Demand-Side Interventions to Reduce Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Demand-side interventions to reduce deforestation and forest degradation Nathalie Walker, Sabrina Patel, Frances Davies, Simon Milledge and James Hulse DEMAnd-sidE inTERVENTIOns TO REDUCE DEFORESTATION And FOREST DEGRADATION Acknowledgements Increasing recognition of the role that commodity demand-side measures can play to address deforestation has resulted in a recent surge in efforts to assess progress and chart ways forward. As an initial step towards taking a holistic look at the range of available commodity demand-side measures, this paper was the result of a collaboration between the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED), Global Canopy Programme (GCP), CDP Forests (formerly Forest Footprint Disclosure Project) and The Prince’s Rainforests Project (PRP). In this regard special thanks are due to Andrew Mitchell (GCP), James Hulse (CDP Forests), Frances Davis (GCP), Nathalie Walker (FFD), Edward Davey (PRP), Irene Klepinine (PRP), Georgia Edwards (PRP), Duncan Macqueen (IIED), Simon Milledge (IIED), Leianne Rolington (IIED) and Lucile Robinson (IIED). The paper builds on an international workshop held in February 2013, also co-convened by the International Institute of Environment and Development, Global Canopy Programme, CDP Forests and The Prince’s Rainforests Project. The active inputs from presenters and participants representing private sector, civil society and government are sincerely appreciated, and The Royal Society is acknowledged for providing an atmospheric venue setting within the City of London rooms. Barbara Bramble (National Wildlife Federation and also Chair of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels) deserves special mention for having chaired the event to ensure a day of informative and provocative discussions. Lastly, Duncan Brack and Alison Hoare (Chatham House) are acknowledged for their efforts to enable coordinated preparations and follow-up to this work.
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