Boddie and Allied Families
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BODDIE AND ALLIED FAMILIES BY JOHN THOMAS BODDIE AND JOHN BENNETT BODDIE Privately Printed 1918 l't· 111 an, 1 1· ..:11!e--. 11n .1 :!)~11r; ;11~~:1· · ,\ 11 -.: 1\t'" :-.1·.:.11!. :1 ~ !·1:l· ii' •l~t r1,, 1••~1 ;, 1r·_rt·1l H dl :, li:11·;1l 1 ,1r1,111·: 11· Copy,ii/u 1918 by JOHN THOMAS BODDIE To TIIE MEMBERS OF THE BODDIE FAMILY TH~OUGHOUT THE WORLD Al><"D ESPECIALLY JUDITH-JOHN AND JOHN THOMAS CHJLDR.EN OF JOHN THOMAS BODDIE FOREWORD This volume has been compiled from material gathered during many years by the editor John Thomas Boddie. A short manuscript history of the family was written by Elijah Boddie in 1840, and this indicated Isle of Wight County, Virginia, as the place from whence the family came to North Carolina from Essex County, England. Additional material pertaining to the early record of the family has been obtained by a search of the County Records of Isle of Wight County. John Thomas Boddie succeeded to the papers of his Uncle Elijah, and his interest and purpose to carry on and complete the work has resulted in this publication. Thanks are due to John Rumph Boddie of St. Louis, whose financial assistance made this publication possible. Especial mention should also be made of the kindness and courtesy of A. S. Johnson, County Court Clerk of Isle of Wight County, who rendered valuable assistance to the compiler in his search through the county records. We also wish to acknowledge the material assistance and very kind interest of Mrs. John R. Price, Mrs. John C. Anderson, Miss Elizabeth Benagh, Mrs. Anna Boddie Bunn, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Winston, and many others of the family. This family taken as a whole has held together fairly well and has maintained associations and traditions. This is written not with the idea of eulogizing any of the family but for the simple purpose of preserving and recording the past data for information of future gen erations. Reference is made to authentic sources and reliable authori ties. Nothing is left to tradition. J. T. B. CmC.\GO, Dec. 12, 1917. PAGE PACE Anthony 192 McCall ....... 129 Barker .... 72 McNeil!.. .. 132 Battle .. 74 McWillie .. 139 Bennett ... 84 Merrill ...... 213 Boddie .. 11arsh ............. 210 BulL ....... 194 Moore ....... 214 Busecot ... 192 Mygate ..... 216 Crudup. 91 Perry .. 144 Dawson .. 98 Read ..... 157 Dickson .. 103 Reynolds ....... 161 Dixon. 105 Rivers ... 165 Drake ...... ........ 108 Rucker ... 169 Ford. 196 Seymour .... 218 Greene .. 111 Stone ... 220 Hilliard ..... 113 Treat .... 222 Hutchison .. 119 Utter .......... 224 Judd 198 Watrnn ..... ····· 224 Kellogg ..... 122 \'..att ....... 180 Lewis ol ~lass ..... 199 Webster .............. 226 Lewis of \'a. ......... 200 Whiting .. 229 Loomis 203 Williams (Jacob) .. 181 Lott.. 126 Williams (Solomon) 187 Lyman .. 206 Winchester . 189 Mannini; ..... 208 \\'ir.~ton 2.H C:I.\RTS P ..\Gl:: P\GL ,·:. LcJ.L!c' Bo1l<lil· Ch:trt FRu::T ~!..::~:--.i:-.:: \ , .... 207 Antr,o:1y 1~) 1 .'.\;:;roh 20') Ben:!ctt ~-~ ~d(~l~itt 132 Bodr!:~ G .'.\ierril\ 212 Boddi~ (En;:,lichJ Xi1 ~\r ~·~·1tt 21:i Bu!! 1Q3 ~,,;!J:':a:· :\Ill Crudli,i co Rl'\TO(,:: IU) Dixo:i 10-l Ri\·c:-s !G:; Drak~ 10~ Scyrr.our 217 Ford 195 StOih.' 21') c~c,::c· 110 Tre~ll 221 Judd i~i l-ttc~ 223 Kellogg 121 \\'c'•~r 215 Loo:ni, 201 \\'hitir.,:; 228 Lott 125 Wi'.iiim, (J-i-:o'>) IS! Lym::.n 20S \Yin~tc:1 23() ILLt:STR.\TlO)lS A::-,TD COATS Of AR11S PAGE Coat of Arms, Boddie Family FRONTISPIECE George Boddie FACING 30 Lucy (Williams) Boddie " 32 Willie Perry Boddie 38 Martha (McNeill) Boddie 40 John Thomas Boddie 56 Judith-John Boddie ) and ~ 53 John Thomas Boddie, Jr.J John Rumph Boddie, 63 McNeill Coat of Arms lJJ Malcolm McNeill 134 Martha (Rivers) McNeill 138 Willie Perry Boddie i and his wife { - 138 Martha (~le Neill) Boddie) Mary J. (Saunders) Harris 152 Mary Ramsey (Perry) Saunders 151 Winston Coat of Arms 231 r;:,ddv~ of Porcl1c,r.1cic:th (l'ort3moutb) in H:i'mpshyr, Gentleman -- -1 Williar., Bcx!dyl' ,\nn. dJ.u~!H~r L:, Juh:-! Boddrt' Th,Hn.1,;n'°. <laugh. to of Cr:.kc i:: Co:n. \\'i!!i.1••1 and ,,·,kr oi L..x:.du:1. c~~t. J,r.n :,;yldm,w of Yorke. G~ntl,: to the Lord \\\!lia,n, 2d :-v=-i:~i:~ 1·r,!dinc;:um in Com. sonnc :..r:d heirL" ni<' Su 1iol~l'. t;c-r.~. Wi!:;.,::-; Bo:id-.,· ti: CrJkc J•,h:-! Hr,dJ> ,. «i J .:i1:1\J~ t !i. \L1...: i:1 C1,.-:1. \"ur~~•. e-...-1uir,·\.· It.dei~!1 i~ Cu;s;1. t,, bi,!1·.•:•c s,.;:-::-:;.:• ~:-::! h,.,:::--~· L~Sl'\, 2d :--o7!ll' Ld:-:10:-!~L', :-iv:t=-:t: a:::J t1L·irt·. a!.!~ ;, 1.~;u Tr.:c·_:= B,.., '.::,·, ~\j .!:-,· L!J l'.. t,, :\:1lhun,·L; i~ud,1'.·:..· Ch:-i.:::i:i::. C:.1~!1.::-::11.: uf B!ck:--,a(.:l· · T!,,,r.-:a, -'h·ldm~, oi Lonc!un (;rntie n1:I r. u:~::1:L ~r:cd Pri'.,~Y l:1 (\,:--.·.. ,,f Fr.,111li,i~ham · man su;·,:.l' J.:1d hl'irl· Th1W!., E:,~:'{. 2d .:-(•i::-..: .::; S._ L:::u .. 1·K ~~r. n1ar . .-\li1.·e d;_iu~h. ti, Par!,c; Tn·y:~t·~ l,i ~t::-::--l''~. (~l'~ii.lci:1~,:~ i J~1~1~ . .. ,If'~.\.: ,\nn. D:1!1· a::.:! 1i~:-~ d~u~h~e~ MILDMAY C:HRT 1. H~o Mi!dmey I 147 2. Sir Robert 12.3.' :,......... ~ I ' Herbert 3. Ro~er 1283 I 4. Henery I S. Randurlc !\fildmey I 6. Henry .Myldmey of Stont" house in Com Gloster Vi:i::t 2i-E3 = 1350 I 7. Henry Myldmey Charta Data 17 R 2-139J I 8. Robert 3H 4--140i I 9. Robert Myldmey Charta Data 17 H 6-1439 married Matilda LeRou, I 10. Thomas Charta Temp E 4=married Marg. dau. of I John Cornish of Great Waltham, Gent. 11. Walter Myldmey of Writtell of Com Essex=married daughter of Everard I I I 12. Sir Thomas Mildmay of Chelmsford Esqr. "'Anne daughter of Reade Johns.;~- ! I I I I Thomas '.\i:ldrr.::t:,· Mary John Sir Walter William Mild of Mou,;ham in mar. Mildmay of Mildmay mar may of Barnes in Com. Essex Esqr. Mathew Cressiugham ried sister Sutiold. Will married Anne daughter Bernard in Com. Suffolk of Sir Frances PCC 10 Kolvey of Gunsonn Lord of the Wala:igton 12 Eliz 1570 Manor of Harolds ! Will probated 28 1- Ju:ie 1580 Sir Thomas '.\1ildmey= Lady Fra!lces Radcliffe died 1612 I Sir Henry Mildmay of Graces died 1637 I I I I I Thomas l\Iildmay, Thomasine Humphrey Th;mas Robert John the elder of Mildmay Mildmay Mildmay Mildmay Mildma.y Framliugham in mar. John died be the younger of Tarley of Pritwell Co. Suffolk mar. Boddye of fore 1530 of St. in Essc:r in Co. Es1se:r Olive dau. of London James Edmund Nuttall of Clerken Framlingham welle ! Thomas Anthony Mary Th~masine Elizabeth Olive Mildmav of ~1ildmay Mildrr.ay mar. mar. bap. 1595 married Framlin~ham Thomas Boddye Willia!Il Henry second son of Smith Hayle John Boddye of London THE BODDIE F A~IIL Y IN ENGLAND This book is written more with the purpose of recording and con necting all branches of this family in America rather than tracing back a family in England. However, an account of the Boddie family in England will no doubt be of interest. The following is a record of the Boddie family of Essex County, England, taken from the Visitation of Essex by the Heralds in 1612. William Boddie qf Virginia, the founder of our family in America, was possibly a connection or descendant of this family. "Boddye" was the ancient spelling for "Boddie," and this Boddye family with a few brances in Cornwall, Worcestershire, and the City of London, which branches used the same coat of arms, appears to have been the only one of that particular name in England. Furthermore, William Boddie was the only emigrant to America who spelled his name "Bod <lie." No family by the name of "Boddie" is found in the Federal Census of 1i90 other than ours in North and South Carolina, and the authors have not heard of another family in America to this day. This Boddye family of Essex was allied with the Myldmay family. Thomas Boddye of Bicknacre Priory, Essex, impaled the arms of Myld may on his own in 1612. The Myldmay or Mildmay family, as will be shown later, was interested in the early colonization of Virginia. The following is an account of the ::\Jyldmay family as it appears in Bethams Baronetage of England. THE BODDIE FAMILY IN VIRGINIA The first of the Boddie family in America, or the founder of the American family of that name, was William Boddie who settled in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1661. However, before telling of him it would seem best to treat of others of the name who appear as immigrants. In those days proper names were spelled by sound, and persons fre quently spelled their names in many different ways. The familiar illustration of the different ways Shakespeare spelled his name will be recalled. William Boddie of Isle of Wight signed his name" Boddie," but where others referred to him in the county records, they generally spelled his name "Body, " and sometimes "Bodye" and "Bodie. " Robert Boddy, aged 19, sailed in the ship "Safety," Master John Graunt, from Gravesend, England, 10 August 1635.1 Among the passengers on this same vessel was Bartholomew Hoskins, aged 34, who later in 1645, received a grant of land in Lower Norfolk County, Virginia, for the transportation of Robert Body and several other per sons.2 Bartholomew Hoskins represented Lower Norfolk County in the House of Burgesses 1649-1656.