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December 1995, Volume l, lllumber 8

New Leonard Peikoff Radio Show SecondRenaissance Books, (800) 729-6149. (care of ARI) /'The Leonard Peikoff Show" Debuts in L.A. A request from Dr. Peikoffi pleasesend him clippingsor suggestionsfor future shows,but pleasedo not call the show;he wants callerswith opposingviewpoints.

Ayn Rand Promoted to English Teacherc

To promote our high schoolessay contests, ARI again exhibited at the annual conventionof the National Council of Teachersof English (NCTE). This year'sconvention, held in San Diego, November L7-20, set a record for attendance,witl more than 7,000English teachers present. ARI's booth was especiallyprominent, as a result of our successfulefforts to obtain the booth next to the entranceto the exhibition hall. At the convention,ARI coordinateda workshop titled "setting Soulson Fire: Drawing Lifelong Inspiration from Heroic Romantic Literature," The sessionwas attended by more than sixty English teachers,Shoshana Milgram and three high school English teachersdiscussed The Fountai,nheadand works by Victor Hugo, Jack London and Willa Cather, all from the perspectiveof 'sconcept of Romantic literature. Each novel was analyzedfrom the standpoint of how to teach Leonard Peikoff on the air, with Michael Berliner in background studentsto identify the valuesthe author portrayed-and in particular,the novel'sposition on each of the issuesin Ayn Leonard Peikoffbegan a weekly radio show on Sunday, Rand'sstatement, "My ,in essence,is the concept November 12. "The Leonard Peikoff Show" airs live every of man as a heroic being, with his own happinessas the moral Sundayfrom noon to 1:00p,m, on stationKIEV (870AM) in purposeof his life, with productive achievementas his noblest Los Angeles.The show is produced and funded by the Ayn activity,and reasonas his only absolute." Rand Institute, Since most NCTE sessionslook at literature from the Dr. Peikoff beginseach program with provocativecommen- "politically correct" perspectiveof race, classand gender,we tary on the week'stopic, and then takescalls from listeners were very pleasedto help present Romantic literature in respondingto his position. His topics for the {irst four shows: generaland Ayn Rand'sphilosophy of literature in particular. "The Virtue of Sel{ishness,""In Defenseof America,""Liberals and Conservatives,"and "Bosnia." Tentativefuture topics include: "Principlesvs, ," "Is Love Really Blind?" "Immigration," and "ChristmasShould Be Commercial."The upcomingtopic is postedweekly on ARI's home page on the World Wide Web (http://www.aynrand.org). Commenting on the show,Dr, Peikoff said "I am covering a great deal of material, broadcastingObjectivism over the air- waveson a regular basis.I am happy with the content in terms of relevanceand accuracy,and I am enjoyrngthe show im- mensely.The issuesright now are gaining a sizableaudience and my learning to use my voice conversationally,like a profes- sional radio man, as againsta loud, fast-talhng New Yorker." As of December 3, the show is being carried live in Pres- cott, Arizona(KYCA, 1490AM), at 1:00p.m. local time. Prior to seehng additional stationsto carry the shoq ARI is work- ing to build a signiffcantaudience in SouthernCalifornia, in order later to seek national syndication. Audio cassettesof the show will soon be availablefrom David Bombardier in conversation with an English teacher at NCTE

Pubf isher: The A1'nRand Institute, 4640Admiralty Way, Suite 715, Marina del Rey,CA 90292,(310) 306-9232,fax (310) 306-4925. Editor: David Bombardier.AII rights reserved@1996. Impact is publishedmonthly and is complimentaryto all current contributors. Ayn Rand in the Media Univercities

The explosionof press referencesto Ap Rand continues. Philosophy Dept. lnvites Binswanger Harry Bins- We were informed of about two dozen in the past month. wanger addresseda university-wideaudience at Youngstown "Laissez- Given the new volume of press items, the spacerequired StateUniversity in Ohio on November 7, speakingon to report them has left us with little spaceto report on ARI's Faire :The Systemof Freedom and Justice."The projects.We will no longer mention all of the interesting school'sphilosophy professors publicized the talk in their class- items. Instead, we will give a few hlghlights for each month. es, and more than 300 studentsturned out for the event, Dr. However,please continue to send us clippings. Binswangeralso conducteda colloquium for faculty members In the past month: A positive review of Letters of Ayn in the philosophydepartment on "Ayn Rand'sTheory of Free Rand in the Orange County Register(September 29) by ARI Will." The lectureswere initiated and organizedby the philoso- supporter Scott Holleran, and a positive referenceto "Ayn phy department chairman,who is sympatheticto . Rand's'virtue of selffshness"'inWofth (December{anuary). ARl-assisted Campus Talks For details, contact JasonSwihart at (612)673-9192. Ayn Rand in Academic Publications Date Speaker School Topic Ed Locke on Volition and Egoism Ed Locke was lan 25 Hull Iowa StateU Professors'WarAgainst the Mind published in the Journal of Behaoior Therapy and Experimen- tal Psychiatry on "Beyond Determinism and Materialism,Or High Schools Isn't It Time We Took ConsciousnessSeriously?" and in the Record Teacher Response This year,the response Joumal of OrganizationalBehaaior, vith JaanaWoiceshyn, on rate from English teachersto our essaycontest promotions is '1Mhy BusinessmenShould Be Honest: The Argument from highef then cver before, due in part to our use of more sophis- ." Both articles give credit to and quote from ticated techniquesfor determining which schoolsto target. Ayn Rand. General lUews Publications Employment Opportunity ARI is seehnga part- New Ayn Rand Book Released Newly available time bookkeeperor a full-timebookkeeper/projects assistant. material by Ayn Rand can be found in Ayn Rand'sMarginalia, Pleasecontact Donna Montrezza at ARI. edited by Robert Mayhew The book containsthe notes she made in the marginsof the works of more than twenty authors. Ayn Rand'sMarginalia is published by SecondRenaissance Books,(800) 729-6149.

The Objectivist Graduate Center Applications Being Accepted Applicationsfor ad- mission to the Objectivist GraduateCenter for the fall 1996 semesterare now being accepted,as are applicationsfor Gary Hull's OGC prerequisitecourse (which is open alsoto those not intending to attend the OGC). The applicationdeadline for both is March l. For an applicationform, contact Donna Happy Holidaysfrom the staff at ARI! From left to right: Dan Sneddon, Mark Peter,David Bombardier,Kathy Cross,Michael Berliner, Brit- Montrezza ]eff at ARL ting, DonnaMontrezza, Marc Baer,Ronen Nakash, Richard Ralston, Scott McConnell,]ason Swihart (inset)

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