IN THISISSUE Insurance News Law Abiding City Tactics KLCA League ofDirect Cities Publication 4 3 2 February/March 2007 vol. 9issue 2 February/March 2007 2007 City Officials Academies CONTENTS Bowling Green Š Lexington FRONT PAGE NEWS NCI CITIZEN PROFILE KLC's recent City Officials Academies provided more than 23 hours of learning, networking and Sounding the Alarm 1 Early - One of the First 5 hospitality for more than 300 newly elected and seasoned officials! Check out training and education CITY TACTICS POLICY & RESEARCH TOOLS opportunities at and click on the Tips for Working with Your Media 2 Think Fast! 6 homepage calendar section.

Direct INSURANCE NEWS SHOW ME THE MONEY Bowling Lexington Total Academy Stats Green Don’t Get Soaked! 3 Funds for Recycling 7 Total Attendees 108 197 305 LAW ABIDING LEGISLATIVE NEWS Mayors 26 52 78 A Kentucky League of Cities Publication KLC Public Official Bonding 4 Who Do We Appreciate? 8 Councilmember/Commissioner 59 114 173 Other City Reps & Cornerstone Part. 23 31 54 Cities Represented 48 87 135 FRONT PAGE NEWS Sounding the Alarm: Organizations Seek to Avert Health Care/Retirement Crisis

KLC Executive Director/ CEO Sylvia L. Lovely with Dave Adkisson, president and CEO of the Kentucky Bowling Green Mayor Elaine Walker and Chamber of Commerce and Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Robert F. Sexton, executive Mayor Jim Newberry were welcomed peers and director of the Prichard Committee for Academic participated in the academies in their respective cities. Excellence at the February 1, 2007 news conference in the Capitol Rotunda.

KLC, Prichard Committee and the At the news conference the groups asked the Kentucky Chamber join forces around governor (1) to include actuaries and others public employee benefit cost issue with independent, detailed knowledge of retirement systems as task force members (2) The Kentucky League of Cities, the and that they be directed to develop strategies Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the to address the root causes of the problems - not Mayor David L. Willmoth, Jr. Mayor David L. Willmoth,

KLC and Elizabethtown President Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence just the symptoms. KLC will also ask the (a statewide advocate for education) are making General Assembly to dedicate part of the news by raising a "collective alarm" about the anticipated state budget surplus, which is impending crisis our state is facing in paying for receiving a lot of media attention, to the state- public employee benefits. KLC is particularly administered retirement system. interested in communicating the monumental Lovely said, "We realize that there are no financial effects already being felt by cities. easy answers to this growing concern and that Issue overview and key messages: the problem is overwhelmingly the result of and Jerry Stricker The growing cost of public employee benefits rising health1 care costs. However, we must is simply not sustainable, and the three emphasize that these long-term costs may be Steve Megerle, Sherry Carran Covington City Commissioners statewide groups have come together to call for enough to put some cities out of business, and a bipartisan effort to address this problem. we must take a stand now to raise awareness of The goal is to raise public awareness and to our dire situation. As Kentucky's leading help Kentuckians understand that these rising advocate for cities, KLC looks forward to costs are putting the future of our state and our working with the legislature to create a more citizens at risk. In particular, public safety could cost-effective system for our local public be affected if those positions were cut as a result employees." Want more information? Watch the KLC

Judith Green of budget pressures. Governor Fletcher has appointed a Blue web site for specific information. Also, contact Ribbon Commission on Public Employees KLC's policy or legislative staff members at 1- Louisville Metro Councilmember Retirement Systems Task Force to examine the 800-876-4552 for more information or to issue including a representative from KLC. discuss how the issue directly affects your city. (You can read the proclamation appointing the commission at

Facts and figures to localize and share with your media. Š The cost of employers' health sector compared with 60% of private Allen and Earlington insurance premiums has grown at employers) and pay a greater share of Campbellsville Mayor Brenda Councilmember Wanda Wilson Wilson Councilmember Wanda ! three times the rate of wages since the premium (over 90% of the 2000. premium cost vs. 84% in the private Š Premiums for family coverage have sector). increased 71% since 2000. Š In 2005, 44% of public employers Š More and more uninsured people provided health coverage to retirees, (41%) are considered middle- compared with only 7% in the income. private sector. Public employers are nearly twice as likely as Fortune 500 Linda Keown Š Governments offer health coverage firms to offer some retiree health to employees more frequently than benefits.

Morgantown Councilmember private employers (96% in the public CITY TACTICS KLCDirect OFFICERS Tips for Working With Your Media David L. Willmoth, Jr. Mayor of Elizabethtown, President KLC President David L. Willmoth, Jr. suggested a reminder on how cities can effectively work with local Glenn V. Caldwell Mayor of Williamstown, First Vice President media. On any given day, anything can happen that may require city officials to address the media or Connie Lawson communicate to the public at large. During the legislative session, it is also important for all Kentucky Mayor of Richmond, Second Vice President cities to help localize the issues at stake in the minds of their constituents. Bradley H. Collins Mayor of Morehead, Immediate Past President It is prudent for city officials (particularly newly elected officials) to build a personal relationship with Sylvia L. Lovely your local media representatives. Simply let them know that your door is open to them and you appreciate Executive Director/CEO, KLC their role in keeping the public informed, engaged and safe. EXECUTIVE BOARD Jerry E. Abramson For all city officials, it's important to respect your media- and their deadlines. They have a job to do and Mayor of Louisville Metro your cooperation will be appreciated. Unhelpful or negative media coverage is a fact of life for most any Susan Barto city or large business but proactive and thoughtful efforts on your part will make a difference, and can lead Mayor of Lyndon to positive media stories about your city. 2 Butch Callery Mayor of Covington Key points on media relations: Bill Ed Cannon City Manager of Corbin Š build a relationship - invite media to meet you in your office Stephen Gilmore Mayor of Ashland Š be accessible and responsive to media Tony Massey Š designate a city spokesperson City Manager of Frankfort Michael D. Miller Š make sure your employees are informed on critical situations and that they understand there is one Mayor of Jackson key spokesperson Mary Pate Mayor of Beaver Dam Š stay poised and confident - whether it be a one-on-one interview or a news conference William Paxton Š provide information in writing to media and as soon as possible - Q & A or fact sheets are good tools Mayor of Paducah Darrell Pickett Š reiterate key messages and phrases often Mayor of Glasgow Tom Rushing Š tell the truth and say so if you don't know something Mayor of Murray Š “off the record” does not exist Elaine Walker Mayor of Bowling Green Š pitch positive stories from time-to-time The voice of Kentucky cities.

KLCDirect is published monthly by the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC). KLC is a voluntary association of nearly 400 cities and provides a multitude of services to assist in improving local government. Please address any correspondence to KLC Direct, Kentucky Media Tools League of Cities, 100 East Vine Street, Suite 800, Lexington, Kentucky 40507-3700. Phone (859) 977-3700 or 1-800-876-4552. Fax (859) 977-3703. Download samples of all these tools at > FAQ's & How To's> How To's Media Advisory - Who, what, when, where and why information with minimal detail. Send prior to an EDITORIAL STAFF event or to announce something. Publisher, Sylvia L. Lovely Editor, Terri Johnson News Release - Narrative information with quotes suitable for print - 2-3 pages maximum. Distribute Design/Layout, Ulysses C. Hayes just prior to, during or after an event or announcement. ("Embargoed" means you send media a release Director of Communications, Bobbie Bryant but ask them to hold on the story until the actual event date. This technique can be used in certain cases For a full list of KLC staff visit

(as long as you trust your media representative). It is especially helpful to newspapers because they can run By providing pertinent information, the Kentucky League of Cities does not necessarily endorse the story the day of the event.) the views, services, programs or initiatives described in the listed references or websites, nor is the Kentucky League of Cities responsible for any statements or material contained therein. This Q & A - Anticipate questions media or public may have and answer them in writing. Distribute just publication provides information and links as a service to readers for their consideration. prior to, during or after an event or announcement. ® 2007 Kentucky League of Cities Fact Sheet - General details on an issue, initiative or event with minimal detail and bullet point information. Good to use as a this basic handout and use with a longer “shelf life.” Š Remember to always include contact information Š Email information, photos and graphics whenever The newly redesigned possible official site of the U.S. Š Post your releases and Government. The site features advisories on your web sections for city officials including site federal grants, disaster preparedness resources, state and local statistics, Š To encourage coverage, and also features sections for call local media to children, parents, seniors, introduce or follow-up on entrepreneurs and other special news releases (but don't audiences. Check it out! bug them)

WELCOME NEW BIG IDEAS/INNOVATIONS CORNERSTONE PARTNER Lovely Asked to Chair National Event in Las Vegas - KLC Members Get a 50% Discount! LIMESTONE LEVEL: Radiant Networks KLC is pleased to be engaged in the 2007 City and County Technology Summit to be held March 12- Radiant Networks provides wireless 14, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the importance of collaboration in issues of technology and finance. integration services. Hosted by The Performance Institute, the City and County Technology Summit is the most comprehensive event offered to educate and train local professionals to improve performance in IT. Contact: Dan Cooper, President KLC Discount! Visit and use code #T560-DY-S-50 to receive a discount! dcooper@radiant-networks 502-314-8669 Use code #T560-DY-S-50 when registering online and receive 50% off tuition for any KLC members PO Box 991516 or NewCities contacts. Email Terri Johnson ([email protected]) or call her at 1-800-876-4552, ext. 3784 Louisville, KY 40269 with questions or to receive a discount registration form via fax or email. INSURANCE NEWS LAW ABIDING Don’t Get Soaked! Public Official Bonding It's that time of year. Time to check on Kentucky waterways are a blessing as long as Requirements your city or agency flood insurance they aren't overflowing. policies. Contact Marty Nemes at the KLC Who must be bonded? Congress created the National Flood Insurance Agency for a no-obligation quote At the end of each election cycle, many Insurance Program to provide protection for for flood protection at 1-800-876-4552 or questions arise about who must be bonded. those living or working near a creek, stream, [email protected]. For more general tips and Bonding of city and county officials is governed by or river. With more miles of streams than any info on floods, go to KRS 65.067. The statute requires all officers, other state in the continental , officials, and employees of city and county governments who handle public funds in the Insurance Profile: Owensboro’s Mighty Riverport execution of their duties to "give a good and sufficient bond" to the local governing body as to 3stay competitive in the international security for all money coming into his or her market. In 2003, the Riverport shipped grain hands or under his or her control. In the case of products to destinations all over the world, city officials, the requirement generally includes including the United Kingdom, Israel, Brazil, city clerks, city treasurers, utility clerks, and Korea and Japan. anyone who signs checks. The Riverport also plays a large role in the paper industry, serving as a major storage and Amount of bond? distribution site with as many as 1 million KRS 65.067 requires the bond amount to be cases of paper towels, tissues and toilet paper based upon the maximum amount of public funds to be shipped out to major customers around 4 In the 30 years since its construction, the the officer, official, or employee handles at any the country on demand. City of Owensboro's Riverport has grown to given time during a fiscal year cycle. The amount, become a major contributor to both the local Metals are also important to the Riverport therefore, varies by officer or employee. and national economies. with its handling of scrap, finished steel and particularly aluminum. In 2004, it handled Founded in the mid-1970s by a visionary Who pays for the bond? 48,000 tons of steel and 440,000 tons of group of community leaders, the initial design aluminum. On most days, the City of KRS 65.067 requires the local governing body included a dock, an uploading facility and a Owensboro contains the largest stock of to pay for the bond. 32,000 square foot warehouse. Today, it is ten publicly traded aluminum bars in America. times larger, employs 45 people and features, among other things, a two-tiered flood wall, a Since 1996, the Riverport has supported When must the bond be executed? tug/fleeting service and two 110-ton cranes to itself financially, and annually contributes KRS 62.050 requires any person required by law load and unload barges. Furthermore, a $150,000 directly to the city's general fund, in to give bond to execute a bond prior to entering majority of the inventory at the Riverport is addition to the purchasing power its upon the duties of his or her office. eligible for either the London Metal employees generate for the economy. Exchange or the New York Mercantile The Kentucky League of Cities is proud to What if you don’t comply? Exchange, meaning they are traded provide the Owensboro Riverport its The office of any person elected to an office internationally. Property and Workers’ Compensation required to post bond who fails to post bond in Insurance Policy and, KLC has also had the The Riverport benefits farmers within 100 violation of KRS 62.050 shall be considered privilege of financing the construction of the miles by providing a low cost of water vacant. Any nonelected officer who violates KRS Riverport's newest warehouse - a 300,000 transportation for grain which enables them 62.050 is subject to a fine pursuant to KRS 62.990. square foot building that opened in 2003. Insurance policies generally will not cover theft of funds by an officer, official, or employee required to be bonded if the person is not bonded. FROM THE FIELD Reports from NLC Congress of Cities 2007 “City Officials Legal The following board and former board Š Discussions included legislation members served on behalf of KLC providing terrorism risk insurance and a Handbook” Now Available! membership on NLC Committees and filed telecommunications tax. these reports from the December 5-9, 2006 Š There was serious concern about the Congress of Cities financial issues facing cities as well as Paducah City Commissioner Robert A. presentations on tax reform, alternative Coleman - NLC Energy, Environment and minimum tax and the new standards Natural Resources Steering Committee from the Governmental Accounting Š Discussions surrounded a new approach Standards Board. for economic development as it relates Former Lexington-Fayette Urban to the nation's energy policy. "It was County Government Councilmember clear that there is an urgency to develop Jacques Wigginton - NLC Board of a viable energy policy from a variety of Directors sources and I was pleased to hear that Š One recommendation was the creation Kentucky coal was included in those of a new set of awards focused on options," said Coleman. CDBG. The awards are related to the Lyndon Mayor Susan Barto - NLC best practices by cities making usage of Human Development Steering Committee federal HOME and CDBG funds. Š Discussion included new policy Š Wigginton also noted that KLC’s recommendations for Human “Cities Make Life More Livable” Development, solutions to storm water marketing campaign about the problems and preparation techniques importance of cities in America was for emergency situations. Other topics impressive to other leagues in included immigration, education and attendance. The campaign includes ad the rising costs of health care. placements and posters for cities. (To From KLC's Legal Team, the 2007 edition of Ft. Thomas Mayor Thomas Holocher - obtain copies, contact KLC this valuable tool covers topics from ADA to NLC Transportation Infrastructure and Communications). zoning. Each chapter discusses in a narrative Services Steering Committee Š Other issues included NLC's legislative form, the highlights of a particular area of local government law. Read more about the publication Š The committee passed resolutions to be agenda, financial status, relationship and order online at submitted to the NLC leadership for with the state leagues, sponsorship approval. policies, conferences, membership Only $35 for KLC members and Cornerstone recruitment and retention, standing Partners and $75 for non-members. Former Mayor of Madisonville, Karen committee meetings and future Cunningham - NLC Finance, Admini- legislative direction. stration and Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee NCI CITIZEN PROFILE POLICY & RESEARCH TOOLS Early - One of the First Think Fast! New Publication Answers Doing her part to help redevelop her Your Burning Questions community What city has the smallest population in Lara Early is rewarded by the opportunity to Kentucky? (Concord - 27 residents) both revitalize part of downtown Winchester and enjoy a unique perspective of home ownership. How many elected city officials are there? Early is director of Winchester First, a Main (Over 2,600) How much has our Kentucky population grown since 2000? (Seven percent - including incorporated cities and unincorporated areas) Created by KLC's Policy Development and Research team, the “Kentucky Cities: The Basics” provides the answer to these burning questions and more. This newly released publication is designed to provide city officials, community leaders, citizens and media with a basic understanding of cities in Kentucky. Call KLC's Policy Development & Research To download a free copy, go to 6 team for information about state and federal >Member Services & Solutions > Policy legislative issues, as well as general information Development and Research > Publications. and research. Photo courtesy of James Mann/The Winchester Sun Photo courtesy of James Mann/The Winchester

Street revitalization program. She was one of the first individuals in town to use her own money to buy, renovate and live in a building that would have otherwise been left for naught. CITY AWARDS "Being young and single I found that buying a Deadline: May 3, 2007 building downtown was a smarter investment than Earth Day Award Nominations Applications and More Information: renting or owning an apartment," said Early. "I The Environmental Quality Commission > Resources for cities> Awards love the architecture and atmosphere downtown (EQC) is seeking nominations for its 2007 and Recognition or call 201-626-3130 for a Winchester has to offer." Earth Day awards. The awards are intended nomination packet. Early lives in the upper loft of the building and to honor people and entities that display an rents the lower portion to a local attorney for his outstanding commitment to Kentucky's ...... office. environment. 2007 All-American Cities Awards "Winchester is a beautiful place with great Deadline: March 9, 2007. For the past 57 years, The National Civic people! Downtown is targeting small business Nomination Info: Submit a one-page League's All-America City Awards have owners who will bring variety to this unique summary of the candidate, along with your honored communities of all sizes - cities, setting." Although there are a number of small name, phone number and email address to towns, counties, neighborhoods and regions - businesses in downtown already, which Early EQC, 14 Reilly Rd., Frankfort, KY 40601 or visited5 while decorating her place, she said "we in which citizens, government, businesses and email to [email protected]. still need a little more." volunteer organizations work together to ...... address critical local issues. Nearly all of the buildings along the downtown blocks are still intact so she is optimistic that 2007 Awards for Municipal Deadline: March 8, 2007 others may also convert older buildings into Excellence Information & Criteria: residences. or to receive an application for the 2007 All- This award, given by the National League America City Award, contact Kristin Seavey "I am utterly amazed at the interest since my of Cities and CH2M HILL recognizes purchase," she said and she hopes others will join [email protected]. at the National Civic programs that improve the quality of life in League (or call 303-571-4343). her in demonstrating pride for Winchester's American's communities. downtown by choosing, as she has, to make it their home.

SHOW ME THE MONEY NewCities Snapshot Funds for Recycling from Kentucky Pride Fund The Environmental and Public Protection Regional recycling proposals will be given Cabinet's Division of Waste Management priority. (DWM) is accepting recycling grant Deadline: Monday, April 2 (hard copies proposals for projects that promote an required) integrated infrastructure for recycling as well More Information: as an emphasis on public education. One reason for the effort is because Kentucky's Contact Information: Fred Kirchhoff at household recycling rate is 22 percent 502-564-6716, ext. 243 or Fred.Kirchhoff@ compared to the national rate of 26.7 percent. Deadlines Extended for Recreational Trails and Water Conservation Funds NewCities Executive Vice President Tom Prather The Governor's Office for Local sports and playfields, swimming facilities, and KLC Executive Director/CEO and NewCities Development (GOLD) is extending its boating facilities, fishing facilities, trails, President Sylvia Lovely welcomed Executive Director application deadlines for both the 2007 natural area and passive parks. Shinji Hirai and Senior Researcher Seth Benjamin Recreational Trails and Land and Water Deadline - Recreation Trails: March 15, from the Japan Local Government Center based in Conservation Fund programs. 2007 New York City. They were interested in the “civic rejuvenation” work KLC and NewCities are doing The Recreational Trails Program may be Deadline - Land and Water with communities. used to acquire land for recreational trails and Conservation Fund: April 15, 2007 to develop and renovate trails. The Land and Applications: Water Conservation Fund provides grant funds to protect important natural areas, to More Information: Jodie McDonald at 1- acquire land for outdoor recreation and to 800-346-5606, ext. 222 or jodie.mcdonald@ develop or renovate public outdoor recreation facilities such as campgrounds, picnic areas, KLC Direct is a monthly publication of the Kentucky League of Cities. Any comments or article suggestions should be forwarded to: PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Kentucky League of Cities, 100 East Vine Street, Suite 800, Lexington, KY 40507-3700 859-977-3700 Œ 1-800-876-4552 Œ Fax: 859-977-3703 Œ PAID PERMIT NO 1042 LEXINGTON, KY Direct A Kentucky League of Cities Publication A Kentucky League KLC

Feb./Mar. 2007 vol. 9 issue 2

Printed on Recycled Paper KLCDirect is designed internally to save our members money.

County Legal Aid followed by a by followed Aid Legal County

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Who Do We Appreciate? KLC Profiles Legislative Leaders Legislative Profiles KLC Appreciate? We Do Who

LEGISLATIVE NEWS LEGISLATIVE For overall feedback, contact Terri Johnson at 1-800-876-4552, ext. 3784, or [email protected]. [email protected]. or 3784, ext. 1-800-876-4552, at Johnson Terri contact feedback, overall For We Want to Hear from You! from Hear to Want We

departments, please contact the KLC staff listed or go to go or listed staff KLC the contact please departments, Direct KLC for commentary or story a submit To

For more information or to register online, visit KLC’s web site at at site web KLC’s visit online, register to or information more For . With questions, contact KLC at 1-800-876-4552. at KLC contact questions, With .

dates and events. and dates

information on upcoming legislative and other important other and legislative upcoming on information

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