

Near-Inertial Waves in Strongly Baroclinic Currents

DANIEL B. WHITT AND LEIF N. THOMAS Environmental System Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California

(Manuscript received 24 July 2012, in final form 12 December 2012)


An analysis and physical interpretation of near-inertial waves (NIWs) propagating perpendicular to a steady, two-dimensional, strongly baroclinic, geostrophic current are presented. The analysis is appropriate for geostrophic currents with order-one Richardson numbers such as those associated with fronts experi- encing strong, wintertime atmospheric forcing. This work highlights the underlying physics behind the properties of the NIWs using parcel arguments and the principles of conservation of density and absolute momentum. Baroclinicity introduces lateral gradients in density and vertical gradients in absolute momentum that significantly modify the and polarization relations and propagation of NIWs relative to classical theory. In particular, oscillations at the minimum frequency are not horizontal but, instead, are slanted along isopycnals. Furthermore, the polarization of the horizontal velocity is not neces- sarily circular at the minimum frequency and the spiraling of the wave’s velocity vector with time and depth can be in the opposite direction from that predicted by classical theory. Ray tracing and numerical solutions illustrate the trapping and amplification of NIWs in regions of strong baroclinicity where the wave frequency is lower than the effective frequency. The largest amplification is found at slantwise critical layers that align with the tilted isopycnals of the current. Such slantwise critical layers are seen in wintertime observations of the and, consistent with the theory, coincide with regions of intensified ageostrophic shear characterized by a banded structure that is spatially coherent along isopycnals.

1. Introduction mixing. The analysis of the data by Whalen et al. (2012) provides further evidence of this, showing that Internal waves carry a substantial fraction of the ki- mixing varies in concert with the seasonal changes in netic energy in the and have small vertical scales near-inertial energy in the mixed layer. However, how with large vertical shears (Ferrari and Wunsch 2009). NIWs ultimately lead to enhanced turbulence is not well Consequently they are thought to play a crucial role in understood. One proposed mechanism is through the vertical mixing (e.g., Munk and Wunsch 1998; Wunsch interaction of the waves with the circulation and its and Ferrari 2004; Ferrari and Wunsch 2009). Global mesoscale eddies. maps of ocean mixing inferred from Argo profiles using NIWs are known to interact strongly with mesoscale a finescale parameterization for mixing by internal features because the vorticity of balanced flows signifi- waves reveal that mixing is enhanced in regions of high cantly modifies their frequency (Mooers 1975). A vari- kinetic energy, particularly near separated western ety of observations have been made that illustrate this boundary currents (Whalen et al. 2012). Separated interaction (e.g., Perkins 1976; Weller 1982; Kunze and western boundary currents underlie the atmospheric Sanford 1984; Kunze et al. 1995). Kunze et al. (1995), in storm tracks where time-variable winds efficiently inject particular, show regions of high energy dissipation in kinetic energy into the near-inertial band of the internal the associated with anticyclonic vorticity, wave spectrum (Alford 2003). This suggests that near- which lowers the frequency of the waves and allows for inertial waves (NIWs) could facilitate the enhanced the existence of trapped subinertial waves with ampli- fied energy density, consistent with the well-established theoretical predictions of, for example, Kunze (1985), Corresponding author address: Daniel B. Whitt, Stanford University, 473 Via Ortega, Room 140, MC 4216, Stanford, CA Klein and Hua (1988), Klein and Treguier (1995), 94305. Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997), Balmforth et al. (1998), E-mail: [email protected] and Plougonven and Zeitlin (2005).

DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-0132.1

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FIG. 1. (top) The Rossby number and base-10 logarithm of the Richardson number, Rog and log(Rig), in the Gulf Stream from a section taken during the winter as part of the CLIMODE experiment. (bottom) The ageostrophic 2 shear from the same section with potential density (black contours) superimposed at increments of 0.2 kg m 3. Ageostrophic shears were calculated by assuming the cross-stream shear ›ya/›z was all ageostrophic and the along- 21 stream shear was equivalent to the total shear minus the thermal wind shear, ›ua/›z 5 ›u/›z 1 f ›b/›y. They show the coherent phase structure typical of a downward propagating internal wave, yet with slopes that run parallel to isopycnals. These shears coincide with regions of low Rig suggesting that baroclinic effects may be important in the wave dynamics. The wave shear occupies a relatively small part of the section, that is, about 30 km, so the velocities are not backrotated since they were observed over just several hours. These observations are from survey S1 in Inoue et al. (2010).

More recent observations collected in the Gulf Stream by the effects of baroclinicity in both a surface front and under wintertime forcing as part of the Clivar Mode a coastal zone (Wang 1991; Federiuk and Water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE) reveal strong Allen 1996, respectively). However, the physical phe- NIWs with subinertial frequencies (Marshall et al. 2009). nomena were not fully explored. The NIWs were characterized by horizontally coherent This body of recent observations and simulations structures in the ageostrophic shear that were aligned suggests that the strong baroclinicity of frontal jets, not with the slanted isopycnals of the pycnocline (e.g., Fig. 1) solely the vorticity, influences the dynamics of the NIWs and that were coincident with regions of enhanced dis- that are propagating in them and can facilitate wave sipation (Inoue et al. 2010). The banded structure in trapping, amplification, and breaking.1 ageostrophic shear was found in the north wall of the Motivated to understand the physics behind the Gulf Stream where the balanced flow is cyclonic and CLIMODE observations, in this article we use an ap- strongly baroclinic, that is, where the relative vorticity, propriate analytical theory to explore how the proper- horizontal density gradient, and thermal wind shear are ties, propagation, and energetics of NIWs are modified large. Similar observations of coherent wavelike shear bands along isopycnals have also been made in other strong frontal regions by, for example, Shcherbina et al. 1 Geostrophic flows with extremely high baroclinicity can de- (2003) and Rainville and Pinkel (2004) but these obser- velop enhanced shear and dissipation parallel to isopycnals even vations were interpreted as waves constrained by the without significant activity. Frontogenetic strain, in variation of relative vorticity. The effects of baroclinicity, particular, can play an important role in this process and can also which lead to amplification parallel to isopycnals, were modify any internal waves in the front (Thomas 2012). However, not investigated and may have helped to explain some frontogenesis does not appear to be important in the observations presented here and is not the focus of the present paper. See unexpected results in these observations. Winkel et al. (2002), Nagai et al. (2009), Thomas et al. (2010), and Two-dimensional primitive equation numerical sim- D’Asaro et al. (2011) for other examples of enhanced shear parallel ulations have also shown evidence of NIWs modified to isopycnals due to waves and other phenomena.

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC 708 JOURNAL OF VOLUME 43 by strongly baroclinic geostrophic currents such as the ›u ›y ›w 0 5 1 1 , (6) Gulf Stream. By strongly baroclinic we mean that the ›x ›y ›z gradient Richardson number of the geostrophic flow where D/Dt denotes the material derivative, (u, y, w) are N2 Ri 5 (1) the (x, y, z) components of the velocity, p is the pressure, g › › 2 r 52 r r j ug/ zj 0 is the reference density, b g / 0 is the buoyancy, and f 5 2V sinF is the traditional Coriolis frequency, (where N is the buoyancy frequency and ug is the geo- where F is latitude and V is the rotation rate of the strophic velocity) is O(1). We will also consider mean earth. flows with an order-one-magnitude vorticity Rossby Next we assume that the background flow is entirely in number, Rog 5 k $ 3 ug/f (f is the Coriolis frequency, the x direction and, moreover, that all the motions are k is the vertical unit vector, and we keep the sign), as is uniform in the x direction so that all derivatives with appropriate for the Gulf Stream (e.g., Fig. 1) and other respect to x vanish. Furthermore, we assume that the separated western boundary currents. The linearized wave perturbations are small compared to the back- governing equations for NIWs propagating in such ground flow and hence nonlinear wave–wave inter- currents are reviewed in section 2. These equations are actions may be neglected. Moreover, we break the flow similar to those used by Mooers (1975), except they into steady geostrophically balanced and unsteady ageo- are hydrostatic since we are studying only the waves strophic (wave) components, of lowest frequency. The equations differ from those used in the theories of Kunze (1985) and Young and 5 1 y 5 y 5 5 1 u ug ua, a, w wa, b bg ba , Ben-Jelloul (1997) in that they do not assume a mean

flow with low Rog and high Rig and are, thus, appro- where the geostrophic velocity ug and the steady part of priate for currents with strong baroclinicity and O(1) the buoyancy bg are defined so that they are related by Rog and Rig. In sections 3 and 4, we discuss the me- the thermal wind balance chanics, energetics, and propagation of waves under this governing system. Several of the unusual properties of ›u ›b these waves are elucidated using parcel arguments to g 52 g f › › . (7) understand the fundamental physics. In section 5, we z y present a numerical solution to the wave propagation Thus, the governing equations of the ageostrophic problem in an idealized surface intensified baroclinic wave motions become jet with properties similar to the winter Gulf Stream. We obtain monochromatic solutions and plot stream- ›u ›u ›u functions and energy densities. These results compare a 1 y g 1 w g 2 f y 5 › a › a › a 0, (8) favorably with ray tracing. In section 6 we contrast our t y z results to the theoretical results of Mooers (1975), ›y 1 ›p Kunze (1985), and Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997). The a 1 fu 52 a , (9) ›t a r ›y article is concluded in section 7. 0 1 ›p 52 a 1 b 2. Governing equations 0 r › a , (10) 0 z We begin with the inviscid, adiabatic, hydrostatic ›b ›b ›b Boussinesq equations of motion on the f plane, a 1 y g 1 w g 5 0, (11) ›t a ›y a ›z Du 1 ›p 2 f y 52 , (2) ›y › r › a wa Dt 0 x 1 5 0, (12) ›y ›z y › D 1 521 p fu r › , (3) which are the same as those in Mooers (1975) except Dt 0 y that we have made the hydrostatic approximation. We 1 ›p can make the hydrostatic approximation because we are 0 52 1 b, (4) r › interested in waves with frequencies much smaller than 0 z N and aspect ratios much smaller than 1. Db For convenience, we now introduce a streamfunction 5 0, (5) Dt c such that

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›c ›c 3. Basic wave properties y 5 , w 52 , a ›z a ›y In a bounded domain with constant background properties, (14) has constant coefficients and can be and the system of governing equations reduces to a sin- converted into a Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problem. gle partial differential equation for c In fact, even if N varies with depth, this procedure can still be followed (e.g., Gerkema and Shrira 2005a,b). ›2 ›2c ›2c ›2c F2 1 1 2S2 1 N2 5 0, (13) However, we are interested in the case where all the ›t2 ›z2 ›z›y ›y2 coefficients in (14) vary in two spatial dimensions. We will ultimately have to obtain a numerical solution to 2 2 this problem. However, we can glean physical insights where F 5 f (f 2 ›ug/›y), S 5 f ›ug/›z 52›bg/›y, and 2 from this equation without too many further assump- N 5 ›bg/›z. This is the well-known time-dependent Eliassen–Sawyer equation (Sawyer 1956; Eliassen 1962) tions about the solution. In particular, it can be shown that has since been derived in, for example, Hua et al. that two fundamental properties of near-inertial waves (1997), Plougonven and Zeitlin (2005), and Colin de (NIWs)—their minimum frequency and direction of Verdiere (2012). propagation—are significantly modified by baroclinicity. Throughout the rest of the paper, we assume for sim- However, first we introduce an idealized background flow plicity that the time dependence can be represented by in which we illustrate the various wave phenomena 2 v simple harmonic motion fi.e., c(y, z, t) 5 R[C(y, z)e i t]g throughout the paper. so (13) with the aforementioned simplifications becomes a. Idealized background flow

›2C ›2C ›2C To cleanly illustrate the various properties of NIWs in (F2 2 v2) 1 2S2 1 N2 5 0. (14) a baroclinic flow, we construct an idealized baroclinic ›z2 ›z›y ›y2 flow in geostrophic balance for use throughout the paper (see Fig. 2). The flow is constructed by assuming This is the governing equation that we will refer to a steady, two-dimensional (y, z) density structure throughout the paper. For the flows that we will con- " # sider, (14) can be hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic C r 5 r 2 C cosn(py/L ) 1 2 (16) depending on the location. It is parabolic along the curve 0 1 y 1 1 tanh(z/L ) defined by S4 2 N2(F2 2 v2) 5 0 (which we will later z define as the contour of the minimum frequency), el- 2 in which r 5 1025 kg m 3 is the reference density, C , liptic outside this curve, and hyperbolic inside this curve. 0 1 n, and C are tuning constants, and L and L are the Since we are studying propagating waves in this system, 2 y z horizontal and vertical length of the domain. From this we are primarily interested in the domain where this equation, we derive the buoyancy b . We then assume equation is hyperbolic. Moreover, we will always assume g a level of no-motion (u 5 0) at z 52L and integrate that the background flow is inertially stable, F2 . 0, g z the thermal wind expression (7), from z 52L to z 5 0 statically stable, N2 . 0, and that N jfj. Furthermore, z to obtain the geostrophic velocity u and the geostrophic we assume that the potential vorticity (PV), q 5 F2N2 2 g absolute momentum, which we define as S4, is positive, which ensures that v is real and rules out symmetric instability (Hoskins 1974). However, we al- M [ u 2 fy, (17) low for the mean flow to be characterized by Rossby g g numbers, Ro 5 z /f (with sign), and geostrophic g g where y is the jet-normal position, and Dy/Dt 5 y,as Richardson numbers, Ri 5 f 2N2/S4, which have O(1) g usual. The horizontal (vertical) gradient of M surfaces magnitudes, where z 52›u /›y is the vertical compo- g g g tells you about the vertical (horizontal) component of nent of the relative vorticity. Put another way, this the absolute vorticity in the geostrophic flow (see e.g., means that all three terms in this equation are important Eliassen 1962). because we consider cases where both A flow with parameters similar to the wintertime Gulf Stream can be obtained from (16) by choosing 2 2 2h N h S 5 23 2 23 z ; 1, y ; 1, (15) (C1, n, C2, Ly, Lz) (0.9 kg m , 2.5, 0.4 kg m , 2h2 2h 5 24 21 F y N z 120 km, 400 m) in (16) and letting f 10 s .The Rossby number and Richardson number of this idealized 2 2 where S /N is the isopycnal slope and (hy, hz) are char- geostrophic flow are displayed in Fig. 3 for comparison acteristic horizontal and vertical wavelengths. with the section crossing the Gulf Stream obtained during

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FIG. 3. (top) log10 (Rig) and (bottom) Rog for the idealized background flow (16). Potential density contours with an increment 2 of 0.2 kg m 3 are superimposed. These parameters are O(1) in the idealized jet similarly to the winter Gulf Stream as shown in Fig. 1.

FIG. 2. The geostrophic velocity (shading) and potential density 2 z , (contoured at 0.2 kg m 3 increments) for the idealized background waves with frequencies below f can exist for g 0. For flow given by (a) Eq. (16) and (b) the observations from the Gulf flows with laterally varying zg the waves can be trapped Stream. and propagate rapidly in the vertical due to the ‘‘inertial chimney’’ effect (Lee and Niiler 1998). For a baroclinic flow with S2 6¼ 0, the general expres- CLIMODE (in Fig. 1). The Gulf Stream observations are sion for the minimum frequency is described in, for example, Marshall et al. (2009) and qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Inoue et al. (2010). With this choice of the tuning con- 2 v 5 q/N2 5 f 1 1 Ro 2 Ri 1 . (19) stants we have obtained a baroclinic flow that is relatively min g g realistic, simple, and symmetric. It has slowly varying properties, but contains regions where Rog and Rig are Figure 4 illustrates how the minimum frequency varies O(1) similar to the observations. between a mean flow with no background variability 5 21 5 (Rog 0, Rig 0), one with barotropic variability 2 b. Minimum frequency 527 1 5 (Rog /10,Rig 0), and one with baroclinic vari- 2 5 1 5 9 Wave solutions to (14) can only exist when the ability (Rog 0, Rig /10). As we can see, the baro- equation is hyperbolic. Therefore, to obtain the mini- clinic effects, which are important for the vertical mum frequency of NIWs governed by (14) in an arbi- trapping of NIWs, enter through the Richardson number. trary geostrophic mean flow, we find where (14) is As Fig. 5 shows, there is a substantial separation between 4 2 2 2 v 5 v 5 v parabolic, that is, where S 2 N (F 2 v ) 5 0. In the the locations where F (green contour) and min barotropic limit (S2 5 0), waves must have v . F and (magenta contour) in both our idealized flow and the 2 the minimum frequency is given by the effective Cori- Gulf Stream when v 5 0.95f and v 5 0.98f. This sepa- olis frequency, ration and the different shape of the dispersion relation qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when baroclinicity is present (see Fig. 4 and section 3d) 5 1 z foreshadow a significant difference in wave energy F f (f g). (18) propagation due to baroclinic effects, which is not This is the well-known finding of Magaard (1968), Fomin (1973), Mooers (1975), and Kunze (1985) that anticyclonic (cyclonic) relative vorticity lowers (raises) 2 The selected frequencies are somewhat arbitrary but, when v is the effective Coriolis frequency. Thus, mean-flow cy- not too far from f and the flow is baroclinic, the observed separation between vmin and F is typical. The qualitative nature of the results clonic (or anticyclonic) relative vorticity raises (or does not change for slightly different frequencies [i.e., (0.95 6 0.05)f ]. lowers) the minimum frequency that can be achieved by However, waves with much larger frequencies are not trapped near-inertial waves. This result is important because whereas waves with much smaller frequencies cannot exist.

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to (19), are especially useful for developing an intuition for the governing dynamics of NIWs in baroclinic cur- rents. The first new form of (19) follows from the fact that, for a two-dimensional flow, the PV can be written in terms of the Jacobian of the background buoyancy and the geostrophic absolute momentum:

›(b , M ) q 5 f g g . (20) ›(y, z)

Hence, " # 1/2 FIG. 4. The frequency of oscillation of fluid parcels displaced at › f (bg, Mg) an angle ud with respect to the horizontal, for a basic state v 5 . (21) min N2 ›(y, z) without a background flow (Rog 5 0, Rig 5‘,dashed),with 7 a barotropic flow (Rog 52/10,Rig 5‘, solid) and with a baro- 5 5 10 clinic flow (Rog 0, Rig /9, dot-dashed). Baroclinicity both The expression (21) tells us that, given a constant value lowers the minimum frequency and shifts the angle ud,wherethis of N2, the variation in the minimum frequency depends occurs to coincide with the angle that isopycnals make with the on the gradient of b on M surfaces or equivalently the horizontal ub. g g gradient of Mg on bg surfaces (see Fig. 6). This motivates us to write (19) in terms of the angles that surfaces captured merely by the variation in F with depth. We will of constant Mg and bg make with the horizontal, that is, 21 2 2 21 2 2 discuss this issue in more detail in sections 4 and 5. uM 5 tan (F /S ) and ub 5 tan (S /N ). Then we may With a little algebra, we may re-form (19) into sev- write the minimum frequency explicitly in terms of uM eral new expressions for vmin that, although equivalent and ub:

FIG. 5. Rays, which run parallel to characteristics, illustrate the downward propagation of a wave packet with a frequency (a),(c) 0.95f and (b),(d) 0.98f in both (left) the idealized flow and (right) the Gulf Stream. Baroclinic

effects expand the region where rays are confined from v $ F (inside the green contour) to v $ vmin (inside the magenta contour) and change the angle at which rays reflect from horizontal to the isopycnal angle. Note that there

are regions where the contour marking v 5 vmin runs parallel to isopycnals. In these regions, the conditions for a slantwise critical layer are satisfied: multiple rays converge, the group velocity goes to zero, and waves are trapped. In the Gulf Stream observations, these slantwise critical layers are coincident with the region of high observed ageostrophic shear, as shown in Fig. 1.

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FIG. 6. Schematic illustrating the physics of the minimum frequency for NIWs in geostrophic flows. Lines of constant geostrophic absolute momentum, Mg 5 ug 2 fy (solid gray), and constant buoyancy bg (dashed black) are plotted in each frame. For (a) a flow with no relative vorticity or baroclinicity, (b) a barotropic flow with anticyclonic relative vorticity, (c) a baroclinic flow with only a vertical thermal wind shear, and (d) a flow with zero PV. The minimum frequency occurs when oscillations are along lines of constant buoyancy. When the gradient of Mg along bg is weaker than that shown in (a), the restoring force is reduced and the frequency is lower than f. In (d) this gradient is

zero, hence there is no restoring force and vmin 5 0.

v 5 2 u 2 u 1/2 (i.e., Rig decreases), and the vertical vorticity and Rog min fS [tan( M) tan( b)]g . (22) increase.

Before moving on, we highlight the important obser- c. Characteristics v , F vation that (19) admits solutions where min . In fact, The first step in analyzing the propagation of the S2 v F for 6¼ 0, min is always less than . As discussed in NIWs in either the classical or the anomalously low Mooers (1975) and in more detail here, near-inertial frequency regime is a thorough investigation of the waves have particularly unusual and counterintuitive qualitative properties of the characteristics of (14) behavior when v , F. Therefore, it is useful to analyze where it is hyperbolic (i.e., where v . vmin). In the hy- the physics of NIWs in two separate frequency bands: drostatic limit, the slopes l1,2 of the two characteristics the classical frequency range where v . F and a range j1,2 are where v , F that Mooers (1975) referred to as the pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi anomalously low frequency band. Whether a wave is S2 6 S4 1 (v2 2 F2)N2 in one region or the other depends on its particular l1 2 5 , N2 frequency and the background geostrophic flow that qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi v 5 u 6 2 u 1 v2 2 2 2 determines F and min. As mentioned above, the sep- tan( b) tan ( b) ( F )/N aration between these two regions in both our idealized sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi flow and the section from the Gulf Stream is illustrated v2 2 v2 5 tan(u ) 6 min . (23) in Fig. 5. The anomalously low frequency region is b N2 delineated by the contours where v 5 F (green) and v 5 vmin (magenta) and is found where isopycnals As we will show in the next section, the characteristics steepen, the flow becomes more strongly baroclinic indicate both the direction of energy propagation and

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FIG. 8. Schematic of characteristics j1 and j2: There are three regimes depending on the frequency (left) above the effective in- ertial frequency F, (middle) at the effective inertial frequency, and (right) below the effective inertial frequency. Waves with v , F are defined to exist in the anomalously low frequency range. If the sign of the isopycnal slope is switched, that is, ub , 0, the signs of the FIG. 7. The separation between the classical and anomalously characteristic slopes are switched as shown in Fig. 7. low frequency regions for a wave with frequency v 5 0.95 in our idealized background flow and the slopes of the wave’s character- istics (top) l1 and (bottom) l2. The checkerboard pattern in- 5 1 2 5 1 dicates that the parcel oscillations along that characteristic are MT ua ug fy ua Mg . (24) unstable with respect buoyancy. The wavy line pattern indicates that parcel oscillations are unstable with respect to momentum. u The green contour is where v 5 F; the magenta where v 5 vmin. The -momentum Eq. (2) can then be rewritten, The basic physics of parcel oscillations in these two quasi-unstable regimes is illustrated in Fig. 9. DM T 5 0, (25) Dt wave-driven parcel displacements. The variations in characteristic slopes are plotted in Fig. 7 for a wave with to show that total absolute momentum is conserved v 5 0.95f in the idealized background flow. As Fig. 8 following a fluid parcel even for finite amplitude two- D 52D shows, the critical difference between the classical and dimensional disturbances. Thus, ua Mg,where D anomalously low frequency range is that the two char- indicates the change over time following a fluid acteristics have slopes with the different signs in the parcel. Without loss of generality, we can assume that 5 5 classical case (v . F) and the same sign in the anoma- ua(t 0) 0. Therefore, following a fluid parcel, 52D 52$ d d 5 1 lously low case (v , F). When v 5 F, one of the char- ua(t) Mg Mg in which Yj Zk is the acteristics is flat but, as we will see in section 4, the parcel displacement vector and i, j, k the standard horizontal component of the group velocity does not go Cartesian unit vectors. d 5 to zero as it does in a barotropic mean flow. This result Now, consider a parcel perturbed a distance u 1 u u suggests that, as shown in Fig. 5, the slopes of charac- Y cos( d) Z sin( d) at an angle d in a baroclinic teristics are quite different if one neglects the effects of background flow, as shown in Fig. 9. We define the 5 baroclinicity (i.e., sets S2 5 0) in a flow that is baroclinic. parcel initial position to be at (Y, Z) (0, 0). Presuming . Again, this suggests that wave energy propagation, the parcel is in a stable region (i.e., q 0), this pertur- trapping, and amplification are significantly modified by bation will induce an oscillation governed by baroclinicity. D2d d. Physical interpretation 5 F , (26) Dt2 d To obtain a physical interpretation of these results, we now examine how an infinitesimal parcel of fluid where Fd 5 FY cos(ud) 1 FZ sin(ud)istheforceper would oscillate if it were given an instantaneous small unit mass on the parcel projected onto d.They and ageostrophic velocity in a baroclinic background flow. z components of the forces on the parcel may be Before addressing this issue, however, it is useful to obtained from the momentum equations and as- introduce the concept of total absolute momentum, suming that the parcel adjusts instantaneously to the

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FIG. 9. Schematics of parcel displacements in a mean flow with baroclinicity and force dia- 2 grams illustrating how the components of the , Fc 52F Y[1 2 tan(ud)/ 2 2 tan(uM)] 5 S Y[tan(ud) 2 tan(uM)], and buoyancy force, Fb 5 N Y[tan(ub) 2 tan(ud)], combine to make up the net force in the direction of displacement Fd: (top) the classic range of parameter space where ub , ud , uM; however, in a certain range of parameter space, parcel displacements may be (middle) shallower than buoyancy surfaces or (bottom) steeper than geostrophic absolute momentum surfaces—yet an oscillation will still occur. In these cases, although either Fb or Fc is destabilizing, Fd is restoring.

pressure of the background flow. Thus we are left and Fc and Fb denote the Coriolis and buoyancy forces, with respectively. The first of the above equations is an ex- pression of absolute momentum conservation, while the Dy second is an expression of buoyancy conservation. Thus F 5 F 5 a 52fu 5 f $M d Y c Dt a g we may rewrite (26) as ›M ›M 5 f Y g 1 Z g 52F2Y 1 S2Z, (27) D2d ›y ›z 52d[F2 cos2(u ) 2 2S2 sin(u ) cos(u ) Dt2 d d d › › 1 2 2 u Dw bg bg N sin ( d)], (29) F 5 F 5 a 5 b 52$b d 52Z 2 Y Z b Dt a g ›z ›y which permits solutions of the form d ; exp(2ivt). This 52N2Z 1 S2Y , (28) yields frequencies

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC APRIL 2013 W H I T T A N D T H O M A S 715 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 2 2 2 the angle of parcel displacement at the minimum fre- v 5 F cos (ud) 2 2S sin(ud) cos(ud) 1 N sin (ud) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi quency is significantly different from horizontal; it is 2 2 2 2 equal to the isopycnal slope. ’ F 2 2S ud 1 N ud , (30) What is also unusual is that for frequencies vmin , v , F the two parcel displacements that result in a given where the small angle approximation, consistent with 2 1 wave period have angles ud and ud of the same sign hydrostasy, is used. Figure 9 contains a schematic of the 2 1 (jud j , jud j for ub positive as shown in Fig. 8), consistent force balance on a parcel for three different angles. with the analysis of the characteristics. u Rearranging (30) to solve for d and again making use of For the shallower characteristic, corresponding to the small angle approximation, we find that 2 parcel displacements at an angle ud for ub positive, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi parcel displacements are at a smaller angle than iso- 2 2 2 1 2 S 6 S4 1 (v2 2 F2)N 2 v 2 v pycnals, yet are in the same direction as the isopycnal tilt u , 5 ’ u 6 min , u2 , u u2 5 u d N2 b N2 [i.e., j d j j bj and sgn( d ) sgn( b)]. This phenome- non occurs in the checkered regions of our idealized (31) flow as depicted in Fig. 7. A force diagram for this anomalous scenario, shown in Fig. 9, illustrates how 2 similarly to (23). Thus, to generate a wave with frequency parcel displacements at ud experience a destabilizing v . vmin there are two possible parcel displacement buoyancy force Fb. However, the Coriolis force Fc is directions, each of which is parallel to a characteristic strong enough so that the total force in the direction of j1,2. Since the ageostrophic velocity in the y–z plane the parcel displacement Fd is stabilizing and thus results is parallel to parcel displacements, it follows that the in oscillations. This unusual behavior is limited to the energy flux, F 5 paua, is also aligned with the charac- anomalously low frequency region and is purely a con- teristics, confirming that j1,2 indicate the directions of sequence of the baroclinicity of the flow. wave propagation. On the steeper characteristic, corresponding to parcel 1 Parcel arguments can also be used to understand the displacements at an angle ud for ub positive, parcels physics at the minimum frequency, illustrated in Fig. 6. move more closely to surfaces of constant geostrophic It follows from (30) that the angle that minimizes the absolute momentum for all v, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. frequency corresponds to parcel displacements that run This causes the Coriolis force Fc to be reduced. How- 2 2 parallel to isopycnals, that, ud 5 ub ’ S /N . Conse- ever, the buoyancy force Fb is enhanced because the quently, for this frequency the buoyancy force (28) is parcel oscillation has a large enough vertical component zero and plays no role in dynamics of the oscillation. The so that the net restoring force Fd and thus frequency on restoring force of these oscillations arises solely from the this characteristic is the same as that for the shallower Coriolis force and conservation of absolute momentum characteristic. (27). The strength of this restoring force, and hence the In certain regions of frequency space (occurring both frequency that it induces, is proportional to the change when v , F and v . F butcertainlynotforallv), the in geostrophic absolute momentum that a fluid parcel angle of parcel displacements on the steeper charac- experiences as it moves along a density surface. The teristic can be larger than the slope of Mg surfaces (i.e., 1 change in Mg thus scales with the along-isopycnal gra- jud j . juMj for ub positive). In these regions, de- dient in Mg, which is proportional to the PV, hence ex- marcated by superimposed wavy lines in Fig. 7, the plaining the formulas for vmin, (19) and (21). Coriolis force is actually destabilizing. But, in this case As mentioned above, Fig. 4 illustrates this dispersion the buoyancy force compensates for this destabilizing relation (30) for three different background conditions: tendency and allows for an inertia– rather one where there is no variation in the flow (F2 5 f 2 and than what would otherwise be symmetric instability. S2 5 0, the classic case), one where there is only a hori- This is true because we are only considering back- 2 zontal gradient in momentum (i.e., zg 520.7f, S 5 0and ground flow conditions for which juMj is larger than the flow is barotropic), and one where baroclinicity is jubj and, hence, the PV is positive. Note that this phe- important and there is a wide anomalously low frequency nomenon is not restricted to occur in the anomalously range (F2 5 f 2 and S2 5 0.03N2). In the first and second low frequency region as shown in Fig. 7. Nevertheless, 2 cases, S 5 0 and the minimum frequency coincides with slanted Mg surfaces, which in our model are purely purely horizontal displacements (ud 5 0) and all other a consequence of baroclinicity, are required for its frequencies correspond to two parcel displacements with occurrence. equal but opposite angles. In the baroclinic case in con- Parcel arguments can also be used to derive the trast, where frequencies below F are anomalously low, polarization relation of the waves. Noting that

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FIG. 10. The imaginary part of the quantity ua/ya, given by (32), for a wave with v 5 0.95f in the idealized back- ground flow for the two characteristics: (a) j1 and (b) j2. The magnitude of this quantity indicates the local ellipticity of the hodograph, whereas the sign indicates the direction of rotation with either depth or frequency. Not only does the ellipticity differ for the two characteristics but the sense of rotation switches sign when parcel oscillations are unstable to momentum, that is, steeper than geostrophic absolute momentum surfaces (see Fig. 7). (c) The polari- v 21 v zation relation at min as a function of Rog and Rig and (d) the ellipticity of the hodograph at min as a function of  5 2 21 Rog Rig .

ya 52ivY, wa 52ivZ and wa/ya 5 l 5 ud, it follows this characteristic than on its shallower counterpart. from (27) that Therefore, because absolute momentum is conserved u u y for such displacements, a and j aj/j aj will be corre- i i ›C ›C spondingly weaker. In the case that a characteristic slope u 5 (F2 2 S2u )y 5 F2 1 S2 . (32) a f v d a f v ›z ›y is steeper than the absolute momentum surface, that is, jlj . juMj, the parcel becomes unstable to momentum and the sense of rotation of the parcel with time is re- The imaginary part of the ratio of u to y is plotted a a versed, as discussed above and shown in Fig. 10. throughout the idealized domain and for each charac- At the minimum frequency the polarization relation teristic j1 2 in Fig. 10 assuming v 5 0.95f. The magni- , becomes tude of this ratio tells you about the local ellipticity of the hodograph, whereas the sign tells you whether the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 5 y 1 2 21 velocity vector rotates clockwise (positive) or counter- ua i a 1 Rog Rig . (33) clockwise (negative) with time. Thus, unlike classical near-inertial waves, not all waves have a velocity vector Figure 10c shows how the polarization of the horizontal that rotates clockwise with time when f . 0. As shown velocity at the minimum frequency is modified as in Fig. 10, this could occur near the surface and thus a function of mean-flow Rossby and Richardson num- has potential implications for the generation, resonant ber. In the absence of baroclinicity, juaj . jyaj in cy- forcing conditions, and flux of near-inertial energy into clonic flow, whereas juaj , jyaj in anticyclonic flow. 2 the ocean. Except where S 5 0orv 5 vmin the polar- However, in the presence of baroclinicity, juaj , jyaj unless . 21 ization relation for the two characteristics is not the Rog Rig . The key observation is that for Rog 6¼ 0, 21 21 same. This is a markedly different behavior from clas- Rig 6¼ 0, and Rog 6¼ Rig the waves with the lowest sical inertia–gravity waves and is a consequence of the frequency are not circularly polarized—this in con- tilt in Mg surfaces and the dissimilar magnitudes of the trast to classical inertial motions. In particular, in re- characteristic slopes. The steeper characteristic has an gions where the minimum frequency is subinertial angle that is closer to uM. Consequently the gradient in (vmin , f ) due to baroclinicity and/or anticyclonic Mg in the direction of parcel displacements is smaller on vorticity, the waves’ horizontal flow is more rectilinear

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC APRIL 2013 W H I T T A N D T H O M A S 717 " # and aligned in the direction perpendicular to the geo- › r y 2 r j j 2 2 2 2 2 strophic current (i.e., jy j . ju j). This is because under 0 a 1 0 (F jYj 2 2S YZ* 1 N jZj ) a a ›t 2 2 these conditions, the gradient in absolute momentum ›(p y*) ›(p w*) along isopycnals is reduced and hence the purely iso- 52 a a 2 a a pycnal displacements at vmin generate weaker veloci- ›y ›z ties in the direction of the background flow, as shown in 52$ (p u*) 52$ (F), (38) Fig. 10d. a a

where the right-hand side was obtained using the 4. Energetics and propagation equation of continuity (12) and is the definition of the In this section, we will characterize how near-inertial energy flux convergence. Moreover, we must be able to waves transport energy when propagating across baro- write the wave energy per unit volume in this model: clinic currents. To address this issue, we must either r assume the solution takes the form of a plane wave or E 5 0 [(jy j)2 1 (F2jYj2 2 2S2YZ* 1 N2jZj2)]. (39) solve (14) numerically because the equation is non- 2 a separable and the coefficients are nonconstant. We discuss our numerical solution to the problem in the We may then write the time-averaged wave energy per next section. Here we develop an analytical expression unit volume as for the wave-period-averaged energy density in terms of C and then adopt the plane wave assumption, in- r E 5 0 [(F2 1 v2)(jC j)2 1 2S2C C* 1 N2(jC j)2]. vestigate the properties of the phase and group veloc- 4v2 z z y y ity, obtain a full set of polarization relations, and use (40) these relations to derive the classical expression for the energy flux F 5 Ec ,whereE is the wave-period- g Similar expressions appear in Mooers (1970), Mooers averaged energy density, and c is the group velocity g (1975), and Chuang and Wang (1981). The mean energy vector. density (40) is equivalent to the usual hydrostatic form, 5 2 1 y2 1 2 a. Energy density E ua a ba. However, at any instant in a specific 2 1 y 2 1 2 location E 6¼ ua a ba. The equivalence in the time We begin by defining the energy density. We do this mean, assuming simple harmonic motion, comes about by first observing that there are pressure terms in (9) because the remaining terms in the equation, for ex- and (10) but not in (8) or (11). This symmetry suggests ample, the kinetic and potential energy production, each treating each of these pairs of equations in a similar contain wave variables that are in quadrature with each y 5 › › way (Mooers 1970). Recalling that ( a, wa) ( Y/ t, other; that is, ua and ba are in quadrature with ya and wa ›Z/›t) 5 (2ivY, 2ivZ), we can integrate (8) and (11) (see Mooers 1975). In any case, the key result is that and write there is no net exchange of energy between the wave and the steady background flow in this system. ›u ›u 2 2 g 1 g 5 We will use (40) to obtain an energy density result ua Y f Z 0, (34) ›y ›z when we numerically solve (14). However, we also compare our result with plane wave solutions and a ray ›b ›b 1 g 1 g 5 theory where wave rays propagate along characteristics. ba Y Z 0. (35) ›y ›z In this case, it is useful to express the energy density as

Then we use these results to eliminate ua from (9) and ba r 2 2 from (10) to obtain E 5 0 [(F2 1 v2)(jy j) 2 2S2y w* 1 N2(jw j) ] 4v2 a a a a r ›y 1 ›p 5 0 [(F2 1 v2)(jy j)2 1 2S2a(jy j)2 1 N2a2(jy j)2] a 1 (F2Y 2 S2Z) 52 a , (36) 4v2 a a a ›t r ›y 0 1 5 r (jy j)2 . (41) ›p 2 0 a 2 2 1 2 521 a ( YS ZN ) r › . (37) 0 z As in Mooers (1975), there is an energy equipartition in Multiply (36) by ya*, (37) by wa*, where the asterisk de- this system. However, in the nonhydrostatic case, (41) is r y2 1 2 notes complex conjugate, and add to obtain ( 0/2)( a wa).

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC 718 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 43 b. Plane wave dispersion and polarization relations obtained from the parcel arguments (30) under the small angle approximation and the polarization relation for u We now make the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) a (43) is equivalent to (33). We also point out that, for approximation of geometrical optics (i.e., the plane wave waves satisfying the plane wave form, the horizontal ve- assumption). Strictly speaking, this approximation is only locity vector of downward (upward) propagating wave valid when the wavelength is much smaller than the length packets on characteristics steeper than M surfaces scale of variations in the background mean flow (i.e., g (where the imaginary part of u /y is less than 0 in Fig. 10) spatial variation in the wavelength occurs over much larger a a rotates counterclockwise (clockwise) with increasing scales than the wavelength) (Bender and Orszag 1978). depth—this in contrast with classical theory as described This is not necessarily true for the flows of interest in this by, for example, Leaman and Sanford (1975). problem. Moreover, ray tracing cannot accurately de- scribe tunneling problems, where there is a small barrier c. Phase and group velocity region in which v , vmin, or scattering problems. Fur- thermore, the ray tracing solution has grave errors at To obtain a first-order picture of near-inertial wave turning points (where the governing equation switches propagation in a baroclinic current, we obtain the phase from hyperbolic to elliptic behavior). Thus, we check the and group velocity for plane wave solutions to our gov- results with a numerical solution, the accuracy of which erning equation. As is generally done for plane waves, we does not depend on this scale separation. define the phase velocity as the speed of propagation of a First, we assume that the solutions to (8)–(12) are all line of constant phase in the direction of the wave vector, of the plane wave form. For example, ua 5 R[u^a expi(ly 1 k (l, m) v mz 2 vt)], where (l, m) is the wavevector. Substituting c 5 v 5 v ’ (a, 1). (48) p 2 2 1 2 these forms into (8)–(12) yields a set of five algebraic jkj l m m equations that we can solve to obtain the dispersion re- lation and the polarization relations. The group velocity is defined as the gradient of v in the The dispersion relation obtained from this procedure is wave vector space, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 2 u 2 u v 5 F2 1 2S2a 1 N2a2 , (42) (S 1 N a) N ( d) c 5 $ v 5 (1, 2a) ’ b (1, u ). g (l,m) vm vm d and the polarization relations in terms of ^ya are (49)

^y 5 u^ 5 i a (F2 1 aS2), (43) We observe that cp cg 0. Thus, cp is orthogonal to cg as a vf is typically the case for internal waves. As one would expect, the group velocity vectors have the same slope as ^ 52a^y wa a , (44) the characteristics, discussed in section 3, shown in (47) a , 2 2 5 ^y and plotted in Fig. 7. We observe that, when j j jS /N j b^ 5 i a S2 1 aN2 jtan(u )j, the sign of the vertical component of the group a v ( ), (45) b velocity and phase velocity can have the same sign, as r ^y shown in the checkered region of Fig. 7. p^ 5 0 a (S2 1 aN2), (46) a mv We also note that the group velocity goes to zero where v 5 vmin, as shown, for example, in Fig. 11. Con- where a 5 l/m is the aspect ratio of the wave. We an- sequently, for two-dimensional waves, we expect that ticipate that a1,2 will be the negative of l1,2 because most of the wave energy will be trapped inside the re- m/l 5 1/a should be the slope of the wave vector that gion where v . vmin. should be normal to the group velocity and parcel os- cillations that are parallel to characteristics (i.e., k u 5 d. Energy flux 0). Our intuition is confirmed by inverting (42): Given a background geostrophic flow and a solution " pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi# C, we can determine the energy density everywhere in 2 6 4 1 v2 2 2 2 S S ( F )N 1,2 the flow using (40). We would also like to be able to a1 252 52l1 2 ’2ud , , N2 , compute the energy density along a ray. Using the po- (47) larization relation for pa, (46), we find that

2 where the last two equalities are obtained from (23) and 1 r (y ) F 5 p (y , w ) 5 0 a c 5 Ec . (50) (31). Thus, (42) is equivalent to the dispersion relation 2 a a a 2 g g

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that the solution can be described by a plane wave as described in section 4. Since the medium varies, this is an approximation everywhere in the domain. Nevertheless, it allows for a great deal of theoretical progress and, as we will see, this solution qualitatively reproduces the features of the numerical solution. Therefore, a thor- ough understanding of the properties of this solution aids the understanding of NIWs in baroclinic currents. The results of some ray-tracing computations are shown in Figs. 5 and 11. Figure 5 shows some rays, parallel to characteristics (23), computed with baroclinicity (i.e., with the S2 term included) and without baroclinicity (i.e., with the S2 term set to zero) so as to highlight the qualitative modification of the ray structure due to baroclinicity. Figure 11, on the other hand, shows that the ray-tracing results with baroclinicity compare fa- vorably with the numerical solution described below. In the top panel of Fig. 11, the colored scatter lines are FIG. 11. (top) Rays (parallel to characteristics) in the idealized background flow for waves with v 5 0.95f. The variation of the again rays, parallel to characteristics. The color indi- magnitude of the group velocity (normalized by its maximum along cates the magnitude of the group velocity jcgj, nor- each ray) is colored on the rays. (middle) A numerical solution to malized by the maximum of jcgj along each ray (the v 5 ’ ’2 Eq. (51) with 0.95f and a point source at y 0.75 km, z 100 m. group velocity magnitude is symmetric about y 5 0). This is a snapshot of the streamfunction in time and the dashed cyan ThebackgroundflowshowninbothFigs.5and11isthe lines are the same rays shown in the top panel. (bottom) Energy density E associated with the numerical solution for C shown in the same idealized flow described throughout the paper middle panel and computed with (40). These figures confirm ray and the wave packets are monochromatic, with a fre- tracing is qualitatively similar to the numerical solution. High energy quency v 5 0.95f. The reflection rule, applied at ver- densities, velocities, and shears occur near turning points and slant- tical and horizontal boundaries and turning points wise critical layers (defined in text) that run parallel to isopycnals. requires that the characteristic and direction of energy propagation switch. Therefore, for steady conditions, that is, ›E/›t 5 0, We make several observations. First, the rays are EjcgjA is constant along a ray tube, where A is the ray constrained to lie in the region where v $ v . The tube area (Lighthill 1978). Consequently, we could min group velocity (49) is not real outside this region and the compute the amplification in energy density along any governing equation is no longer hyperbolic as we have ray path and compare these results with our numerical discussed. We also note that, as the ray approaches the solution and (40). Nevertheless, we must be cautious as magenta contour [where v 5 v and (14) is parabolic], we expect that there may be some differences between min the slope of the ray approaches the local slope of iso- the ray tracing and the numerical solution, especially near pycnals, u , as we would expect. v 5 v as the plane wave solution is invalid near b min To further characterize the behavior of the solution turning points (Bender and Orszag 1978). near vmin we use the terminology of ‘‘turning points’’ and ‘‘critical layers.’’ When we refer to behavior typical 5. Ray tracing and numerical solution of a turning point, we mean that the behavior is quali- We now discuss two ways to develop a solution to the tatively similar to the behavior at a turning point in a 1D energy propagation and amplification problem for NIWs Sturm–Liouville problem, defined rigorously in, for ex- governed by (14). In both cases we solve the wave prob- ample, Bender and Orszag (1978). This is an internal lem in our idealized test environment described in section reflection point in a ray theory where the group velocity 3 and plotted in Figs. 2, 3, and 5. We begin by describing goes to zero but multiple characteristics do not con- and presenting results from ray tracing. Then we compare verge. More precisely, a turning point occurs where the v the ray tracing results with a fourth-order accurate finite slope of the min contour is not parallel to characteris- difference solution to (14). tics. In contrast, a critical layer is defined as a region where many characteristic curves converge to the same a. Ray tracing point or line at vmin. In this case, the characteristics are In this section, we describe the ray-tracing solution to not only approaching the vmin curve but their slopes are (14) where we use the WKB approximation and assume converging to the slope of this curve as well.

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In general, the vmin contour can act as both a turning leakage characterized by a rapid decay in energy density point and a critical layer in the same background flow. beyond turning points. Where vmin is a critical layer, the To see this, consider our idealized domain. Except at ray tube area and the group velocity are both decaying two points in the legs of the magenta bowl (in Fig. 11), to zero. Therefore, we might reasonably expect to see which bounds the region where v . vmin, the slope of the largest amplification of energy density in these re- this contour is not equal to the slope of characteristics or, gions similar to Kunze (1985). equivalently, isopycnals. Therefore, away from these two points the vmin contour is best characterized as a b. Numerical solution turning point because multiple characteristics do not We can resolve the energetics questions raised in the converge. On the other hand, near these two points this ray tracing analysis by solving (14) numerically. We use contour is best characterized as a critical layer because fourth-order central differences to discretize all spatial all characteristics converge to one point here and the derivatives and assume C50 at all four walls of our group velocity (parallel to characteristics) goes to zero. idealized test domain. We develop a discretized repre- Although the critical layer is localized to a point in the sentation of (14): idealized flow (e.g., Fig. 5a), there is no particular re- quirement that a critical layer be a point. It merely re- LC5(v 2 iF)2D C1b, (51) quires that the vmin boundary be locally parallel to zz characteristics or, equivalently, isopycnals. In the Gulf ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 2 2 p Stream flow, for example (in Fig. 5c), there are multiple where L 5 (F Dzz 1 2S Dzy 1 N Dyy)andi 5 21; Dzz, critical layers where the vmin contour is parallel to iso- Dzy, and Dyy are fourth-order accurate central differ- pycnals. These regions coincide with the observed high ence approximations to the second derivative operator ageostrophic shears, as shown in Fig. 1. We refer to these with the boundary conditions included. The Laplacian layers as slantwise critical layers because the isopycnals frictional operator, F 5 nyDzz 1 nhDyy, contains vertical on which they are found are slanted. This phenomenon and horizontal viscosities to damp motions near the 2 2 2 2 is analogous to the vertical critical layer described by grid scale. We set ny 5 vDz /p and nh 5 vDy /p in Kunze (1985) where the relative vorticity of a mean flow which Dz and Dy are the vertical and horizontal grid increases with depth but buoyancy remains constant spacings in meters. For the resolution presented here, 2 21 25 2 21 (see his Fig. 14). We adopt this new terminology to ad- nh ’ 1m s and ny ’ 10 m s in our idealized ditionally distinguish slantwise critical layers from ver- flow. Finally, b is a source function, which is zero except tical critical layers that can form when inertia–gravity at a single point where it is one (labeled source point waves propagate parallel to a vertically sheared back- in Fig. 11). Thus, we are essentially numerically ground flow (e.g., Booker and Bretherton 1967), in con- solving for the Green’s function of (14) for an oscil- trast to the case of normal incidence we consider here. lating forcing at a point. The crucial difference between these two phenomena is We discretize the domain with 802 points evenly dis- that in a slantwise critical layer, as described here, the tributed in the horizontal and vertical directions. We component of the wave’s phase velocity in the direction present this numerical solution to (51) in Fig. 11 for v 5 of the mean current is zero, so it can never equal the 0.95f and a point source at approximately 100-m depth local velocity of the background flow. This means that in the middle of the domain. We plot the real part of the a normally incident two-dimensional NIW in a steady streamfunction C in the middle panel and the wave- two-dimensional background flow cannot transfer en- period-averaged energy density E, given by (40), in the ergy to the background flow by this process. bottom panel. The real part of the streamfunction de- We use the fact that EjcgjA is constant along a ray tube scribes the wave when the phase is zero. Before dis- to infer that energy density will increase along a ray as cussing the results, some comments about the numerical a consequence of two effects: (i) a reduction in the ray solution are in order. tube area, A, and (ii) a reduction in group velocity jcgj. The computation (51) is not intensive; it takes only The group velocity goes to zero as v / vmin (see the top several seconds on a single core. Experiments with var- panel of Fig. 11), which suggests that the energy density ious levels of friction as well as nontraditional and non- should go to infinity as v / vmin, particularly at critical hydrostatic effects were performed but are not presented. layers where A / 0 as well. However, based on Bender A certain amount of friction is required to damp very and Orszag (1978), we might more reasonably expect small-scale features. Without any friction, small-scale fea- the solution to be governed by Airy-function-like be- tures with unrealistically large shears can exist at or near havior near turning points. This suggests that we will see the grid scale. However, adding nonhydrostatic and non- some amplification right at vmin but also some energy traditional terms does not qualitatively change the results.

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC APRIL 2013 W H I T T A N D T H O M A S 721   The results of the numerical computation show strik- 1 2 v^ 5 f 1 1 (Ro 2 Ri 1) . (54) ing similarities to the ray tracing despite the fact that the min 2 g g medium varies relatively rapidly in space. Streamlines, high gradients in C, and high energy densities occur In the limit of no baroclinicity, (54) returns the classic v^ 5 ^ 5 1 z along rays. Streamlines are nearly parallel to isopycnals result of Kunze (1985): min F f g/2. Conversely, near vmin (the magenta contour) and, as expected, the in the limit of a background flow with no lateral shear, v^ 5 2 21 numerical solution is amplified there and decays outside, (54) becomes min f (1 Rig /2), which is equivalent similar to an Airy function at a turning point. Further- to Eq. (3.13) of Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997). more, the strongest amplification occurs near the critical The approximation (54) is equal to the first two terms v layers (the corners of the bowl where min is parallel to in a Taylor series expansion of the fullpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi expression for isopycnals in Fig. 11). The shear, which is by definition the minimum frequency (19), vmin 5 f 1 1 , where the parallel to rays throughout the domain, and, in partic- small parameter of the expansion is ular, isopycnals near vmin, is strongest near critical layers  5 2 21 where wave velocities, energy densities, gradients in en- Rog Rig . (55) ergy density, and hence shears are largest. In short, the results of the ray tracing and numerical Observations from the Gulf Stream reveal, however, solution are consistent. Both are useful tools for ana- that this parameter can be order one in magnitude (e.g., lyzing waves in baroclinic currents. Regardless of which Fig. 12), suggesting that the approximate Eq. (54) may method is used, however, it is important to include the be inaccurate in such highly energetic background effects of baroclinicity when the Richardson number of flows. We quantify the accuracy of this formula as a the background flow is less than ;10. function of  in Fig. 12 by comparing the full and ap- proximate expressions for the minimum frequency. For jj , 0.25 the two expressions agree well and deviate 6. Discussion from one another as jj / 1. There is a greater dis- crepancy between the two formulas for  , 0. For ex- We now compare the analysis presented here with ample, the relative error in v using (54) is 6% when others in the literature, in particular those of Kunze min  5 1 but goes to infinity as  / 21. Noting that the PV (1985) and Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997). The key result of the background flow can be written in terms of , q 5 is that the dispersion relation obtained by Kunze (1985) f 2N2(1 1 ), it follows that for nonzero stratification and Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997), that is,  / 21 as the PV goes to zero. Observations of PV and stratification in western boundary currents suggest that zg S2l N2l2 v^ 5 f 1 1 1 , (52) the situation of zero PV and nonzero stratification, and 2 fm 2fm2 hence  / 21, may not be that unusual in these regions, especially during strong wintertime forcing (see e.g., is an approximation to (42) that is valid when the fol- Thomas and Lee 2005; Thomas and Joyce 2009; Thomas lowing parameter et al. 2013). Under these conditions, baroclinicity strongly modifies the physics of NIWs and the theory described S2l N2l2 Ro 1 2 1 (53) here is most applicable. However, it is important to em- g f 2m f 2m2 phasize that, even if  is not approaching 21 but Ri , 10, baroclinic effects should still be included, perhaps in ap- 3 is small. Similar to the full expression for the frequency proximate form. This is illustrated in Figs. 12c and 12d, (42), the approximation (52) is minimized for waves which show the relative error in the dispersion relation with flow that is purely along isopycnals, that is, l/m 5 due to using the approximate dispersion relation, (54), 2 2 2S /N , yielding a minimum frequency or the approximate effective Coriolis frequency, F^ 5 1 z f g/2, instead of the full dispersion relation, (19). As mentioned above, the theory presented originally 3 The theory of Young and Ben-Jelloul (1997) used in, for by Mooers (1975) and more recently by Plougonven and example, Balmforth et al. (1998) and Zeitlin et al. (2003) de- Zeitlin (2005) is also appropriate in the strongly baro- pends on an asymptotic expansion in small Nl/(fm). Their dis- clinic regime. Our work is distinguished from that of persion relation, to first order, is the same as that in Kunze both Mooers (1975) and Plougonven and Zeitlin (2005) (1985). Thus, the Kunze results hold even when the WKB scaling assumption does not, so long as Nl/(fm) is small. In this paper, in that we have emphasized the physical interpretation however, we are explicitly interested in conditions when Nl/(fm) of NIWs rather than the mathematical properties of is O(1). See (15). solutions to (14). We have also presented a numerical

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 5 2 21 FIG. 12. (a) The expansion parameter, Rog Rig , is plotted for the Gulf Stream section discussed throughout the paper and first displayed in Fig. 1. Values of jj . 0.25 are found within the magenta contours. The magnitudes of  are typical for strong western boundary currents during winter and higher values may be observed. (b) A comparison between the formula for minimum frequency (19) and the first two terms in its Taylor series approximation (54) is plotted. (c) The relative error due to neglecting baroclinicity and approximating v ’ ^ 5 1 z v ’ v^ min F f g/2 is plotted, whereas (d) the relative error due to approximating min min (54) is shown. The effects of neglecting baroclinicity are more severe than making the Taylor series approximation in this case. However, the error induced by assuming  is small is nonnegligible here and may be worse in other cases where Rig or Rog are lower. solution in an idealized jet with properties similar to Finally, we observe that the theory presented here is the Gulf Stream to illustrate the results, highlight their similar to the theory of NIWs on the nontraditional b applicability to real world flows and confirm the in- plane (e.g., Gerkema and Shrira 2005b; Colin de ferences derived from ray tracing and parcel argu- Verdiere 2012). The horizontal variation in f due to ments. We must also point out that the results of the changes in latitude on the nontraditional b plane is hydrostatic theory presented in this paper and in analogous to the horizontal variation in F due to varia- Plougonven and Zeitlin are not entirely the same as tions in relative vorticity presented in this paper. As those in Mooers. One particularly prominent differ- a result, on a b plane, NIWs have a turning latitude. ence is that the group velocity does not go to zero at However, because the horizontal component of the ~ v if the nonhydrostatic equations are used (Mooers Coriolis frequency f induces a vertical gradient in geo- min ~ 1975). Nevertheless, this modification will have a neg- strophic absolute momentum by adding an extra fZ to ligible effect on the energy flux of NIWs in an environ- (17), the waves can propagate past this turning latitude ment like our model environment or the Gulf Stream. and become trapped at depth as shown by Gerkema The group velocity still gets very small at this point and the and Shrira. Because conservation of absolute momen- hydrostatic approximation is appropriate for these low- tum governs the physics of NIWs, the properties of these aspect-ratio waves. waves on the nontraditional b plane are analogous to Plougonven and Zeitlin (2005) recently presented a the properties of NIWs in the anomalously low fre- similar hydrostatic formulation of the Eliassen–Sawyer quency region, illustrated in Figs. 5 and 11. For exam- equation. They used the theory to study geostrophic ple, characteristic slopes of waves with frequencies, adjustment rather than wind-generated near-inertial v , F, have the same sign in both regimes (see, e.g., waves, although they did touch upon the trapping of Gerkema and Shrira 2005a,b). However, the effects near-inertial waves in geostrophic jets. However, they of baroclinicity overwhelm nontraditional effects at analyzed the trapping phenomena using a barotropic ocean fronts because the vertical shear and stratifica- form of (14); that is, they only considered variations in tion are both much larger than the horizontal compo- mean flow relative vorticity. Therefore, like Kunze nent of the Coriolis frequency so we neglect these (1985), they did not explore the baroclinic effects that effects in this work [see Colin de Verdiere (2012) for a we have shown are important. careful parametric study of nontraditional effects using

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 11:15 AM UTC APRIL 2013 W H I T T A N D T H O M A S 723 the nontraditional, nonhydrostatic, time-dependent and lines of constant phase all run parallel to isopycnals. Eliassen–Sawyer equation]. Thus, near a slantwise critical layer, the vertical shear of the NIW would be strongest and lines of constant shear would tend to align with isopycnals. This characteriza- 7. Conclusions tion is consistent with the enhanced ageostrophic shear In this paper, we have analyzed two-dimensional in the Gulf Stream highlighted in Fig. 1, which occurs near-inertial waves (NIWs) that propagate perpendic- near a region with multiple critical layers, as identified ular to baroclinic geostrophic currents with O(1) Rossby by a ray-tracing calculation that accounts for the effects and Richardson numbers. The work builds primarily off of baroclinicity (see e.g., Fig. 5). that of Mooers (1975), who derived the mathematical Another property of the anomalously low frequency properties of nonhydrostatic inertia–gravity waves in waves that differs from classical inertia–gravity waves is this system, but emphasizes a new physical interpre- their polarization relation. In particular, the waves with tation for the results using parcel arguments and conser- the lowest frequency are characterized by horizontal vation principles. In particular, conservation of absolute velocities that are not circularly polarized, unlike clas- momentum MT 5 u 2 fy is crucial for understanding the sical NIWs. As baroclinicity is increased, the polariza- unusual properties of the waves in this system. One such tion relation of these waves becomes more rectilinear, unusual property of these waves is that their minimum with stronger velocities in the cross- versus alongfront frequency decreases with increasing baroclinicity. This direction. As shown by Thomas (2012) this change in can be understood geometrically. The waves of lowest polarization relation can lead to an efficient exchange of frequency have parcel displacements along isopycnals kinetic energy between the waves and balanced flows in and thus experience no buoyancy force. The restoring regions of active frontogenesis. The idea being that, as force for the oscillations in this case is provided solely the polarization relation shifts from circular to rectilin- by the Coriolis force, whose strength, by conservation of ear, the waves induce a momentum flux that is in a par-

MT, depends on the along-isopycnal gradient of geo- ticular direction. When this momentum flux is pointed strophic absolute momentum, Mg 5 ug 2 fy. This gra- down the gradient in momentum of the balanced flow, dient is reduced as baroclinicity increased because the waves act as an effective viscosity, extracting kinetic isopycnals steepen while Mg surfaces flatten, thereby energy from the mean flow. lowering the minimum frequency. The polarization relation is modified in unexpected By lowering the intrinsic frequency, baroclinicity al- ways for waves of higher frequencies as well. In the lows NIWs to exist inq regionsffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where the effective presence of baroclinicity, the sense of rotation and the 5 1 z Coriolis frequency, F f ( f g), exceeds the wave’s ellipticity of the hodograph traced out by the velocity frequency. Waves in this anomalously low frequency vector over time for waves of the same frequency but region have properties that differ dramatically from different characteristics (i.e., different propagation di- classical inertia–gravity waves. Like classical inertia– rections) are not necessarily the same. For the case when gravity waves, there are two characteristic slopes for a one of the characteristics is steeper than surfaces of wave of a given frequency (as long as the frequency is constant Mg, the velocity vector for a wave in the Northern not at its minimum). However, unlike classical inertia– (Southern) Hemisphere rotates counterclockwise (clock- gravity waves, the two characteristic slopes of these wise) with time, that is, opposite to what classical theory anomalously low frequency waves have the same sign, would predict. This implies that the resonance condi- being centered about the isopycnal slope. In addition, tions for maximal wind work on the near-inertial mo- on the shallower characteristic, vertical wavenumbers, tions no longer corresponds to an anticyclonic rotary phase velocities, and group velocities all have the same wind oscillating at the inertial frequency, like the clas- sign. This unusual property was first observed in primi- sical prediction of Pollard and Millard (1970). How tive equation numerical simulations of a front by Wang much of an effect this has on the generation of NIWs (1991). in the proximity of the fronts, especially those asso- Near-inertial waves can be trapped and amplified in ciated with separated western boundary currents that the anomalously low frequency regions. The amplifica- underlie the midlatitude storm tracks, is an open tion preferentially occurs near slantwise critical layers question and one that will be the subject of future that run parallel to isopycnals. These are places where research on the generation process through which multiple characteristics converge and the magnitude of we hope to better understand the rates of wind genera- the group velocity decays to zero (see e.g., Fig. 11). At these tion, radiative decay, trapping, and dissipation of near- critical layers, the waves attain their minimum frequency inertial energy in strongly baroclinic western boundary and hence parcel displacements, rays, characteristics, currents.

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