
Date: August 3rd, 2021














Signed :

Date : August 3rd, 2021



First and foremost, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the almighty God, Jesus Christ, for blessing me much more than I deserve, for the strength to keep me going and finally finish what I started.

I am forever thankful to my lovely parents, Martinus Sembiring and my mother

Marlina br Sihombing for their continuous and unparalleled love, help and support.

Thank you both for hard work and never rushing me in everything I do. Especially to mom, for being there as a friend and listened to me in my hard times, changed my tears into a smile, and convinced me that I am not here to fail, but to make you two proud.

Also to my sister and brothers, Merintan Afrina S, dr. Edward R. Sembiring, Tri Defri

R. Depari, and Gilbert Mario S, thank you for the love and laugh that encouraging me to fulfill my dreams.

My deepest gratitude goes to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, my supervisor and Riko Andika Pohan, S.S., my co-supervisor. I am very grateful to have the whole hearted support extended to me throughout the conduct of the thesis. Without their knowledge, kindness, patience, and motivation this thesis would not have been possible. It was an honour guided very humble persons and experts in their fields.

I would like to express gratitude to Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A, Ph.D, as the

Head of Department of English , Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A., Ph.D, as the Secretary of

Department of English, and all the lecturer of Department of English who shared a lot of knowledge and advice. Also, I would thank Mr. Sukirno as the staff of English

Department, who always helping me with the administration procedures and requirement during my college time.


Special thank to Elton Jhon Tarigan, for coming into my life and making it easier. You always go above and beyond for me and I can‘t even put into words how much I appreciate that. You have always treated me so well with love and have never disrespected me. I‘ve never had someone, besides my family, care about me as much as you do. And for always encouraging me to do my best. I want to thank you for always believing in me, even when I can‘t even believe in myself.

Last but not least, I would thank myself, Mericci Genapinna S for always trying your hardest, no matter how tired and defeated you may be. Thank you for always getting up for work even though you don't want to. And thank you for always following your intuition. You might not feel successful at times, but you are successful and the success will only continue to grow. Thank you for having the courage to look a little longer, push a little harder. I sincerely hope it pays off and I think it will. Thanks for dreaming big and actually believing that you are destined for something amazing. It's nice to know that cynicism hasn't taken over your positive and beautiful spirit.

Medan, July 2021

Mericci Genapinna S Reg. No. 170705101



The objective of this study is to find out the violence racism and the process of main character get out from the violence racism portrayed in a movie entitled Get Out by Jordan Peele . The are three form of violence racism appeared in the movie according to Johan Galtung journal (1969) such as direct, structural, and cultural. In order to get the objective of the study the researcher uses the theory of racism and violence with descriptive qualitative method by Robert K.Yin. Forms of violence racism explained with the dialogue and scene from the movie. In analyzing the object of the study , there are four techniques that are cooperated in finding and collecting data . They are watching , making note,identifying , and the last classifying the data .The result of this study is to find out the violence racism which is classified in to three form such as direct, structural and cultural violence and also to describe the process how the main character escape the violence racism.

Key Words: Movie, Racism, Violence, Violence Racism



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekerasan rasisme dan proses tokoh utama keluar dari kekerasan rasisme yang digambarkan dalam film berjudul Get Out karya Jordan Peele. Ada tiga bentuk kekerasan rasisme yang muncul dalam film menurut jurnal Johan Galtung (1969) yaitu langsung, struktural, dan kultural. Untuk mendapatkan tujuan penelitian peneliti menggunakan teori rasisme dan kekerasan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif oleh Robert K.Yin. Bentuk-bentuk kekerasan rasisme dijelaskan dengan dialog dan adegan dari film tersebut. Dalam menganalisis objek penelitian, ada empat teknik yang bekerja sama dalam mencari dan mengumpulkan data. Mereka mengamati, mencatat, mengidentifikasi, dan terakhir mengklasifikasikan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekerasan rasisme yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga bentuk yaitu kekerasan langsung, struktural dan kultural serta untuk mendeskripsikan proses bagaimana karakter utama lolos dari kekerasan rasisme.

Kata Kunci: Film, Rasisme, Kekerasan, Kekerasan Rasisme



AUTHOR’S DECLARATION...... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION...... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...... iii ABSTRACT...... v ABSTRAK...... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS...... vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study...... 4 1.3 Objectives of the Study...... 5 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 5 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW LITERATURE...... 7 2.1 Film and Literature ...... 7 2.2 Sociology of Literature Theory ...... 8 2.3 Brief Description of Racism ...... 9 2.4 Violence ...... 10 2.4.1 Direct Violence ...... 10 2.4.2 Structural Violence ...... 11 2.4.3 Cultural Violence ...... 11 2.5 Violence Racism in Jordan Peele‘s Get Out ...... 12 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 15 3.1 Research Design ...... 15 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 16 3.3 Technique of Data Collection ...... 17 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ...... 18 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING ...... 19 4.1 Analyzing Violence Racism in Jordan Peele‘s Get Out...... 19 4.2 The Process of Main Character Escape From Violence Racism...... 31 4.2.1 Negrophilia ...... 32 4.2.2 White Supremacist and White Privilege...... 34 4.2.3 Chris Washington Escape...... 36 4.3 Finding...... 40 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...... 42 5.1 Conclusion ...... 43 5.2 Suggestion ...... 43

REFERENCES...... 45 APPENDICES...... ,... 47



1.1 Background of the Study

The sociology of literature is a science that can relate human works to social life

(Faruk, 2010:1). Sociology of literature derives from terms such as sociology and literature. Literature is an expression of society. Through literature, an author reveals the problems of life. Literary works are affected by society and can also affect society.

Sociology may be defined as a systematic science or knowledge of the group life of humans in connection with other human beings who are generally called society.

Racism is a social issue among society which is always interesting to be discussed. Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group.

The term of Racism may include any attitude, action or inaction which subordinates a person group because of race/color/ethnicity. Racism also might be a form of both visible and invisible violence. Veteran peace researcher Johan Galtung

(1969:167) and his journal entitled “VIOLENCE, PEACE, AND PEACE RESEARCH” has shown that violence is direct, structural, and cultural. This triad was adapted in

South Africa as interlinked symbolic, structural, psychological and physical violence against ―otherness‖. This conceptual framework may be applicable to both direct and indirect experiences of racism and other forms of violence. The most recent manifestation of these has been the outcry over black hair. Some referred to it as a hair

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1 war. It revealed a visceral, unspoken and explicit cumulative knowledge of racism as violence.

As a kind of mass media, a film considered to be able to influence the audience.

Movies are seen to have realism, influence sociological, psychological, and more popularity. Along with the development of time, the film was used as a propaganda tool. The phenomenon of film as a propaganda tool able to bring about social crises in several countries.

Films, according to Arsyad (2014:1), are images contained within the frame, where frame by frame is mechanically projected through the projector lens, so that on the screen, the image looks alive. In ancient time s, people could only express their thoughts using spoken or written language. With the technology developments of today, a person can convey thoughts, ideas, ideas, or a work through visual media. With film media, a literary work may be appreciated more.

Films are a phenomenon that we hear or see a lot. In Greece, which is known for its ancient Greek mythology through books, paintings, to the story of the gods that were filmed. Likewise, with the State of Korea with its drama series that represent the life of its people, cultural promotion in the history of the kingdoms that stood in the Land of

Ginseng. Chinese films that are full of the history of their dynasty, to Japan, which do not escape the insertion of cultural norms of life and culture from generation to generation in their TV series.

Lots of films that bring up issues of racism such as in the heat of the night, The

Help, Green Mile, The Color of Purple, Hidden figure, 12 Years as a Slave, and many

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2 more, each of which has a different way of addressing the issue of racism. Racist representations can also be seen in the film Get Out.

Jordan Peele‘s directorial debut Get Out succeeds on many levels. At first sight, the literal interpretation of this imperative commands us to get him out of there and escape the horrors of a New York estate. Below, the sociological implications of the story implore us to Get Out of our heads and stop focusing on peacekeeping to prevent new conflicts. The film uncovers the attitudes of white liberals towards black people in order to reinforce this race relationship in modern times where many of these people convince themselves that they have ―moved beyond racism‖.

Get Out tells the story of photographer Chris Washington () and his weekend spent meeting the mother and father of his girlfriend, Rose Armitage

(Allison Williams) at her parent‘s estate in upstate New York. They are manipulating black victims into the ―sunken place‖ to prepare them for transfer centralizes conflict in the Psychology Domain for the Objective Story Through line with an emphasis, or Objective Story Concern, in Conceptualizing.

With every interaction that Chris experiences, a sense of unease and discomfort is experienced by him and the audience, which showcases the ignorance of whites in comprehending the black experience. From the moment he arrives to the Armitage house, he is weary of the family‘s overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter Rose‘s interracial relationship. The interactions between

Rose‘s parents and Chris seem unnatural and forced. The film illustrates how the ignorance and violence racist micro-aggression are enacted from not only create

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3 uncomfortable racist situations, but help further the idea of the narrow characterization of black people.

The character does not appear to be a good fit in either the black or the white community. In an all-white gathering, he is a black misfit whereas his awkward greeting with Chris also makes him seem like an outcast in the black community. These examples illustrate the convoluted nature of race relationship, where members are fascinated yet fearful of the other race, and assimilating is not as easy as it seems.

Although the fears of black people may not be as ominous or as dramatized as the film, they are real concerns and problems that plague society. Get Outmasterfully contrasts the genre and sociology to convey a powerful message of the true terror, which is racism. As shown in the movie, instead of making black people comfortable, white people are further distancing them by evaluating them for their ‗desired‘ characteristics and making them insecure about their traits. In the film, this is certainly accentuated as white people literally instill our protagonist with fear, and the idea of suppressing the identity of black people is all too real and horrific due to the brain transplantation.

Because it is an interesting topic, the writer wants to make further analysis about the movie Get Out by Jordan Peele. From the explanation above, the writer entitled this thesis “An Analysis of Violence Racism in Jordan Peele’s Get Out”.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer proposes two research questions as


1. What are the forms of violence racism in Jordan Peele‘s Get Out?


2. How is the main character escape from the violence racism?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, the objectives of this research are:

1. To describe the forms of violence racism in Jordan Peele‘s Get Out

2. To identify the process of how the main character escape from the violence


1.4 Scope of the Study

Scope of the study is very important in preparing the thesis so that this research is more focused on the topic that will be discussed. The scope of this research is about finding out the forms of violence racism in Jordan Peele ‗s Get Out and how the main character comes out from the violence racism. The writer use sociological approach theory by A Journal by Johan Galtung (1969:6) entitled “Violence,Peace, and Peace

Research” in discussing violence which is Direct, Structural, and Cultural. The writer only focuses on analyzing racism toward main character and the writer does not analyze other character outside him.

1.5 Significance of the Study

1. Theoretically, the writer hopes that this study gives the contribution to the

academic studies especially in term of violence racism which is related to

sociology and literature.

2. Practically, the writer hopes that this study expected to contribute to the next

writer that concern on similar research with different object. This study also

aims to provide useful information to study and understand the social real life,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 5 and the most important that the writer hopes this research able to make people, especially the young people understands that the world is made up of many different ethnic groups, languages and religions, and full of diversity so that all humanity should be able to live in peace side by side without any form of discrimination.




2.1 Film and Literature

Himawan Pratista (2008:1) defines film as an audiovisual medium that combines two elements, narrative and cinematic. The narrative element itself is related to the theme, while the cinematic element teaches the plot or storyline. Literature is an oral or written work with a variety of superior features such as originality, art, beauty in content and expression (Panuti Sudjiman, 1990:68).

Literature is written communication, whether in the form of poetics, drama or fiction. It always communicates human experiences and uses the features of the story.

Either, films, mainly use the spoken aspects of communication such as sound. The sounds are dominant in film making. Boggs (1992:24) states that literature and film basically have many elements in common. Even though they are two different media, they communicate various things the same way. The perspective of film is based on the factors used in literature. As stated by Boggs, he divides the film into its various elements for the sake of analysis, the interest of analysis is an artificial process because the elements of any art never exist separately from the others. There are many similarities and differences between film and literature.

Film and literature are two separate things with a similar purpose of creating sublimity in human imagination and understanding. Film and literature inspire and enrich one another, it also defies the human mind through the action, the images, the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 7 words and the reproduction of the life of human beings. Both film and literature have their utility and significance for progressing the cause of human society.

In film and literature, a story is narrated in different ways. Film present visual images to the audiences who consume them as real because they move in front of them.

While in literature the author creates images in words means verbal signs. Literature reading make readers to concentrate into the text to understanding the meaning of the text. The literature requires a kind of looking at the word, phrase and sentence. In film, the reader is assisted by the film maker as the external manifestation of the character's actions is visually presented.

In literature, the author's role is to create word pictures for the reader to dig into the character. While in films the audience is saved from the trouble of transforming words into images. Reading is mostly personalized, fragmented and time consuming, on the other hand, watching a movie is a collective and perpetual experience. Reading is for brain while watching is for the eyes. Literature is silent while movie employs sound to heighten the effect on the audience. In literature, the author uses language to show inside the characters while in films, animated pictures show the character through actions. In literature, narrative occurs in the third person, while in films, it occurs linearly.

2.2 Sociology of Literature Theory

In this thesis, the writer uses a sociological approach. Damono (2003:1), states that literature presents a picture of life, and life itself is a social reality. In this sense, life includes the relationships between communities, between communities and individuals,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 8 between people, and the events that occur in one person. An approach to literature that considers community aspects is called the sociology of literature by using text analysis to determine its structure, which is then used to understand more deeply social phenomena outside of literature (Damono, 2003: 3). Sociology is defined as the scientific study of society, more specifically human society. Alan Swingewood states:

―Sociology is essentially the scientific, objective study of man in society, the

study of social institutions and of social processes; it seeks to answer the

question how society is possible, how it works, why it persists‖

2.3 Brief Description of Racism

Based on American Heritage College's dictionary, racism has two meanings.

This resource first defines racism as, ―The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others‖ and secondly as, ―Discrimination or prejudice based on race‖. Racism refers to a variety of practices, beliefs, social relations, and phenomena that work to reproduce a racial hierarchy and social structure that yield superiority, power, and privilege for some, and discrimination and oppression for others. It can take several forms, such as representative, ideological, discursive, interactive, institutional, structural and systemic

Racism exists when ideas and assumptions about racial categories are used to justify and reproduce a racial hierarchy and racially structured society that unjustly limits access to resources, rights, and privileges on the basis of race. Racism also occurs when this kind of unfair social structure is produced by an inability to take into account race and its historical and contemporary roles in society.


2.4 Violence

Violence is any physical, emotional, verbal, institutional, structural or spiritual behaviors, attitude, policy or condition that diminishes, dominates or destroys others and ourselves. Violence is one of the possible responses to specific conflict situations.

This does not imply that violence is unavoidable. Violence is not inevitable and it must not be confused with conflict. Johan Galtung (1969:6), made a clear distinction between

Structural Violence, Cultural Violence and Direct Violence. These ideas are connected to his distinction depending on how it operates between three inter-related forms of violence (Structural-Cultural-Direct) where Structural Violence is at the left end and

Cultural Violence is at the right end of the base of a Triangle invisibly while Direct violence is on the set visibly.

2.4.1 Direct Violence

Direct violence is what we see and experience. So, it may be physical violence such as physical assault, killing, etc. Along with, it can also be psychological violence or behavior that causes trauma, anxiety, or stress. Direct violence can take many forms.

In its classic form, it involves the use of physical force, like killing or torture, rape and sexual assault, and beatings. Further, we understand that verbal violence, like humiliation or put downs, is also becoming more widely recognized violence. Johan

Galtung (1969:170), further describes direct violence as the ―avoidable impairment of fundamental human needs or life which makes it impossible or difficult for people to meet their needs or achieve their full potential. Threat to use force is also recognized as a violence.


2.4.2 Structural Violence

Structural violence is built into the social structure. Societies are made up of systems. These systems include: laws and institutions established for enforcing them, economic systems such as the market, social inter relationships, religious institutions and their workings, as well as in many cases, institutions of the army. We can measure power in terms of access to resources, decision making, and opportunities. It is possible that the structures of a society are such that they result in the marginalization of certain groups, or they discriminate against them. It results in the infringement of their rights.

Galtung (1990:292) claims that structural violence and direct violence are interdependent and include such direct outcomes as domestic violence, racial violence, hate crimes, terrorism, genocide and war.

2.4.3 Cultural Violence

Cultural violence refers to the prevailing attitudes or beliefs used to legitimize violence of direct or structural nature. These include the prejudices or stereotypes existing in society, which have been internalized by individuals. The stereotypes find expression in the interactions people have with each other.

Galtung argues that cultural violence is connected to the cultural paradigms and guidelines which rule socially accepted behavior, whether consciously (explicitly) or unconsciously (implicitly). Thus, he argues, cultural violence supports and perpetuates violence through cultural guidelines materialized through religion, language, art, and the different manifestations of culture. (Galtung, 1990:291)


2.5 Violence Racism in Jordan Peele’s Get Out

The racial ideas are evident, portrayed emphatically to the audience from the first scene of the movie. According to director Jordan Peele, he wanted to directly challenge the experience of being an African-American male in America.

He calls his motive behind the making of the film to ―expose the lie of post-racial


The movie opens with a young black man who has lost his way in a white suburban neighborhood, tailed by a threatening figure who appears out of seemingly nowhere. As the movie continues, Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) is getting driven by his girlfriend, Rose Armitage (Allison Williams) , to meet her family.

The two hit a deer, and the police are called. The police officer, instead of investigating the crash, immediately asks Chris for his driver‘s license. The scene is short and becomes irrelevant in the plot of the movie, but it is the most conspicuous showing of racism in the film.

Get Out offers a definitive way to start this discussion and change views on race. Now, in the Donald Trump era, where racism has grown to be somewhat normalized, it has become more important to show racial equality. While some think that Americans are evolving from a ―post-racial‖ society this movie proves that this idea is not true. The ignorance and prejudice towards another race is portrayed in the movie with frightening realism. Characters continually berate

Chris with demeaning and condescending conversations. This movie had a vague sense of what racial attacks included but the only conflicts can be seen were those

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 12 of horrendous violence. Get Out gives a much less threatening, but equally disturbing, example of violence racism.




3.1 Research Design

The method of study is very important in presenting the data analysis and conclusion. The method used in this thesis research is descriptive qualitative method.

The purpose of this study is to reveal the events or facts, circumstances, phenomena, variables that occur in movie and presenting what really happened. This study interprets and describes data on the present situation, attitudes and points of view. The qualitative descriptive method is a method that aims to describe all that is related to the topic of the research.

The researcher used this method because it basically describes the data as text or written text. The data were also described in a descriptive manner based on research problems. How to analyze this research is by analyzing the object which is Get Out by

Jordan Peele that contains elements of violence racism. Besides, there is also a library study that can facilitate the research especially in the discussion chapter. Internet research are also being applied to support and to widen the ideas of the researcher as well as to get materials and insights that are needed. Those ideas and concepts, which are then going to be selected and interpreted before being analyzed so as to get the conclusion of the study.


3.2 Data and Source Data A. Data Data can be construed as functioning as a material used to construct an opinion, statement and information or material used for research. Data is an important factor in the study. It can be the evidences and clues for the writer to solve the research problem. Type of data required are divided into two, which are the primary data and the secondary data. The primary data for the analysis was taken from the movie Get Out by Jordan Peele, while the secondary data was derived from other sources, such as books, thesis, internet, and other which could be fully supported the study, and were related to the problem and topic. Data obtained from all words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs that support this search. All data will then be saved, copied, read or written down and used when necessary.

In this study, the writer attempts to view the cinematography as a product influenced by the social condition and the problem that occurs when it is produced.

B. Source of Data

The source of data is the source where the data was obtained. The source of data can be divided into two kinds, primary and secondary data. The primary data for the analysis was video taken from the movie Get Out by Jordan Peele, from the dialogue or the interaction with other characters while the secondary data was derived from other sources, such as books, thesis, articles, internet, and other which could be fully supported the study, and were related to the problem and topic.


The primary source for this analysis, including the data, is from the film Get Out scripted by Jordan Peele. This movie was chosen because it is fitting to become the writer‗s data source in analyzing the violence racism issue.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

In this study, descriptive method is used to analyze the qualitative data. In qualitative research, data collection is carried out in the natural conditions, primary data sources and data collection techniques are more on documentation (Sugiono, 2017). The writer used the internet research in gathering the data of the research which aims to collect data from written source on the internet that would be useful for the analysis.

The writer also watch the movie and then the data were collected by marking the important action in this movie which are related to the writer‘s topic.

To collect the data, the researcher did the following steps, they are:

1. Watching the movie over and over again to gain deeper understanding

the story and problems of the movie.

2. Making notes to gain a clear description about the violence racism seen

in the movie based on the theory given and the main character Chris

Washington, as the object of the analysis

3. Identifying the analysis by using some references

4. Selecting and picking the data which related to the problems

5. Finally conducting and analyzing the collected data.


3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

According to Robert K. Yin (2011, p177-179) conducted data analysis using state: (1) Compiling Database, (2) Disassembling Data, (3) Reassembling and Arraying Data, (4) Interpreting and Concluding Data. And in this study, the descriptive method is used for the analysis of qualitative data using the procedures below:

1. Identifying the character of Chris Washington and his problems

related to violence racism which is conducted by his family and

society who has a same race as his.

2. Record any data related to the problem of the study.

3. Make a data display to make the writer easier in the analyzing


4. Analyze the data about violence racism with descriptive qualitative


5. The last procedure is making conclusion based on the data that have

been analyzed.




4.1. Analyzing Violence Racism in Jordan Peele’s Get Out

Get out movie is a film that wrote and directed by Jordan Peele in 2017. Jordan

Peele‘s Get Out is a film telling a black man named Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluuya) who has a white girlfriend Rose Armitage (Alison Williams) who visited the woman‘s parent‘s home. The strangeness began to emerge until finally, Chris knew what was going on in that house. In the Get Out movie, the author gives a different dimension of racism. Racist is not just about white people oppressing black people, the author inserted racist finely. Raised something that more contemporary, such as dialogue or words that seem reasonable, but actually make the blacks uncomfortable when it delivered.

According to Johan Galtung (1969:6), there are three forms of violence such as direct violence, structural violence, cultural violence that can be seen in this film.

 Direct Violence

Direct violence mostly happened to everyone, such as verbal abuse, torture, killing, physical or psychological abuse, humiliation and bullying. In Get Out, there is a main protagonist in this film and showed in this scene and dialogues.


There is direct violence in the form of verbal abuse and physical abuse that happened to Chris Washington. Jeremy Armitage is the son of Armitages and Rose‘s younger brother. He is a medical student and has a cheerful and friendly attitude but it doesn‘t mean that he can‘t be a rude and racist person. When Chris having dinner with

Rose‘s family, Jeremy Armitage talking about boxing and he told Chris about jiu-jitsu.

He intends to do jiu-jitsu with Chris but Missy Armitages (Rose and Jeremy‘s mother) stops him then Jeremy gets annoyed and leaves them. Jeremy verbal and psychical abusive attitude towards Chris can be seen in this dialogue:

“Cause with your frame and your genetic makeup, if you really pushed your body, and I mean really train, you know? No pussyfooting around.You‟d be a fucking beast.” ... “ So the thing about jiu-jitsu is strength doesn‟t matter, right? It‟s all about this (pointed his head). It‟s a strategic game like chess. It‟s all about being two, three, four moves ahead.” ... “Stand up” (Data 1. Scene 26-30)

From the dialogue above, we can see that Jeremy likes fighting and he tells Chris that a black man is a strong person with his statement ―your frame and your genetic makeup. Frame and genetic makeup here referred to Chris‘s skin and race, Jeremy‘s stereotype and the way he talks to Chris is racism. After that, he also insists on fighting with Chris even though Chris doesn‘t want to do it. This clearly direct violence.

Chris Washington was an active smoker, but Rose Armitage, his girlfriend did not allow him to smoke. When he visited Rose‘s parent‘s house, Rose‘s father, Dean

Armitage offered him a treatment from his psychiatrist wife, Missy Armitage. The

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 19 treatment was to make Chris quitting smoking thru hypnotism. Chris refused to take their advice because he thought that hypnotism was a terrible and negative thing. Night in the

Armitage‘s house, when everyone was asleep, he woke up and wanted to look for fresh air from outside the house. After he finished and went back to the house, suddenly

Missy Armitage talked and asked him to sit with her in her office. She was holding a teacup and a spoon and asking Chris about his deceased mother. He told Missy that he felt guilty about his mother‘s death because his mother was died in a hit and run and while he just kept watching a TV all night without looking for his mother. Chris didn‘t realize that he is being hypnotized by her and Chris is paralyzed and slowly he loses his consciousness.

What Missy did is a direct violence, because she hypnotized someone without permission from that person and it is for bad intention. She violate the privacy right of every human being and do something bad with that body. This is how she controls the black people and keeps them from escape before the brain transplant occurs. She ordered

Chris to sink to the floor, after she blamed Chris for what happened to his mother then she made Chris left his body and being trapped somewhere.

Missy: “How do you feel now?” Chris: “I can‟t move” Missy: “You can‟t move” Chris: “Why can‟t I move?” Missy: “You‟re paralyzed” Missy: “Just like that day when you did nothing. You did nothing” Missy: “Now, sink into the floor” Chris: “Wait, wait, wait” Missy: “Sink”


(Data 2. Scene 30-40) After Chris was sunk to some dark place and floating around, he could not do anything. He saw Missy in a screen. Missy reached toward the screen and shut his eyelids. The abyss went almost completely dark. Chris was alone in the dark. Chris cried in terror. ―The Sunken Place‖ represents the way people of color are marginalized by white Americans. This fits with the movie‘s take on white-black relations and the specter of slavery alive and well.

“ Now You‟re in The Sunken Place”. (Data 3. Scene 41)

Based on the writer‘s analysis, the ―Sunken Place‖ is particularly as a metaphor for marginalization of black people and a slavery. In the Sunken Place, you can not do anything, no matter how hard you scream there is no one comes to help you. Just like what happened to Chris, he left his body and trapped in Sunken Place.

Data 4

Lisa: “Oh! Not Bad. huh, Nelson?” Lisa: “ So, is it true? Is it better?” (Data 5. Scene 48)

From the scene and dialogue above, all of white people in there were being racist to Chris, either directly or indirectly. At the Armitage‘s party, there were a lot of white peoples attend the party. Rose was introduced Chris as her boyfriend to everyone, and

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 21 there was an old couple named Nelson Deeds (82) and Lisa Deeds (54) smiled at Chris in a predatory manner. Lisa was acting weird and saying strange words in front of Chris.

This really made Chris very uncomfortable and afraid of them. Lisa touched Chris‘s arm and said ―Not bad, huh‖ was a sexual harassment which is a direct violence. It is clear that she looks at Chris like she looks at an item to buy. This is very disrespectful act done to a human being. These examples illustrate that microaggressions not only make racist assumptions, but help contribute to the idea that Chris‘s body is something white people should have and control because of these attributes. These white people devalue

Chris‘s struggles as a black man by assuming that he must be good because he has these qualities as a black man. Thus, through Chris‘ interactions we see how black people can be denied basic human normality when they are treated as an objects of desire.

Data 6 (Chris tied up in a basement) The Armitages was already planning the brain transplantation for Chris, and when he realized that something wrong is happening, he was planning to leave that house immediately. His step was blocked by The Armitages and he was being hypnotized again by Missy, then he fell on the floor and trapped in the Sunken Place.

This is a direct violence because they using hypnotism to weaken him so they can occur the brain transplantation. When Chris woke up from fainting, his arms and legs fastened to a leather upholstered chair in the middle of small room full of board games. Chris was

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 22 trying to pull the strap that bind his arms and legs, he tried to gnaw at the harnesses but they was to thick. This is a inhuman thing to do.

 Structural Violence

This sort of viciousness is comparable to social treachery and the structures that

advanced this social treachery. It may be or maybe undetectable constrain that‘s

shaped bu the structures that anticipate the fulfillment of fundamental needs. It more

often than not communicates itself in a roundabout way and has no specifically

obvious cause. Concurring to Galtung, it continuously happens when individuals are

influenced in such a way that they cannot realize themselves within the way that

would really be possibly possible example like apartheid, racial isolation laws,

legitimate arrangements for the accommodation of the civilian within the shape of out

of line social conditions, unequal get to to instruction / Instruction, debasing living

conditions, destitution. This form of violence clearly can be seen in this dialogues:

“Do you find that being African-American has more advantages or

disadvantages in the modern world?” (Data 7. Scene 61)

A Japanese -American named Hiroki Tanaka suddenly asked Chris about the

experience being an African-American. Within the scene where

they straightforwardly connected with each other, in spite of the fact that Hiroki‘s

address clearly makes Chris awkward and uncomfortable and Chris reacts with

a giggle and says, ―I don‘t know, man.‖ Tanaka‘s character is most revealed in this

scene and his interest in a bunch that advances and carries out violence on the black

Americans. In spite of the fact that he didn‘t straightforwardly assault Chris but it is

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 23 the unpretentiously appeared persecution that infers that Asian-Americans are prone to utilize their show minority status as a implies of self-preservation and persecution of other racial minority groups.

There is a tradition that held by the Armitage family, which is a human auction.

This auctions represent an oppressive event that demonstrate the lack of power black people had over their lives and themselves. It can be seen in this scene :

Data 8 (A Human Auction)

A silent auction for Chris held by the rich whites at the party. People hold up fingers or bingo cards in the silent language they use. No words are used. The institution of black people slavery clearly can be seen in this scene. As the scene continues, a representation of Chris has appeared. At last, when one man wins the diversion of bingo, it gets to be apparent that he has really fair bought Chris and his body. This scene may be a clear inference to the period of subjugation since it portrays cutting edge day slave markets. Not as it were do the white individuals in Get Out feel that they have add up to and total specialist over , they put so small esteem on them that they feel free to offer them. The white individuals within the community treat the

African Americans as on the off chance that they are not indeed human at all, but or maybe objects that can be exchanged or sold.


There is another heritage held by the Armitages named The Coagula. The

Coagula could be an undercover religion or cult gather of imminent and wealthy white peoples. Established by Roman Armitage around the 1930s or 1940s and headed by the Armitage Family, as the members of this secret cult seek out, kidnap, brainwash, and finally ―human auction‖. The victims are a healthy and youthful African-

Americans. They implant their brain of family, relatives or friends into the black people bodies.

Roman Armitage: “You have been chosen because of the physical advantages you‟ve enjoyed your entire lifetime.” Roman Armitage: “With your natural gifts and our determination. We could both be part of something greater. Something perfect.” Roman Armitage: “The Coagula Procedure” is a man-made miracle. Our order has been developing it for many, many years, and it wasn‟t until recently it was a perfected by my own flesh and blood.” Roman Armitage: “My family and I are honored to offer it as a service to members of our group. Don‟t waste your strength, don‟t try to fight it. You can‟t stop the inevitable. And who knows? Maybe one day,You‟ll enjoy being the members of the family.” Roman Armitage: “Behold,The Coagula.” (Data 9. Scene 86)

―Coagula‖ defined basically means a "congealed mass", the writer‘s analysis it's a reference to the transplantation procedure (i.e. the merging of separate brain matter, or body parts, into one, and the ensuing entity which results. Hence, the new

"species" is referred to as a ―Coagula‖. The Order was founded by Roman after he lost the 1936 Olympics to the famous Jesse Owens. Unable to take his loss seriously,

Roman pathetically developed a hatred towards (and obsession with) black people and


perfected a process - kidnapping black people in order to brainwash them and to

implant the brains of old relatives and friends into the bodies of the far younger and

fitter black people.

 Cultural Violence

Perspectives of a social culture legitimize the utilize of coordinate or basic savagery. The social and typical viciousness regularly appears itself in attitudes and biases such as Racism, Sexism, Totalitarianism, Islamophobia. The cultural violence also exist in the film and can be seen in this scenes and dialogues below.

Chris was about to visit her white girlfriend, Rose Armitage‘s parents. It obvious that Chris is hesitant to go because of his race and skin color, so, he asked Rose if she already told her parents about his race so her parents won‘t be surprised later. But, Rose said she didn‘t told her parents yet, and that made Chris worried more. It can be seen in this dialogue :

Chris: “Do they know I‟m black?” ... Chris: “... You know, I don‟t wanna get chased off the lawn with a shotgun” (Data 10. Scene 4)

It clearly seen that Chris had a thought about what white people‘s will think with his interracial relationship. Chris thought the white‘s privilege, especially the privilege communicated by liberals within the film, the way how white people treat black people and black involvement as something to a control to black people involvement as a social death. His premise about his white girlfriend‘s family give him a dread in a moment.


The notion about white privilege also happen to Chris best friend, a TSA agent,

Rod Williams. This is a view of black people to white people and the thought about how dangerous the white people can be.

Rod : “Like don‟t go to a white girl‟s parents‟ house.” ... Rod : “Look, they could‟ve made you do all types of stupid shit. They‟d have you fuckin‟ barking like a dog, flying around like you‟re fuckin‟ pigeon, lookin‟ ridiculous, okay? Or, i don‟t know if you know this, white people love makin‟ people sex slaves and shit.” (Data 11. Scene 8) Rod‘s suspicion, which he conveys with sharp common sense, an act on by way of his proficient abilities, cut closer to the truth of his and Chris‘s shared experience than does Chris‘s developed modernity. The disclosure of the racial world- encompassing Chris comes off as his individual disclosure of it as well. It seems like

Rod already knew what those white people were going to do to Chris. But instead, The

Armitages aren‘t creating slaves; they‘re doing something that‘s in a way even worse.

Slaves are, at the very least, conscious of their situation and can, at least theoretically, if the opportunity arises, revolt. What the Armitages are creating is inwardly whitened black people—black people cut off from their history and their self-consciousness and, therefore, deprived of the power to rebel and to free themselves.

When Chris arrives in the Armitages estate, he sees that they have two black servants named Walter, as groundskeeper and Georgina, as a housemaid. Chris felt strange also familiar with this situation because back in time, black peoples became white people‘s servants so that Dean said that he knows Chris might had a thought about their house servants.


Dean: “I know what you‟re thinking .” Chris: “What?” Dean: “Come on, I get it. White family, black servant. It‟s total cliché.” (Data 12. Scene 21)

Back in time, when the African-American people were a slave to white people,

Chris has a familiar vision with that. Dean Armitage emphasized that the slavery is still exist in the present time, he also assumed that slavery of black people were normal by saying ―It‘s total cliché‖. It clearly that Dean statement is a racism against black people, also Chris who also black, he shown that black people were indeed intended born to be a slave of white people. The racism against the black people and Chris also happened by all the Armitages‘s white friends on the garden party.

The garden party held by The Armitages, which is full of white people, an old white couple had a small talk with Chris. Parker Dray (60) and his wife, April Dray (57), were told Chris how he imagines it‘s beneficial to be a black man in this current time and how it is somehow fashionable.

Parker Dray: “Fairer skin has been in favor for the past, what, couple of hundred years. But now, the pendulum has swung back. Black is in fashion.” (Data 13. Scene 49)

White people in there are not racist or supremacist when they are talking or examining it, but profound interior their minds prejudice and racism are established which comes out one way or another. They consider dark individuals to be physically prevalent and superior built than the whites, which might not be such a terrible thing.

They are not actually want to have a relationship with black people, they want to

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 28 assimilate black people‘s culture which they admire most. That is why ―black is in fashion‖ refers to how they see black people as an item to buy because it is popular and in demand among those white people.

After all that happened to Chris, he asked a blind man, Jim Hudson, through a

TV screen while he was tied and locked up in a basement. He wonders why the white people did all these things to him and other black people.

Chris: “Why us, huh?” Chris:“Why black people?” Jim Hudson : “Who knows? People want a change. Some people want to be stronger,faster, cooler.” (Data 14. Scene 88)

This dialogue proves that The Armitages family turn out not just to be racist, but also to be pathological ―negrophiles‖. Their discrimination about black people is the black people strength and ability. They have developed a horrifying system of abducting, brainwashing and ultimately brain-swapping black people, to use them as pets, sex slaves or repurposed body substitutes. The Armitages have planned everything carefully and smoothly included Chris‘s girlfriend, Rose Armitage who has the most incredible psychopathic attitudes.

Her lack of concern for Chris‘ fate, as he‘s caught within the storm cellar whereas she drinks milk, eats colored cereals separately, and surfs the Web for her following target is an unsettling picture. The reason behind her isolating the drain from cereals, as caught on by the gathering of people, was a sign of the isolation of the black people from the white! however, the drain has as of

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 29 late been taken up as an image by white supremacist bunches. This act can be seen in this scene :

Data 15 (Rose is eating colored cereals and drink milk separately)

It seen that while Chris was trying to escapes from that house, Rose tried to find a new boyfriend, she was snacking on colored cereals and snipping a tall glass of white milk through a black-colored straw. This scene shows how Rose supports the white supremacy. The milk and the colored cereals were separated, Rose‘s beliefs in the segregation and discrimination of people by skin colors.

The direct, structural and cultural violences that happened to Chris make him realizes that he should do something to get him out from that house. He already knows what the Armitage will do to him, he is their next victim to have his brain taken. Due to the racism, brutality, torturing, and hypnotizing caused by the Armitages, Chris become a stronger person and lose his conscience. It raise his will to escape from that house with a brutal ways to save himself otherwise he is the one who will be killed.

4.2 The Process of Main Character Escapes from Violence Racism

In this part, the writer analyses the processes of Chris Washington escapes from

the violence racism. Chris Washington, the protagonist in this film, had been through

a lot of terrible things such as violences and racism. The violences that happened

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 30 toward him are kidnapping, hypnotizing and manipulating, enslavement, torturing and intentional murder. Also it followed by a racism and negrophilia issue such as discrimination and prejudice to black people because the white people think that they has a supremacist and privilege beyond the black people‘s life and want to take a control with a brain transplantation so they can do whatever the want to.

Chris has realized that he should escape from the violence racism against him and his race. The violence racism that the Armitage and white people there do to black people has brought a consciousness for Chris that he experienced the negrophilia and dealing with white people‘s perception of a white supremacist and white privilege while being in that place. Furthermore, he is trying to figure it out and fighting for his escapes.

4.2.1 Negrophilia

―Négrophilie‖ is the French term for negrophilia which, as its name implies, is the obsession act of the people of African descent. Negrophilia is a complex phenomenon with two sides that tend to morph into one another over the course of time and ever-changing cultural influences.

It describes the short-lived craze that overtook the city when black culture became highly fashionable and a sign of being modern. The white people is likewise negrophilic, obsessively in love with all things black, glorify it. But this love is really just an attempt to cover up his unexpressed hatred, and this hatred, it turns out, is just their plugged-up attempt to conceal from their desire for blackness. It‘s a vicious cycle of compensation and deferral. At both ends of the spectrum is a white subject writhing, obsessing, projecting, made uneasy by the other that he sees himself to be, the other he

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 31 defines solely by what he cannot bear to accept in themselves. The continuity of this white people‘s life, the ordering of their ego, depends on this, and so their imagination is put to work.

The negrophilia that appears in Get Out portrays the fetishizing of blackness by white people as an object to be accumulated instead of a cultural identity to be understood. It also reinforces the psychological struggle of black people trying to navigate through a larger racial dynamic where the white perspective either lionizes or demonizes black people, dictating the perception of black identity. The negrophilia in

Get Out can be seen on this dialogues:

“Why black people?” “... Some people Some people want to change– some people want to be stronger, faster, cooler....” (Data 16.Scene 88)

Since indeed sometime recently America‘s set up, African slaves have been the slave of choice due to their capacity to total back-breaking labor without surrendering to affliction or death. They are perceived as physically predominant since they were constrained to persevere the hardest labor known to man and unending torment. It was found that black people were chosen as more likely to more physical ability than white people. The think about concludes that this hypothesis of super humanization stems from the discernment that black people are physically prevalent whereas white people are rationally and emotionally superior.

Chris meets Rose‘s family and their friends, being treated like that really torturing him. With them stimulated for his blackness and attempting to come up with ―black stuff‖ in arrange to appear not a racist. Making Chris feel

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 32 more distinctive and uncomfortable. the concept itself stems from the derogatory and degrading term ―negro‖. It seems like negrophilia is less a way of understanding black people than it is about using black culture for oneself.

―Black is in fashion” (Data 17. Scene 49)

It seen that the Armitages and their white friends are fascinating the black culture and the black people. This ideology of negrophilia has been passed down and started from Rose‘s Grandfather, Roman Armitage whose beaten by Jesse Owens,

African-American Athlete in a Berlin Olympic. He admires Jesse Owens‘ ability and physical attributes which turns out to be a obsession to a black people. The Armitage then think that they are supposed to be control black people‘s life, their establishes the racist motives.

4.2.2 White Supremacist and White Privilege

White supremacy, beliefs and concepts implying common superiority of the lighter-skinned, or ―white,‖ human races over other racial groups.

In modern utilization, the term white supremacist has been utilized to depict a few bunches upholding ultra nationalist, supremacist, or rightist conventions. White supremacist bunches frequently have relied on viciousness to realize their objectives.

Because of the ideology of white supremacist and white privilege exists because of historic, enduring racism and biases. Therefore, defining white privilege also requires finding working definitions of racism and bias.


Those interpretations overshadow the origins of white supremacist and white privilege, as well as its present-day ability to influence systemic decisions. They overshadow the fact that white privilege is both a legacy and a cause of racism. And they overshadow the words of many people of color, who for decades recognized white privilege as the result of conscious acts and refused to separate it from historic inequities.

Chris who is trying to fit in a ―world‖ where he is obviously excluded. As he attempts to get in Rose‘s world but keeping his identity at the same time. This makes

Chris‘ personality to split in two, a black man and Rose‘s nice and acceptable boyfriend. Also, this makes Chris silence his inner voice in order to accommodate into his extern world. During the scene when they on the way up to Rose‘s parent‘s home,

Rose and Chris get halted and pulled over by a police officer. The two are inquired to induce out of the car, and in spite of the fact that Chris was not the one driving, he is patronizingly inquired for confirmation of identification. Rose endeavors to stands up to the cop‘s supremacist conduct, as she questions his hone. She challenges the police officer by expressing that what he was doing was ―bullshit.‖ Chris stays completely calm. This type of systematic abuse and racism from the law is common in the United States, especially towards black people in America.

Rose's family, the Armitages, are very slippery in when it comes to representation, particularly their philosophies. Her parents are delineated as middle- class social liberals and don't have an issue with their girl dating a dark man. In any case, they continually bring up the black culture around Chris to undertake and legitimize that they are not a supremacist.


Then the white supremacist and white privilege also happened when Chris

arrives in The Armitage estate. Dean Armitage talks about how he doesn't mind if deer

die, because there are too many of them. Then he notes that a male deer is called a

"buck." The Black men and women Rose has dated were hunted and immortalized as

trophies, just like the dead deer hanging on the wall in the room Chris is being held

captive. Indirectly, Dean said that the world supposed to not have black people.

“I do not like the deer. I'm sick of it; they're taking over. They're like rats.They're destroying the ecosystem.”

(Data 18. Scene

At the end of the film it seen that her girlfriend, Rose and her family, the

Armitage come to embody whiteness, and for Chris, such embodiment eventually becomes horrifying—once he realizes that this whiteness is meant to consume him. The

Armitages, a surname determined from Middle English and meaning ―hermitage,‖ which strengthens the separation of the house as well as its importance within the family commerce, have made a fortune from whites willing to pay strong wholes for the bodies of African Americans.

4.2.3 Chris Washington’s Escape

The Armitages had planning to transplanting Chris‘s brain for Jim Hudson,

the blind art dealer because he won the auction before. So, they hypnotizing Chris and

tied him up on a leather couch in the basement. The basement has a TV, a lot of game

board and a deer‘s head hanging on the wall, whenever Chris wakes up from fainting

he is hypnotized by the TV showing Missy stirring a tea cups with a silver spoon

which makes him faint again. The tea cups and silver spoon represent the long history

of European colonialism tied to the tea trade.


The third time he woke up, he realized that it was the sound of Missy‘s cup and spoon that made him hypnotized, Chris was looking around the room and saw a cotton sticking out of a hole from the leather couch. This visual reference to the Old

South‘s use of slave labor for picking cotton. The Chris is able to drag a few pieces of cotton from the chair he's been kept to and stuff it in his ears, to deafen himself to the hypnotizing sound of the spoon and tea glass trigger. He pretends to be paralyzed, and waiting for his opportunity to take a revenge and escape from that place.

As Jeremy came to take Chris to the operation room, he thought that Chris was fainted because of the hypnotism. When he was off guard, Chris hit his back head with a yellow bocce ball and Chris get out of that room. Afterward in the hallway, in front of the operation room, which will be used to operating the brain transplantation

Dean was looking for Jeremy, but suddenly he was hit with a deer‘s antler by Chris.

The yellow bocce ball and deer‘s antler represent the symbolic resentment of black people against their white counterparts, but it also shows that they have to resort to the very things that oppressed them in order to survive modern day racism.

Then Chris walks in the kitchen and took his phone, he met Missy on his way.

Missy wanted to hypnotize him again but she failed because Chris threw away her cup and spoon. Then, she had not given yet, she took a knife and stabbed Chris but she missed it. Chris defensed himself with turning back the knife out to her head instead.

It can be seen that Missy has powerless without her tea cups and spoon, so she can‘t control black victims mind anymore, this is also a represents a slavery time of

African-American people enslaved by white people. The white people used to summon their slaves using teacups. But Chris has become stronger than before so he can get rid of her and her enslavement.


Chris left all behind and he just thought to get out from that house, when almost walks out the front door, Jeremy comes out of no place, putting him in a choke hold. Each time Chris tries to open the front door, Jeremy kicks it closed. Chris tries once more but this time, as Jeremy brings up his leg for the kick, Chris cuts it with the letter opener. Jeremy falls, Chris breaks the hold and kicks Jeremy in the head a few times. Chris grabs Jeremy‘s car keys and goes. When Chris had dinner with the

Armitages before, Jeremy told Chris about Jiu-jitsu is all about mind and notion to predict someone‘s movement and you can take an action to beat them. So Chris predict Jeremy‘s movement so he can break free from Jeremy‘s grip. This proved

Jeremy‘s assumption that black people way to strong and unbeatable.

When Chris escaping, he unintentionally hit Georgina within the car. Seeing her in her too bad state reminds Chris of his mother, overpowered by guilt, he loads

Georgina into the car, Chris suffers from the childhood trauma of his mother's death, she could've been saved as she lay by the side of the road after being hit by a car if

Chris called for help but he just watching TV all night. The car sound triggered Rose who was in her room upstairs, so she appeared with a shotgun, she did not have time to shoot but she knew that Chris was bringing Georgina who finally found out that was Rose‘s Grandmother. Rose called her grandmother which made Georgina woke up and then attacked Chris, the car crashed on a tree and caused Georgina dead.

Rose approached them, ready to shot and she asked Walter, which is found out as Rose‘s grandfather, handling Chris. Chris almost die in a stranglehold but Chris recollects ―the flash‖ occurrence with Logan, and flashes Walter with his phone. This was bringing forward Walter‘s consciousness then he shot Rose after that shoots himself within the head. The camera flash is symbolic of brainwashed characters'

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 37 coming into consciousness and snapping out of their hypnotized stupor. Also, the irony is at the beginning of the film, it seen that Chris hesitate to come to Rose‘s family house because he didn‘t want to being chased by her parents with a shotgun because he is a black man then Rose said it would not happen but eventually he was chased by Rose with a shotgun while escaping from that house.

However, Rose dying because her stomach being shot and she still wanted to kill Chris and trying to grab the shotgun near her but Chris kick away the shotgun first.

Chris strangling Rose‘s neck and intended to kill her, he thought that this all happened because Rose bringing him to her house in the first place. Chris had lose his innocent and conscience but Rose smiling in dying because Chris has proved her family‘s belief that black people could turn to be animalistic (brutal and inhuman) and has an special physical ability. She also thought that Chris could not kill her because Chris still has a feeling and conscience of her because she was his former girlfriend.

A patrol car with sirens flashing out and approached Chris and Rose, Rose was scream for help and Chris stood up with his hands in the air. Rose thinks about the white supremacist and privilege that white people have, she thinks that the police will arrest Chris and the law will sentence him instead because of the chaos and dead body in that place. But it turned out to be Rod who is came to rescue Chris. They both got in to the car, and Chris sit in the passenger seat asked Rod how he could found him.

Chris: “How‟d you find me?” Rod: “I‟m T-S-motherfuckin‟-A. We handle shit. That‟s what we do. Consider this situation fuckin‟ handled.” (Data 19.


Because of Rod is an Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent, he

knows how to dealing with a missing things. He was trying to solve the problem by

himself, when Chris lost his consciousness and under the hypnotism in a basement he

called Chris‘s phone but the phone was answered by Rose Armitage. Rod asked her

where is Chris but she was being suspicious so Rod decided to record their

conversation. When he was ready to record their conversation, Rose already knew

about his plan and she made up story so Rod canceled his record but he succeed

tracking her location, The Armitages estate, and he rescued Chris immediately.

Rose can only watches him and Rod drives away as she succumbs to her

injuries, ending her family's insidious plans forever. With the entire Armitage family

dead, the Coagula presumably dissolves, as well, preventing the cult's members from

hijacking the bodies of future African-Americans.

The violence racism that happened to him while in the Armitages house give

him a mentally attack because what he has done will traumatized him for the rest of

his life. But, he has stopped the Armitages from their inhuman activities and their

racism toward the black people.

4.3 Findings

Based on the analysis above, the writer found some findings which are the results of the problems. The writer found that the main character, Chris Washington experienced violence racism. There are many forms of violence that happened to him such as direct violence, structural violence, cultural violence. These form arise within an illegal cult headed by Chris‘s girlfriend‘s family, The Armitages because they are trying

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 39 to dominating the black people‘s life with dehumanizing ways such as abduction, hypnotism, human auction, torture, and verbal abuse. The white people think that the black people has a special gift and physical advantages which they , first they manipulating and abducting black people to come their house. They welcome the black people and treat them with kindness, friendliness, also they show tolerance toward racial differences. But then they hypnotize and brainwash the victims to get them trapped in the

―Sunken Place‖ where they leave their body and the white people take an advantage to control their body with a brain transplantation.

The writer also found the process Chris Washington escapes from the violence racism happened towards him. While in the Armitages‘ house, he deals with a

―negrophilic‖ people whose obsessed with black culture and this direct to a violence where they abducting and torturing black people to do exactly like what they want to.

They are trying to not be racist in the first place and they treat Chris very friendly and tolerance the diversity of race, but it just a mask to cover their actual mind that black people is not deserves all the physical attributes they had. The Armitages are fascinated yet fearful of the other race, and assimilating is not as easy as it seems. Although the fears of black people may not be as ominous or as dramatized as the film, they are real concerns and problems that plague society.

Dealing with The Armitages, who was trying to brain transplanting his brain, he had done a lot of terrible things to get himself out from that house. Chris prevented himself from being hypnotized when he was tied up in the basement of Armitages‘s house, he made himself deaf with a cottons form scratched leather couch so he could not hear the tea cup and silver spoon clink. Then he hit Jeremy Armitage‘s back head with a yellow bocce ball, attacked Dean Armitage with a deer‘s antler, stabbed Missy


Armitage‘s. After dealing with the whole Armitage family members, his journey to escape from that house was very long and tiring, until his best friend, Rod Williams, came to rescued him at the end.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of analysis and findings of violence racism in Chapter IV which have been conducted in the film Jordan Peele‘s Get Out, it can be concluded that :

1. Violence racism appeared toward Chris Washington, as the protagonist

which also a black man happened because of his race and skin,he received

inhuman treatment from the Armitages and other white people. They are

secretly ostracizing and intimidating him with a harsh words and

humiliation to the black race. The Armitages and white people in the film

are being disrespectful of Chris‘s existence as a black man.

2. Chris Washington has figure it out that being a black people in the

modern world is still hard to live. He also realizes that his race was not

spared from slavery by white people, they are still suffering and live in a

misery because of the white people‘s perception of the predominant race

in the world is white people. His disapproval of the white perception‘s

about black people is inferior led him to a freedom.Chris‘s experience

and view point has lead a change to a black people out there, he

surviving is just one instance of a black person walking away with his


5.2 Suggestion


Jordan Peele‘s Get Out is very interesting to watch and analyzed. The plot in this film gives an examples of violence racism and the form of it such as direct, structural, cultural toward the main character, Chris Washington and also how he overcomes the violence racism that happened to him. So, the readers and the learners can understand and get more knowledge about it.

The writer also hopes that this research can be understood by the reader and can learn this research well since the violence racism might also happen in the society.

There will be a consequence for every action that is done. So, hopefully, readers can be more expedient with those things which surround them after reading this thesis.

However, this thesis might still have a lot of lacks. There‗s a welcome and encourage for all readers who are interested and curious of how social problem can be involved in film to continue this analysis in order to make it more remarkable.



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Yin, R. K. 2011. Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. New York: Guilford.



Summary of Jordan Peele’s Get Out

Get Out is about a black man who stumbles into a very white, very weird world

After dating for about five months, Chris (Kaluuya) and Rose (Williams) are headed upstate to hang out with her aggressively white parents, neurosurgeon Dean (Bradley

Whitford) and therapist/hypnotist mother Missy (). Chris is a little worried about Rose‘s family‘s reaction to him — she hasn‘t told them that her boyfriend is black — but they‘re very nice to him, even if Dean‘s pointedly enthusiastic comments about the achievements of Olympian Jesse Owens and loving Obama come off as a bit clueless.

Once they arrive at the Armitage country estate, Chris notices the presence of an

African American groundskeeper and housekeeper and is bothered by the sight, but

Rose reassures him. Soon, Chris is warmly received by Rose‘s parents—Dean, an accomplished neurosurgeon, and Missy, a hypnotherapist. Dean takes Chris for a tour of the estate and makes a couple of mildly questionable comments concerning race relations but quickly smoothes things over. Before dinner, Jeremy, Rose‘s younger brother, arrives. Jeremy makes a number of off-putting remarks about African

Americans and asks Chris to allow him to demonstrate some jiu-jitsu moves on him, but

Missy soon diffuses the situation.

Later that evening Chris finds it difficult to sleep so he goes outside to smoke and sees Walter, the Armitages' groundskeeper, sprinting full throttle in the dead of night, oblivious to his presence. Georgina, their maid, also acts strangely, prowling around the house like a ghost. Chris, upon seeing all this strangeness, decides to call it a

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 46 night, but is caught by Missy who forces him to undergo a hypnotherapy session intended to ―cure‖ him of his smoking habit. Despite Chris's reluctance, Missy manages to put him into a deep trance where he recalls his mother‘s death as a child. Upon discovering Chris's guilty feelings concerning his mother‘s death, Missy leverages these feelings to sink Chris‘s consciousness within a dark void within his unconsciousness, a place she calls ―The Sunken Place.‖

When Chris awakens from the trance, he finds himself in bed once more, covered in sweat. Initially, he dismisses the whole thing as a dream, but realizes that it was indeed real as cigarettes now nauseate him. Walter then confirms that he had indeed gone through a hypnotherapy session and was with Missy for quite some time. The strange interactions with Walter and Georgina continue, but Chris just tries to shrug it off.

Not too long afterward, throngs of wealthy Caucasian guests begin to arrive at the Armitage estate for their fancy annual party. These guests take a keen interest in

Chris, but in a very peculiar manner—either admiring his physique as if he were livestock, or making other unusual comments about African American people in his presence. Looking for respite from all the bizarreness, he breaks away from the crowd where he meets Jim Hudson, an art dealer whom he admires. Ironically, Jim is blind, but he takes particular interest in Chris‘ work as a photographer.

After recovering somewhat he returns to the party where he meets another

African American man who introduces himself as Logan King. Logan, despite his youth, is dressed in a manner more appropriate to a man several times his senior. His behavior is likewise off; he responds to everything in a mechanical, almost rehearsed manner. Even more puzzling is his choice of wife: a heavy-set, Caucasian woman, about

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 47 three decades his senior. Despite not having met Logan before, Chris is reminded of someone he once knew and decides to discreetly take a photo of him to send to his friend Rod Williams, a Transportation Security Agent. His flash goes off, triggering an even stranger reaction from Logan, causing his nose to bleed and sending him into a hysterical frenzy. He begins pushing Chris in a panicked manner, ordering him to ―get out!‖

The other guests quickly restrain him while their hosts attempt to calm him down. Logan eventually regains his composure after a quick session with Missy and he apologizes to the guests, explaining that he had an epileptic seizure which caused him to freak out. Chris, properly spooked by all the weirdness he experiences, finally manages to convince Rose that they need to leave. Unknown to Chris, however, as he and Rose discuss their next steps the guests of the Armitage family are holding an auction with

Chris as the prize. Jim Hudson wins the bidding and Dean goes into action to prep his prize. Meanwhile, Chris manages to send Logan‘s photo to Rod, who recognizes Logan.

His real identity is Andre Hayworth, and he has apparently been missing for half a year already. Rod reports the missing men to the police but they ridicule him rather than help him.

While preparing to escape, Chris finds a small cabinet with a box full of photos of Rose posing with various black people—including one of Georgina. This is Rose‘s collection of previous ―acquisitions.‖ Chris realizes how bad his situation is, but it's now too late—the entire Armitage family prevents him from leaving the house. Rose finally drops her ruse, telling him that everything she had done—the concern, the intimacy, everything—was intended to lure him in. Missy uses a hypnotic keyword to render him cataleptic. When he comes to, he finds himself strapped to a leather chair in the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 48 basement game room in front of a TV set playing a dated video of Rose‘s grandfather,


Roman divulges the horrible truth behind the abductions: they are done so that wealthy Caucasian patrons can use strong, healthy, young African American bodies to serve as hosts for them, via a combination of complex neurosurgery and hypnotic conditioning. The host body‘s consciousness remains deep within ―The Sunken Place‖ as a helpless participant, essentially trapped within one's own self. The screen suddenly switches from Roman to Jim Hudson. Jim tells Chris that he bid on him so that he can get a new set of eyes—as well as Chris‘ unique artistic abilities.

Chris manages to save himself by stuffing his ears with the stuffing of the chair to which he is strapped, blocking out the hypnotic suggestions. He manages to kill both

Jeremy and Dean when they try to ready him for surgery. He is about to escape in

Jeremy‘s car when he hits Georgina. Wracked with guilt from newly liberated childhood memories, he carries Georgina to bring her to safety but is horrified to discover that she had also undergone a brain-switch procedure. Georgina is in fact

Marianne, Rose‘s grandmother. She begins to savagely beat Chris causing them to crash into a tree, killing her and temporarily stunning Chris, which gives Rose time to locate him.

With Rose is Walter—who in fact is Roman, Rose's grandfather and the founder of the ―Order of the Coagula‖ a clandestine cult of sorts dedicated to making brain- switches for their wealthy patrons. Walter attacks Chris, but Chris manages to break

Walter‘s hypnotic trance by using his phone camera‘s flash. Awakened at last, Walter then turns on Rose then tragically turns the rifle on himself. A critically injured Rose tries to shoot Chris but fails. Chris starts to strangle her in retribution but decides

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 49 against killing her. A police siren sounds in the distance, spelling certain doom for

Chris—but as it turns out, it's Rod, Chris's best friend, who has arrived in time to rescue his friend. They leave together as Rose bleeds to death on the driveway of the Armitage estate.