S. Saric, D. Perakovic, Z. Kavran: Analysis of Mobile Telephony Development in Croatia SLAVKO SARIC, D.Sc. Traffic Infrastructure DRAGAN PERAKOVIC, B.Eng. Review
[email protected] U. D. C.: 654.164 ZVONKO KAVRAN, B.Eng. Accepted: Dec. 1, 1999
[email protected] Approved:Jan.8,2001 Fakultet prometnih znanosti Zagreb, Vukeliceva 4 ANALYSIS OF MOBILE TELEPHONY DEVELOPMENT IN CROATIA ABSTRACT Along with the advantages offered, the drawback is the substantially reduced safety in using mobile tele Mobile telephony appeared in 1955 and its development in phones during car driving. The number of mobile tele the world and in Croatia can be divided into two generations: phones in cars is growing steadily, but unfortunately analogue mobile system and digital mobile systems. Mobile te the same is happening with the number of accidents /eplzony is a part of the telecommunication market experienc caused by motorists who have been using mobile tele ing the fastest growth. Already in 1990, the mobile telephones phone while driving. accounted for 4% of the world market in telecommunication services, and their share is increasing daily. Liberalisation of The development of mobile telephony system can the Croatian market of mobile telephony was a necessity for es be considered through constant improvement of the tablishing competition as a necessG/y prerequisite for providing network operation quality, increase of the signal cov high-quality se1vices and reducing their prices, and it COJTe ered area and the introduction of new services. Legis sponds to the mobile telephony system development worldwide. lative regulations in some countries that forbid using At the beginning of the 90s, the Republic of Croatia was lagging mobile devices while driving have stipulated the devel behind the telecommunication-developed world, and today she opment of apparatus which provides "hand-free" has a modem infrastructure that supports highly sophisticated mode in order to increase safety.