Quantifiers, Domains, and (Meta-) Ontology Lajos Brons (
[email protected])1 Department of Philosophy, Nihon University, and Lakeland College, Japan Campus, Tokyo, Japan abstract — In metaphysics, quantifiers are assumed to be either binary or unary. Binary quantifiers take the concept(s) ALL OF and/or SOME OF as primitive(s); unary quantifiers take the concept(s) EVERYTHING and/or SOMETHING as primitive(s). Binary quantifiers (explicitly) range over domains. However, EVERYTHING and SOMETHING are reducible to the binary quantifiers ALL OF and SOME OF: EVERYTHING is ALL OF some implied domain, and there is no natural, default, or inherent domain U such that EVERYTHING is ALL OF U. Therefore, any quantifier ranges over a domain, and is thus binary, and there are no unary quantifiers. This implies that if two theories assign different truth values to “Fs exist”, while they agree about the relevant properties of Fs, then the two theories quantify over different domains, and a choice between these two theories is, therefore, a choice between domains. However, none of the common arguments for or against particular domains is up to the task, and therefore, there are at least some cases in which there is no single right domain. The choice for a particular domain is a pragmatic choice. In addition to substantiating the above arguments, this paper discusses its implications for the metaphysical debate between Carnap and Quine and the contemporary controversies in meta-ontology. 1. introduction In “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology”, Carnap (1950) distinguished two kinds of ontological questions: internal questions concern the existence of certain entities within a given “framework”; external questions concern the “the choice whether or not to accept and use the forms of expression in the framework in question” (p.