
Directions to , The

From Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam: Trains depart from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen every 30 minutes. Take the intercity train in the direction of . Your final stop is Ede-Wageningen. Travel time from Schiphol to Ede- Wageningen is approximately 65 minutes.

It is also possible to travel from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen via . Trains to Utrecht depart every 30 minutes. Take an intercity train in the direction of and get off the train in Utrecht. Once you are in Utrecht, switch to a train in the direction of Nijmegen. Your final stop is Ede-Wageningen.

From Airport: From Eindhoven Airport, buses 401,103 or 145 go to Eindhoven's main train station. From there, you can buy a ticket to train station Ede-Wageningen. You would need to get off at Utrecht Central station and switch to the train in the direction of Nijmegen. Get off at Ede-Wageningen.

Directions from Ede-Wageningen train station to Wageningen At Ede-Wageningen station you can either take the bus or a taxi. A taxi from Ede-Wageningen railway station to Wageningen costs approximately € 30.00. The bus stop at Ede-Wageningen station is situated on the main bus square. Service 84 goes to the campus; stop at “Campus/Forum”. Service 88 stops just outside the campus at “Campus/Atlas” and it also goes to the centre “Busstation Wageningen”. Service 86 also goes to “Busstation Wageningen”.

Directions from Central train station to Wageningen Arnhem CS is the nearest international train station to Wageningen. From there, you can take Service 352 to Wageningen city centre. This service also stops at the ‘Wageningse Berg’ stop, close to Hotel De Wageningsche Berg, one of the recommended conference hotels. This service does not take you to the university.

Directions from Wageningen city centre to Wageningen Campus Take bus service 84 (stop at ‘Campus/Forum’) or 88 (stop just outside the campus at ‘Bornsesteeg’ or ‘Campus/Atlas’).

This site allows you to check both train and bus connections: https://9292.nl/en.

Our office is located at Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen, in the Gaia Building.

For a map of Wageningen Campus and detailed information about travelling within The Netherlands, see: https://www.wur.nl/en/International-students-and-staff/Getting-around.htm

If you have further questions, contact Keen at [email protected] (Tel. +31-317-486187).