Republicans 2Nd Invite Kirk Is the Only Organized Student Movement the Devotion of Fitting Atten Posed to Be from Nine to One
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pgglp PS SPSS WmW' INHRMiHH VHK&PS WtMy-iPR W i - f i ! I p i i Ä I i 'ImmÈÈÈÊ i ® m r# i- [ji 11 Serving MSU for 52 yean Established 1909 Voi 53, No. 146 Monday Morning, February 19« 1962 6 Pages *£VL2rX2%*. 1 0 C e n ts ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Global Contract, Glimpses ■ | ■ | By the Associated Press Flood Death Toll 246 in Germany HAMBURG—1Toll of dead and missing in Germany mounts to 246 as wind-whipped floods recede, leaving battlefield scene; Critical hundred hurt, thousands homeless. Communists report 3 dead and 21 injured In East Germany; East German News Agency charges West German rearmament Articles was to blame for “neglect of urgently needed strengthening” of dikes which were breached in West. .Blamed Reds To Keep Buzzing in Berlin By TOM WINTER BERLIN—The Soviets Sunday night renewed their pressure Of The State News Staff on the allied air links with isolated West Berlin. They demanded exclusive use for the Red ah’ force of the north corridor from An MSU research and advi Berlin to Hamburg for three hours Monday.. sory team which had been in The Western powers immediately rejected the Soviet bid. Viet Nam since 1954 under a Allied officials said they will answer it as before—by flying contract with the Viet Namese extra military transports through the space the Soviets wanted government will leave the coun to reserve. The United States. Britain and France were also try, it was learned here Sun reported ready to send in fighter patrols if the Soviets continued day. buzzing allied planes. The contract expires June 30, and will not be renewed duo to TRUSTEES APPROVE COORDINATING COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP—Vot Dr. Connor Smith of Pinconnhtg, chairman; Pres. John A. Hannah; Jan differences between the gov Tshombe Calk To End Secession ing to join the Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education Vanderploeg of North Muskegon; C. Allan Harlan of Detroit; Frank Merri- ernment and MSU, Ralph ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga-President Moise Tshombe of Saturday were these Trustees of the University. Left to right are: Jack maa of DeckerviUe and Warren Half of Plymouth. —State News Photo by Smuckler, associate dean of _ Katanga has invited Premier Cyriile Adoula of the central Brestin,' secretary; Philip J. May, treasurer; Don Stevens of Okemos; Dennis Pa jot. ___ - international programs, said. government to meet with him at the UJS.’s big Kamina base “We refuse to limit the writ to discuss ending Katanga’s secession. _ ing of our faculty after visits A Katanga communique Sunday said Tshombe has sent a to Viet .Nam,” Smuckler said, letter to Leopoldville authorities informing them of decisions Higher Education Coordinating Couucil “and this to what the Viet Na taken by Katanga’s parliament on the Kitona agreement signed mese government to asking us by Tshombe in December to end two weeks of fighting between to do.” Katangan and United Nations forces. If carried out, it will Dean Seelye flew to Viet end Katanga’s 18 months of independence. Given Approval by Board of Trustees Nam to explore whether we could be effective in our work China Warns India on Illegal Survey- By MARCIA VAN NESS that the organization was education, with advice and in_the office of the Michigan East of Agricultural Engi there and to explore grounds Editor-In-Chief pledged to: recommendations thereon, to Council of State College Presi neering and east~of the Plant under which the contract could TOKYO—Red China has accused India of sending a recon be extended, not to seek an naissance plane low over Sinkiang province in China’s remote 1. Statewide coordination of the people and to the ap dents located in Lansing. Science Greenhouse — Science Members of the Board of the programs and resources of propriate governmental author Regular meetings of the extensiotfT” said James Hen northwest and has protested vigorously, radio Peiping said Trustees voted Saturday to Road. dry, coordinator of the Viet Sunday. _ its member institutions.' ities. _ — council would be held at least ratify the constitution of the 2. Planning for the orderly The group would be compos four times each year. The board extended the con Nam project. _ Details of the protest, however, disclosed that the reported newly-created Michigan Co development of public higher flight was over the northeast corner of Ladakh, the Himalayan ed of one delegate from each In other action, the board tract of George M. Johnson, President Diem wa* irri ordinating Council for Public education in accord with the governing board chosen by the voted to name roads: tated with articles written (nr plateau claimed by both sides in a dispute dating back to the Higher Education. chief of the Nigerian project. mid-1950's. ^ changing needs and resources boards, the presidents of each Surrounding Brody dormi Howard R. Neville, professor research team members af The constitution will become of the state. of the four-year state-supported tories — Brody Road North, ter they left Viet Nam. Be effective if it is approved by 3. Dissemination of informa universities and colleges and Brody Road East, Brody Road and director of Continuing ing at war be felt he had to McNamara Optimistic in Viet Nam five of the 10 governing boards tion regarding the financing the state superintendent of South and Brody Road West. Education, was named an as balance the good the team — of state universities. and operation of public higher -public instruction. South ci Demonstration ball sistant provost. Louis A. Doyle did with the advene publicity WASHINGTON—Secretary of defense Robert S. McNamara It was ratified Friday by the left for Hawaii-Sunday "very optimistic” that growing effec There would also be two — Demonstration Hall Road. was promoted from associate that these articles gave his Board of Regents of the Uni representatives of publicly sup South of Shaw Lane, ulti goverameat, Smuckler tail. tiveness is being shown in South Viet Nam’s U.S.-aided efforts versity of Michigan. professor and assistant director to curb Communist guerrillas. - — ported community-junior -col mately running across campus of Continuing Education to as Dr. Milton Taylor, author of The board, in its monthly leges — one the member of the from Harrison Road to Bogue McNamara gave newsmen his views briefly just before board meeting at Kellogg Center, fol Senator sociate professor and associate some of the articles to which ing a plane for Honolulu and his third conference in two months governing board of one of these Street— Wilson Road. director of Continuing Edu Diem took exception, said, lowed the wishes of President colleges and the other the ad West of the pavilion and east with top U. S. Military and diplomatic figures of the Pacific John A. Hannah, who said: cation- “Our thesis is that we’re losing area. ministrative head. of the new Engineering build out in Viet Nam not because “I think the Trustees should Attacks The council would work with- ing — Engineering Road. give this organization whole Communism is so strong, but hearted support If it falls to because the government to so__ Glenn’s Take-Off Expected Tuesday- despotic and inefficient that CAPE CANAVERAL—Weather experts said Sunday they are accomplish its goals after a Liberals trial period, the University can Spotlight the Viet-Namese people have ' cautiously optimistic” that Atlantic Ocean weather will im State Senator Lynn O. no reason to . fight Commu prove and pernjit John H. Glenn Jr. to rocket into orbit around withdraw its membership.” Trustee Warren Huff of Ply Francis of Midland reaffirmed nism.” the earth Tuesday. his position as a-strong right He said that Adrian Jaffe Weather in the eastern Atlantic ocean showed signs of better mouth represented the board at Features the charter meeting of the ist Thursday night in a speech and he had co-authored mi ar ing but experts warned that a new storm is expected to move council earlier in February. to the Conservative Club. ticle which appeared in the _ into the western Atlantic and the areas in which Glenn would "I’m all souped up over the New Republic to the effect that drop back to earth. He moved the adoption of 3 Colors the constitution on the grounds growing conservative move Viet Nam was not a democ ment,” the Senate- majority -T h is issue of the SPOTLIGHT racy, was not viabla, and was leader said. Francis is a mem marks the first time in Die not a bastion of freedom as it Biggest in 20 Years ber of the education, appropria history of the State News that was supposed to be. tions and labor committees. three colors—red, black and Other such articles were writ Francis appealed to bis audi green—have been used. ten by Frank Child, associate ence for more self-reliance and The SPOTLIGHT itself was professor of economics, and by Student Peace Rally individualism op the part of all a milestone. It was the first Robert Scigliano, associate pro- _ Americans. time, this term, that a regular lessor of political science. “The Individual Is a better weekly supplement was includ “I was there tor a year and Pickets White House todge of his needs than ed with the regular news sec a hair starting January, 1969, bureaucrats,” he said In at tion of the paper. and tried to help the Viet Na „ By FRANCES DE LONG groups relieving one another in tacking federal taxes, care Of the State News Staff This SPOTLIGHT also in mese and to fight Communism two-hour shifts. for fiie aged and aid to edu cludes an essay on “A Human in what ways I could,” Taylor - Reports of the day’s ac ■■ cation.