Cultivating a Rich and ISSUE 55-09 Proud Legacy of Boating SEPTEMBER 2014 for Pleasure and Sport

Waterlines Editor Kim Marian

Articles & photos due by the 15th of the month prior to publication - 500 words or less please. [email protected]

From the Foredeck In This Issue “All hail the members! The From the Foredeck p1-2 members are the Club.” Chubb Thanks p3 Jr. Sailing p4-6 What a month! Northport Race, camp- Race Committee p7-8 out day, Chubb Junior Championships, Speaker Series p9 Coast Guard Day, Melges 24 Invitational Misc. Ramblings p10 Regatta, and the usual Wednesday night Schooner Festival p11 and Interlake races. I look back at all this and am so proud of the Membership Board Candidates p12-13 To the most important members, a heartfelt who put forth the monumental effort to Sailing Quotes p14 thank you: the spouses and kids who didn’t produce these events. Except for Roy’s Website Tips & Hints p15 see much of husbands, wives, Mom, Dad, dinners during the Junior Championships Fastest Boats p16 Grandpa, or Grandma this last month, and and Ian’s crew, everything was produced Circumnavigate... p17-18 when you did you had to put up with tired, by the membership. Your efforts were Coming Events p18 grumpy and sunburned lots who neglected seen and held in awe by national their spousal, family, and household duties. organizations, visitors from around the Whether with composed understanding or nation and state, the media, the Coast not so gently kicking their bum out the Guard, this town, this township, plus door with a “just go then”, if it wasn’t for your friends and families. I don’t hesitate you, these truly talented and extraordinary to say, that if called to, we could have people would not have been able to carry done even more. Thank goodness we out the magnificent things they did. Again, weren’t! The Membership is that deep thank you. (cont’d) and that good.

Check the Club’s ONLINE CALENDAR for Up-to-date Event Info. Refer to NORs and SIs for official racing dates, not the online calendar 1 (From the Foredeck, continued from page 1) Thank you Jim Sorbie, Jordan Owen, Dave Gerber, Bob kids play together. They are very thankful for this. Thank Cornwell and your committee for the Junior Nationals. you Access Dental (Dr. Lovell and Dr. Kaysserian), After all the preparation, the work, and problem solving, Dick Lavanture, and Bill Allgaier for helping to offset in the end the membership, competitors, national the costs of providing free food and fun to our guests. organizations and public only saw a truly professionally Thank you to all the members who deal with Diehl run event. To all the members who volunteered for when he comes with his hat out to ask for $5 - $20 for on-water and off-water duties, your boats, your donations, this event. You make an uncertain job easy with your and your homes for the competitors, thank you. You generosity. To Rich Core, Kitchen Committee Chair, for made all the hard work seem as if it was just another providing the hours of work and volunteers to produce regatta and just another week at the Club. Yes, we do a wonderful lunch and dinner for our guests. Thank you this all the time, no big deal! I think it is the greatest David Phelps and Doug Higgins for work at the grill. compliment you can have is to have everyone believe it Thank you Allgaiers, Betsy VanWesten, and others for was all so easy and smooth sailing. Nice job! Looking help in the Kitchen. Thank you Jessica Gerber and Bob back at the regatta, I think the most important lesson Clark for running the huge rain gutter regatta. Thanks that came out of it was the member participation and to Peyton Diehl and Stella Sterling for prize handouts. the camaraderie that was built. New friendships were Once again, an all-volunteer group did a wonderful job made, old friendships were reinforced, members saw with no cost to the Club. what talents other members have and the membership realized what we can do as one. Thank you Janie Schulz With all the work you have done, with our kids and for bringing together the membership in providing the grandkids going back to school and the summer competitors with places to stay. Members who may not coming to an end, I wish you all a safe and prosperous have known how they can participate now understand Fall. Come down to the Club with your families and what this Club is all about. She welcomed you all in. friends on Wednesdays and Fridays and enjoy the fruits Thank you. And Jim Menzies, thank you, if anyone of your labor. needs a ride to the airport just call 941-Menzies. I’ll leave you with a quote from Jessica Watson, the Coast Guard Day was another great day with a huge youngest circumnavigator, modified to the situation: turnout by the Coast Guard crew and Members alike. “For us after almost 31 days at the Club, it feels strange The Coast Guard is out there every day watching over to have this journey behind us. But we know that this us. They are constantly on rotation throughout the adventure was just the first of many more adventures to world serving two or three years in any location. This come. Thank you for coming out.” sometimes makes it difficult for their families to feel grounded in any one place. We open our Club to them All hail the Members! The Members are the Club. to make them feel welcome and to give their families an opportunity to get to know us locals and to have our Commodore Gregg Diehl

2 ¡Gracias! Thank You! Merci! Aragato

We wanted to take just a minute of your time to express friends at GTYC. The whole experience of volunteering, our gratitude to the members of GTYC. First, to whether it’s for this event or any other, adds to our total ALL the members for supporting our hosting of the experience as members and makes the club what it is: a US Sailing Junior Championships and sharing your home for boaters and the shared fellowship that comes club and bay with sailors from across the country at the with our sport. height of our summer. So again, thank you! We’d also like to thank the 150 or so (we actually lost count!) GTYC and TACS volunteers who so ably worked Jim Sorbie ~ Dave Gerber ~ Jordan Owen this event, hosted sailors or contributed funds. It was an incredible effort from our sailing community. GTYC has around 330 members (Social, Senior, Honorary, and Full), TACS has no members at all, only volunteers. That means that 25% - 30% of the total available population volunteered to work one event. You have to be impressed with that level of support, and we were. For fear of leaving someone out, it’s probably best that we don’t list every volunteer, however, you know who you are and we’d like to offer our heartfelt appreciation for your efforts.

A further note about volunteering at GTYC. This event took an incredible amount of work by many individuals. But it was rewarding: all of us had the pleasure of getting to know other members better, to appreciate them as individuals and grow ties with folks that we hadn’t known well before, expanding our circle of

3 JUNIOR SAILING Chubb US Jr Championships Wrap-up

The Interlake Spinnakers looked great! (click on the picture to see the entire album)

are happy to report that by the closing day had practiced this for many hours prior to the event. Oh of the US Junior National Championship wait…they did! We Regatta we could breathe a sigh of relief and shake hands about a job well done. We had three days Commodore Diehl and TACS president Mike Smith of GREAT racing and one day of poor to none (Friday). welcomed the sailors on Monday night, made sure they We were fortunate that a giant high sat over Minnesota felt at home, and could take advantage of the opportunity for most of the week and gave us light northerlies, that to sail in . The opening ceremony was when combined with an afternoon thermal gave us steady well attended and the sailors were pretty enthusiastic, in breezes for four days. The challenge was to get in eleven spite of long trips to Traverse City (some flew as long as races for the Interlakes and as many races as possible 15 hours to get here). for the Bytes and 420s, and that we did. Our club PRO’s Eric Lind (Bytes/420) and Jeff and Marianne Maier (Interlakes) did a masterful job of running the races ably assisted by an expert group of mark boats for the races. Not only did we race two courses simultaneously (a first for us by my knowledge), but the Byte 420 course was an exceptionally difficult-to-set trapezoid. As an illustration of the course and rule complexity, Eric and Jeff authored an eight-page set of sailing instructions and a seven page NOR! With the windward mark set by Dave Phelps and Doug Higgins, everyone had to line up the other four Tuesday was race prep day for the Byte and 420 sailors, marks and a separate finish line. It was a thing of beauty however the Interlake sailors started racing that day. As to watch. Well done all! was to become the custom, the day began with delays and racing started when the bay thermal kicked in and we were off! Wednesday featured similar conditions but by this time we were running two courses and had 20-some mark, safety, coach, and pin boats on the bay in addition to the 53 competitor boars. It was a great sight to be seen! The Byte and 420 starts were particularly competitive and crowded!

We don’t often get to see 420s with trapezes and spinnakers, and although we didn’t have the wind for much trapeze The week started with the sailors arriving on Sunday. work, the 420s with the spinnakers set were quite the Transportation Chief, Jim Menzies, and his team of sight! volunteers had arranged for each sailor arriving by air to be met and picked up at the airport. Housing chairs An interesting sidelight was to watch Jake and Alex Janie Schulz and Allyn Kay Cornwell managed to find Anderson run their drone equipped with a GoPro around housing for 93 sailors and 20-some US Sailing officials, the fleets and the club. The pictures were stunning and judges, and coaches. Once at the club, Sherry Small were picked up by the US Sailing reps and the local headed up the Registration Team. This whole process media. If you didn’t get a chance to see them, check out worked so amazingly well, one might have thought they the videos HERE. (cont’d) 4 JUNIOR SAILING Chubb US Jr Championships (cont’d)

Cool links to photos and videos: GTYC pics on Flickr (Thanks Dietrich Floeter!) US Sailing Pix GTYC Awards Pix Day 1 Highlights Video Day 2 Highlights Video Day 3 Highlights Video Day 4 Highlights Video

Thursday was essentially a repeat of the conditions Thank You to Our Sponsors! on Wednesday, with a morning delay then pretty We’d like to thank our sponsors, without whom, this decent winds in the afternoon. We were concerned regatta would not have been possible. about conditions Friday when the system winds were forecasted to shift around to the south. The locals Super Hero Sponsors warned the US Sailing folks about the impending poor Quantum Sail Design Group conditions (especially as the last race had to start by 1pm) Sunrise Rotary Club on Friday. As it turned out, they were so pleased with the Gold Medal Sponsors championship racing that had The Center for Plastic Surgery already occurred that they The Diehl Foundation weren’t worried about Friday. Grand Traverse Radiology As predicted, Friday was a Grand Traverse Woman’s Clinic tough sailing day with only The Lockwood Foundation two classes seeing races. The Wes & Janie Schulz highlight of the day was the Folgarelli’s sailors “slacklining” between Jim Menzies the docks at the club. You can check out the video HERE. Silver Medal Sponsors Turns out this video went viral Irish Boat Shop with 25,000 hits the first day! David & Ann Irish Wells Fargo In all, it was a great event. More Design Craft Homes/Duensing than one US Sailing Representative waxed eloquently Mooney Marine Services about the preparation and smooth execution (believe Bronze Medal Sponsors me at times it seemed anything but smooth). One US Great Lakes Orthopaedic Center Sailing rep remarked that GTYC/TACS had set the bar for the next several years for execution. I’m personally proud of the sailing community here in Traverse City and thankful for all the hard work put on by volunteers, host families, and our sponsors.

Kim Marian with Chubb Doublehanded Champions, Annika & Cassie from Cali.


Cork Canadian Championship by Alex Anderson, Jr. Sailor

As members of the TACS HS sailing team, this was Brooke Ostrowski’s and my first experience outside of High School racing where the races aren’t called if it’s blowing 20+ winds or if it’s aggressively raining with 4 foot swells. The Cork Canadian Championship was the qualifier for Canada to choose their Junior Olympic team for the next year. We were competing with 117 of the best C420 sailing pairs and we had a ball. The learning, the sailing, and the people were all amazing. We raced four days, the first day being light and the rest blowing 20-25 with dark overcast skies. The second day it was raining so hard and the waves would ricochet off the boat right into my face so I couldn’t see when driving the boat. Brooke really loved hearing “I CAN’T SEE” when she was out on trapeze heading upwind. Out of the four days there were eight races. On the third day we qualified to sail in the gold fleet and in the end we placed 27th overall. I am so thankful to our coach, Mr. Menzies, for encouraging us to pursue this feat and training us to prepare for it. Thank you to my parents and especially Mr. and Mrs. Ostrowski for their time and effort getting us to practices, towing boats, and traveling with us all the way to Kingston, Ontario. This is an experience that we will never forget and that we are so thankful for.


Midsummer Weekend Racing Results

2014 Chicago Race to Mackinac Long Course Doublehanded, 2nd Place 1st Place: Relentless, Mark Hagen TWFB Relentless, George Petritz 2nd Place: WhoDo?, Erik Owen GTYC rd J/109 Division, 4th Place 3 Place: AHYADOOIN’, Forbes Husted Racers Driven 2, Jim Milliken Finish 2014 Northport to Traverse City Section 2 1st Place: Special K, Melia Carter Strong nd 2 Place: Kokomo, Wes Schulz 2nd Place: Relentless, Mark Hagen Out of th 10 Place: Relentless, Mark Hagen 3rd Place: AHYADOOIN’, Forbes Husted Town! Section 3, 9th Place FishTales, Mike & Dawn Fisher 2014 Middle Distance Race #1 - Congrats to all of our Section 7, 7th Place ‘Round The Island out-of-town and distance st Liberty, David Phelps 1 Place: Big Red, DeWayne McCave racers for strong finishes nd 2 Place: Spyke, Dan Spyhalski and for returning safely. 2014 Bayview - Mackinac PHRF B, 3rd Place Relentless, Mark Hagen

2014 LMSS Doublehanded Race West Shore-Division III, 3rd Place TWFB Relentless, George Petritz

2014 LTYC UGotta Regatta PHRF 2, 3rd Place FishTales, Mike & Dawn Fisher PHRF 3, 1st Place Liberty, David Phelps

2014 Traverse City to Northport Short Course 1st Place: Special K, Melia Carter 2nd Place: Knockout, Libby Tomlinson 3rd Place: Spyke, Dan Spyhalski


Speaker Series Returns to the GTYC Calendar

With the dog days of summer fit for a Malamute, it’s time to plan for fall activities at the club; maybe the weather will be a bit warmer. Stay tuned for more speakers and more details on these upcoming events.

MHA Schooner Fest “Meet the Crews” Thursday, September 18, 6pm GTYC $10/GTYC Member / $15/MHA Member Speaker The Maritime Heritage Alliance is hosting the 2014 Michigan Schooner Festival on West Bay the Events weekend of September 19 - 21. On Thursday, September 18, our club will host a joint Speaker Series event with MHA and offer an exclusive “meet the crews” opportunity. The skippers of Thu, Sep 18, 6p the visiting tall ships will give a brief introduction to their vessels and crews; and event Chair, MHA Schooner Cindy Ruzack will bring us up to speed on the activities planned for the week highlighted by Fest “Meet the the Parade of Sails that will occur Fri, Sep 19, from 4 -6pm with the vessels transiting across the Crews” bow of our Club. The cost for the Thursday Speaker event will be $10 for club members, $15 $10/GTYC for MHA members, and will include Hors D’oeuvres and a cash bar. The bar opens at 6:00pm, Member food served at 6:30pm, and introductions beginning at 7:00pm. Please join us at the club for this $15/MHA unique opportunity to meet the crews of the Schooners in this year’s Schooner Festival. Member food included Grand Traverse Ice Yacht Club - Ice Boating Photography Presentation Tuesday, October 7, 6:30pm Tue, Oct 7, 6:30p On Tuesday, October 7 the GTYC Speaker Series will join forces with the Grand Traverse GTIYC - Ice Boat Ice Yacht Club to kick off their season. The Ice Yacht Club will be providing two speakers Photography to present a slide show of Ice Boating Photography. The club has great contacts with two Free/GTYC outstanding photographers who travel extensively to photograph, among other things, Ice Members Boating. They will share not only their work, but some of their secrets to their photographic no food success. This event will be free, and yes the bar will be open, and will provide the opportunity for the Ice Boaters the opportunity to educate our club members on their group and the hard water version of our passion.

9 Misc. Ramblings PC40

What a GREAT month this was for GTYC!!! we used in TC for the It started off with the CHUBB US Sailing Junior single/doubles, but Championships and everyone involved can be with 4 fleets instead proud, as I think we did a stellar job in all areas. of 2 which made it a AND, we had WIND!!! We had to wait for it a bit real challenge. The storms that flooded the Detroit at times, but we had wind. I want to personally area on Monday kept us off the water all day and thank Jordan Owen for handling the on-water limited us to 1 race for each fleet on Tuesday. volunteers and boats which took a huge load off Wed/Thurs were both excellent days with 4 races my shoulders and allowed me to concentrate on for each fleet both days. preparing equipment and then running races. We had a stellar crew with Jeff and Mary Ann Maier, I got home in time for the Melges 24 Invitational Jeff Kitson, and Bill Van Westen aboard ‘John (not sure how many, but it’s getting close to 20) Henry’ for the triplehanded course and they were with 15 boats from around the Great Lakes. It awesome getting in all 11 of their planned races for was a fun group, great competition, and always a complete rotation. On the single/doublehanded an outstanding dinner. Thanks to Rich Core along course I had a great crew aboard the Club’s 25’ with Dick & Julie Wollam and Cassidy DeKuiper Targa, ‘unshine’, and we managed to get in 7 in the kitchen for a great job. Also thanks to Rob & 8 of the planned 10 races for those fleets. If Lovell, Sam Bender, Dave Phelps, Doug Higgins, you haven’t seen the videos that Alex and Jake Jordan Owen, and Jed Mooney for a great job Anderson helped put together with their drone on the water. AND, special kudos to Tom Babel, camera you’ve got to take the time and view all of Jamie Stuursma, and Patrick Gerber for rescuing them. Click here for Day 4 and the links to all of one of the Waterman competitors on Saturday. them will be on that page.

During the Chubb event I was invited to help at the Youth Championships the following week on Lake St Clair at Grosse Pointe YC and I jumped at the chance. Shannon Bush, who I met in Texas last year, judged at our event and was the PRO for the Youth Championships. Working with her for the week was very rewarding and made the trip well worthwhile. We had the same trapezoid course

Red Fox & Walk What’s left of the month is the Red Fox on Lake Charlevoix and I’ll kick off September with the Mackinac Bridge Walk on Labor Day. Just me and the Gov. ... and 42,000 of our best friends!! 10 MHA Schooner Festival 2014

September 19-21 Schedule of Events Wed, Sep 17 The Traverse City Michigan Schooner Festival 2014 is the Fish Boil at Black Star Farms flagship event of a community wide multi-venue celebration of the history of maritime activities in Northern Michigan. Thu, Sep 18 The Schooner Festival is scheduled for Sept. 19-21, with a Schooner Crew Reception & Captain Presentation at GTYC spectacular Parade of Sails on Friday, Sept 19, and two days Fri, Sep 19, 4pm - 6pm of deck tours and rides aboard the visiting Tall Ships. Prior to Parade of Sails, West Bay Harbor and after those dates, Sept 14-28, additional activities related Fri-Sun, Sep 19-21 to the maritime history of the area will include theatrical Deck tours of Tall Ships & sailing excursions at Clinch performances, movies, and concerts as well as lectures and Marina & Discovery Center. presentations by Michigan authors, historians, and craftsmen. Wed-Tue, Sep 17-23, The number of venues involved will be approximately 10 with Shipwreck, lighthouse, & historical presentations; many with a total of 30-40 events over two weeks. Tall ships that have corresponding movies at the Bijou and State theatres been scheduled for participation in the Schooner Festival are: Sat-Sun, Sep 20-21 Madeline, Inland Seas, Tall Ship Manitou, Denis Sullivan, Pancakes with Pirates Breakfast at Discovery Center Friends Goodwill, and Champion. Sat, Sep 20 For more information go to: Downtown Pub Crawl to Micro Breweries & a Chowder contest at participating restaurants Sun Sep 21 Family Day: Treasure Hunt at Downtown Businesses plus other free family friendly events throughout downtown Sun, Sep 21, 3pm Traverse City Symphony Orchestra performance of the Flying Dutchman overture at Corson auditorium. Post-concert reception aboard a schooner with food and beverage, & entertainment selections from Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore Mon, Sep 22 Lunch at the Boathouse at Bowers Harbor with boat tours and music, plus chartered tours of historic Old Mission Peninsula.

11 Board Elections 2015

It’s that time of year - the time we elect new leaders for our Club and the slate is full! Watch your US Post mailbox for your ballot in the coming days. All members should receive: Voting Instructions, Brief Bios for all candidates, 1 Ballot, and a return envelope which should bear your signature in the return address section.

**All ballots are due to the Yacht Club, either via the drop box at the Club or via US Post, no later than 7:00pm on Friday, September 26, 2014 for the vote to count**

Detailed instructions should arrive with your ballot. There will be a membership meeting at GTYC on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 7pm for the purposes of counting ballots and hopefully announcing our Board members for 2015. Thank you for participating!

GTYC 2015 Flag Officer Candidates

Commodore Candidate - Jordan Owen I became a member of the Grand Traverse Yacht Club in 2001, upon moving to Traverse City. I have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2011, serving in many capacities including Race Committee, Hound Dog, and Merchandise Chairman. This past year, I was proud to work with Jim Sorbie and so many other volunteers in helping organize the 2014 US Sailing Chubb Junior U.S. Championships. As a racer, I had the great privilege of sailing with a wide range of our membership in both one designs and the PHRF fleet, and count myself fortunate to be among the regulars onboard Wes Schulz’s Kokomo. I’ve also served as Race Committee for the Laser fleet since 2003 and worked extensively with our on-the-water RC crew. Together with my wife Laura Brown, we sail our Tartan 27 Olin on West . I look forward to serving and working with the full breadth of our membership to ensure the continued health and measured growth of our club.

Vice Commodore Candidate - Bob Cornwell I am President of Cornwell Architects, a five person firm in TC founded by my father, Gordon, in 1947 and am a TC native and son of founding members. I am an Interlake sailor and have served many roles in the community including: Past President of TACS, Past President of GT Ski Club, Past President of Child and Family Services, Past Chairman of Grand Traverse County Planning, and Past President of Traverse Youth Symphony Orchestra. My primary goal is to secure a quality long term future for the Yacht Club.

Rear Commodore Candidate - David Phelps Hello! My name is David Phelps and I am running for Rear Commodore. I’ve been a member of Grand Traverse Yacht Club for the past 20 years. Having grown up in Traverse City, I was involved with the club as a child as well. Now that my youngest is in his last year of high school I feel it’s time to give back to the club. I’ve raced Lasers, Interlakes and larger boats at the yacht club over the past years. When not racing, you’ll see me doing race committee. I hope to continue the great leadership that has been present these last several years and look forward to the future of this club.

12 Board Elections 2015

GTYC 2015 Director Candidates

Director Candidate - Bob Clark Yacht Club member since 1998, served on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2006, Married 25 years to Heather Anne Lockwood, and proud father to Katie and Finley Clark. Now that the kids are off to college, I find myself with more time to help at the GTYC. I consider myself a seasoned veteran of the boating world, spending most of my boating time on small sail and power boats. My core belief about the GTYC is that the Membership as a whole is our most important asset, protecting the rights and privileges of the membership is the highest duty for the Board and Flag Officers.

Director Candidate - Rich Core I’ve been involved in sailing at GTYC since the early 70’s starting out racing Lightnings and progressing to J-24’s (Lockwood, Dow, Babel), Lightnings again (Dow), J-22’s (Dow), Melges 24’s (Dow, Trippe, Fisher, Jensen, Bora) and hitching rides every chance I could get on too many great boats to remember. I have been a GTYC member off and on since 1980-ish. I grew up in the motel business on West Bay when my Dad bought a 48’ Alden schooner (wood) which took so much upkeep that he started West Bay Boat Works and put me to work. Then we built the docks at coal pile marina, got a Travelift and operated WBBW across the street eventually moving to our current location on Carter Road where I have been working with my partner, Mark Yanick (GTYC member), for nearly 25 years. I currently head the GTYC Kitchen committee and have been cooking over the years for the Melges Invitationals, Clam Bakes, and Coast Guard Appreciation Days. I have been married for 20 years to my beautiful wife Sylvia.

Director Candidate - Jed Mooney It has been a privilege to serve my Club for the past 3 years as a member of your GTYC Board of Directors, and I am now running for a second 3 year term as a GTYC Director. I consider myself a “waterman”: a sailor and boater for 50+ years and a racing sailor since 1966 with numerous Port Huron- and Chicago- Mac races, national, regional, and local regattas and races, offshore and Great Lakes deliveries, a USCG- licensed Captain who has worked in the recreational boating industry most of his adult life, currently as the proprietor of Mooney Marine Services. I currently serve on your Club’s Social Committee, Boats Committee, and volunteer to help wherever I can. My focus as a GTYC Director has been, and will continue to be, the preservation of our Club’s mission, the value of our unique position as the premier boaters’ club in the area, and the enhancement of the GTYC experience for all of our members.

Director Candidate - Bruce Tyler I have been a member of GTYC since 2007. I began racing as crew for Dan Spyhalski on Spyke in 2003, and have competed in Wednesday night races on my Tanzer 7.5, Falcon, as well as completing a Chicago to Mac Race in 2008 aboard Spyke. I have lived and worked in Traverse for over 20 years. I love the fellowship and dedication to the sport of sailing at GTYC and hope to contribute to the club as a board member. We have a great club with an exceptional membership, I look forward to carrying on the traditions the club was founded on. I’d like to work with the membership to both increase participation in club events and continue the effort to involve more youth into the sport of sailing through our commitment to TACS and through events like the recent Chubb Championship. 13 SAILING QUOTES Wisdom, fear, funny and fast compiled by Gregg Diehl

“When I work, I work very hard. When I “Okay, girls, here’s a big “Courage, sacrifice, determination, don’t work I have to do something where one coming, get ready! As commitment, toughness, heart, talent, my endeavor can totally take me off what the wave’s crest knocked guts. That’s what little girls are made of; I do professionally, like sailing. It takes all us sideways, I hung on to the heck with sugar and spice.” your attention.” Helmut Jahn whatever I could and kept Bethany Hamilton yelling, ‘Hold it, hold it, (An up-and-coming surfer when she was “If you live a life of make-believe, your come on, you can do this!’ attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark at her home in life isn’t worth anything until you do – As the wave picked up, Hawaii. She was 14 when she had her left arm something that does challenge your reality. we’d surf down the face with ripped off just below the shoulder but was back And to me, sailing the open ocean is a real me yelling, ‘Steady, Steady.’ in the water surfing only a month later.) challenge, because it’s life or death.” We’d hit the trough and Morgan Freeman for a few seconds it would “I try to look at this music career thing be quiet as the wind was as the means to an end. And really, at “Aside from what it teaches you, there is muffled by the mountains the end of it, I see myself on a sailboat, simply the indescribable degree of peace of water on both sides of the sailing off the edge of the world.” that can be achieved on a sailing vessel at boat. I wouldn’t have to yell Michelle Shocked sea. I guess a combination of hard work as loudly as I said, ‘Good and the seemingly infinite expanse of the Job, girls, good job, team.’ “If you want to know what sailing is sea – the profound solitude – that does it As I felt the boat start to ride all about, just get in the shower with for me.” Billy Campbell up the next wave, I’d shout, your clothes on, turn on the cold water, ‘one more, just one more. and eat a soggy peanut butter sandwich. “Once you’ve been there, you’ll only want We can do this.’ I’m sure the While you’re doing all this, drop a $100 to go back!” Sir Edmund Hillary yelling did more for me than bill down the drain every 2 minutes.” Ella’s Pink Lady and the Anonymous “Sailing is the closest I can get to nature – autopilot, but by keeping my it’s adrenaline, fear, a constant challenge voice strong and sounding “How inappropriate to call this planet and learning experience, and adventure so positive I almost tricked Earth when clearly it is Ocean.” into the unknown. And of course there myself into thinking I was Arthur Clarke is nothing better than wearing the same cool, calm, and collected T-shirt for days and not brushing my hair rather than completely for weeks.” Daria Werbowy (model) freaked out.” Jessica Watson. 14 Hints & Tips from the Webmaster Jim Sorbie

The GTYC web is a wealth of information and a great tool Type in a name of portion of a name (first or last) and for enhancing your participation in club activities... but only you’ll get the person you’re looking for or a list of possible if you use it. Here’s a couple of thoughts for enhancing your people. Select the name and you’ll see this: use of GTYC.ORG:

Q) How do I access the members’ only side of the web? A) You have to logon to the website using the e-mail from which you receive the club e-mails. Enter that e-mail address and a password in the space in the upper right hand corner and you’re in! Forgot the password? No prob, click on “forgot password” and we’ll e-mail you a new one. For further help. Click on the “HELP” panel to the left of the frame or HERE.

In my case, I choose to share my contact info and that of my wife. In the case where members have chosen not to share their contact info with other members, you can choose to contact them through the “Send Message” button next to their name. In that case, the website will send them a message with your e-mail without telling you their address. Q) Why should I care about logging on? A) Several times a month, I get requests for a member’s contact info. The Member Directory provides that info about all members (unless the member has prohibited it) in the Member Directory. If you want to contact a member simply go to the “Members Only” tab on the left side of the frame and clcik on “Member Directory” to get to this page.

Website questions? E-mail me at [email protected]

15 FASTEST BOATS by Gregg Diehl

Fastest of All

Spirit of Australia - Ken Warby designed the hull of this boat himself and built it in his backyard out of balsa wood and fiberglass. 1978 He covered it with a canvas tarpaulin when it rained. Powered by a $69 salvage yard 6,000 horse power Westinghouse jet engine from a 317.6 mph Neptune Submarine Patrol plane, he took her out to Blowing Dam in New South Wales, Australia and in 1978 reached 317.6 mph. “What “What do you do you think ‘mate?” His stunning record still stands. think, ‘mate?”

Ice Boat Flying Dutchmen - Many believe that in February 1947, Chuck Nevitt set a record as the world’s fastest naturally powered human during a remarkable sail across the black ice of Lake Winnebago. Stopwatch-clutching spectators gazed slack-jawed as the Coast Guard veteran piloted his 42-foot Flying Dutchmen between two buoys set two miles apart. It took 53 seconds, and that included a tack he made in the middle of the course which added about a quarter-mile to the distance. Nevitt was trying to win a race and not set a speed record. The buoys were set within the race course. “They figured somewhere in there I was doing 150 mph - maybe 155. It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me”. But it sure does to Daniel Kampo, who has dedicated much of the past 15 years to capturing the record. And Richard Jenkins who is top-secretly testing his Windjet ice yacht at Ghost Lake outside of Calgary. It has been rumored that even our own Dick Wollam, Julie Richards, Fred Heltenen and Bill Buchbinder have been heard to say late at night in hushed tones “We’re gonna whup him”. The widely accepted record of 143 mph was set by Nevitt’s late friend, John D. Buckstaff in the late 1930’s on the same lake.

Fastest Sailing Boat Sailrocket ripped the title from the flying trimarans and kite surfers breaking the 50 knot barrier that sailors have been pursuing for years. In 2012, Australian sailor Paul Larsen skirting the edge of disaster on Walvis Bay, Namibia proved his craft, persistence and his bravery sailing an average of 59.23 knots (68.16 mph) over 500 meters. Peak speed was 62.53 knots (71.96 mph). “That’s it... we’ve smashed the arse off it! 59 knot average.” Kite surfer Rob Douglas whose previous record was surpassed by 3.58 knots stated, “us kite surfers will fire back as soon as we get 50 knots of pressure and we will see what happens.” But Larsen is now after the new 60 knot barrier so watch out! More speed to come.


The First - 1519 1st Single-handed Non-stop - 1969 In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain with 280 Robin Knox-Johnson in 1969 became the first person to men on 5 ships on a voyage of hardship and mutiny. They circumnavigate the globe single-handed and non-stop. were greeted near Rio de Janiero by Guarani Indians who believed they were gods. After reaching Patagonia, 1st Single-handed Woman - 1978 1 ship was sent south to explore and was lost in a gale. Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz in 1978 became the After the remaining 4 boats found the Cape Horn passage first woman to perform a single-handed circumnavigation and during its passage, 1 captain turned his ship back toward Spain, taking most of the fleet’s provisions with Fastest - 2012 - 45:13:42:53 him. Entering the Pacific Ocean and thinking the Spice Loick Peyron and a crew of 14 sailors on the Maxi Islands were a short distance away, they sailed for 96 days trimaran Banque Populaire V are currently the absolute without sighting land. The crew survived on sawdust, (wind or mechanically powered) fastest maritime leather strips, and rats. In 1591 Magellan got involved circumnavigation: 45 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes, 53 in a tribal war on Mazaua and was killed in battle. Juan seconds of sailing. Average speed of 26.51 knots (39.51 Sebastian Elcano took command of the ships and 115 MPH) covering a total distance of 29,002 miles. survivors. They burned the Concepcion and departed in the 2 remaining ships. After reaching the Spice Islands and Fastest Solo - 2008 - 57:13:34:06 taking a full load of spice, the 2 ships split so that at least Francis Joyon is currently the fastest single-handed one would reach home. One went east back across the circumnavigator. 57 days 13 hours 34 minutes 6 seconds Pacific and was seized by the Portuguese with most crew in 2008. being killed. The Victoria continued west and rounded the Cape of Good Hope. In September of 1522, almost 3 years Fastest Woman - 2005, 71 days later to the day, the Victoria and 18 crew members arrived Ellen MacArthur is still the fastest woman to single- in Spain. When the Victoria’s spices were auctioned, the handed circumnavigate. income was enough to cover all expenses of the voyage and even produce a profit. 20% of the ships returned. The Both Ways - 2001 crew suffered worse: 6% made it back. Mike Golding, in 2001, became the first person to circumnavigate non-stop in both eastward and westward The Second - 1597 directions. In 1597, pirate, Francis Drake, sailed from England with 6 ships. 5 of the ships turned back at the Strait of Magellan. No Help - 1984 Drake reached the present day coast and boarder of the Marvin Creamer is an American who is the only known U.S. and Canada. With the Golden Hind filled with gold person to circumnavigate the globe by boat with no and spices, he sailed into Plymouth, England in 1580. The nautical aids, not even a compass or watch. 1st captain to circumnavigate the globe. Longest Out There - 2010 - 1,152 days 1st Woman - 1769 In 2010 Reid Stow, in an eastbound circumnavigation, Jeanne Bare disguised as a man on Louis de spent the longest time at sea without resupply or Bougainville’s circumnavigation became the first woman touching land. to circumnavigate the globe in 1769. Three years in (cont’d) disguise? Wow!

17 (Circumnavigate the Globe in a Boat? Why Not?, continued from page 15) Fastest Motorized - 1960 - 60:21:00 Solar Power - 2012 The US nuclear submarine, USS Triton, was the first PlanetSolar was the first solar electric vehicle to underwater circumnavigation in 1960 and still is the fastest circumnavigate the globe. It took 1 year, 7 months, 7 days. mechanically powered in 60 days, 21 minutes. Disputed in 2008 by Earthrace, a wave-piercing trimaran with two 540 Youngest Solo, Non-stop, Unassisted - 2010 horsepower multi-fuelled engines in 60 days, 23 hours and Jessica Watson finished in 2010, 3 days before her 49 minutes. 17th birthday. Jesse Martin is the youngest recognized unassisted solo circumnavigator in 1999. Records are no Youngest Crew longer recognized for under 18 years. Eulalie Ciszek may be the youngest ever circumnavigator. She was 3 months old when setting sail with her parents First Tourist - 1698 and 4½ years when completed. Her sister Shelly was born Giovanni Francesco Gemelli Careri from Naples took along the way. 5 years, paying his own way on multiple voyages and crossing Mexico by land to become the first tourist to circumnavigate the globe in 1698.

Check the Club’s ONLINE CALENDAR for Up-to-date Event Info. Refer to NORs and SIs for official racing dates, not the online calendar


September November Sep 11, 6p Cruisers Meeting Nov 1 Grand Traverse Ski Club Annual Dinner Sep 13, 11a Middle Distance Race “Counter-clockwise Nov 8 Commodore’s Ball Awards Banquet Around the Island” Nov 13, 6p Cruisers Meeting Sep 16, 6p GTYC Board Meeting Nov 18, 6p GTYC Board Meeting Sep 18, 6p Speaker Series – Schooner Festival “Meet the Crews” Sep 21, 11a Bart’s Bash/Babel Cup Laser Regatta December Sep 26, 7p Annual Membership Meeting – Elections Dec 3 Christmas Tree Decorating Night Dec 5, 5p Adult Christmas Party Dec 6, 12p Childrens Christmas Party October Dec 11, 6p Cruisers Meeting Oct 1, 7/8p Wednesday Night Awards Banquet Dec 16, 6p GTYC Board Meeting Oct 4 TACS Annual Fundraiser Oct 5 Interlakes & Friends Fall Finale Oct 7, 6:30p Grand Traverse Ice Yacht Club Photography Presentation Oct 9, 6p Cruisers Meeting Oct 11 Cornwell Memorial Regatta Oct 18 Fall Club Clean-up/Dock-out Day Oct 21, 6p GTYC Board Meeting Oct 25 U of M vs MSU Football Game