Loving Frank
Loving Frank by John Burnham Schwartz Based on the novel by Nancy Horan Escape Artists Draft of: 10/13/09 Lionsgate Entertainment OVER A BLACK SCREEN: THE SOUND OF HAMMERING. EXT. NEW YORK, GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM - DAY (1958) A long, still WIDE SHOT of the museum’s facade: a temple of sculptural perfection. A checker CAB rolls down Fifth Avenue. Then a 1957 CADILLAC, followed by a late 1950’s New York City BUS. TWO MEN in fedoras and suits stroll through frame, stopping briefly to stare up at the building. We PRESS FORWARD into the space where the men just were, closer to the building, CLOSER, passing through the walls... INT. GUGGENHEIM, ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS Inside. WORKMEN and islands of SCAFFOLDING punctuate the vast open atrium. Ethereal light pours down from the huge skylight above. The building is still unfinished. SUPER: 1958. The HAMMERING continues, louder now, mixed with other sounds of CONSTRUCTION. One by one, the workmen stop hammering, doff their caps and stand at respectful attention. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, 91 and still arrogantly handsome, dressed in a black broad-brimmed hat and dark suit, stands in the center of the atrium, surveying the space and light. Pleased, but not satisfied. Seeing something that we are not seeing. He nods perfunctorily at the workmen and begins to walk slowly up the long, spiralling RAMP. The workmen stare after him -- the greatest architect of their time -- then return to work. INT. GUGGENHEIM, RAMP - CONTINUOUS Alone, slowly, Frank ascends the ramp. Looking critically at things -- the quality of plasterwork, cavities in the walls and ceilings where lights will be -- but also, the higher he goes, the more he seems to be entering another state of mind, a place of his own.
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