Section Editor Molybdenum deficiency John J. Millichap, MD

Madhu Nagappa, DM Molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MoCD) is a rare biotidinase levels. Cytogenetic study showed normal Parayil S. Bindu, DM inherited metabolic disorder characterized by neona- male karyotype. Screening for amino-acidemias, Arun B. Taly, DM tal onset intractable seizures, severe psychomotor organic acidemias, and disorders of fatty acid oxida- Sanjib Sinha, DM retardation, dysmorphic facies, and dislocated ocular tion by tandem mass spectrometry drew negative re- Rose D. Bharath, DM lenses.1 A characteristic biochemical profile permits sults. Urine analysis for abnormal metabolites, early diagnosis. Although more than 100 genetically glycosaminoglycans, total mucopolysaccharides, and characterized patients have been reported, this num- organic acids was normal. Lactate (32.9 mg/dL; ref Correspondence to ber is discrepant with the actual prevalence as MoCD 4.5–20 mg/dL) and ammonia (67.7 mg/dL; ref 11– Dr. Bindu: [email protected] is often mistaken for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa- 35 mg/dL) were mildly elevated. Mild laryngomalacia thy (HIE) secondary to perinatal asphyxia. It is was detected on bronchoscopic examination. Brain important to recognize MoCD to provide appropriate MRI done at fourth month of life showed severe genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.2 Effective diffuse cerebral atrophy, areas of T2 shortening in pharmacotherapies that overcome the primary bio- bilateral basal ganglia suggestive of intracranial hae- chemical defect are also in the pipeline. We present morrhage, and pontine hypoplasia with enlargement a child with biochemically and genetically confirmed of the prepontine cistern (figure, A–D). EEG showed MoCD and discuss the clinical, imaging, biochemi- recurrent multifocal epileptiform discharges. cal, and genetic profile of this disorder. Serum homocysteine was markedly reduced (0.9 mmol/L; ref 4–12 mmol/L), and uric acid was CASE REPORT A 4-year-old boy from the south undetectable. Examination of purine metabolites in Indian state of Kerala presented with developmental urine showed the following: xanthine (259 mmol/ delay and seizures. He was the only child of consan- mol creatinine; ref 0–43 mmol/mol creatinine), guineous parents (first cousins). He was born at term hypoxanthine (83 mmol/mol creatinine; ref 0–56 following an uneventful antenatal period with a birth- mmol/mol creatinine), inosine (5 mmol/mol creati- weight of 3.25 kg, cried immediately at birth, and did nine; ref 0–4 mmol/mol creatinine), orotic acid (4 not have features of birth asphyxia. He developed mmol/mol creatinine; 0–3 mmol/mol creatinine), generalized seizures on the fifth day of life. The seiz- uracil (48 mmol/mol creatinine; 0–26 mmol/mol cre- ures remained refractory to multiple anticonvulsants atinine), and dihydrothymine (11 mmol/mol creati- at optimal dosages. He also developed episodes of nine; 0–10 mmol/mol creatinine). The biochemical intermittent sudden flexion of trunk and limbs once abnormalities were characteristic of MoCD. Sequenc- – in 1 2 minutes. The frequency of these episodes ing of coding region of MOCS1 and MOCS2 showed was reduced with time and occurred in response to homozygous mutation in MOCS2 c.252insC, result- sound only. Since 6 months of age, he developed ing in a frameshift and early termination. This con- progressive stiffness with intermittent posturing of firmed the diagnosis of MoCD. neck and trunk. There was no history of neurologic illness in the family. DISCUSSION The differential diagnosis in a child On examination, he was irritable and poorly nour- presenting with neonatal seizures are listed in table ished with intermittent stridor. He had microcephaly e-1 on the Neurology® Web site at with head circumference of 46 cm, bilaterally dislo- An important diagnostic clue on general physical cated lenses, and could not fix or track light. He examination was the presence of dislocated ocular had exaggerated startle to sound. There was severe lenses. Lens dislocation characterizes sulfite oxidase spasticity, cervical dystonia, and opisthotonus. Inves- deficiency, MoCD, Marfan syndrome, and tigations showed normal hemogram, renal and hepa- homocystinuria. The combination of severe global

tic function tests, serum B12, folic acid, and developmental delay, seizures, and dislocated ocular Supplemental data at From the Departments of Neurology (M.N., P.S.B., A.B.T., S.S.) and Neuro-Imaging and Interventional Radiology (R.D.B.), National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India. Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.

© 2015 American Academy of Neurology e175 ª 2015 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Figure Molybdenum cofactor deficiency: MRI features and biochemical pathway

(A–D) Axial T2-weighted MRI of brain. Dislocated ocular lenses are noted in the patient (arrow). The normal biconvex shape is lost due to partial dislocation and the lens has assumed a more spherical shape. Note the normally placed biconvex ocular lenses in an unrelated 4-year-old boy with normal brain MRI (B, arrow). Additional abnormalities in the patient include pontine hypoplasia (A), areas of hemorrhage in bilateral basal ganglia (C, arrows), and severe cortical and subcortical cerebral atrophy (D) with resultant ventricular dilation and sulcal widening. (E) Major steps in molybdenum cofactor biosynthetic pathway. Guanosine triphosphate is converted to cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate by MOCS1, which is subsequently converted to by MOCS2 and MOCS3. mediates the conversion from molybdopterin to molybdenum cofactor. Based on these 3 major steps, molybdenum cofactor deficiency is categorized into 3 subtypes, A, B, and C, involving genetic mutations in MOSC1, MOSC2, and Gephyrin, respectively (modified and adapted from reference 1).

lenses is characteristic of MoCD and isolated sulfite autonomic dysfunction, and metabolic and lactic aci- oxidase deficiency.1 The clinical and imaging profiles dosis. Macrocephaly may occur exceptionally due to of both these disorders are similar and they can be hydrocephalus.1,6,5 Clinical phenotype is expanding distinguished based on the biochemical and genetic with recognition of lens dislocation as forme fruste of abnormalities.4 neurologic manifestations, neonatal with MoCD is a rare autosomal recessive neurometa- startle and flexor spasms leading to apnea without any bolic disorder of childhood. Patients reported so far electrographic seizure, and adult-onset progressive belong to diverse ethnic backgrounds, but the inci- parkinsonism-dystonia syndrome.7 The majority of dence in the general population is not known due to the affected individuals die of the illness within the lack of epidemiologic studies. The disorder presents first few days or weeks of life.6 Late-onset, milder phe- classically with neonatal onset refractory seizures, notype with survival into adult life and neurologically marked global developmental delay, microcephaly, asymptomatic patients detected during sibling screen- abnormal muscle tone, and markedly reduced life- ing are also reported. span.5 Clinical signs of progressive pyramidal and Brain MRI abnormalities evolve sequentially with extrapyramidal dysfunction ensue.5 Dysmorphic fea- time. Global cerebral infarction with edema and tures include long face, puffy cheeks, widely spaced restriction in diffusion-weighted images are noted in eyes, elongated palpebral fissure, thick lips, long phil- early stages.5,8 Basal ganglia, thalami, cerebral pe- trum, and small nose. Feeding difficulty, failure to duncles, and subthalamic nuclei are also affected thrive, and screaming episodes are common.6 Cortical early.5 This is eventually replaced by severe cystic damage, myopia, and lens dislocation contribute to leukomalacia with an antero-posterior gradient and impaired vision, which is universal.5 Other uncommon greater involvement of the posterior regions of cere- features include renal stones, intermittent microscopic bral cortex.5,8 Dysgenesis of corpus callosum, and a hematuria, skeletal abnormalities, laryngomalacia, distinctive band of intermediate signal intensity at the e176 Neurology 85 December 8, 2015 ª 2015 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. gray-white junction, may occur.6,5 Posterior fossa Theoretically, uric acid supplementation may reduce abnormalities include pontocerebellar atrophy and ret- or limit neuronal injury occurring in MoCD due to rocerebellar cyst.5 Isolated hyperintensities of globus hypouricemia and increased oxidative stress. Its practi- pallidi and skeletal abnormalities are rare. Dislocated cal utility remains to be established. NMDA receptor ocular lenses can be discerned in the MRI sections that inhibition with dextromethorphan, , and cys- include the ocular globe. Several points distinguish teine supplementation and diet low in sulfur- MoCD from HIE (table e-2).5 EEG evidence of mul- containing amino acids have been tried without any tifocal epileptiform discharges and burst-suppression is benefit. Pyridoxine has been shown to improve seizure a reflection of extensive cerebral damage.9 frequency without affecting the underlying metabolic Molybdenum is an essential trace element that is defect. Experimental therapy with IV cyclic pyranop- incorporated into a cofactor by a complex biosyn- terin monophosphate has been shown to benefit thetic pathway, mediated by 4 : MOCS1, MoCD type A only.9 This compound is ideally initi- MOCS2, MOCS3, and gephyrin (GPHN).1,6 More ated at birth at a dose of 80 mg$kg21$d21 and than 60 pathogenic mutations in 3 genes, MOCS1, increased to 240 mg$kg21$d21. Neurocognitive out- MOCS2, and GPHN, cause MoCD and result in loss come is markedly improved and lifelong therapy is of molybdenum cofactor–dependent activity. recommended.9 Molybdate therapy may benefit those The commonest mutation is c.726-727delAA in the with mutations in the GEPH .2 It is now possible MOCS2 gene. MoCD can be classified into types A, to establish diagnosis in the prenatal period by muta- B, and C depending on the site of defect in its bio- tional analysis or linkage studies in families where the synthetic pathway (figure, E). Type A is the common- specific genetic defect is known or by estimating sulfite est, but there are no phenotypic differences between oxidase in chorionic villus tissue.2 Prenatal diagnosis the different types.9 has the advantage of permitting decision regarding Molybdenum cofactor is crucial for the catalytic continuation of pregnancy and initiation of early treat- activity of xanthine oxidase, sulfite oxidase, ment in the newborn child to arrest the illness.2 nitrogenases, and nitrate reductase. Sulfite oxidase is MoCD should be considered in any child with the terminal enzyme that detoxifies sulfites. Xanthine global developmental delay and seizures in the setting dehydrogenase plays a role in purine and of dysmorphic facies, dislocated ocular lenses, and converts xanthine and hypoxanthine to uric acid. hypouricemia. Brain MRI should be used judiciously Aldehyde dehydrogenase converts aldehyde to acids.5 to distinguish MoCD from HIE, with is a close differ- Brain autopsy findings mirror the MRI picture. There ential diagnosis. Early diagnosis is essential to avail is extensive neuronal loss, reactive astrogliosis, and benefit of emerging therapies. spongiosis. Abnormal accumulation of sulfite due to loss of sulfite oxidase activity in MoCD is responsible AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS 5 M. Nagappa: wrote the first draft. P.S. Bindu: study concept and design, for excitotoxic neuronal injury. data analysis and interpretation, approved final draft. A.B. Taly: study Biochemical abnormalities that characterize MoCD supervision, critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual are a reflection of deficient functioning of molybde- content. S. Sinha: study supervision, critical revision of the manuscript num cofactor–dependent enzymes xanthine oxidase for important intellectual content. Rose D. Bharath: analyzed and inter- preted MRI data. and sulfite oxidase. The most consistent and classical biochemical abnormality is markedly reduced or unde- STUDY FUNDING tectable uric acid in serum secondary to deficiency of No targeted funding reported. xanthine dehydrogenase. Uric acid is a useful screening DISCLOSURE tool and should form a part of routine evaluation of a The authors report no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. Go to patient with neonatal seizures. A word of caution is for full disclosures. that milder phenotypes may have plasma uric acid at just the lower end of the laboratory reference range. 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e178 Neurology 85 December 8, 2015 ª 2015 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Child Neurology: Molybdenum cofactor deficiency Madhu Nagappa, Parayil S. Bindu, Arun B. Taly, et al. Neurology 2015;85;e175-e178 DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002194

This information is current as of December 7, 2015

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