The Winds of Winter – Sample Excerpts Arianne I On the morning that she left the Water Gardens, her father rose from his chair to kiss her on both cheeks. "The fate of Dorne goes with you, daughter," he said, as he pressed the parchment into her hand. "Go swiftly, go safely, be my eyes and ears and voice... but most of all, take care." "I will, Father." She did not shed a tear. Arianne Martell was a princess of Dorne, and Dornishmen did not waste water lightly. It was a near thing, though. It was not her father's kisses nor his hoarse words that made her eyes glisten, but the effort that brought him to his feet, his legs trembling under him, his joints swollen and inflamed with gout. Standing was an act of love. Standing was an act of faith. He believes in me. I will not fail him. Seven of them set out together on seven Dornish sand steeds. A small party travels more swiftly than a large one, but the heir to Dorne does not ride alone. From Godsgrace came Ser Daemon Sand, the bastard; once Prince Oberyn's squire, now Arianne's sworn shield. From Sunspear two bold young knights, Joss Hood and Garibald Shells, to lend their swords to his. From the Water Gardens seven ravens and a tall young lad to tend them. His name was Nate, but he had been working with the birds so long that no one called him anything but Feathers. And since a princess must have some women to attend her, her company also included pretty Jayne Ladybright and wild Elia Sand, a maid of ten-and-four. They struck out north by northwest, across drylands and parched plains and pale sands toward Ghost Hill, the stronghold of House Toland, where the ship that would take them across the Sea of Dorne awaited them. "Send a raven whenever you have news," Prince Doran told her, "but report only what you know to be true. We are lost in fog here, besieged by rumors, falsehoods, and traveler's tales. I dare not act until I know for a certainty what is happening." War is happening, though Arianne, and this time Dorne will not be spared. "Doom and death are coming," Ellaria Sand had warned them, before she took her own leave from Prince Doran. "It is time for my little snakes to scatter, the better to survive the carnage." Ellaria was returning to her father's seat at Hellholt. With her went her daughter Loreza, who had just turned seven. Dorea remained at the Water Gardens, one child amongst a hundred. Obella was to be dispatched to Sunspear, to serve as a cupbearer to the wife of the castellan, Manfrey Martell. And Elia Sand, oldest of the four girls that Prince Oberyn had fathered on Ellaria, would cross the Sea of Dorne with Arianne. "As a lady, not a lance," her mother said firmly, but like all the Sand Snakes, Elia had her own mind. They crossed the sands in two long days and the better part of two nights, stopping thrice to change their horses. It was a lonely time for Arianne, surrounded by so many strangers. Elia was her cousin, but half a child, and Daemon Sand... things had never been the same between her and the Bastard of Godsgrace after her father refused his offer for her hand. He was a boy then, and bastard born, no fit consort for a princess of Dorne, he should have known better. And it was my father's will, not mine. The rest of her companions she hardly knew at all. Arianne missed her friends. Drey and Garin and her sweet Spotted Slyva had been a part of her since she was little, trusted confidants who had shared her dreams and secrets, cheered her when she was sad, helped her face her fears. One of them had betrayed her, but she missed them all the same. It was my own fault. Arianne had made them part of her plot to steal off with Myrcella Baratheon and crown her queen, an act of rebellion meant to force her father's hand, but someone's loose tongue had undone her. The clumsy conspiracy had accomplished nothing, except to cost poor Myrcella part of her face, and Ser Arys Oakheart his life. Arianne missed Ser Arys too, more than she ever would have thought. He loved me madly, she told herself, yet I was never more than fond of him. I made use of him in my bed and in my plot, took his love and took his honor, gave him nothing but my body. In the end he could not live with what we'd done. Why else would her white knight have charged right into Areo Hotah's longaxe, to die the way he did? I was a foolish willful girl, playing at the game of thrones like a drunkard rolling dice. The cost of her folly had been dear. Drey had been sent across the world to Norvos, Garin exiled to Tyrosh for two years, her sweet silly smiling Slyva married off to Eldon Estermont, a man old enough to be her grandsire. Ser Arys had paid with his life's blood, Myrcella with an ear. Only Ser Gerold Dayne had escaped unscathed. Darkstar. If Myrcella's horse had not shied at the last instant, his longsword would have opened her from chest to waist instead just taking off her ear. Dayne was her most grievous sin, the one that Arianne most regretted. With one stroke of his sword, he had changed her botched plot into something foul and bloody. If the gods were good, by now Obara Sand had treed him in his mountain fastness and put an end to him. She said as much to Daemon Sand that first night, as they made camp. "Be careful what you pray for, princess," he replied. "Darkstar could put an end to Lady Obara just as easily." "She has Areo Hotah with her." Prince Doran's captain of guards had dispatched Ser Arys Oakheart with a single blow, though the Kingsguard were supposed to be the finest knights in all the realm. "No man can stand against Hotah." "Is that what Darkstar is? A man?" Ser Daemon grimaced. "A man would not have done what he did to Princess Myrcella. Ser Gerold is more a viper than your uncle ever was. Prince Oberyn could see that he was poison, he said so more than once. It's just a pity that he never got around to killing him." Poison, thought Arianne. Yes. Pretty poison, though. That was how he'd fooled her. Gerold Dayne was hard and cruel, but so fair to look upon that the princess had not believed half the tales she'd heard of him. Pretty boys had ever been her weakness, particularly the ones who were dark and dangerous as well. That was before, when I was just a girl, she told herself. I am a woman now, my father's daughter. I have learned that lesson. Come break of day, they were off again. Elia Sand led the way, her black braid flying behind her as she raced across the dry, cracked plains and up into the hills. The girl was mad for horses, which might be why she often smelled like one, to the despair of her mother. Sometimes Arianne felt sorry for Ellaria. Four girls, and every one of them her father's daughter. The rest of the party kept a more sedate pace. The princess found herself riding beside Ser Daemon, remembering other rides when they were younger, rides that often ended in embraces. When she found herself stealing glances at him, tall and gallant in the saddle, Arianne reminded herself that she was heir to Dorne, and him no more than her shield. "Tell me what you know of this Jon Connington," she commanded. "He's dead," said Daemon Sand. "He died in the Disputed Lands. Of drink, I've heard it said." "So a dead drunk leads this army?" "Perhaps this Jon Connington is a son of that one. Or just some clever sellsword who has taken on a dead man's name." "Or he never died at all." Could Connington have been pretending to be dead for all these years? That would require patience worthy of her father. The thought made Arianne uneasy. Treating with a man that subtle could be perilous. "What was he like before he... before he died?" "I was a boy at Godsgrace when he was sent into exile. I never knew the man." "Then tell me what you've heard of him from others." "As my princess commands. Connington was Lord of Griffin's Roost when Griffin's Roost was still a lordship worth the having. Prince Rhaegar's squire, or one of them. Later Prince Rhaegar's friend and companion. The Mad King named him Hand during Robert's Rebellion, but he was defeated at Stoney Sept in the Battle of the Bells, and Robert slipped away. King Aerys was wroth, and sent Connington into exile. There he died." "Or not." Prince Doran had told her all of that. There must be more. "Those are just the things he did. I know all that. What sort of man was he? Honest and honorable, venal and grasping, proud?" "Proud, for a certainty. Even arrogant. A faithful friend to Rhaegar, but prickly with others. Robert was his liege, but I've heard it said that Connington chafed at serving such a lord.
GAME of THRONES® the Follow Tours Include Guides with Special Interest and a Passion for the Game of Thrones
GAME OF THRONES® The follow tours include guides with special interest and a passion for the Game of Thrones. However you can follow the route to explore the places featured in the series. Meet your Game of Thrones Tours Guide Adrian has been a tour guide for many years, with a passion for Game of Thrones®. During filming he was an extra in various scenes throughout the series, most noticeably, a stand in double for Ser Davos. He is also clearly seen guarding Littlefinger before his final demise at the hands of the Stark sisters in Winterfell. Adrian will be able to bring his passion alive through his experience, as well as his love of Northern Ireland. Cairncastle ~ The Neck & North of Winterfell 1 Photo stop of where Sansa learns of her marriage to Ramsay Bolton, and also where Ned beheads Will, the Night’s Watch deserter. Cairncastle Refreshment stop at Ballygally Castle, Ballygally Located on the scenic Antrim coast facing the soft, sandy beaches of Ballygally Bay. The Castle dates back to 1625 and is unique in that it is the only 17th Century building still used as a residence in Northern Ireland today. The hotel is reputedly haunted by a friendly ghost and brave guests can visit the ‘ghost room’ in one of the towers to see for themselves. View Door No. 9 of the Doors of Thrones and collect your first stamp in your Journey of Doors passport! In the hotel foyer you will be able to admire the display cabinets of the amazing Steensons Game of Thrones® inspired jewellery.
The Many Faced Masculinities in a Game of Thrones Game of Thrones
DOI: 10.13114/MJH.2018.436 Tarihi: 17.08.2018 Mediterranean Journal of Humanities Kabul Tarihi: 28.11.2018 Geliş VIII/2 (2018) 479-497 The Many Faced Masculinities in A Game of Thrones Game of Thrones’da Çok Yüzlü Erkeklik Türleri Cenk TAN ∗ Abstract: A Game of Thrones is a stunning medieval fantasy which tells the story of the immense struggle for power in an ancient world named ‘The Seven Kingdoms’. It was originally written as a series of novels by the American author George R. R. Martin in 1996 and adapted to the TV screen by HBO in 2011. The series has completed its sixth season and is scheduled to go on for a total of eight seasons. Since its first broadcast in 2011, A Game of Thrones has attracted millions of viewers on a global scale and has received a total of 38 Emmy Awards. In A Game of Thrones, gender is one of the central themes, as power relations generally evolve around different gender roles. This study analyses masculinity in A Game of Thrones and the different types of masculinities which are identified through various male and female characters. This classification places all of the characters in two distinct gender categories. It also reveals the impact of these diverse forms of masculinities on the lives of the main characters and the general storyline of the production. Thus, the paper deconstructs the constructed masculinities in A Game of Thrones by exposing their representation through the main characters. Keywords: A Game of Thrones, Masculinity, Raewyn Connell, Gender Roles, Cultural Studies Öz: A Game of Thrones, Yedi Krallık olarak adlandırılan antik bir dünyada iktidar mücadelesini anlatan eşsiz bir fantastik ortaçağ hikâyesidir.
Archetypes in Female Characters of Game of Thrones
Sveučilište u Zadru Odjel za anglistiku Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij engleskog jezika i književnosti (dvopredmetni) Gloria Makjanić Archetypes in Female Characters of Game of Thrones Završni rad Zadar, 2018. Sveučilište u Zadru Odjel za anglistiku Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij engleskog jezika i književnosti (dvopredmetni) Archetypes in Female Characters of Game of Thrones Završni rad Student/ica: Mentor/ica: Gloria Makjanić dr. sc. Zlatko Bukač Zadar, 2018. Makjanić 1 Izjava o akademskoj čestitosti Ja, Gloria Makjanić, ovime izjavljujem da je moj završni rad pod naslovom Female Archetypes of Game of Thrones rezultat mojega vlastitog rada, da se temelji na mojim istraživanjima te da se oslanja na izvore i radove navedene u bilješkama i popisu literature. Ni jedan dio mojega rada nije napisan na nedopušten način, odnosno nije prepisan iz necitiranih radova i ne krši bilo čija autorska prava. Izjavljujem da ni jedan dio ovoga rada nije iskorišten u kojem drugom radu pri bilo kojoj drugoj visokoškolskoj, znanstvenoj, obrazovnoj ili inoj ustanovi. Sadržaj mojega rada u potpunosti odgovara sadržaju obranjenoga i nakon obrane uređenoga rada. Zadar, 13. rujna 2018. Makjanić 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 2. Game of Thrones ............................................................................................................. 4 3. Archetypes ......................................................................................................................
Racialization, Femininity, Motherhood and the Iron Throne
THESIS RACIALIZATION, FEMININITY, MOTHERHOOD AND THE IRON THRONE GAME OF THRONES AS A HIGH FANTASY REJECTION OF WOMEN OF COLOR Submitted by Aaunterria Treil Bollinger-Deters Department of Ethnic Studies In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Fall 2018 Master’s Committee: Advisor: Ray Black Joon Kim Hye Seung Chung Copyright by Aaunterria Bollinger 2018 All Rights Reserved. ABSTRACT RACIALIZATION, FEMININITY, MOTHERHOOD AND THE IRON THRONE GAME OF THRONES A HIGH FANTASY REJECTION OF WOMEN OF COLOR This analysis dissects the historic preconceptions by which American television has erased and evaded race and racialized gender, sexuality and class distinctions within high fantasy fiction by dissociation, systemic neglect and negating artistic responsibility, much like American social reality. This investigation of high fantasy creative fiction alongside its historically inherited framework of hierarchal violent oppressions sets a tone through racialized caste, fetishized gender and sexuality. With the cult classic television series, Game of Thrones (2011-2019) as example, portrayals of white and nonwhite racial patterns as they define womanhood and motherhood are dichotomized through a new visual culture critical lens called the Colonizers Template. This methodological evaluation is addressed through a three-pronged specified study of influential areas: the creators of Game of Thrones as high fantasy creative contributors, the context of Game of Thrones
{PDF} a Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3)
A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD (A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, BOOK 3) PART 2 PDF, EPUB, EBOOK George R. R. Martin | 656 pages | 27 Mar 2014 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007548262 | English | London, United Kingdom A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold (a Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3) Part 2 PDF Book Melisandre talks to Davos and reveals that Stannis was defeated because she was not at the battle at his bannermen's request , and asks for Davos simply to be true to his king. Rayder is captured and imprisoned. Territorial growth. Merrett Frey is hanged next to Petyr, while the broken form of Catelyn Stark watches and hates. They were coming down. I just want the reunion of Starks. They'd been caching food for a fortnight, and Sweet Donne1 and Clubfoot Karl would have the horses ready. In the epilogue , a re-animated but decayed and mutilated Catelyn is leading the Brotherhood Without Banners, and she oversees the lynching of two of the Freys who were present at the Red Wedding. Feb 20, Amy littledevonnook rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , adult. In the next chapter of a fantasy series featuring five unforgettable sisters—the warrior, the magician, She will win the throne. I will not entrust myself to live in the Westeros. For the board game, see A Storm of Swords board game. Also Selme. The group captures Sandor "The Hound" Clegane , Joffrey's former bodyguard, and offers him trial by combat for his crimes. Jun 24, Zoe Artemis Spencer Reid rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy , book-with-fav-charac , fav-series.
A Game of Thrones a Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
A Game of Thrones A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin Book One: A Game of Thrones Book Two: A Clash of Kings Book Three: A Storm of Swords Book Four: A Feast for Crows Book Five: A Dance with Dragons Book Six: The Winds of Winter (being written) Book Seven: A Dream of Spring “ Fire – Dragons, Targaryens Lord of Light Ice – Winter, Starks, the Wall White Walkers Spoilers!! Humans as meaning-makers – Jerome Bruner Humans as story-tellers – narrative theory Humans as mythopoeic–Carl G. Jung, Joseph Campbell The mythic themes in A Song of Ice and Fire are ancient Carl Jung: Archetypes are powerful & primordial images & symbols Collective unconscious Carl Jung’s archetypes Great Mother; Father; Hero; Savior… Joseph Campbell – The Power of Myth The Hero’s Journey Carole Pearson – the 12 archetypes Ego stage: Innocent; Orphan; Caretaker; Warrior Soul transformation: Seeker; Destroyer; Lover; Creator; Self: Ruler; Magician; Sage; Fool Maureen Murdock – The Heroine’s Journey The Great Mother (& Maiden, & Crone), the Great Father, the child, the Shadow, the wise old man, the trickster, the hero…. In the mystery of the cycle of seasons In ancient gods & goddesses In myth, fairy tale & fantasy & the Seven in A Game of Thrones The Gods: The Old Gods The Seven (Norse mythology): Maiden, Mother, Crone Father, Warrior, Smith Stranger (neither male or female) R’hilor (Lord of light) Others: The Drowned God, Mother Rhoyne The family sigils Stark - Direwolf Baratheon – Stag Lannister – Lion Targaryen
Join us in the Café for Game of Thrones Day Tuesday 6/18 We’ll have a special Game of Thrones Menu. And a chance to win Trivia for a shot at a $25 Guest Card GRILL SPECIAL Petyr Little (Chicken) Fingers Served with French Fries 5.20 Castle Black Bean Burger Served with French Fries 5.85 “The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You’re a dragon. Be a dragon.” – Olenna Tyrell DELI SPECIAL Turkey Club Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato Served with House Chips or Whole Fruit 6.95 “When the snows fall and “If you didn’t know you’re the white winds blow, the an idiot. If you did know lone wolf dies, but you’re my enemy.” the pack survives.” – Sansa Stark – Ned Stark AL FORNO Grilled Chicken “A mind needs books like a sword 4.50 needs a whetstone.” Penne Pasta – Tyrion Lannister Red Wedding Sauce 2.50 “When you play the game of thrones you win or you die.” – Cersi Lannister 6.95 SPOTLIGHT CHICKEN PARM 7.75 tomato soup, chicken milanese, shaved parmesan, garlic bread crostini, fried basil SHRIMP POT PIE 8.75 shrimp, potato, carrot, celery, pearl onion, peas, lobster bisque, pastry “Tell your father I am here. And tell him the Lannisters aren’t the only ones who pay their debts.” – Oberyn Martell Add a 20oz beverage and cookie or whole fruit to your action purchase. 10.25 “A man without “My memory… King friends is a man Robert Baratheon without power.” murdered by a pig.” – Renley Baratheon – Robert Baratheon DESSERT TABLE Hot Pie 1.95 “Shall we throw him through the Moon Door?” – Robyn Arryn Red (Wedding) Velvet Cakes 1.95 “The Lannisters send their regards” – Roose Bolton Game of Thrones .45/oz.
2021 Rittenhouse Game of Thrones Iron Anniversary Series 1
2021 Game of Thrones Iron Ann. S1 Inscription Variations Aimee Richardson as Myrcella Baratheon Avoid Dragons PR: 25-50 Game of Thrones PR: 25-50 Hear Me Roar PR: 100-150 House Baratheon PR: 25-50 House Baratheon (or Lannister?) PR: 25-50 I'm a princess! PR: 25-50 Joffrey's Sister PR: 25-50 Myrcella Baratheon PR: 100-150 Ours is the Fury PR: 50-75 Princess for Hire PR: 50-75 Princess Myrcella PR: 50-75 Secretly a Lannister! PR: 25-50 Tommen's sister PR: 25-50 Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy Any last words? PR: 50-75 Do the Right Thing PR: 25-50 Game of Thrones PR: 50-75 HOUSE GREYJOY PR: 25-50 I chose wrong PR: 10-25 I did terrible things PR: 25-50 IRONBORN PR: 25-50 It can always be worse PR: 10-25 Pay the iron price! PR: 10-25 REEK PR: 25-50 Theon Greyjoy PR: 50-75 There is no escape PR: 10-25 Amrita Acharia as Irri Doreah Betrayed Me PR: 25-50 dothraki rule PR: 25-50 dothraki Translator PR: 25-50 Game of Thrones PR: 10-25 handmaiden PR: 50-75 I serve Khaleesi PR: 10-25 Irri PR: 100-150 it is known PR: 50-75 She is a Khaleesi PR: 25-50 The Great Stallion PR: 25-50 Ania Bukstein as Kinvara Game of Thrones PR: 25-50 High Pristess PR: 10-25 Kinvara (cursive) PR: 50-75 Kinvara (print) PR: 150-200 1 2021 Game of Thrones Iron Ann.
Game of Thrones Background Guide Table of Contents
Game of Thrones Background Guide Table of Contents Letter from the Chair Letter from the Crisis Director Committee Logistics Introduction to the Committee Introduction to House Stark Introduction to House Lannister Introduction to House Targaryen Questions to Consider Resources to Use Resources Used Dossiers Appendix Staff of the Committee Chair Azanta Thakur Vice Chair Victoria Lopez Crisis Director Sam Lyons Assistant Crisis Director Ariana Thorpe Under Secretary General Jane Gallagher Taylor Cowser, Secretary General Neha Iyer, Director General Letter from the Chair Dear Delegates, On behalf of our committee, I want to extend a warm welcome to you all to BosMUN XIX. I am so excited that you will be a part of this committee and I expect us all to have a dramatic — yet fantastic — weekend. We have a lot of exciting things in store, so get ready, binge the show, and bring your game face. My name is Azanta Thakur and I will be your Chair for the conference weekend. I’m a senior at Boston University studying Public Health and Environmental Analysis & Policy. This is my fourth BosMUN and I’m really looking forward to my final MUN conference. I’ve held every role in BosMUN; from the Secretariat, to the Dais, to the Crisis Room — I hold this conference very near and dear to my heart. For me, doing my last committee on the greatest TV show of all time was the perfect way to go out with a bang. You have been given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conclude this series the way you want.
GOCASK Government Cabinet of the Seven Kingdoms Topic: “The True Heir of the Seven Kingdoms Dear Delegate: I Have the Pleasure
GOCASK Government Cabinet of the Seven Kingdoms Topic: “The True Heir of the Seven Kingdoms Dear delegate: I have the pleasure of welcoming you to ULSACUNMUN 2020. My name is Kaory Rios and I am honored of being the president and creator of this year´s new committee GOCASK (government Cabinet of the Seven Kingdoms) based on The Game of Thrones series. I'm eager to get to know you, and make the best out of this Model of the United Nations. First of all I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I´m 18 years old and also a senior in highschool. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, taking pictures, learning new languages, travelling, watching movies, among many other things. My plan is to study film in Puebla and become a director. This is my 5th MUN conference and my third as part of the chair. If there is something I know for sure is that MUN has helped me grow as a person by giving me leadership skills, and the opportunity of having a word that actually matters in world wide problems in order to find the best solution. This topic is more than exciting for me, and hopefully you´ll find the same way. I expect your utmost performance and for you to give your nonpareil effort that is needed for this committee. Remember to be confident with what you say, if you prepared well there is no reason to be nervous. I wish you the best of lucks and I hope this conference to be a remarkable experience for everyone.
Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York As Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow
Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres Memòria del Treball de Fi de Grau Rewriting Historical Characters: Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York as Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow Maria Antònia Llabrés Font Grau d'Estudis Anglesos Any acadèmic 2018-19 DNI de l’alumne:43472881Y Treball tutelat per José Igor Prieto Arranz Departament de Filologia Espanyola, Moderna i Clàssica S'autoritza la Universitat a incloure aquest treball en el Repositori Autor Tutor Institucional per a la seva consulta en accés obert i difusió en línia, Sí No Sí No amb finalitats exclusivament acadèmiques i d'investigació Paraules clau del treball: reversal gender roles, historical discourse, power, recognition, fantasy Abstract This essay examines the relationship between the historical figures Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, and the fictional characters Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen from the popular TV series Game of Thrones. Through the analysis of the similarities between their lives, this project attempts to prove how both fictional characters are based and influenced by Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Moreover, there is very little previous literature about the life of Elizabeth of York, obscuring and undermining her important role in putting an end to the Wars of the Roses. Thus, besides proving the relationship between these historical characters and the fictional ones, the aim of this paper is also to emphasise the historical importance given to Elizabeth of York in Game of Thrones by means of using her as a main source of inspiration for two of the most important an relevant characters of the series. As a result, this work also intends to prove how Game of Thrones demolishes gender boundaries by using characteristics of both Henry VII and Elizabeth of York to shape the characters of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.