The Guardian gives you the Longtime Republican Sen. James Take a look at the Spirit of low down on Monday's action Jeffords made quite a statement the new Women's United at the Ben Harper concert. when he left the GOP. Soccer Association. p~ge 16 page 4 page 20 , H E u c 5 D

Circulation Thursday 11,000 May 31, 2001

. UC SA DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.arg VO LUME 103. ISSUE $ Worldwide Sixth College Fabled Chinese Soldier Is Again Held Curriculum Up as a Model Approved . BEUING - Lei Feng to the res­ cue, once again! Ever since he was sainted by Academic Senate Mao Tse-tung himself in 1963 fi nal izes new college'S with the inspired call "Learn From Comrade Lei Feng!" this selfless, general education wise and prematurely deceased sol­ dier has been held up as a model to By REBECCA WOOD the Chinese people. Senior Staff Wnter Now his sturdy ghost has proved its mettle once again, the The Academic Senate voted unanimously Liberation Army Daily reported to approve the Committee on Education Monday - this time in the battle Policy's reco mm endation for the Six th College Detailed Academic Plan in its tinal See SOLDIER, Page 8 meeting of th e year. The Sixth Colkg~ Steering Committe.:. which includes undergraduate student rep ­ rese ntatives, submitted the plan. Gabride National Wienhausen, provost of Sixth College, pre­ sented the plan at the meeting. Bush and Davis Clash Sixth Co ll ege's theme, "Cu lture. Art and Over Capping Technology," is also the name of the required general education core sequcnCL Electricity Prices designed to embrace the exploration of interactions among th e three. The CAT LOS ANGELES - On his first sequence is highly interdisciplinary and vis it to California since his election integrates le arning in arts and humanitil's, and the state's rolling blackouts, social sciences, and science and t:nginen­ President Bush clashed sharply ing. Tuesday with Gov. Gray Davis over The general education requirements the wisdom of capping the price of also emphasizl' the mission of the Ilew col­ electrici ty. lege. After a 3S-minute meeting with "Sixth College will help students to ~l'l' Bush , Davis said he intended to file their own and other culture not as glvcns, a federal lawsuit and pursue other but as products of this synergistic interpi;l), efforts to compel regulators to limit amongst art. technology and human adapta­ prices charged by energy suppliers. tion ," the plan states. In addition to the CAT sequence, stu­ See ENERGY, Page 8 dents will be required to take an associated co urse in computer literacy in their tir~t quarter. Students will also receive Illtellsive Collegiate instruction in composition and information li teracy in the second and third quarters, Younger Married breadth requirements, and an upper-division Couples at Higher practicum with .In adjunct communication class. Risk for Divorce General education requirements ilt Sixth College will be identical for all of its studl'nts TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - As many students may have noticed, See PLAN, Page :I people are getting married at a relatively young age. Most students know of some­ one who has already walked the wedding plank and is currently Scripps Student Makes Underwater Mouse enjoying married life. Statistically speaking, that New device will make ocean research easier and more cost-effective might not be such a good idea. The portion of the population By MARGARET O'NEILL using came with software provided convenience to us at minim al wi th computers underwater, and classified as divorced is the fastest­ Staff Writer by the manufacturer. This software expense," Jaffe sa id. now there's a new way to do that." growing section in the marital sta­ required a mouse. Because a typica l Ja ffe sa id that he found th e According to Jaffe, a company tus category, according to the Scripps Institution of computer mouse would not work invention interesting for three rea­ in Australia is making a "wet COIll­ Ocea nography professor Jules underwater. Zawada decided that sons. puter" to be used underwater. This Jaffe and graduate student David See COLLEGIATE, Page 3 an underwater mouse would make "One. it's cute: he said. computer does not, however, usc d Zawada recently completed the his research easier. jaffe's second reason was that mouse. It has a few buttons to development of an underwater Jaffe headed the development of th e device was cost effective. control Illovement onscn:cll. computer mouse. the device. In the spring of2000, he "The most interesting thing Jaffe feel that thc mousl' is ,Ill Spoken The mouse increases the con­ purchased a typical optical mouse, was th at it was cheap and it easier way of using a cOlliputer. venience of underwater research. The mouse was put into a water­ worked," he said. "A mouse: gives you more CO Il ­ "The Sixth College has With the device, a diver does not proof box with an opti ca lly trans­ Most of the devices he develops trol," he said. need to surface to adjust settings parent port. A mouse pad was used at Scripps are expensive and time The mouse is currently ,lwalt­ done a terrific job of on underwater cameras, which are underwater for movement. consumi ng, as they are built from ing a potential patent. often used in research. The optical mouse works in scratch. The main component of "We filed J patent disci surl' carving out its niche." According to Jaffe, Zawada this si tuation because "light ca n th e underwater mouse, the optical with the university," Jaffe said. spawned the idea in May 1999, go through the water: Jaffe sa id. mouse, was already made and only -'lItrickLedden "But Iuq doesn't patent things when he was working on his gradu­ The duo took the mouse back cost $17, he said. anym ore without an mvestor sit­ Muir College Provost ate thesis studying coral reefs in the to the Bahamas in May of 2000 See story at right Jaffe said the third thing he ting around saying, 'We'll pay for Bahamas. The scientific-grade digi­ and discovered that it worked. found interesting was "the idea it.' Also, r don't think there's too tal camera that the scientists were "IThe mousel provided great that people would want to interact much of a market for this." Thursday, May 31, 2001 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 sequence, John Marino, added that he agreed Plan: with Mukerji and that proposed courses scr~pps mesa storage Sixth College's education will such as "Leonardo and Machiavelli" would EVENTS ETCETERA discuss the effects of politics and power on STUDENT SUMMER RATE 5x7 $31 per month emphasize computer literacy technology. - Tho required "Art Making" classes were 9780 Candida St 858·566·3881 Thursda 31 . Continued from PICe 1 also a concern. One speaker said that the rice . ' .. ice VINCENT GRAGNANI and will include 17 to 18 courses totaling 68 requirements should be loosened and that by ke.ricK leu., Editor in Chief to 72 units. taking such courses, because they are only 10 Ocean Awareness .Club Presen ts... Social Event: Asia IILL BURGER .. AUSON NORRIS An education from Sixth College will weeks in length, was simply "dabbling" in the GEEZ! I CAN'T Managing Editors emphasize computer literacy and will arts. Coastal Education III Flagship YmI YeA1\ I ~ WHf\T a benefit to preserve our oceans :r ~\) . At/PO A. HI:AJq IS JENNIFER SPOSITO .. JEFFREY WHITE include learning inside and outside the Another concern was the absence of a Copy Editors classroom. foreign language requirement. Studying a Eleanor Roosevelt Residence Wor f\~ p~, THAT Featuring: LAUREN I. COARTNEY Though the CEP motion was approved, foreign language will be encouraged but Lift: will sponsor the event, which t-'\AR.'k.ER IS P~RMI\N&.IT! UL News EdiJpr there were some concerns raised during the not required in an effort to make Sixth Clyde's Ride cckbrates Asian food and cultural e,E A S\S~Y fOR.E'J~! meeting. College more accessible to transfer stu­ benefits and Spaceman Spiff June 2, 8:00 p,lII. traditions. ALEX J, LEE .. MAn SCHRADER A ,.,to.~ RR. GGCtH~WH! Associate News Editors Communications professor Chandra dents. Porterls Pub The event will begin at 7 p.m. Mukerji addressed the concern that Sixth "You can't have everything," said Muir (for info call 587-4828) BuT you tllD TOM VU .. DlVYA RUNCHAL Admission is free and open to the ~!~ Opinion Editor College curriculum should include a course College Provost Patrick Ledden. $8 all ages, tickets at UCSD box office public. For more information call t;.A'I DRPAtJ that shows how technology is not always He also lauded the accomplishments of IiiSUllrider visit our web site http://oac.ucsd .edu WAAT '{W .,. ~~ ROBERT FULTON (858) 534-2261 . Sports Editor benign. the Sixth College Steering Committee. Fou ndation ema il: oac@ucsd .e du / scon BURROUGHS .. "There is not enough attention to the "The Sixth College has done a terrific job f;rida June 1 ISAAC PEARLMAN character of technology," Mukerji said. of carving out its niche," Ledden said. Associate Sports Etjitors "Students need to know about the power of The Sixth College will admit its first stu­ JOSH CROUSE technology." dents in fall 2002. Concert: 'Thank Features Editor Muketji cited military technology as an Sixth College is the first new undergradu­ MALAVIKA GANGOLLY example of this. ~te college at UCSD since Eleanor Roosevelt Goodness 11 's Over!' Associate Features Editor Acting organizer of the Sixth College core College was established in 1988. DAVID LEE .. JOSEPH LEE The /\.S. Council will sponsor 01 MY (,O!Ilj, ~ \ QUICK Hiatus Editors the Thank Goodness It's Over IHI~ TATToo I> $000 ~I\~, CHARUETRAN "I know of a few people who've gotten New York $231 Tokyo $422 conc~rt featuring Evcrlast, Crash IF You'RE NO! Design Editor f1.D~M, ~ married right out of college, but I can't Test Dummies, Save Ferris and 1Ctf. -Y\.IUTE! DoNT­ DoiNG ~NYnlIN<"=f Cql.legiate: WoIAL{) DAVID PILl imagine 'being ready for that kind of com­ the DJs and Vinylphiles Club. The ~ W\~ A. tloy LAT~ , YCM QlOI-\U> E~ ! Madrid $645 Costa Rica $470 Photo Editor Teenage brides are more likely mitment in a few years," said Florida State event will start at 7 p.m. at RIMAC Do "n\~ foR. y~! D~P B't' p.;JD SAy LYON UEW to University junior Bianca Parker. "Twenty­ Art'na. IT:S~O \\ELll) ! Associate Photo Editor divyrce within 10 years Honolulu $327 London $431 Admission is free for students HOT! one? I don't know any 21-year-olds who SKY FROSTENSON Continued from ...,e 1 are that responsible: with a valid student ID, $12 for Graphics Editor Sydney $886 Paris $483 student guests and $15 for UCSD Census Bureau. The fact that people many young is noth­ KENRICK LEUNG People are divorcing faster than they can ing new. staff. All proct:eds will benefit St. Associate Graphics Editor VinCl'nt DePaul. Tickets are avail­ marry. The champions leading the divorce Studies show that the number of people Mexico City $247 Rio $610 BRIAN WlKNER trend are couples between the ages of 18 to marrying between the ages of 18 and 25 has dblc at the UCSD Box Office in Web Editor tht: Price Center. For more infor­ 25. actually decreased over time, while the average mation call (858) 534-4450. According to a government study, teenage age of marriage has increased. SENIOR STj\" WRITERS UCSD PRICE CENTER Parisa Baharian . Shannon Castle, Angela Carrier. brides are more likely to divorce within 10 "Marriage was more of a way of life when Theodore OOkko. Bertrand Fan, Jennifer Grady, years of marriage than older women. I was growing up," said professional Brenda - n"~ .. ,I.I . Cassandra Pierce, Aran Sad]a, Simone Santini , 858-452-0630 Iltu.,,, .. r"",d ( ' ~"I " '''\ Rally: Take Back the As a whole, the number of people divorc­ Joyce. "Being 26 years old and getting mar- .. IfUt·n"· .....)! ,I. JeSSica Scheppmann. Brian Welles, Rebecca councillajolla@counciltravel .com University Wood ing has quadrupled since 1970, from 4.3 mil­ ~CSU10808()'50 STAFF WRITERS lion to 18.3 million in 1996. See BRIDES, Page 9 Kyle Blebeshelmer, ValMe Burns. Jacqueline Students and janitors will rally Cheung. Gloria Chuna. Geoff Dietrich, Patrick Lee , Randy Lie. Steve Lehtonen. Lara Moscrip, for a living wage for UCS D jani­ BRIEFLY Parnaz Taheri, Arvlnd Vassan. Carlan Wendler. tors at this event, which is spon­ Dana West. Kelly Wonl THE TOIY ® AWARO-WI.IIIG THEATRE 01 UCSD'S CAMPUS sored by Students for Economic DESIGNEItS Laura Brown, Zhl-Nlng Liang , Andrew QUadri . Justice. SaIlaa Saleem.Ruth Tang. Ed Wu The cvet;lt will take place at Chancellor Gives Back to Community COPYREADERS LAJOLLAPLAYHOUSE.COM*(B5B) 550-1010 ( noon in the Price Center PI.IZ3 . Maryam Banlhasheml, Yoko 19awa, Mellnoa MAY 15-JUIE 17: -OUR TOWIH to Chancellor Robert Dynes will meet with three tions that may require advanced services like Lachance. Margaret O·Nelli. Andrew Quadrl . The cl'el1l is free and open the Came Elizabeth Sklar public. For more inform ation call East County organizations June 7 in an effort to invitro fertilization and embryo transfer. celebrate the theme of the 40th anniversary, PHOTOGRAPHIJII (858) 534-4994. Rebecca Drexler. Tyler Huff, Jayme del Rosario. "Giving back to the community." Brain's Visual Cortex May Not Leo Der Stepanlans. Bl1an Moghadam In the morning , Dynes will meet with all 20 Give the Whole Picture ILWSTRATOIIS Saturda June 2 East County School District superintendents, Laura Chau, Melissa Chow, Mike Cogalns. Austin Hsla, Tim Kang . Alice Lin. James P. board preSidents and representatives from Research by scientists at UCSD and the Pascual . An]a Scherer. Courtney Takashima, Grossmont and Cuyamaca community colleges University of Minnesota has shown that neurons Kristin Withers Special Event: UCSD at the EI Cajon Community Center. The meeting in the visual cortex, an area of the brain which Got will be an "educational roundtable. · processes visual information, can respond to PAMELA FRUGE School of Medicine He will then share news of UCSD 's East patterns of lines too fine for subjects to resolve. Business Manager Graduation County programs at a lunch meeting with 90 The study revealed that some types of visual MIKE MARTINEZ community representatives, also at the EI Cajon information not consciously perceived are in fact Advertising Art Director implosionS The UCSD School of Community Center. closer to the brain 's center of consciousness RGMEO CARlMBAS Medicine will be presenting Clinical professor of pediatrics Bronwen than previously thought. Advertising Manager Financial new works by student choreographers degrees to its graduating students. Anders, M.D. , will speak on the work of the The scientists' work was published in the HANNA DOERR The event is free but open only to UCSD School of Medicine 's community health May 24 issue of Nature. . Assistant Business Manager faculty, graduates and their clinics in Lakeside, Alpine and EI Cajon. A person with normal vision can perceive pat­ Associate professor of ethnic studies Ross ADVIIITISING ASSISTANT guests. For 1110re information call terns of lines up to a certain point, but when the Annette Shon (8 58) 822-458 1. Frank will speak about a tribal digital village for spacing of lines becomes too fine, the person 18 Indian reservations in San Diego County. ADYEltTISING ACCOUNT IXECunVES Aid? perceives 'a : uniform blur. Previously, vision Melody Hu, David Lal Educational Talent Search Program Assistant researchers thought this was due to optical blur­ Sunda June 3 ADVlllTlSINO DESIGN • LAYOUT director Felipe Rangel will discuss services with ring, a failure of the retina to resolve the lines. Katie Keenan . Philip Lee. 550 East County parents and students. Now, at least some of that blurring has been Lorelei Bunjes. Nick Silva Check Your UCSD After lunch, Dynes will visit an eighth grade shown to occur in the visual cortex, which lies CItCUUJlON ASSISTANTS Special Event: science class at Emerald Middle School. in the rear of the cerebrum. The blurring of lines Matthew Bechtel. Andrew Chantra, Andrew Chase. Keith Eshelman , Greg Emmanuel . International House appears to be due to processes inside the visual Carne Everstlne, Sean Slattery UCSD and Reproductive cortex that prevent some inform ation from other Email To Find Out! COMPUTER SUPl'OltT Semi-Formal Partners to Combine cortical areas and consciousness. Andrew Chantra • All srudents should maintain and access their UCSD email on a regular basis, including Elea nor Roosevelt College and UCSD School of Medicine reproductive Student Foundation Chooses the International House will endocrinologists and physicians of Reproductive the summer. The Financial Aid Office cominues to use email to comact srudems sponsor the dance, which will Partners Medical Group in La Jolla have jOined to Student for S.cholarshlps about important financial aid matters. start at 9 p.m. at I-House. The form Reproductive Partners·UCSD Regional For the first time, student from UCSD's event is free and open to the pub­ Fertility Center. Student Foundation have selected six communi· The UCSD GUlKdlan is publ ished Mondays and • Financial Aid information for 2001-2002 is now avaiJable on StudemLink for all lic. For more information call RPMG is an internationally renowned fertility ty scholars to receive $1,000 scholarships. Thurs ~t> + Las t Dece mbe r, while I toured Cl\uld ab,)ut kukel11l.1 and mCI11- to me. happy. brain for any possible Ind ia and bought little trinkets orized as much informa!l,\I1 .IS I Council 's approval of the 2001-2002 execu­ It's high time Rather than for relati ves and friends back clues that I may have c,lltld possibly s jueczc Inll' Ill) tive budget last week and agrees with most WHEN WOUL.D~'I that this insidious I have come to take the time to r home, a dear frie nd of mine was brain. I spen t hours tJlking societal disease of get to know peo­ missed that would have of the changes made in the new budget'S realize that our diagnosed with ca nce r. While I abo ut how I felt to .\IllHhn labeling and clas- ple or the record all ocations. LET H\M PLAY dined on In dian bread and friend, who had lovingly take n sifying people of a political can­ revealed that she had society has become danced at cl ubs, my frien d, a sis­ care of hcr and greatly help"d Prima ril y, the Guardian applauds A. S. based on didate, many find ter to me, was poked and prod­ cancer. cas~ the situation. President Jeff Dodge for spearheading the W1TI1 MY ~1. JDtS. assumptions was label-happy. Rather it easier to la bel ded by needles and medi ca l pro­ Yet. through all of it, I never exposed. one another, AO effo rt to eliminate the line- item all ocation than take the time fessionals. gle tear. I th,?ugh t it was all a really sunk under the ice that h.lli As a writer, I matter whether given to the Committee fo r World Democ­ one of this was mentio ned to mis take. replaced cmotion,11 fragility and have encoun­ to get to know the la bel is based me. I was co mpletely unaware of It was just a small setback that protected me from feeling .II1Y racy in past budgets. tere.d the frus­ on faulty assump­ people ... many my frie nd 's suffering because wou ld quickly repair itself. It wa s­ pain. I was content to igno re thc Although the CWO's eve nts bring trating phenom­ tions. fri ends and relati ves thought it n't until I gOt to see her - my. fact she had a dead I)' dlsc,lse and enon of people It ca n be a essential messages of global awareness to find it easier to was in my best interest that I find friend transformed into a ca nccr judging me sole­ conscio us act, or UCS D, the Guardian acknowledges that it out abo ut her diagnosis when I patient - that I realized that I"I.~C ~ ly on what I label one another, it ca n be some­ Set' CANCER, is still only one of hundreds of student write, taking it no matter whether thing that is sub­ organiza ti ons and does not deserve th e upon themselves conscious. guaranteed, fixed funding sent irs way by to label me with the label is based "Oh, she's past budgets. certain inaccu­ on faulty pro-life, must be a rate pol itical Republican." Year Proves Fun, Unpredictable Forcing th e CWO to annually apply for leanings. assumptions. "She's yo ung By MARGARET O'NEILL thing I'm ready to be done with. but Walk and I'll think, "There's l'ne of funding through the Student Organization For instance, and has a couple Staff Writer something I'll always appreciate. m)' suitemates from frcshl11,l11 Funding Allocation Board, as all other stu­ people automatica lly ass ume th~t of kids - must be a welfare Never again will my dorrnmates y~ar." TIley arc .111 such rocks In 111~' dent organizations must do, will eliminate because I have written aga inst mom." Last summer, as I counted or I have the opportunity to get to lili: right nolV, because I sec thcl11 the unfair financial advantage that the line­ Senator's Decision to Switch Party Bush and his unsa vory connec­ "He's black and lives in th e down the days untilll1lol'ed out, I know so many people so fast and so lWI) singk dJ~. (Well. cxrcpt f,'r tions to Bob Jones University that ghetto - must be a gang­ saw college merely as an escape, as well. Staying up until sunrise doing t\\O; l\l1e is alw,!ys l)Ut l,f to\\ n ,lilt! item allocation gave to the CWO over other I am an "evil li beral." banger." a way of getting out of my boring absolutely noth ing substantial was the other JUSt disappears .1 k'L) It·s student groups. Wrong. Don't tell me that some of town and gaining some indepen­ fun. I enjoyed all the time hanging bIZ.IITl: to lI11agi11 l' them as SlIllpil" The decision to almost double the Makes Political History An other exa mple is that peo­ those labels don't immediately dence. It seemed simp!.? to 11K I OUI in my suite, in the loungcs. e"CIl p'lsscr'>-by. amount of money set aside for Fall Fest is ple automatically assume that, conj ure up images of what those never imagined what tl1l5 lirst ycar 111 Si.:rra Summit. ~ \y bi!:..",·" af'pn:hen,lon .Ilx)ut James Jeffords, a 27-year veteran Repub lican congressman, raises eyebrows beca use I wrote about the mis­ people must be like - there are of college wou ld hold. Living in a suite with sel'en fair­ cOllll ng to c,)lIege was n:gardll1g my another laudable change included in the conception of free speech an d stigma attached to each. Now, the year is nearl y over. I ly random people spiced lip my r,JOllllll,ltt:. fter soml' confusil)n. 2001-2002 executive budget. The recent in the nation with his bold and controversial exit from the GOP related a time wh en I had battled I could list hundreds of labels am almost one-quarter of the way . year. I gO! to kn9w people I proba­ and two weeks With a "sup~r sin­ success of the Sun God Festival proved that against the closed minds of so­ and assumptions used every day through co llege. I used to hear bly wouldn't have known other­ gle," my wonderful, considcratt: By AUSON NORRIS dent. indicates that he is motivated by more called open-minded liberal class­ as if they were the only features or the A.S. programming office is capable of cl iche references to high school as wise, and I got to witn ess my sui te­ roomm ate moved in . Though I Senior Staff Writer The even split that previously existed than just the opportunity for one more mates, that I am a hardcore con- characteristics of a person that the "best years of your life," but I mates develop all sorts of different don 't feel I know her very well, I've organizing well-rounded, lively events in and the legislative gridlock that it may turn in Congress. servative. are important to know. really think college will be my best lifestyles now that they're on their enjoyed living with her. spite of how tame this campus typically may Sen. James Jeffords' unorthodox deci­ have brought with it are gone. The Furthermore, the political backlash Wrong again. However, the transitive prop­ years. Though I faced some of the own. I worry a lot that I was not sion to drop his loyalty to the Republican Democrats will undoubtedly make good created by his decision has been wide­ be. It 's time now to deconstruct erty doesn't always apply. Judgi ng toughes t stuff fathomable this While we had moments I did nearly as good a roommate to her Party and jump on the independent use of their slight, yet monumental, one­ spread, and it is illogical to assume that The increase in Fall Fest funding is also these false assumptions. First of year, I felt fo r the first time like I not appreciate, I loved my suite and as she was to me. My rOOlllmate bandwagon has understandably brought vote lead over the Republicans. he would open himself to such criticisms all , just because I find fault with See COLUMN, Page 7 was li vi ng my own life. the diversity of personalities in it. made living so easy on me; look- a smart move, considering that bands tra­ major heat from GOP leaders. A valid concern about Jeffords' switch unless motivated by something more Livi ng in the residence halls was It's strange to think that in the Such a move is practically unheard of is that it could be motivated purely by elec­ than another six years of Senate service ditionally tour in fa ll or sp ring. This way, defi nitely an experience. It is some- future I'll be walking down Library 51'1' FRESHMAN, f'£Igf ~ there is double the chance that there will in the American two-party regime, which toral interests. In other words, it could be during which he would undoubtedly still constantly reinforces party loyalty, and that his constituents are increasingly receive icy treatment from Republicans be at least one great concert at UCSD next even those who despise politics should returning moderate, independent results in Congress. year. recognize the brilliance of this moment in polls and he is simply worried about The greater lesson of Jeffords' Com ing Soon .. , (? I t. () C71 I Q 7 T In creasing the FallFest funds from in American political history. being ousted by an independent candidate moment in the limelight is twofold. First, H. U C • D ':Jradua ton Jjjue. Jhurjdalj (June $35 ,000 to $70,000 (keep in mind that the Jeffords, until this month, was a 27- the next time his seat is up for a vote. consider the media attention given to his year veteran Republica n congressman If this is his motive, Jeffords could leap - while widespread coverage in Swap ~~ ~ Sun God Festival, in comparison, receives G Call 858-534-3467 for advertiSing rates and info whose moderate ideology has historical­ continue to defect to the Republican side Vermont would be understandable, this UARDIAN $75,000) will hopefully boost the program­ ly shone through the party label he wore. of most issues on the Senate floor even issue is touching all types and branches ming office's ability to reel in . top-notch These moderate legislative goals have though he has symbolically removed of media. Such in-depth coverage should Drop touring acts for its first major event of the always distinguished him from other himself from that party. This would indicate to any nonbelievers that this is Republicans and inspired his rece nt in fact an important political moment. academic year. move. Second, the reason this event is being Find it. Further, using the new funds to put For example, the Vermont senator has Unless Jeffords has been portrayed as important and 'newsworthy Sell it. together an impressive Fa ll Fest concert been devoted to using legislative means asleep in the back row all is the unique characteristics of America's Trade it. could set the mood for an alive and involved to meet the needs of special education . current political machine. Although it is not fair to argue that these years, he undoubtedly The Senate's former 50-50 balance is student body for the rest of the year. Republi can s are unconcerned with these evidence of the increasi ngly centrist ge~rudr~~1r~vempney! comprehends the magnitude Finally, although the A.S. Council also need s, it is understandable that Jeffords mentality of voters. As more candidates dese rves praise for passing the executive would be prompted to aba ndon the of his choice on national move toward the "middle of the road " on Wish you had a little more cash budget in record time - the process took Republicans if this is his true purpose in . the campaign trail in an effort to accom­ politics - just consider the assertion policies, which indicates that · modate centrist voters, there will be for paying the SDG&E bills? on ly 11 minutes according to A.S. Vi ce made by Sen . Phil Gramm, a Republican he is motivated by more than fewer instances of one- party dominance President Internal Jenn Brown - this fact from Texas: "Special education is not a in Congress. In such an environment, nonetheless evokes some concern. Rep ubli ca n issue." just the opportunity for one losing even one politician to the other Do you have cr spare room? Remember that the Unity slate swept AS Instead of criticizing Jeffords for skip­ more turn in Congress. side has new importance and new effects pi ng out on the Republican Party, we on a party's legislative strength . Council electi ons last quarter, and perhaps should be impressed that he chose to Ultimately, Jeffords choice is com­ the speed wi th which this budget was rati ­ leave a party whose members criticize the mai ntain the voting balance in the Sen­ mendable in that it sets aside the tradi­ fied proves that this council lacks a diversi­ ca uses that he has always advocated. The ate. making his switch an empty gesture tional party loyalty mentality that domi­ ty f viewpoints. switch, ult imately, points to Jeffords' loy­ that deserves little recognition, and mak­ nates American politics. alty to his goals and ideology, rather than ing it more a media spectacle than a In fa ct, the former 50-50 balance in Wh ile di ve rsity could bring legislative to a traditional party label. noteworthy moment in Ameri can politi­ the Senate prompts acknowledgment gridlock, whi ch certainly would be equally What makes Jeffords ' move such a cal history. that the American electorate is perhaps UCSD Off Housing detrimental to the stud ents represented by hot topic, however, is not the decision However, Jeffords' move ultimately doing away with these loyalties as well. If the A.S. Council , passing a $1,133,400 bud ­ itself; rather it is the political climate in deserves more credit than this. It is pos­ so, Jeffords ' decision is even more (858)534- 3670 which it was made. The Senate was deli­ sible that his motivations are based on praiseworthy, as it represents one politi­ ·offCaIDpushoustng. ucsd. edu get in 11 minutes can only indicate one cately balanced this year, with 50 electoral politics, but one must reason cia n's effort to stay aligned with those he thing: The Unity candidates who now hold Democrats battling 50 Republicans that a lifelong Congressman will not take represents. SublTIit· office will get a lot done this year, but maybe before Jeffords' decision. lightly the Senate's tight balance between One can only hope that this effort is only because they are not faced with Now, the scales have been slightly Democrats and Republicans. Unless Jef­ not motivated purely bi electoral inter­ tipped , with 50 Democrats facing off fords has been asleep in the back row all ests, but that it reflects Jefford's desire to your listing empowered opposition and viewpoints against 49 RepUb licans, and Jeffords sits these years, he comprehends the effect of pursue the legislative solutions that he from other council members. squarely iii between as the only indepen- his choice on national policies, which promised to constituents. NOVV! 6 OPINION The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 Thursday, May 31, 2001 T he UCSD Guardian OP I N I O~ - countless other cruelties had I've been to a place in which I amI. th"ir dislI'l'tioll , become a shadow of her former never thought I'd set foot. I've doesn't matter wha t the truth is drinkin' in the Akohol 11'111 Cancer: Freshman: Alcohol The, nil' th ing thc b,'deh b,11l self, escorted a friend back from the Column: or who is righ t; all that ma tters is Ban: sti ll be sold in the same quall tity will do is ,leer,',ls,' thl" pu b",' .., Friend's sickness changes In the four yea rs th at I had First year of college held edge, This year, I've witnessed People should not be so ensuring that the all -impo rtant Prohibition is a waste of in bars, restaurants and retail perspectives on life known her, I had always bee n many surprises more pain than I knew could Ban Not labe l is th ere so that the conserv­ es tablishments, Dri nki ng in bars, righ t to drillk Il hcl'<' thc), 1I ,IIlt t,I slightly envious, Watching her exist. quick to judge others ati ve or liberal fl ock does not stray taxpayers' do llars restaurant s dnd pri va te re sidences drink , It will fllrCC SULlI'l'I""I' Continued from page 5 Continued from pa,e 5 from party lines, will still take plac e, Realistic.llly, bdlal'1l1r, ,lIld dcerl'as,' thl' d 't','\,­ change from how I had known I've had my heart broken, too, Continued from page 5 Continued from page 8 instead focus on dressing h,T up her both physically and emo­ ing bac k, the room mate situa tion Relationships are a whole new the Right I am absolutely convinced drinking will st ill takc place in til'cn,'ss "f pol icc ,lftll'i.ti s, It II III and taki ng her out to din ner, tionally made my fee lings abou t was rea lly one of the few aspects ballga me in college, Hookups are a person so lely on these assump­ th at labeling is used to divide us enough for how ineffective over­ public areas, nl y noll', rather dlso fllrc l' the p"lin' III tak,' ,I n ,I And through it all , I was a wh at was happening to her all of my life tha t didn 't cause me the norm, and rea l relatio nships tions is discriminating and unfair, and to inci te feelings of hatred regulation of drinki ng and alcohol than ta king place in the opcn , it "big brothcr" I\lll', II dStlllg 11 111\' marw lous ac tor, When people th e more unsettl ing, trouble this yea r, take exponentially more time and Remedy How would you liked to be or dislike based on those who do is, we ca n look to other countries th .lt could be SpC Il! ,)n rl'.11 l'rlllll­ for evidence as well. nal bl' hal'lor. asked m~ how I was doi ng, I sa id In hi gh school , she ne ver I've had so many different effort than th ey did in high school. judged on one ra ndom aspect of not have the same labels, Money that cou ld be "rine," even though I knew tha t failed to amaze me, She was a friends th is year. I made friends I Guys, too, gave me a lesson in the By JESSICA SCHEPPMANN yourself? I have seen people face each Despite the fac t that the United We will Sl'l' .I dr.l stll ns,' In the p"ssibility of having a ncr­ stell ar student, a be tter writCl' think I' ll keep through all of col­ necessity of gauging where I place Sen ior Staff Writer Or how about single labels other for the fi rst time and hate States heavi ly regulates the sale of spent stopping domestic ullnecessary C!'lIllin,tI prllS,'l'Il l1 "1l vo us br,',lkdowll was alm ost eer­ th an I was, and had beauty to lege, I made frien ds who didn't my trust. ' such as, "He's gay:' or "S he's each other based solely on their al cohol, co ntrolling everyth ing violence, car and property of Indil'idu.ll s drinking II I ~I lIb lt,' talll , match, Ot only was she a size 6 last long at all. I've got tons of I've gone for th ings I rea lly Co ntinuing Am erica's fi ne tra­ Mormon"? pa rty affili ation, I have seen peo­ from who ca n buy, wh en they can ,lIld .1 dl'er,"I, ,' in thl' pu b"c's f,lIth In Sehlh)1. I became blase (how annoy in g!) she had facial acquaintances, peo pl e I hope I'll wanted, and been denied, I learned dition of repression and den ial, Some people carelessly say ple instantly hate politicians buy it, and who ca n se ll it, we fa r theft, and violence will be In the' p,)li cc S ~ 's tl' Ill , abou t Illy cI.l ss,'s, Occasiona ll y, fea tures th at would have put always be able to stOP and chat the lesson that sometimes my best th e Miss ion Beach town co un ci l such th ings as if those labe ls so lely beca use of their party exceed international rates of alco­ 1'. 1,"1\')' th .lt e"ltld bl' 'p,'nt holism, wasted on foo lish college st,'pping dl)Ill,'sti r 11"kllr,', ,'.I I I'd 1'llIage fro 111 my dayd reams Naomi Ca mpbell to shame, wi th in future years, is just not good enough, I'm get­ successfully pe titi oned the ci ty should explai n everything abo ut labe ls, Although there are except ions, ,uld pl'llPl'rt)' theft , .lI1d 1'1 ,)k lll',' lilt" ,1 \\'orld that I observed but The n, to LO p it off, she got into I wrote in my journal in Sep­ ting used to disappoi ntment, as sad government for a temporary ba n a pe rson - when they most de f­ Labeling does not bring our students just looking for a was 1ll'I'cr really a pan of. I took the univcrsity th at I had dreamed tember that "the cal iber of person­ as that sounds, on drinking on the beaches, las t­ initely ca nnot. Why is it that we soc iety toge th er, instea d it the most addiction-prone co un ­ will bc 1I',IStCe! l' n f" I, lish ",'lk~ , ' 1l11 tC, ,I nd wro te p,lpc rs, bu t ,III of of attcnding and was rejected ali ty here seems higher than that of Despite the heavy emo tiona l ing th rough the summer, A coun­ arc so quick to label people emphasizes old hatreds and dis­ tries in Europe tend to have the good time, stlldcnts .iu,t I""klng f,'r ,I g,<'d them IIl'rC ha lf-hearted attempts from, Castro Vall ey, I've met a lot of peo­ toll , th e ye ar was a blast. Though terpetiti on signed by over 50 ,000 based on thei r appearance, socia l cri minations and serves only to most restrictive laws, Whether this time, th,l! I ,un Ill)\\' .lSha med l)f, Intrin sically, I knew her life pic who seem to think like I do," I never went to TJ , I did th e registered vo ters was fi led level, ethni ci ty or politica l ideol­ divide us, is a case of ca use, where repression will be rovert , hiddcll from In the l' ll d, II,' .11,' silllpl\' ,,'C Dritl11,IIIC outburst, ,II Iflllnc WilS sc t. She' lias gOi ng LO I've kept th at viewpoi nt until now, "freshman girl " th ing and par­ Wedn esday by people who do not ogy? Why has our society What are you? A Democrat or ca uses citizens to act out , or effect, authority, , ing .llwth,'!' ,'x.lmp k "I' g'" ,'In ­ IIITI' fr,'q ucnt. C,)n\lTS,1I10n> b,'C,)m e it famous doc tor or sci­ In general, probably because this is tit'd quite a bit. I lea rned th at want the beach drinking ba n to go beco me so obsessed with label­ Republican ? Wha t arc yo u? Per­ where the effect of high rates of The proposed adva nt ages w m,'nt ," "I'I'l'gui,lt i,'n ,)1' pl'l" "Il.11 IIllh Ill, parcnts turned Into argu­ ,' nust ,1 1' chi ld psyc hologist. And such an academic institution, the weekends aren't restful in col­ into effect. ing everyone and everything in sian, German or Caucasian? If alcohol abuse lead to increased regulating public dri nking arc beh,II'I ,)r, rim b.lI1 1$ g"lllg t,I nll'nts .lb')L1t tlK ,tlIpldcst th ings, thcn my vision of the futllre, people here are thoughtful and lege, Now, it 's not like the home­ sight? you don 't choose, then you're a regulation, are not enti rely clear, already taken care of, We regulate lI'ils tl' thc 111111' ,) 1' Clt l "t'tI·l'I.I'" 1.111 \ lId I II .!S lll'gllllllng III tl lIll k th ,l! hl'l's, ,It'l r rumblt:d , nd mine interesting, Oh yeah , and I went to class a own ers in Pacifi c Beach and Mis­ I believe the answer is that it wishy-washy person who is inde­ O ne th ing is true: The curre nt public intoxica tion and rowdy ,'n fl)r,'cll1,'llt .lIl d [l.l\.'lfir 1\,"I,h thIS nlghtnl.ll'l', 1I .Ile1l1ng the' qUl rk ly foll owcd . It 's sa d to say I've fo und a few bad ap ples, lot tOo, I've written about 100 sion Beach are without grounds in is so much easier to use a label cisive and stupid! regulati ons in Pac ific Beach wi ll behavior to th e poi nt that th,' r C~ ldl'nt s II' hik lknylllg It.'rm.tlil plllsll.11 dl'tml'I,lIil)n ,Ind cml'­ that ,I n el'ent like th is has mad!' though, Thc year has been a lesson pages of papers this year, their desire to see some restrain t to classify and categorize instead I give up, I will not adopt those be ineffecti ve in stopping excess police ca n hara ss beac h dri nkers .It I.III -,Ibidillg ri tiz,'ns.t g" "d tlllll' tllln,Ii I'hallges in m ~ frl elld , m,' rc,lI izc hoI'.' I' ul nerablt: and in bei ng careful about who I tru st. My first yea r of co llege held on the excess drinking in this of taki ng the time to find out di visive, discriminating and "')lIld n,'\l'l' llL' III cr, fra gile II'C all art', And oh yes, I've wit nessed others going so many surprises, it's almost a area, Al though these an-as co n­ who tha t person rea lly is, demea ning labels, I will not con­ Th,' girl II ho h.ld spcnt fO llr hOll'mortJI. through hell this yea r, It 's been relief that it's over, But I did ta in less than 5 percent of th e Yet 'this is getting out of con­ fo rm , Above all , I wi ll not label spi nal taps, cranial s urg ~r i e s, and It 's s,ld ttl say th .1! It t""k .1 SltU­, .Iklng (,Irl' of Ill\', " ~Ic lld in g Unt il all of ~hi s , I newr proven to me that there rea lly arc enj oy it. I've grown more em o­ cit y's population, they acco unt fo r trol. myself, Sorry to disappoint those Illness: the rest of the hell that acco mpa­ ,ni on like thi S tIl ,lPCI! 1111 ,'I", .lIld Illlurs In thl' Illgh t tutorlll g me swpp,'d to sniously consider that asshoks out there, that some peo­ tionally this year than I did in all more than 34 percent of all alco­ Ever notice when watching who are label- happy, but you nies chemoth erapy with noth ing Illake IllC rl',dizl' th at n,)th lll g ;, t.n s I,ll' pll\SI'" ,'\JI11$, subjecting I and l'l'l'I'),one l'Ise around me ple arc purely bad and don't thin k of high school. With all of this in hol-related cri mes in th e ~ntire C N, or C-S PA N th at without wo n't be able to shove me into a Life can change in the less than unwavering courage, I the saml' f,lrl'1'l'1', h,'!',l'If lL1 I "u.11 Illl p,lirme nt by twice about hurti ng innocent peo­ mind , I have just one thing to city of San Di ego, accordin g to fail every politi cia n is immediately box and then slap a label on me as blink of an eye wonder how many people wo uld I havc 'lnll' rcc"ntll' bc'C,)nh' II Hlng Ill~ h.1I1'1 bod! .lll d Sfe ILLNESS, i'ag., 7 ple, say: I ca n't wai t for September, Micha el Davis of the San Diego identified by party classi fi cation? if that is all th at it takes to be able to show the same strength, ,IW<1re lhat ,Hlr iil'l's C.lII (h.lIIg,' III ,I Poli ce Depart ment's vice un it. It's almost as if they don't trust descri be me, Continued fro...... 8 I know I certainly couldn 't. second, ,I wcck, .I \'<"11', ' Additionally, an oversa tura tion yo u to make your own judgment There is no label that will pre­ would someday die, Sure, I pon­ It 's strange how drastica ll y As In crl'di bl\,' l'l)rn \ ,Is tillS of liquor licenses, a reprrcus,ion of the tru th or the va lidity of a dict my behavior or beliefs on any dered it, albeit brie fl y, but [ always things ca n change in such a short sounds, for the,' Il rst ti'lll", I ,1111 of attempts to revi talize th e area, political person's point of view issue, Expect contradictions and fi gured there would be some devi­ ti me, Looking back on the pas t few aware llf hoI\' prl'clo us till' P""P'" have made alco hol a prime so urce wi thout knowing from the onset confusion, [ urge my fellow Stu ­ ous way in wh ich [ could cheat months has made me rea lize th at aro un d Illl' .I rl', I dll Iw t tllI ll k I of revenue for busi ness owners, what party tha t person is associat­ dents not to worry so much about death and pass on the secrets, This I' m a very differen t person today wi ll cver bc ,I S br.II,' ,IS 1111 1'1'1"11.1 Howeve r, wi th th e ba rs has come ed with , categorizing. labeling and fittin g was my very pathetic attempt to from the pe rson I was in Decem­ but I think ,I! t. I'll! b~'gllln ll l~ a vast in crease in alcohol-related I believe that this automatic every person into a neat li ttle pack­ deal with a depressing topic, ber, A brief span of only a fc w to undcrst,llld th .1! It's () K t,I l';' crim e, labeling scheme is a clever way tQ age. Ta ke the ti me to look deeper And although I know my friend months has completely changed scared , And It 's OK t,) h"pc, ," Ten yea rs ago, th e Pacific keep the pa rty fa ithful brain­ benea th the surfa,ce, Take the is strong and has responded to my perspective on life, well. Beach/Garn et area was suff,'ri ng washed - to keep us from ques­ plunge and rise above th e quick­ from a loss in reve nue, City offi­ tion ing wha t our political loya list sand of conformity, Above all , ci als reacted by rel ax ing stringent says, question, question, question , standards for the is sue of liquor Party labeling ins pires bl ind Dare to be different, Dare to lice nses, T hiS oversaturatio n, loyalty and instant dislike and be a nonconformist, Dare to be howeve r, made Pac ifi c Beach a hatred toward the opposition, It yourself, well -kn own drinking area, much like th e: Gaslamp di stric t. The oversa lU ration of liquor licenses brought Wilh it more money from tOUrists, students and locals, but homeownl'l's in th e 'You are cordial4 invited to place arca werc unh appy, Excl'sS drin k­ illS mean t .I n IIl crCds e in cri me: an adverli&emeni in the EVER lAST and va grancy, which ultim,lt cly mea ns lowered propt:rt y va llll's, According III il recent dnirle In TIr., Reader, the d,'b a ~l' bods d" wn Nothi ng in this world comes for free , to the resid ents of Paclt1o: Bedch graduation .!)jjue cOll1 mg to terms with their own (Bur this one is!) identity, 1\ number of diffe (' nt f,I CtiOl;S, from older residents II ho 0/ Submir yo ur on-campus eve nts haprening Ih i>s ummcr ... lhcrc will resent the presen ce of th e bars, to be peo ple EAGE RLYa wall ing 10 check OU! The Guard ian's st ud ents and )'oungcr rl's idt,l1ts SUMMER ISS UE which hillhe ~ ! ands Mo n day, ~ ul y l6! who want nothing more than LO pa rt)', arc ca ught in a deadlock GUARDIAN d II a fax us, drop it off, ma il il in , drop il in bOlde Jnu Ihrow ove r what should be done, off th e Glider POri' , bur ge l il to us \()mehow, CRASH TEST The re has bee n a reprieve of ,ortS, how,'ver, City officials Fill out the form below, or ,imply fax us yo u(calcndar inrorm,l­ announco:d, right before: the ban ~hurjda'J' June 7 rion fo r events happening from Jul y Ihrough September, M,lke sur(' was imposed, th at gr ups of 20 r we have your phone num ber in case we need to contact vou , We'll need It no more could pay a small fee for tne Graduation Announcements • Summer Movie Previews later than Jul y 10th! ' right to assemble and dri nk on The Year in Review • Summer Concert Previews . Summer Calendar DUMMIES the beach, Th is way, by obtaining Summer and Graduation Feature Columns! a license:, the drinking co uld co n­ THE GUARDIAN SUMMER ISSUE CALE NDAR tinue, mon itored by city poli ce, What it reall y boils down to is OFFICIAL FREE SU BMI SSION FORM making people happy, If you look AD DEADLINE: at the issue, it's not about good NAME/DEPARTMENT/STUDENT ORG/PHONE ve rsus bad, but rather an attempt Mon. June 4 to placate puritani ca l advoca tes who wo uld attempt to temper any hedon istic beh av ior on the pa rt of th e yo unge r generation, Were th is an iss ue of good ver­ sus evil, city oftlcials wou ld stop Adverlije. • • drink ing in pu bl ~ alt ogeth er, It is si mply an att empt to impose ... Where t o Ce.ebrate Dinner Partie. repressi ve ideo logica l behaviors on those wh o do not have the ... Graduatlon Gift ideas reso urces to fi ght it. Government officia ls in th e ...... Summer Job. ~-...... United States have a long his tory .. . and many more of attempting to reg ulate and ba n drugs and alc ohol. Everyth ing from prohibition to Ronald Rea­ gan 's war on drugs duri ng th e 1980 have prove n that increased regulatio n do nothing but ca use GUARDIAN th e proliferation of ill egal activi ty · Applies to new placements only Mail code 0316 and unnecessary criminal prose­ Fax (858)534-7691 cution, And if that isn't proof CALL (619)534-3486 TODAY • vh, juSI kidding. don', Io "er

See BAN, Page 7 TO RESERVE YOUR AD SPACEI Thursday, May 31, 2001 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 9 8 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 Watermelon Queen to Drop Big Melon Brides: Trend to many young is Revelle student Seth Raphael wins pageant, wiLl participate in annual event still present By GEOFf DIETRICH to toss the watermelon, who is Cont inued from page 3 Staff Writer going to represent Revelle in this ried was past the typical man)'ing tradition: said Samantha Floyd, a , age. Most people graduated high ORLD & NATION Watermelons came alive last past winner and one of this year's school and either went to work .Ind night at the annual Watermelon judges. got married, or went to colkgr ,l1ld Queen Pageant held at the Plaza The Revelle Programming then got married once thc), wne Cafe. The winner of the pageant Board sponsored the unique finished ." Germans' Debate Over will get to drop the watermelon in event, which entertained the many According to infopk,15e.ro111, Study Identifies Teen Pregnancy this year's annual Watermelon diners at Plaza Cafe. over thc co urse of almost .f0 ) ,';Irs. Bioethics Colored by Past Drop, which will occur next Friday "It's a good, wholesome stress from 1960 to I 991l, the IIlCdli11l . I~e Prevention Programs That Work at Urey Hall. reliever for the end of the school for men to marry rosc fro1l1 n 'i,) BERLIN - A debate clouded attenuate a number of taboos th ose in the control group. that participants delayed sex, Three students vied for the year: said former Revelle student 27, and for women th,' ,t~" BALTIMORE - Shannon by memories of tre Third Reich preva lent because of the Nazi The Carrera program is singled increased their use of contracep­ opportunity to drop the water­ Rebecca Du rham . "It's all part of incn:ased from 20 to 25. • White used to assume she would has erupted in Germany over the past. He speaks freely of Ge rman out in a comprehensive report on tion and reduced their number of melon off Urey Hall, but Revelle the Revelle tradition." Reasons for getting m,lrried become a teen mother, like her big ethics of research in biotechnolo­ power, interests and ambitions, sister. But at 17, after three years the avai lable research on teen sexual partners, for a t least 31 freshman Seth Raphael won . The pageant even attracted stu­ have undoubtcdl\' affectcd tl1,'s,' gy and particularly the use of both political and economic, in a pregnancy programs, to be months. "I think it 's wonderful: dents who had graduated from numbers, ,tS well .. in an experimental after-school embryos for genetic inquiry and way that was unthinkable even a program aimed at preventing teen released Wednesday by the "One important finding is that Raphae l said. "It was a lot of fun: Revelle. Accor ling to the si t,', 50 y,'

the'm, wondering if they'll ever get to ex hale. Flesh: Consequently, it becomes easy to victimize the twO girls, and to view them as products of Neighborhood girls enter the a broken home or society. escort business through one man In reality, their lives are a cocktail of glam­ our and isolation. They live and cry like rock Continued from page 10 stars, locked behind th eir seductive masks. one of the girls that a party has been sched­ As a result, they can only find solace with uled for the next night at 9 p.m .• and that those in the same industry, those who see the most of the people there will be officers from world in the same black-and-white. pimp­ the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and and-ho light. Firearms. The following is an excerpt from a series After nine hours of sleep, one hour for of interviews with Sash a and Nalia that breakfast, one hour with the baby, 30 min­ began at a .Denny's on Miramar Road and utes to get dressed, 10 minutes to smoke a ended at a photo shoot in Del Mar. joint and five minutes to mix the Tanqueray Both women have lived in San Diego and OJ, the girls are ready to start their busi­ their whole lives; in fact, they grew up in the ness day. . same neighborhood. Aware of each other. Sasha and Nalia are escorts, also called but never close friends, their paths did not "adult entertainers" or "in-call masseuses." truly cross until each inadvertently beca me Passport I Living by their stage names, only a handful involved with the same man. Copies knOW 'l hem by their actual given names. They It was this same man that would impreg­ Color Copies: dance. They mingle. They massage. And with nate both women. Sasha had the baby, Nalia Photos the right face and a gracious tip, they will aborted hers. And it would be the same man loan their bodies for one or twO hours, some­ who would convince them to stan escorting. 3( In the end, his persuasion was more prac­ 11 times the whole night, to a client. 8 11l xll wh ite paper $6!~ ,.5(,." , At the ages of21 and 19, respectively. they tical than romantic. Sasha had just complet­ have spent most, if not all, of their adult lives ed adult school, while alia was supporting as escorts. Pride and shame are relative fac­ a family of 10 by workin g at Subway. He tors; survival becomes their mantra for life. wanted both of them; he offered money, Yet neither girl ever exhibits any need for security and independence. But this anicle is 13251 Holiday Ct. • across from EI Torito (858)"52-99"9 I sympathy or co mpassion. espec ially from not . bout him . nor about their nco-urban I_------~ each other. Both hope to retire in three 10 fou years. but an uneasiness rests inside See FLESH, Page 72 Brighten Your Smile Erase gears of colas. coffee & mochas General and Cosmetic 470 Nautilus Suite 307 :. I~t~~~E~ztS~L~~~ Dentistry Michelle ' COSTA VERDE CENTER La Jolla 20% off additional treatment such 8650 Genesee Ave. Suite #220 Zoubek (858)459-3212 as Bonding, Crowns, Veneers D.D.S. Please mentIon ad Disposable Contacts & Ceramic Fillings whenmakmg J-month supply wI valid student, staff or faculty ID appotntment Includes exam. 7 pairs of most types $98 or spherical, dispoable lense.. GUA.DIAN 99 Exam, : ~------~~~------~ $59 Cleaning : & Necessary X-Rays* I : Bleaching Special* Daily or Extended Wear $50 OFF PRESCRIPTION I $8" I Reg. S160.00 Reg. S300.00 3 Pairs of Contacts ~ GLASSES : -New patients only. Exp. 6/30/01 I I ' New patients only. Exp. 6/30/01 INClUDES m EXAM GUA.DIAN Oliver Peoples. Matsuda, Kata, Calvin Klein, Annani I "II off.r. nOt .... Ii :.: ~~t:~~x~~~ : : ::;-;,:;.certain In , ,,ranu and other lin es to choose GU.UOIAN I

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India Palace Now open in La Jolla. 110% Cuisine ofIndia F"", underground parking. I Lunch $5DFF!** 7514 Girard Avenue', La Jolla Privare party room aY~ilabl e. I OFF buffet 800-800-3579 (corner of Pearl and Girard) up '0 100 prople. Open daily t I :30.1Il.2:3Opm. I only 858-551 -5133 Fine dining (ro m 5-1 Opm. Jlk~.)(' prc~11I H eall to register with this special offer code :UCSD lXSD tD ',!P (,/WIIII ------, WE D ELIVER $3 Off any X-Large $2 Off any Large $1 Off any Medium ~~ Good through 6/30/01 Inside ... Film Review.15 ~~r Price Center 457-2060 §: ------12 HIATUS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 Thursday, May 31,2001 The UCSD Guardian HIATUS 13

Sasha: Well , he's the father of mean nothing, I guess. So 1 offer Flesh: my child. We 're not like boyfriend Flesh: something a little more intimate. Escorts selling sex is a and gi rlfriend in the typical way, you know. On another level , we Underwear-clad ANY lAD EXPERIENCES? major misconception are ... he understands and Europeans chase escorts NaJia: There were once these res pec ts, I understand and Continued from page 11 big-ass Italian guys ... [ really don't respect. 1 get out of line some­ CoatI_eel front ..... 12 know what they were, just fucking love tria ngle. It is about two girls times, but with what I do - I turn the whole body, and 1 make it a big European guys. They ran after who made a choice and the price int o a bitch lIaughsJ! relaxing situation. And I try to get it me and this girl 1had a call with and they have paid. Well, a female needs anent ion, all together at first so 1 can do my began chasing us in their undCfWear yo u know, so when you don 't get thing, but he just got crazy, and 1 to our car. They wanted to get into HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE YOUR that attention and you don't get called the cops because my boss our car and get their money back. " EMPLOYMENT?" that attention for a minute, it's told me to call the cops and tell They had paid the agency fees and sllsha: "Adult entertainer," kinda like, "Either you love me or them that a guy solicited me for thought they were going to get sex. because I love to come over to peo­ I'm gonna go somewhere else: sex. Me and the girl were fairly new ple's houses and give them some So I called, and I really didn't and thought the men knew the fees company. And it's cool that 1 get DEFINE THE SYSTEM. want them to come over. I just were only for dancing and massag­ paid !IaughsJ. Nalia: The particular age ncy I'm wanted someone to talk to this guy ing. We thought they knew what at, they're actually pimpin' me so 1 could get out of there, but he they were getting. But when they HOW DID YOU GET STARTED? instead of me trying to pimp other wouldn't let me leave. So 1 was talk­ asked for sex, and we told them Nalia: I kn~w someone that people. I mean, they 're making it ing on the phone with the lady, and that for the money they paid, we work~d and she used to tell me sto­ really hard for me to make my I explained the situation, and she only danced, they demanded their ries about it and everything, but it money, because th ey charge a good told me that I could leave. But 1told money back, sayi ng strange-ass wasn't until 1 met JherJ that 1 got $225 right off the bat. And out of her he wouldn't let me. He was just shit to each other, while me and the into it. that $225, I'll get maybe 40 per­ standing by the door and kept other girl were looking for the right ce nt. pushing me while I tried to walk moment to run. HOW OLD WERE YOU? It wasn 't always like th at, the out. But he wouldn't push me with So they chased us, these four or Nalia: When she was working, 1 reason being because 1 was at this his hands, just with his body. He five hairy-ass European fuckers in was 15. Yeah, and she was 19. But 1 other age ncy that I was doing real made sure not to touch me with his their tighty-whities, banging on our knew her through somebody else. good at, but I got into trouble with car door and screaming for their Brian Moghadam/ Guarcillfl hands. Like, it was my frien d's boyfriend's my lOs and all kinds of other stuff. So I said, "Dude, you paid , I'm money back. I kept on screaming girlfriend. She lived in the same It's just a real long story and 1 U.,.: Anony"!ity is the esan1$ best friend. Escorts like sas~a anti. Nalia use stage names in arder ta protect their identity from would-be done with my service. I've been that we were going to ca ll the cops house as my neighbor. She use to couldn't work there a little bit. stalkm. All dumtt are also put GIl a pt.7mllnent database WIth their address and plume number in case aJ an emergency. here for an hour. I'm out of here." while the other girl was fidgeting tell me stories - like some guy When 1got back and had every­ • And he got all mad, yelling, "No, with the keys. 1 remember saying, wan ted to lick shit and stuff off her thing situated, the lady who was these businesses kind of get a little lIaughsJ . 1 help everybody. I'm ANY BAD EXPERIENCES? na, no." And he hung up my "Do not drop the keys; while she shoes Jgiggles J. It was rea lly gross. giving me work before decided she more personal than just having it more into touching. I'm a flesh Sasha: Not real bad, but uncom­ phone. I.gave the lady my address, was panicking with tears in her She would te ll me some freaky sto­ didn't want to give me work any­ just business. Like the people they person. fortable. One time I was at this and he pushed my phone, and 1 eyes. 1 wasn't crying myself, but 1 ries, and at first I was a little dis­ more, and then, on top of that, hire, they don't tell them to just guy's house, and he thought he was hung it up, and then he dug his was definitely shaking. couraged, but then I realized it was she's going to tell people from keep it business and not let their HOW DOES A JOHN SOLICIT YOU going to get more than a massage. hands in his pockets for his safe enough. other agencies that 1steal calls, that personal feelings get in the way FOR SEX, NAUA? But 1 told him when 1 showed up money while 1 was screaming HOW LONG DO YOU WANT TO I'm not a good worker, and then with what you're doing. that for the price he was paying he Nelia: A lot of johns think "Hey, 1 need that money; and KEEP DOING THIS? WHY DO YOU DO IT? she's gonna tell family members A lot of receptionists won 't give they're going to have sex just was only getting a massage. And he pushed me out the door and sasha: 1 don't want to work here said, "Fine: sasha: At first 1 started for the that I'm the reason that they don't you calls if you don't tip them. And because they paid their agency fees. slammed the door in my face, and anymore [laughsJ. I've been working money, but now, well , it's still for get calls [laughsJ. hey, 1 understand you're making Then they get pissed when you tell Well , 1was almost done, and he aliI could rea~ly say was "alrighty" here too long. This is not a career. said, "So we're not going to have the money, but it's exciting, actual­ Yes, and 1 never spoke to this your money - whatever, whatever them you're going to leave. Then at the door. ly. You get to meet all kinds of peo­ 1 sex." And 1 said no. And he said, lady that way. don't like her at all. - but that's your job. they'll usually offer you another But that's about it with con­ HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ple. And you get to meet the side "Well I'm not going to pay for the She killed me real bad. I don 't always get tips when I go 100 bucks. But shit, I might con­ frontations. I've had jerks, though. DOING THIS? they don 't share with people - out. Sometimes I have to deal with sider touching you for 100 bucks, whole hour; and he just flipped. I Oh my God. There's all kinds of sasha: Two years. their secret side. Like somebody ARE THESE AGENCIES the nastiest people, and I get noth­ but sex? No. mean he was a cool guy at first, but jerks. Nalia: Nine months. might be cool up front, but you get PRIVATELY OWNED? his whole attitude just flipped and ing out of it. Sure, 1get my $60 for The young ones think like that 1 had this guy ca ll me an asshole them in a room alone and they like he turned crazy. And I'm like, Sash a: They're usually privately showing up, but $60 doesn't even especially. They think I'm young because I wouldn't have sex with WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY "IT'S to get freaky. 1 like that. "Well, thar's not what's going to owned, a lot of the times by pay my phone bill [laughsJ. I got and cute, and they think it's just him. He said, "No, 'escort' means NOT A CAREER?" women . bills to pay for every day and a going to happen like a fucking happen. We're not going to have 'prostitute: That means you're Sasha: It could be, but it's not a HOW DO YOU MAKE TIME FOR sex. If you want a little bit more, Brian Moghadam/ Guardian lifesty le to keep up. movie. I've had a lot them. They coming over to fuck me, so you're lifelong career unless you take it to LOVE? then I can help you with that. But if HOW MANY GIRLS USUAUY know that's not what they're pay­ an asshole: What did he say? False the next level. Knock knock: Esams can eam anywhere from $200 to $10,000 a night. Ageruies usually take 50 perrentta 60 percent aJ the clients' Sasha: I can make time for it, but WORK AT AN AGENCY? HOW DOES A JOHN SOLICIT YOU you're not willing to give me what ing for, and th ey actually think advertisement? The guy was this 6- fees. but affer their esams a steady stream af clients. seetlri!)! and better ananymi!y. nobody would understand. And No/ia: It va ries, really. You ca n FOR SEX, SASHA? you're going to sleep with them I'm aski ng, I'm not go ing to take foot-5, big-ass old man and getting SO WHEN DO YOU WANT IT TO ever since I had my child, I really get anywhere from 20 girl s or sasha: 1 actually don't do that just because they're cute and your money, because I feel I'm pissed. And 1 just wanted him to END? about it. 1 got paid $1,500. Two $7,000. It was so funny how it hap­ down, and he finally turned around ca n't have other relationships with more. But then you can get some ever unless 1 get personal enjoy­ worth a certain amount because I yo ung. leave me alone. 1 told him to take it sasha: 1 give another three years guys, three hours of pure pleasure pened. and said, "You know what, I know other people. wi th 15 or less. But they really don 't ment out of it, like if the guy is cute They say shit like, "Don't you have been doing this for a while, up with the agency and 1 just to be on top and stable so 1 don't for me. Oh my god, these guys 1 was giving him a massage, and I'm a white boy and everything, but let the girls know about each other, or if he has a big, nice dick !laughsJ. think I'm cute?" or "Did we not and I am very good at what 1 do, walked out. have to work anymore. And I can pampered me like I was th e only 1 was sitting next 10 him and curled 1 can break you." And I said, "Hu h? LET'S TALK ABOUT THE FATHER because if there's only 10 girls So they'll ask and I'll say either yes and I'm no t going to take any connect? Did we just not share There's a lot of guys like that. juS! take off and go to school and queen there. 1 was the only one. It up next to him, and he was lying on Whatever, guy." OF YOUR CHILD. working at the agency and yo u're chump cha nge." or no. They usually ask if you 're so mething special th ere?" I actual­ Because that's what they expect: do what 1 want to do. was beautiful. They were both nice his stomach, and he tried to feel for And there was two other guys susha: Let's not. never getting calls, then the gi rl will "full service." 1 charge $150, and that 's just for ly laughed in that guy's face. He sex. It's because a lot" of them are and stacked , and they both knew me and he finally felt my leg and he th ere, and 1 knew one of them. And wonder why she's not getting really thought there was something to uch. But 1 do it well because I do businessmen coming in from out WILDEST EXPERIENCE? what to do with their stuff !IaughsJ. said, "Wow, you're rea lly small. " he said , "Yeah, me and Billy 100." WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP enough work. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY SAY? between us, like he wanted to save of town. So they just want a quick sasha: Threesome! Oh my lord, Well , one of the guys got into a car And I sa id, "Yeah, well, isn't that a WITH HIM? Actually the people who run Sasha: "No." I ca n he lp, though me. See' FLESH, Page 13 lin Ie [snaps fingersJ whatever. lies it gives me chills just thinki ng accident and he got a settlement of good thing?" And he just laid back See FLESH, Page 14

THI UCID Advertise in the UCSD Guardian,. Coming Soon .. . ('7 I n C7 Q 2001-2002 GUAilihAN '::Jraduaiion J-j jue . .Jhurjda'! (fune 7 0,·02 c!P.'!~ THE TRAVELER reg. by KELTY 3~ooin'g:;~~3t $129 99 ~o DENT Comprehensive Irg. $139.99 • I G~m Student Guide THINKING OF MOVING OFF-CAMPUS? UCSD has nearly 20,000 students who have to eat, shop, seek housing, buy and rent cars, and HERE'S A STUDENT THAT DID ••. more. They seek both study and diversion. If you offer what these students need, then It's Traveler's Depot "Hello, my name is Brandon Foster, a 2nd year 1655 Garnet Ave. student at Warren . I realized I needed to start hunting good business to place an ad In the Comprehensive Student Guide. They'll Pacific Beech La Jolla Shores around for a pla ce to live, so I gave TOBIN J call. In see it for sure! Distribution begins during Welcome Week in September. (858)483-1421 ~~~ • Jell's Burgm • Ne ighbor Smr OPEN 7 OAYS A WEEK short, Tobin hooked me up! After I had found a place • Nor th Shore (ale • Pan ini (aile that I liked, he fought off other bidders until the place Comprehensive Student Guide Ad Rates was ours. Tobin helped me every step of the way. He Size/ DIm __ Bleck Only _k+2._ ,..,- Downtown La Jolla came to my apartment and took the (arms and • Amy's (afe • La Jolla !rewine (0 one sixteenth page (1.,11/18' x ~5/ 16') $141 $171 $114 MIA delivered them to the appropriate pia es (or me. So TOBIN 5 8 5 16 one eighth page (3 / ,. 2 / J $221 $a77 $a.. MI A • Houl! of Natural foods now I have this property. but I won't even need it One of UCSD's finest one quarter page (35/ 8 X 43/ 4 ) MOl $480 $121 MI A STORAGE • LJ l'ubl ic library 5 3 USA one half page (vert. 3 /8' x 9 / .') until next yew- not a problem! Tobin found renter • Balt imOl! Bagel • Bmini's ,or horiz. 71/ 2' x 43/ 4' ) $733 .... $.32 $.71 immediately. The condo will be paying for itsel( until Full page (71/2 x 93/ 4') $1,111 $i,a. $1,471 $1,Ma • Pannik in • 7-11 (La Jo lla Blvd .) STUO.ENT SPECIAL I am ready to move in. He is simply the best!" of th e Year ACCESS DAILY 6 AM TO 10 PM "Coupon " (3'/. " x 2'

MISCONCEPTIONS? HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE? ~ ' Flesh: 5asha: People think you 're stu­ Nalia: On a good day, $1.000. Tax season hits the escort pid. They come at you thinking And il varies. It co uld be two ca lls you're do ing what you're doi ng or seve n ca lls. if I get good calls, Computer Repair because yo u don'l have brai ns to # ' business hard men who appreciate Ihat I'm do anyth ing else. I have brains. But there for the company. Thcy lyTOMW Fuga. fell in love with the beauty of He hopes to eventually show th is Continued from page 13 I'm also a lazy person JlaughsJ. apprecia te that I come over with a Senior Staff Writer the island and with the 2.000 per­ documentary in the Philippines and And I firsl said no. And he asked What I do is comfortable. . smile and am not a bitch about secuted people. "The Si lent Natives to affect President Gloria Arroyo ml' how much it was going to cost. And yo u can't be stupid doing the money. I come to have fun. In his classic poem, the of Fuga" "is a call to awareness. enough to fulfill "her dream to visit And I asked him how long he Ihis. You have to know how to read I'm not going to have sex with "Aeneid: Vergil describes the coast both of the plight of these people Fuga island" and to address the wanted me to stav. and he lold me. people. You've got to be quick on you, but I'm here to have fun . of Libya, where Aeneas lands his and the nature of globalism in needs of its impoverished people. "The rest of the ' night." so I said, your toes. You can't be a dummy. or Because I always make Ihat clear. I beleaguered crew fo r a breathtak­ Third World countries: as Execu­ The spread of globalization has "Well. it's going to be a good yo u'll be run over and ran through. hate getting myself into situations ing view filled wi th lush foorests, tive Producer Svend-Erik Eriksen threatened the livelihood of the $1.000." And he was like. "Well , for But that's what people think of me: I can't get our of. towering cliffs and spark li ng water. stated. people. T he "owner" of the island. us 10 rt'ally hal'e fu n, we'lI give you dumb. So in a good week I can make a "There are high cliffs on this The film itself is composed of Chinese billionaire Tan Yu. is plan ­ 15. Is thm ,III right?" And that's Nalia: How they think we need good $3.000 or $5,000. I once Technical Services side and on that. and twin peaks 675 still photos and is narra ted by ning 10 build "the model city of the when I agreed lIaughsJ. But he kept all this help. Like we need to be made a grand each nigh I for two towering heavenwa rd .... Over Garnier. The narration and photos 21st century." complcte with 17 sayi ng. "Me and Billy too." saved, saying things like, "You 're consecutive nights with one these. against a fo rest backdrop foll ow the sequence of events that go lf courses. an airport, 12 .000 a division of And thl'y had painkillers. Lots to.o good for .this." They're usually client. shimmering. a dark and shaggy Garn ier and his wife go through as hotel rooms and "the biggest gam­ Academic of painkillers. Vicodin. Seminoles. clients, and If I' m too good for grove casts a deep shade. while in they return to the island 10 visit bling casino on earth ." Thl)se kepI thcm going, though. "this," then I must be too good for CAN YOU TALK ABOUT THE the cliffside opposite ... there is a Violeta's family. However, in this conglomera­ Computing fk kept tdling me that his girl­ them. since they are what I do. SEASONS? cave with fresh water ... : The pictures remove the com­ tion of corporate greed. the 2,000 Services friend was ou t of town and Ihat he And women. Men might be stu­ Nalia: In come tax season isn 't - This must be the scene that plexity of a rolling film and unob­ poor natives have been forgotten was really horny, but shit. three pid to us, but wom en arc cruel. great for the expected reasons. people see when they visit the trop­ trusively layout the truth. If there and ignored. often threatened into hours. And the whole rime I did Holidays like Thanksgiving arc ical island of Fuga. located at the is ever a time when a picture is silence. The natives, suffering from this. I didn't open my eyes once. I DESCRIBE THE COMMUNITY. slow because they're with their northernmost tip of the Philip­ worth a thousand words. it is when malnutrition. disease and humility. was lost. But it was strange. I didn't computer and printer repair for Sasha: I know some of the girls. ~amilies. But . Christm as picks up pines. Tropical forests. coral reefs. a person watches this documen­ are forced by the guards. many of really come. BUI I think the whole but you usually just see the recep­ JUSt a lillie bi t. because of all the wondrous cliffs overlooking the tary. wh om look more like Viet Cong time I \\as - I don 'l know, it was UCSD faculty, staff and students tionist. So if it 's cash. you're sup­ lonely guys out here with nobody deep, blue sea. That is. he or she As Garnier's pictures capture peasa nt soldiers than guards, to too much. I guess there was a point posed to take yo ur CU I out and 10 call. would see these things visitors Ihe intense beauty of the island, he live in utter despair. As one nati ve On-campus location: Room 1412 APM I was yelling Jnd they stopped [ if you give them their piece. The Last Christmas I go t live calls were allowed onto the island. likewise encapsulates tlie poverty put it. "Over the decades. the ,Isk me if I was OK. And I told them Website: http://techserv, particular agency I'm aI, they get Christmas day. All of Ihem wa nl ed You see. benealh this beautiful and crises that the people endure. guards forced us to live this way." I was OK. Then they just started 60-40. ThaI's what a 101 of Ih e sex but weren't willing to pay what surface of a virtual paradise island For every photo of the perfect, Many who try to leave by boat are Email : [email protected] takmg turns whiiL' the olher would agenci~s are doing now. They're I wal1led. So I just helped them lie dark. macabre secrets: [he plight sandy beach. there is a picture of a beaten. while th ose who do make it Phone: (858)534-4057 On Site Service JUSI strt1kc or kiss Illy face. It was nOI doing half and half anymore. and they were cool with that. They - of the indigenous people, subjected malnutritioned child. whose stom ­ to th e main island of the Phili p­ cool. And the ones thaI are doi ng half JUS t \\<]l1led someone to hang out to the-abuse of the corporation that ach is bloated with parasiles. For pines arc shunned because of Iheir and half is the place that lady wuh on ChrIStmas. I guess il d es "owns" the island, the natives' suf­ every picture of a glowing sunset, illiteracy. WILDEST EXPERIENCE? burned me at. makc you feci special, feci 10l'cd fering from diseases with no aid th ere is a picture of an old woman Garnicr seeks 10 expose harsh . Nalia: I gOt attacked by some And I'm ba rely starting to get JlaughsJ. from the Philippine government. suffering from ri ckets. For every reali ty and to bring atten tion 10 thl' girl once IIdughsJ. She threw me on back il1lo it. I've been doing Ihis and a 50 percent infant mortality sti ll photo of a beautiful flower. troubles in Fuga. With his docu­ thc bed dt ,I hotd P,lI1:y I was work­ for two years, but !'slopped for a OTHER INTERESTS? rate. As the promotional p ster so there is a picture of the grave of mentary "The Silent ~atil'es of Ing at and JUS t dttacked nK I guess good four months. I took some Sllshll: Parties. I have an addic­ adequalely decries, "Fuga Island - one of the 12 to 14 babies who die Fuga," Garnier hopes to spread thl' the wildest thing was that I didn't vacation off because I did rea l t!on . I'm 21 and I still call up party A Paradise for Whom?" . each year in this tiny community of issue to all corners I' America and Stop her. good. We go t out of our house. I lines. I love It. It's cool. the con­ The documentary, called "The 400 families. to garner what he calls "positive There .trc a lot of panics like was living at a th rt:e-bedroom nection you can make over the Silent Natives of Fuga." PUI tOgeth ­ The documentary was shown support." Ihat. Tcn people, maybe two or house, paying a good $1.200 a phone. er by artist, photographer and film ­ free to the public on Monday, May Go to http://www.sfll.calfllga for thrcc danrers at a hotel room. month alone with one. two, three, maker Karie Garnier, critically 21 at UCSD. However, Ga rnier more in~ rmation and histOry. Oncc, there was IhlS college bas­ fou r olher people living with me - WHAT HAVE CLIENTS OFFERED examines the beamy of the island plans 10 lake his documentary to Desp itc the support Garnier and kctball team 01'30 or -+0 people. and well. tive, bu t thaI extra five i~ YOU? and the harsh rea lities beneath it. other campuses and to national Ih e natives· will obtain. they still the coach was the one that was bringing in money as well. ' But I 511sha: I had one client offer to Bnan Moghadam/ GuardIan Garnier, one of the few outsiders to organizations in the Uniled States face an uphill banle. It is indeed paying i'L)r it. I got picked up and go t this chick. her man, her prt:g­ take me around the world because Time is money: 'nie iWt.".(1ge lime il lakes [or t'smrts /0 I1nive after a dicm has (tilled [or have visiled the little-known island and Canada to garner permanent what Garnier considers a "fight thrown lwer. But parties arc just nant ass, her kid. plus my kid wilh he was a treasure hunter. The guy 1}u.1r Stma'S IS 30 10 40 mmules, All escorts are expc.'rItyf 10 check ill with Ihe agmcv after and whose wife. Violeta, is from support to assistlhe nati ves of Fuga. between Goliath and David ." about dancll1g. Anything mon: is me. Homeboy helps too, but Ihat Ih~'V mt'el the c/U.'Il1 due 10 secUliry and jinancialreosolzs. . 1,lCe rib­ Illornln~. The \"1 I' the bCdlh 1 can't leave it, and I wore boots. cowboy boots. Typical bon SlUff. and I said. 'Tm Jwt look!;. s,\ stili and (aim, like vou rl' HOUR ,SSUE I older nlan. He wal1l~d me w bc hiS going to Ill' y,1U up," and I \\as In a plclllr~. I guc,;, r ill JU~ Inl<1 Monday·Friday girl. and in return. show mc around really g~llIng mad at tillS guy. And ntJee' I And I meet crazy people. I meet night. And hey, with what I do. either kill you or make you MAIL BOXES ETC ~ MON· FR I· 8AM -7PM colonels in the Army and avy that fashion is a must. I know what men stronger. I take it day by dolY. I see We 'll take It from here™ SAT :9AM5PM I SUN : 11AM 4PM Storage · wanted 10 get banged in the bUll like and what women want. one client tonight and forget Call Today! (858)534-3467 with fucking triangle dildos and And computers [laughsJ. It·s about it tomorrow. Doesn't every­ I I Stuff. And half of the time. these funny. but I'm a computer nerd. one? Fax (858)534-7691 \ Kearny MeA - 5654 Copley DrIve Call to schedule pickup of heavy/ bulky/ fraglle Items: 858-453-7331 ., .. ------_ .. 16 HIATUS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 Thursday, May 31 , 2001 The UCSD Guardian CLASSIFIEDS 17

Band Singapore , Southeast ASia Job Classified Line Conta ct Linda Pappas, 858.558.8803 Ben Harper Lights MusIc 70's, 80's, & early 90's (5117-617) Ad Rates UCSD Study needs healthy tWin pair vol · Students: $3 per 20 words unteers ages 18·50 years lor inlormatlon CLASSIFIEDS Feculty & Steff: $4 per 20 words process ing research. Call Nlda at Up RIMAe Field The UCSD Guardian reserves the right to classify, edit, delete, offensive words and All others: $5 per 20 words 6t9 7253518 (5121·617) pharses, and/or refuse any and all advertisements without prolr notification The Advance payment is requ ired Advertiser will not hold the Guardian liable for any claims resulting lonm the publiCation Normal partiCipants, ages 25 to 50 years of the advertisement. The publisher will also not be held accountable for any claim from Classified Display old whO have completeil less than 4 years San Diego favorite teams up with an agreement made between the advertiser and the consumer. 01 college, are needed for a non·lnvaslve Copy should be reviewed by the advertiser for errors. In order to be corrected in the Ad Rates research study at the UCSD Medical Jurassic 5 and Jack Johnson next regular Issue, all errors must be reported by the corresponding deadline. Credit will $9,25 per column Inch Center In Hillcrest. Payment lor quallhed only be given for the incorrect portion of the advertisement There are no refunds for participants. Call 619.543 2494 (5I3 t ) cancellations. Deadlines: By JOSEPH LEE the rest, who have performed at Pl .... send all correspondence regarding Classified. to: Publication Date Display Ads une Ads Give the Gilt 01 lIle ./ Egg Donors and Hiatus Editor UCSD twice before, did not waste UCSD Guardian, Attn: Classifieds, 9500 Gilman Driv. '0316, La Jolla, CA 92093. Noon Thurs. 3 pm Thurs. Surrogates needed. Be part 01 an Inlertlle any time going through a se t that Actuat location: Student Center A, Room 217. Noon Mon. 3 pm Mon. couple's dream come true . Personalized San Diego showed its pret ty ranged from lighter acoustic mate­ • leucadia Pizza ria • Whole food Markets service with compelitive compensa tIOn For side Monday as gray clouds gave rialto hard-edged jams with Harp­ information call : Surrogate Parenting way to blue skies for Ben H arper brokerage firm (La Jolla). Outstanding organization, interacting with clients as well $342 share, $684 yourself. Call Jackie er's solo work paying tribute to Jimi Services 949.363.9545. (5131 ·617 ) as in·house production/design depart· 858.657.0557 (5131·6/4) and the Innocent Criminals, Juras­ --~-- --~ Hendrix. Miramar learning and job experience. Call Kevin - --- sic 5 and Jac k Johnson at RIMAC McFarland or Josh Wiley @ ments. Must handle pressure well. Harper 's wide range of musical 2 bedll bath apt in La Jolla, fully furnished Field. • lubway • Roberto 's Resume and salary req 's to Anne SERVICES styles match the wide range of gui­ 1.800 .759 .1045. (5117-617) with dishwasher/washer/dryer for summer . A laid-back crowd accompa­ Christopher, 2200 Cleveland Avenue, tars that he brought onstage. Slide Students wanted to help in unique and war· sublease. Call for exact dates. $1350. nlcd the pleasa nt weather. I might National City, CA 91950, or lax (61 9) 474· guitar is his signature instrument, thy medical project providing valuable 858.558.0821 (5131) be pushing it, but there was a 3638. (513 1) but the way he handled his La Jolla Shores experience in medical research. Part·time, 1960s Wood stock vibe to the UTC/Renaissance room lor rent. Near Bus, acoustic guitar and the rest of his • Jeff's Burgers • Ne ighbor laver plea~ call Carol in pm. (858) 560·8911 English & World History tutor for 9th grader wast>9r/dryer, kitchen privileges. Available entire concert. People were relax­ electric guitars made many a jaw starting 6118. 8·10 hrs. $l21hr Call • North Ihore (afe (5117 ·617) 6/30. $470/month. 858 .678 .8722 or ing on blankets and enjoying the drop with amazement. 858.453.5596 fax resume to 858.587.8669. • Pan ini (affe [email protected]. (5131 ·617) company of the thousa nds who He played a passable cover of Class of 2001 Grads Wanted · Start PfT (5131 ·617) - -- - - ~ ------showed up for the concert. As Stevie Wonder's "Superstition," but now & go FfT after graduation. Gain valu· ------so me conce rtgoers put it, there the highlight of the show came able experience in the Internet industry. FfT FOR SALE Want bener, faster Internet Service lor was a "communal" fee ling sur­ career posilions available as an Internet ROOMMATES LESS than you are spending now How when he played "Burn One Down." D~~ntown La Jolla Must sell IKEA couch. $123.50 or best rounding everyone. With the first few chords of the Consultant selling web sites to small and Find ROOMS & ROOMMATES Online. about If WE PAY YOU to use It ?1I Refer 5 • Amy 's Cafe • la Jolla Brew ing (0 medium bu sinesses. Position requires a offer Please call 858.453 3724 (5/24 · The golden sun of Memorial song, a curious plume of thick, fra­ The Napster for Roommates. FREE to friends Get FREE Internet 4 IIfelli Promo • House of Natural foods motivated person with a great aMitude. Visit 5/31 ) Day cas t the perfect lighting for the grant smoke drifted over the View and Place ads. Immediate Online ---- code 2328 www4netsavlngs com (5/17· and apply online or call to acoustic groove of Jack Johnson. crowd. What else could you • lJ public li brary Results. WWW.EASYROOMMATE.COM 617) Smooth bass riffs and acoustic gui­ • Ba ltimorr Bagel ' Bernini's schedule an Interview. Immediate positions (412·617) WANTED expect? Get the edge I Methods of InqUiry helps you tar rounded out a so und that was available In 858·623·5577 San Diego H arper finished his set with a • Pannik in • )· 11 (la Jolla Blv d.) Single room In Costa Verde. Close to cam· SUMMER DAY CAMPS. Seek staff whose get the most out of UCSD Reg ister for reminiscent of headliner Ben Office 760·753·1889 North County Off ice . ro us ing rendition of his recent hit, pus, pools, spas, private parking, available summer home is in or near the San Thurgood Marshall to nowl (5/21·617 ) Harper. (5117 ·617) • " Steal My Kisses," but he later for summer. S550/month 858.824.06t6 Fernando or Conejo Valleys. Mlsc Been fO the beach? Want some money? As dusk settled, Jurassic 5 took reappeared for the encore. He Pacific Beach Clerical·receptionist part time or full time. (5121 ·5131 ) Instructors & General couns. 52750·3500+ the stage and played an incredible started with a couple of intimate • Bummente's • Zanzibar ' (afeCrema $8.50 hr. 858.273.7946, ask for PatriCia or. for summer. 888.784.CAMP Cosmederm Technologies seeks sun· Roommates wanted in Costa Verde. 1 bed· sct. For those in the audience unfa­ acoustic songs by himself and was ' )·11 ' Quick(orner • loup Exchange Glenn. (5124·617) (211 ·617) burned ca ndidates for cosmetic study miliar with Jurassic 5, this se t was room available for summer. $362.50 (dou· Contact Jennifer at 858.550.7070 x 102 or later j oined by the vocal group Summer Nanny· Enthusiastic babysiMer the perfect crash co urse to their • Dragon House ble), $725 (Single). Joe: ilwoo [email protected]. (5129·6/7) Blind Boys of A labama, who added needed. 4 girls aged 9 to 15. Favorite activo EGG DONORS NEEDED eclectic sound. Jurassic 5's impro­ or Eddie: 858.212.5027 (cell). (5I24-f¥7) a so ulful gospel sound to the last ities include: computers, reading, movies, I'lsed rhymes and clea n harmonies Help an inferrile couple songs of H arper's encore. This shopping, visiting with friends. Must be La JolialWindinsea Beach $625.00 and werc fabulous, and their bea ts kept fulfill their dream of mellow part of the evening kept responsible, have references, drive. Hours $685.00 Incl. util. Fumished rooms, no ~ , Traffi[5ch()()lanline. [Qm cvcryone 011 their feet with their Mission Beach having a child much of the audience quier- as they somewhat flexible: M·F 10-4 . Univers~y smoking/no pets, very clean. Tel. ... because you're not a bad person, hands lip ill the air. • Hission Beach Tan listcncd in awe. City $8Ihr. 858.587.2836 aller 4pm. (5124- 858.459.6322. (5129-617) Weare ,you just did a bad thing . J-5 effectively charged the dudi­ T his was by far one o f the best , Hission Beach laundry 5131) Spacious master bedroom available. La looking for 800·800· 3579 ence for the triumphant appear­ concerts that UCSD has hosted • Hislion (offee HaUl! • For $5 off see ed in today's paper Jolla/UTC. Private bath, walk·1n closet, women between the ance of Bei1 Harper .and the Inno­ recently. Jack Johnson and Jurassic Sales· A friendly, talkative phone rep for end cali to register. opens to balcony. WID , dishwasher, private cent CrIminals. 5 were both incredible, b ut if Be n growing local toner cartridge company. ages of 18·)2. parking, poolsljacuzzis, gym. Single $760 , , 'ight fell and the bright lights Harper and the Innoce nt Criminals Weekdays 9·4 FTfPT $10.00 + commis· Publish Your Work For $1 ,295. Textbooks, doubfe $380 + utils. Christine Special need for Asian donors. 011 the stage glowed like jewels. Uptown/Hillcrest sian. 858.967.8400. (si24·617) Novels, and More. Call FirstPublish, Inc. al played any better, they would be 858.638.93n. (5129-617) Harper and the res t of the band , The living ~oom ' Bombay Exprm RECEIVE COM PENSION AND guilty as charged. Front office, answering phones, data entry, ETERNAL GRATITUDE 888.707.7634. Or viSit took the stage to a crowd that sim­ I know you saw that line com­ David Pilll Guardian • lalo's • Esprmo ~oma filing, convenient Mira Mesa . 805 office Large bedroom available. La Jolla/UTC. (5131-617) - - ~------~ -- ply went mad fo r them. H arper and ing. Wailing soul: Ben Harper carries a huge folluwing in the San Diego area, playing to a near soid-oul venue at· UC5D's RIMAe Field • Euphoria (afe equipment dealer. Learn marketing while Private bath, huge closet, WID , dishwash· Cori's Egg Donor & er, balcony, parking spots, pools, jacuzzis, on Mt'l7UJllal Day. Rooted m soulful and at many times painful ballad.s. Harper's new changes its tulle with a cheerful vibe. • U(\D Hed (enter earning your degree. 20·40 flexible Surrogate Services PERSONALS hours/week $10.00lhr. Responsible, moti· gym. Single $575, double $300 + utilities. • Quel from age vated, good phone voice, computer skills, Christine 858.638 .93n. (5129-617) (619) 463-9110 Look here, everyone ... why be coy about it? GUARDIAN PERSONALS ARE FREE thiS It looks like a lI"s dys le xia. A reading disability where some kids excellent customer service. Gall Delores @ Seeking female roommate for summer. E-mail : [email protected] 858-450-0034 ext. 111. (5124·5131) spring to UCSD. That's students, facu lty perfect d. confu se !heir d's with !heir p's. b's and q's. Bul. with North County $535 month + 113 util~ies . Single room. 5 and staff, 2O·word limit please. Tell some· The on ly problem BabysiHer wanted part· time for 3 & 5 year min. from campus. call 858.860.6401 x the right help. mosl of!hese kids can go on 10 do well • Belly Up l old boys. Must have experience and trans· 3062 or e·mail: Caucasian American research subjects one about it, right here in these pages is, it's a p. in school. Ca ll 1·8 8·G R8·MI D or vish • Flower Hill Bookstore {lOrtation - 858.566.8744 - $8Ihour. (5124· [email protected]. (5131-617) reimbursed for interview. If you are a (412·617) www.ldonli (Del Har) UCSD student, 21 -25, call 522-8585 x2182 5131) Do you know what suocessful students • DelHar Hi,hlands Recent Grad looking for apUroom for sum· for information. (2126-617) THERE 'S NO REASO mer only. Fumished preferred. Need place know? Thurgood Marshall 10 helps you Town (enter Internship · Prudential Financial is seeking TO BE HELD BACK sharp·minded, driven individuals looking from June : 1st week of Sept. Call Christina Vofunteers paid $30.00 for interview. If you excel at UCSD. Study Skills and lots more! for experience at a major Wall Street firm. at 818.402.5708. (5131·617) are of enlirely Chinese, Japanese or (5121-617) Call Joe 858.404.7413. (5117·617) Korean descent, age 21·25, call 552·8585 x2182. (2126-617) Kelly Ann · Bom March 18, 1983 · Bio. Mat. On-campus job opportunity! Teach swim FOR RENT grandmother has important info. Plea se Sorrento Valley ANNOUNCEMENTS Jewish American research subjects reim· Golden Triangle lessons to kids & adults. You must be certi· Looking for a place to live? www.hous· · call me, Candace McKenna , cell : Self Storage LLC NEED A TUTOR? Hundreds of tutors bursed for Interview. If you are a UCSD stu· Self Storage LLC fied in W.S.I or have equivalent teaching Your move off campus! Search 619.890.1290, home: 858.693.5662 No come to you, at home or school, ALL SUB­ dent, 21·26, call 552-8585 x4185 for more 10531 Sorrento Valley Rd. experience. CPR & First aid required by lor apartments. Free roommate sublet list· 10345 Sorrento Valley Rd . JECTS at ANY LEVEL, discount packages infonmation. (2126-617) Pressure. (5129·617) (858) 453-0800 (858)453-1001 start of work. Up to 33hrslweek. $9.OOIhr. ings. (9/19-617) available, 619 51.TUTOR or 619.518.8867 Gall 858.534.5246. (5129-617) Overseas Job· Singapore Tour: Wanted Ruben · No malter what the luture holds lor or online at we 3 bedroom condos for rent slarting July lsI. male lead vocal, lead gu~arist , bass gui· us, I'm so happy I fell in love with you Aide wanted by Disabled Professional Near UCSD. E·mail landlord60 E!'1 Mira Mesa Sorrento Mesa/UTe are always hiring. (1&2·617) tarist, keyboardist and drummer for U.S. Yours, Daniel. (5131) Self Storage LLC Woman. Tues/Th: 6:oo·Noon; Sat: 7:00· or 858.578.4257. (4/5·617) E:JI Self Storage LLC Methods of Inquiry (Thurgood Marshall 10) 3:00 Own car. $9.50/hr. Contact Ann 7044 Flanders STUDEN is here to help you be the best student you 619 .298.1745. (5129·5131) La Jolla furnished room in townhouse near 6690 Mjra Mesa Blvd . { 858)453-0511 can bel Register nowl (5121·617) UCSD/bus, utilities, kitchen privileges. ( 858)453-0100 Plan aheaq for summer. Small restaurant, La Jolla Shores, flexible Prefer Post·Doc or International Kelly Ann · Born March 18, 1983 . Employment Opportunity hours PfT $6.50' S7.50/hr, Cashiers , Researcher. $535 (858) 450·6935. Biological Maternal Grandmother has Counter help, Start now or alter finals, Available now. (4/26·617) Store your things important info . Please call me , Candace Leave message, Kevin: 858.273.8623 . McKenna , cell: 619 .890.1290, home: (5129·617) . UTC. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Bath. 2 car with us. 858.693.5662. No Pressure. (5129·617) garage. Large balcony & patio. Advertising Assistant BabysiMer wanted: Fun, flexible, and reli ­ Comfortably accommodates 4 people. • No Security Depo~it EMPLOYMENT able for 2 children 2·3 days/nights a week. $1 795. 858.337.5288. yougeorge@hot­ Pert • 10.15 hours per week • Stert Date: ASAP Student discounts References/experience. Scripps Ranch (5124·5131) Teachers/aides· preschool substitute ser· Areal Call Lisa 858.689.6999. (5129·617) Qualifications: Must pay reg fees each quarter working . Strong • Clean, Secure UTC/La Jolla TownhOuse. 3BR, t 1/2BA, vice. FulVPart timel all areas. organizational skills. Ability to meet deadlines. Ability to work independently. on selected sizes. SPORTS MINDED INDIVIDUALS: Hiring $2000; available July 1. 858.450.4326 Friendly Staff 858.565.2144 $6.50·$9.50lhr (9/1 9.6f7) Previous office experience preferred. immediately 6 to 8 enthusiastic individuals [email protected]. (5124·5131) • HiltonTM Quality at Many to choose FUN • SUMMER. Swimming, hOrses & For ful Vpt. time shilt available $8 perlhr. to more. (2115·5I3t) startl Call Now (619) 275·5055. (5129·7/16) Female roommate needed in 5 bedroom Job Description: Assist office personal with filing, copy work , house close to campus. $450/mo. rent Motel 6 Prices + fax ing, typing, and various tasks. Provide customer service, answer phones, from. CALL NOWI REWARDINGIFUN SUMMER . Good fun , Good pay, Good people . 115 utililies. If interested call Stephanie greet office viSitors. Answer general questions regarding advertising, Swimming, horses, & more. www.daycam· Recreational rental job at beach located in 337·2421 . (5129·617) • Call for Guaranteed classifieds, and calendar sections of new spaper. Work closely with Ad (311 ·5131) San Diego or Coronado. Part-timelFull Reservation with time. Call Jack 8t8.634.5958 (5131·614) Rms 4 rent, Mira Mesa. Huge 1·1 1/2 brs, Manager on all client advertising contracts. $1500 weekly potential mailing our clrcu· wash/dryer, garage, share Irg remodeled Credit Card Contact: Ad Manager ~SroRAGI~ lars. No experience Required. Free infor· Graphiclinterior design company specializ· house. W/ students, util. included: $450· mation packet. Gall 202.452.5940. (315· ing in design/productiorVinstallation of cus· 800. Usa 858.337.9335. (5129·617) UCSD-STUDENT PROGRAMS & EVENTS • Plan Ahead 617) tom sign systems, sales center interiors Guardian Newspaper and displays has openings for SALES Houses & Condos all sizes. Renting for La Jolla, CA Reserve Now! (858)693-1717 Asian Pacific Islander Female Model ASSOCIATE and SALES ASSl to top pro- July 2001 and September 2001 Season. (858) 534·3467 Search for print and promotional work. 9434 Kearny Rd. ducing account exec. Detail oriented, La Jolla UTC Area. 858.578.4257 or e·ma ll: • Some Restrictions Apply ~~ ~~ ~esa Make extra $$S in your. spare time. Gall (5I3t ·6/7) organized, computer literate (MS 'V now 619.688.8470. (5I1D-617) ~ San Diego, CA 92126 Wor~xcel) . Duties: project tracking, writ­ Playmor Summer Sublet. Large master. Great summer internship 0 A.G. Edwards ing contracts and production orders, file Own bathroom & terrace. July 1· Sept. 15. Th is is an Equal Employment Opportunity 18 SPORTS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 31, 2001 Thursday, May 31 , 2001 The UCSD Guardian SPORTS 19

Salute: players finally have a field to "It's a challenge in that you "We need to be successful," WUSA: showcase their talents on. And Spirit: need to day-in and day-out make Juarez said. "We need to make sure Women's crew loses San Diego is represented some of the best players in the League breaks new sure that you give them quality that we put on a good show, that our several integral players world get to strut their stuff. you challenge them so that they are ga mes are good, that our fans are by the feisty Spirit "It means that finally our ground for women getting something new and so~e ­ entertained. Our chances are good Continued from page 20 dreams are coming true; we thing energeti c," Juarez saId . because we ha ve good role m'odels ContInued from INC- 1. Continued from page 20 the ligh tweight four. have a place to play," Foudy "They're good pl ayers, ~ut . t.he and we have good players." Her performance shined partic­ to be the biggest challenge said. "We've always dreamt of erally. That was the year that Bran­ challenge is to make them md lvld­ The Spirit has had a shaJ..l' start. ularly bright at the Western Inter­ because it's a new sport and a playing so.ccer for a living and di Chastain pulled off her jersey to ua lly better and for them to They have a record of 1-3-2, but collegiate Rowing Association new league and any time you inspiring others while we do it, reveal a now-fa mous sports bra become a tea m: have been competitive in all of the Championships, whe re she have something new, you're not just on the field but off the after kicking the winning penalty The fo rming and success of the games. • stepped in fo r an injured Beckham going to have some ups and field . It's the perfect platform to shot against Chi na to win the first WUSA is one of the greatest "Short-term, we need to make to successfully lead the tea m. This downs." do that." Wo men's World Cup. accomplishments in women's at~­ the playoffs: Juarez said. "The goal fine performance, among others, So far, so good for the The Spirit play two home "It wasn't until the success of letics, though it did not come easI- is to win the championship. We are was enough to ga rn er he r the WUSA. Tickets are affordable, games in a row on June 2 and th e Word Cup that a lot of ly. \ very capable of that. The long-term Heart and Hustle team awa rd, the games are entertaining, June 9. For ticket information investors and sponsors said 'we "There are always skeptics out for the league is obviously for us to which is given to those who give attendance is high and televi­ head on over to wan t to get behind this:" Foudy there Isaying] th at women's leagues draw good attendance and for peo­ 110 percelll day in and day out. sion ratings are as good as can or visit said. don't work ; Foudy said. "We had ple to fo llow us not just for one Jessica Jocius, who will be grad­ be expected. Women soccer http://ticketmaster. (om. This league is not one of scrubs peopl e sayin g 'don't do it, you game or a season, but for many uating this fall~ was a me mber of or wash-ups. It is not some sort of won't be able to raise th e money,' If years to come. I th ink that's going the varsity eigh t and a reserve on Worl d Football League, XFL or we had eve r listened to them we the four. She was a second-year es gone down in a huge, violent CBA. The league fea tu res the best, wou ld never be wh ere we are. The Sce WU5A, page 18 rower who found success in the Column: fire? Has another become home to not just in the United States, but ~ r ea t thing is that it gives a lot of Triton boats. She too was a recipi­ Have you ever stepped a bevy of crawling critters and fro m around th e world. remale athletes courage to say 'hey ent of the Heart and Hustle award. other creepy wildlife? Does a "Actually, the level is incredi­ we believe we can get our own Amanda Hawkins was a first­ into Lobster Land? three-hour, mid-Tuesday nap in ble," Foudy said. "You have on the league off the ground,' We don't field, at one given time, seven have an NBA sustain ing us, or an year rower. joining the team in her Continued from page 20 the sun on one of these snail-filled senior year and helping UCSD to a couches in your frO nt yard still feel Olympian s. We have the beSt in the MLS. We want to do th is on our ma n on sa id couch watching sa id gold medal III the novice fo ur race like a night at the Four Seasons? wo rld. It 's really the only profes­ own." at the WIRA Championships. She television with a glass of beer in If not, it should . sional league of th is ca li ber in the The key to the Spirit and th e was also a key contributor when his hand ? Have you ever given Have you ever gone out to buy world: WUSA's success is fan support. that same boat picked up a silver at this man a cup of vodka? Have 40s at 10 a.m.? Have you ever Take_th e Spirit, fo r starters. The Wi thout fan support, there are no the Pacific Coas t Rowing Champi­ you ever found a huge, forgotten tried to order a pizza at 10:30 team boasts national stars such as sold-out games, no television cov­ COUrlesy of UCSO Athletics onships. bag of cans in your front yard, as a.m.? Have you ever come up J ulie .Foudy, Shannon McMillia n erage and no league. Amelyn Ho is a seco nd-year Super c:rew: From left UJ right, top UJ bottqm the nine graduating seniors: Heather if they were left behind by a short on money for the pizza and Joy Fawcett (who is not playing "I think our fan is about median rower who will be leaving behi nd Berkman, Cari 8/emRer, jaimc Cooper. Amanda Hawkins, Amelyn Ho, ./essica./odus, drunken homeless fellow ? Have man, and instead given him a pic­ this year due to pregna ncy). They age 12 years old ," Foudy sa id. "I her UCSD oars come the end of Christian Ness. Rebeaa Rodriquez, and}u1ie Srryder. you ever recycled these cans? ture of eil Dennis and a stolen also have some interna tional gems think there's a void with young the school year. She was a member If not, you should. cell phone for a tip? in Kristin Bengtsson and Ulrika kids in terms of identifying wi th Have you ever had friends of the novice eigh t boat that picked weight rower, and who will soon be Have you ever gone on a week­ Ka lrsson of Sweden, and Fan Yun­ professional teams and going to According to Pinkerton, the captivated for hours by the ran­ jie of China games because it's not affordable up a bronze medal at the WIRA a UCSD graduate. She was 3 mem­ long bender of booze, drugs and athletes who have been here for dom stuff on your walls? Has this "It 's th e best league in the Championships and one at the ber of the lightweight eight squad raucous debauchery without ever anymore and it's been ca tered to two years also meant a lot to the stuff included rare, original Neil wo rld; the best players in the Pacific Coast Fi nals. that won the bronze medal as well as leaving the house, except for the the corporate community so much . program . • Dennis photos, wacky band wo rld," sa id Spi rit head coach Car­ Rebecca Rodriguez is a firs t­ an exemplary student. Her compo­ occasional trip to the local burrito I ttj,jnk we rea ll y want to hit grass "The girls that came in and posters, sombreros, the afore­ joint with pint in hand? Have you los Juarez. "We have thi best play­ roots and yo ung kids, which we've year rower who sa t in the va rsity sure and athletic ability will be competed for two years were also lightweight eight boat tha t picked mentioned letter to the landlord, ever been to Taco Motion? ers from the natio nal team as well been so successful wi th at the missed by the UCSD 's women's great: she said . "They really and stolen sorority composites, _ up the silver at the WIRA Champ i­ crew program. If not, you should. as the best international players. I national tea m level." steppea up in that time and put our the pictures scribbled over with Have you ever been some­ think it's a great opportun ity for The thousa nds of screa ming onships and the bronze at th e "The girls that came in as seniors program on the map nationally." Pacific Coast Finals. She was also things like, "fat; "slutty," "kinda where where the barbecue is people and soccer fans to get the fans at Spi rit games can attest to its rea lly helped us to build our .pro­ Though they have to go, Pinker­ dumb" and the like? awarded the Heart and Hus tle gram: Pinkerton' said . "We have always on and firing, the drafts opportunity to come and watch the effectiveness. The team plays its ton will truly miss her graduating If not, you should. are always cold and flow ing, the best players pl aying. It's kind of like home games at Torrero Stadium on award this year. over 50 rowers and are getting charges. Have you ever lived in a place music is always loud and bump­ the NBA or the NFL: the ca mpus of the Un iversity of Last, but not least, is Christian stronger because of these girls. They "All of these girls brought a lot to Ness, a first-vear team member who where the front yard was furnished ing and the people are always A team so full of talent ca n be a Sa n Diego. So far, three home Lyon LJew I GuardIan really showed a lot of leadership and the program ," Pinkerton said. "We with not one, not two, but three was both a 'coxswain and a light- helped out the younger girls." fa ded and friendly? Have you blessing - and difficult but games have been played, with as Hustle: McMillian (top) looks all while teammate Traci Arkenbcrg tries to take the ball. julie r'tIU~y (bottom) smacks the ball during the will all be sony to see them go," couches? Has one of these couch- been to our house? Juarez is up to the tes t. many sellouts. Spirit's 2-0 Iwme will. Com i ng Soon ... GUARDIAN SPECIAL EGG DONOR NEEDED Call 858-534-3467 for advertising rates and info Preferred Donor will meet the following criteria: MEDICAL MD & VETERINARY DEGREE PROGRAMS . 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DELIVERY OR CARRYOUT • Medical and I'eterinary clinical clerkshipsltraining in Ihe USA. • Smaller class size with trJdit lonal !i:uropean tutorial style educalion .. • Program offers opportunity to earn dual degrees- MD Ph.D., MD MBA, MD MSHA. MD MPH A, etc. Ii----- WEEKDAY---- SPECIAL------r------I MAKE IT A MEAL --: • Much safer campu environment. compared 10 many campuses in the USA, allowing Paid to you and/or the charity of your choice lOne Large One Topping lOne Large, One Topping. Breadsticks I 10 retam and strengthen cultural Identities. COMPENSATION • English language curriculum nJatche to major American medical and \etennary All related expenses will be paid in addition to your compensation d Soda school. • An ex~ellent opportunity for hands-on participalion for extensivetraining and expenence. 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"I want all tile kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I want all tile kids to copulate me."

- Former baseball player Andre DawSOfl on bem, a role model PORTS Have You Ever? If Not ... Get spiritual with Lobster's the new women's Lounge soccer league

seon BURROUGHS By ROBERT FULTON Sports Editor ave you ever lived some­ place where the magic in Imagine being the best at what you do H the air is almost palpable, without having a workplace in which to do like a thick mist of wistful excite­ it. This was the problem for the top women ment and concentrated energy that soccer players in the world. seems to keep the place alight and It was a problem, that is, until April 14. glowing even in - or especially in That is the date that the Washington - the dead of night? A place where Freedom hosted the San Franciso Cyber­ yo u never know what will occur Rays in the first ever Women's United Soc­ from one day to the next? A place cer Association match. where it is hard to tell right from History was made. Or perhaps more wrong, day from night, nimtopsi­ properly put, herstory was made. ca lity from sobriety? The league, founded February 15 , 2000, If not. you should. .is made up of eight teams. San Diego is Have you ever lived someplace lucky enough to be home to one of the where you sometimes feel cleaner clubs, the Spirit. entering the bathroom after a hard, Founding WUSA was a long time com­ sweaty workout then exiting a ing and was not an easy task. refreshing shower with its grungi­ "Ten yea rs ago, Iwe hadl no thoughts tied confines? about a league," said Spirit star Julie Foudy. Have you ever awoken after "It wasn 't realistic. Five years ago was prob­ another night of boisterous partying ably the first formation of 'you know, wow, to find a real. live. hair-shedding cat this is something we can maybe get off the perched on the foot of your bcd, ground.' That was probably because of the staring you down with a look akin to Olympics in '96. That was the first time Super Spiltt: Spirit Shannon that of a demon from the deepest America got a glimpse of our national team McMillian (wp) scores the first goal in depths of the bowels of hell? Mind and women's soccer in general. As players, WUSA hIStory while (bottom) the you, th is ISes pecially disconccl1ing if we had always dreamt of it, of course." Washington Frredom's Mia Hamm is yo u don't even own a cat. The U.S. national women's team came chased down Iry Jen Mascaro, and Have yo u ever subsisted for into its own in the 1996 Olympics, winning McMillian (right) gets rut off Iry a weeks by eating nothi ng more than the gold. Washington player. All phoros wen? barbecued meat and drinking keg Then in 1999, things really took off. Lit - taken at the TO/TerrJ Stadium at the beer? Have you ever perched on University oj San Diego. your roof duri ng a patrio ti c See SPIRIT, Page 19 moment and belted out "The Star­ Spangled Ban ner" with the help of your fellow revckrs? If 110t, you should. Have you ever woken up, gone to the kitchen to hea t up th e left ­ overs of last IlIght's ro ughage and found a ski pole in yo ur sink ? O r a hole In your wall ? Or a wh ole slew of drun'kards passed out in every nook, cranny and corner of the entire house? Have yo u ever been one of those drun kards? If not. you should. Have you ever lived in a place whcre the other inhabitants go by the sobriquets of Boxleg, Sa uce­ man, Beershoe and M.e. Cren? Havc you ever lived somewhere that has bee n a nophouse, a crack­ Phote ey ye teW house, an outhouse and a halfway house? Have yo u ever listened to th at one profound speech from "Any Given Sunday" - you know, that one given by Al Pacino about how Crew Bids Adieu to Graduating Seniors li fe is a game of inches - at full vo lum e over and over again in the Team Captain Heather Beckham among the nine leaving crew members midd le of the night? If not, you should. By SCOTT BURROUGHS her nominations for rowing's All­ Teammate Julie Snyder is Carrie Blemker is the third Tri­ Have you ever had your neigh­ Associate Sports Editor American Division II Team as well another Triton athlete who has ton crew member who is bidding bo rs fo rm a coalition against you, as for Athlete of the Year. taken to the boat for the last time adieu after a solid career. She has then craft a letter to your landlord UCSD women's crew is saying Beckham was, in fact, so in the team's beloved blue and been getting it done for' UCSD accusi ng you of living in a perpetu­ sayonara to nine excellent athletes respected that her teammates went gold uniforms, crew for twQ.,. years and will be al party-hosting dump, using illegal who are paddling off into the sun­ to great lengths to establish an Snyder was the only other missed when the boats are narcotics in th e fro nt ya rd, and set after years of dedication and award in her honor. The appropri­ four-year senior on crew and launched next season. She was a nce furnis hed the outside with in spired performances as mem ­ ately titled Heather Beckham made a huge impact during that member of the championship-win­ randl'm pieces of furniture, si mply bers of the squad. Award is given to the outgoing time. She was a crucial component ning lightweight four boat as well putllng them In the middle of the Chief among these athletes is senior who has best exemplified of the team 's championship light­ as pal1 of the lightweight eight. street'l tea m captai n Heather Beckham , the team ' perseverance, diligence weight crew, where her ability in Her commitment and achieve­ Ilave you cver had the police who has held the leadership posi­ and pursuit of excellence through­ the water was only overshadowed ments were vital to the program's summoncd to vour house because tio n fo r the last two yea rs. out her career at UCSD. by the way she led the squad. success the last two years. you were watching "Fear and Bec kham was a four-yea r rower Coach Pani Pinkel10n elabo­ Her skills and leadership ability Jamie Cooper is another sec­ L0Jthlllg In Las Vegas" at fu ll vol­ who rea lly brought a lot to lriton rates, "IBeckhaml was a great cap­ were good enough to secure the ond-year rower who made an um~ on the telev ision directf' d crew. She was the stroke for the tain, and she performed well at a team a seventh ranking nation­ impact fur the lritons and who toward the couches in th e front lightweight squad, where she con­ very ' key position for us. She was wide. One of her crowning will not be around next year. She yard? tributed stellar boat performances loved and well-respected by all of achievements came when she was was a member of the lightweight ~ :ave you ever found a homeless and an outstanding leadership her teammates and was just a named as a Collegiate Rowing eight crew as well as a reserve on persona that helped the team gar­ main contributor for us during her Coaching Association National See COLUMN, page 18 ner many top fin ishes and gair.ed time here." Athlete Scholar. See SAWTI, page 18