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Friction entre Sable et Surface Metallique

Y. YOSHIMI Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan T. KISHIDA Toa Harbor Works Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan

SYNOPS I S Large frictio n a l resistance is desirable for fric ti o n piles and reinforced earth, whereas low fric tio n is desirable fo r negative skin fric tio n and selfboring pressurem eters. To cope w ith the problems one needs quantitative inform atio n of fric tio n a l resistance as w ell as deform ation of so il near the contact surface because the normal may be sta tica lly indeterm inate. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on f ric tio n between dry sand and m etal surface under constant normal stress conditions over a wide range of and sand density. A ring torsion apparatus was used to achieve uniform stres s d istrib u tio n over the contact surface and w ithin the sand specimen. The deform ation in sand n ear the m etal surface was observed by means of X-ray radiography. In addition to the effects of su rface roughness on the ultim ate co e fficie n t of fric tio n , the relationship among m obilized fric tio n , shear strain and slip are discussed.


F rictio n between so il and structures often plays A ring torsion apparatus as shown in Fig. 1 was an im portant role in geotechnical engineering. used. Dry sand was rained into the annular Large fric tio n a l resistance is desirable for container lined w ith 0.3 -mm th ick rubber mem­ fric tio n piles, reinforced earth, or base of branes, and the surface of the sand was retaining w alls; whereas one wants to m inim ize leveled w ith a suction device. A ring shaped fric tio n along the surface of so il samplers or m etal specimen was then placed on the sand, and selfboring pressurem eters, or point sta tic was applied thereupon w hile a piles where negative skin fric tio n poses a prob­ constant ve rtica l load was applied w ith w eights. lem. Because frictio n is not sta tica lly deter­ The ve rtica l stress covered a range from 25 to m inate in many o f those problem s, one needs to 15 8 kPa (0.26't'1.61 kgf/cm 2) w ith 105 kPa used know not only maximum fric tio n a l resistance but for most tests. The torque was applied in such also friction-displacem ent relationship. The a way that the m etal surface mo ved at a rate o f need fo r re lia b le estim ates of fric tio n between about 0. 6 mm per m in. in circum ferential direc­ so il and surface has increased in recent tion. In addition to of circum fer­ years w ith the development of analytical tech­ e n tia l and ve rtica l di splacem ents of the m etal niques and w ith the recognition of the negative ring, the deform ation of the sand and slippage skin fric tio n problem in which underestim ation at the soil -m etal contact were measured in some of fric tio n causes an error on the unsafe side. tests using X-ray radiography.

Based on d ire ct shear tests on skin fric tio n The ring torsion apparatus is essentially the between various so ils and three construction same as th a t reported by Yoshim i and Oh-oka m aterials (steel, wood, and concrete), Potyondy ( 1973). Compared w ith a d ire ct shear de vice the ( 1 961) identified four m ajor factors that de­ ring t orsion apparatus has the follow ing ad van­ term ined skin fric tio n , i.e ., "the m oisture tage s: ( 1 ) the stresses and strains w ithin the content of so ils, the roughness of surface, the specimen are nearly uniform , ( 2 ) because the com position of , and the intensity of nor­ specimen is endless it is free from progressi ve mal load." Esashi et al (1966) showed that skin fa ilu re that w ould in itia te at the ends of a fric tio n between sand and three construction d ire ct shear de vice, and (3) unlim ited circum ­ m aterials (steel, wood, and concrete) could be fe re n tia l di splacem ent can be applied. Three correlated w ith quantified surface roughness as shown in Table I and three m etals, i.e . regardless of the type of m aterial. In both re­ stru ctu ra l steel, , and aluminum, were ferences, the d ire ct shear apparatus was used in tested. Eighty tests were carried out for va ri­ which stresses and strains could not be uniform ly ous com binations of the density of the sands and distributed and the physical significance of the the roughness of the m etal surface. The surface displacem ents could not be cle a rly established. roughness was expressed in term s of a maximum height, Rmax, that is the re la ti ve height be­ The object of the present paper is to quantify tween the highe st peak and the low est v a lle y the effects of the roughness of m etal surface along a surface p ro file o ver a gage length o f and the density of sand on the skin fric tio n 2.5 mm. The contact surfaces of the m etal rings between dry sand (three sands) and m etal sur­ were finished so that Rmax co vered a range fr om face (three m etals), using an apparatus in which 3 to 510 ym, which included w ith ample m argins stresses and strains are nearly uniform ly dis­ the range between 10 and 150 pm fo r ordinary trib u te d . construction m aterials. D etailed descriptions

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AB I T LE Pr oper t i es of Sands Test ed PLAN Hydr aul i c j ack Sand Toyour a Tonegawa Ni i gat a Met al 5 i men Mini mum voi d r at i o 0. 628 0. 717 0. 611 Wir e r ope Maxi mum voi d r at i o 1. 019 1. 157 0. 947 10 % si ze ( mm) 0. 16 0. 18 0. 18 Uni f or mit y coef f i ci ent 1. 31 1. 83 1. 64 0. 105 0. 105 0. 105 Grai n si ze r ange (urn) ^ 0. 25 ~ 0. 71 -v-0.71 fr Speci fi c gravi ty of sol i ds 2. 64 2. 76 2. 66 X- r ay sour ce Wat er cont ent (%) 0. 09 0. 51 0. 24 Sand speci Grai n shape Rounded Angul ar Subr ounded Grai n sur f ace Med i um Rough Smoot h

SECTION o f the te s t pr o cedure are given b y K ishida (1979).


Fig. 2 shows a typical set of te st results for Wei ght s the Tonegawa sand ha ving an in itia l relative den s it y of 60 %. The circum ferential displace­ ment is expressed in a dim ensionless form by d i viding it b y the in itia l height of the sand (22 mm). As one would expect, the maximum coef­ Met al speci fic ie n t of fric tio n increases w ith the surface roughness. Note a w ell defined "stick -s lip " phenomenon fo r Rmax<.5 pm (F ig. 2(a)), and marked dilatancy fo r Rmax>.220 ym (Fig. 2(b)). Rubber On the other hand, the in itia l portion of the Sand speci men friction-displacem ent curves is p ra ctica lly un­ Acryl i c ri (9 ^ 42 mm hi gh) affected by the surface roughness as shown in Load cel l F ig. 2 (a'). This is attributed to the fact that For r adi ogr aphy —► For st andar d t est s w ithin a certain lim it (in th is case, x/h< 1.5% o r T S / Ov < 0 .4 ), n o s lip devel o p s at the c o n ta ct F ig. 1 T e s t Apparatu s s u rface even f o r the s m o o th e s t s u rface; there­ f o re the di s placem ent s are w h o ll y accounted fo r EFFECTS OF SANDS AND SURFACE MATERIALS ON THE by the deform ation of the sand its e lf (Fig. 6 ). FRICTI ONAL RESISTANCE The data of Fig. 2 contradicts the pre v i ous a ssu m pti o n that the in itia l tangent m o dulu s i s A s s h ow n in Fig. 3 the c o e ffic ie n t o f fric ti o n p r o p o rti o nal t o the ultim ate fric ti o n a l re s i s t­ i s e s s e n tia ll y go verned b y the surface roughness ance (e.g.. Sm ith (I960)). w ith the re la ti ve den s it y of the sand and the


- 0. 5

0. 0


Fi g. 2 Typi cal Test Resul ts of Steel and Tonegawa Sand

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T------r To.y oura Sand A Steel Dr = 40 ! 40° Steel 60 Steel 90 Brass 65 Al umi num 65 30° *% 0. 4 Soma Sand 20 ° • Steel Usual r ange f or Wood 0. 2 - ■ C oncr et e const r act i on 10° mat er i al s Machinist's symbol . 0. 0 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Sur f ace Roughness, Rmax (y m) Sur f ace Roughness, Rmax (y m)

Fig. 3 E ffects of Sand Density and Surface F ig. 4 E ffects of Kind of Sand on Coef­ M aterial on C oefficient of F riction fic ie n t of F riction surface m aterial playing a negligibly m inor part. ra tio . On the basis of the obser­ The data points fo r Soma sand (Esashi et a l, vation by Oda and Konishi (1974) that the shear 1966) which include tests on wood and concrete stress ra tio at the horizontal surface of a speci­ as w ell as steel appear to agree w ith the au­ men of rod during sim ple shear is propor­ thors' test results. Fig. 4 shows that the kind tio n a l to the tangent of the angle between the of sand has little influence on the co efficie nt ve rtica l axis and the d irection of the maximum of fric tio n if Rmax exceeds about 20 uni. For a principal stress, and on the basis of the postu­ sm oother surface (Rmax < 20 vim) , however, the la te by O chiai (1975) that the maximum shear kind of sand seems to make some difference, in stress ra tio during la te ra lly confined compres­ th a t the Tonegawa sand having angular, rough sion of granular mass is equal to tan^y, one can grains has larger co efficient of fric tio n than derive from the follow ing relationship: the Toyoura sand w ith rounded, medium rough J.__r _ 2 l/sinu (sinult~ s in 4>y) (1) grains (Table I) . tan6max - i+sin^y V------1 - s irU u lt------

The values of Smax computed by Eq.(l) are in LOWER AND UPPER LI MITS OF FRICTI ONAL ANGLE fa irly good agreement w ith the observed values as shown in Fig. 5. Although under favorable conditions it is possi­ -i------T1------r ble to obtain extrem ely smooth m etal surface 4 whose Rmax is as sm all as 0.1 ym, a minimum obser ved f r om pl ane pul t value of Rmax in geotechnical applications is strai n compr essi on t est 1.2 probably about 2 ym. According to Lambe and <“ 50' (d comput ed f r om ^ i t anc* $y W hitm an (1969), the frictio n a l angle of a very e e ■o y, and th a t of a very rough surface is equal to the ultim ate angle of 40‘ internal fric tio n ‘t'ult* or the angle of internal 0. 8 fric tio n at constant volume, cv. On the basis of the authors' test results, however, the low­ est value of fric tio n a l angle may be sm aller 0. 6 than one half of the p article-to-p a rticle fric ­ obser ved tio n a l angle, 't'y/2, as shown in Fig. 3. The ° max surface roughness that corresponds to the fric ­ J____ i______tio n a l angle equaling tf’y is about 10 ym which 20 40 60 80 100 may be considered very smooth as fa r as ordinary construction m aterials are concerned. Thus, the Rel at i ve Densi t y, Dr (%) use of y fo r a minimum fric tio n a l angle as sug­ Fig. 5 F rictio n a l Angle between Very Rough gested by Lambe and Whitman (1969) is s till S teel and Tonegawa Sand valid from a practical point of view. It is notew orthy, however, th a t one can reduce the previously set minimum fric tio n a l angle by alm ost 50 % where necessary, e.g., sam pling tubes or RELATI ONSHIP AMONG MOBI LI ZED FRI CTI ON, SHEAR selfboring pressurem eters. STRAIN, AND SLI P

As shown in Fig. 5, the fric tio n a l angle, 6 m ax, F ig s. 6 (b), (d), (f) show typical results of X- fo r a very rough surface (Rmax = 510 ym) appears ray observations during fric tio n tests using somewhat lower than the ultim ate angle of in te r­ steel and medium dense Tonegawa sand. Each sym­ nal fric tio n , ult, determ ined by plane stra in bol w ith an arrow indicates a circum ferential compression tests. The difference may be a ttri­ displacem ent of the m etal ring from the in itia l buted to the fact that the sand-m etal interface position, and those w ithout arrows show the dis­ does not coincide w ith the plane of the maximum placem ent of lead m arkers ( 0. 8 mm in d ia .) embed-

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ded in the s and. T h u s , the h o riz o ntal di s tance between the t o p s ymbol and the symbol w ith an arrow shows the amount of s lip at the sand-m etal interface, xs, as shown in the key sketch.

When the m etal is very smooth (Figs. 6 (a), (b) ) , the sand is sheared uniform ly w ithout developing a shear zone; therefore the circum ferential dis­ placem ent of the m etal consists m ostly of s lip . The phenomenon resem bles that of so lid -to -so lid fric tio n in that dynamic fric tio n is sm aller than static frictio n . This is reflected in Fig. 6 (b ') in which the shear strain in the sand de­ creases as the s lip distance increases. When the m etal is slig h tly rough (Figs. 6 (c), (d) ) , a shear zone develops near the m etal surface im m ediately a fte r a slip occurs. The shear zone begins to form when the shear stress ra tio ex­ ceeds about 75 percent of the co e fficie n t of fric tio n . When the m etal is very rough (Figs. 6 (e), (f)), on the other hand, a shear zone develops in the sand w ithout a slip . This con­ d itio n corresponds to the upper lim it of co e ffi­ cient of fric tio n . The thickness of the shear zone fo r the present te st series was 3 Rmax to 5 Rmax or 5 to 8 tim es the mean grain size.


The follow ing conclusions may be made on the basis of the laboratory tests on fric tio n be­ tween three sands and three m etals under con­ stant normal stress conditions:

1. The fric tio n a l resistance between sand and m etal surface was p rim a rily governed by roughness of the m etal surface irrespective of the kind of m etal and the density of sand.

2. The fric tio n a l angle fo r a very smooth m etal surface was less than one h alf of the par- tic le -to -p a rtic le fric tio n angle, p, that had h ith e rto been considered a lower lim it.

3. The fric tio n a l angle for a very rough surface could be expressed as a function of the ultim ate angle of internal fric tio n , ifult and the p a rticle -to -p a rticle fric tio n angle, (j)p.

4. According to radiographical observations of the sand no s lip occurred at the contact surface when the shear stress ra tio was less than 70 to 80 percent of the co e fficie n t of fric tio n , irrespective of the surface rough­ ness . F ig . 6 Deform ation of Sand Observed by Ra­ diography (S teel and Tonegawa Sand)

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