Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Erik Snapp and Anne Kenworthy Since the advent of the green fluorescent protein, the subcellular localization, mobility, transport routes and binding interactions of can be studied in living cells. Live cell imaging, in combination with photobleaching, energy transfer or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy are providing unprecedented insights into the movement of proteins and their interactions with cellular components. Remarkably, these powerful techniques are accessible to non-specialists using commercially available microscope systems.

GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN With the genome sequences of many organisms now sequence, have resulted in optimized expression of Fluorescent protein cloned complete, research is turning to the study of protein GFP in different cell types, as well as the generation of from the jellyfish Aequoria function. Proteins are essential for most biological GFP variants with more favourable spectral proper- victoria. The most frequently processes, but understanding their function is often dif- ties, including increased brightness, relative resistance used mutant, EGFP,is excited at 488 nm and has an emission ficult because proteins inside cells are not merely to the effects of pH variation on fluorescence, and maximum at 510 nm. objects with chemically reactive surfaces. They localize photostability. BOX 1 summarizes properties of GFP to specific environments (that is, membranes, cytosol, and DsRed protein that are relevant for live cell imag- RED FLUORESCENT PROTEIN organelle lumen or nucleoplasm), undergo diffusive or ing studies. Fluorescent protein cloned from the sea anemone directed movement, and often have mechanical parts, Paralleling the developments in GFP biology have Discosoma striata with an the actions of which are coupled to chemical events. been advances in fluorescence imaging methods and excitation maximum of 558 nm The fine tuning of geography, movement and chemistry microscope systems that make it easy to visualize the and emission maximum at gives proteins their extraordinary capability to regulate localization of GFP fusion proteins, to quantitate their 583 nm. virtually all dynamic processes in living cells. abundance and to probe their mobility and interac- The discovery and development of GREEN FLUORES- tions. Imaging methods such as fluorescence recovery CENT PROTEIN (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence resonance and more recently RED FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (DsRed) energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence correlation from the sea anemone Discosoma striata1,have revolu- spectroscopy (FCS) have been modified so that they can tionized our ability to study protein localization, be done on user-friendly, commercially available laser dynamics and interactions in living cells2. In so doing, scanning microscopes, replacing the need for custom- these fluorescent proteins have allowed protein func- built microscopes. Cost-effective computing resources tion to be investigated within the complex environ- have become available to handle large amounts of data, ment of the cell. Virtually any protein can be tagged and powerful software packages are easily obtainable for with GFP,a β-barrel-shaped protein that contains an analysing digital information. The combined advances amino-acid triplet (Ser-Tyr-Gly) that undergoes a in GFP biology, imaging methods and technical equip- chemical rearrangement to form a fluorophore3.The ment are providing a tremendous stimulus for investi- Cell Biology and Metabolism resulting chimaera often retains parent-protein target- gating the kinetic properties of proteins in living cells. In Branch, 18 Library Drive, ing and function when expressed in cells2, and there- this review, we discuss some of these advances, focusing NICHD, NIH Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5430 USA. fore can be used as a fluorescent reporter to study pro- on the fluorescent imaging techniques that are being Correspondence to J.L-S. tein dynamics. Advances in GFP biology, most notably used to analyse protein movement and interactions in e-mail: [email protected] the molecular engineering of the GFP-coding living cells.

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fluorescent molecules in a small region of the cell are Box 1 | Fluorescent and chemical properties of GFP and DsRed irreversibly photobleached using a high-powered laser Green fluorescent protein (GFP) beam and subsequent movement of surrounding non- • Fluorophore forms by chemical rearrangement of amino-acid triplet3,7. bleached fluorescent molecules into the photobleached • Various spectral variants available that can be used for fluorescence resonance energy area is recorded at low laser power. GFP fusion proteins transfer (FRET) and dual-colour imaging2. are ideal for use in FRAP studies because they can be 2 • High fluorescence yield . bleached without detectable damage to the cell5. This is 96 • Resistant to photobleaching at low illumination . presumably because the compact barrel-like structure of • Readily and irreversibly photobleached at high illumination2. 4 GFP shields the external environment from the damag- • Can partially reversibly photobleach over very short (millisecond) timescales . ing effects that are caused by reactive intermediates gen- • Fluorescence is relatively insensitive to environment2. erated by photobleaching6,7. • Optical shifting/blinking observed in single molecules84,85. Two kinetic parameters of a protein can be discerned • Photoconverts under anaerobic conditions82. from quantitative studies that use FRAP: the mobile • Complex photophysical states7. fraction, M , which is the fraction of fluorescent proteins Red fluorescent protein (DsRed) f 1 that can diffuse into the bleached region during the time • Red-shifted fluorescence compared with GFP . course of the experiment, and the diffusion constant, D, • Predicted to be good FRET acceptor for EGFP or EYFP47. which is a measure of the rate of protein movement in •Forms tetramers97. the absence of flow or active transport5,8,9. D reflects the • Difficult to photobleach97. • Can take several days to convert from green to red fluorescence97. mean squared displacement that a protein explores through a random walk over time and has units of area per time (usually cm2 s–1 or µm2 s–1). All proteins under- Assessing the kinetic properties of a protein go this type of diffusive movement if they are not Proteins inside cells localize to two fundamentally dif- immobilized or experiencing active transport. Diffusion ferent environments: they are either embedded in, or theory and the characteristics of a protein that underlie peripherally associated with, membranes; or they are its D are discussed in BOX 2. in an aqueous phase, such as the cytoplasm, nucleo- plasm or organelle lumen. Within these environments, a protein can freely diffuse, be immobilized to a scaf- Box 2 | Diffusion theory fold, or be actively transported. These dynamic prop- The diffusion constant for a particle in a free volume is erties have crucial roles in determining what function described by the Stokes–Einstein formula (EQN 1): a protein serves within the cell. GFP fusion proteins are ideal for studying these properties of proteins. Not D = kT (1) πη only does the GFP fluorophore have a high fluores- 6 R cence yield, which makes it bright, but also it is resis- where D is the diffusion constant, T is the absolute 4 tant at low illumination to photobleaching — the temperature, η is the viscosity of the solution, k is the photo-induced alteration of a fluorophore that extin- Boltzmann constant and R is the hydrodynamic radius guishes its fluorescence. These characteristics of the of the particle. Because absolute temperature is usually GFP fluorophore allow GFP chimaeras expressed constant within cells, the most important factors within cells to be imaged with low light intensities over underlying D are the size of a protein (or radius) and the many hours, allowing a protein’s steady-state distribu- viscosity of the medium within which it is diffusing. tion and life history to be studied5. Because with high Membranes have a much higher viscosity than illumination levels the GFP fluorophore can be photo- cytoplasm, so the lateral diffusion of a protein bleached, GFP chimaeras can also be used in photo- assembled within a membrane is considerably slower bleaching experiments to study movement of non- than that of a soluble protein, and this is reflected by a bleached GFP chimaeras into a photobleached area. lower D value. When the viscosity is constant, the D Results from this type of experiment can provide value of a protein is mainly determined by its radius or important insights into a protein’s diffusional proper- size. For a soluble spherical protein, an eightfold ties and its movement between compartments within increase in size will lead to a twofold decrease in D.But cells. Photobleaching can also be used to reduce fluo- this relationship does not hold for transmembrane proteins. Owing to the higher viscosity of membrane, rescence from background noise, so faint populations the radius of the transmembrane segment dominates of fluorescent proteins can be visualized. In the next the D value of a , whereas the aqueous sections, we discuss how photobleaching, which tradi- portion usually does not significantly contribute to the tionally has been viewed as something to avoid in fluo- D value, at least in model membrane systems15.Even rescence imaging, can be harnessed as a powerful tech- though viscosity and size are key factors underlying the nique for probing the mobility and kinetic properties diffusion rate of a protein, other factors also have a role of proteins in cells. in determining protein diffusion rates inside cells. These include protein–protein interactions or binding to a Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. The mobility matrix that might slow or immobilize a protein, and of a fluorescent protein can be assessed using a specific collisions with other molecules, which hinder free type of photobleaching technique called fluorescence diffusion. Such factors often prevent proteins from recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). In this technique, diffusing at their theoretical limit inside cells.


abPhotobleach Fi

Immobile fraction


Prebleach Postbleach 5 min

Mobile fraction (Mf) Fluorescence intensity Fluorescence


Time Prebleach Postbleach 5 min Figure 1 | Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. a | Plot of fluorescence intensity in a region of interest versus time

after photobleaching a fluorescent protein. The prebleach (Fi ) is compared with the asymptote of the recovery (F∞ ) to calculate

the mobile and immobile fractions. Information from the recovery curve (from Fo to F∞ ) can be used to determine the diffusion constant of the fluorescent protein. b | Cells expressing VSVG–GFP were incubated at 40 °C to retain VSVG–GFP in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) under control conditions (top panel) or in the presence of tunicamycin (bottom panel). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) revealed that VSVG–GFP was highly mobile in ER membranes at 40 °C but was immobilized in the presence of tunicamycin. Adapted with permission from REF. 32 © (2000) Macmillan Magazines Ltd.

A typical FRAP curve, which provides information in Mf indicates that the protein could be binding to on D and Mf is shown in FIG. 1a. The mobile fraction fixed molecules, forming immobile aggregates, or that provides a measure of the extent to which the fluores- the protein is confined to a compartment and cannot cent protein can move within cells. It is determined by contribute to fluorescence recovery in a separate discon- 11,12,14 calculating the ratio of the final to the initial fluores- nected compartment . When the Mf increases, the cence intensity in the bleached region, corrected for the protein has been released from either a restricted com- amount of fluorescence removed during photobleach- partment or a fixed macromolecular complex. Given 4 ing . When the mobile fraction is less than 100%, some that there are many ways to interpret different D and Mf fluorescent molecules might be irreversibly bound to a values shown by different proteins, combining FRAP fixed/anchored substrate. Alternatively, non-diffusional factors, such as diffusion barriers or discontinuites Box 3 | Equations for M and D within the structure where a protein localizes, might be f 10,11–13 responsible for the reduced mobility . The latter is A simple equation for determining the mobile fraction common for proteins localized in internal compart- Mf from FRAP experiments is (EQN 1): ments that are disconnected (for example, endosomes M = F∞ –F (1) and lysosomes). The diffusion constant, D, is obtained f o by plotting the recovery of relative fluorescence intensi- Fi –Fo

ty within the bleached region as a function of time, and where F∞ is the fluorescence in the bleached region after 8,12 fitting this recovery curve with various equations (FIG. full recovery, Fi is the fluorescence before bleaching and F is the fluorescence just after the bleach. 1a). Equations that can been used to determine Mf and 0 D from FRAP curves are shown in BOX 3. D is obtained by plotting the recovery of relative The theoretical D for a protein is related to the size fluorescence intensity within the bleach region as a of a protein and its cellular environment (BOX 2). function of time and fitting this recovery curve with 8,13 Deviations from this value can provide useful informa- various equations (FIG. 1a). When a small spot or narrow strip is bleached, simple equations can be used tion about the environment of the protein (BOX 4).For example, a D significantly lower than a predicted value for finding D, such as the equation by Axelrod and colleagues8,13,16 (EQN 2): (indicating slower diffusion) suggests that a fluorescent τω2γ protein could be incorporated into an aggregate or a D = (2) large complex, because D is inversely proportional to 4D protein size. Alternatively, the environment of a protein where ω is the radius of the focused laser beam, γ is a could be notably more viscous than expected, or the τ correction factor for the amount of bleaching, and D is protein could be interacting transiently with large or the diffusion time. This formula assumes unrestricted fixed molecules. By contrast, if D is significantly higher two-dimensional diffusion into a circular bleached area than predicted (indicating faster diffusion), the protein without recovery from above and below the focal plane, might be showing nondiffusive behaviour such as flow so it is valid only for diffusion in membranes. Formulas or directed movement by motor proteins, or the viscosi- based on unrestricted diffusion in a free volume are ty of the environment might be decreased. Similarly, used for characterizing protein diffusion in the

changes in Mf can reveal new information. A decrease cytoplasm.

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Box 4 | Interpreting D and M slowly than GFP in water, indicating that these environ- f ments are more viscous than water4,17. Despite this, inert Deviations from predicted D molecules such as GFP can cross volumes the size of the Increase in D nucleus (5-µm radius) rapidly4. The high mobility of • Non-diffusive behaviour such as flow-directed movement by motor proteins. small solute molecules in the cytoplasm and nucleus is • Decrease in environment viscosity. likely to be important for coordinating the complex reg- Decrease in D ulatory pathways that operate in these environments. • Formation of large aggregates or complexes (10–100-fold increase in molecular Diffusion of GFP within the ER lumen revealed it to dif- weight). fuse three- to sixfold slower than GFP in the cytoplasm, • Increase in environment viscosity. so the ER lumen seems more viscous than the • Transient interaction with large or fixed molecules. cytoplasm20. The abundance of protein-folding machin-

Mf ery and branched carbohydrate side-chains on proteins 100% mobile in the ER lumen could explain why its viscosity is greater • Protein is not restricted in ability to diffuse freely. than that of the cytoplasm. The apparent mobility of sev-

Increase in Mf eral nucleoplasmic GFP fusion proteins (for example, • Protein is released from restricted compartment. GFP fused to high mobility group 17, SF2/ASF or fibril- • Protein is released from fixed macromolecular complex. larin) measured in FRAP experiments is surprisingly low (D = 0.24–0.53 µm2 s–1)21,24. As these proteins have been Decrease in M f shown to associate rapidly with larger steady-state struc- • Protein binds to fixed molecules or forms aggregates that are restricted in movement. tures in the nucleus (that is, splicing factor complexes • Protein is confined to compartment that cannot contribute to fluorescence recovery and the nucleolus), one explanation for their low D is in a separate compartment. that recovery reflects two processes: diffusion and bind- ing/release from an immobile substrate21,24. In a related data with biochemistry and cell biology is important for study by Houtsmuller et al.25, a GFP-tagged DNA-repair choosing the correct interpretation of the data. nuclease was shown to diffuse at the rapid rate of 15 µm2 Differences between theoretical and effective D values s–1 under normal conditions, but to undergo temporary for a protein can also arise from unusual cellular geome- immobilization after ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT-INDUCED DNA DAMAGE. try. Equations of D for a protein in a membrane or a free FRAP studies of GFP-tagged membrane proteins are volume usually assume that the spatial distribution of providing insight into how proteins are retained in dif- fluorescence in the cell is uniform8. However, GFP fusion ferent membrane-bounded compartments of the cell. proteins are not often distributed homogeneously with- Most ER-localized GFP fusion proteins are highly in the cell, as occurs when complex three-dimensional mobile in this compartment with little or no immobile structures (for example, the endoplasmic reticulum fraction (FIG. 1b).The D measured for these proteins (ER) and Golgi) are labelled14,15. Relating the diffusive ranges from 0.2–0.5 µm2 s–1 (TABLE 1 and online supple- spread of fluorescence through such structures to an ide- mentary material), which is near the theoretical limit for alized planar membrane or volume has required the protein diffusion in a lipid bilayer26, so there seem to be development of theoretical models and simulation pro- few constraints to their diffusion. A D value has been grams that take topology into account14,16–20.More reported that is five to ten times lower than that for sophisticated equations and modelling are also required GFP-tagged TAP (transporter associated with antigen for analysing FRAP experiments in which there are sev- processing; molecule that participates in peptide loading eral diffusing species or when recovery occurs by more of MHC class I molecules). TAP exists in the ER as a than one process (for example, when diffusion and supramolecular complex, 106 kDa in size 27, so its large binding/release from a substrate occur)13, 21–23. size is likely to underlie its reduced D value. FRAP stud- Anomalous diffusion and flow-based processes can also ies using GFP-tagged Golgi resident have ULTRAVIOLET-LIGHT-INDUCED contribute to recovery in FRAP experiments13, 16, 23; the shown that these proteins are also highly mobile in DNA DAMAGE Ultraviolet light promotes a shape of the recovery curve is no longer characteristic of Golgi membranes with no constraints to their lateral 15,28 covalent linkage of two adjacent simple diffusion under these conditions. diffusion . Protein localization in ER and Golgi com- pyrimidine bases (most often partments thus relies on mechanisms other than immo- two thymines) in DNA. Quantitative FRAP data. Results from quantitative bilization. The rapid lateral mobility of ER and Golgi FRAP experiments aimed at determining M and D for proteins is likely to be important for coupling the pro- NUCLEAR ENVELOPE f Double membrane that GFP fusion proteins have provided important new tein processing and transport reactions occurring within surrounds the nucleus. The insights into the kinetic properties of proteins in the the membranes of these organelles. outer nuclear membrane is aqueous (that is, cytoplasm, nucleoplasm and organelle The D of many proteins embedded in the plasma continuous with the lumen) and membrane environment of the cell. TABLE 1 membrane is considerably lower than that of proteins endoplasmic reticulum. The 11 outer nuclear membrane is provides a selected list of D values for GFP and GFP chi- in the ER and the Golgi . This suggests that there are connected to the inner nuclear maeras that illustrates the marked differences in D that constraints to protein diffusion at the cell surface, possi- membrane at nuclear pores. these proteins have in different environments within the bly due to interactions with the peripheral cytoskeleton cell (see online supplementary material for a more or with the extracellular matrix12,29,30. Likewise, there is NUCLEAR LAMINA extensive list). little or no diffusion of proteins enriched in the inner Electron-dense layer lying on 13 the nucleoplasmic side of the Soluble GFP in the cytoplasm, the mitochondrial NUCLEAR ENVELOPE , presumably because of tight binding inner membrane of a nucleus. matrix and nucleus diffuse three to four times more interactions with the LAMINA and chromatin. Because


Table 1 | Diffusion rates of GFP and GFP chimaeras using FRAP types of change in D and the Mf that can be observed and how to interpret them. Molecule D (µm2 s–1) GFP in water4 87 GFP in cytoplasm4 25 Fluorescence loss in photobleaching. In this photo- GFP in the endoplasmic-reticulum (ER) lumen20 5–10 bleaching technique, loss of fluorescence rather than GFP in the mitochondrial matrix17 20–30 fluorescence recovery is monitored. Fluorescence in ER membrane one area of the cell is repeatedly bleached while images VSVG tsO45–GFP (in ER+BFA 32 oC)32 0.49 of the entire cell are collected (FIG. 3).Iffluorescent VSVG tsO45–GFP (in ER 40 oC)32 0.45 molecules from other regions of the cell can diffuse Signal recognition particle β-subunit–GFP32 0.26 into the area being bleached, loss of fluorescence will Golgi apparatus membrane occur from both places, indicating that the regions are Galactosyltransferase–GFP (in Golgi)15 0.54 connected and the protein can diffuse between them. Nucleoplasm Fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) experi- ments done in this way have helped clarify the extent GFP–fibrillarin21 0.53 GFP–ERCC1/XPF25 15 of continuity of various intracelluar membrane sys- 5,9,15 Plasma membrane tems . For example, soluble and membrane-bound GFP fusion proteins localized in the ER showed com- E-cadherin–GFP31 0.03–0.04 plete loss of fluorescence upon repetitive bleaching of VSVG, vesicular stomatitis virus G protein; BFA, brefeldin A. a small area in the ER14,15,28,32–34 (FIG. 3) indicating that membranes and lumenal spaces of the ER are normal-

TUNICAMYCIN many of the functions of proteins localized to the plas- ly continuous throughout the cell. Golgi membranes An antibiotic that inhibits the ma membrane and nuclear envelope require tight in animal cells and plastids in plant cells, likewise, were glycosylation of asparagine binding interactions with other proteins, it is not sur- shown to be largely continuous using FLIP,with resi- residues yielding carbohydrate- prising that some membrane proteins in these com- dent proteins diffusing along tubules that extended poor glycoproteins. partments are relatively immobile. between elements of these organelles15,35. When Golgi Changes in the mobility of GFP fusion proteins elements were fragmented during observed under different conditions can provide insight depolymerization, FLIP experiments showed pockets into how a protein changes its association with other of fluorescence that remained unbleached, even proteins. For example, a GFP-tagged lamin-B receptor between elements in close proximity36, indicating that during mitosis changed from being immobilized in in the absence of the lateral tubule con- nuclear envelope membranes to being highly mobile in nections between Golgi elements might no longer the ER, presumably as a result of its release from nucleo- exist. FLIP experiments have also revealed the proper- plasmic structures such as the lamina and chromatin14. ties of ER and Golgi membranes during mitosis. During polarization, a GFP–E-cadherin protein in Mitotic ER membranes were shown to remain as elab- epithelial cells changed from being highly mobile on the orate membrane networks, with little or no fragmen- plasma membrane to largely immobile after recruitment tation or vesiculation14. Likewise, no evidence of a to sites of cell–cell contact31. Moreover, ATP depletion or vesicle or fragment pool of Golgi proteins was TUNICAMYCIN treatment led an ER-localized viral glyco- observed in FLIP experiments in metaphase cells, con- protein that was highly mobile to become immobilized, sistent with a model in which these proteins have indicating that it might have become crosslinked to ER redistributed into the membranes of the ER during chaperones32 (FIG. 1b). FIGURE 2 and BOX 4 summarize the mitosis28. So, FLIP experiments can address whether a protein can diffuse uniformly across a compartment or whether there are regions of restricted mobility.

Other applications of FRAP. Not all protein movement within cells occurs by diffusion. For example, some pro- teins are transported between compartments within membrane-bounded vesicles, which track through the cytoplasm along cytoskeletal fibres. It is difficult to gain insight into the rate of this movement in cells by only observing GFP chimaeras at steady state. By selectively photobleaching the donor but not the acceptor com- ab c d partment (or vice versa), however, vesicle transport of Figure 2 | Mechanisms that reduce the mobility of membrane proteins. a | An GFP-tagged cargo can be monitored by recording the unrestricted membrane protein freely diffuses in the lipid bilayer of the membrane, as is rate of fluorescence recovery in the bleached compart- seen with VSVG–GFP in the endoplasmic reticulum and galactosyltransferase–GFP in the ment. This approach has been used to measure the rate 15,32 Golgi complex . b | Membrane proteins bound to an immobile matrix, such as the at which Golgi markers cycle between the ER and the extracellular matrix or chromosomes, become immobilized. c | Large multimeric complexes of proteins, such as the TAP complex (10 6 kDa), diffuse at significantly Golgi using membrane-bounded transport intermedi- 28 reduced rates within the bilayer compared with monomeric proteins with small ates . In such experiments, Golgi or ER pools of GFP- transmembrane radii. d | Corralling of a membrane protein by aggregated or matrix- tagged Golgi proteins were selectively photobleached bound membrane proteins effectively reduces the mobility of the protein. and then recovery from the unbleached pool was moni-

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Table 2 | Fluorescence-microscope-based methods for studying protein dynamics and interactions in living cells Technique Applications Advantages Disadvantages References FRAP Quantitative Measurements of Can be done on many confocals Analysis depends on geometry 5

FRAP D and Mf Fast of compartment Methodology well established Difficult to separate multiple components FLIP Assesses continuity of Non-quantitative 5,15 compartments Selective Exchange of proteins on/off Can alter steady-state distribution of Requires specialized confocal software 28 photobleaching membranes fluorescently labelled proteins and/or hardware for complex geometry bleaches Traffic between compartments Quantitative Dynamics of protein assemblies Nondestructive and noninvasive Enhancing dim objects Can bleach structures with complex shape Can bleach one of two colours in double-labelled cells Can link to kinetic modelling FRET See Table 3 Sensitized True readout of FRET Requires extensive correction factors 98 acceptor Provides fast qualitative Sensitive to photobleaching measurements Acceptor Straightforward and quantitative Destructive so single measurement only 74,99 photobleaching Done on a single sample Slow /Donor quenching Donor Minimal correction factors Photobleaching is a complex process 100,101 photobleaching Quantitative Need to compare two samples Exploits photobleaching Destructive so single measurement only Fluorescence Lifetimes can be accurately Requires specialized instrumentation 53,54 lifetime imaging measured microscopy Independent of fluorescence intensity Anisotrophy Fast, non-destructive Measures FRET between similar molecules 73 (homotransfer) Single sample FCS Measurements of D Measures absolute concentrations Methodology in cells is still experimental 76–78 Detects protein–protein Single molecule sensitivity Requires specialized instrumentation interactions Very fast Requires low fluorophore concentrations Also see Table 4 Readily separates many components Sensitive to photobleaching Can measure using autocorrelation or cross-correlation analysis Can measure photophysical properties of fluorophores FCS, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy; FLIP, fluorescence loss in photobleaching, FRAP, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer.

tored. Because recovery occurred in the absence of new translocate from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in protein synthesis, the data indicate that the steady-state response to different stimuli40. The use of kinetic model- concentrations of fluorescent Golgi proteins in the ling approaches for analysing data from these types of Golgi and the ER arise by continuous protein cycling experiment can be useful for determining rates of bind- between these compartments rather than by stable pro- ing and release of a protein from a substrate. tein retention in the compartments. Data obtained Selective photobleaching techniques can also be used from this type of experiment can be used to model to determine whether protein assemblies in the cell, such kinetically the cycling rates between compartments, as signalling complexes, and the nucleolus, which can provide rate constants and residency times are stable structures that persist for long periods of time for proteins in different compartments28,36. or are dynamic steady-state systems with proteins rapid- ARF1 The rate of exchange of cytosolic proteins on and off ly binding and being released. Recently, Phair and Small GTPase that regulates the membranes has also been investigated using selective Misteli21 have addressed this question for two protein assembly of coats and vesicle photobleaching methods. Photobleaching of peripheral assemblies found in the nucleus — the nucleolus and the budding. coat proteins tagged with GFP,including ARF1, εCOP and splicing factor compartment. After localization of GFP- εCOP SEC13, has been used to measure how rapidly these pro- tagged markers to each of these compartments (includ- One of seven subunits of the teins cycle on and off membranes of the early secretory ing GFP–SF2/ASF in the splicing-factor compartment COPI coatomer complex. pathway37–39, which is important in clarifying the role of and GFP–fibrillarin in the nucleoleus), they selectively coat proteins in membrane budding and fusion events. photobleached each of these structures. Strikingly, both SEC13 Component of the COPII coat Likewise, various signalling molecules tagged with GFP structures showed rapid recovery of fluorescence, indi- complex. have been shown in photobleaching experiments to cating that GFP–SF2/ASF and GFP–fibrillarin were


resolve protein–protein interactions spatially and tem- porally in living cells.

FRET microscopy. A prerequisite for two proteins to interact in a cell is that they are present in the same intracellular compartment. Testing whether this is the Prebleach Postbleach 6.5 min 18 min case is traditionally accomplished by fluorescence co- Figure 3 | Fluorescence loss in photobleaching. Protein fluorescence in a small area of the localization studies. In such an experiment, the proteins cell (box) is bleached repetitively. Loss of fluorescence in areas outside the box indicates that of interest are labelled with fluorescent probes, each flu- the fluorescent protein diffuses between the bleached and unbleached areas. Repetitive orophore having distinct excitation and emission spec- photobleaching of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) GFP-tagged membrane protein reveals the tra. Normally, when one fluorophore is excited, fluores- continuity of the ER in a COS-7 cell. Image times are indicated in the lower right corners. The cence is emitted only at wavelengths characteristic for postbleach image was obtained immediately after the first photobleach. The cell was repeatedly photobleached in the same box every 40 s. After 18 min, the entire ER fluorescence was that fluorophore, and vice versa (FIG. 4a).However,cer- depleted, indicating that all of the GFP-tagged protein was highly mobile and that the entire ER tain pairs of fluorophore such as CYAN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN was continuous with the region in the bleach box. Adapted with permission from REF. 32 © (CFP) and YELLOW FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (YFP) can under- (2000) Macmillan Magazines Ltd.

continuously and rapidly associating/dissociating from these structures. By combining these data with results a using FLIP,these authors applied kinetic modelling to CFP 490 nm determine relative rate constants for protein association

and dissociation from these compartments and the resi- 458 nm dence time of proteins in the compartments. These techniques will allow us to test whether other large protein assemblies within the cell (for example, PRO- YFP TEASOMES and ribosomes) are also steady-state sys- tems,the resident components of which are undergo- b CFP ing constant association and disassociation. For example, FRAP experiments showed that protea- 458 nm somes can diffuse freely within the cytoplasm and nucleus, but not between them41. 530 nm YFP A different application of selective photobleaching is to enhance the imaging of dim structures in cells or in areas of the cell next to very bright objects. Examples of c this application include photobleaching of background 100 fluorescence to visualize fluorescently labelled secretory 1 transport carriers en route to the plasma membrane, 80 E = 6 and the bleaching of Golgi fluorescence to visualize (1+(r/R0) ) cargo delivery to this organelle42–44. 60

Measuring protein–protein interactions 40 Defining the repertoire of interactions that a particular Large multisubunit protease protein can undergo is crucial for understanding its complex that selectively function and regulation. Approaches such as biochemi- 20 degrades intracellular proteins. cal co-immunoprecipitation experiments and yeast (%) Energy transfer efficiency Targeting to proteasomes most two-hybrid screens have yielded a wealth of informa- often occurs through 0 attachment of multi-ubiquitin tion about the specific associations of various proteins. tags. Using novel forms of fluorescence microscopy, these 0 50 100 150 Distance between donor and acceptor (Å) observations can now be complemented and extended CYAN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN in real time in living cells. Pairs of interacting proteins Figure 4 | Principles of FRET. a | No FRET is detected S65A, Y66W, S72A, N1461I, between two fluorescently tagged soluble proteins (blue and M153T,V163A mutant of green are too small to be resolved by conventional fluores- red) that co-localize, but do not undergo specific fluorescent protein with cence microscopy. However, with the help of two other protein–protein interactions. Here, excitation of the donor excitation peak of 434 nm and fluorescence-based techniques, fluorescence resonance fluorophore (CFP) results in the emission of donor an emission maximum at energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence correlation 477 nm. fluorescence. b | FRET occurs between two fluorescently spectroscopy (FCS), it is now possible to generate maps tagged soluble proteins (blue and green) that bind one YELLOW FLUORESCENT of protein interactions using a fluorescence microscope. another. Here, when the donor fluorophore is excited, PROTEIN The first of these methods, FRET, detects the close prox- ‘sensitized’ acceptor fluorescence is observed. S65G, V68L, S72A, T203Y imity of interacting proteins. An emerging technique, c | Dependence of energy transfer efficiency E on the distance mutant of green fluorescent r between the donor and acceptor for proteins in solution. FCS, detects either changes in the diffusion or the co- protein with an excitation peak Plots are shown for three values of R0, 30 Å (blue), 50 Å (red) of 514 nm and an emission diffusion of bound species. Below, we discuss how these and 70 Å (green). Note that E drops off to zero at separations maximum at 527 nm. techniques are markedly enhancing our ability to of > 100 Å (>2R0) for R0 = 50 Å.

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a go a process known as FRET (reviewed in REFS 45, 46). QUANTUM YIELD Preassembled receptor Ligand-induced assembly The probability of When CFP and YFP are in very close proximity to one luminescence occurring in another, excitation of CFP results in ‘sensitized’ fluores- given conditions, expressed by YFP-tagged cence emission by YFP,due to a transfer of the energy the ratio of the number of receptor absorbed by CFP to YFP (FIG. 4b). CFP fluorescence is photons (the quanta of light) Ligand emitted by the luminescing concomitantly quenched (FIG. 4c). A FRET pair such as species to the number CFP and YFP is defined in terms of a ‘donor’ and ‘accep- absorbed. tor’,in which the emission spectrum of the donor (CFP) CFP-tagged significantly overlaps with the excitation spectrum of FITC receptor Fluorescent dye with an the acceptor (YFP). excitation maximum of 492 nm FRET microscopy complements fluorescence co- and an emission maximum of localization studies by providing a readout of the molec- 520 nm. Ligand ular proximity of the donor- and acceptor-labelled pro- b teins. This is possible because FRET is strongly RHODAMINE Receptor Fluorescent dye with an dependent on the distance between the donor and accep- excitation maximum at 550 nm tor, falling off with the sixth power of the distance and an emission maximum at between the two. How much energy transfer is observed 590 nm. at a given separation distance also depends on the partic- Tyr TyrP -Tyr Tyr- P CY3 ular donor and acceptor pair. A Förster distance, R0, can Fluorescent cynanine dye with be calculated for a given donor and acceptor pair; when an excitation maximum at 550 the two fluorophores are separated by this distance (r = GFP Cy3.5-labelled nm and an emission maximum antibody R0), energy transfer occurs with an efficiency of 50%. For at 570 nm. CFP and YFP, for example, R is ~50 Å, so when the c 0 CY5 Random Clustered donor and acceptor are separated by more than 100 Å (r Fluorescent cynanine dye with > 2R0), no FRET occurs. R0 depends on the extent of an excitation maximum at 650 Acceptor-labelled spectral overlap between the donor and acceptor and the nm and an emission maximum GPI-anchored QUANTUM YIELD of the donor. It also depends on the relative at 670 nm. protein orientation of the donor and acceptor; if this is REPORTER CONSTRUCTS unfavourable, no FRET will occur. FRET can be mea- Artificial proteins engineered to sured in various ways, including quenching of donor flu- act as intracellular sensors. Donor-labelled orescence, sensitized acceptor fluorescence, acceptor Often consist of a pair of GFP GPI-anchored photobleaching, anisotropy, a decrease in the lifetime of mutants that act as a FRET pair protein linked by a peptide that the donor in the excited state, and a decrease in the rate undergoes conformational of donor photobleaching. Importantly, all of these changes or is physically altered processes can be detected by fluorescence microscopy. in response to the intracellular To detect protein–protein interactions using FRET environment or activity. microscopy, several FRET pairs and labelling schemes are available. Spectral variants of GFP and DsRed1 pro- CY3.5 vide useful FRET pairs47–50. It should be noted that a Fluorescent cynanine dye with donor CFP and acceptor YFP fluorophore can never an excitation maximum at 580 come closer than ~30 Å from one another as they are nm and an emission maximum Lipid raft at 590 nm. microdomain each buried ~15 Å within the protein. FRET microscopy is, of course, not limited to the use of GFP chimeric pro- Figure 5 | Examples of recent applications of FRET teins. Many conventional fluorophores commonly used microscopy. a | Test for preassembly of oligomeric receptor in fluorescence co-localization experiments, such as FITC complexes. FRET occurs when CFP- and YFP-tagged receptor monomers are assembled into a complex but is much and RHODAMINE, and CY3 and CY5 are excellent FRET 45,51 less if the receptors are not oligomerized. Oligomerization pairs . In fact, samples for FRET measurements can occurring in response to ligand binding can also be detected be prepared by immunofluorescence techniques, or using this technique. This kind of approach was used to show using fluorescently tagged proteins. A limitation of that Fas is preassembled in a trimer before binding of its intracellular FRET measurements using non-GFP fluo- 68 ligand, FasL . b | Detection of specific phosphorylation of a rophores, however, is the requirement for microinjec- receptor tyrosine kinase. Here, FRET occurs when a CY3.5- labelled anti-phosp-hotyrosine antibody binds to a GFP- tion or the use of fixed cells. FRET can also be measured tagged receptor, bringing the fluorophores within FRET between GFP-tagged protein and, for example, Cy3 or proximity. Example is adapted from REF. 52. c | FRET assay for Cy5 (REFS 52–55). detecting lipid raft domains. Putative raft-resident proteins are labelled with donor and acceptor fluorophores. FRET will Applications of FRET microscopy. FRET is perhaps best systematically increase with increasing surface density recognized by biologists for its use in a wide range of provided that the proteins are randomly distributed. If the proteins are instead concentrated in raft domains, FRET will be REPORTER CONSTRUCTS, including sensors of intracellular 2+ independent of surface density. This type of approach was Ca , cyclic AMP, cGMP, protease activity and gene used to show that some73, but not all74,75, lipid raft proteins expression56–66. However, FRET microscopy and its appear to be enriched in such domains at the cell surface. variations have much broader applications, and have


proved useful to address questions as diverse as the binding is a question being actively pursued for many interactions of circadian clock proteins in bacteria67 cell surface receptors (TABLE 3). and the activation state of protein kinase Cα in How and where downstream events in signalling archived tissue samples54 (TABLE 3). One area where are activated and subsequently deactivated is another FRET microscopy has made especially important con- question readily addressed by FRET microscopy. In the tributions during the past year is cell signalling. case of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Binding of extracellular ligands to transmembrane the receptor is autophosphorylated on specific tyrosine receptors at the cell surface initiates several intracellular residues upon ligand binding and receptor dimeriza- signalling pathways. Transduction of the signal that tion. The phosphotyrosines permit the sequential indicates that a ligand has bound often requires the binding of a series of downstream adaptor and effector formation of a complex between an oligomeric recep- proteins. To study the time course, extent and subcellu- tor and the ligand. For example, Fas, a cell surface lar distribution of the activated form of this receptor receptor, transduces an apoptotic signal upon binding tyrosine kinase, Wouters and colleagues52 measured of its trimeric ligand, FasL. Until recently, Fas was FRET between a GFP-tagged version of the EGFR and thought to exist as a monomer that assembled into a a Cy3-labelled anti-phosphotyrosine antibody after trimer upon FasL binding. However, FRET studies EGF stimulation. Using this approach, specific phos- using fusion proteins between Fas and CFP or YFP phorylation of EGFR–GFP could be detected even now show that Fas exists as a preassembled trimer on using nonspecific anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies the cell surface68 (FIG. 5a). This trimerization is mediated (FIG. 5b). At early times after EGF stimulation, signifi- by a pre-ligand assembly domain in the extracellular cant FRET was detected between Cy3–phosphotyro- region of the protein. This domain is a common fea- sine antibody and the GFP-tagged receptor. The FRET ture of receptors in the tumour necrosis factor super- family, and it also regulates the preassembly of receptor complexes of homologues of Fas, tumour necrosis fac- Table 3 | Applications of FRET microscopy tor receptor-1 and -2 (REF. 69). These FRET results indi- Application References cate that, at least for the case of Fas and FasL, receptor Reporter constructs assembly might have a predominant role in regulating Ca2+ sensors* 56–58 signalling. Because of its fundamental implications for Cyclic AMP sensors* 59 potential mechanisms of signal transduction, the rela- Protease substrates* 61–65 tionship between receptor oligomerization and ligand Gene expression 66 Phosphorylation state sensor for PKA 102 Cyclic GMP sensor 60 a Supramolecular complex organization Adherens junction 103 Centrosome 98 Protein SNARE complex* 104 Peroxisomal proteins 105 CTL–target cell contact 106 Protein Receptor oligomerization state GFP complex EGFR 107,108 β 2-adrenergic receptor* 109 Fas* 68 TNFα receptors* 69 Biotin/streptavidin 110 b state EGFR* 52 PKCα*54 ) ) τ τ G( G( Membrane microdomain structure MHC class I clustering 100 Lipid raft organization 73–75 Other protein–protein interactions τ τ τ free free bound Bax–Bcl-2* 111 Correlation time Correlation time PKCα–β1 integrin* 55 Figure 6 | Principles of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. a | As a fluorescently PKA–anchoring protein* 112 tagged protein diffuses through the confocal volume, the attached fluorophore (here, GFP) Cholera toxin A–B subunits 99 emits photons. Individual proteins (left) diffuse faster and thus reside in the volume for less time FcyRIIIB–CR3 113 than proteins that are bound in a complex (right). b | From measurements of the corresponding Circadian clock proteins* 67 Transport receptors–nucleoporins* 114 fluctuations in fluorescence intensity over time, an autocorrelation curve can be calculated. Transcription factors* 115–118 Each autocorrelation curve contains information about the average number of particles, N, diffusing through the volume (G = 1/N), as well as the characteristic correlation time τ for this *Used GFP-tagged proteins. CR, complement receptor; 0 D EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; MHC, major process. If several components are present, this analysis can also resolve the fraction of each histocompatibility complex; PKCα, protein kinase Cα; PKA, τ (right). The correlation time D is related to the diffusion constant D and the width of the ; SNARE, soluble NSF attachment protein ω ω 2 τ confocal volume 1 by D = 1 /4 D. So, a shorter correlation time corresponds to a protein with receptor, where NSF stands for N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive faster diffusion (larger D). fusion protein; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.

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AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION signal disappeared after about 20 min despite contin- Table 4 | Recent applications of Mathematical function that is ued co-localization of phosphotyrosine labelling with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy used to extract statistical EGFR–GFP in endosomal structures. But, immuno- Application References properties of time-dependent precipitation experiments indicated that the EGFR noise. Used to analyse time- Diffusional mobility in cells remained phosphorylated under these conditions. This dependent fluctuations of Epidermal growth factor receptor 119 fluorescence intensity in an FCS indicates that recruitment of other proteins to the acti- Fluorescent dextran 120,121 experiment to find similarities vated receptors might have prevented the anti-phos- EGFP 122 within the signal — for photyrosine antibody from directly binding the activat- EGFP-β-galactosidase 122 example, a correlation time ed receptor. The result also implies that the internalized Fluorescent lipid analogues 123 reflecting diffusion of a Oligonucleotides 124 receptor continues to undergo sustained signalling. In fluorescent protein through a Protein transport sample volume. the future, similar approaches should allow researchers to pinpoint protein activation and specific GFP in plastid tubules 125 Tubulin in squid axons 126 TWO-PHOTON MICROSCOPY protein–protein interactions with high spatial and tem- A form of multiphoton Binding interactions microscopy. poral resolution. Combining FRET measurements with assays for the reversible association of soluble proteins Proinsulin carboxy-peptide–cell membranes 127 Ras-binding domain of Raf-1 128 FLASH with cell membranes, a common event in many sig- A membrane-permeable nalling pathways70, should also be informative. GFP properties 129,130 fluorophore (fluorescein arsenical helix binder) that Recently, FRET microscopy has also provided new specifically, non-covalently, and insights into the structure of membrane microdomains reversibly binds a recombinant known as lipid rafts. The lipid raft model suggests that location within the cell. FCS measures the fluctuations in protein motif containing four cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane photons resulting from fluorescently labelled molecules cysteines at the i, i+1, i+4, and microdomains organize certain proteins into functional diffusing in and out of a defined volume (reviewed in i+5 positions. domains during cell signalling and intracellular trans- REFS 76–79) (FIG. 6). These fluctuations reflect the average 71,72 SINGLE-CHAIN ANTIBODIES port . To what extent lipid raft domains concentrate number of fluorescently labelled molecules in the volume Peptides derived from membrane proteins under steady-state conditions is a (which can be converted to concentrations), as well as the immunoglobulins (which controversial question that has been addressed by FRET characteristic time of diffusion of each molecule across usually consist of two heavy 73–75 chains and two light chains). microscopy . A simple test to evaluate whether a given the confocal volume (which can be converted to diffusion These peptides do not protein is clustered in a raft domain or not is to examine constants). The amplitude of the AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTION oligomerize and have specific how energy-transfer efficiency between donor- and of the fluctuations is inversely proportional to the average affinity for an antigen. acceptor-labelled molecules changes as a function of number of fluorescent objects and so constitutes an their surface density (FIG. 5c). If the protein is clustered in absolute in vivo measurement of the concentration of TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION 80 MICROSCOPY a raft domain then FRET between individual proteins these objects in the confocal volume . FCS thus joins Fluorescence microscopy will be regulated by their packing in the raft domain. If FRAP as another method to measure diffusion in intra- technique with significant depth instead the protein is just randomly distributed across cellular compartments (TABLE 4). FCS is exquisitely sensi- discrimination, that can the cell surface then the distance between molecules will tive, requiring extremely low concentrations of fluo- selectively excite only those fluorescent molecules within decrease and FRET will increase as the surface density rophores (nanomolar concentrations), and is even 100 nm of the interface between increases. Membrane proteins can get close enough to sensitive to the photophysical properties of fluorophores. a cell and a coverslip. undergo substantial FRET when present at high concen- It can also readily detect several diffusing species, and can trations. Using these criteria to define lipid rafts, one therefore be used as a sensitive probe of protein–protein MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPY study observed FRET consistent with clustering73,but interactions. For example, when a fluorescently labelled Microscopy technique that uses 74,75 the simultaneous absorbance of two others did not . This inconsistency indicates that soluble ligand binds a larger (unlabelled) receptor, the dif- two or more photons of low raft domains might be either easily perturbed or fusion of the complexed ligand will be slowed compared energy (long wavelength) to extremely small, perhaps containing only a few proteins with the free ligand (FIG. 6). As FCS can detect the fraction excite fluorophores normally at any given time under steady-state conditions. To act as of free and bound material, such measurements can be excited with single photons of shorter wavelengths. The functional units during intracellular transport or cell sig- potentially used to calculate affinity constants in vivo technique reduces photodamage nalling, these otherwise small raft domains transiently (TABLE 2). In cases for which binding does not result in a and permits imaging of much coalesce into larger structures. Probing the size and large enough change in the diffusion times between the thicker samples. dynamics of lipid rafts during these processes will be an free and bound species, as measured by the correlation important future application of FRET microscopy. function (for example, when two soluble proteins with IMAGE CORRELATION SPECTROSCOPY similar molecular weights bind one another), then TWO- Technique that measures the Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. A technique that PHOTON dual-colour FCS is an alternative method that can density and degree of holds great promise in advancing future studies of pro- be used to detect their interaction81. In this version of aggregation of fluorescent tein–protein interactions in vivo is fluorescence correla- FCS, the two proteins of interest are labelled with differ- particles using autocorrelation analysis of images from laser tion spectroscopy (FCS). FCS was first described over 30 ent fluorophores, and cross-correlation analysis detects scanning confocal microscopy. years ago, but interest in this technique has undergone a the bound labelled proteins as a single species. FCS also Can be used, for example, to recent resurgence76–78 after several technical advances — has more specialized applications that are discussed in measure quantitatively the state especially the ability to define a very small sample volume detail elsewhere76–79. We are now at the earliest stages of of aggregation of receptors on (~1 femtolitre, 1 × 10–15 l) using confocal microscopy — using FCS in cells (TABLE 4), but given its ability to measure the cell surface. have increased its feasibility for live cells. Importantly, concentrations and diffusion constants, as well as to FCS measurements done using a confocal microscope detect several diffusing species, it should provide a versa- can be made on fluorescently labelled proteins at any tile addition to the tools we have described above.


ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Perspective REFLECTION MICROSCOPY to measure events close to the A microscope that We are at the beginning of a new era in the study of plasma membrane88–90; MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPY and nondestructively measures the protein dynamics and interactions within cells. Much FRAP to study protein movement in deep tissue91; IMAGE forces (at the atomic level) progress is to be expected with developments in GFP CORRELATION SPECTROSCOPY of laser scanning confocal between a sharp probing tip (which is attached to a technology and other fluorescent labelling systems, as images to analyse membrane protein cluster densities cantilever spring) and a sample well as in microscopic techniques. There is still much to and sizes92; and FRET and ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY to surface. The microscope images learn about the complex properties of GFP. As we obtain a high-resolution three-dimensional map of structures at the resolution of begin to understand these properties, new applications protein interaction patterns93. Moreover, light micro- individual atoms. of GFP are likely to become available2,7; for example, scopes with improved resolution are available, including 94,95 4-PI MICROSCOPE some forms of GFP can be photoactivated by a brief the 4-PI and the STIMULATED EMISSION MICROSCOPES , which A microscope that combines the burst of high frequency laser light2,82,83. If this behav- increase resolution by factors of two- to fivefold over the wavefronts produced by two iour could be further optimized, the resulting GFP theoretical limit. Increased resolving power could per- opposed high-aperture lenses variant could be useful for following populations of mit analysis of protein dynamics within subcompart- and a two-photon excitation laser to allow three-dimensional photoactivated fluorescent molecules over time with ments of, at present, unresolvable organelles such as the imaging of transparent minimal background noise. Optical shifting, blinking, Golgi cisterna or within smaller organisms such as yeast biological specimens with an or on/off switching have been observed for wild-type and bacteria. Economical supercomputers, new fluores- axial resolution in the 100–140- GFP,red-shifted GFP,yellow variants of GFP and the cent proteins, and high-throughput screening methods nm range. S65T GFP mutant84,85, and could potentially be exploit- will allow for even more sophisticated and expansive STIMULATED EMISSION ed in useful ways in the future. Alternatives to GFP for studies. These advances are helping researchers move MICROSCOPE labelling proteins in living cells are also available. These from a steady-state view of protein distribution and (Also referred to as ultrafast- include two recent developments, fluorescein arsenical function in cells to a dynamic model that integrates dynamics microscope). A light helix binder (FLASH) and SINGLE-CHAIN ANTIBODIES. FLASH information on protein localization, concentration, dif- microscope that increases the spatial resolution of a is a membrane-permeable fluorophore that binds to a fusion and interactions that are indiscernible from pro- fluorescent sample by exciting five amino-acid peptide engineered into a protein of tein sequences and in vitro biochemical experiments. the fluorophore with a interest86. Single-chain antibodies use a related femtosecond laser pulse approach. An organelle-targeting sequence is fused to a Links followed by a quenching time- delayed red-shifted femtosecond single-chain antibody and expressed in a cell. A mem- DATABASE LINKS high mobility group 17 | ASF | laser pulse that depletes brane-permeable fluorescently tagged peptide fibrillarin | protein kinase Cα | Fas | FasL | tumour fluorescence at the focal rim sequence with high affinity for the antibody is incubat- necrosis factor receptor 1 | tumour necrosis factor surrounding the focal volume. ed with the cells and results in specific labelling of a receptor 2 | EGFR 87 compartment of interest . FURTHER INFORMATION Compact barrel-like structure Developments in modern imaging approaches are of GFP | Lippincott-Schwartz lab keeping pace with these advances in fluorescent ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES Green fluorescent labelling of proteins. It is possible to combine micro- protein | Fluorescence microscopy | Fluorescence scopic approaches, including: FRAP and TOTAL INTERNAL resonance energy transfer

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