralon-Carl’ron Ho’rel 923 l6+h St. N.W. Shera’ron-Park Hofel Conn. Ave. & Woodley Rd. N.W. S’ra’rler Hillon l6’rh & K S+s.. N.W. Sugar Bowl Resfauranf 2830 Georgia Ave.. N.W. The Hour Reslauranf lllh S’r.. N.W. I 1837 Towles Touris1L Home l32l l3’rh St, N.W.

Y.M.C.A...... l8l6 l2lh Sf” N.W.

Y.M.C.A...... 90] Rhode Island Ave.. N.W.


Ho'l'els -- Molels — Tourisi' Homes —— Restauran'l's

COCONUT GROVE Brown's Grove 66 Sfa’rion 3685 Grand Avenue

BOYNTON BEACH Bahama Molel ||4l/2 N.E. lO+h Ave.


CL 3-927] CL 2-95I4 CAMPBELL'S HOTEL & BAR Nigh’rly and Weekly Rales 537-54ll/2 Second Avenue Elijah Campbell. Prop. Daylona Beach. Fla.

325 Mississippi S’rreef Phone CL 2-9632

Phone 255-39l7 Isaac L. Purcell. Mgr.

CLUB EIGHT - EIGHTY Cocktail Lounge - Reslauronf Day’rona's Leading Social Cen’rer Cocklails served daily, 2 pm. un’ril 2a.m. in ’rhe Blue Room GUGST Slars Em‘erlain in ’rhe Celebri’ry Room Tuesday. Friday, Sa’rurday and Sunday Complete Banquel' and Parfy Facilil'ies Available

I408 Mason Avenue Day’rona Beach. Fla. Phone CL 2-54IO Phone CL 2-7247


Specializing in Fine Foods


Day —— Week — Mon’rh

706 Cypress SIreeI' Day+ona Beach. Fla.

GRAY'S SERVICE STATION Riley M. Gray. Prop. 693 Cypress St. Day+ona Beach Paradise Inn 328 Alabama SIreeI

James Cooper, Mgr...... Daonna Beach, Fla. DELAND

Specializing In Brakes & Tuning RE 4-3263 WEST SIDE SERVICE STATION 8: CAB SERVICE Your One-Sfep Aulo Cen’rer Bill Bru‘ren. Mgr. & Owner 242 W. Voorhis

DELRAY BEACH Fil’rh Avenue Pharmacy l04 N. W. 5+h Avenue Kemp's Paradise Res‘rauran’r l03 N. W. 5+h Avenue La France Ho’rel 104 N. W. 5’rh Avenue

FERNANDINA BEACH American Beach Ap’rs.

FT. LAUDERDALE Cooper's Sundries & Cale 6l5 N. W. 6+h S‘rreel Ca’rherine's BeHer Food Cafe 5l5 N. W. 4+h S’rreef The Friendly Place +0 Find I-he Bes’r Home Cooking Ches’rer's Place Osborn's Res’rauranl’ Five Poin’r Service Slafion 2590 N. W. 22nd Rd.

Hankerson's Gull: Service Sfa’rion , |20| N. W. b’rh S’rreef Hill Holel Johnson's Service S’ra‘rion O'Dell's Bar & Grill & Rooms Tas+y LuncheoneHe HOLLYWOOD Dew Drop Inn 2243 Simms SI’reef HOMESTEAD Ida's Cafe 739 S. W. 8+h Avenue JACKSONVILLE *ASTOR MOTEL IIII Cleveland St. on U.S. #I Noth Jaxonville's FINEST STOP TO MIAMI Rafes $5 up Pvf. BATHS — AIR COND. — Leave U.S. 95 EXIT AT KINGS RD.


One of fire Soufh's Finesf In The Gafeway Cify

Free TV 0 Priva’re Bafh wiJrh Shower in Every Room. Eleclrically Heafed

I25l Kings Rd. Jacksonville. Fla.

B. Robinson Tourisl' Home I28 Orange S’rree’r BIUe Chip Hofel 5l4 Broad SIreeIL C. H. Simmons Tourisf Home 434 W. Ashley Sfree’r Gwendolyn Ho’rel 722 W. Monroe S’rree‘r KEY WEST LiHle Charles Holel 7I3 Whi’rmarsh Lane LAKE CITY Bill Rivers Res’rauranf 93I Taylor Sfree’r Mrs. B. J. Jones Touris’r Home 720 E. Leon S’rreef Mrs. M. McCoy Touris’r Home 730 E Leon S’rree’r Rivers Touris’r Home 93I Taylor Sfreef LAKELAND Mrs. A. Davis Touris’r Home 5I8 WesmL I51L Si‘reeiL Mrs. J. Davis Tourisl Home 842l/2 N. Fla. Avenue Rainey's Tourisr Home I52 Lake Beulah Dr.

MIAMI “ Booker T. Mo’rel 4200 N.W. 27+h Ave. Dorsey Ho’rel 94l N.W. 2nd Ave. Hamp’ron House 4200 N.W. 27’rh Ave. Leonard's Bakery I655 N.W. 3rd Ave. Mary Elizabe’rh Ho’rel 642 N.W. 2nd Ave. Miami-Carver Holel 899 N.W. 3rd Ave. Sir John Hofel 276 N.W. 6’rh SI. SOUTH MIAMI' , _‘ Alexander & Sons Grill 6454 SW. 59+h Place “ ._ OCALA ' ADR The Brown , ~ Derby , 902 Lincoln Sf. OPA LOCKA

i All. Gran’r's Drive Inn |5055 NW. 22nd Ave. Bunche Park Service S’ra’rion l5525 NW. 22nd Ave. Slewarl's Cify Service Garage l4585 NW. 22nd Ave. ORLANDO Brigg's ResiauramL & Rooming House 6|9 & 6l9l/2 S. Parramore 5+. Sun-Glo Mo’rel 737 So. Orange Blossom Trail Wells Bill Ho’rel 509 W. Sou’rh Siree‘r cor. lvey Lane & Gore Ave. PERRINE J. J.'s Gulic Service I7690 Homes’read Avenue

PLANT CITY - Cha’r & Chew 420 Laura Sirree’r

Phone: 752-l 725 AUG _ HARGRETT'S ORANGE GROVE We Ship Everywhere One hall: mile Nor’rh 01‘ Highway #60 — 20 miles Easl of Tampa BRU Rou’re 6, ’Box 209 Plan’r Ci’ry. Fla.


- Kidd's Place cm Ali's Holel & Bar

‘ Ho’rel Grisham WI RICHMOND HEIGHTS Mondell Gulic Service RIVIERA BEACH. Davis Bros. 8|9 Old Dixie Garage Highway 3 Ebony Molel llOI Old Dixie Highway net ST.AUGUST|NE F. M. Kelly Tourisl Home ST. PETERSBURG Club Mo’ron Seymou re Service Sla’rion TALLAHASSEE Abner—Virginia Mo’rel Bragg Dr. al Railroad Avenue TAMPA Afro Ho’rel 722 La Salle S’rreel’

...... |50| Main Slree’r An’rhony's Drive Inn ...... Am‘hony's Col‘lee Shop 720 La Salle S’rree’r Pyramid Ho’rel l028 Cen’rral Ave. WEST PALM BEACH Wes’r Virginia Ho’rel Cor. 3rd & Sapodilla Ave. Palm Garden Drug Slore ...... 3 32 Rosemary Avenue l8 GEORGIA

— — Ho'l'els Motels TourisI- Homes — Res'l'aurani's ADRIAN , . Touri51L Home Wayside ...... U. S. Roule 80 ATLANTA

Connally Tourisf Home ...... _...I25 Walnu’r S’rree’r, S.W. ForresrL Arms Holel 325 Buller Slree’r. N.W. Henry's Grill & Lounge I80 Auburn Avenue Holel Royal 2|4 Auburn Avenue. NE. Joe's Coffee Bar 200 Auburn Avenue Mack Holel 548 Bedlord Place. N.E. Paramoun’r Grille 688 EasI' Avenue, NE. Paschal Bros. ReslauramL 837 Hunler SIreeI. N.W. Savoy Holel 239 Auburn Avenue, NE *STRATTON'S TEA ROOM 299| Peach’rree Rd. Waluhaie Holel 239 W. Lake Avenue. NW.

Y.M.C.A...... 22 Buller Siree’r Haugabrook's Funeral Home 364-66 Auburn Avenue, NE. AUGUSTA Crimm's Holel 725 9H1 S’rreeiL I I I0 I2’rh SIree’r Paramoun’r Mo’rel BRUNSWICK Melody Touri51L Inn I403 G SIreef The Palms TourisI' Home I309 Glous’rer S’rreeI CHICKAMAUGA. GA. C. & D. Halerig Sons ...... R.F.D. 2 COLUMBUS Carver Heigh’rs Mo’rel Rigon Road

Lowe's Ho’rel , 724 5Ih Avenue Miles Aulo Wrecking I807 Cusse’rla Road

Y.M.C.A...... 52I 9H1 Avenue DOUGLAS Economy HoIeI Cherry SIree’r Lawson's Touris’r Home Pearl S’rreeiL Thomas' Res’rauranI' Pearl S’rreel DUBLIN Dudley's Mo’rel & Cale 505 E. Jackson (U.S. 80) Mrs. R. I—Iunler Touris’r Home 504 5. Jefferson Sfreei’ EASTMAN J. P. Cooper Tourisf Home 2II College Sfree’r JEKYLL ISLAND DOLPHIN CLUB & MOTOR HOTEL Jekyll Island JESUP Robinson Morel 39I No. 4H1 S’rree’r MACON Douglas Horel 373 Broadway Mabell's Place 247 5+h Sfree’r Holel Richmond 335 Broadway Jean's Res’rauranl 545 Co’rfon Avenue MARfiIETTA Easl' Side Cab Sland 399 N. Fairground Sn‘reeiL

Hun’rer's Lunch & Lounge ...... L ...... SOI HumL S‘rreeiL PERRY

Ebony Molor Courl ...... U. S. Hwy. 4! Sou’rh SAVANNAH Blay Boy Mo’rel Soulhside Molel STATESBORO Gross Molel THOMASVILLE Imperial Holel i Tallahassee Highway VALDOSTA Mae's Touris’r Home 4|4 Nor’rh Sireel WAY CROSS Paradise Res’rauran’r Oak Sireel

Holels — Motels — Tourisl' Homes — Resl'auranl's HILO Hilo Holel I42 Kinooie Sf. Lanai Molel lO3 Banyan Dr. Naniloa Holel 495 Kilohana Sf. HONOKAA

Honokaa Club Ho’rel ...... P. O. Box I85 KAILUA-KONA King Kamehameha Holel KaHua Bay

Island of Kauai HANALE‘I Hanalei Planlalion LIHUE Coco Palms Resor’r Holel Kauailnn

Island of Maui HANA Hana-Maui ResoriL Ho’rel Sherafon-Maui Ho’rel Island of Oahu HONOLULU Aina Luana Apar’rmen’r Ho’rel 358 Royal Hawaiian Ave. Ala Koa Apar‘rmenl' Holel ...... L ...... 2439 Koa Ave. Ala Moana E‘bb’ride Holel I920 Ala Moana 205 Lowers Rd. 2465 Koa Ave.

Coral S’rrand Ho’rel . 2979 Kalakaua Ave Hawaiiana Ho’rel 260 Beach Walk Hawaiian Village . 2005 Kalia Rd. lslander Ho’rel 40-0 Seaside Ave. Moana Hofel 2365 Kalakaua Ave.

Princess ...... Kaiulani Ho’rel ...... l 20 Kaiulani Ave. Waikikian l8|l Ala Moana Blvd.

Waikiki ...... J. Bilfmore Holel ...... 2424 Kalakaua Ave.

. Waikiki ln’rerna’rional Ho’rel . 23|0 Kuhio Ho’rel Waikiki Sunc Holel 4|2 Lewers Rd. Ree1c Hofel 2l69 Kalia Rd. Royal Hawaiian Hofel 2259 Kalakaua Ave. Royal Tropicana Holel 340 Royal Hawaiian Ave. Surfrider‘ Ho’rel 2365 Kalakaua Ave. The Tradewinds I720 Ala Moana

Ho'l'els — Mofels — Tourisi‘ Homes — Resfouranfs ASHTON Lone COUFI' 7+h Ave. & Main Si. BLACKPOOT Colonial Molel 695 So. Broadway CALDWELL Holiday 5+h Ave. & Highways 20-26-30 COEUR D'ALENE Harf's Ho’rel l830 No. 4’rh 51‘. Highway l0l Wes‘r of Coeur D' Alene IDAHO FALLS Campbell's Holel Rogers 545 Shoupe Ave. Kruse Cour’r Molel Wesl' Broadway Ray's Molel . 248 No. See LEWISTON Lewis Clark 2nd and Main MONT’PELIER Swiss Molel I25 Soulh 5’rh S’rree’r POCATELLO

Banner Mo’rel . I406 N. Main 51".. U. S. 30 Bidwell's Mo’rel I304- So. 5+h Avenue Fred's Morel I333 No. Main Si‘reeiL TWIN FALLS

’ Covey's Molel l2l 4+h Ave.l Soufh Mon’rerey Courf Molel 433 Wes’r Addison


Ho'l-els — Motels — Touris'l- Homes — Resfouronis CARTHAGE

Ho’rel ...... Hap's ...... U. S. Hwy. I36 2| CENTRALIA

., Mrs. Claybourne 303 N. Pine S’rree1L CHICAGO ~ A & J Res’rauranl' l05 Eas’r 5l51L S’rree’r Alamac Holel I934 W. Jackson Blvd. Ambassador Easl' & Wesl' N. S’rale Pkwy & Goefhe i Archway Supper Club ...... 356 E. 6|sl' S’rreeiL Ascol' House ll’rh S’r. & Michigan Ave. 9 CA Belmon’r Ho’rel Sheridan Rd. a’r Belmon+_Ave. Bennie's Reslauran’r 6256 Sou’rh ‘ Parkway ' DA Bismarck |7l W. Randolph S’r. Clark's Beau’ry Bazaar 8l0 E. 75+h S’r. ” C & C Club & 65|3 Collage Grove EA} Lounge ' Club Baby Doll' 7309 Vincennes Ave. j Conrad Hil’ron 7lh & 8+h Sf. & Michigan Blvd. Deluxe Beauiy Shop 620l/2 Easf 79+h Slreef Dixon's Beau’ry Shop 3l| Eas’r 47+h S’rree’r Drake Lake Shore Dr. & Upper Michigan Ave. Earl's 74’rh Siree’r Lounge 740‘4l/2 Co’r’rage Grove Eberharf Ho’rel 6050 Eberharf Avenue Edgewa’rer Beach Ho’rel 5300 N. Sheridan Rd. E. Wacker Dr. Execulive House PEl E's Lounge Evans Ho’rel

Friendship Beau’ry Shop . 3 R01 Garfield Hofel l , Gold Coas+ Lounge 570| S. S+a+e S+ree+ ‘ Grand Ho’rel i 5044 Sou‘rh Parkway Harlem Hofel 5020 So. Michigan Avenue Hayes Hofel 6345 So. Universily

. Blvd. Ho’rel Alcazar 3000 W. Washing’ron SPI Holel Woodmere 464! S. Woodlawn Impala Lounge Ki’r’ry Kaf Club Madeline's Beau’ry Salon . Manlield Holel 6434 Collage Grove Ave. Manor House 4635 So. Parkway llEl McGowan' 5 Lounge McKie' 5 Disc Jockey Show Lounge Pay’ron's New Brass Rail Pershing Ho’rel Club Playboy ’ Ri’rz Hofel Rober’r's Show Club ANl Rober’rs Mo+el Royal Can’ron Cafe Hofel Royallon ElKi 5 & s Ho’rel Soufhway Holel . Spencer yHolel EVA *STELZER'S RESTAURANT - Slrand Ho’rel Sufherland Ho’rel 47in & Dreer Blvd. The Corner III’rh & Vincennes (Morgan Park) The Place 6|9 Eas1L 63rd SIree’r Tippin-Inn Lounge 325 EasI' 35’rh SJrreeiL Trocadero Lounge 47|9 Indiana VeI-Mar Ho’reI 2|20 W. Washingion SI. *WEDGEWOOD TOWERS HOTEL 64OI So. WoodIawn Ave.

Y.M.C.A...... 500 S. Indiana Avenue CARB-ONDALE Plaza CounL 600 E. Main Slree’r DANVILLE JusI—A—Mere HoIeI 2I8 Eas’r Norih Sireef EAST ST. LOUIS 34+I1 8: SI. Clair S‘I’s. Bond Food Shop 628 Bond SIreeI Bush's Rib S’ra’rion I836 Missouri Avenue Ho’rel Harlem I426 Broadway Mid-Town Service Sia’rion |50| Broadway Murray's S’randard Service 3765 Bond Avenue

Nichol's Drive Inn . 900 Missouri Avenue Rock Grill I433 Brady PEORIA ' Wind's MoIeI 3527 W. Harmon Way 74! N. Monson SIree’r ROCKFORD

...... SireeiL Briggs Hofel ...... 429 Cour1L Mrs. Brown Tourisf Home C227 S. Winnebago Siree’r Mrs. C. Gorum TourisI' Home 30‘I Sfeward Avenue S. Wesfbrook Touris’r Home SPRINGFIELD Dr. Ware TourisIL Home I520 E. Washing’ron SrreeI Mrs. B. Mosby TourisI Home I6|4 E. Jackson Siree’r Mrs. Bernie Eskridge Touris‘r Home I50I Jackson Sfree’r Mrs. G. BeII TourisI' Home 625 No. 2nd Siree’r Mrs. L. Jones TourismL Home VIENNA McCormick Mo’reI

INDIANA Ho‘l'els — kMo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes —- Resiauran'l's ANGOLA Pryor's Lodge EamL Side Fox Lake Resort RR 2 The Mar-Fran MoIeI U. S. 20. I mi. Wes‘I of Angola. Ihen I/2 mi. So. ELKHART Miss E. BoHs TourisI' Home 336 SI. Joe Sireef EVANSVILLE Hofel Rena 66I Governor Siree’r Mrs. H. BesI Touris’r Home 658 Lincoln Avenue FRANKLIN CO Tanyika Inn 75I W. King S’rreeiL FORT WAYNE Howell Ho’rel I803 S. Hanna Sfree’r DA Mrs. B. TalbmL Tourisf Home 456 E. Douglas Slewar’r's Resfauranf 62| E. Brackenridge S‘rree’r DE WesuL Acres Mo’rel . I301 Goshen Avenue GARY *HOTEL TOLEDO 22nd Avenue 8: Adams S’rreei' Hayes Ho’rel 2‘I67 Broadway INDIANAPOLIS Blue Eagle Resl'auran’r 70| Indiana Avenue Fos’rer Hofel 2I54 N. Illinois Siree’r DU Guesr House 3| Wes’r 22nd S’rree’r Perkins Resfauranl' 793 Indiana Avenue IO‘ Severin Ho’rel Trade Winds Mofel

Y.M.C.A...... Sena’re Avenue Branch NE Y.M.C.A...... 806 W. IOIh SIreeI’

Y.W.C.A...... 329 N. Penn Sfree’r KOKOMO 0T

Mrs. C. W. Winburn Tourisl' Home . I015 Kennedy Siree’r Mrs. Charles Hardinson Tourisr Home 8I2 Kennedy S‘rree’r Mrs. S. D. Hughes TourisrL Home |O45 N. Kennedy S’rree’r SII LAFAYETTE Green Acres Mo’rel Hwy. 52‘. Norfh MARION Marshal's Resfauranf 4I'4-4I8 Ea51L 4+h Siree’r WI Mrs. Alber’r Ward Touris’r Home 324- Wes‘r |4Ih SfreeiL MICHIGAN CITY Allen's Tourisl' Home 2IO Eas’r 2nd S’rreef MUNCIE Gray's Mol'el 3600 No. Broadway Madison Sfree’r Y.M.C.A...... 9065 SOUTH BEND Alou Tourisr Ho‘rel 226i Dixie Way, Norlh Smokes Reslauranr 432 So. Chapin S’rree’r All VINCENNES Grand Ho’rel P O. Box ||8 WEST BADEN SPRINGS Waddy Holel IOWA

— Ho'l'els — Moi-ell: — Touris‘l' Homes ResI'auranI's CEDAR RAPIDS .8I8 9+h S.E. Brown's Tourisf Home ...... Avenue, Sepia Mo’rel M’r. Vernon Road. S.E. CLINTON . Mississippi View Mo’rel 2'626 Harding COUNCIL BLUFFS

. Grove Mo’rel ...... S 0. Omaha Bridge Rd. Woodland Echoes Village ...... 429 N. 27+h DAVENPORT Davenpor’r Hoiel DES MOINES

Communify Res’rauran’r ...... I202 Cen’rer Sfreel‘

Erma & Carrie's Resfauranf ...... l00k8 Cem‘er S‘lreeiL reel Maple Grove Mo’rel ...... 6500 Hickman Rd.

Peck's Resiauranl‘ ...... l l80 |3+h Sfree’r

Y.W.C.A...... r ...... ;...5l2 9+h Sireef

Sampson Res’rauran’r ...... I246 Eas’r I7‘rh Srreel wp. DUBUOUE Canlield Ho’rel IOWA CITY

Oak Grove Molel ...... Hwy. 6

Skyway Molel ...... Hwy. 2|8. Sou’rh NEWTON

, Hillcresl' Molel ...... 3l20 Isl“ Ave.. E.. Hwy. 6 OTTUMWA

Park Ho+el ......


Floyd Park Mo’rel ...... 2236 Williams Avenue

Prince Henry Reslauran’r ...... 8l8 Hamil’ron Siree‘r Wes’r Ho’rel WATERLOO Holel Ellis

. Mrs. B. F. Tredwell Tourisl Home ...... 9 28 Beach Srreel Sfreel Mrs. E. Lee TourislL Home ...... 745 Vin’ron Sfree’r Mrs. Spencer Tcurisf Home ...... 220 Summer 82l Swing Inn Molel ...... W‘ashinglon


Ho'l'els — Mo'l'els — Tourisf Homes — Resiauram. ABILENE

Diamond Cour’r Mo’rel ...... I403 N.W. 3rd Siree’r Box Sunflower Hofel ..... I ...... 237 ATCHI‘SON

Mrs. M. McDonald Touris’r Home ...... IOOI Sou’rh 7+h Si‘ree’r


Mrs. B. Johnson Tourisl Home ...... |O2 EaswL 2nd Siree’r DODGE CITY Shangri-La Molel EMPORIA 8|6 Siree‘r Ellio’r’r's Touri51L Home ...... Congress EDWARDSVILLE 32 & BiHs Creek Road House Tourisf Home ...... Anderson's Hwy.. FORT SCOTT Hall's Hotel 223l/2 Ea51L Wall Street Harrison's Court Molel l9l6 E. Wall 'Todds Mo’rel GARDEN CITY Trail Inn Court Mo’rel HIAWATHA Mrs. Mary Sanders Tourist Home HUTCHINSON Beauty Rest Motel 2927 East 4th S’rreel’ Mrs. C. Lewis Tourist Home 400 Wesl' Sherman JUNCTION CITY Bridgelorlh l-lo’rel KANSAS CITY Crown Court Molel Hale's Courl' 644- Blvd. Y.W.C.A...... Quindaro LARNED Carrie's Bar-B-Q Restaurant MA Mrs. C. M. Madison TourisrL Home Mrs. John Caro Tourist Home PM Mrs. Mose Madison TourisrL Home LAWRENCE Snowden's Hotel LEAVENWORTH Leavenworth Molel AL! MANHATTAN George's Molel BA! Mrs. E. Dawson Tourist Home SALINA BAl Canary Motor Court STOCKTON L. D. Fuller TOPEKA 75—24-40 Ace Mo’rel Junction Hwys. 2| I7 Cem‘ral Ace Mo’ror Couri- Capitol Hotel F. W. Woolworth Co. Cafeteria Mrs. E. Slaughter Tourist Home Palma House Hotel Pennant Cafeteria Purple Cow Coffee Shop Senate Cale’reria WICI'IITA William S‘rs. Allis Hotel y & E. Is’r & Market Streets Lassen Ho’rel ...... 3358 S. Broadway Osage Motel KENTUCKY

—- Hotels — Motels —- Tourist Homes Restaurants BOWLING GREEN 3l-w Ho’rel Southern Queen State Street. Hwy. ELIZABETHTOWN

Mrs. B. Tyler Touri51L Home . Niles Sireel HOPKINSVILLE L. McNary's Touris’r Home ll3 Liberly Siree’r Mrs. E. Davis Touris’r Home 90I E. Hayes S’rreef LEXINGTON Greys’rone Mofel Race Slreei‘ Huggins Service Cen’rer 7H1 & Lime Mrs. K. Wallace Touri51L Home 600 W. Maxwell LOUISVILLE Brown Derby Lounge 563 S. l0+li Sfreel’ Eli’re Tavern & Grill 280i W. Walnu‘r Frank's Service Sla’rion 729 W. WalnuxL Hook's Ho’rel 8’rh & ClrieslnmL Siree’r Mickey's Bar & Grill 633 S. IO’rh S’rree’r The Allen Hofel 25l6 W. Madison Sireei Turner's Drive In 367! Newburg Road

Y.M.C.A...... 920 W. Chesfnu‘r S’rreef


Mammo’rh Cave Hofel . Open year round PADUCAI‘I JeFFerson Hofel 5l4 SOUl‘l’l 8H1 Sireel LOUISIANA

Hotels — Mo'l'els — TourisI' Homes —— Resiauranfs ALEXANDRIA The Orien’r Ho’rel 725l/2 Lee S+ree+ BASTROP BlueFron+ Cafe 423 W. Madison BATON ROUGE

Ever Ready Ho’rel . I325 GovernmenlL Sfree’r Ideal Cale’reria E. Boulevard Lincoln Ho’rel l3’rh Siree’r Pearson's Touris’r Home |5|5 Oleander Si‘reeiL T. Harrison TourismL Home l236 Louisiana Avenue

KENNER ‘ Tanner's Mo+el Rle. l. Box l0?!) LAFAYETTE Bourges Touris’r Home 4l6 Washing’ron Sireef LAKE CHARLES Combre's Place Touris’r Home 60! Boulevard Grand Terrace Ho’rel 53l Boulevard Lewis Holel 5|5 Boulevard MONROE Blue Moon ReslauramL l8ll Conover Si‘ree’r Crane's Holel 503 Adams Slreel Dudley's Hofel Desiard Siree’r Nelson's Mofel 705l/2 Desia rd Sireei MORGAN CITY Mrs. L. Williams 719 Federal Avenue Mrs. V. Williams 208 Union St‘reewL NEW ORLEANS As’roria Ho’rel 235 So. RamparI' SIree’r Caladonia Inn HoIel S’r. Claude & SI. Phillip IIIX Dooky Res’rauranI' Cor. Orleans & Miro FosIer's Chicken Den ResiauramL Cor. LaSaIIe & 7+h S’rs. OII Gladsfone HoIeI 3435 Dryades S+reeI Golden LeaIc Ho’reI . I209 Sara’roga S’rree’r POI Gumbo House Res’rauranf I936 Louisiana Avenue Harris House Ho’rel Honey Dew Inn ResIauran’r ROI

HoI'el Fos’rer . Marsalis MoIeI IIO Shrewsbury Road

*‘MASON'S MOTEL . 3923 Melpomene S’rree’r Mrs. J. Touris’r Home 2I34 Mon‘rgomery Harmony ANI Mrs. King TourisI‘ Home 2826 Louisiana Avenue Mrs. P. Robinson Touris+ Home 9038 Olive SIreeI N. J. TO’UI‘IS‘I‘ Home Bailey IAI Norfh Side HoIel I5I8 La Harpe Siree’r Place-Of—Joy Resrauranr 2700 Melpomene S’rreeiL PorI‘ia's ResIauranI 2426 Louisiana Avenue Riley's Gues+ House Robin Hood Ho’reI Robinson's TourisI Home 3300 Hamilion S’rreeiL Shadowland HoIeI I92I Washing’ron Avenue SIree’r ...... I I I6 N. Vogue Ho+eI ...... Dorgenois

...... 2| I2 Siree‘r Roosevell‘ Haney ...... Felicin NEW IBERIA IOI M. Rober’rson Tourisl- Home I|6 Hopkins S’rreef N. E. Cooper Touris’r Home 9I3 Providence S’rree‘r OPELCUSAS ELK B. Giron TourisI' Home SHREVEPORT FAI Cas’rle HoIeI I000 Sprague Slree’r George WashingIon Carver Branch Y M. C.A |05II/2 Texas Avenue FIIE Hollywood CiIies Service S’ra’rion 3807 Hollywood King's Circle Inn Bar-B-Que 4054 Miles

...... I229 Milan SIreeI Lloyd's HoIeI ...... Mrs. A. Harris Touris’r Home 2848 Milan SIreeIL Mrs. Ed. Turner TouriSIL Home 309 Douglas SIreeI Sprague Ho’rel I032 Sprague S’rree’r The New AirporI- MoI'el . 44I6 Hollywood Will SIeward Ho+el I249 Oakland Visif George Washingi'on Carver Branch Y. M.C.A. 1051V2 Texas Ave. Phone 2039| —- ShreveporI La. WEST MONROE Jackson's Mo’rel 2004 Cypress SireeI Myles' Au’ro Paris & Wrecking Co...... 2I22 Cypress S’rreef MAINE

Ho'l'els — Mo'l'els — Tourisi' Homes — Resiouran'l's BANGOR THE BANGOR HOUSE M-o’ror Ho+el Main aI' Union S’rreeI's

28 Downiown Bangor. Family Plan, TV, AAA, Duncan Hines, Dining Room. Coffee Shop & Cocln‘ail Lounge — Tel Ban 732i DIXFIELD Marigold Mofel Hwy. 2. l0 Miles Easl' oi Rumiord OLD ORCHARD Mrs. R. Cumming's Touris+ Home llOPorHand Avenue PORTLAND Thomas House Tourisl' Home 28 "A" Siree’r SwampscoHa Lodge Rl. 302, 9 miles from Por’rland ROBBINSTON Brook's Blufic Co’r’rage wy. l, l2 Miles Easl" of Calais

— Hofels Mo'l'els — Tourisf Homes — Resfauronis ANNAPOLIS

Alsop's Reslauran’r . NorflwwesmL & CalveriL st. Brown Hofel 50 Clay Sireei BALTIMORE Club Bargeque l5l9 Peznn. Avenue Honor Reed Ho’rel 667 No. Franklin Maies’ric Ho’rel I602 McCullol'i S‘ireeiL Sphinx Resfauranf 2lO7 Pennsylvania Avenue SeSs Resfauranl‘ I639 Division Sfreel Spo’r Bar—B-Q Resiauran’r l530 Penn. Avenue Whi’re Rice Inn I306 Penn. Avenue

Y.M.C.A...... l6|7 Druid Hill Avenue

Y.W.C.A...... l9l6 Madison Avenue BOWIE‘

S’rephen Bowie Ho’rel . Bowie-Laurel Road ELKRIID‘GE

Bass Mofel ...... U. S. R+. No. l FAULKNER Blue Siar Mofel R’r. 30l, 6 miles N. of Po’romac River Bridge FREDERICK Crescen’r ReslauramL l6 W. All SaimL Sl’reeiL Mrs. J. Makel Tourisl' Home ll9 Ea51L 5H1 Sireel' Mrs. W. W. Roberfs Tourisf Home 3l6 W. Sou’rh Siree‘r HAGERSTOWN Harmon Tourisf Homes 226 N Jona’rhan Sfree’r Ship Tea Room 329 N. Jonaihan Sfree’r HAVRE DE GRACE

Johnson's Ho’rel » 415 So. S’rokes S+ree+ SALISBURY

Franklin Holel ...... U. S. Hwy. 50, 6 blocks W. of Rl. l3 WALDORF

Blue Jay Mofel ...... U. S. 3'Ol MASSACHUSETTS

Hofels — Motels — Tourisf Homes — Res'l-ouran'l's BOSTON Bedford Molel Rf. 4-. ExiiL #36, OH Rf. l28 429 Columbus Avenue 455Columbus Avenue ' ' ' Harriel Tubman Holel , 25 Holyoke Slreel Holeman Tourisl Home - 2l2 W. Springlield Slreel Julia Wallers Tourisl Home 9l2 Fremonl M. Johnson Tourisl Home Mrs. E. A. Taylor Tourisl Home I92 W. Springfield Slreel

Slades Reslauranl ...... 958 Tremonl Slree’r Sunnyside Reslauranl . 4|| Columbus Avenue The Manger Weslern Reslauranl BUZZARDS BAY P.O. Wagon Wheels Savary Avenue. R.F.D. CAMBRIDGE Mrs. S. P. Bennell Tourisl Home 26 Mead Slreel GREAT BARRINGTON Mrs I. Anderson Tourisl Home 28 Rossiler Slreel Mrs. J. Hamillon Tourisl Home US Main Slreel HYANNIS Cape Traveler Molel Rl. 28, 2 miles easl ol Hyannis Zilphas Collages Tourisl Home , l34- Oakneck Road Hyannisporl KINGSTON Kingslon lnn Camp Twin Oaks NANTUCKET ISLAND The Skipper Reslauranl NORTH CAMBRIDGE Mrs. L. G. Hill Tourisl Home 39 Hubbard Avenue OAK BLUFFS ,V. P. O. Box 788 Brownie's Collage ...... ‘ Cinderella Collage 36 Pequol Avenue Dunmere-By-The-Sea 5 Penacock Avenue ‘ P. O. Box I354 Maxwell Collage ...... O'Brien House 220 Circuil Avenue Oliver W. Moody Scoll's Collage P O. Box I I3!

Shearer Collage . PI'I'I'SFIELD J. Marshall Tourisl Home I24 Danlorlh Avenue

M. E. Granl Tourisl Home . 53 King Slreel Mrs. T. Dillard Tourisl Home l09 Linden Slreel PROVINCETOWN Kalmar Village RANDOLPH Chickenshack SPRINGFIELD Holel Springfield MICHIGAN

— Ho'l'eIs — Molels — Tourisl Homes Res'l'auranls ANN ARBOR Allenel Holel

" American Holel BATTLE CREEK ' Mrs. F. Brown TourismL Home 76 Wal’rers Avenue BALDWIN R’r. No. I Box l53 Whip-Or-W'ill Colfage ‘ BITLEY ~ Kelsonia lnn Woodland Park

Ho’rel - Woodland Park Royal Breeze ' CASSOP’OLIS 'ldlehour Coun’rry Club Caslen's Blue Bell Garden Dagg's Collage Evere’rl" ReSiL Haven Royal Breeze Hofel DETROIT Capi’rol Holel ll4 Eas+ Palmer Capri-Plaza Holel 754l Linwood Sireel’ Ebony Holel llO Chandler S’rree’r Go‘rham Holel lll Orchesfra Place Mark Twain Holel 52‘ E. Garfield McGraw Hofel Ml. Royal Ho’rel 6I5 E. Adams Si‘reeiL Russell Ho’rel ...... Summers Holel 4l2 Frederick Sir-eelL Summers Hoiel 2940 Harding 'S’rree’r Thomas Ho+el 244 E. Kirby S’rreel Town Molel 2l27 W. Grand Blvd. FLINT . 1 Elms Park Molel 280! So. Dor’r Hwy. Mrs. E. Taylor TourismL Home l6|5 Clifford S’rree’r T. L. Wheeler Touris’r Home l5l2 Liber’ry S’rreeiL

GRAND RAPIDS . Villa Cour]L Molel 545l So. Division HART Bryson's Lake View IDLEWILD B. Riddles TourismL Home Bask lnn Touris’r Home Casa Blanca Holel Club El Morocco Ho’rel Douglas Manor Touris’r Home Edinburgh CoHage. Miss Herrons TourismL Home McKnighl's Holel Navajo Res’rauranl’ Oakmere Ho’rel Paradise Gardens Hoiel Phil Giles Ho’rel Rainbow Manor Touris’r Home Resl Haven Touris’r Home Rosanna's Reslauran’r Spizerink’rom Touris’r Home The Pomiserania Lodge ‘Whi’reway lnn Reslauranl INKSTER Mona Lisa Molel 28725 Michigan Ave. JACKSON

Mooreman Tourisf Lodge . Milwaukee Sfreef Mrs. W. Harrison Touris’r Home I26 Moore LANSING Mrs. Gaines Tourisl’ Home l406 Alber’r S’rree’r Mrs. James Lewis Tourisl Home 8l6 S. Buller S’rreeiL Sonny's Tropicana Lodge Division & Williams Slreels MACKINAW CITY Parkview Cabins ||4 Depeysler Sfree’r MUSKEGON R. C. Merrick Touris’r Home 65 E. Muskegon Avenue NEW BUFFALO

Fireside Reslauran’r ...... U. S. Roufe l2 OSCODA Jesse Colba+l1 Touris’r Home PONTIAC Mo’rel Morocco VANDALIA Copper Mo’rel Hwy. M 60. Be’r. Chicago & Defroil‘

Mrs. Mayme Cooper Tourisl' Home ...... P. O. Box 96 Cl THREE RIVERS Jordan's Touri51L Home Rf. 4. Box 289 Cl Wilson's Farm Rf. 3, Box I96 MINNESOTA

HoI'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — Restauranfs Fl AUSTIN Fox Ho’rel GI BENSON Earl's Molel DULUTH l'll London Road Courl' GRAND RAPIDS Holiday Village Mo+el MINNEAPOLIS Parkway Mo’ror Courl' Hl MOTLEY Herman Sleick's Reslauranf ROCHESTER Avalon Hofel 303 Norfh Broadway

De Luxe Mo+or Courf . l4 & 52 ST. CLOUD Grand Cen’rral Hofel 5H1 & S’r. Germaine Kays Mo’rel I02 Lincoln Avenue Resfauranf l3 6% Avenue No.

Spaniol '

. PAUL Coleman's Res+auran+ 2239 Ford Parkway

Covered Wagon ...... 320 Wabasha Ho’rel Lowery 339 Wabasha Hofel Ryan 402 Roberl’ Ho+el 5+. Paul Jean's French Resfauranl' 748 Grand

Lee's Village lnn . 800 Cleveland Lexingfon Res’rauranl‘ IO'96 Grand Lindy's S’reak House I58! Universi’ry Lowry 339 Wabasha

Por’r's Res+auran+ . I046 Grand Radisson 6+h S’rree’rs Ryan . and RoberiL Sarrack Morel 946 McKnigh+ Rd.

Sugar's ResfauranJr . ZOI Eas+ 4+h S’rree’r

Y.M.C.A...... l23 Wesf 5+h S’rreer WINONA Hoiel Winona Red Top Morel Hwy. 6|. Wesl' Winn Tee Pee—Collage Mo’rel Hwys. 6144—43, l/2 Mile Easf MISSISSIPPI

HoI-els — MoI'eIs — Tourist Homes — Res'I-auran'l's BILOXI Mrs. A. J. Alcina Touris’r Home .443 Washing’ron

Mrs. G. Bess Touris+ Home . 630 Main Sfree’r CLARKSDALE Riverside Holel 6|5 S. Sunflower Avenue COLUMBUS Mrs. Chevis Touris’r Home I425 llrh Avenue N.

M. J. Harrison Tourisl' Home . |4+h S’rree‘r Queens Ci’ry Ho’rel l5+h S’rree1L & 7+h Avenue FOREST The Sky Way Morel Mrs. Guise. Prop., Box 53 GREENVILLE El Moroco Ho’rel |O39 Nelson Siree’r Ho+e| Mom‘rol Nelson S’rreeiL HATI'IESBURG

Crosby's Ho‘rel . 5I2 Mobile S’rree’r Mrs. A. Crosby Touris’r Home 4|3 E. blh Siree‘r Mrs. S. Vann Touris‘r Home 636 Mobile S’rreeiL W. A. Godboll' Touris’r Home 409 E. 7’rh S’rreerL HOLLY SPRINGS Clark's Dairy Bar & Taxi Service On Hiway 78N

College Cour’r Morel ...... U. S. Hwys. 78 & Miss. 7 JACKSON Edward Lee Ho’rel I44 W. Church S’rreel’ Summers Ho’rel 6|? W. Pearl Sire-3+ LAUREL Mrs. S. G. Wilson Touris’r Home 806 So. 7‘rh S’rreeiL McCOM‘B

’ De Solo Ho+el 60l Summil' SlreeiL Whi+e CasHe Holel Highway 5| MERIDIAN

' Beales Ho’rel , 24H Fil’rh S’rree’r Charley Leigh TourisrL Home I425 FiHh SlreeiL Ho’rel E. F. Young. Jr...... 500 25+h Avenue Hol'el Henderson 2507 5+h Si‘reeiL MOUND BAYOU

Legge’r’re's Fan-Cee Freeze . On Highway 6| Marzel Mo’rel Mrs. Charlo’r’re S’rrong Tourisl Home Mrs. Sallie Price Tourisf Home NATCHEZ Mrs. S. Miller Touris’r Home 3l Bishop Siree‘r Riverside Resiauran‘r 200 S. Broadway NEW ALBANY S. Drewery Tourisl' Home Church Sfreer HOWARD'S MOTEL 8: SNACK BAR — 540 Oak Shed Room Ra’re $l - $7.50 per nighf Nigh’r Phone: 634-5829 New Albany. Mlss. Day Phone: 534-5829 PASSAGOULA Mrs. Milline B. Wilson Tourisl Home |00l Kenne’rh Avenue Jabo's Mo’rel & ReslauramL 706 E. Live Oak S’rree’r TOUGALOO

Zebra Mo’rel . Hwy. 5l. By PassI 7 miles N. of Jackson VICKSBURG

Y.M.C.A...... 923 Walnul' S’rreel’ YAZOO CITY Mrs. A. J. Walker Touris’r Home 32l S. Monroe MISSOURI

Ho‘l'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — ResIauranIs CAPE GIRARDEAU J. Randol Touris+ Home 422 Noth Siree’r W. Mar’rin Touris’r Home 38 N. Hanover Sfree’r COLUMBIA Ausfin House Ho’rel I Wesl Ash Sireel' Williams Touri51L Home ll0 Lynn SfreeiL MOI EXCELSIOR SPRINGS ‘ Moore's Hofel Main Siree’r ST. HANNIBAL Mrs. E. Julius Touris’r Home JACKSON

Eulinberg's Place ...... U.S. Hiway 6|. I4 Mi. of Jackson JEFFERSON CITY Blue Tiger Res’rauramL Ches’rnmL & E. A’rchenson Slreef Booker T. Ho’rel Lincoln Ho’rel 600 Lafaye’r’re Sfree’r Miss C. Woodridge Touris’r Home 4|8 Adams S+ree+ KANSAS CITY Annabelle's Beau’ry Nook 2306 E. l2 S’rree1L Broyles Bro’rhers Au’ro Service 303! Prospec’r Drumm's Cleaners & Dyers Prospecl' a+ 35 Sf. Eddie's Hickory House l7’rh & Vine Gafher Inn Gill-Hodges Pharmacy Gladyes Briscoe's Beau’ry Salon I800 N. 5+h S’rree’r Ideal Barber Shop I308 N. 5+h S'lreef Jacqulyn’s Cleaners & Launderers 29+h & Treos’r Ka’rz Drug Co. Lasi' Round-Up I6ll E. l2 S’rree’r Levell's Pharmacy I|0| Quindaro Lincoln Hofel l3+h & Woodland Si. Lock's Beau+y Salon 340'! Prospecf Lou's Pharmacy N.E. Cor. 3|s+ 8: Brooklyn M & T Resiaurani‘ 20|3 E. l2+h Sireef Mardi Gras Nigh’r Club Marmadell's Beau’ry Salon Marfha's Cale Maifie's Dine’r‘l’e Melody Lanes Bowling Alley Mim's Cafe Mr. Burger Drive—In Mr. J's Beau’ry Salon Mrs. Vallie Lamb Touris’r Home

...... 9 2| E. S’rree’r 92! Hofel ...... l7’rh

' Old Kenfucky's Resiauranf |22| Brooklyn Oven Resfaurani' |7+h & Vine Sfreeis Parkview Ho’rel l0+h 8: Paseo Par+y House San’ra Fe Discoun’r Drugs 2701 Prospec’r Smi’rh's UlJrra Modern Drug S’rore . 3839 Prospeci Square Deal Moiel I305 E. I8’rh S’rree+ Sireef's Morel l5|0 E. l8+h S’rreef I908 +he Paseo Y.W.C.A...... Lincoln Hoiel l3’rh & Woodland 5+5. M & T Res’rauran’r 20|3 E. I2’rh Sfreef Mim's Cafe Mrs. Vallie Lamb Touris‘r Home MOBERLY Ralph Bass Touris’r Homes ST. CHARLES Virginia's Bar-B-O S’rand ST. CLAIR S. 66 Mrs. L. Hilliard Mo’rel ...... U. Hiway ST. LOUIS Aberna’rhy's Adams Ho’rel 4295 Olive S+ree1L Alcorn Ho’rel 4|65 Washing’ron Avenue Anderson's Service Sfaiion . 4950 Nor’rhland Pl. A+las Hoiel 4267 Delmar Booker T. Washing’ron Ho’rel Collin's Service S’ra’rion Gordon's Rib Sfa’rion Lucille's Food Shop Norfhside Grill Poro Hofel Sara-Lou Cafe Sf. Louis Service Sfafion \NemL End Hoiel V‘v’ilke's Ea’r Shop SPRINGFIELD Alberla's Holel 6l7 No. Benion Ell MONTANA

Hotels — Motels — Tourisi' Homes — Res'l'ouronfs BILLIN‘GS LAS General Cus’rer Ho’rel Rimrock Lodge l200 No. 27+h S’rreel’ BUTTE Ham's Courl' 3702 Harrison Avenue GREAT FALLS Mo’rel Cenfral 7|5 Cem‘ral Ave., WeswL GLACIER NATIONAL PARK All Ho+els Open —— June l5 ’ro Sep’r. l5 Glacier Park Holel Porfer's De Luxe Cabins HT HELENA

Capilol Courf ...... a ...... l I50 ll’rh Avenue MA Placer Holel , Helena. Monfana LIVINGSTON Nil Murry Ho’rel 20I Wes‘r Park

Willow Park Collages ...... U. S. 89 Yellows’rone Mo’rel So. Main Sfree’r TW MISSOULA Hofel Florence WH NEBRASKA

Hofels — Mofels — Tourisi' Homes — Resiouronis AINSWORTH Midwesf Ho’rel Skinner's Cabins AS! CHARDRON Oak's Courl Molel Wesl’ Hwy. 20 FREMONT Gus Henderson Tourisl' Home I725 N. Irving Siree’r

i Shady Nook Cabins ...... P. O. Box 45 LINCOLN Deluxe Courl' 4433 No. 70‘lh S’rreel‘ Lincoln Ho’rel 9H1 & ”P" S’rreels OMAHA

i Broadview Ho’rel ...... 2060 N. |9+h S’rree’r All Pal’ron's Ho’rel 2425 Erskine Sireei SCOTTSBLUFF Eagle's Res’rauranf I603 Broadway Welsh Roome Hofel IOIS 9H1 Avenue SIDNEY Long Pine Courl' I70| Illinois VALENTINE Ho’rel Marion NEVADA

Ho'l'els —— Moiels — Touris‘l' Homes —- Res‘l'ouroni's BOULDER CITY Boulder Dam Holel 36 Lake Meade Lodge ELKO *LOUIS MOTEL We51L Elkol Hwy. 40 ' ' Phone RE 8-6l88 —— No PeI’s LAS VEGAS Carver House Jackson and "D" Siree’rs Hoiel Jackson 405 W. Jackson Sireei Shaw Apf. Touris’r Home 6I9 Van Buren S’rreeiL

WesI Mo’rel . 950 Bonanza Road RENO Hathorne Tourisl' Home 542 Valley Road New China Club 260 Lake Sireei NEW HAMPSHIRE

-— Ho'l'els Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — ResI'auranI's LITTLETON Whi’re Wall Mo’rel MANCHESTER Floyd Hoiel NEW LONDON Twin Lake Village TWIN MOUNTAIN The Las’r Chance Moiel ...... U. S. Highway 3 WHITEFIELD


— — HoI'eIs MoI'els Touris'I' Homes — Res'I'auranI's ASBURY PARK E. C. Yeager TouriswL Home I406 MaHison Ave. Mrs. C. Jones Tourisi Home I4l Sylvan Ave.

Mrs. V. Maupin TourisI' Homes . 25 Aikins Ave.

Mrs. W. Greenlow TourisI' Home . I3I5 Summerfield Ave. Nellie Tu’ri's Res’raurani I207 SpringWood Ave. Reevy's HoIeI . ”I35 DeWiH' Ave. Waverly Moiel I38 DeWiH Ave. Wesf Side Res’rauramL II36 Springwood Ave.

Whi’rehead Ho+el ...... 25 A’rkins Ave. ATLANTIC CITY A’r’rucks Hoiel II20 Drexel Ave. Bur’ron's Hoiel IO Nor’rh Delaware Ave. Carver Hall Ho’rel 500 Nor’rh Carolina Ave. Gambrill's N. Indiana Ave. Golden's Res’raurani'g 4| Nor’rh Keniucky Ave. Hawkin's I ll4 Baliic Ave. Hol’el McCracken l70I Arciic Ave.

Jamaica Moiel ...... I I40 Adriaiic Avenue Johnson's Hoiel , II Nor’rh Ken’rucy Ave. Jones Co’n‘age I720 Arciic Ave. Kaihryn Guesi House I8|7 Arciic Ave. Liberiy Ho’rel I579 BaI’ric Ave. Lincoln Ho’rel I5 Nor’rh Indiana Ave. LivingsI’on's GueSI House 38 N. Rhode Island Ave. Murphy TourisI' Home . 234 Virginia Ave. Newsome's Co’r‘rage I26 N. Indiana Ave. PARK PLAZA MOTEL

Phone 348-9I3I -— 26 modern uni’rs — Air Condifioned

‘ Perry's Resiauran’r I222 Arciic Ave. R. Brown Touri51L Home II3 Nor’rh Pennsylvania Ave. Randell Ho’rel I60| Arciic Ave. OCI

Siigare Mo’rel . Village Inn I806 Arc’ric Ave ViIIanova Ho’reI I|24 Drexel Ave. Food Res’rauranf 7l0 N. Ave. Wash's Sea Michigan ORI Washing’ron Touris’r Home II09 Arcfic Ave. Wrighi' Ho’reI I702 Arciic Ave. BELMAR Sadie's Gues’r House I304 "E” S’rreei


Bell Meade Ho’reI ...... U. S. RouIe 3I BURLEIGH III Indian Trail MoI'eI Indian Trail Road CAPE MAY Admiral Arms 226 Jackson SI. De Griff Ho’rel 83 Corgie Sireef Do‘r's GUeSI’ House 230 Jackson Si, Indian Trail Mo+e| Richardson's Ho’rel S’riles TourisI' Home III EGG HARBOR AIIen House Ho’rel SEA ELIZABETH Mrs. T. T. Davis Touris’r Home SPI ESTELLE MANOR Lake La-WiII‘ MoIeI TIEI FAIR HAVEN Robin's Nesf Hoiel LAWNSIDE Hi-Ha’r Tourisf Home Whife Horse Pike Inman Ho’rel Whi’re Horse Pike WII MONMOUTH JUNCTION

Macon's Inn Tourisi' Home 4 Highway Roiue No. I-26 MONTCLAIR Y.M.C.A. Touris’r Home 39 Washing’ron SireeiL Avenue Y.W.C.A. Tourisi' Home ...... I59 Glenridge NEPTUNE Busy Bee Co’r’rage Go’r’rIing's Res’rauran’r Il8 Bradley Avenue Hamp’ron Inn Res+auran+ I7I8 Springwood Avenue Samuel's Res’rauranf 35I Fisher Avenue NEWARK Alpine House 345 Washingfon Sfreef Coleman Ho’rel 59 CounL Siree’r Grand Ho’rel 78 W. Markef S’rreemL

I Park Lane Hofel 8| Lincoln Park

Y.M.C.A...... 52 Jones Si‘reeiL

Y.W.C.A...... 20 Jones S’rree+ OCEAN CITY Benning Hofel 6+h Sf. & Simpson Ave. Comforl' Hoiel 20| Bay Avenue <92! Wes’r Avenue

ORANGE Triangle Res’rauran’r l52 Barrow Sfree’r

Y.M.C.A...... 84 Oakwood Avenue

Y.W.C.A...... 66 Oakwood Avenue

PERTH AMBOY Lenora Ho’rel 550 Harh‘ord S’rree’r

PLEASANTVILLE Fuller's Molel |40| So. New Road Garden Spol TourislL Home 300 Dough’ry Road Lin-Mar Hofel I420 So. New Road. Hwy. 9 Marionel’re Coh‘age Touris’r Home 604 PorHand Avenue Morris Beach 40l Bayview Ave.

Virginia Ho’rel , l505 New Road Virginia Inn Touris’r Home

RED BANK Vincen’rs Res’rauramL 263 Shewsbury Avenue SEA BRIGHT Cas’rle Inn Resiauram‘ II New S’rree’r

SPRING LAKE BEACH Las’rer Collage TRENTON HOTEL DE LAINE —- l/2 Blk. from Bus Terminal Clean AHrac’rive Rooms 8: Bafhs Your Home Away from Home — Phone EX 2-9226

Y.M.C.A...... 40 Fowler Sfreel

WILDWOOD Arcfic Ave. Ho+el 3600 Arcfic Avenue

Dean's Touri51L Home...... r ...... 166 W. Young Avenue Elfra Courl' Mofel H? W. Roberf Siree’r Ivy Ho’rel Lilian's Tourisf Home Mrs. E. Crawley Tourisl' Home Poindex‘rer Ap’rs. Ho’rel l06 E. Schellinger Avenue The Harmon Mofel 4308 Hudson Avenue The Marion Ho’rel Arc’ric & Spencer Avenue The Norris House I07 W. Roberfs Avenue NEW MEXICO

Hoi'els — Mofels — Tourist Homes — Resiauranfs


Travelers Courl‘ Molel . Hwys. 54 & 70 ALBUQUERQUE Aunf Brenda's Reslauranr 33! 53 St. N.W. Caclus Mo’rel 5930 Cen’rral Ave, S.W. Mrs. Kale Duncan Touris’r Home 33l 53 St. N.W. Mrs. W. Bailey Touris’r Home ll27 N. 2nd S’rree’r

CARLSBAD Black River Village

DEMING Darling Cour‘rs Molel Wesf Hwys. 7O & 40 822 W. Soruce S’rreel


Modern wilh Privale Bafh Phone: 54- 2-9002 HIGHTOWER MOTEL & CAFE One Mile Easl' of Lordsburg. N. M. On Highways 7O & 80 Mr. and Mrs. Box 29! Rochesler Highlower Lordsburg. N. M.

ROSWELL Apache Lodge I4OI So. Main S’rreel 3|3 W. Malh.

SANTE FE El Ray Courf

SANTA ROSE Will Rogers Courf Will Rogers Drive TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES Black Range Courr 7ll Da’re S’rree’r

TUCUMCARI Amigo Mol‘el Jones' Rooms Touris1L Rocke’r’r Inn Touris+ Home

VADO Fullers Mo’rel , m;,.,‘_w-A ,_<¢mcr‘_.Ry—=¢ a (an. (vcflJIDTCP‘


— Hofels Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — Res'l'auranfs ALB-ANY Dorsey's Reslauranl' Cor. Van Trumpe’r & Broadway Hofel Broadway 603 Broadway Kenmore Ho’rel 76 Columbia Avenue

BUFFALO Al Fras Service Sfalion William & Michigan Sis. Ar’r's Lounge l|64 Jefferson Ave. BOB & LOU'S TAVERN 925 Jefferson The Friendly Tavern. Good Food. Pleasanf A’rmosphere Bon Ton Oasis Cockfail Lounge William S’r.

TT 4- | 000 CAMERON'S LIQUOR STORE Fas’r Free Delivery -— Free Parking |53 E. U+ica S’rreef Buffalo. N. Y.

Cos’rello Cale & Ho’rel 605 Michigan Siree’r Clariclge Holel 38 Broadway Crysfal Res’rauramL 534 Broadway

DAIRY ISLE ...... 263 Jefferson The Besf In Every+hing To Eaf! Dennis Snack Bar 208 William Srreef DUBIEL'S LAS VEGAS RESTAURANT 535 Broadway The Besf of Food

4 I TL 6-4l54 TL 4~9026 GERALD'S RESTAURANT Cl

Delith'ul Dinners for Parlicular People -— Open 24 hours CE I65 Broadway. near Michigan Ave. Buffalo, N. Y.

CR Hickory Tavern Horseshoe Res’rauran’r

—— J. B.'s Guhc Service Sla’rion #I — 419 Broadway, #2 I20 William Mon’rgomery Hofel 486 Michigan Avenue MOTHER DEAR'S BAR-B'QUE 582 William S’rreel Perry's Snack Bar 360 William Siree’r EA Perry's Cleaners 368 William Sireel Pixie's Pine Grill JeFlerson Avenue 8: E. Ferry Ell 264 E. U’ricar S'lree’r


Phone: TL 2-9827 Wholesome Environmenl



Specializing in Me Besl of Barbecue


534 Broadway ’ Buffalo. N. Y.

When Passing Through Buffalo Be Our Gues’r . . . THE WILLIAMS HOTEL 9 Sycamore S+ree+ TL 2-93l9 Buffalo. N. Y. WILLIAMS LIQUOR STORE 206 Seneca Siree’r TL 3-7722 Buffalo. N. Y.

757 Avenue Sperry's Tan Tempo Lounge Michigan STINSON'S LIQUOR STORE |34 William Sfree’r

— We Deliver — TL 3-9000 William S’rinson. Prop. William Campbell Touri51L Home Texas Red H01L Siancl fi_ >w...‘ -W-fi< -fi‘»_‘ ‘ :wtv: $.t-fl

The New Skafeland Main & Riley Sis. Y.M.C.A...... 585 Michigan Avenue CASTLETON Mrs. A. Oliver 'l'ouri51L Home Maple Hill CENTER BRUNSWICK Twin Acres Mo’rel Highway 7I 6 miles Norlh of Troy CROTON-ON-HUDSON

_ Wafergale Mofel Albany P051L Rd. CUDDEBACKVILLE Paradise Farms Lil’rle Lake Lodge


Molel Blue Slone ...... P.O. Box 4l7, 6 mi. Eas’r of Albany ELMIRA Green Paslures Touris’r Home 670 Dickinson Sireef

GLEN FALLS *McFERSON'S HOTEL 52 Glen S+ree+ 99 Sa mcord Sireel

GODEFROY Resnick's Mofel

GREENWOOD LAKE La Par’r Cabins Farm Lake House Jus Haven

Mrs. Louise Taylor ...... P. O. Box 314

HIGH FALLS Glove Valley Dude Ranch Wickie Wackie Club

HYDE PARK Dutch Pa’rroon Garden Holel S’r Rf. 9, 4 miles nor’rh Pokips JAMESTOWN Mrs. l. W. Herald Touri51L Home Sll W. lOlh S’rreeiL

KERHONKSON Rainbow Acres Pegleg Ba’res

KINGSTON Gordon Holel 3 Canal SlreeiL

' Lang's Ranch . . . . Federal 8-9664

LACKAWAN NA GREEN'S RESTAURANT 25 Ga+es Ave. Old Fashioned Home Cooking & Barbecue 43 LAKE GEORGE

Woodbine CoHage ...... 75 Deskau S‘rreel Georgian Mofel ...... U. S. 9, in Lake George Village

LAKE HUNTINGTON Sisler Lillian Resorf, Villa Theresa


Dreamland Collage ...... 4| McKinley Sireef

Camp Parkside ...... Woodland Terr.


Larchmon’r Mo’rel ...... 50 Bos’ron Rd.


“ Green's Touri51L HOme ...... R.F.D. No. i Com‘FOFI Inn

H0?E NAPANOCH Pine Oak GuemL House


*MRS. ALICE FORD TOURIST HOME ...... 4|3 lsf S’rree’r 3 Blocks frOm I‘he Falls 384 & 265 Anchor Molel ...... N. Y.

High ngh‘l‘ Barber ShOp ...... 5|3 Erie Avenue Ho’rel Niagara

Hu’rchinson Tourisi Home ...... I050 Cenler Avenue Avenue Mrs. Brown Tourisl' Home ...... [202 Haeberie 350| Avenue Mrs. Eugene Ellis Tourisf Home ...... Royal Avenue Mrs, R. Reynolds Tourisf Home ...... 419 Is’r 32|4 Avenue Sevenfos Creamy Day ...... Cleveland 627 Erie Avenue W. L. Parker TOUFlS‘l’ Home ......

BU 2-9370



2l6 l3’rh S’rreel' l/4 Mile +0 ’rhe Falls NEW YORK CITY RATES HOTEL SINGLE DOUBLE

Abbey. l5| W. 5| Sf...... $ 8.50-I0.50 $| LSD-16.50

Algonquin. 59 W. 44 Si...... l0.00‘l3.00 |3.00- l 7.00

Aller‘ron House. I30 E. 57 3+...... 8.00-|0.00 | |.00— l 6.00

America. I45 W. 47 Si...... 5.00- 7.00 7.00- l 0.00

Americana. 52nd 5+. & 7H1 Ave...... |2.0‘0—28.00 l6.00-32.00

Arlingfon. I8 W. 25 5+...... 5.00- 8.00 600- l 2.00 Aslor. 44 Sf. & Broadway 9.00-l8.00 [4.00-2400 Barbizon-Plaza. |06 Cen‘rral 9.50-l5.00 15.00-23.00 Belmon’r Plaza. 49 S’r. & Lexingfon Ave 8.50—l6.00 |4.00-20.00

. Bilfmore. 43 Sf. & Madison Ave...... |4.95-25.00 l8.95'30.00

Buckingham. l0l W. 57 Si"...... l0.50-l4.50 |2.50-l 7.50

Claridge. B'way & 44 Sf...... 7.00-|0.00 9.00- l 5.00

Commodore. 42 Si. a+ Park & Lexing’ron Aves...... ll.00-l9.00 |6.00'24.00

Diploma’r. |08 W. 43 5+...... 7.50- 9.00 9.50—1200 Drive-In Hofel. 75 Macombs Place

, Edison. 228 W. 47 Si”...... 8 .50'l2.00 |3.50-l8.50 Empire. 63rd Sf. & Broadway 7.00-l0.00 |0.00-lb.00

Essex House. 160 Cen‘rral Pk.. So...... l6.00-28.00 20.00-28.00

, Execufive. 37 Sf. & Madison - l2.50—l5.50 l5.50-l9.50

Fil’rh Avenue. 5H1 & 9H1 S’rs...... l0.00-l4.00 l5.00-l9.00

George Washingfon. 23 5+. & Lexingion Ave...... 7.00-l0.00 l l.50-l6.00

Glads’rone. l|4 E. 52 Sf...... l3.00'l7.00 l7.00-22.00

Governor Clinfon. 37! 7 Ave...... 8.00-I400 l |.00-2 l .00

GreawL Nor’rhern. l|8 W. 57 Si...... 7.50-l |.00 l0.50-l4.00 Hadson, I234 B'way \ 5.00— 8.00 7.00-l2.00

Hamil‘lon. l4l W. 73 Sf...... 5.00— 7.00 7.00- 9.00

, Henry Hudson. 353 W. 57 Sf...... 7.25-l2.00 | LOO-[8.50

- Holiday Inn. 57 8+. 9H1 & |0’rh Aves...... l3.00-|4.00 l7.00—18.00

Howard Johnson's Mofor Lodge. 5| Si. & 8 Ave...... |2.00-20.00 |4.00-22.00

Kimberly. 203 W. 74 Si"...... 7.00- 9.00 l0.00-I4.00 45 Save for your vacalion -— Save for ’rravel Carver Federal Savings 8: Loan Associa'l-idn New York Cily 4% Dividends Paid Annually Brooklyn 75 W. l25+h Slree‘l' |273 Fullon Siree’r TRa‘Falgar 6-4747 Ule'er 7-55l5 Where personal Bride and communiiy in’reres’rs meei”

King Edward. l20 W. 44 Si“...... 5.50- 8.00 8.00—l2.00

Knickerbocker. I20 W. 45 Si...... 6.00-l0.00 9.00-l6.00

. Lexing’ron, Lexingion & E. 48 5+...... l0.75'l5.95 l4.95-20.95

Lincoln Square Moior lnn. l55 W. 66 Si...... l4.00-l8.00 l4.00-|8.00

Mayfair HOUSe. 6lO Park Ave...... $l8.00-20.00 $20.00-24.00

Mayflower Ho’rel. l5 Cem‘ral Park W...... l4.00-l7.00 |6.50—l9.00

Meurice Hoiel. l45 W. 58+h S’r...... l0.00-l |.00 l5.00-l6.00

Murray Hill Ho’rel. 42 W. 35H“! 51' ...... 7.00—l0.00 l0.00-|3.00

Nassau Hol’el. 56 E. 59”] Si...... 3.00- 5.00 4.00‘ 6.00

Na’rional Hoiel. 592 7H1 Ave...... 6.00- 7.00 9.00-l0.00

Navarro Ho’rel. |l2 Cen’rral Park S...... l6.50-22.00 l9.50—26.00

New York Hil‘ron. Ave. of ’rhe Americas & 53 & 54 ...... l4.00-22.00 l8.00-29.00

New Yorker. 34+h 5+. & 8H1 Ave...... 9.00-l5.00 l3.00-2|.00

One Hill] Avenue. | 5H1 Ave...... l3.00-l7.00 l6.00-20.00

ParamoumL Holel. 235 W. 461% Si...... 7.50'l0.50 l0.50-l5.00

Paris Holel. 752 Wesi. End Ave...... 5.00-8.75 7.50-l3.50

Park Crescenl’ Ho’rel. l50 Riverside Dr...... 8.00-l5.00 ll.00-l8.00

Park Lane Holel. 299 Park Ave...... l9.00-22.00 25.00-28.00

Park Plaza. 50 W. 77”] Si...... 4.50- 6.00 7.00-l0.00

Park Royal. 23 W. 73rd S’r...... 8.00-l2.00 l0.00-l8.00

Park Sheraion Holel. 870 71+} Ave...... 8.50-l5.50 l3.90—l9.50 lroc

Peier Coop-er l—lO‘l'el. I30 E. 39il1 Si...... l4.00-l6.00 l6.50-l8.50

Piccadilly. 227 W. 45il’l Si...... 8.00-l2.00 ll.00-l7.00

Pierre Holel. 2 E. 6lsl' Si...... 23.00-27.00 28.00-33.00

Plaza Hoiel. 5”! Ave. a’r 59% Sf...... l5.00-29.00 20.00'34.00

Plymoulh Hoiel. I43 W. 49+h Si...... 7.00-l0.00 l0.00-l7.00

Presidenl” Hoiel. 234 W. 48ll1 Si...... 7.00-l0.00 ll.00-l5.00

Prince George Ho’rel. I4 E. 28% Sf...... ll.00-|3.00 l2.00-|7.00

Regency Holel. Park Ave. a’r 6l51L Si...... 22.00-30.00 27.00—36.00

Riviera Congress Mo’ror Inn, 550 lOl'l'l Ave...... l2.00'l6.00 l6.00-20.00 Roger Smifl'i Holel. 50! Lexingion Ave...... 9.00-l4.50 |3.00-|8.50 Ole Si". Moriiz. 50 Cen‘l'ral Pk. 5 ...... ll.00-l8.00 l5.00-2l.00

Savoy-Hil’ron. 5+h Ave. al' 58% Si...... l3.00—35.00 l8.00-35.00

HO+el. 57 W. 45”) 5+...... 6.00- 9.00 8.00—l l.00 Schuyler '

Seveniy Park Hofel. 70 Park Ave...... l2.50'20.00 l7.00-24.00

Shelburne Holel. 303 Lexing’ron Ave...... l0.85-l3.85 |3.85-l6.85

Shel’ron Towers Lexinglon Ave.. 48—49’rh Sis ...... 8.85 ll.85 l7.85

Shera’ron AHam‘ic. 34+h Si. & Bway ...... 8.75-l4.00 l3.75-|8.00

Sherafon-Eas’r. 34l Park Ave...... l9.00-26.00 23.00'3000

Shera’ron Moior lnn. 42nd Si. & |2+h Ave ...... |l.50-|7.00 l7.75-2l.00 Skyline MO‘l’or‘ lnnl 725 l0l’l'1 Ave...... l4.00-l8.00 l4.00-20.00 Slanl‘lope Hoiel. 995 5H1 Ave...... l6.00-24.00 20.00-28.00 Sia’rler-Hil’ron. 40l 7H1 .Ave...... l|.00-l9.00 l4.50—25.0C

Summil‘ Hol'el. E. 5ls+ 5+. & Lexing’ron Ave...... l4.00-28.00 l6.00-32.00

Taf’r Holel. 7’rh Ave al' 50+h S’r...... 8.50-l3.75 l |.50—l9.75 46 Theresa Holel. 7lh Ave. al l25lh Sl...... l0.48-l l.48 l0.48- l 2.48

Times Square Molor Holel. 255 W. 43rd Sl...... 6.00- 8.00 9.00-l 2.00

Tudor Holel. 304 E. 42nd Sl'...... 6.00-l |.00 l0.00- l 7.00

Tuscany Holel. 39lh Sl. E. of Park Ave...... l8.80-24.80 24.80-30.80

Waldorl-Asloria. 30| Park Ave...... l0.00-22.00 |6.00-32.00

Warwick Holel. 65 W. 54ll‘l Sl...... l4.00-25.00 l8.00-29.00

Wellinglon Holel. 59lh & 56lh Sls. al 7lh Ave...... 7.75-l4.75 l l .50- l 9.50

Wenlworlh Holel. 59 W. 46lh Sl...... 8.00-I200 |0.00- l 6.00

Weslbury Holel. Madison Ave. al 69lh Sl...... l4.00-20.00 | 8 .00-25 .00

Weslover Holel. 253 W. 72nd Sl...... 8.00-I000 l0.00- l 2.00

Windermere Holel. 666 Wesl End Ave...... 7.00-l0.00 l0.00-- I 2.00

Winslow Holel. 45 E. 55ll1 Sl‘...... 8.00—l l.00 12.00- | 5.00

Wolcoll Holel. 4 W. 3lsl Sl...... 7.00— 9.00 |0.00— | 4.00 | Woodslock Holel. I27 W. 43rd Sl...... 6.50' 9.00 l0.00- 4.00 Woodward Holel. 2l0 W. 55ll1 Sl (Broadway) 5.00-8.00 8 .00- l 2 .00 | 4.00 Wyndham Ho‘l’el. 42 W. 58”} S'l'...... ll.OO-l3.00 I200 Y.M.C.A. Wm. Sloane House. (Men Only)

356 W. 34lh Sl’...... 7.50 Bronx

Bronx Park Molel. 2500 Cronlona Ave...... l2.00 l4.00— l 6.00 Concourse Plaza Holel. 900 Grand Concourse 7.50-l0.00 I3 .00 l 9.00

Deegan Molel. 3600 Bailey Ave...... l0.00-|2.00 l2.00'20.00 Riverdale Molor Inn. 6355 Broadway l2.00-l4.00 l4.00- l 6.00 Sladium Molor Lodge. W. l67lh Sl.-Maior Deegan Expwy...... l0.00'l2.00 l4.00- l 6.00 Town & Counlry Molor Lodge. 2244 Tillolson Ave ll.00-l3.00 |3.00- l 7.00 Van Corllandl Molel. 6393 Broadway 8.00- l 0.00 l0.00- l 4.00 Brooklyn

Franklin Arms Holel. 66 Orange Sl...... 6.50- 7.00 Golden Gale Molor lnn. Bell Pkwy.-Knapp Sl...... l|.00-l3.00 Granada Holel. Lalayelle Ave. & Ashland Pl...... 8.50-l2.00 Gregory Holel. 83l5 4lll Ave...... 8.00

Manhallan Beach Holel. l56 Wesl End Ave...... 7.50-l6.50 5‘. George Holel. 5| Clark 51'. 6.50-l4.00 Sea Isle Molor Inn. 3900 Shore Pkwy. (EX. l4- Bell’ Pkwy) l2.00-l8.00 l4.00-22.00 8.00 |0.00- | 3.00 lowers Holel. 25 Clark Sl...... 7.00- Queens Beach Haven Holel. 243 Beach l9ll1 Sl.. | 8.00 Far Rockaway 9lI N. Y...... l5.00- Crossway Airporl lnn Al La Guardia. lOO-30 Dilmars Blvd.. Flushing 69. N. Y...... l4.00-l8.00 I 8.00-24.00 Crossway ldlewild lnn. l52—25 l38lh Ave.. | 8.00- l 9.00 Jamaica 34. N.~ Y...... l4.00-l5.00 l F3resl Hills lnn. Slalion Square. _ l2.00-20.00 Foresl Hills 75. N. Y...... 8.50-l4.00 :ranklin Holel. 89-05 |63rd Sl.. Jamaica 32. N. Y 600- 8.00 6.00- 9.00 Grand Cenlral Molor lnn. 7I-II Asloria Blvd.. l2.00-l5.00 l5.00'26.00 Asloria 2. N. Y...... ' ’ T—‘omeslead Holel. 82-45 Grenlall Sl.. 9.00-I200 l2.00— l 5.00 Kew Gardens l5. N. Y...... 47 In’rerna’rional Ho’rel. N. Y. Inf. Airpor’r.

Jamaica 30. N. Y...... I2.00-I7.00 I8.00-22.00 Kew Mo’ror Inn. 80-05 Grand Cen’rral Pkwy,.

Kew Gardens Hills 35. N. Y...... I2.00-I6.00 l6.00-30.00 La Guardia Ho’rel. 99'll Dilmars Blvd..

E. ElmI'IUFS'I 69. N. Y...... I3.00-I7.00 l7.00-22.00 Pan American Molor Inn. 79-IO QUeens Blvd..

Elmhursf 73. N. Y...... l5.00-22.00 l8.00-28.00 Riviera Idlewild Holel. N. Y In’r. Airporf (Bel’r Pkwy.)

Jamaica 30. N. Y...... I6.00-20.00 22.00-3200 Sanford Ho’rel. I40-40 Sanford Ave..

Flushing 55. N Y ...... 1 9.00—l0.00 I3.00‘l4.00 Schine Inn a’r Fore51L Hills. IO8-25 Horace Harding Expwy. Flushing 68. N. Y...... l2.00-l6.00 l6.00—l8.00 Seaway ldlewild Ho’rel. N. Y. Inf. Airpor’r (Bel’r Pkwy.)

Jamaica 30. N. Y ...... I6.00- 20.00 22.00-32.00 Sheralon-Tenney Inn A’r La Guardia. 90— I0 Grand Cem‘ral Pkwy..

E. Elmhurs’r 69. N. Y...... l2. 50- I6. 50 I4.50-20.00 Skyway Ho’rel, I32-I0 S. Conduif Ave.

- Jamaica 30. N. Y...... I 3.00-l5.00 I7.00-22.00 Skyway Holel La Guardia. I02—I0 Di’rmars BIvd..

Flushing 69. N. Y...... I3.00-I5.00 |7.00'20.00 Sunches’rer Holel. 37-52 80+h St.

. Jackson His. 72. N. Y...... l2.00-I4.00 I2.00—l4.000 Travelers Hofel-Mo’rel. 9400 Difmars Blvd..

(La Guardia Airporr). E. Elml'iur51L 69. N. Y...... I3.00 I7.00-I8.00 Treadway Inn. II4+h Sf. & 37+h Ave. (near Jrhe Fair) Flushing 52. N. Y...... I5.00-l7.00 l9.00-24.00 Whil’man Holel. I60-II 89’rl1 Ave.. Jamaica 2. N Y. 9.00‘l2.00 I2.00-I5.00 Richmond (Sfa’ren Island)

Richmond Ho’rel. 7I Cen’rral Ave...... 8.40 IO.50 Nassau Bar Harbour Mofel. 5050 Sunrise Hwy. (R’r. 27). Massapequa Park. N. Y...... |0.00-I I.00 I2.00-I5.00 Bayberry Greal Neck Hiolel. 75 N. S’ra’rion Plaza.

Greal‘ Neck. N. Y...... I300 I800 Belhpage Mofel. Hemps’read Tpke.. Belhpage. N. Y. I0.00-I2.00 I2.00-20.00 Colony Arms Holel. I90 Glen Cove Ave..

Glen Cove. N. Y...... 8.00 II.00-l3.00

Colony Ho’rel. I0 Bond St. Greal Neck. N. Y...... 9.50’-I2.00 l4.00-I8.00 Cour’resy Inn Sea-Horse Marina. S. Main S’r.. Freeporl‘. N. Y...... ll.00'l3.00 I2.00-l9.00 Farmingdale Mo’ror Lodge. Rf. IIO Broadhollow N. Y...... 9.00 I0.00-I2.00 Rd.). Farmingdale. ’ Garden Ci’ry Ho’rel 7’rh SI. & Park Ave. Garden Cify. N. Y...... I2 00 I600 I7.00-2I.00 Ga’reway Morel. Sunrise Hwy. Merrick. N. Y...... |2.00- I600 |4.00—18.00 Hemps’read Moior Holel.I30 Hempslead Ave. ,Wesl' Hemps’read. N. Y...... I2.00-I4.00 I4.00-20.00 Heri’rage Quali’ry Cour’r Molor Inn. Jericho Tpke. (R+ 25) Syosse‘r N. Y...... II .00 12 00 l5.00-I9.00 Island Inn. Old Coun’rry Rd.. Wesl'bury. N Y...... I2 00 I500 I6.00-22.00 Island Lodge MoIeI. 274 Jericho Tpke..

. SyosseI. N. Y...... I I.OO I 6.00- I 8.00

Jericho MoIeI. Jericho Tpke.. Jericho. N. Y...... 9.00-I I.OO |2.00-20.00 Lynbrook MoIor HoIeI. 5 Freer SI.. Lynbro-ok. N. Y. I2.00'-I6.00 I 5.00-30.00 Mansion HoIeI. 54 Lincoln Ave.. Rockville CenI.. N. Y. Meadowbrook MoIor Lodge. 4400 Jericho Tpke..

I ...... I 8.00 Jericho. N. Y...... l I.00 I6.00-

Mineola HoIeI. I93 2nd SI.. Mineola. N. Y...... 6.50 8 .50- I 0.00 Promenade HoIeI on Ihe beach. I02 W. Broadway.

. Long Beach. N. Y...... I5.00-25.00 25.00-35.00 Raceway Inn MoIeI. Old CounIry Rd.. I N...... |2.00'I4.00 I 4.00- 8.00 aI PosI Ave.. WesIbury . Y. RooseveII Inn. I650 HempsIead Tpke.. |4.00—20.00 EasI Meadow. N. Y...... I |.00-I3.00 Roslyn Harbor HoIeI. 22 BryanI Ave.. Roslyn. N. Y. T?voIi MoIeI. 3400 Brush Hollow Rd..

WesIbury. N. Y...... I2.00 I 5.00- I 8.00 Towne & CounIry MoIeI. 49 Old CounIry Rd.. I WesIbury. N. Y...... I2.00 I 5.00- 8.00 Turnpike MoIeI. 434 HempsIead Tpke.. I 500-2600 W. HempsIerad. N. Y...... I200 I500 WesIbury MoIeI. Jericho Tpke.. WesIbury. N. Y...... I2.00-I6.00 I 2.00-2 I .00 Orange I 0.00— I 2.00 Thayer HoIeI. WesI PoinI. N. Y...... 7.00- 9.00 RocHand Ashley MoIor CourI. U. S. RI. 59. NanueI, N. Y. I 2.00— I 4.00 CourIesy Inn. N. Y. Thruwy. (Ex. II), moo—13.00 |5.00- | 9.00 Nyack. N. Y...... MoIeI on Ihe MounIain. N. Y. Thruwy (Ex. I5). I2.00-I4.00 I7.00-22.00 SuIIern. N. Y...... Pascack MoIeI. RI. 59 (N. Y. Thruwy. Ex. I4). I 000- I400 Spring Valley. N. Y...... 8.00—I000 Suffolk I 3.00- I 6.00 Bayshore Inn. 400 Bayshore Rd.. Bayshore. N. Y...... II.00-I3.00 Beacon MoIeI. SmiIhIown Bypass & Jericho Tpke.. 8.00-I000 I2.00 NesconseI. N. Y...... Chevy Chase MoIeI. 436 Sunrise I-Iwy.. I 0.00- | 2.00- Babylon. N. Y...... Eden Rock MoIeI. 3055 VeIerans Memorial Hwy.. 8.00-I200 I 0.00- | 7.00 Ronkonkoma. N. Y...... FonIenac MoIor Lodge. Jericho Tpke.- Bridge Branch Rd.. SmiIhIown. N. Y...... II.00—I3.00 I 4.00— I 8.00 I-IunIingIon MoIeI. 33| W. Jericho Tpke. (RI. 25). 8.00-I000 |0.00— | 2.00 HunIingIon. N. Y...... Jerimac MoIeI. 223I Jericho Tpke.. Commack. N. Y. 8.00-I000 I 0.00— I 2.00 LindenhursI MoIeI. W. MonIauk Hwy. & ChesInuI SI.. 8.00-I000 I 0.00- I 2.00 LindenhursI. N. Y...... I 4.00 The II2 MoIeI. RI.. II2. MedIord. N. Y...... 8.00-I000 I 0.00- PaIchogue MoIeI & CounIry Club. Sunrise I-Iwy. 8.50 I 2.00- I 3.00 (RI. 27). PaIchogue. N. Y...... Pines MoIor Lodge. RI. I09 near SIraighI Pth. I0.00-II.OO I 0.00- I 2.00 Noth LindenhursI. N. Y...... 49 SI MoriIz MoIeI. YachI Club Rd.. Babylon. N. Y ...... I2.00'I8.00 I 2.00- I 8.00 Sky MoIeI. 7Ih SI. & 3rd Ave. (RI. I09)y I I 3 N. LindenhursI. N. Y...... 8.00- 9.00... 0.00- .00 SIarIiIe MoIeI. 760 LiIIIe E. Neck Rd. (Sunrise Hwy.) I | WesI Babylon, N. Y...... I0.00-I4.00 0.00- 6.00 Three Village Inn. Dock Rd.. SIony Brook. N. Y...... 6.00 |2.00 WaII WhiIman MoIeI. 295 E. Jericho Tpke. (RI. 25), I HunIingIon SI.. N. Y...... 8.00-I000 |0.00- 6.00 WesIcI'IesIer ArdsIey Acres HoIeI CourI. 560 Saw Mill River Rd. I 200- I400 (RI‘. 9A). Ardsley. N. Y...... 8.00 CenIraI MoIeI CourI. 44I CenIraI Ave.. I 0.00- I 2.00 WhiIe Plains. N. Y...... 9.00 Dunwoodle MoIor Inn. 300 Yonkers Ave.. I0.00'I2.00 I 4.00- I 7.00 Yonkers. N. Y...... GramaIan HoIeI. PondIieId Rd.. BronxviIIe 8. N. Y. 8.00-I200 I 4.00- | 8.00 Hathorne Circle MoIor Inn. 20 Saw Mill River Road. I |.00- I 6.00 Hathorne. N. Y...... 9.00-I2.00 HiIIon Inn. 455 S. Broadway. Tarronwn. N. Y...... I2.00—I5.00 I6.00-20.00 Holiday Inn oI Yonkers. I25 Tuckahoe Rd.. I0.00-I4.00 I2.0C- I 8.00 Yonkers. N. Y...... Roger SmiIh MoIor HoIeI. I ChesIer Ave.. 8.00-I300 I I.50-I7.00 WhiIe Plains. N. Y...... Saw Mill River MoIeI. 25 Valley Rd.. I0.00—I2.00 |3.00- | 7.00 ElmsI'ord. N. Y...... Scarsdale Inn. School La. oII Popham Rd..

...... I0.00 I5.00 Scarsdale. N. Y...... TarryresI MoIeI. 542 Tarronwn Rd.. 9.00 I I.00-I5.00 WhiIe Plains. N. Y...... Trade Winds MoIor CourI. |I4| Yonkers Ave.. IO.50-I2.00 I2.004- I 8.00 Yonkers 2. N. Y...... I Tuckahoe MoIeI. 307 Tuckhoe Rd.. Yonkers. N. Y...... I|.00 |4.00~ 5.00 WaIerg aIe MoIor HoIeI. Albany PosI Rd. (RI. 9). 8.00 I 2.00- I 4.00 CroIon- on Hudson. N. Y...... WesIchesIer Town House MoIor Inn. I65 Tuckahoe Rd. I6.00-24.00 (N. Y. Thrwy Ex. 6). Yonkers. N. Y...... l4.00- I6.00 Yorhown MoIor Lodge. U. S. RI. 202-Taconic Pkwy.. I2.00-I4.00 I4.00-20.00 Yorhown HIs.. N. Y...... NEW JERSEY Bergen I 2.00-20.00 CourIesy Inn. RI. 4. ForI Lee. N. J...... IO00 I 000-22 .00 Horizon yMoIeI. U. S. RI. 46. S Hackensack. N. J...... I0.00- I600 Howard Johnson' 5 MoIor Lodge. RI. I7. I000 |2.00 I 4.00- I 6.00 Ramsey. N. J...... MarrioII MoIor HoIeI aI Geo WashingIon Bridge. Hudson Ter. & The Bridge Plaza. ForI Lee. N. J...... I000 I7.00 I4.00-25.00 8.00- I 6.00 New Orleans MoIeI. RI. 4. ForI Lee. N. J...... 6.-50 II.00 OriIani MoIor HoIeI. 4I4 Hackensack Ave. (RI. 4). 8.00-I0.00 I 0.00- I 6.00 Hackensack. N. J...... Palisades MoIor Lodge. RI. 46. ForI Lee. N. J...... 8.00 I 200- I400 PeIer Pan MoIeI. RI. 3. E. RtherIord. N. J...... 8.00-I200 I 0.00' I 6.00 Skyview MoIeI. RIs. I & 9 & 46. ForI Lee. N. J...... 9.00—I2.00 I I.00-I3.00 50 ( - ~yy~Ho ?»»”’ yaw,” ”a ,. ,,_._-.-

Suburban Mo’ror Ho‘rel. Rf. 4 & ln’rersec’rion 208.

i Fair Lawn, N. J...... l0.00-l2.00 l4.00-l6.00 Swiss Cour’r Mo’rel. N. J. Hwy. l7.

Upper Saddle River' N. J...... 7.00- 8.00 9.00-I2.00 New York Cify THEATRES

. l25+l1 Sireel Broadway a’r 45H: S’rreer |639 Broadway Carnegie Hall Cinema Seven’rh Ave. af 57+h S’rreef Criierion Broadway al' 45lh Sfree‘r Embassw Newsreel 46in S’rree’r and Broadway Guild 50+h 32 W. 50H] S’rreef Li’r’rle Carnegie I46 W. 57+h S’rree’r Broadway and 47+l1 Sfree’r Paramoun’r Times Square 58%: S’rree’r E. of Madison Ave. 39 W. 541+) Sireel' Radio Ci’ry Music Hall |26O Sixf'n Ave. Rivoli I620 Broadway SuH’on 57+h Siree’r and 3rd Ave. Trans-Lux 52nd S’rree’r on Lexing’ron Ave. Vicioria Broadway and 46+h Siree’r Broadway and 47%} SireeiL

Al's Res’rauran‘r l550 Ful’ron Slree’r Caravan Res’rauran’r I75 Willoughby Avenue Dew Drop Res’rauramL 363 Halsey S’rree’r G. 8: H Res’rauran’r 382 Sumner Avenue Ho’rel Sf. George 5| Clark Sfree’r La Marchal I200 PresidemL Siree’r Lefier’rs Hol’el l27 Lefierfs Place Lincoln Plaza Ho’rel l53 Lincoln Place Lincoln Terrace Ho’rel LiHle Roxy ResfauramL Mohawk Ho’rel 379 Washingion Avenue Pleasanl‘ Manor Holel 2l8 Gales Avenue EARS La Marchal Supper Club

Blue Morocco |l85 Bos‘ron Rd. Carver Ho’rel 980 Prospec’r Avenue Cro’rona Holel 695 E. l70+b Siree’r Concourse Plaza Foum‘ainhead NEW ROCHELLE

Harris Res’rauran’r . 29 Morris Sireei Hugueno’r Hoiel 242 Hugueno‘r Sfree’r 444 Nor‘rli Avenue Week's Reslauranl’ New York Crl'y SHOPS AND STORES From 34 lo 59+h S’rree’r

Macy's ...... Herald Square Gimbals ...... Broadway al 33rd Siree’r Saks 34+h S’rreei’ ...... 34’rh S’rree’r a’r Broadway s Al‘rman ...... 5+h Avenue a’r 34’rh Siree’r

Lord and ...... 5+h Avenue a+ 38’rh S’rree’r

Besf's ...... Taylor 5’rh Avenue & 5|er Slreef

Bonwi’r Teller ...... 72| Fif’rh Avenue

Saks Fif’rh Avenue ...... 5+h Avenue & 49+h S’rree’r

Tailored Woman ...... 742 FiH'h Avenue

r Bergdoric Goodman ...... 5+h Avenue & 58+h S’rree’r


Wallach's ...... 5’rh Avenue & 46’rh Sireef

Roger's Pee’r ...... 600 Fif‘rh Avenue. a’r 48+h Sf.

Weber and Heilbroner ...... 5’rh Avenue & 47ih S’rreeiL

John David ...... Broadway & 32nd S‘rreef Browning FiHh Avenue

Tripler's ...... 366 Madison Avenue

Brooks Bros...... 346 Madison Avenue

. Saks Fil’rh Avenue ...... S’rh Avenue & 49+h Sireef

DePinna's ...... 650 FiHh Avenue

, Abercrombe & Fil'ch ...... Madison Avenue & 45+h Sf.

Jarrell John Inc...... 5l8 Fil’rh Avenue


American House (Arlislic American handicralls) ...... 32 E. 52nd Siree’r Bazaar Francais (Imporfed ki’rchen ar’ricles) ...... 666 Six’rh Ave. Bonnier's (Scandinavian ar’rs and craffs) ...... 605 Madison Ave. Delgado's (Lal’in—American jewelry, 'l'exliles) ...... 3| W. 8’rh Slreef Leighlon's (Mexican handicraf’r) ...... I5 E. 8’rh Sfree’r Irish lndus’rries (La’rin and Soufh American

. - decorafive obiec’rs) ...... 876 Lexinglon Ave. Sco’r’rish Prod‘uc’rs (Scofch delicacies, woolens) ...... 24- E. 60+h Siree’r Sweden House (Scandinavian vases, poHery) ...... I2 W. 50+h S’rree’r Uni’red Na’rions Gill Shop (Arricles from all over Jrhe‘world)


Barrery Park ...... Lower Broadway a’r Jrhea Ballery Bolanical Gardens

Bryan+ Park ...... 42nd 8+. a+ 6+h Ave.

Cenlral Park Zoo ...... 59+h SJrreeiL +0 IlO’rh S’rreer

Ci’ry Hall Park ...... Broadway and Park Row Forl‘ Tyron ...... Myrlle and Nagle S’rree’rs

Jacob Riis ...... Rockaway. Queens and Blvd. Prospecl' ...... Fla’rbush Ave. Empire

Van Corlland‘r ...... Broadway and 242nd S’rreel

Vi/ashng’ron Square ...... 5+h Ave. and 4+h S’rree’r . -kkymaw (-m;..~a---.‘:;.wmw.yu . “xv—“’7 ,3 a”: »’ m7 r— a: p; Ev - 8’

POINTS OF INTEREST Bowery LeVer Building Ca’rhedral of SI: John Divine LiHIe I’raly Cen’rral Park and ifs Zoo New York Harbor China’rown Penn Sfafion Ci‘ry Hall Por’r Au’rhori’ry Bus Terminal Columbia Universi’ry Riverside Church Coney Island Rockefeller Cen’rer Empire SIa‘re Building Schomburg Collecfion, Freedomland Coun’ree Cullen Branch Library Grand CenIraI Terminal Sfa’rue of Liber’ry Grani's Tomb S’ruyvesan’r Town Greenwich Village Uni’red NaIions Hayden Plane’rarium Wall S’rree’r Infernafional Airpor’r Washingfon Square La Guardia Field AirporiL RESTAURANTS 509 Fiffh Ave. Blue Bird Inn I2Il/2 E. I7’rh S’rree’r Bombay Indian W. I25+h Si‘reeiL Brass Rails I00 Park Ave. 52I Fi‘Hh Ave. 745 Seven’rh Ave. 500 Eigh’rh Ave. Bus Slop ResiauramL 2| Macombs Place CaHIemen's 48+h SI‘. & Lexing’ron Ave. China Bowl I52 W. 44Ih S‘I'reie’r 45 Moll SI’reeiL Danny's Corner 2I54 Ams’rerlam Ave. Davy Jones Sea Food House I03 W. 49’rh Siree’r Dawn Cafe I702 Aims’rerdam Ave. Eddie's Res’rauramL 7I4- S’r. Nicholas Ave. El Charro 4- Charles Sireei EI Mundial 222 W. Ilblh Siree’r Frank's 3I5 W. |25+h SI’reef Jack Dempsey's I6I9 Broadway oil 49+h S‘rree-I King of ’rhe Sea 879 Third Ave. Living Room c)IS Second Ave. LobsIer Box 34 Cify Island Ave. Lundy's 739 5+. Nicholas Ave. Mama Laura 230 E. 58I’h SIree’r McGinnis Broadway a+ 48’rh SireewL Palm Cale 209 W. I25’rh SI’reeiL

Pairicia Murphy's Candleligh+ ResI'...... 33 E. 60+h S’rree’r

» I 8 Pe’re's ...... Irving Place Ave. Phil's Res‘r...... I87 Third Prelude - 32I9 Broadway Sfella D'Oro 5806 Broadway Wells Resfauram‘ 2249 7’rh Ave. Xochifl Mexican ResIauranI Seafood: Fisherman's Ne’r Grand Cen’rral Oys’rer Hou5e ...... Grand Cenl'ral Terminal Harvey's Seafood House ...... 509 Third Ave. King of ihe Sea ...... 879 Third Ave.

Sea Fare ...... l033 Firs’r Ave. also 44 W. 8fh Sfreef Sfeaks: Ave. Barney's ...... 2|25 Eigh’rh

Harlem Embers ...... W. |25+h S’rreef Ave. Hickory House ...... 839 Second Sireel Lloyd's ...... W. l25’rh

Pen and Pencil ...... 205 E. 45+h Siree’r Ave. Sieak Joinr ...... 58 Greenwich American Specialfies:

Hear’rhs’rone ...... |02 E. 22nd S’rreeiL

Pa’rricia Murphy ...... 33 E. 60ih S’rreef Chinese: Ave. House of Chan ...... 52nd Siree’r and Seven’rh

...... 240 S’rreeiL Ruby Foos ...... W. 52nd W. 52nd S’rreer Lum Fong ...... l50 055


American Museum of Na’rural Hisiory ...... 79+h Si. and Cen’rral Park Wesf

American Neumismafic ...... Broadway and l55’rh S’rree’r Sociery ill Brooklyn ...... Washinglon Ave. and Easiern Parkway Park Cloislers ...... Fori Tryon

Frick Collec’rion ...... 5+h Ave. and 70+h Sfree‘r

, ...... Ave. and 92nd Jewish ...... 5’rh S‘rreef Sireel Mefropoli’ran ...... 5+h and 82nd

. al' Sfreel American Indian ...... Broadway l55+h 5+h and l03rd Sfreer Ciry of New York ...... Ave. ll WeslL 53rd S’rree’r Modern Ari ...... Pill 77+h Sireer New York His+orical Socie’ry ...... Cen’rral Wesf and Ave. and 88+h S’rreer Solomon R. Gugginheim ...... 5lh and Sireer Spanish ...... Broadway |55+h 22 W. 54+h S’rreer Whi‘rney ...... NIGHT CLUBS & BARS

African Room ...... 730 Third Ave.

Basin S’rree’r ...... I37 E. 48+h S’rreeiL

Bell, Cook & Candle ...... Amslerdam Ave. af I58’rh S‘rreeiL H378 Birdland ...... Broadway I52 E. 55+h S’rreel’ Blue Angel ......

Bon Soir ...... 40 W. 8’rh Sfreer l0 E. Sireer Copacabana ...... 60+h

Couni' Basie's ...... 2245 Seven’rh Ave. |5| E. 45+h S’rreei’ Danny's Hide-A—Way ...... Ave. Dawn Cale ...... I702 Ams’rerdam I40 W. 40’rh Siree’r Dragon Inn ...... Sireei‘ El Morocco ...... 307 E. 54lh 4” W. 24lh S’rreer Fireside Inn ...... Pl. Flash lnn ...... |07 McCombs 157+h S’rreeiL 8r Ams’rerdam Ave. Gold Brick lnn ...... 5l5 Ave. Hawaiian Room ...... ‘Lexingfon 53 W. 52nd S’rree’r Jimmy Ryan's ...... 2350 Sevenlh Ave. Jcck's Place ...... -2. . c.w....._._.,-m..~__~__..._..7_. ._ ‘ _—‘.—' -H’ M*”>u—K’wfl r‘z 517w;

La Famille 20l7 5lh Ave- Linner’re's 7l4 5+. Nicholas Ave-

Living Room i 9l5 Second Ave. Lalin Quar’rer 200 W. 48+h Sireel

Midway Lounge ...... 4l5 W. l25+h Sireef lO’rh S’rree’r and Sevenrh Ave. 3 32|9 Broadway Red Roos’rer 2354 Seven’rh Ave. Sapphire's W. 47+h S’rreel I604 Broadway Seven’rh Ave. a’r l35’rh S’r. Sugar Ray's Swee’r CharimL The Round Table |5l E. 50lh Siree‘r Top Club I25+h Slree’r Upsfairs a’r rhe Downs’rairs and Downsrairs a+ Jrhe Upslairs OSSINING Cepor Square Horel Horel Ossining PEEKSKILL B & J Service S’ralion Corner Broad & Lincoln Terr. Greene Jrhe Tailor ll Nelson Ave- Green's Lounge Depew Sireer & Cen’rral Ave. Granberry's Park Siree‘r' ?‘eekskill Mo’ror lnn Tgowne Lyne Morel PORT JERVIS R. Pendeh‘on Tourisr Home


Poughkeepsie Moror Horel ...... Rre. 9' RIVERHEAD Pe’rer's Morel 223 Flanders Road-

ROCHESTER A & A Garage 368 Clarissa Sr- Arlhur's Pharmacy 300 Joseph Ave. Bowers Drug Srore 553 Plymouih Ave., S. Gibson Holel 46l Clarissa S’r. Headley Dry Cleaners 45 Soulh Ave. La Rue Lawrence Soda Bar 58l S. Plymou‘rh Ave. Miller's Gulic Service Troup and Clarissa- Shamrock Gas 8r Quaker Siale Proucls 494 Sou’rh Ave. Shepard's Barber Shop 508 Clinlon St, N. Sol Jel‘iries Service Siaiion l2l Reynolds Sf. Sranfield Holel 34 Joseph Ave- SCHENECTADY F'osler House Holel 3lO Dako’ra Sireer Vrs. Granl Thomas Touris’r Home l024 Albany- SARATOGA LAKE

While Sulphur Res’rauramL ...... R+e. 9P


G. & G. Res’rauran‘r ...... 445 Broadway Gideon Pulnam

James Tourisl' Home ...... l7 Park Slree’r

Mrs. John Parker Tourisl Home ...... l8 Cherry S’rreeiL

Playmore Molel ...... S. Broadway. R’re. 9

Reds Seafood Res’rauranl ...... Rfe. 9 CHll


AumL Edi’rh's Res’rauran’r ...... boll/2 Harrison Sireel

The Sylvan Tourisl' Home ...... 8|5 E. Fayelle Siree’r

Y.M.C.A...... 340 Mon’rgomery S’rreel


Hillon lnn ...... 455 S. Broadway


Bellred Cour’r ...... Corner Monicalm Slreel & Wayne Avenue

VALATIE of Blue Spruce Mo’rel ...... R’r. 9, l6 mi. So. Albany


. G. E. Depu’ry Touri51L Home ...... 7ll Morrison Siree’r

V. H. Brown Tourisl' Home ...... 502 Binase Sfreel

Woodruf’i Holel ...... Public Square

WHITE PLAINS P051L Road Roger Smi’rh Molor Holel ...... |23 E. I60 Avenue Del Rio Holel ...... Lalaye’rl'e 374 Avenue Tarks Res’rauran’r ...... Cenl’ral Road 4 Leaf Clover Reslauran’r ...... 7O Dobbs Ferry |02 Grove S’rreel Waldoric Res’rauran’r ...... I36 Brookfield Slree’r Winbrook Res’rauranl' ...... 538 Road Fields Rolisserie & Molel ...... Tarry’rown

YONKERS Palricia Murphy's Candlelighl Reslauran’r ...... Cen’rral Ave.

. Yonkers Ave...... ll4l Trade Winds Mo’ror C’r......


JAMAICA . llO-33 Blvd. Boulevard Res’rauranl‘ ...... Sulphin

ST. ALBANS l l4-l6 Merrick Blvd. Bonvivani Supper Club ...... Ill-59 Farmers Blvd. Bowman's Show Place ...... ll7—02 Merrick Blvd. Locusl' Reslauran’r ...... l89-29 Linden Blvd. Slaghead Club ...... SPRINGFIELD GARDENS l37-O8 New York Blvd. Club Zanzibar ...... NORTH CAROLINA

—— Ho'l'els Mofels —— Tourist Homes — Resiauranis ASHEVILLE

Booker T. Washinglon Ho’rel . 409 Soulhside Avenue James Keys Hoiel 409 Sou’rhside Avenue Mrs. S. Fosler TourisrL Home 88 Clengman Avenue Savoy Touris+ Homes Eagle & MarkerL Sis.

Y.W.C.A...... I94 Ashland Avenue CHARLOTTE Addie Molel 5|6 N. Meyers Sireel' Alexander Holel 523 N. McDowell S’rreeiL

lngram's ResiauramL . 304 S. McDowell Sireel’ Alexander's Barber Shop l3l0 S. Independence Blvd. Ballard's Barber Shop Five Poinrs Biddleville Luncheonel’re l||6 BeaHies Ford Rd. Chicken 'N' Ribs IIOO Bea’riies Ford Rd. Cleanway Cleaners Universi’ry Park Shopping Cenler Davis Sandwich Shop |l08 Spring 5+. Ebony Cleaners , 3l8 McDowell S’r. Soulh Edilh's Snack Bar 7l6 S. Caldwell Si. Excelsior Club 92! Beai‘ries Ford Rd.

' Fairview Barber Shop |OOl Oaklawn Ave. lngram's lnn . 4l9 S. Cedar Si. J. C. Harl's Shoe Shop . 329 S. McDowell J. C. Sandwich Shop 504 S. McDowell S‘r. Joe's Au’ro Repair Service . 28IO Slaiesville Ave. Johnson's Barber Shop Mack's PaimL & Body Shop Maxie's Coffee House McDowell's Barber Shop McGowan's Boarding House Oaklawn Tavern

Orr's Washerelle .

Randolph's Grill . 806 S. Min’r S’r. Shu-Fixery 425 W. ll Si. The Grifii’rh Siree’r Luncheone’rie Griiii‘rh Si. The Ideal Smoke Shop . The lgloo Dairy Bar

. The Musical Grille . Third Ward Barber Shop WesrL Hill & Poplar S‘r.

Welcome Grill . 207 N. McDowell Sr. While Gable Cale 233 Frazier Ave.

Whi’re's Rendezvous . DURHAM ' Billmore Holel 323 E. Pelligrew Sfreer Bull Cily Reslauranl 4|2 PeHigrew SlreeiL College Inn Res‘rauranr I306 Fayel’revnlle DeShazor's Hosielry i809 Fayei’reville Sireei FAYETTEVILLE Arihur's Sea Food Grill ReslauramL 637 Person

Coral Molor Cour]L ...... U. S. 30l, 3 mi. Sou’rh

Jones TOUr‘lSl’ Home . 3|l Moore S’rreei King Cole Molel ...... 24l8 Murchison Rd.

Silver Grill Reslauran’r ...... I IS Gillespie S‘rree’r

- "Where I'he GuesI' is King"


lndividual Hea’r & Air Condilioned

24|8 Murchison Road

Tel. 433-3775

On Highway #2l0 One Mile No. of Fayefieville, N. C.


Plaza Manor Holel ...... 5|l Marlin Sfree‘r

T. Daniels Touris1L Home ...... 922 E. Marke’r Sheer GREENVILLE Avenue Bell's ReslauramL ...... 604 Albemarle HENDERSON 8*reel Adams TourisrL Home ...... 526 CheslnulL HIGH POINT 627 Sfreeir KILBY HOTEL ...... E. Washing’ron Comfor’r, Convenience and Cleanliness KINGS MOUNTAIN Mrs. L. E. Ricks Touris’r Home KINSTON

Mark's Touris‘r Home & Cabins ...... lOS W. Sou+h Sf. 'NEW BERN '

H. C. Sparrow Tourisf Home ...... 73l Wesr 5+.

Rhone Ho’rel ...... 5|2 Queen Sf. RALEIGH

Bloodswor’rh Si. Touris‘r Home ...... 425 So. Bloodsworlh Sf.

Deluxe Hofel ...... 220 E. Cabarrus S’r. S’r. Home Eckers Horel ...... I22 E. Harge’rl S’r. Legion Home Res’rauranf ...... 4l6 E. Cabarrus S‘r. New York Res’rauranl ...... |O8 E. Hargelr

Slam‘on's Cafe-Reslauranl ...... 3l9 Soufh Easl’ Sf. Sfree’r Slarksville Gues’r House ...... 809 E. Bragg Bloodworlh Sf. Y.M.C.A...... 600 So. ROCKY MOUNT

Wrigh’r's Mo‘rel ...... P. O. Box 43

Lincoln Park Mofel ...... IOOO Leggerf Rd.


CARSON'S SERVICE STATION ...... 636 S. Cem‘er Sfree’r Slap in for ’rhe bes’r in general au+o service. 58 Evening Breeze Mo+e| FRANK'S GRILL Besf of Foods—Phone 873-9250 STOKESDALE Phone: Midway 3-3530 Open Year Round JOHNSON'S SERVICE. STATION & GROCERY On Highway I58 Paul Johnson, Prop. “/2 Miles Wesf of S’rokesdale. N. C. 20 Miles Easl of Wins’ron Salem. N. C.

WELDON Pope Ho’rel Terminal lnn Horel ‘ Washing‘ron Avenue WHITEVILLE Mrs, Fannie Jellers Touri51L Home Mill SIree‘r' WILMINGTON Johnson's Resiauran’r I007 Ches’rnul S’rree’r Owens Club 900 Res‘rauran’r 900 No. 9+h Siree’r Paynes' Touris’r Home 4I7 No. élh Sfree’r WINSTON SALEM Charles H. Jones Touri51L Home loll E. I4+h S’rreef NORTH DAKOTA

Hofels — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — Resiauran‘l's BISMARK Grand Pacific Ho+el Mo’rel Courf FARGO Home Sweel Home Molel MINOT Le Grand-Parker Ho’rel MEDO‘RA Rough Riders Molel WILLI'STON Clack Cour+ Molel 2nd St. Wes’r a? Ilfh SI.

Hoi'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes — Res'l'auran'l's AKRON Green Tur’rle Holel Federal & Howard S‘rreef Ma’r‘rhews Ho’rel 77 N. Howard S’rreeiL CINCINNATI Club Tavern Holel 20|7 Seymour Jim Williams Sohio Service Slafion 552 W. 9+h S’rree‘r Lincoln Ho’rel Manse Hofel I004 Chapel S‘rreerL O. Sieele Touris’r Home 3065 Kerper Sfree’r Sinlon Waller La’rscha, Mgr. 4+h & Vine- 82I Lincoln Park Drive- Y.W.C.A...... CLEVELAND Carnegie I-Iofel 6803 Carnegie Avenue Maiesfic Hofel 229I E. 55’rh Slreef 9903 Cedar Avenue 2l2l E. 46II1 Sireel’ I242I Benham S’rree’r


I25 Rooms —— IO Minu’res from down‘rown Cleveland


4450 Cedar Avenue — Cleveland 3I Ohio EXpress I-4443

Nominal Rales for

Temporary GUes’rs — Permane'n’r Gueels Food Service In Building

Sla‘re Res’rauranl' 78I7 Cedar Avenue Ward Holel 4| I3 Cedar Avenue

Y.M.C.A...... E. 76H] & Cedar COLUMBUS " Al’cheson Resfauran’r I288 A’rcheson Sireel B. & B. Res’rauramL 20I5 Persons Avenue Belmon’r Resfauran’r ||05 Oak SlreeiL Bruce La‘rham Res’rauramL Cooper Touris’r Home 259 N. |7+h Sfree’r

Deshler-Wallick Hofel ...... Board & High S’rs. Duck Inn Resfauran‘r 883 No. 4H1 S’rree’r Hawkins Ho’rel Lifchford Holel Macon Hofel Neil House Hofel 35 Sou’rh High SIreeI Newiord Ho’rel 452l/2 E. Long SlreeiL

SI‘. Clair HoIel , 338 CI. Clair Avenue Turner's Reslauranf 452I/2 E. Long Sireel DAYTON Cox's Cu’r Ra’re Drugs & Gills 842 W. 5+h SIreeeI Vina's Lunch‘eione’r’re & Delicafessen 837 W. 5’rh S’rree’r

Whifey's Garage . 5|2 S. Broadway

Y.M.C.A...... 907 W. 5H1 Siree’r LIMA George Cook Tourisf Home 230 S. Union Sl’reeiL Mrs, A. Turner Tourisf Home |2I5 W. Spring S’rreeiL Turner HoIeI |2|5 Wes’r Spring Sfree‘r LONDON Mrs. James Pe’rfress Touris’r Home 26 E. Lincoln Avenue LORAIN

H. P. Jackson Tourisf Homel . 2383 Apple Avenue Mrs. Alex Cooley Tourisr Homes II4 W. 26’rh S’rreer Por’rer Wood TourisI' Home I759 Broadway Worlhingfon Tourisl Home 209 W. Io’rh Slreel PLAIN CITY

Madry's Travel Inn ...... U. S. Hwy. 33, 20 mi. N.W.. Columbus PORT CLINTON Woodlawn Cabins RIs. 2 & I63. l/2 mile E. of PomL Clin‘I’on SANDUSKY

Hun’rer Hofel . 407 W. Markef S’rree’r SPRINGFIELD

Mrs. M. E. Wilborn Tourisl' Home . 220 Fair Siree‘r Posey Hofel 209 S. Foun’rain Avenue Posey Res‘rauranl 2H 5. Founl’ain Avenue Y.M.C.A. Cen’rer S’rreel TOLEDO COOK'S TOURIST HOME I736-38 Washing’ron Sfree+ Collingwood Morel Collingwood & Indiana Avenue J. F. Wa’rson Touris’r Home 399 Pinewood Avenue Mrs. J. Jennings Tourisf Home 729 Indiana Avenue YOUNGSTOWN *HOTEL ALLISON 2I2 Nor+I1 WesI' Avenue Fine Foods - Room Service - Free Parking — Tel. RI 6-9057 BelmonI' Touris’r Home 327 Belmon’r Avenue Cen’rral Res’rauran’r I37 5. Cenfer Si‘reeiL Gold Inn Ho’rel 85| W. Federal Sireei McDonald Holel 442 E. Federal S’rreer Red Lion Mofel 20|9 Hubbard-Coilsville Rd. Royal Palms Ho’rel 625 Hemrod Sheer

Y.M.C.A...... 962 W. Federal SIreeI’ ”Y" Resfauran’r 962 Federal S’rreeiL Blue Haven Cale 37I E. Federal Wee Molel ZANESVILLE L. E. Cosfom Touri51L Home |545 W. Main SIree+ Liffle Harlem Reis’rauranl' ' Lee SIreeI


Ho'l'els — Mofels -— Touris'l' Homes — Resiauranfs ENID Mrs. Johnson TourisI' Home 2l7 E. Marker Slreel MUSKOGEE Elliols HoIel IIIl/2 So. 2nd Sheer People's Holel 3|6 N. 2nd SIreeiL OKLAHOMA CITY Can’ron Ho+el 200 NE. 2nd S’rree’r Hall Ho‘rel 3O8I/2 N. Cein’rral Ho’rel Youngblood 4H1 & Sliles Sis. Mrs. Lessie Bennel’r Touris+ Home 500 NE. 4H1 Sfree+ Tucker's Touris‘r Home 3|5l/2 N.E. 2nd S’rreeI Wayside Mo’rel 2028 N. Bryan S’rreeiL

Y.M.C.A...... 6l4 NE. 4%! S’rreef SHAWNEE Olison Hofel Slugg's Hoiel SAPULA IA!

Brooklyn Holel ...... 5|| E. Hobson Slreel SEMINOLE Ell Due Drop lnn ...... I I0 W. Wewaha Slreel TULSA

Avalon Molel ...... 24H Easl Apache Slreel

C. U. Nelherrland Tourisl Home ...... 542 N. Elgin Slreel

Del Rio Holel ...... 607l/2 N. Greenwood

McHunl Holel ...... | |2| N. Greenwood Slreel

Miller Holel ...... I24 N. Harllord Slreel GEI Small Holel ...... 6|5 E. Archer

W. H. Smilh Tourisl Home ...... l24l/2 N. Greenwood Hll Y.W.C.A...... | l20 Easl Pine OREGON

Holels — Mofels —- Tourisf Homes — Res'l'ouronls ASTORIA Nil Avenue Asloria Courl Molel ...... 55 Olney BEND Slreel Oll. Cascade Courl ...... 846 Soulh 3rd CRATER LAKE HEl Craler Lake Lodge EUGENE 476 E Cily Cenler Lodge ...... Broadway KLAMATH FALLS Avenue lHl Craler Collages ...... 2045 Oregon PENDLETON Pendlelon Holel PORTLAND

Capilol Hill Molel ...... 9| IO S.W. Barbur Blvd.

Holel Mullnomah ...... 3|? S. W} Pine SALEM

Salem Holel ...... Box 230 WALDPORT on IOI Sea Slones Collage ...... 5 miles Soull'i Hiway PENNSYLVANIA

— Ho'l'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes Resi'aurani's ALLENTOWN

Soulhern Reslauranl ...... 372 Union Slreel BEDFORD SPRINGS

Harris Holel ...... Penn. & Wesl Sls. CARLISLE Box ll4 Lincoln Molel ...... CHESTER Slreel Harlem Holel ...... I909 W. 3rd 3|| Farnall Slreel Vesla Vesla ...... COATESVILLE 420 DeLoach Molor Lounge ...... Harry Rd. Coalesville Holel Subway ...... CRESCO Mrs. Daniel L. Taylor Tourisl Home 62 EAST STROUDSBURG Fern Boarding House 387 Lincoln

- Hillside Inn ...... , ...... R.F.D. No. (Hwy. 209) ERIE KINTUCKY BAR‘B'QUE ‘ I438 Parade S’rree'I Visi+ us for ’rhe bes’r ribs in fawn! Pope Ho’rel WILSO‘N'S SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION General Repairs and Tune-ups -- Service calls S’rake's House & Bar I435 Parade Slreef GERMANTOWN

Y.M.C.A...... I32 W. Rilrenhouse HARRISBURG Jack's Holel * Mrs. W. D. Jones Tourisl Home Palace Holel Wishing Well Molel NEW CASTLE

Y.W.C.A...... 3l2 N. JeIIerson OIL CITY Mrs. Jackson Touris’r Home 258 Bissel Avenue HENRYVILLE Lang's Orchard Collage MT. POCONO

Alenia's Inn — Anchor Inn PHILADELPHIA Bea's Hofel & Dining Room Bellevue-S’rraI‘Iord Hofel Benjamin Franklin Ho’rel Brown's Res’rauranf Burrell's Touris’r Houses & Bu’rler's Tavern ...... S.W. Cor. I7’rh Carpenfer Camp Mohawk 27 Upsal SI. Chesferfield Hofel Broad & Oxford Sls. Essex House Ho‘rel I3+h & Filberf SIS. Hoard's Soulhern SIer Bar-B-Que l84l Ridge Avenue Ho’rel Linconia I907 Fairmounl‘ Avenue Horseshoe Hofel |2+h & Lombard SIS. Marrio’ri Mo’ror Ho’rel Cin Line & Monumen‘r Avenue Tally's Paradise Holel I527 Filzwa’rer S’rre-ef Travelers Ho’rel 3|6 So. Broad Sfree’r Wesi' End Ho’rel 420 N. 40Ih SIree’r Woodson Ho’rel PITTSBURGH B. Williams Tourisl' Home Birdie's Guesf House Elmore Ho’rel Flamingo Ho’rel 2407 Wylie Avenue Ho’rel W-ebs’rer Hall 44I5—5’rh Avenue Palace Ho’rel Sherwyn Hofel THE ELLIS HOTEL Cocldail Bar 8: Lounge — Phone: 28l-3269 63 POWELL Win’rer's Farm READING Holel Mrs. C. Dawson SCRANTON Hol‘el Scranfon Vine & Wyoming SELLE’RSVILLE Mrs. Dorolhy Scholls Touris’r Home Fores’r Road SWI FTWATER Rose Tree Inn WASHINGTON

Harley's Mapleview Mo’rel ...... U. S. Hwy. l9 WILKES BARRE YORK Mrs. l. Grayson Touri51L Home 276 S. Belvidere Avenue York’rowne Hofel ' Marker & Duke Sls.


— Ho'l'els — Moi-els — Tourisi' Homes Res‘l'auran‘l’s NEWPORT Mrs. F. Jackson Touris’r Home 28 Hall Avenue PROVIDENCE Hines Tourisf Home


If you have a boa‘l’. home. cabin. vaca’rion spoi'. efc. and are in+eres+ed in "Exchange Vacafions", wri+e us abouf a listing in our ”EXCHANGE VACA- TIONS JOURNAL". Spend a wonder- Why "0+ .3 JOURNAL of your club's vacafion afi‘air? Picnicsl DancesI Conven’rions . . . fu'. Trouble-free. money-saving No even+ +00 small or large! We will ANYWHERE. Box I72. ManhaHanville +hese his+oric mo- compile important i ' 27 i Y" Sfafion ' N Y ' N men’rs in pho’ros and sfory . . . A journal +ha+ will cap+ure foday's exci’re- men+ for fomorrow. Details FREE! Box CELEBRITY ESCORT SERVICE I72, ManhaHanville Si'a’rion, N. Y. 27I N.Y Our armed escorfs can meef your SPEAKERS NEEDED? plane. +rain, ship. etc. and you can For on any sub- prominen+ speakers have a care-free visi‘l' +0 The Big Ci+y. our for YOUR affair CONTACT . _ ieci' For dle+alilsz Blox I72. SPEAKERS BUREAU. Box I72. ManhaT- oelebrriy-sfyler. fanville S+a+ion. N. Y. 27. N. Y.. ManhaHanville S’ra’rion. N. Y. 27. N. Y.


HoI'eIs —- Mo'l'els — TourisI' Homes — Res'l'auran'l's AIKEN C. F. Holland Tourisf Home 602 Richland Avenue Easl ANDERSON Ess-Tee Reslauranl' ll2 E. Church S’rree’r Mrs. Sallie Galloway Touris’r Home 420 Buller Slreel' BEAUFORT DONALDSON'S FISHING Broad River Camp & Lodge School Rd. CHARLESTON James Holel 238 Spring Sfree‘r Mrs. Gladsen Touri51L Home l5 Nassau Slreel’ Mrs, Mayes TourismL Home 82l/2 Spring S‘rreeiL CHERAW College Inn ReslauramL 324 2nd Sireel Gale Grill Second S‘rreel Mrs. Maggie Green 209 Church Sl’reeiL Valerie Mo‘ror Inn 7 miles soulh of Cheraw S. C. on U. S. # I Live Oak Tourisl” 328 Second Sfreel

Elec’rric Heal Air Condilioned Complele Priva’re Ba’rh


7 miles sou+h of Cheraw, S. C. on U. S. No. |

Family Rooms Office & Eating TV Accommodalions Adioim‘ng

”u COLUMBIA Beachum Touri51L Home College Inn Touris’r Home Cozy lnn Res’rauranf l509 Harden S’rreeiL Green Leaic Res’rauranl‘ |||7 Wash. S’rree1L Mom's Resfauranl' l005 Washing’ron Slree’r Mrs. H. C‘ornwell Touri51L Home l7l3 Wayne Mrs. Irene B. Evans Tourisl' Home ll06 Pine Sfree:L Mrs. J. P. Wakefield Touris’r Home 8|6 Qak S’rree.+ Mrs. S. H. Smilh Tourisl' Home Mrs. W. D. Chappelle Touris’r Home Nylon Ho’rel Reslauranf Savoy . Waverly Resfauranl' 25l5 Gervais S’rree’r Y.W.C.A. 230 Taylor Sfreel DARLINGTON Box. 309 Mable's Mofel ...... FLORENCE Spring Valley Res’rauranl' SOUTH DAKOTA

Ho'l'els —- Mofels — Tourisf Homes —- Res'l'ouran'l's ABERDEEN

Alonzo Ward Ho+el ...... S. Main SfreelL l S. Main Sfreer Virginia Resrauranr ...... 303 l BROOKINGS i I430 6+h Slreel i Modern Wayside Morel ...... CUSTER Ave. S. l6 & Rockef COUF‘l’ ...... 2H Cus+er (U. 85) l PHILLIP U. S. 2|2 l A. B. C. Mojrel ...... SIOUX FALLS ;


— Ho'l'els —- Mo'Iels — TourisI' Homes Resiauran'l's ; BRISTOL |200 MOOre Sheer MOROCCO MOTEL 8: GRILL ...... Clean. Comfortable, Courteous Service. i 7 Welcome +0 ’rravelers. _ 225 McDowell Mrs. M. C. Brown Touris’r Home ...... 320 Nelson Sf. Mrs. A. D. Henderson Touri51L Home ...... CHATTANOOGA E. 9’rh S’rreeiL Dallas Holel ...... 23Ol/2 60| Lincoln Kar's Korner Resfauran’r ...... 206 Eas+ 9+h Siree’r La Grand Ear Shop ...... 320 Eas’r 9+h S’rree’r M-Y-B Package S’rore ...... l 370| Allon Park Blvd. Marrin's Esso Cem‘er ...... I800 Eas‘r 3rd Srreei’ f Millender's Pharmacy ...... |l04 Carrer Sheer Peoples Holel ...... 4|| Eas‘r 9+h S’rree’r Reuben's Place ...... ______—————— AM 6-9979 48 Rooms

OUINN'S HOTEL The mosl' labulous Horel for colored.

227 Wesl' Main a+ Cowar‘l S’r.. ChaHanooga. Tenn.

4 Blocks from Downlown

on Highway 58, ll. 64-, Sou’rh M rs. Ressie Harris. Owner M 66 "JUST A STONE'S THROW FROM ROCK CITY










JAMES "FATS" MCCLELLAND. Vice PresidemL "Food Like Mofher Used fo Cook"


206 E. 9+h S+ree+. ChaHanooga. Tenn. Annie R. Conley


320 Eas’r 9+h S+ree+ Cha’r’ranooga, Tenn.

E. Ruby's Drive-In ...... IOI 46+h Sfree’r

Y.M.C.A...... 9|5 Park S’rreeE 924 Y.W.C.A...... E. 8+h S’rreef CLARKSVILLE ‘ 7|7 Main Si‘reeiL Nor’rhing’ron Touris‘r Home ......

Kline Res’r Home ...... 680 E. lnman Sfreei’, Eas’r

Qualify Cafe ...... 795 lnman Sfreef E COLUMBIA E on S’rop & Resf Mo+el & ResEauranE‘ ...... 4 mi. Sou’rh Hiway 3| E HUMBOLDT E

Booker T. Mo‘rel ...... U. S. 79 & 70A EEI Phone 9-3-5449 Mr. & Mrs. Ari‘hur D. Miller. Props. MILLER'S MODERN MOTEL & RESORT E Comfort Convenience and Courlesy E On Ehe Highway U. S. ll-W — 7 Miles EasE OE Knoxville E Rou+e 5. Box 485 Knoxville. Tenn. EE KNOXVILLE E Anderson's Touris+ Home ...... 50! E. Church S’rree’r E College Cafe ...... |5l8 Universil’y Ave.. N.W. E Graves Drug Sfore ...... l90| Texas Avenue E Miller's Modern Mo’rel & Resor’r ...... On Hiway ll-W. 7 mi. Eas’r of Knoxville E

Rosebud Tavern & Res’rauranl' ...... I20 E. Vine Avenue El

S’rreamline Snack Bar ...... l25 E. Vine SEreeE ‘ E 15l4 N.W. The Pink House ...... Universify Ave.. Tommy's Service Sfa’rion ...... I304 Vine Ave., SE. Toussain’r L'Ouver’rure Pos’r No. 80. American Legion |l2 Main Ave... S.E. Y.M.C.A. Cansler Branch 7l6 E. Church Avenue

Y.W.C.A...... 2026 McCalla Avenue MEMPHIS Annie's Cafe l55 Beale Si‘reeiL Cain Bros. Gulf Service & Garage I252 BreedIOVe Siree’r Carnes Ave. Guhc Service S’ra’rion & Garage 2585 Carnes Avenue Eosary Ho’rel |8| Beale Avenue Four Way Grill 998 Mississippi Blvd. Georgia's Caie 67! Mississippi Avenue Handy House 995l/2 Mississippi Blvd. Ho’rel Queen Ann 228 Vance Avenue J. A. Ewing Service S’ralion Mississippi & Als+on Avenues Jiffy Sundry 2509 Park Ave. Lorraine Mofel & Ho’rel 406 Mulberry Sfree+ Marqueh‘e Ho’rel 507 Linden Sfree’r Mifchells Ho’rel Mrs. Young's Touris’r Home Nu-Way Service S+a+ion & Garage 855 Por+er Siree’r Presley Guhc Sfa’rion l8! W. Brooks Road Ragland's Mobilgas Service S’rafion ...... 282 Beale 'S’rreel' Sue's Bakery & Snack Bar 2902 Bradley Si‘reeiL The Ann's Grill I86 E. Calhoun The Cosmos Cafe The Friendly Three Cafe 4l6 Peoples Road Travelers Ho’rel 347 Vance Avenue Uni’red Taxi Walker's Shell Service Sfa’rion & Garage Ware's Super Markef Ware's Texaco S+a+ion Washburn's Mobilgas Service S’ra’rion 94| Mississippi Avenue Wells Sundry & Cafe 5l6 N. 3rd S’rree’r Whife S’rar Cleaners 225 S. 4+h Siree’r MU'RFREESBORO Beniord's Amoco Service S+a+ion 429 Maney Avenue Moore's Touris’r Home Sia’re & Universi’ry Sireeis NASHVILLE Cozy Corner Res’rauran’r & Tavern Eldorado Mofel Family Service Grocery Je‘r Resiauranl Price's Dinner Club & Tavern R & R Liquor S’rore Whii'e's Lunch Room 2| l6 Meharry Blvd.

Y.M.C.A...... 4+h 8r Charloi’re Avenues ...... I708 Pearl SireeiL Driver's Shell Sia’rion AL 5-9370

Phone: 242-9589 Spruell Driver, Prop. DRIVER'S MOTEL "Newes+ ln Mo’rel Designing" Blvd. 3 Blocks W. of A. & l. S’ra’re U...... 39|0 Cem‘ennial I Mile W. of Fisk U. Nashville. Tenn.


Ho'l'els — Mo'l-els — TourisI Homes — Resi'auranfs AB-ILENE

Mrs. Guy E. Rogers TourismL Home ...... _...... 550 No. 8+h S‘rree’r

AMARILLO . Buren S‘rreef Tennessee Ho’rel ...... 206 Van 322 W. Third S’rreef Tom's Place Resfauran’r ...... I I2 Van Buren S’rreef Wa’rley Ho’rel ...... ATLANTA Howe Sheer Mrs. Lizzie Simon Tourisl‘ Home ...... 308 N.’ AUSTIN |2l4 E. 7+h S’rree1L Mrs. J. W. Duncan Tourisf Home ...... I3l5 E. |2+h S’rree’r Porfer's Tourisl’ Home ...... IOIO Eas’r Il’rh Sireef Sou’rhern Res’rauran’r ...... BEAUMONT 875 Neches Sheer Hofel Theresa ...... 539 Slree’r Long's Bar-B-Q ...... Forsyfhe 730 S’rree‘r Mrs. B. Rivers Touris’r Home ...... Forsy’r-he CORPUS CHRISTIE Avenue ...... |7|O Horace Crecy's Tourisl Home ...... Lexinglon ISIO Ramirez Avalon Res’rauran’r ...... DALLAS l8|5 N. Field Beaumon’r Barbeque Res’rauranl ...... 82! S+ree+ Bogel Hofel ...... Bogel S’rreel Green Acres Molel ...... |7|| McCoy 3! I8 San Jacin’ro Sfree’r Howard Holel ...... 3| I5 S’ra’re S’rree’r Powell Ho’rel ...... 22l9 Hall S’rree’r Shalimar Resfauran’r......


...... DEL VALLE F. M. Rd. 973. Hwy. 7! Mayco Mo’rel ...... EL PASO 1505 SheetL C. Williams Tourisf Home ...... Wyoming 4l3 5. Slreef Daniel Ho’rel ...... Oregon 8064 Alameda S. 80. La Luz Morel ...... (U. Eas+) 5|l Tornillo Mrs. S. W. S+ull Touris’r House ...... FORT WORTH I90| Eas+ 4+h S’rreeiL Clover Hofel ...... |2|3 E. Terrell S’rreel Evan's Touris’r Home ...... 3|5 E. 9+h S’rreel Green Leawc ResfauramL ...... 4l3-l5 E. Filfh S’rree’r Ho’rel Jim ...... |055 Evans Avenue Mon‘rerey Ho’rel ...... I604 Jones Sheer Y.M.C.A......

. GALVESTON 27l0 Ave. E Gus Allen Hofel ...... |207 3ls’r S’rreef Li’rHe Shamrock Mo’rel ...... 2824 M Ave. Mrs. J. Pope Tourisf ...... l/z Home 25+h S’rree’r Oleander Ho’rel ...... 42ll/2 HENDERSON 6|5 N. 'Mill Sfree’r Chal' & Chew ResrauramL ...... HOUSTON ' Aiapa Holel 24l2 Dowling Slreer Cryslal Holel 3308 Lyons Avenue Kirk Cour’rs 2l2l Kirk SlreeiL La Jayo Holel 4024 Lyons Avenue- Lincoln Res’rauranf Com‘i & Jenson Mingo Mo’rel New Day Holel l9l2 Dowling S’rreel Orien’ral Reslauran’r 275l Lyons Avenue Robinson's Manor 32” Jackson Slreel’ Sid's Ranch LONGVIEW on Road Eas’rman Road Molel _ Roule l. Eas’rman MARSHALL Adkins Wesf End Texaco Service Slalion 310 N. Bishop Bailey Tourisl' Home ll03 W. Grand Avenue La Casa Molel New Deal Ser. Slalion Tucker's Guhc Service Slalion MEXIA Mrs. M. Carroll Res’rauramL PORT ARTHUR Rilz Holel Shadowland Res‘rauran’r Tick Tock ReslauramL SAN ANTONIO Mamie's Res’rauran’r I833 E. Hous’ron SlreeiL Manhafian Holel 735 E. Commerce Nolan Ho’rel 525 Nolan Slree’r Rilz Molel 2958 Commerce Sireel Ross Holel l26 N. Mesqui’re S‘rreel Silver Slipper Reslauranl 506 S. Gevers TEXARKANA Casino Reslauranl The Wheel Molel Moore's Ho’rel TYLER Franklin Service Slalion Palace af Morris Hofel Allreda l009 W. MorrisSlreel’ Mrs. Thomas Touris’r Home 5l6 N. Border ~Slree’r Nor’rh Palace Guhc Service Slalion 903 W. Lincoln The Downbea’r Cafe W. Langslon Touris‘r Home While Sandwich Shop Wickware's Cilies Service Slalion VAN HORN McVay Courls Hwys. 80 - 9O & 54. l20 mi E. of El Paso- VICTORIA Holel Hayes 707 E. Slaylon WACO B. Ashlord Touris’r Home 902 N. 8+h Slree’r College View Mo’rel ' Easl Elm Slreer CHA Ebony Molel 4723 Sanger Ideal Reslauranl' 902 N. 8+h Siree’r WAXAHACHIE Mrs. M. Johnson Tourisl' Home 427 E. Main S’rree1L Mrs. N. Lowe Tourisf Home 418 E. Main Si‘reeiL CHE WICHITA FALLS Bridges Ho’rel 404 Sullivan Slreef CHR E. B. Jefirey Touris‘r Home 509 Juarez S’rree’r Johnson's Resfauran’r 803 Harding Sfree’r COV Mrs. L. Winson Touris’r Home 607 Juarez S’rreel ; Plaza Ho’rel 423 Flood Sireel‘ ' DAN

— Ho‘l-els — Mo'l'els - Tourisi' Homes Resiouranfs BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK Bryce Canyon Inn Opens May l5+h lo Ocl. ith Bryce Canyon Lodge Opens June |5+h Jro Sepf. leh l, DISF CEDAR CITY Cedar Cresl' Lodge Morel 555 So. Main Sfree’r DOS OGDEN Royal Hoiel 2522 Wall Avenue : EMP PRO‘VO El Rancho Provo l0l5 So. Slale SALT LAKE CITY Harlem Ho’rel 528l/2 Wesr 2nd Slreef Jenkins Ho+el 250 W. Sou’rh Temple Sam Sneed Ho’rel 250 W. Soulh Temple Sf. Louis Ho’rel 242l/2 Wes’r Sou‘rh Temple 306 E. 3rd SlreelL Y.W.C.A...... ZION NATIONAL PARK l5+h Zion Lodge Opens June |5+h +0 Sepf Zion lnn Opens May |5lh lo Oct l5

— Ho'l-els — Mofels — Touris‘l‘ Homes Res'louroni's BURLINGTON The Pafes Ho’rel 86-90 Archiband Sir—eel

,, NORTHFIELD Cole's Touris‘r Home 7 Sherman Avenue RUTLAND Meade Collage Touri51L Home 24 High S’rree’r VIRGINIA

— Ho'l'els —- Mo'Iels — Touris‘l' Homes Resi'auron‘l's AMHERST Sam & Sarah Hudson Tourisl Home R’re. 2. Box 256 Souihern S‘ryle Bar-B-Oue Norfolk Ave. For Reserva’rion Call 946-872l BUCKROE BEACH Bay Shore Holel Buckroe Beach CHARLOTTE‘SVILLE Carver lnn Holel 70| Preslon Avenue ChauHeur's Res+ Touris1L Home I29 Pres+on Avenue Alexander's Tourisl' Home 4|3 Dyce Sfreer CHASE CITY RED DOOR RESTAURANT For fhe bes+ flavor fo good food, give us a visi+ THE GREEN DOOR RESTAURANT Unsurpassed for quali’ry food and courfeous service! CHESTER Colbrook Inn CHRISTIANBURG Eureka I-IoIeI COVINGTON Mrs. LoreHa S. Waison Touris’r Home DANVILLE Mrs. M. K. Page TourisI Home Mrs, Mary L. Wilson Tourisi Home Mrs. S. A. Overby Touris’r I-Iome Yancey's Tourisl Home DISPUTANTA

Foresf View Mole! ...... 460 Norfolk Hwy. DOSWELL Hill Top Resiauran’r & Cabins EMPO‘RIA ATLANTIC ESS'O STATION C. A. HarrisI Prop. — Phone: ME 4-2077

Phone: ME 4-2594 Reasonable Rales

Tourisi Home

Res’r. Accommonda’rions All Hours II5 Main S+ree+ Emporia, Virginia

GLOUCESTER Waikins MoJrel Gloucesler HAMPTON Harrief's Drive-In I30 W. Pembroke Ave. KeIIam's MoIeI |85 AHanIic Ave. JAMAICA Oliver's MoIel Highway I7 al' Cenler Cross, Va. LANEXA R. & D. Mo’rel PHOEBUS-HAMPTON The Rendezvous Cafe LAWRENCEVILLE CORNER INN Beverly Taylor. Mgr. LEXINGTON Rose Inn 33I No. Main S’rree’r The Franklin Tourisi Home 9 Tucker SIree’r LURAY Camp Lewis Mounlain TourisI Home Skyline Drive HOLLOWAY INN Special A++en+ion ’ro Families. Travelers. Hun+ers 73 l‘YNCHBURG

Happyland Lake Touris‘r Home ...... 8l2 5+h Avenue

Mrs. C. Harper Touris’r Home ...... l l09 8+h Avenue

Mrs. N. P. Washingfon Touris’r Home ...... bll Polk

Phyllis Whea’rley Y.W.C.A...... 6|3 Monroe Sf.


Road Side Inn ...... New Kenf, Va. NEWPORT NEWS

Al Smifh's Service Slafion ...... 270l Marshall Ave.

Bob & Sam's Drive Inn ...... 28ll Jefferson Ave.

Cosmos Hofel ...... 620 25ih Sf.

Gran’r's Res’rauranl' ...... 2|08 Jefferson Ave.

Huggins Bar-B-Que ...... 63l 25+h Sf.

Johnson's Room & Board ...... 553 23rd Sf. Clean, Comfor’rable Rooms -—— Phone' CH 7-5656 mi New York Barber Shop ...... 2002 Jefferson Ave.

—- Norman's Service Sfalion ...... Hampfon Jefferson Ave. Ave. Palm Tea Room ...... 2|46 Jefferson WES' Plaza Drive lnn ...... l3537 Warwick Boulevard NORFOLK

Foodarama ...... 577 Church S’r. ‘

*PLAZA HOTEL ...... I757 Church 5+. wui

Funeral Home ...... 600 Chapel S’r. Morning Glory wmi Russell's Resfauran’r & Grill ...... 8|6 Church Sf.

Regenl' Drive-In ...... Shell Rd. & Delaware Ave. PETE’RSB-URG

Allanl’ic Cafe ...... l03 Halifax Sf. l & Colbrook Mo’rel ...... U. S. R’re. 30| PHOEBUS lEll & Mellon Hor’ron's Hofel ...... Counly Sfreefs

Horfon's Res’rauramL ...... Coun’ry & Mellon Sfreefs fORTSMOUTH

Benjamin's Confec’rionery & Dining Room ..° ...... 223 S. Green Sf.

Beuie's Esso Service Sia’rion ...... l70l Effingham Sf.

Blue Haven Hofel ...... 40| S. Green S’r. 460 Combo Terrace ...... On Hiway #l3 and

Sporfsman's Resfauran’r & Mo’rel ...... On R’re. 2 nr. Por’rsmoufh Fagan's Seaford Res’rauranf ...... Cor. Gosporf Rd. & Pine Sf.

Holmes Bros. Sinclair Service S’ra’rion ...... 34|5 Gosporf Rd.

Jimmie's Flying A Service S’rafion ...... |20l Langley Blvd. 5+. Kelly's Res’rauran’r & Molel ...... 80| Counfy

Marshall's Cilies Service S’rafion ...... I808 Gosporf Rd. London Sf. Ransdell's Mofel ...... 630 RICHMOND

Egglesfon Hofel ...... 2nd & Leigh 200 Harris Hofel ...... E. Clay Sfreef 529 N. Sfree’r Slaugh’rer Hofel ...... 2nd

Y.WC.A...... Orange Avenue 5l9 2nd Perry's Resfauran’r ...... N. Sf. Skinney's Bar-B-Oue ...... Fairmounf Ave. a’r 25+h Sf. 3|4 2nd Sf. OHo's lnn ...... No. “ROANOKE

Colvin's Touris’r Home ...... Dumas Hoiel Henry S‘rreer. N. W.

...... Y.W.C. , 4|!) Gainbore Rd.. N. W. Colvin's Tourisf Home l6 Gilmer Avenue, N. W. Brooks Pharmacy 22l N. Henry Sireei SOUTH HILL Brown's New Cale IOS E. Virginia Sf. STAUNTON Pannell's In. Touris’r Home 6l3 N. Augusfa SireeiL STORMONT Midway Auro Repair Urbanna Road 6. L. Davis Service Sfa’rion Cook's Corner SUFFOLK E & L Lassii’er Pur Oil S‘raiion 802 E. Washingi’on Sf. Nansemond CO'Op Servicenfer I33 Tyne sS’rreeJr

Surlolk Professional Pharmacy. Inc...... 362 E. Washingfon S’r. TAPPAHANNOCK Mark Haven Beach Hoiel .: Hillcre51L 3-387l McGuire's Inn Ho’rel Marsh S‘rreei' WEST POINT Jordan's Em‘erprises l4‘rh & Kirby S‘rreeis Morlon's Res+auran+ 221 lS’fh S’rree’r WILLIAMSBURG Grove's Esso Service Cenler WINCHESTER Ruih's Resfauran’r WASHINGTON

Ho'l'els — Motels — Touris‘l' Homes — Restauranfs BELLINGHAM Bell's Aufo Cour’r 208 Samish Highway Leopold Ho’rel I224 Cornwall Ave. BREMERTON Ene’rai Hole! GRAND COULEE Con’rinenfal Hoiel OLYMPIA Ho+el Olympian RANIER NATIONAL PARK Paradise Inn Paradise Lodge SEATTLE A+las Horel 420 Maynard SireeiL Eagle Ho’rel 408l/2 Main SireeiL Beniamin Franklin 5+h Ave. 81 Virginia Commodore Ho’rel 20|3 2nd Ave. Doric Mayflower 4+h & Olive Way Doric New Washinglon 2nd & $1‘ewar1L Si. Edmond Meany Tourisi' Home 45+h & Brooklyn Ea51L Green Ho’rel 7|| Lane S’rree‘r Mar Hol'el New Richmond Hofel OlympUS Ho’rel 4|3 Maynard S’rree’r ‘Welcome Annex Ho’rel 6|3l/2 Jackson Avenue TACOMA

DiH’emore's CounL ...... l270| Pacific Highway Avenue Mon’re Carlo Ho’rel ...... l555 Tacoma Avenue Travelers ResiauramL ...... I506l/2 Pacific Win‘rhrop Wes’rern Ho’rel ...... 9+h and Broadway VANCOUVER Main Sfreei Ricke’ron's New Mofel ...... 40|O YAKIMA Senaior Ho’rel WEST VIRGINIA

-—- Hofels — Moi'els — Touris'l' Homes Res‘l'aurani's BECKLEY 340 Sireei New Pioneer Ho’rel ...... S. Fayeiie BLUEFIELD lO39 Sfreei‘ Travelers' Inn Hoiel ...... Wayne CHARLESTON Sireef Ferguson's Ho’rel ...... Washing’ron Wes’r Charles’ron Penn's Ho’rel ...... CLARKESBURG I26 Maud Si. Mrs. Ruby Thomas Lodgings ...... FRANKLIN Main Srree’r Hoiel Franklin ...... l29l/2 GRAFTON Lairobe Sireei Jones' Res’rauranf ...... HINTON S’raie Srree‘r Maya's Gues’r House ...... I09 2nd Avenue The Price House Ho’rel ...... HUNTINGTON 8|0 7lh Avenue Mrs. C. J. Barne’r’r Lodgings ...... l6l4 8+h Avenue 5pmL Resiaurani' ...... 9H 8+h Avenue The Ros$ House Holel ...... MONTGOMERY 223 Gaines SheetL New Royal Ho’rel ...... MORGANTOWN 2 Mrs. Jeanne’r’re 0. Parker Lodgings ...... Cay’ron 3 Mrs. Linnie Mae Slaugh’rer Lodgings ...... Cayion MOUNDSXILLE |206 4+h StreetL Mrs. Blanche Campbell Lodgings ...... NORTHFORK Houchins Ho‘rel & Cale

' WELCH l4- Avenue CapehariL Ho’rel ...... Virginia WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Slaughfer's TouriswL Home HAMI WISCONSIN

—— HoI'els — MoI'eIs — T’ourisI' Homes ResIauranIs ASHLAND RFD S’rone's Mo’rel ...... #3 BELOIT Beloi’r Hoiel IO2-IIO Park Avenue Hobson Mo’rel ...... ELM GROVE Sleepy Hollow Mofel l2600 W. Blue Mound Rd. GREEN BAY Beaumonf Hofel Box 643 LA CROSSE Linker Ho’rel Nqueman's Lodge Mo’rel MILWAUKEE Ambassador Molel Ho’rel 2308 W. Wisconsin Ave. As+or 924 E. Juneau Ave. S’r. & Lake Milwaukee lnn ...... E. S’ra’re Schroeder 509 W. Wisconsin Ave. Shorecresl Carl's Reslauran’r Chicken Shack Resl'aurani Hillcresl' Ho+e| Mrs. M. Burns, Rooming House Pasfell Lampkins Roming House l4+h S’rreel 9l5 W. Wisconsin Avenue Y.W.C.A...... OSHKOSH Ho’rel Rauhc 530 N. Main Sf. RACINE Ho’rel Racine 535 Main Sf. SUPERIOR Ho’rel Sara’roga WISCONSIN DELLS Lazy "M" Dude Ranch Rou+e 2, River Road


—— Ho'l'els — Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes ResIauranI’s CASPER Blue Spruce Mo‘rel |9l4 Yellowslone, Easl CHEYENNE *MINNEHAHA MOTEL I905 E. Lincolnway ROCK SPRINGS Collins Touris+ Home 9|5 7+h Avenue U. S. 30 Liber’ry Mofel ...... YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Grand Canyon Mammo’rh Ho’r Springs Holel Old Fai’rhlul lnn

BERMUDA HAMILTON Blue Jay Reslauran’r Church S’rree’r {mperial Hofel Church S’rree‘r Ripleigh GuemL House . Doris Pearman The SpowL Res’rauramL Burnaby SlreeiL PEMBROKE Milesfone Gues’r House Richmond House Ho’rel ST. GEORGE'S .

"Archlyn Villa." Guesf House ...... Wellingfon SIreeI Sf. George's Ho’rel TUCKER'S TOWN Casfle Harbor Hofel WARRICK

Hil’ron Manor GueSIL House ...... Mrs. W. Tucker. Prop. Homeleigh GuesuL House ...... Mrs. D. Eave. Prop.

Mrs. Leon Eve GueSIL House ...... Snake Road W. PEMBROKE

Sunse’r Lodge Guesf House ...... P. O. Box 4I3 CONVENTION AND CONFERENCE CALENDAR- May 3- 5 Na’rional Epicureans. lnc.. Washingfon. D. C. (Presidenfial Arms) May I7-I9 The Moles. lnc.. Washing’ron. D. C. May 24-25 Girl Friends. lnc.. Chicago. Ill. IMay 29-3I Nafional Alliance of Posfal Employees. Miami. Fla. (Hampfon House) May I8 Nafional Council of Negro Women. lnc.. Washingfon. D. C. (Commem- ra‘rion meefing) June 7' 9 Chi Delfa Mu Fra’rerni’ry. Washingfon. D. C. (S’rafler-Hilfon) June ‘25-28 Nafional Associafion of Minis’rers' Wives. Aflanfa. Ga. ora’rion Mee’ring June 25-30 Chi Efa Phi Sorori’ry. lnc.. Durham. N. C. July I- 7 Na’rional Associa’rion For fhe Advancemen’r of Colored People. Chicago. IRAN Ill. (Morrison Hofel) ' July I5-2I Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Chrisf World Wide. lnc.. Washing- coll fon. D. C. July l6-20 Zefa Phi Befa Sorori’ry. lnc.. Miami. Fla. (Miami Municipal Audil’orium) July I6-2I Na’rional Assn. of Fashion And Accessory Designers. Inc. Chicago. Ill. (Shera’ron) July 22-26 Nafional Unifed Church Ushers Assn. of America. Inc. Balfimore. Md. July 25-27 Lambda Kappa Mu Sorori’ry. lnc.. Syracuse. N. Y. July 28-Aug. I Na’rional Urban League. Los Angeles. Calif. (Sfafler—Hilfon) July 3I-Aug 3 American Teachers Assn.. Dallas. Tex. Aug. 3- 9 Woman's Home & Foreign Missionary Socie’ry. AME Zion Church. Sf. Louis Mo. (Washingfon Mefropoli’ran AMEZ Ch.) Aug. 4- 8 Na’rional Beaufy Cul’rurisfs League. lnc.. Chicago. Ill. Aug. 4- 9 Na’rional Den’ral Assn.. lnc.. Philadelphia. Pa. (Shera’ron) Aug. 5- 9 Na’rional Conven’rion of Gospel Choirs & Chouses. Inc. Pi’r’rsburgh. Pa. Aug. 6-H Nafional Sorori’ry of Phi Del’ra Kappa. Los Angeles. Calif. Aug. lO-I6 Iofa Phi Lambda Sororify. lnc.. Youngs’rown. Ohio II—I5 Na’rional Funeral DirecIors & Morficians Assn.. Columbus. 0. (Deshler-Hilfon) Aug. I3-I8 Tau Gamma Del’ra Sorori’ry. New York. N. Y. (Waldorf As’roria) Aug. I2-I5 Na’rional Medical Assn.. Los Angeles. Calif. (Sfafler HiI’ron) Aug. I2-l5 Women's Auxiliary ’ro Ihe Nafional Medical Assn.. Los Angeles. Calif. Aug. I2-I7 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorori’ry. lnc.. Denver. Colo. (Brown Palace) Aug. l4-I8 Nafional Assn. of College Women. Chicago. Ill. (Morrison) Aug. I6-22 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraferni’ry. lnc.. Bos’ron. Mass. (Sfafler Hilfon) Aug. I7-24 Na’rional Supreme Council Ancien’r & Accepfed Sco’rfish Rife Masons. Miami. Fla. (Hamp’ron House) Aug. I7-24 Na’rional Grand Chapfer Order of Eas’rern Sfar. Miami. Fla. 78 Aug. l8-2l Supreme Lodge Knioh’rs ol Pvlhias. Holr Springs. Ark, (Pylhian Hoiel) Aug. l8—23 Anciem‘ Egyp’rian Arabic Order Nobles of +he Mys’ric Shrine. Pillsburgh,

' Pa. (Penn-Sheralon) . Aug. l8-23 Imperial Cour’r-Daughlers of Isis. Pillsburgh. Pa. (Penn-Sheralon) Aug. I8-23 Na’rional Assn. of Negro Musicians. Columbus. Ohio Aug. l9-23 Nalional Insurance Assn.. Chicago. Ill. (Shera’ron-Chicago) Aug. 20-23 Fronliers In’rernalional. Inc.. Chicago' Ill. (Sheralon) Aug. 25—29 Na’rional Assn. of Real Eslal'e Brokers. Inc.. Chicago. Ill. (Sherman House) Aug. 26-30 Improved BenevolemL Proleclive Order 01‘ Elks of lhe World. Bos’ron. Mass. Aug. 26-30 Grand Temple Daughlers of l.B.P.O.E. of W. Bos’ronI Mass Aug. 28—Sepl. 2 Na’rional Technical Assn.. Chicago. Ill. Sepl. 3- 8 Na’rional Bap’risl' Conven’rion. U.S.A.. Inc.. Cleveland. Ohio Ocl. l3-l6 Na’rional Holel Assn.. Inc.. New OrleansI La. (Mason's Molel) Dec. 26-30 Phi Bela Sigma Fra’rerni’ry. Inc.. Nashville. Tenn. (Tenn. A & I Slare U.) Excerp’rs from ”When They Mee’r" compiled by Joseph V. Baker Associales. Inc. for Hamlilon Wa’rch Company. CANADA

— Hotels —— Mo'l'els — Touris'l' Homes Resfauranfs ONTARIO

BRANTFORD PORT ARTHUR Graham Bell Holel...48 Dalhousie SI. PorrL Arlhur Molor Holel CORNWALL N. Cumberland SI. Ll d6 H 0 IIe l5 P'll' S’r. SAULT MARIE FT, wfiLMifirge STE. 59”” Windsor Holel Adanae Holel 227 Simpson SI. 6l7 E. HAMILTON Queer St. Creslwood Holel TORONTO 4 miles easl on #2 HWY~ Anndore Holel I5 Charles S+.. .E . Fischer Holel 5| York S’r. Cons’rella’rion Holel Shera’ron-Connaughl Holel Dixon Rd, & Renfor’rh Dr. & Molor Inn ”2 King St. E- Four Seasons Molor Holel

Wen’rworlh Arms Molor Holel _ Jarvis & Carl’ron SI. Main 8‘ Hughson Sl- Fronlenac Arms 306 Jarvis SI. LONDON Glenview Terraces Holel London Holel 2904 Yonge SI. Dundas 8‘ Wellinglon Sl- King Edward Sheralon NIAGARA FALLS 37 King St. E. Foxhead Molor Inn Lido Molel WesuL Hill P. O. Falls AVG. 8( CIITI’OH HIII Lord Simcoe Park Holel Clil’ron Hlll Universi’ry Ave. & King SI. Shera’ron-Breck Holel Park Plaza Bloor S’r. & Avenue Rd. I685 Falls Ave. Regency Towers 89 Avenue Rd. OTTAWA Royal York . Fronl S‘I’. By’rown Inn 73 O'Connor S’r. Skyline Holel Chaleau Laurier Rideau S’r. (Hwy I7) WINDSOR

Lord Elgin Elgin & Laurier Ave. Bali-Hi Molor Ho’rel , Rock Haven Molel I280 Ouellelr'e Ave. 597 Monlreal Rd. Norlon Palmer I30 Park Sl.. W. 79 MONTREAL QUEBEC Berkeley I-IoIeI Chaieau Fron’renac Place d'Armes I I88 Sherbrooke St. W. Chafeau Laurier 695 Grand AIIee 6445 Decarie Blvd. Manoir SI. Cas’rin Cariier MoI’eI P. O. Lae Beauporr, Que. I407O Sherbrooke SI. E. MOOSE JAW De La Salle I240 Drummond SI. Harwood HoIeI 3O Fairford Si.I E. Laurem‘ien I-Io’reI ...I I30 Windsor SI. REGINA HoIeI I746 Sea rfh 5+. New CarI+on 9|5 Windsor SI. King's Saskafchewan Hofel EIizabeIh Queen Vicloria Ave. (Hwy I) 900 Dorchesler St, W. SASKATEEN 700 Windsor SI. Queen's Ho+eI Albany Ho’reI 2OII1 SI. & Ave. B Rifz CarI’ron Sherbrooke St. W. Bessborough Sherafon—MI. Royal I455 Peel SI. Spadina Crescen+ & 2Is’r Skyline I-IoI’eI King George I57 Second Ave.. N. 6050 Cole de Liesse Rd. Senaror 243 - 2|s+ SI” E.

ACAPULCO Acapulco I-Iil‘ron Avenida Miguel AIeman Boca Chica PIaya CaIeIiIIa

Cale’ra ...... P.O. Box 76. Cale’ra Beach Club De Pesea Cos’rera Miguel AIeman 60 Del Monle Cerro de Ia Pinzina (P.O. Box 55) El Morador La Quebrada EI Presidenie Avenida Miguel AIeman Las Brisas I-IiIIon Escenica I-Iwy. CUERNAVACA Mo’ror Ho’reI Mandel Blvd. & Zapala 8OI (Hwy 95) GUADALAJARA California Cour‘rs ...Av. VaIIar’ra 2525 Camino Real CaIz. deI Nino & VaIIar‘ra Turiservicios. S. A VaIIarIa 2785 GUAYMAS PIaya de Cor’res Bacochibampo (P.O. Box 66) JUAREZ I-IofeI ConIinenIaI HoIeI San Anionio Av. I6 de Sepiiembre 634 HoIeI Sylvias Av. I6 de Sep‘riembre I587 Touris’r Camp—Jardin FronIerizo American H'way #7 Ho’reI Moran Av. Juarez 238 MEXICAN GOVT. TOURIST BD.

80 MA‘ZATLAN Prado-Aihcer Revillagiiedo I8

Playa Maza’rlan ...... P. O. Box 207 MERIDA MONTERREY Panamericana 59‘rh St. No. 455 Ambassador MEXICO CITY Hidalgo & Galeana SI. Alameda Ave. Juarez 50 Ania Super Mo’rel Ambassador Humbold’r No. 38 HWy 85 N., Kilome’rer 995 Con’rinenral Hil’ron Gran HoIeI Aneira Plaza Hidalgo Paseo de la Reforma I66 MORELIA CorIes Ave. Hidalgo 85 Virrey cle Mendoza Del Prado HoIeI . Juarez 7O PorIaI Mafameros I6 El Presiden’re Hamburgo I35 Francis PATZCUARE Vasco Paseo de la Reiorma & Morelos Posada De Don Americas Unidas Geneve I30 Londres SI. Av. Guardiola TAXCO Loma Linda' MoIeI Maiesfic Hwy 95 a+ KilomeIer I6| Meurice Posada De La Mision Mon’re Cassino Calle de la Mision 32 THE CARIBBEAN

Hoi'els —'- Mofels — Tourisi' Homes — Resiauranfs

% ANTIGUA BARBADOS TOURIST BD. Admirals Inn English Harbour Jolly Beach Jolly Hill Bay Anchorage Dickenson Bay Kensing’ron House AnIigua Beach Hodges Bay Long Bay An+igua Horizons Lord Nelson Club Coolidge Balgowne Gue51L House S’r. John's SIephendale SI. John's Barrymore For’r Rd. Sugar Mill Coolidge Beachcomber The Inn English Harbour Blue Wafers Soldier Bay Trade VVinds Dickenson Bay Caribbean Beach Club Whi’re Sands Hodges Bay Dickeisen Bay ARUBA Cur’rain BIuI‘F Old Road Aruba Caribbean Ho’rel Galley Bay SumC Club Galley Bay BARBADOS Hallc Moon Bay HahC Moon Bay Abbeville Hawksbill Five Islands Accra Beach Aqua’ric Club S’r. Michael Georgefown Bagshof House ChrisrL Church Woodbine George’rown Blue Wa’rer Chri51L Church BRITISH Bonnie Dundee Chri51L Church BeHevue Bowden Chrisl Church Forr George Cacrabank Chris’r Church DOMINICA Caribbee Chris+ Church Cherry Lodge Colony Club Clarke Hall Coral ReewE Sou’rh Chillern Crane Springfield Eas’rry House Su’rfon Edgewafer GRAND CAYMAN lsland Inn Sf. Michael Bay View George’rown Marine Chrisl Church Beach Club Colony Miramar S’r. James Wesr Bay Beach Ocean View Chrisl Church Buccaneer's lnn Cayman Brac Paradise Beach Club S’r. Michael Coral Caymanian Georgelown

Powell Spring Sf. Joseph Emerald Beach Ap’rs...... Soulh Sound Rockley Beach Chris‘r Church Galleon Beach Georgefown Royal Caribbean Chris’r Church Pageanr Beach Georgelown ROyal-On—Sea Chrisl Church Rum PoimL Rum Poin’r Sf. Lawrence Chri51L Church Sea View Georgelown Sam Lord's S’r. Philip Sunse‘r House Georgelown Sandy Beach Chris’r Church GRENADA Sandy Lane An’rilles Sf. George's Crescenl‘ lnn Belmonf-Grand Anse Sea View Elife Gues’r House S’r. George's Shoe S’rring Green Gables Sl’. George's Sionehaven Inn S’r. Philip Grenada Beach Grand Anse Sou’rh Winds Chrisi‘ Church Sf. James S’r. George's Sunsef Lodge Silver Sands Grand Anse Swiss Chale’r Spice Island Grand Anse Whi’re Sands The Islander BRITISH GUIANA GUADELOUPE Au Grand Corsaire 82 Dole-Les-Bains Gourbeyre Monleg o lnn - Poin’re-A- Pilre Racke‘l’ Club A Grand Mon+ego Bay Normandie Poin’re-A Pifre Monl’ego Bay

' Royal » Basse-Terre Richmond Hill Monlego Bay Vielle Tour Round Hill I Mon’rego Bay TnzTV'TW JAMAICA (Kings‘l'on Area) Royal Caribbean Mon’rego Bay Abaha+i Kings+on SHver Sands Duncans Abbey COUI’l‘ Sunsel' Lodge Mon‘rego Bay Blue M+. Inn Gordon Town Tropical Terrace Monlego Bay CourHeigh Manor Kings’ron Tryall Flamingo Kings’ron (Ocho Rios & Nor’rh Shore) Green Gables Kingslon Arawak Ocho Rios

. Rios Kingsley Kingsfon Carib-Ocho Casa Maria Porl' Maria TFRTTWLWHQFVCWTSMT‘ZFIIM'TTL Liguanea Terrace ; ..... T...... Kings‘lon Manor House Kings’ron Ea’ron Hill Runaway Bay Melrose Kings‘ron Falcondip Ocho Rios Kings‘ron Golden Head Beach Kings+on Hibiscus Lodge Ocho Rios Morgan's Harbour Jamaica Inn MyrHe Bank Kings’ron Marrakesh Beach Ocho Rios Ocho Rios Shera’ron Kingslon Kingsfon Plan‘ra’rion lnn So-u’rh Camp .Kingsl'on Runaway Bay Ho+el Runaway Bay Ocho Rios S’rony Hill Kingsfon Sans Souci Sirawberry Hill lrish Town Shaw Park Beach Club SHver Seas Terra Nova ...... Kingslon (Mandevill'e Area) Tower lsle Mandeville Mandeville Windsor Mayflower MandeVille (Por‘I An+onio) (MonIego Area) Domom‘evin Lodge Bay Roc Monlego Bay MARTINIQUE Beach View Mon’rego Bay Allan’rique Black Swan Mon’rego Bay Auberge de L'Anse Miran Blairgowrie Mon+ego Bay Treis-lies’r Casa Blanca Mon’rego Bay Auberge du Manoir Casa Mon’rego Monlego Bay Rou’re de Moufie Monfego Bay Auberge du Vieux Chalel’ Mon’rego Bay Morne-Rouge Coral Cliff Mon’rego Bay Berkeley ForI-de-France Corniche Sfudio Ap’rs. Monl'ego Bay Bris’rol ForI—de—France Glouces’rer House Monfe-go Bay Gallia Good Hope Plan’ra’rion Falmou+h HoIel Cen’rral e’r Europe Hac’ron House Monfego Bay Holel de France Mormo-Rouge Hahc Moon For’r'de-France Mon’rego Bay lmpera’rrice ' Harmony House Mom‘ego Bay La DuneHe Miranda Lodge Mon+ego Bay Les Pi’rons Moniego Beach Mon’rego Bay


AGUADILLA BARRANQUITAS Monl'emar Holel El Barranqui’ras Hoiel ARECIBO DORADO Mir Ho’rel Dorado Beach Ho’rel 83 PONCE ST. KITTS

El Ponce lnlerconlinenlal Blakeney ...... Basselerro

SAN JUAN Palms ...... Basselerro Americana ol San Juan Royal P. O. Box 5628. lsla Verde Seaside

Allanlic Beach The Cockleshells ...... Sall Pond Sl. Vendig (Sanlurce) ST. LUCIA Bird El Halo Rey Blue Walers Beach ...... Caslries 452 Ponce de Leon Ave. James NH”, Hillon Caribe Sl. Anloine

Condado Beach ...... Box 3552 Sl. Lucia Beach ...... Gres lslel Condado Lagoon Villa ...... Caslries Jellre & Clemenceau Sl. El Miramar Charlerhouse ST. VINCENT

Av. Olimpio 60 Blue Caribbean ...... Kingslown

Box 389 Blue ...... Ralhe Mill El San Juan ...... P. O. Lagoon

Escambron Hadden ...... Kingslown lnlernalional Airporl Heron Airporl Terminal Bldg. Olive's Sheralon-San Juan Sugar Mill lnn ...... Ralhe Mill Normandie Sunny Caribbee ...... Bequia Pierre Villa Lodge ...... Villa VIRGIN ISLANDS ST. CROIX Eslale Conlanl Buccaneer Holel Flamboyanl Holel Club Comanche Gramboko lnn Collages By lhe Sea Harbor View The Cruzana Holiday House Eslale Belvedere Holland House Eslale Good Hope Island Beachcomber Grapelree Bay Holel Kriss Guesl House Holel-On The Cay La Borde's Guesl House King Chrislian Holel Malloie Aparlmenl Holel Mahogany Inn Midlown Guesl House Pink Fancy Apls. Miller Manor Spral Hall Morning Slar Beach Resorl Sl. Croix Beach Holel Mounlain Top Sunsel Collages Nibbs-Ville Turquoise Bay Collages Sapphire Bay Beach Club Village Al Cane Bay Sea Horse Inn The Waves Smilh's Fancy ST. JOHN Surlside Caneel Bay Planlalion The Gale Gallows Poinl Trade Winds Holel ST. THOMAS Tropic Isle Holel Adams Guesl House Vialel's Villa Guesl House Bluebeard's Caslle Villa Sanlana Bluebeard's Beach Club Virgin Island Hillon Caribbean Beach Holel Waler Isle Holel & Beach Club Cromwell House Yachl Haven Collage Resorl Domini Hus TOBAGO Dorolhea Beach Club Arnes Vale ...... Plymoulh Enchanled Hill Guesl House Bacolel ...... Scarborough Bird of Paradise Speyside BRAZIL Bluehaven Scarborough BRASILIA Cas’rle Cove Scarborough Nacional-Brasilia Seler Ho’releiro Crown Poinl' Crown PoimL CAMPINAS Della Mira Scarborough Terminus Robinson Crusoe Scarborough Avenida Francisco Glicerio l075 TRINIDAD RECIFE Bel Air Grande Bergerac Avenida Marlins de Barros, 593 Bref‘ron Hall Guararapes Rua da Palma s/n Normandie RIO DE JANEIRO Pelican lnn Excelsior Copacabana Piarco Gues’r House Avenida Allanfica l800 Park PomL of Queen's Spain Ouro Verde Shoreland ...Poin’r Cumana Simpson's Avenida Allan’rica. I456 Copabana Trinidad HiHon Porf of Spain Tropical Maraval BARBADOS TOURIST BD COSTA RICA SAN JOSE Europa Holel Cem‘ral Sf. al Slh Ave. SAN SALVADOR El Salvador ln’rercom‘inem‘al GUATAMALA GUATAMALA CITY Guafamala—Bil’rmore La Relorma y l5 Calle Maya Excelsior 7a Ave. No. [2-46 HONDURAS TEGUEIGALPA. D. C. Gran Holel Lincoln MANAGUA

_ Gran Ho’rel Av. Cen’rral N. 4! PANAMA PANAMA CITY Siesla Hofel nr. Locumen Airpor’r Panama Hil+on via Es’rana Hofel Confinen’ral via Es’rana Hofel ln‘rernacional. Plaza Cinco de Mayo SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES Ci+y Ho’rel Bolivar I60 Claridge Tucuman 535 Coniinenlal Av. Reque Saenz Pena 725 Plaza Hofel Florida y Charcas PANAMA TOURIS so, ' SALVADOR PERU Plaza de Salvador LIMA Avenida Sefe de Se’rembro. 2I2 Gran Hofel Bolivar

...... Ov. 770 SAOEXZSBiBIrOHo’rel Ipiranga Savoy ...... Plaza aySanomaMaggi: laragua ...... Rua Major Quedinho 40 CHILE URUGUAY SANTIAGO MONTEVIDEO Carrera Hil’ron Ho’rel Vic’roria Plaza Tea’rinos N0. '80 Plaza de la lndependencia 759 COLOMBIA VENEZUELA BARRANQUILLA

Cem‘ral Ho’rel ...... Calle 38 #4l-l22 CARACAS BOGOTA Avila Tequendama Holel El Conde Carrera IO. #26-2l Macu’ro-Sheraion EUROPE AUSTRIA House Eibl Alfausee ...... Mozarl Badgas’rein ...... Ho’rel Daniel Graz ...... Kaiser Heiligenbluf ...... Alpenho’rel Ho’rel Kreid Innsbruck ...... Ho’rel Tyrol. Holel Haus Obergurgl ...... Burger Ho‘rel Minerva Por’rschach ...... Pension Eibl Salzburg ...... Holel Seehol Seeboden am Millsfa’r’rersee ...... Royal Hofel de France Vienna ...... Holel Bris’rol. BELGIUM Ho’rel‘ Ho’rel o Anfwerp ...... Grand Holel Londres. Queen's Melropole Holel Lebrun Basfogne ...... Ho’rel Pe’rif Hofel Ideal Blankenberge ...... Rouge.

Bouillon ......


,. ;-~ Brussels ...... Grand Ho’rel Sieber’rz m Charleroi ...... Holel Asforia De Haan (Le Coq) ...... Holel Cour Sl-Georges Ghenl‘ ...... ”cw—.00?“ Grand Ho’rel du Cen’rre Rocl'ieioriL ...... Grand Ho’rel Brilannique Spa ...... DENMARK Hofel Phoenix Aalborg ...... Grand Ho+el Excelsior Mv-v Copenhagen ...... Ho’rel d'Angleferre. Holel, Holel Frederik lV T» Fredensborg ...... Hoilmanns Hofel Fredrikshavn ...... «wry—NW. Holel “e" Helsingor ...... Marienlys’r Ho’rel Perle Snekkersfen ...... Kys’rens Holel S’rore Klin’r Mon ...... " EIRE

...... Carrick-On—Shannon Dublin Galway Lisdoonvarna Imperial. Hydro Oughlerard Corrib Holel Gohc Links Ho’rel Marine Holel FRANCE Hofel Splendide-Royal and Excelsior. Hofel As’roria Hofel Merilxell Imperial Palace. Hofel Beau-Rivage Grand Holel Du Cap d'Am‘ibes Avignon Ho’rel D'Europe Bagnoles-de-L'Orne Lufefia—Reine As’rrid Barbofan Grand Ho’rel des Thermes Hoiel Miramar. Ho’rel Regina E1L Du Gohc Splendid—Hole! Holel Marmin Ho’rel Carl’ron. Hofel Gray d'Albion. Ho’rel Splendid Chamonix Savoy Holel Deauville Royal. Normandy Diion De la Cloche Fon+ainebleau Aigle Noir Juan-Les-Pins Hofel Provencal Lourdes Grand Hofel De La Gro’r’re Carl’ron Ho’rel Ho’rel Beauvau. Selec’r Holei Hoiel de Paris. New Beach Ho’rel Grand Ho’rel Duchesse Anne Ho+el Negresco. Ho’rel Royal. Hofel Wesfmins‘rer Holel Confinen’ral. Ho’rel George-V. Holel Meurice. Hol’el California. Ho’rel Elysee-Park. Holel Vendome Lion D'or S’r. Jean Cap FerraiL Grand Horel Du Cap Ferra’r S’r. Raphael Ho‘rel Confinen’ral Soissons Ho+el Du Lion Rouge S’rrasbo-urg Ho’rel Terminus Gruber TouqueiL Wes+mins+er Ho’rel Versailles Ho’rel Trianon-Palace Thermal Palace. Elysee Palace Hofel GERMANY Aachen Kurhofel (Duellenhmc Augsburg Parkhofel Wiesses Lamm Baden-Baden Bellevue Bad Durkheim Kurparkho’rel Bad Harzburg Bodes Holel. Harzburger Hof Badenweiler Holel Roseneck-Kurho’rel Saupe Hil’ron. Holel Kempinski. Ho+el Fruling am Zoo. Hofel Savigny Sfernhofel Park Hofel Eden Dusseldorf ...... Hofel

Elfen-Gelderland ...... Kurho’rel

Frankfurf ...... Hofel Frankfurfer Hof. Ho’rel Momopol-Mefropole Hof Garmisch ...... Hofel Garmischer Hofel Confinenfal Hamburg ...... Hofel Berlin. Heidelberg ...... Schloss-Ho’rel Koblenzerhof Koblenz ...... Rheinhofel Mainzer Mainz/Rhein ...... Hofel Hof. Europahofel Hofel Schoffenhamel Munich ...... Bayerischer Hof. Alois Oberammergau ...... Hofel Lang SCOT Reclinghausen ...... Europahofel Tubingen ...... Touring—Mofel ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN Arms Hofel Arundel ...... Norfolk Hofel Ascof ...... Berysfede

‘...... Praff's Hofel Bafh ...... Grand Birmingham ...... Hofel Blackpool ...... Imperial Hofel Boumemoufh ...... Carlfon. Highcliff Bedford Albion Brighfon ...... Hofel, Royal Grand Hofel Brisfol ...... The Lamb Inn Burford ...... Blue Boar Cambridge ...... Abbo’rs Barfon Hofel Canferb-ury ...... The Blossoms Hofel Chesfer ...... Noel Arms Hofel Chipping Campden ...... Head Hofel Cirencesfer ...... King's The Hall Hofel Covenfry ...... Hofel Deal ...... Queen's Punch's Hofel Doncasfer ...... Cliffs Dover ...... Whife Worcesfershire Hofel Droifwich Spa ...... Olde Hofel Easf Grinsfead ...... Ye Felbridge Crown Hofel Evesham ...... Hill Hofel Exefer ...... Gipsy Mifre Hampfon Courf ......

...... Haslemere , Georgian Moorland Ho’rel Hayfor ...... Hofel Leamingfon Spa ...... Regenf Lord Nelson Liverpool ...... London Airporf ...... Skyway Rifz London ...... The Carlfon Tower. Dorches’rer Hofel. Hofel. Savoy. Wesfbury. Hyde Park. Londoner, Piccadilly, Washingfon, Rembrandf, Rubens. Sf. Ermins. Green Park. Mosfyn Skindles Hofel Maidenhead ...... Hofel Manchesfer ...... Queen's Turk's Head Newcasfle Upon Tyne ...... Royal Hofel Newmarkef ...... Bedford Lodge Headland Newquay ...... Hofel Noffingham ...... Counfy Mifre Hofel Oxford ...... Plymoufh Grand Hoiel Salisbury Whi’re Har‘r Hofel Scarborough Royal Ho’rel Sheffield

Sou’rhampfon ‘ Sfra’rford-Upon-Avon Shakespeare Torquay Imperial. Torbay. Rose’ror Hofel Weymoufh Glouces’rer Hoiel Windermer Old England Holel Abbey Park Ho’rel SCOTLAND Aberdeen Caledonian Ho’rel Lynwilg Holel Hofel Dalblair

Edinburgh Carl’ron. Grosvenor Ho’rel Glasgow More's Hofel. Ivanhoe ' ° Killin Pillochry Sf. Andrew's GREECE Ho’rel Sf. George. New Angle’rerre. Cosmopoliie, Palladion Lucy Ho’rel Kiiissia Hoiel Cecil, Theoxenia Rhodes Hoiel Des Roses Thessaloniki HOLLAND Ams’rerdam Ams’rel Holel, Grand Ho’rel Krasnapolsky Arnheim Ho’rel Haarhuis Del‘H Wilhelmina Groningen Haarlem Ho’rel Lion d'Or The Hague Hofel Des Indes. De Her’renkamp. Du Passage Rofierdam Holel Allanla, Parkho‘rel U’rrechl- Ho’rel Terminus Zandvoor’r Hofel Bouwes ITALY Abano Terme Grand Ho’rel Tries’re Alassio Medil’erranee Corfina D'Ampezzo Cris’rallo Palace Cremona Ho’rel lmpero Florence Holel Excelsior llalie, Savoy, Grand Holel Gardone Riviera Savoy Palace Colombia Excelsior Holel Grand Ho’rel Marchigiano Jolly Holel Cavalieri Ho’relI Grand Ho’rel Coniinen’ral, Garden Hoiel, Diana Maieslic. Palace Holel, Principe and Savoia Grand Ho’rel Croce di Malia Ho’rel Excelsior Dei Cavalieri Rimini ...... Grand Hofel

Rome ...... Ho’rel Excelsior, Le Grand Ho’rel, Hassler-Villa Medici. Commodore. Brick’rop's

San Remo ...... Grand Hofel and Des Anglais

Sesl‘riere ...... Principi Di Piemen’re Hofel

Slresa ...... Grand Ho’rel e’r des Hes Borromeesl Regina Palace

Taormina ...... S. Domenico and Grand Ho’rel

Torino ...... Turin Palace

Venice ...... Danieli Royal Excelsior. Grand Holel Europa and Bri’rannia, Holel Regina and Di Roma, Excelsior Palace. Grand Holel Des Bains and Palazzo Al Mare. Grand Ho’rel Lido NORWAY Orion Bergen ...... Ho’rel

Fevik ...... S’rrand Holel

Kris’riansand ...... Erns+ Ho’rel

Oslo ...... Grand Holel, Ho‘rel Brisfol

...... S olfonn Sollonn ‘

Voss ...... Fleischers Ho+el PORTUGAL

Bucaco ...... Palace Hofel Avenida Palace Hofel Lisbon ...... Ri’rz Ho’rel, Ho’rel Condes+avel.

Nazare ...... Pensao Cem‘ral

SPAIN Alican’re

Andorre La Vielle ...... Ho’rel Merilxell Gran Holel Crislina Barcelona ...... Holel Avenida Palace.

Bilbao ...... Ho’rel Carlfon Rocamar Ho’rel Cadaques ......

Cordoba ...... Cordoba Palace Ho’rel Alhambra Palace Granada ...... Nevada Palace Ho’rel, Ho’rel Ll0re’r de Mar ...... Gran Mon’rerrey Holel Menlis Madrid ...... Caslellana Hil’ron, Holel Fenix. Park Holel San Playa De Aro ...... Jorge "Oro Puer‘lo De La Cruz ...... Europaholel Negro" Hos‘rel De La Gavina S'Agaro ...... San Sebasfian . Londres E. lnglaferra Hofel Crisfina, Alfonso XIII SWEDEN Go’reborg Park Avenue Hofei Granna .Hofel Gyllene UHern Jonkoping Sfora HofeHef

Malmo . Savoy Hofei

. S’rockholm 4 Hofel Malmen TaHberg Greens Hofel? SWITZE RLAN D

Aa ra u ...... fi ...... H ofe! Aa ra u e rh of

Ad e! bod e n ...... N eva d a Pale ce

UNlTED NATIONS Arosa ...... Holel Arosa-Kulm Ill Basel ...... Ho’rel Trois Rois au Rhin. Ho’rel Greub

Gs’raad ...... Royal Win’rer and Gs‘raad Palace

ln’rerlaken ...... Grand Hofel Vic’roria-Jungfrau. Holel Du Nord

Lausanne ...... Lausanne Palace. Cenl’ral Bellevue

Lucerne ...... Hofel As’roria

...... Lugano Holel Splendide-Royal. Ho’rel Bellevue Au Lac ' Lil Mom‘reux ...... Mom‘reuv-Palace Ho+el, Conlinenfal 3

5+. Mori‘rz ...... Holel Carl’ron. Albana

Vevey-La Tour De Peilz ...... Holel Rive-Reine Wengen ...... Palace

Zurich ...... Holel Baur Au Lac, Holel Carlfon Elife

Cha’reau D'Oex ...... Grand Holel du Parc Paix Geneva ...... Holel Beau-Rivage. de la

Grindelwald ...... Belvedere


...... AleHi ...... $7 up Holel Orien’r $6 up

Alber’r ...... $6 up CONSTANTINE lll ...... Oasis ...... $5 up Transallan’rique $6 up

» Suisse ...... $6 up ORAN

...... Sf. George ...... $7 up Grand Holel $7 up ll Marlinez ...... $7 up BURUNDI


Urundi Palace ......

Paguidas ......

LeGrillon ...... CAMEROUN DOUALA

Akwa Palace ...... $6 up N'GAOUNDERE

Des Cocoliers ...... $8 up Haufs Plafeaux ...... $3.50


...... Relais Aeriens ...... $3.25 Relais Aeriens $7

...... Relais Sl. Huber’r ...... $4 Bellevue $5


Rock Holel ...... $l| lo $l3 CHAD ABECE FT. ARCHAMBAULT

MOREAU L'Escale ...... $4.50 up

FT. LAMY des Chasses ...... $4.00 up

Air Ho’rel ...... $ 9 up Grand Hofel ...... $l0 up

du Cheri ...... $|2 up du Parc ...... $|O up 92 B RAZZAVI L L E Congo Ocean de Maya Maya Relais Aeriens POINTE NOIRE Vicfory Palace du Mayombe


BUKAVU Riviera Royal Residence DAHOMEY COTONOU p de la Plage ETHIOPIA

ASMARA Alb. Mamasien

LIBREVILLE de La Residence du Roi Denis LAMBARENE PT. GENTIL de L'Ogooue p du Grand Tarpon GHANA ACCRA Ambassador Avenida Lisbon up TAKORADI Hillcres’r V UP


, CONAKRY Camayenne Plage de France, de La Gare, du Niger IVORY COAST ABIDJAN de La Vigie

Relais de Cocody Ducor Palace Pan Am Holel Johnson's Paramounf

BENGHAZI Berenice TRIPOLI Casino Uaddan TANANARIVE Fumaroli, Terminus

BAMAKO de La Gare




LAGOS Ambassador KANO

KISENYI Beau Seiour

DAKAR Grand Ole N'Gor CIarice

FREETOWN CHy Ho’rel Paramouni‘ Governmen’r Resf House Riviera MAGBURAKA

MOGADISCIO Croce del Sud


. Safari House _ Eliennes Rex




Nile-Hil’ron . Confinen’ral . Savoy Longchamps Semaris



VISA INFORMATION Usually Jthe Iraveler musl have innoculalion cer‘rilica’res {or Small Pox.. Visa requiremen’rs of U. S. cifizens is usually +ha’r Jrhey have a valid Uni’red S‘ra’res Pass— por’r and lnocula’rion cer’rificaies aHesfing +0 Jrheir vaccinafions for Small Pox and Yellow Fever. The number of copies of fhe applicalions and pholos {or Jrhe on individual applicalions as well as The amoumL of Jrhe visa fees depends +he coun’rries. GUIDE POST‘S FOR A PLEASANT TRIP By Thomasina Norford a dream So you're oil on +ha’r ”dream Jrrip"? How can you make if really ’nip? Or will if be a nighfmare? In fravelling. like mos’r olher si’rua‘rions —— a lo’r will depend on you. Knowing ~wha’r ’ro do and how +0 do if The easy way can mean +he difference bel'ween coming ’ro be home”. home wi’rh +he memories of a life’rime or saying. "Gee. I'm glad frain or —— now So you have packed ligh‘r and are off by car. boat plane wha’r?

‘ Knowing where ’ro s’rop and whai' is expec’r is provided in The Travelers Green 95 Book. You already know whefher fhe place you're going fo sfop af. in whaf fown. are You have has a swimming pool or no’r and whaf ofher facilifies available. and already checked on fhe price scale. Your reservafions have been accepfed you arrive. don'f drive. The firsf person fo greef you will be Jrhe faxi driver. if you Before are and ask him how you gef in fhe faxi fell him where you going approximafely much if will cosf fo gef fhere. lf fhe price seems exorbifanf -—— falk fo fhe sky cap or red cap or an official. who will fake The nexf persons you meef will be fhe doorman and bell boy is made will fake your luggage info fhe lobby and affer room assignmenf your luggage fo fhe room. Rooms vary in price. The higher up fhe room fhe more expensive. usually. and rooms ”wifh a view" are more fhan inside or COUFl’ rooms. Many hofels have salesmen and rooms. public places such as ballrooms. rooms normally used by parfy if are Geffing on fhe same floor wifh fhem can be annoying. However. you fhe gregarious fype -—— "if you can'f lick 'em iine 'em." hofel or res’rauranf Meals can be a joy. if you know whaf fo order! Usually every won'f like Creole Gumbo in Louisiana. has a house specialfy. Try if. Maybe you ouf for advenfure? Then have if! If buf maybe you will. Affer all aren'f you you —— —— don'f blame fhe cook don'f like Gumbo (or any ofher food you've ordered) down Jrhe sfree’r and order some ham blame only your own provincial fasfe and go and eggs. Some home work before can be So you wanf fo "see fhe fown"? Good! going some fravel road and falk fo some very helpful as a sfarfer. Read book. maps folks who have lived fhere. Then supplemenf fhis by a chef wifh some of fhe folks as folk. Take a look af fhe you meef in ’rhe fown. such service picfure posfcards in fhe five and fen and fake off. . a If are a service If you are moforing gef road map. you using sighfseeing see fhe cos’r. If are a faxi or a you will know whaf you will and you using privafe and whaf if will cosf before conveyance. by all means ge’r his price you engage him. If's beffer fo hire fhem by fhe hour in mos’r fowns. are af work so as nof fo Plan your sighfseeing while fhe fownspeople fown has ifs fraffic or "rush hour". gel’ involved in a fraffic iam. Yes. every problem. nice! I am sure have So you broughf fhe children? How Well. you prepared dressed fhem in well for fhem in ferms of games fhey can play while fraveling: comforfable clo’rhes and fold fhem all abouf fhe frip beforehand. buf don'f allow fhem fo And surely you wan’r fhem fo have a good fime. please "manners will be Of course Papa orders spoil o-fher persons frips! Their magic". come in and sif down and "acf all foods in fhe dining room. Children should This for like liffle ladies and genflemen" like you have frained fhem. goes public and down fhe corridors and lobbies conveyances. foo. And please. no running up of fhe ho’rel you are in! as a or friends in a fown wifh fhe hofel If you are going fo visif relafives see fhem and for "base of operafio-n" call fhem firsf and find ouf when you will fo dress. Then ofher acfivifies whal' fype of acfivify so you will know how plan your affer fhaf schedule is sef. fo Jrhe nexrL fown or home buf you mus’r geiL So you're now ready fo move back home." Whaf will if be?" Two rules are preffy some "giffs for fhe folks Whaf is of fhe simple fo sfar’r wifh. l. Whaf would fhe recipienf like? 2. fypical place you've visifed fhaf fifs whaf fhe person would like. of fhe fown; Some of fhe unusual fhings are cook books of favorife recipes of fhe on a charms of fhe mosf famous place or hisforical place: maps place 96 hanky. scanc or ’rowel: a Travel book abou’r Jrhe place or somerhing lhaI' is made inIhe Jrown. Be pleasan’r. ask queslions. don'r complain (ius’r don'+ go THERE again is Ihe way +0 handle Jrhar!) because whaiL you complain abou’r will no+ be rec’rifled while you are rhere anyway in mos’r insiances: be advenluresome; and mos’r of all don'I' expec’r any place Jro be "like home". AI’rer all. Iha’r's why you Jrook Jrhe Irip ~iii“ in rhe firs’r place. wasn'I if? THE BASEBALL CIRCUIT AMERICAN LEAGUE BALTIMORE ORIOLES Searing capacin—39,525 Memorial S’radium: 800| Cedar Avenue. Sealing capaci’ry—49.373 Blooming’ron 20. Minn. 33rd S’rreel‘. Ellerslie Avenue. YANKEES 36+h SIree’r and Ednor Rd. NEW YORK Yankee S+adium: CHICAGO WHITE SOX Searing capaci’ry—70.000 Comiskey Park: Eas’r lbls’r S’rreer and River Avenue. Searing capacin—46.550 Bronx. N. Y. 35’rh S’rreei‘ and Shields Avenue. WASHINGTON SENATORS Chicago I6. Ill. Dis’rric’r of Cloumbia Sladium: CLEVELAND INDIANS Sea’ring capaci‘ry—42.000 Municipal Sladium: Twen’ry-second and EasrL Capilol Sea’ring capacin—73.8I l Washing’ron 3. D. C. FooI' of Wes’r Third S’rree’r. Cleveland I4. Ohio NATIONAL LEAGUE CHICAGO CUBS BOSTON RED SOX Wrigley Field Park: Fenway Searing capaci’ry—36.755 SeaIing capaci’ry—33.357 Addison S‘rreef. Clark Sireei. Landsdowne SIree‘l Jersey Siree’r. Waveland and Sheffield Avenues and Ipswich Sfree‘rs

DETROIT TIGERS Tiger S’radium: Searing capacin—52,850 Michigan Avenue. Na’rional Avenue. Cherry SIreeI and Trumbull Avenue

KANSAS CITY ATHLETICS Municipal S’radium: Sealing capaci’ry—32.56l

TwenIy—second S‘rree’r and ' a Avenue ‘ Brooklyn H LOS ANGELES ANGELS ‘ IWflirts?. r, I. _. ,‘g Chavez Sladium (Dodger Sladium): / €34?“ .4 Ii“ ' "I. Sea’ring Capaci’ry—56.000 /A'i IOOO Elysian Park Avenue. Los Angeles. Calif. 'MINNESOTATWINS Me‘rrpoli’ran S’radium: HOUSTON COLT .455 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Col’r S’radium: Connie Mack Sladium: Sealing capaci’ry—~32.000 Seafing capaci+y—33.608 Old Spanish Trail and Main SI’reeI. Lehigh Avenue. Somerse’r Sireel. Hous’ron. Texas Norfh 20’rh and Noth 2Is+ S’rs. Philadelphia 32. Pa. LOS ANGELES DODGERS Dodger Sladium: PITTSBURGH PIRATES Sea’ring capaci’ry—56.000 Forbes Field. I000 Elysian Park Avenue, Sealing capaci’ry—35.000 Los Angeles, Calif. Cor. of Bouque’r and Sennol‘r SIree’rs Pa. MILWAUKEE BRAVES Pillsburgh. Milwaukee Coum‘y Sladium: ST. LOUIS CARDINALS Sealing capacin—43,826 Busch S’radium: Sou’rh 44’rh SI’ree1L 01°F Bluemound Rd. Milwaukee 46. Wis. Sealing capaci‘ry—30.500 Grand Boulevard. Dodier Sireef. NEW YORK METS Sullivan Avenue and Spring Avenues Polo Grounds: SI". Louis 7. Mo. Sealing capacin—55,000 I55+h S’rree1L and 8’rh Avenue. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS New York 39. N. Y. Candles’rick Park: (Shea S+adium. I26’rh S’rree’r and Sealing capaci’ry—42.500 RooseveliL Avenue. Flushing 68, N. Y. Bayshore Blvd.. San Francisco, Call.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE The following “51' gives +he approximaie ra’res of exchange, quofed on ”the +o a- U.S.A. dollar, as we wem‘ Jro press. Since exchange raIes vary from clay day.’

. ’ro be accura’re if is advisable IhaI' you check wifh your bank or Jrravel agen’r. , per CURRENCY EXCHANGE U.S.$ E 26 ”A AUSTRIA ...... Shilling (Groschen) .M. S ' 50 ...... Franc BELGIUM ...... (Cem‘imes) Kroner 6.90 ...,. DENMARK ...... 4) Nouveau Franc 4.90 FRANCE ...... 4.00I GERMANY ...... Deu’rschmark (piennig) and 7/- GREAT BRITAIN ...... Pounds (Shillings Pennies) Drachma 30 GREECE ...... Gulder 3.60 HOLLAND ...... (Cen’r) 620 ITALY ...... Lire Kroner 7.I NORWAY ,...... (Ore) 28.50 PORTUGAL ...... Escudo (Cen’ravo) Pese’ra 59 SPAIN ...... (CenIimo)

...... Kroner 5.I7 SWEDEN .. (Ore) 4.3I SWITZERLAND ...... Franc (Cen’rimes) Dinar 700 YUGOSLAVIA ...... I.08 CANADA ...... Free BRAZIL ...... FIucIuaIing Free COLOMBIA ...... Fluc’rualing .434 EGYPT ...... (Pound—I00 pias’rres)

...... Peso .08 no...“-nun...-nun-“nun"..."nu-u...nun-nun.non-un-nun-unanno- @Ezggmmagwmsrzmaa green, TRAVELING TRUNKLINES b0 0 k 3 Have mosf of your fravel wardrobe wash 'n' wear. A dip. splash and drip keeps your Things fresh as a daisy. Simple. basic Travel Jrogs save space.

As usual. hubby won'+ need much . . . slacks. several iackel's. e’rc. will keep him neal'. You can give +he impression of a large wardrobe wifh an inleresl— ing variely of accessories wilhoul' ex- cess luggage. Pack heavier ariicles ioge’rher a’r The bo’r’rom of Jrhe suil'case and ihe larger garmenfs. carefully and smoolhly folded. over Jrhem. Keep plas‘ric bags +ha‘r Jrhose new shir’rs came in Tor shoes. PmL Jroile’rries in leakpromc con’rainers. This will save your +hings from damage. By—fhe-way. ihe Jrhings you use firs’r or mosf ol’ren pu+ Jrhem on lop. Be proiec’red. Go Jro Jrhe bank and gel +ravelers' checks. These are re- placeable and always nego’riable.

. Un- ; Don'f Torgel‘ Jrhe wea’rher. girls! “ au have . less you're going na’rurel.

3“ , enough 'hair aids' Jro keep you confi- demL in humid or dry condi’rions. _' THREE YEAR§ AFTE THI$ SEAMAN FROM THE


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