How to reach Wageningen from Schiphol airport/Amsterdam To reach Wageningen from Schiphol airport you will take a train until Ede-Wageningen train Station and then a taxi or a bus to your location in Wageningen. Follow the instructions below. Watch this video for getting familiar with the itinerary and locations (but do read the instructions below, as you will not go to the university when you arrive).  There is free wifi at the airport and inside the train.

At Schiphol Airport

Arriving at Schiphol airport, you first pass through Immigration, and then collect your luggage. Check on the screens the luggage-belt number for your flight. Before collecting your luggage, it is advisable to change your foreign currency into Euros at one of the banks (grenswisselkantoren). The banks at Schiphol Airport are open every day, even on Sundays. After collecting your luggage and (if applicable) exchanging money, pass through Customs, enter Arrivals and follow the signs from Schiphol Arrival Hall to the Railway Station: "to the trains". The train station is located inside the airport. At the train station you can purchase a ticket to Ede-Wageningen from one of the yellow vending machines, or at the Service Desk.

Train from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen

Trains depart from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen every 15 minutes. The best option is to get the direct train from Schiphol to Ede-Wageningen (every 30 minutes). This is the Intercity train to city (pronounced ‘Naimerrem’). Drop off at Ede-Wageningen Station. Travel takes 1 hour and train stops at 4 stations before reaching Ede-Wageningen (5th station). Inside the train you will find a screen with the itinerary and time of arrival at the different stations. Your final stop is Ede- Wageningen. Another option is to change trains in (every 15 minutes). Take the Intercity to Utrecht, drop off at Utrecht station, switch to a train in the direction of or Nijmegen. Then, drop off at Ede- Wageningen station. Travel takes 1 hour. Your final stop is Ede-Wageningen. Check train timetables at the website Choose for English at the top of the page.

From Ede-Wageningen to Wageningen When you get to Ede-Wageningen train station, follow the stairs down and turn right. Outside the station you will find taxis and buses. Bus no 88 will take you to the Campus and to the centre of Wageningen. Travel time is around 15 minutes

Check train and bus lines at the website Choose for English at the top of the page.

If you need any assistance contact Marnella via [email protected]