Tributary of Grande honde Rive r

Wallowa County

Order Record

Vol . Pag e

Findings of State Water Board, June 16, 1917 3 361

Decree of Circuit Court, January 20, 1919 5 112

Decree of Circuit Court, August 21, 1931 (correcting .desc . of D . D . Brock) . 11 395

Decree of Circuit Court, April 22, 1937 (Thompson v . Highway Comm .) 13 67

Supplemental Findings of State Engineer, December 18, 1959 (Inchoate Rights) 16 380

Decree of Circuit Court confirming Supp'l Findings re Inchoate Rights , October 26, 1960 16 449

Note : Decree of Circuit Court dated January 20, 1919, is a complete recor d of water rights . The Decree of the Circuit Court dated August 21 , 1931 corrects the description only of the D . D . Brock right .

Note : Numbering machine numbers appearing on the lower right-hand corner o f the decrees herein, indicate corresponding page numbers as they appea r in the recorded volumes .

Certificates have been issued and are recorded at pages 2937 to 3198 inclusive, Volume . 4, State Record of Water Right .. Certificate s

Rights allowed as follows :

Irrigation 37,282 .72 acre s Supplemental Irrigation 7,272 .95 I T Second : Supplemental Irrigation -r . . 63.6 .50 " Storage 9,230 .00 acre-fee t Municipal ...... 21 .50 c .f.s . Manufacturing 0.20 c .f.s . Ice and Fish Pond 0.25 c .f .s . Log Pond and Milling 15 .00 c .f .s . Power 472 .18 c .f .s .

* Note : These lands are included in the supplemental irrigationo f 7,272,. 95 acres, yet ;have still other sources of supply . 4.

That said Board did prepare a notice, setting forth the date when the

State Engineer would begin the investigation of the flow of said stream and the ditche s diverting water therefrom ; and the places and times when the Superintendent of Water

Division No . 1 would commence the taking of testimony as to the rights of the partie s claiming water from said stream and tributaries, and that said notice was published i n two issues of a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Wallowa, wherein said etream and tributaries are situated, to-wit : The Enterprise Record Chieftain, a weekly newspaper published at Enterprise, Wallowa County, ; the first publication of said notice being on the 15th day of April, 1915, and the last publication thereo f on the 22nd day of April, 1915 .

5 .

That said Division Superintendent of Water Division No . 1 did send by registered mail to each person, firm and corporation claiming the right tcthe use of any of the waters of said stream and its tributaries ; and to each person, firm and corporation owning or being in possession of lands bordering on and having access t o said stream or its tributaries, in so far as such claimants, owners and persons in pos- session could be reasonably ascertained, a similar notice to such published notice, settin g forth the time when the State Engineer or his assistant would begin the examination o f said stream and tributaries, and ditches diverting water therefrom, and also the time s when and the places where said Superintendent would commence the taking of testimony as to the rights to the water's of said stream and tributaries thereof, being as follows , to-wit : on Tuesday, June 1, 1915, at the City Hall, in Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon , at 10 o'clock A. M . ; on Friday, June 4, 1915, at the City Hall, in Lostine, Wallowa County ,

Oregon, at 10 o'clock A. M. ; on Monday, June 7, 1915, at the County Court House, in

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A. M . ; on Monday, June 14, 1915, a t the City Hall in Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A . M . ; and after Jun e

16th, 1915, for a period of sixty days at the office of Superintendent of Water Division

No. 1, at the State House, in Salem, Oregon. 6.

That said Superintendent did, in addition to said notice, enclose there- with a blank f amm on which said claimants or owners should present in writing all the particulars necessary for the determination of the rights to the waters of said stream or its tributaries ; due proof whereof being now a part of the record of these proceedings.


That upon the date named in said notice therefor, towit : May 31st, 1915 , the duly qualified assistant of the State Engineer did proceed to make an examinatio n of said stream and tributaries thereof, and of the works diverting water therefrom , and that said observations and measurements have been reduced to writing and made a matter of record in the office of the State Engineer of the State of Oregon ; that sai d

State Engineer did cause to be made maps or plate on a scale of not less than one inc h to the mile, showing with substantial accuracy the course of said stream, the locatio n of each ditch or canal diverting water therefrom, and the legal subdivision of land s which have been irrigated or were susceptible of irrigation from ditches and canals already constructed, and thereafter, and prior to the date fixed for said hearing an d taking of testimony, (Ad file the same in his office as a matter of record therein, an d make and file in the office of the State Water Board, certified copies thereof, as a part of the record of these proceedings, and that said maps are now a part of the re- cord herein .

8 .

That upon the date named in said notice for the commencement of the takin g of testimony herein said Superintendent did, at the timesand places specified in sai d notice, commence the taking of testimony, and did continue the taking of the same until completed, due proof whereof having been made and filed and being now a part of the re- cord of these proceedings .

9 .

That upon the completion of the taking of testimony herein, the said Super- intendent of Water Division No . 1 did at once give notice by registered mail to the various claimants that at the time and place named in said notice all of said evidenc e so taken would be open to public inspection at said place for a period of ten days , to-wit : from and including Monday, October 4th, 1915, to and including Thursday ,

October 14, 1915, (Sundays excepted)• at the County Court House, at Enterprise, Wallowa

County, Oregon, dm proof of the sending of said notice by registered mail to eac h claimant having been made and filed, and being now a part of the reoord of these pro- ceedings ; that said Superintendent did also state in said notice that the determinatio n of the State Water Board in these proceedings would be heard by the Circuit Court of th e

State of Oregon, for Wallowa County, in which county said stream and the tributaries there- of are situated.

WALLOWA RIVER - 3 - 10 .

That during the period fixed in said notice of public inspection and at th e place named therein, said Division Superintendent did attend and keep said evidenc e

so taken open to public inspection as stated in said notice, and did allow inspectio n

thereof by all persons interested therein, due proof whereof being now a part of th e record herein .

11 .

That it appearing that the Superintendent of nater Division No . 2 had here-

tofore been indirectly interested in the waters of said stream, and upon it furthe r appearing that he would otherwise be prevented from taking charge of the adjudication proceedings herein, at his request, by order of said Board, it was ordered that the

taking of testimony so far as it related to said stream should be under the direction of the Superintendent of Water Division No . 1 of Oregon .

12 .

That in settlement of proposed contests the following stipulations were made

and entered into in this proceeding, as between the parties thereto named in such atip-

ulatione, to-wit :

1 . - Stipulation between and signed by 7as . H . Buchanan, Ernest Buchanan ,

T . N . Eaten, N . P . Bollinger, and F . D . McCully, relative to the rights of the partie s

to such stipulation in and to the waters of Prairie Creek through the Estes Ditch ,

made on October 13, 1915, as follows :

"It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between James H. Buck anan, Ernes t

Buchanan, N . P . Bollinger, T . N. Estes and F . D . McCully, that whereas the above

named parties are the owners of certain lands through which the Estes Ditch, a trib-

utary of Prairie Creek, runs and whereas the above named persona are the sole c1Aimnnt s

of the waters of Prairie Creek from said Estes Ditch and have heretofore filed our veri-

fied claims before the State Water Board claiming a preference right to said water as

follows, to-wit : James H . Buchanan, 4 acres priority 1888 ; Ernest Buchanan, 5 acre s

priority 1888 ; T. N . Estes, 14 acres priority 1878 ; N . P. Bollinger, 1 acre priorit y

1878 ; F . D . McCully, 100 acres priority 1881 and, Whereas certain of the above name d

parties have claimed a greater amount of water than has actually been used far contin-

uous irrigation and there are not sufficient waters in said Ditch for the proper irri-

gation of the lends set forth in the claims of the above parties, and whereas it i s

the desire of the above named parties, the sole claimants of said water, to avoid any

contest between the said claimants and to preserve the priority of the waters o f

Prairie Creek through said Estes Ditch, therefore in consideration of the premise s

WALLOWA RIVER - 4 - and the mutual agreements of the parties hereto it is hereby stipulated and agreed a s

follows, to-wit :

"That F . D . McCully, T . N. Estee, N . P . Bollinger, Tames H. Buohanan,nnd

Ernest Buchanan shall have and enjoy a right to the water of said Estee Ditch for

stock and domestic use during the entire year and of the priority mentioned in thei r

respective claims on file with the State Water Board of the State of Oregon ;

"That T . N . Estes shall have the right to use sufficient water to irrigat e not more than seven acres from said Estee Ditch during the months of June, July an d

August of each and every year ;

"That James H. Buchanan, shall have and enjoy the right to the use of suf- ficient water to irrigate not over one acre during the months of May, Tune and July ,

from the waters of said ditch with a priority as claimed in his claim filed in the office of the State Water Board and upon the lands described in said claim .

"That Ernest Buchanan, shall have the right to the use of sufficient water to irrigate not over one acre during the months of May, June and July of each and ever y year, from said ditch, with a priority for said amount as claimed in the claim o f

Ernest Buchanan on file with the State Water Board .

"That N . P . Hollinger, shall have the right to the use of sufficient water

to irrigate not over one acre from the waters of said ditch during the months of Tune

and July and August of each and every year with a priority of time as claimed in hi s

application on file with the State Water Board for said amount and for the lands des -

cribed in said application .

"That F . D . McCully, shall have the right to the use of the remaining water

in said Estee Ditch with a priority of time as claimed in his application on file wit h

the State Water Board, for the purpose of irrigating the land described in his applica-

tion for water in said ditch, on file with the State Water Board . The said N . P . Roll -

anger, James H . Buchanan, Ernest Buchanan and T . N . Estes agree that they will allo w

sufficient water to pass through said ditch at all times to reach the land of F . D .

McCully• for stock and domestic use and it is mutually understood, stipulated and

agreed that the said F. D. McCully shall be entitled to the use of all the water in

said ditch for irrigating purposes, except the water above reserved to the said Roll-

anger, Tames H. Buchanan, Ernest Buchanan and T. N . Estes . "

2. - Stipulation by and between Florence A. Cook and Crow Brothers, a part-

nership, relative to the rights of the parties through the Cook ditch, from Spring

Creek, entered into on October 13, 1915 . as follows :

WALLOWA RIVER - 5 - "Zn the matter of determination of the relative rights to the use of the water s

of the Wallowa River a tributary of the Grande Ronde and more particularly to the water s

of a spring and in the northern part of Sections 33 and 34, Twp . 1 South of Range 43

East, W . M ., which is a tributary of the South Fork of the Wallowa River .

"It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between Florence A. Cook, party of

the first part, a claimant herein to the waters of the above mentioned Spring Cree k

through the Cook ditch and between Crow Brothers, a partnership by S . Y . Crow, agent ,

claimant herein to the waters of the same spring creek and through the same ditch, that :

"1st, As between them the said Florence A . Cook is entitled to the first an d

prior right to the use of said water for the irrigation of 27 acres described as follows :

"25 acres NW of the NW} and 2 acres of the NE of the NWW Section 34, Twp . 1

South Range 43 East, W . M ., and that said firm of Crow Brothers, party of the secon d part, is entitled to the second right and is next in order of priority for the irri- gation of 50 acres described as follows, 26 acres NW of the NWi, cf Section 27, and

24 tiaras SW of the SWW of Section 22, Twp . 1 South, 'tango 43 Feet W . M .

"2nd, That said Crow Brothers, party of the second part is the owners of th e ditch and right of way through and across the lands of said Florence A . Cook, party o f the first part, and that said Florence A. Cook is entitled to the use of said ditc h for the purpose of conveying water for irrigation of her lands, said party of the firs t part hereby agreeing to maintain and keep in good repair that part of the ditch situate d onlarids owned by her .

"3rd, That in order to procure the most beneficial and economical use of th e water, some system of rotation is necessary, and it is hereby agreed that said Florenc e

A. Cook, party of the first part, is entitled to the use of all or the water in sai d ditch far the irrigation of the said 27 acres owned by her heretofore described Wie n needed and used by her for that purpose and that at all other times the said Crow

Brothers, party of the second part, shall be entitled to the use of all the water in said ditch for the irrigation of their lands as heretofore described, except that a t all times said Florence A. Cook, party of the first part, shall be entitled to a reasonable amount of said water for stook and domestic purposes . "

3. - Stipulation by and between the City of Enterprise, a municipal corporation , and F . A . Clarke, relative to the rights of the parties in and to the waters of Wallow a

River, entered into on October 5, 1915, as follows :

"Now, at this time, comes the City of Enterprise, a municipal corporation , by and through its attorney, Thos . M. Dill, acting pursuant to a motion of the Commo n

Council, as party of the first part, and F . A . Clarke, party of the second part, and

MALBEURRiVh1t-6 - "Whereas, it appears from the statements and proofs ^'r claim on file herein by said respective parties that there is a conflict as to the date when the appropriatio n of water was made through the oily ditch described in their several proofs ; now, there- fore, in consideration of the settlement of said conflict, and to avoid contests herei n it is mutually agreed and Stipulated :

"First : That the City Ditch was constructed, commenced the year 1898, a s alleged in the statement and proof of the,Oity of Enterprise on file herein, and tha t said ditch was completed in the year 1899 ; that the waters of said Wallowa River were first diverted through said ditch and applied to beneficial use in the year 1899 .

"Second : That the relative rights of the said City of Enterprise, party o f the first part, and F . A . Clarke, second party, are equal in point of Alma ami priority and that said claimants are entitled to equal rights of priority ; that, otherwise the rights of the said claimants are as set forth in their respective statements and proof s of claim on file in the above entitled proceedings .

"Third . That the State Water Board shall prepare its findings herein in ac- cordance with this Stipulation and that the Decree of the Circuit Court hereinafter t o be entered in confirmation of said Findings, shall be in accordance with the terms o f this Stipulation . "

4 . - Stipulation by and between the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Co ., a private corporation, and S . A. Getter and Ben Gutter, partners doing business under the fima name of Cotter Brothers, entered into on October 18, 1915, ae follows :

"Agreement between the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company, a privat e corporation, and S . A. Getter and Ben Getter, partners doing business under the fir m name and style of Getter Brothers, of Enterprise, Oregon, as to their relative right s to the use of the waters of the Wallowa River under prior appropriation, diversion an d use for power purposes .

"It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between the Enterprise Mercantil e and Milling Company, a private corporation, of the State ' of Oregon, and S . A . Cotte r and Ben Getter, partners doing business under the firm name and style of Getter Bro- thers, of Enterprise, Oregon, that the State Mater Board of the State of Oregon, i n determining the relative rights of the respective parties hereto in and to the use o f the waters of the Wallowa River for power purposes under prior appropriation, diversio n and use, may determine said rights as follows, to-wit :

"That the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company, by and through its predecessors in interest, did appropriate, divert and make use of the waters of said stream by mean s of ditches and flume in the year 1888, for the purpose of furnishing power to operate a flouring mill at the points as designated in the statement and proof of claim on file

with the above entitled Water Board, said appropriation being sufficient to furnish

water for developing 1091 theoretical horse power, and that the appropriation, use an d

diversion of the 'kid waters for said purposes has been continuous and constant sinc e

said date .

"That the said S . A . Cotter and Ben Dotter, by and through their predecessor s

in interest, did appropriate and divert and use of the waters of the said stream i n

the year 1888, for power purposes in operating a planing mill sufficient water t o

operate said planing mill and develop sixty and one half theoretical horse power, and

did obtain from the said Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company through its predeces-

sor in interest a right, by way of deed, to take the said waters through the ditch an d

flume of the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company, diverting the same from the flume

of the said Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company, at a point agreed upon, and did ob-

tain a right to the use of all of the water flowing or that could be flowed through the

ditch and flume of the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company that was not necessary for the use of the said Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company in its operation of it s mill, sufficient to develop one hundred nine and one half theoretical horse power fo r milling and power purposes ; that the appropriation, diversion and use of the waters o f said stream by said S . A . Cotter and Ben Cotter has been continuous and constant sinc e said date for said purposes, at the points shown by the statement and proof of clai m on file with the above Water Board .

"That it is hereby recognized, admitted and stipulated that the appropriation , diversion and use of the waters of said stream by the said Enterprise Mercantile &

Milling Company in an amount sufficient to operate the mill of said Company at tha t time and to develop 109- theoretical horse power is prior and superior to the clai m of the said 8 . A. Cotter and Ben Cotter and their heirs or assigns ; and that the sai d

S . A. Cotter and Ben Cotter have no right, title or ownership in and to the ditch an d flume of the said Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company and that their right to tak e water therefrom for their power purposes is by way of deed from the Enterprise Mercan- tile & Milling Company through its predecessor in interest, except that the said S . A .

Cotter and Ben Cotter have a right to the use of all of the water originally appropria- ted, diverted and used at and from the date of appropriation and diversion through sai d ditch and flume, except what amount is necessary to furnish power for the said Enter- prise Mercantile & Milling Company under their prior appropriation for said purposes , and the right to take said waters at the point of diversion in the flume of the sai d

Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Company, where the same now is and always has bee n divided between the parties hereto .

WAIOWA RIVER - 8 - "And the parties hereto ask that the determination of their rights be settle d and made in accordance with this agreement and stipulation .

"In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have this 18th day of October, 1915 , set their hands and seals in triplicate . "

6 . - Stipulation between W . H. Weaver . John Bookout, Catharine ;eaver, and

F . A . Wagner, (Union Wallowa Investment Co ., successor in interest), as follows :

"Comes now the claimants to the waters of Bookout's Creek and its tributarie s and to Weaver Creek and its tributaries, said streams being identified by the attache d plat which is made a part of this agreement, and for the purpose of settling and deter- mining their rights amicably agree as follows :

"That the waters of Weaver Creek shall be divided at a point in the SEL SW-- of Section 8 Twp . 2 S . R . 44 East, one half of said waters to be diverted so as to, flow down to and upon the lands of the successors in interest to J . W . Weaver, and the re- maining one half of said waters to be allowed to flow down to and upon the lands of r W . H . Weaver and John Bookout, said W . H . weaver and john Bookout to divide said wate equally between themselves .

"That as between W . H . Weaver, F . A . Wagner, and John Bookout, in their right s as to the use of the waters of Bookout's Creek and its tributaries, said W . H . Weave r is entitled to the use of two-fifths of the waters of said stream, said F . A. Wagner is entitled to the use of one-fifth of the waters of said stream, and siad John Bookou t is entitled to the use of two-fifths of the waters of said stream. "

That the map referred to is attached to the original stipulation on file herein , and may be found at page 82 of 'Volume 6 of the record herein. That the Union Wallowa

Investment Company is now the owner of the lands and water rights claimed by said F . A .

Wagner which were the subject of said stipulation.

e . - Stipulation in settlement of proposed contest between Hurricane Irrigating

Ditch Company, a corporation, and E. P . Castor end Jennie Page, entered into on October

14, 1915, as follows :

"Whereas, the above named parties have filed their claims with the Board o f

Control of the State of Oregon in the matter of the determination of the relative right s

to the use of the waters of Wallowa River and its tributaries, and each of the partie s

above named claims the right to the use of waters of Hurricane Creek, a tributary o f

said Wallowa River, and ,

"Whereas, there was sone question between the parties hereto concerning th e

right to the use of the waters of said Hurricane Creek, and the above named propose d


contestant intended to file a statement of contest against the above named propose d

contestees :

"Now therefore, in settlement of such proposed contest it is hereby stipulate d

and agreed by and between the parties above named that the rights of the above named

E. P . Castor and Jennie Page in and to the waters of said Hurricane Creek are as follows :

and that the adjudication and determination herein shall be as follows: -

"The rights of the said Jennie Page to the use of the waters of said Hurricane

Creek for irrigation, damestio and stock use were initiated in the year of 1893, and i n

said year of 1893 the said Jennie Page irrigated forty (40) acres of land in the S E

of the N8 of Sec . 36, Twp . 2 South of Range 44 E . W . MA ., and such land was so irrigated

with waters of said Hurricane Creek .

"And ever since said year of 1893 the said Tennie Page has used such water for domestic and stock use, and has irrigated, and now irrigates, said forty (40) acres wit h

waters of said Hurricane Creek.

"The rights of the said L . P . Castor to the use of the waters of said Hurricane

Creek were initiated in the year of 1879 so far as concerns domestic and stock use ,

and in said year of 1879 the said E. Castor appropriated and used, and still appro -

priates and twee the waters of said Hurricane Creek for domestic and stook use . And

in the year of 1881 the rights of the said E. P . Castor to the use of the waters of sai d

Hurricane Creek were initiated so far as concerns the matter of irrigation. In sai d

year of 1881 the said L . P . Castor irrigated twenty (20) acres of land in the I of

the NHy of Section 36, in said Tap . and hangs, and such land was so irrigated with

waters of said Hurricane Creek . And ever since said year of 1881 the said E . P .

Castor has irrigated, and now irrigates, said twenty (20) acres with waters of sai d

Hurricane Creek .

"In the year of 1883 the said E. P . Castor irrigated Twenty seven mid i

acres (27k) acres of land in the NW* of the NH and the NE* of the NE4 of said Section 3 6.

And ever since said year of 1883 the said E. P . Castor has irrigated, and now irrigates

said twenty seven and one-half (27,-) acres with waters of said Hurricane Creek .

•In the year of 1892 the said E. P. Castor irrigated thirty three (33) acre s

of land in the 8W of the NIS} of said Section 36. And ever since said year of 189 2

the said E. P. Castor has irrigated, and now irrigates, said thirty three (33) acre s

with waters of said Hurricane Creek .

"Except as otherwise stated, stipulated or agreed herein the rights of all the

parties to this stipulation and agreement are to be determined by and through their

statements and proofs now on file with said Board of Control . And this stipulation

WALLOWA RIVER - 10 - .A 51-7

and agreement is intended to cover the rights of the said Jennie Page and E . P . Casto r

in the waters of said Hurricane Creek only no far as such rights are claimed throug h

what is commonly known an the Old Settlers Slough Ditch . "

13 .

That within the time fixed by law therefor, the following contests were initiat-

ed by the filing with said Superintendent of notices or statements of contest in writing ,

verified as required by law ; and the said Superintendent did thereafter fix a time an d

place for the hearing of said contests, and in the case of each contests, the contestan t

and each person, association or corporation whose rights were thereby contested, were

duly and regularly notified of the time and place fixed for the hearing of such con -

test ; said contests being as follows, to-wit :

Contest Contestant Contestee No.

1 Alder Slope Ditch Company vs . Moonshine Ditch Company

2 Moonshine Ditch Company, a vs . Alder Slope Ditch Company, a corporation corporation, 3 Moonshine Ditch Company, a vs . Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co . , corporation, a corporation

4 A . S . Bennett and N . J . vs . Hurricane Irrigating Ditch Co ., C . E. Sinnott Crowe and Grace Crowe, S . P . Crowe , I . M . Crowe, Charles E . Crowe, Victoria Haas, Linnie Basta, Laura Langston , Carl Whitmore, J . R . Harris, Lt . F . Stubblefield, claiming through the Hurricane Irrigating Ditch Co ., and R. A . Shinn, W . S . Hayes, S . H . Bonner , W . H . Robbins, Jennie Page, E . . Castor and Rosetta Shinn.

5 Creighton Ditch vs . The Big Bend Water Ditch Company, a corporation, Dobbin Ditch Company, a corporation, and Wrenn Pc Dobbin Ditc h Company, a corporation

The Creighton Ditch vs . The Granger Water Ditch Company, a Corporation

7 The Dobbin Ditch Company, a vs . The Creighton Ditch. corporation, The Wrenn Dobbin Ditch Co., a corporation, The Big Bend Water Ditch Company , a corporation, and the Crai g Ditch Co ., a co-partnership .

8 Granger Water Ditch Company vs . Mary J . Creighton, H. E . and Geo . F . Dawson as Dawson Brothers

9 The Dobbin Ditch Company, a vs . The Island Irrigating Water Ditc h corporation, The Wrenn Dobbin Company, a corporation . Ditch Co ., a corporation . The Big Bend Water Ditch Company , a corporation, and the Crai g Ditch Co ., a co-partnership,


1 2. 2

Contest Contestant Contestee No .

10 The Joseph Milling Company, a vs . J . M. Mitchell end Henry Mitchell . corporation, and Joseph Light and Power Company, a corporation

11 N . D . Varner vs . W . L . Daggett and S . T. Daggett

12 S . L . Magill, C . J . Allen , vs . S . W. Miles Gideon Wolfe, Wm. Sherod, H . E . Driver and J . T . Willett

14 .



Contests Nos . 1 and 2, being in the nature of cross contests, and between th e

same parties, each contesting the other's claim, were set for hearing, and pursuant t o

notice regularly given, came on to be heard, whereupon, in the presence of the Superin-

tendent and during the progress of the said hearing and on June 26, 1916, a stipulatio n

as in open court, was made and entered into between the parties to said contests, b y

and through their respective attorneys, which stipulation was dictated to the reporte r

at said hearing and transcribed and made a part of the record herein, and is set fort h

in full at pages 408 to 415, inclusive, of Volume 7 of the record herein, and is hereby

referred to and by reference incorporated herein .

That it was thereby stipulated and agreed that certain statements made therei n

should be taken and deemed as true facts for the purpose of determining the priority of

the rights as between the parties .

Based upon such stipulation and statement of agreed facts, the Board therefore

finds as follows :

1 . - That on the 28th day of November, 1901, G . L . Cole, W . Newby and A . E .

Cole mot for the purpose of organizing a corporation under the general laws of th e

State of Oregon, which incorporation was to be known as the Moonshine Ditch Company .

That on said 28th day of November, 1901, said G . L. Cole, W . P. Newby, and A . L . Col e

caused articles of incorporation to be made and on said data they signed the same a s

the incorporators of said proposed Moonshine Ditch Company, which articles were ex-

ecuted in triplicate and under said articles the business of said Moonshine Ditch Com-

pany was and is to be carried on in Wallowa County, Oregon, and the principal offic e

of said corporation was and is Joseph, Oregon .

That said articles of incorporation were duly signed, witnessed and acknowl-

edged, on said date, so as to entitle them to be recorded, and the same were recorde d

as follows, towit :

O :e of said articles was recorded and filed in the office of the County

WALLOWA RIVER - 12 - 12 3 Clerk of Wallowa County, Oregon, on the 29th day of November, 1901 ; ons was filed in

the office of the proposed corporation with the 6isoretary thereof, in Jo sph, Wallowa

County, Oregon . on the 29th day of November, 1901, and on the 29th day of November ,

1901, one of the said articles was forwarded to the Secretary of State, and was after -

wards on the 4th day of De amber, 1901, by him filed in said office of the Secretar y of Stats of the State of Oregon .

8. - That on the morning of the 50th day of November 1901, at about eigh t

o'clock of said dal, O. L. Cols, one of said inoorporators, acting as agent of th e

said Moonshine Ditch Company, posted a notice in writing at the point of diversion

of the said Moonshine Ditch Company, on Hurricane Creek, ohich notice was afterward s

recorded in the offios of the County Clerk of Wallowa County, Oreg n , on December 7th ,

1901, a copy of said notice and saps accompanying some being set forth in sai d

stipulation, and appearing on pages 409 to 410 inclusive, of said volume 7 of th e

record herein. and by reference thereto the sons is hereby incorporated into end adds

a part of these findings .

5. -That since December 4, 1901, said Moonshine Ditch Company has been and

now is a corporation created, organized and existing under the laws of the State of

Oregon; that caw about the 6th day of May, 1902 . said Moonshine Ditch Company, i n

pursuance of the said notice, and in compliance therewith, commenced the constructio n

of a ditch along the line of the proposed route, as shown by the aforesaid notice ,

and which eonstruotion was followed up with reasonable diligence, and the waters o f

Hurricane Creak diverted therefrom through said ditch and within a reasonable tim e

placed to beneficial use for irrigation, demotic end stook uda upon the lands under

said ditch.

4. - That on the 26th day of November 1901, the Alder Slops Ditch Company

was and sow is a corporation duly organised and existing under and by virtue of th e

laws of the State of Oregon ; that on the 30th day of November 1901, at four o'clock .

is the afleawoma of said day, the said Alder Slops Ditch Ionpany sanded to be poste d on Hurricane Creek. a notice in writing at the point of diversion, a copy of 1h ic h notion was afterwards recorded in the office of the County Clark of Wallowa County, on

the Sod day of December 1901, a copy of meld notion being set forth at pages 411 t o

414, fiolusive . of said "Mums 9 of the record herein . and also by reference hereby incorporated herein as a part of these findings .

5. - That sometime during the Spring of 1902, the said Alder Slope Ditc h employ commenced the construction of a ditch along the line o ! the proposed route , as shown bl said notice, which construction was followed up with reasonable diligence ,


and the water diverted from Hurricane Creek through said ditch within a reasonable

time and placed to a beneficial use for irrigation, domestic and stock use upon th e

lands under said ditch .

6. - That the State eater Board in the determination of said rights, shall b e

guided by the report and surveys of the State Engineer as to the acreage, amount o f

land irrigated by each company, the amount of water which they flowed through thei r

ditches, and diverted to a beneficial use, subject to the right of exception and ap-

peal as to the amount of water, and priorities .

7. - It is understood, in making these findings that the Alder Slope Ditc h

Company does not admit nor stinulate that the Moonshine Ditch Company was on the 30t h

day of November, 1901, an organized incorporation, or that G . Z . Colo was the agen t

of such corporation, but that the Board in determining the question of priority shal l

consider the acts of the incorporators of the Moonshine Ditch Company r_s set forth i n

this stipulation .

15 .


Upon the fearing of this contest, the following stipulation was made and

agreed upon between the parties, on June 26, 1911, towit :

"It is stipulated and agreed in open court, by and between the contestant and

the contestee, all parties being present, that the contestee above named is entitle d

to water sufficient to irrigate all of the lands of its stockholders, together with

water sufficient for a certain power wheel or water wheel, as such lands and wate r

wheel are shown by the claims of the stockholders of the said contestee now on fil e

herein, and that such rights for irrigation and power purposes or water wheel are prio r

to the rights of contestant herein, the amount of water necessary or proper for the ir-

rigation of such lands, and the running of such water wheel to be determined by th e

State Water Board• but the contestant and contestee herein expressly reserve the righ t

to take exceptions to the determination or adjudication of the Water Board, insofar a s

such determination or adjudication concerns the amount of water allowed and reserves ,

so far as they can, the right to hereinafter introduce evidence, if they care to do so ,

concerning the amount of water proper or necessary for the irrigation of said lends .

We make this reservation for the reason that we realize the testa made by the Stat e

Engineer were made last year and during that year there was an unusual amount of precip-

itation, and we are of the opinion that the tests would not be reliable tests in case o f

ordinary dry years, and it may be that contestee in this case will make tests of it s

own to determine this matter ."

WALLOWA RIVER - 14 - -7 r; 16 .


This contest came regularly on for hearing pursuant to notice duly and regularl y

given . on Res 88, 1916• and after considerable testimony hhd been taken and evidenc e offered therein on behalf of the respective parties thereto, and adjournment n of sai d

hearing had been had from time to time to suit the convenience of the parties and thei r

vitasnsss, the parties to said coats .t entered into a written stipulation . and submitted

the rims to and filed the same with the Superintendent on October 6, 1916 . whereby i t

was stipulated and agreed by and between the contestants, and the contest .... Hurrican e

Irrigating Ditch Company, C . R . Grace, S. P ., I[., and Charles S. Crow. Victoria Haas:

(Moody), Linnie Basin, Carl Whitmore, Z . R.Harria, and R. 7. Stubblefield . a• follows . to-wit:

"7irat: - that the evidence submitted by the above named contestants and con- testees Mall be end is withdrawn from the consideration ofthe Board . and that said contest shall be di :miawed and disregarded .

"Seeond :- It is further agreed that the rights of the parties hereto shall b e fumed and aseartaiaed by the Board and the Court from the statements and claims of th e different parties.

"Third: - It is further stipulated and agreed that in case of a ahortags of water there shall be no priority of right between the omtestants and contestees sign- ing this Agueeesent, but that they shall all take as of equal right ; and in case of any shortage in the amount of water so that there shall, not be enough to supply the amount allowed to each and all of them, then each shall suffer a loss of such per cent of his , her, or its water as the shortage bears to the total amount of water allowed to all o f thea.

0?om the - This agreement shall be carried into the finding.:and decree of the

Water Board sad of the Circuit Court ."

19 .



TMm contests involved the relative priorities of the rights Claimed by the

Dobbin DlEah Cony, Rig Band later Ditch Company, and the Granger Water Ditch Company . eorporatioas, and Craig Ditch Company . a co-partnership, on the ons Alde, and the Creigh - ton Ditch . on the other. All of the-ditehea involved divert water from the Noeth )tus k

WALLOW& RIVER - lb - of Wallowa River in the vicinity of the town of Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon . The

contests came on for hearing pursuant to notice duly and regularly given, and at th e

hearing it was stipulated, in open court, that the said contests should be consolidate d

for the purpose of the record to be made therein .

Considerable testimony was taken at the hearing and the hearing was adjourne d

from time to time to suit the convenience of the parties and their witneeaes, afte r

reasonable notice to all persons interested . The said contests having come on for hear-

ing, pursuant to preceding notice of adjournment thereof, on October 18, 1916, the partie s

to said several contests, appearing through their several attorneys, entered into a stip-

ulation in settlement of their relative rights ae between themselves, in the presence of the

Superintendent and with the same effect as in open court, which stipulation was dictated t o

the reporter at said hearing, mutually agreed upon and by direction of all parties trans-

cribed and made and now is a part of the record therein . That it was thereby stipulate d

and agreed mutually between all of the parties to said contests as follows, towit :

"It is stipulated and agreed by and between the parties to these contests i n

open court that the rights of the parties shall be determined as follows :

"First - The Creighton Ditch takes 250 inches of water, miners measurement ,

under a six inch pressure, end prior to the rights of all other parties to this contest .

*Second - The Granger Ditch takes whatever water is awarded it by the Wate r

Board and prior to the rights of all of the other parties to this contest with the excep -

tion of said 250 inches to the Creighton Ditch .

"Third - The Dobbin Ditch Company then takes its water as each water may b e allowed by the Water Board prior to the rights of all of the other parties to this contes t with the exception of said 250 inches to the Creighton Ditch and the right of the Grange r

Ditch as set out in the second part of this stipulation .

"Fourth - The Craig Ditch takes water as such water may be allowed to them by the Water Board and prior to the rights of all of the other parties to this oontes t with the exception of said 250 inches to the Creighton Ditch and the right of the Grang- er Ditch end of the Dobbin Ditoh as heretofore stated .

"Fifth - The Wrenn-Dobbin Ditch and the Big Bend Ditch and the water tha t would be due or allowed the Creighton Ditch by the Water Board other than said 250 inche s shall all be on an equal basis and shall be of the priority granted to any of said Wrenn -

Dobbin, Big Bend and the said Creighton so far as concerns the Creighton, other than th e

250 inches atereeaid . The intention being that there shall be no priority between th e

Wrenn-Dobbin, Big Bend and the Creighton as in this paragraph mentioned . But other than

WALLOWA RIV - 16 - as stated in this stipulation the rights of all the parties to this contest so far a s

concerns those rights when compared with the rights of the parties not parties to thi s

contest, shall be determined according to their claims on file with the Water Board ;

and it is stipulated and agreed that this stipulation between the parties to thi s

contest shall be made a part of the adjudication of the Water Hoard and of the Court . "



This contest was set for hearing and cams on for hearing on June 22nd, 1916 ,

the parties appearing by their attorneys, whereupon, upon motion of attorneys for the

contestants, the said contest was in all things dismissed.

19 .



This contest came on for hearing pursuant to notice duly and regularly given ,

and the hearing thereof having been adjourned from time to time, after reasonable notic e

to all parties, the taking of testimony and evidence therein was commenced . The fol -

lowing facts appear :

1. - The contestants, the Joseph Milling Company and the Joseph Light & Power

Ocmpany, are corporations organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon ;

and filed herein jointly Proof No . 248, of Volume 3 of the record herein, claiming a right to the waters of Wallowa River for power purposes initiated in the year 1882 b y virtue of appropriation, diversion and use ; the extent of the right thus claimed bein g more fully set forth in said Proof No . 248, to which reference is hereby made .

2. - That Henry Mitchell, contestee herein, filed in this proceeding Proof No .

317, of Volume 4 of the record herein, whereby and wherein he claimed a right to th e waters of said Wallowa River for irrigation, stook and domestic purposes, for the mak- ing of ice, and for a fish pond, and that said right was initiated in the year 1879 ; that it appears that water for said purposes ie diverted through Silver Lake Ditch .

That James M. Mitchell filed Proof No . 320, of Volume 4 of the record herein, claimin g a right by appropriation of the waters of said Wallowa River, initiated August 30 ,

1880 for irrigation, stock and domestic purposes .

3. - From the statements set forth in the said proofs of said Henry an d

J . M . Mitchell it appears that in 1880 1 . M. Mitchell and others constructed the Mit- ohell ditch to divert water from Wallowa River for irrigation purposes, and that sai d

J . M . Mitchell irrigated prior to the year 1892 certain lands from said ditch, and tha t

in about 1892 the Silver Lake Ditch (more fully described in Proof no . 382, of Volume

4 of the record herein) was constructed by the Silver lake Ditch Company, a corporation ,

apparently along the line of a portion of said Mitchell ditch, which last named ditc h

was enlarged and became a portion of said Silver Lake ditch ; and by agreement verbally

made, but subsequently and in 1911 reduoed to writing, as it is alleged, the Silver Lake

Ditch Company gave to said T . M. Mitchell the right to divert certain quantities of wat-

er to his lands ; that it is alleged that said J . M. Mitchell has sold to said Henry

Mitchell 150 inches of water through said Silver Lake Ditch . That from the proof o n

behalf of Henry Mitchell (No . 317) it appears that the lands described in said proo f

were first irrigated in about the year 1893 from said Silver Lake Ditch .

4, a That in the year 1910 the contestants herein, as plaintiffs, and th e

Joseph Water Works Company, a private corporation, as plaintiff, commenoed a suit in th e

Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wallowa County by filing a complaint in sai d

Court wherein said contestants and the said Joseph Water Works Company were plaintiffs ,

and the City of Joseph, a municipal corporation, J. H. Thompson, its mayor, I . H . Robin-

son, J. A. Blevins, Wesley Duncan, Ed Berland, Ed . Eben and J. N. Thompson, council- men of said City of Joseph, J . M. Mitchell, The Farmer's Water Ditch Company, a privat e

corporation. The Dobbin Ditch Company, a private corporation, the Wrenn-Dobbin Ditc h

Company, a private corporation, the Big Bend Water Ditch Company, a private corpora-

tion, and the Silver Lake Ditch Company, a private corporation, were defendants . That

it appears from said complaint that said J . N . Mitchell, contestee herein, was engage d

as =tractor for the said defendant City of Joseph in constructing a municipal water

works system, and that said J . M. Mitchell was joined as defendant in said suit as th e

agent or contractor for said City of Joseph, and it further appears to the Board tha t

at all times during the progress of said suit, said J . M. Mitchell appeared therein i n

the capacity of contractor or agent for said City of Joseph and not in his individua l

capacity ; that the right of said J . M . Mitchell to the use of the waters of said Wallow a

River was not involved and not in issue in said suit . That subsequently such further

proceedings were had in said suit as resulted in the entry of a decree therein as agains t

the defendants, wherein it was ordered, adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs, th e

Joseph Milling Company and the Joseph Light & Power Company, were entitled to 50 second

feet of water from Wallowa River for power purposes, as a prior right to the rights o f

all the defendants in said suit, except the right of the defendant the Silver Lake Ditc h

Company to divert 50 inches of water, miners measure under six inch pressure. Tha t

WALLOWA RIVER - 18 - The Board finds that said decree was not intended to and did not bind nor conclude the said defendant, J. M. Mitchell, as to any rights theretofore acquired by him by appro- priation of the waters of said Wallowa River for the irrigation of the lands describe d in his said proof ; nor estop him from setting up and asserting the rights claimed b y him in his said proof herein .

20 .


The above entitled contest having come on for hearing after due and legal notice to the said contestees above named, contestant N . D. Varner appeared in person and by his attorney, but the contestees appeared not, and were and now are in default .

Evidence having been offered on behalf of the said contestant in supporting the allega- tions of his statement and notice of contest, it appears that heretofore and on the 23r d day of October, 1909, a final decree was entered in a certain suit in the Circuit Cour t of Wallowa County, Oregon, wherein Joseph Farnsworth was plaintiff, and S . T . Dagget t and W. E . Daggett, oonteatees herein, were defendants, wherein it was ordered, adjudge d and decreed that the defendant S . T . Daggett be perpetually restrained and prohibite d from in any manner, in person or by agents, attorneys or employees, diverting or inter- fering with the waters flowing in and through plaintiff's water ditch described in the complaint in said suits and the findings of fact therein, or from in any manner throwing or placing obstructions in said ditch, or from p emitting hogs to go into or wallow i n said ditch• or pollute the waters in said ditch, and from restraining and prohibitin g plaintiff, his agents or employees, from going upon and along the line of said ditc h for the purpose of cleaning and removing obstructions therefrom, and making repair s thereon . That it appears that said plaintiff in said suit was the predecessor in interest of the said contestant herein in the ownership of the lands described in th e proof of said oontestent, and in the ditch described in the complaint and findings o f

That in said suit referred to in said decree .

21 .

That as between James B. Kooch and L. L. Hambleton and N . P . Hambleton, i t appears that heretofore and on the first day of May, 1893, a decree was made and en- tered in that certain suit in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallow a

County, wherein James B. K000h was plaintiff and said L . L . Hambleton and W. P . Hamble- ton were defendenta, whereby and wherein it was adjudged and decreed that said L. L.

Hambleton was the owner of one-half of all the natural flow of the waters of Spring

Branch Creek . situated in Wallowa County, Oregon, by virtue of prior appropriation ,

WALLOWA RIVER - 19 - and that the plaintiff, J . B. Kooch was the owner of the other undivided one-half

thereof, and that the defendant W . P . Hambleton, as riparian proprietor upon sai d

stream above the lands of said T . B . Kooch, was entitled at all times to the reasonable

use of the waters of said stream to have the same flowing through his premises in th e

natural channel of said stream, and to use the same for domestic and household purpose s

and for the watering of domestic animals ; and that said J. B. Kooch has the right to us e

the said one-half of the waters of said stream for any and all purposes, subject to th e rights of said W . P. Hambleton as hereinbefore indicated . That it appears that said L .

L . Hambleton, defendant in said suit, was the predecessor in interest of said N . D .

Varner, claimant herein, in the ownership of the lands and water rights described i n the proof of said N . D . Varner .



In the above entitled contest, the following stipulation was made and entere d into on the 26th day of October, 1915, by and between the said contestants and the con - testes, said 8. W. Miles, to-wit :

"Whereas, the above entitled contest has been commenced by the filing of

Statement of Contest with the above named Board of Control ;

"Now, therefore, in settlement of this contest it is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between the parties above named that the rights of the above named S . W .

Miles, contestee, in and to the waters of the South Fork of the Wallowa River, so far as the same are claimed through what is commonly known as the Miles Ditch and against which this contest was commenced, are as follows, and the adjudication and determine - tion herein shall be as follows : -

"In the year of 1882 the said S . W . Miles established and fixed his right t o the use of the waters of said South Fork of the Wallowa River for domestic and stock use , and through said S. W . Miles Ditch.

"In the year of 1882, the said S . W . Miles irrigated through said Miles Ditc h sixty (60) acres of land, thirty-seven (37) acres thereof being in the SFi of the SW4 of Section 4 . in Township 1 South of Range 43 E . W . M ., and twenty-three (23) acres thereof being in the SWy of the SW4 of said Section 4 ; and ever since said year of 188 2 the said S . W . Miles has irrigated, and now irrigates, said sixty {60) acres, through said Miles Ditch and with waters of said South Fork of the Wallowa River .

"In the year of 1888 the said S . W . Miles irrigated through said Miles Ditc h sixty (60) acres of land, forty (40) acres thereof being the NW* of the SW* of said

WALLOWA RIVER - 20 - Section 4, and twenty (20) acres thereof being the Wi of the SWi of the NWs of sai d

Section 4 ; and over since said year of 1888 the said S . W . Miles has irrigated and now

irrigates, said sixty (60) acres, through said Miles Ditch and with waters of said Sout h

Fork of the Wallowa River .

"That the right of the said S . W . Miles to irrigate lends through said Mile s

Ditch, and with waters of said South Fork of the Wallowa River, except as to the above

one hundred and twenty (120) acres mentioned and described, is subsequent and inferior

in right and in time to the rights of contestants in and to the waters of said Sout h

Fork of Wallowa River . as such rights of contestants are claimed through what is common-

ly known as the George Jacobs Ditch and what is comnouly known as the ditch of the

Middle Valley Irrigation & Water Ditch Company . And the right of the said S . W . Mile s

to irrigate lands through said Miles Ditch, and with waters of said South Fork of th e

Wallowa River, except as to said one hundred and twenty (120) acres was initiated an d

established in the year of 1895 .

" .Except as otherwise stated, stipulated or agreed herein the rights of al l

the parties to this stipulation are to be determined by and through their statement s

and proofs now on file with said Hoard of Control . And this stipulation and agree- ment is intended to cover the rights of the said S . W . Miles in and to the waters o f

said South Fork of the Wallowa River only so far as such rights are claimed through wha t

is commonly known as the Miles Ditch ; and is not intended to affect the rights of the

said S . W . Miles as such rights may be claimed through any other ditch. "

23 .

That as between the claimants herein using water through the Chamberlai n

Ditch and owning shares of stock in the Chamberlain Ditch Company, a corporation, owner fG said ditch, it is agreed that tee following statement of fact with reference to the construction of said ditch and use of the water from said C hamberlain Ditch is correct ;

"That Henry Y . Chamberlain settled upon the Southwest quarter of the Southwes t quarter of Section 15, and the North half of the Northwest quarter, and the Southeas t quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, in Township 1 North Range 42 East o f

W. M ., containing 180 acres, about the year 1883, and thereafter said lands were ''at- ented to him as a homestead in the year 1888 . That C . W . Moore is the successor i n interest of said Chamberlain, and is now the owner of said premises . That thereafter said Chamberlain acquired title to the South half of the Southwest quarter or Sectio n

10, and the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Sectio n

15, Township 1 North Range 42 East of W . }1., containing 320 acres from the United States , and that patent was issued to him . That in the year 1883, said Chamberlain commence d

WALL0WA RIVER - 21 - the construction of that certain ditch described in these proofs as the Chamberlai n Ditch . and extended the same down over and across said homestead for the irrigatio n

thereof . and thereafter extended the mama dom ower end across said last describe d

lands for the irrigation thereof. That on the 20th day of June, 1891, said Chamberlai n

conveyed to Duman McDonald and H. McDonald, the said described lead ., being the South

half of the Southwest quarter of Section 10, the Northeast quarter, and the North half

of the Southwest quarter of Section 15 . Township 1 North Range 48 East of W. M . . "to-

gether with the undivided two-thirds interest of a certain water ditch now used for saw

mill and irrigating pura.s, and extending on to said premises and used in irrigating

the same ." That said deed contained covenants of warranty that said leads were fre e

!roman enoumbranoes, and that the grantor maid warrant and defend the same . That

the lands now owned by said C . W. Moore, and the lands last described, were irrigated

from said ditch prior to the year 1895, and that the various claimants named herei n who are described as the owners of said last described premises in their several proofs , have suadseded to all the right, title m d interest of said Duman sad H. McDonald in and to said premises and water rights ooaveyed by said deed by said Chamberlain .

That in the year 184E an enlargement and extension of said ditch was made , whereby additional lands were brought under irrigation, and that the lands described i n the proofs herein not including the maid lands formerly owned by said Chamberlain as above described . are entitled to appurtenant water rights dating from the year 1848 . "



The Granger Tatar Ditch Compas9 filed a notice of mutest against Mary 7 .

Creighton and H. Z . and Geo. ?. Dawson, doing business as Dawson Brothers, to so fa r as the slain of Mary 7 . Creighton is concerned, a stipulation was entered into betwee n said Granger Water Ditch Company and other ditch companies and Mary T . Creighton, dis- posing of the natters in controversy between those claimants, said stipulation bein g met forth in Paragraph 19 of the Findings herein. Al between the Greaser Water Ditc h

Company and said Dawson Brothers, a stipulation was entered into that the eppropriatd m claimed by Dawson Brothers should be determined from the testimony of tho witness M .

B. Davis. and from the testimony so taken the Board finds that sometime about the year 1884 the Dawson Brothers ditch and flume was constructed with a capacity tuffiaient t o supply to the planing mill described lathe proof of said Dawson Brother n herein thirty second feet of water. That by the installation of *more modern power wheals a great- er efficiency in power development has been since seouuvd, but that there has been n o material or substantial increase in the quantity of water diverted and utilised in th e

WALLOWA RIE - 88 a production or development of power to operate said planing mill, and that during al l

times since the construction of said ditoh the quantity of water required for beneficia l

use in the operation of said planing mill has been about thirty second feet .

25 .


That Wallowa River rises on the northern slope of the an d

flows in a northwesterly course to its junction with the . From a

torrential, glacier-fed stream in the mountains at its source, it emerges into Wallow a

Lake . Immediately below the lake the river enters the "Upper Valley", the first of a

series of three agricultural valleys through which it flows . This valley extend s

from the town of Joseph, Oregon, near its southern end to a point a short distanc e

below Enterprise, where the river enters a narrow canyon five miles in length. At

the lower end of the canyon the hills on the west side give way, forming Lostine Val -

ley, in which the town of Lostine is located in the south central part . In this val- ley, Wallowa River is joined by the South Fork, which furnishes most of the water to th e land irrigated in this valley . Wallowa Valley, the third of the three valleys, i s

separated from Lostine Valley by a ridge running in a northerly direction . Belo w

Wallowa Valley the stream follows a narrow canyon to its Junction with Grande Ronde

River. The principal tributaries of Wallowa River in the Upper Valley are Hurrican e

Creek and Prairie Creak, in Lostine Valley the South Fork of Wallowa River, and in Wal- lowa Valley Bear Creek, while the Joines Wallowa River below Wallowa Valley and is not used for irrigation .

That the irrigation season extends from May first to October first of each yea r and that during the irrigation season practically the entire flow of Wallowa River an d its tributaries in the Upper Volley is diverted for the irrigation of lands in thi s valley . Return seepage from these irrigated lands, springs, and the tributaries flow-

ing into Wallowa River in the two lower valleys, furnish an ample supply of water for

the irrigation of the lands in these valleys, rendering the water supply of each of the

three valleys independent of the other .

That owing to the varying conditions of use of water, available supply, cap-

acity of ditchers, practice in applying the water, and other conditions affecting the us e

of water from the various sources of supply involved in this proceeding, the rights to

the use of water from these various sources differ as to quantity, head diverted an d other important features .

That the waters of Wallowa River, South Fork of Wallowa River and its trib-

utaries, Hurricane Creek and its tributaries and Bear Creek and its tributaries, are used for irrigation and other purposes, and it ie important that grain, which is on e

of the principal crops in this section, be irrigated at a certain stage of its growth,

and all grain will therefore require irrigation at about the same time . In order to

furnish all water users with an ample head of water at the same time and to utiliz e

the available supply during flood periods, many of the ditches diverting water fro m

these streams have been constructed of unusually large capacity for the service o f

the lands irrigated therefrom . This condition renders a limitation on the head of

water to be diverted impracticable, and the appropriations should accordingly be limit -

ed to beneficial use and not to exceed a definite quantity diverted in any period o f

thirty day . .

That, after taking into consideration the general practice in the use o f water, the available supply, and all other available data, the State Water Board is of the opinion that not to exceed one and one-half acre feet per acre can be beneficiall y applied to lands irrigated from the said Wallowa River, South Fork of Wallowa Riverand its tributaries, Hurricane Creekand its tributaries, and Bear Creek and its tributaries . during any period of thirty day, prior to July 31st of each year, and thereafter not t o exceed one acre foot per acre for the remainder of the irrigation season ; that the max- imum quantity which the owners of such lands are entitled to divert for the irrigatio n thereof is accordingly so fixed and determined, subject to the use of water by rotatio n as hereinafter provided ; provided, that in no case shall more water be applied to suc h lands than can be beneficially used thereon.

That the waters of Little Hurricane Creek, Weaver Creek, Smith Creek,.Alder

Creek, Hurry Creek, Funk Creek . Newby Greek, Reavis Creek, Hans Branch, Cole Spring , end all other sourcesof supply involved in this proceeding exceptingWallowa River ,

South Fork of Wallowa River and its tributaries, Hurricane Creek and its tributaries ,

Bear Creek and its tributaries, and Prairie Creek and its tributaries, are used for ir- rigation and other purposes ; and after taking into consideration the prevailing practic e in the ase of this water, the quantity of water available, the comparative uniformity of flow during the irrigation season ; due in a large measure to return seepage from ir- rigated land, and all other data available, the State Water Board is of the opinion tha t not to exceed one acre foot per acre can be beneficially used on the lands irrigate d from these streams during any period of thirty day, prior to Tuly 31st of each reer, an d thereafter not to exceed one acre foot per acre for the remainder of the irrigation sea -

,on ;that the maximum quantity which the owners of such lands are entitled to diver t for the irrigation thereof is accordingly so fixed and determined, subject to the use of water by rotation as hereinafter provided for ; provided, that in no ease shal l more water be applied to such lands than can be beneficially used thereon .

WALLOWA RIVFR - 24 - ',goat the waters of Prairie Creek and its tributaries are used for irrigation and other,pmrposes, and owing to the limited supply of water for the irrigation of the comparatively large area which has been successfully irrigated therefrom, a limitation on the head of water to be diverted for irrigation purposes from this stream is not only practicable but essential to the successful use of the waters of said Prairie Creek and its tributaries; and the State Water Board is of the opinion that net toexceed one- eightieth ofone cubic foot persecond per acre eon be beneficially used an the lands irrigated from Prairie Creek and its tributaries; and the maximum quantity which the owners of such lands are entitled to divert for the irrigation thereof is accordingly ea fixed and determined, subject to the use of eater* rotation as hereinafter provided for; provided, that Jaw case obeli more water be applied to such lands-then-can be beneficially used thereon .

That Wallowa bake is used as a reservoir for the storage of water by certain corporations, kaolin as wlasoeiatad Ditch Companies", to rupplsmeat the appropriations from Wallowa River for the irrigation of lands served by the F'armer's water Ditch, Big

Beed Ditch, Silver Lake Ditch, Cittsenta Water Ditch, Dobbins Ditch, and the Wrens-

Dobbin Ditch. fitter is stared in the lake by means of a dam across its outlet, creat- ing a storage reservoir with an area of 1,554 acres, a depth of 5 .7 feet, and a cap- actty of 8,140 acre feet . It is the practice to fill this storage reservoir during ray and June, droving water off when needed for irrigation, and to store additiona l water rheum: practicable daring the month of Inky when the same cannot be beneficial-

17y used for irrigation, thereby storing more water each year than the maxima storag e capacity of the reservoir . It appears that 9,250 acre feet of water was stored in thi s reservoir in 1912 and that this is the maximum amount that has been. so stored ; and the State Water Board therefore neon and determines 9,250 acre feet as the quantity o f water which the miners of this reservoir are entitled to store therein.

26 .


That there are mss springs and mall streams tributary to Wallowa River which are .0 li by the claimants thereto for attack and domestic purposes, and in

some instances for irrigation proposes, to a limited extent . Mess smell *tree= in- clude Little Hurricane Creek, Weaver Creek, Smith Creek, Alder Creek, Fhrrray Creek ,

Scotch (or Scotts) Creak, Punk Creak, IIeuby Creek, keavia Creek, Haas Branch, Col e

Spring, and arena nnamed springs, spring branches, and small streams tributary to

said Wallowa liver. In many instances the vas of water for irrigation is Mary to a diversion for that use from the Wallowa River or a large tributary, and the water from said small streams and springs so used to supplement the flow in large irrigatio n

ditches is commingled therewith and it is impossible to determine definitely or at al l

the area of land actually irrigated from these supplementary sources, or to segregat e

the amount utilized as a supplementary supply far irrigation . In some instances a

much larger area of land is claimed ae irrigated by such supplementary supply tha n

could be irrigated therefrom by such waters if used alone .

The principal purposes to which auoh waters are applied is for domestic an d

stock use and in practice such use has been given a preference as among the severa l

claimants to such waters . The Board therefore finds that the waters of each stream s

and springs shall first of all be distributed to the several claimants thereto for stoc k

and domestic purposes, and any surplus thereof over and above the amount reasonabl y

necessary to supply such domestic and stock needs may be diverted by and shall be dis-

tributed to the appropriators of said waters in the order of their respective right s

thereto as herein found and determined.

The quantity required to supply domestic and stock needs in all of said cases

necessarily fluctuates from time to time ; and each of said claimants should be entitled

to divert and use from said streams, springs and spring branches such amount as may b e

reasonably necessary to supply their ordinary household and domestic supply, and to sup-

ply water to the usual number of"head of stock ordinarily kept upon the farm of suc h

claimants ; and as all of said claimants appear to be riparian proprietor's of lands bord -

ering upon said water., there should be no priority among them as between their right s

to the use of said waters ton domestic and stock purposes .

27 .


In many instances in the tabulated statement in the order of determination herein, it appears thattwo or more ditches or sources of supply are utilized to irrigat e

the same lands, and one ditch or source of supply is utilized in such came to sup - lament another ditch or source of supply for the irrigation of the same lands . In such cases it is indicated in said tabulated statement that the right is supplementary

in character .

A claimant utilizing water from two or more ditches or sources of supply for

the same lands should be entitled only to the amount per acre from all of said source s combined herein found necessary for the proper irrigation of , said lands, and upon th e diversion of the quantity herein allowed per acre for irrigation of a given tract of land from one armors: sources or ditches, should be deemed and considered to have full y satisfied his needs and requirements and should have no further right to divert water

WALLOWA RIVER - 26 - from other and additional sources of ditches for said lands .

In many instances theme supplementary rights for irrigation are for the di -

version of water from the small tributary streams, springs and spring branches des-

cribed in the paragraph herein immediately preceding, to which claimants for stock an d

domestic purposes are found herein to have a first and preferred right . Whenever it

appears from the tabulated statement of rights herein that a claimant herein is deter- mined to have. a right to divert water for the irrigation of certain lands from sai d

Wallowa River, Hurricane Creek, Bear Creek or Prairie Creek, and that he has an addi-

tional ri ght for the irrigation of the same lends, supplementary in character, to divert water from any small stream, spring or spring branch described in the paragraph immed-

iately preceding, then, as against claimants to said last described waters for irri- gation haying no other source of supply for the irrigation of their lands, the claim- ant Navin¢ enah supplementary ri ght should first be required to utilize thewaters fro m the other and larger source before he should be permitted to claim priority of ri ght to such supplemental supply .

As respects Wallowa River, Bear Creek, Hurricane Creek and Prairie Creek,the claimants to water therefrom through two or more ditches for the irrigation of the sam e lands should, in their discretion, be permitted and entitled to divert water from either source in such quantity as they may respectively determine, not exceeding in tota l quantity diverted from all sources or ditches the quantity herein fixed and allowed per acre .

28 .


Rotation in the use of water for irrigation purposes, especially among th e appropriators of small amounts of water, has been practiced in the past and tends t o materially increase the duty of water and insures a more equitable distribution .

Provisions for rotation should therefore be incorporated in the order of determinatio n and in the decree herein.


- 1 -

That the following named claimants herein are entitled to rights of appro-

priation to the waters of the particular stream or streams net opposite their respectiv e

name's as of the priority, to the extent and for the tees and purposes set forth in the

following tabulated statement ; and each of the following named claimants is entitled to

the entry of a decree herein, and to the issuance of a water right certificate in ac-

cordance therewith, determining, establishing and confirming their respective rights to

the waters of the stream or streams set opposite their respective names under the head-

ing "stream", as of the date of priority, in the amount or quantity of water per acre

for irrigation purposes, as provided in paragraph 11 immediately following thi s

paragraph, and for other purposes (except stock and domestic use) in the quantity o f

water set forth opposite their respective names in the following tabulated statement ;

for the irrigation of the number of acres, or development of the horsepower indicated ,

by means of the ditahs upon the lands described hereinunder, as such priority date .

indicated quantity of water, number of acres ar horsepower, use, ditch, and lands, ar e

hereunder Met forth or described in tabulated form opposite the name of the claimant

entitled to the right thereby defined, to-wit :

(Note : The quantity of water for irrigation purposes shall be determine d from paragraph 11 following, in each case, and is not set forth in this tabulate d

statement . For other uses, except domestic and stock, the quantity to which the claim - ant is entitled is set opposite his name under the heading "amount cubic feet per

second" .)


Date o f Amoant Name and P ..taffice Address Reltaativeo f Coble Feet Numbe r Uee Nome of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Priority Per Secon d Acres i

;L93Adama . A. N., 1877 2./ Irrigation j Three Prairie - 21 ac. in SW , Joseph, Ore . Domestic and Ditches Creek Sec . 14 , (Proof 1, Vol. 1) I Stook Tp . 3 S. R . 45 E. W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . 6 f, Alder Slope Ditch 4:00 p .m. 3422 .1 Irrigation Alder Hurricane Tract No. 1 : , 3 00, a corporation, of Nov. Domestic and Slope Creek .- 56 ac . in N:i*NW}(Lot 4) ILS By Sam Litch, Pros ,30,1901 Stock Sec . 5 , 1 Enterprise, Ore. 8 ac . in NE*NH. •, (Proof 2, Vol . 1) Sec . 6 , (See Stipulation, Tp . 2 S . H . 44 E . W . M. , Findings, Para.grap1 Wallowa County, Oregon. 14) (Proof 3, Vol . 1) Tract No. 2 : 162- 10 ac. in SV SE} , ~r 5(,• 0i`' 30 ac. in SEi'SEs, - Sec . 15 , Tp . 2 S . R. 44 E . W . M . , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 4, Vol . 1 )

Tract No. 3 : 40 ac . in SW--6W4 . Sec . 15, Tp . 2 S . R . 44 E. W. M . , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 5, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 4: ,., 40 ac . in NE48E ; t 40 ac . in SE±SEi , Sec . 5 , Tp . 2 S. R . 44 E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 6, Vol . 1)

Tract No. 5 : x39 no . in NWl,6W* ,

t- 328 ac . in SW eWW , Sec . ¢ , Tp . 8 8 . R . 44E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 7, Vol . 1)

Tract No. 6 : 4 ' 39i ao. in NF6EY , a 11 ac. in NW*S$ , <'21.6 ac. in SE48E ; Sec. 16 , Tp . 2 S. R. 44 E. W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . i , 1 (Proof 8, Vol . 1 ) ,• Tract No. 7 : T 4 ' 4 348 ac . in NW`NF* , ' 18 ac. in SWC , ,-' -x 1 ac. in 1 ac. in S ' q, Sec . 16 , Tp . 2 S. R . 44 E. W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 9, Vol . 1)

Tract No. 8 : 48 .4 acr in NE, (Lot 1), 14 ac. in SW , Sec . 6 , Tp . 2 S . R. 44 E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 10, Vol. 1 )

dJa . /Al „r . . _

Amount Nam* .od P..to ti Addre . . D .I. o f NDm6er U.• N .m• of Ditch Strum D••orlDHon of Land or Pl .c• of U.• of ADPr.Dr l.lor Prloritr Per Second Aor

I jTtact No. 9 : Alder Slope Ditch j -,i4 Co . contd . 0 ac . in NWiN83'-, ,t 40 ao . in SW , , ' 36i ac . in NE NW , Sec . lb , 27 ao . in SW*SE , Sec . 10 , ac. in NE-igSFr- , Ov •'! 1 .3 p 3 5' 7 ' 10 Tvs ~• S~• " 10 ac, in SE=6Ey . isI~ Sec . 9 , Tp. 2 S . R . 44E. W . M. , Wallowa County . Oregon . (Proof 11, Vol . 1 and .. Proof 122, Vol 2) - . '2 '•_ '

Tract No . 10 : 40 ao . n S 21 ac . in N~E__g . in 1VW$,5g= 40 ao y + Sec . 22 , Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E. W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon. T(Proof 12, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 11 : 15 Ac . in ' 4 4' 40 ao. in L- 35 ao . in NE, . t 53 ao . in NW .~" ' Mot 4) ext 40 ao in S*NW4 , 4' 40 no . in SE.NW4 , Sec . 4 , Tp . 2 S . R. 44 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 13, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 12 : -- 32j no . in N2` PW* . 25 ac . in , 10 ao. in sSW~NW , %L 3 10 ac. in SL+'NWi ; Sec. 9 , Tp . 2 S . R. 44 E. W . M . Wallowa C :,unty, Oregon . (Proof 14, Vol. 1 )

Tract No. 13 : SB - - om. l,p . I o. i n r5' . •p . 7rN non 5 ac . in Sec . 31 . ,' 4i no . in SHINS*. ' Sec . 30 , Tp. 1 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa Count, Oregon. (Proof 15, Vol. 1 )

Tract No . 14 : ,' 37 ao . in NE ' NIs'} . 28 ao in SF,}N*, Sec . 16 , 33 ao . in , 32 ac . in SW W , Sec . 15 . Tp . 2 S. R . 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 16, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 15 : G 160 ao . in N2 . Sec . 22 , Tp. 2 S . R . 44'E . W. M. Wallowm County, Oregon. (Proof 17 . Vol. 1)


Date of Amoun t s ombc r Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use Name and Pmtoff ice Addres Re6 of Cubic Pen t Acree Use ofo Appropriato r a Priority Per 8emnd

Co ., Tract No . 16 : Alder Slope Ditc h 40 ac . in NP7g6C1 , (oont`d. ) - , ` 21* ac . in NW , :`' 40 ac . in SIYiNE,,h 38+, ac .in SE-NE, iSec .10 ; Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof No . 18, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 17 : 160 ac . in N,74, - 40 ac . in L' 34 ac . in N , 40 do . in SW1}SW4~ , 40 tics in SEB , Sec. 10 , 37 ac . in NE}SW*;

iY 38 tic . in SFr 4 . Sec . 3 , Twp . 2 S. R . 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 19, Vol . 1 )

Tract No . 18 : 28 ac . in SN B ,Sec . 32 ; 9:2 0 ac . in NE4SE334fSec . 31; Tp . 1 S. R. 44 E. W . M. 56i. ao . in NEENE, (Lot 1 ) r° 40 ac . in SESNEhi Sec . 5 , Tp . 2 S . R . 44'E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 20, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 19 : I" 30 ac . in NE SE' , :" 40 ac . in SE-tSEi-, Sec . 10 , Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E. W . M. (Proof 21 . Vol. 1 )

y Tract No. 20 , LI 17 ao. in NE , "11 17 ac . in S W1i 28 ac, in Jt Et-, Sec . 31 , Tp. 1 S . R . 44 E . W. M. L° 3B ac. in NWWNE . Sec . 5, , Tp. 2 S . R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 22, Vol . 1) Tract No . 21 : 30 ac . in S , 30 ac. in S E L- 15 ac . in NUJ SW4 25 ac . in NWb,y6Wa, Sec . 9 , Tp. 2S . R. 44E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof B3, Vol . 1 )

Traot No . 22 : 20 ac . in NW 6*, Sec . 32 , Tp . 1 S . R . 44'E . W . M. Wallowa County . Oregon . (Proof 24, Vol . 1)

Tract No . 23 : V 39i ac. in W1; 1Y 8 ao. in SW Wt, Sec . 5 , Tp . 2 S . R . 44E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 25, Vol . 1)

Tract No. 24 : 20 aa . in SW, Sec . 5 , Tp . 2 S . R . 44 E. W . M. . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 26, Vol . 1 )

Date o f Amount Namo and PwtofUn Addrna Relative Numb ., Ti .. Name of Rita Strum Deaerlptlon of Land or Placa of U . of ADDroDelatoe Ace•• Pob S,000 t Tract No . 25: Alder Slope Ditc h Co., . 21 , (oont'd.) `--1 12 ao. in NE,iNF, Sec Tp. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 27, Vol . 1) Tract No . 26 : Ll 17* an. in N +L-36W4, 26 ao. in NW SR , ,- 40 an. in SW-:I Ws, 40 ac. in SE >W?- , 40 an. in SPW?SE, Sec. 32 , 40 an. in SE$SE1, Sec . 31 , Tp. 1 S. R. 44 E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 28, Vol . 1) (: r•, , Tract No . 27 : 58.4 ac. in NWiNE*, (Lot 2 ) L- 40 an . in S9 I-= 58.2 an. in NEiNWi-, (Lot 3 ) t- 40 ac . in SEg-gNW} , 40 ao. in N1 8W4 , i 3E ao. in SE+SW+ , 40 an. in NW46E'l-, 40 an. in SWb8 , Sec. 5 0 35 an. in '- 39 an. in SE± E , Sec. 8, Tp. 2 S. R. 44E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (10 an. in NE of Seo. 8 is supplemented b y Spring Branch of ?Wagner Creek) . ,Dv4 (Proof 29, Vol . 1) Tract No . 28: ,-,N 40 ao. in NE , 40 an. in NWtNW t , Sec . 28 , Ir 40 an. in SW-OWl, Sec . 23 , 2E no . in NWrS , * ao . in SWTyS , v 38 ac . in SESEl, Sec. 22, v 37 ac . in NN*Ni , ,'' 5 an . in SE , Sec . 27, Tp. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 30, Vol . 1 ) Tract No . 29 : - 23 an. in 238 ac. in S , - 2 an. in NE4N1'W , Sec. 8, Tp . 2 S. R. 44'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 31, Vol . 1) Tract No . 30: 20 ac . in SWigNW., Sec . 5 , 5 ao. in SW}°I E T , t- 15 an. in SE4.NE , Sec . 6 , Tp. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 32, Vol . 1 ) Tract No. 31 : '- 25 an. in ND}6 , t = 15 an . in N4Sy3 . -= 23 an. in SW;:BW , 12 an. in SE!-S4, Sec. 9 , Pp. 2 S. R. 4417+. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 33, Vol . 1 )


N .me and Pasta flee Add.. Dat.I.e o f Amoun t Number Vee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Um of Appropriator priorriity Per Second Acres

, f 37 Allen, C . J., Juno 17, 435 I Irrigation Allen East Fork 2 an. in NE?•NW?, Wallowa, Ore. 1893 Domestic and Water Bear Crees 42 an. in N , (Lot 4 ) DVI (Proofs 34,35,36 Stook - 40 an. in SR4NW , 37, Vol . 1) 5 ao. In SN °NW , (See Findings, Para- 27 ao. in NF' 6W4, graph 22) 40 an. in NW1SW+, Sec . 5 , 42 an. in NE4, 42 an. in • - ' a , , (Lot 1 ) 37 an . in S :-. , (Lot 2 ) 40 ac . in SE. : a. , 37 an. in 5 ac . in N74►"~4 , 8 an . in SD NWT-, 28 an . in N4SEE, Sec . 6 , Tp. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. 40 ac . in SEEEY, Sec . 31 , Tp . 1 N . R. 43 E. W. M.

1878 40 Supplemental Small Spring x-20 an. in NES-4SW,44-, 1884 70 ligation ditches and - 40 an. in No° s4, Sec. 5 , 1885 15 Spring 37 an. in NEW , Branches 3 an. in J. , (Supplemental to water used through Allen 25 an. in NL"6E , Sec . 6 , Water Ditch frcm last fork of Bear Greek) Tp. 1 S . R. 43 E. W. M. (This land also included i n above description under Allen Water Ditch )

1890 5 Irrigation Miles Spring i- S ao. in SW--NF1} 9 Sec. 5 , Magill Branch Tp. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. 1889 160 Irrigation Middle South 42 an. in Nf1iNE34., Valley Fork 35 an . in SW NES• . Irrigation Wallowa -40 an . in NE and Water River 55 an . in , , Ditch Co. - 8 an . in , Sec. 5, Ditch Tp. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

53`f i 7s Allen . Maly A. , (See under Loetiae Dito s Co., Tract N . 1) 4, Allen, Mina. (See under Loetine Ditoi Co., Tract No . 2) (Allen, Minnie S., 1896 115 Irrigation Boatman South `- 24 an . in , ,,,5 end W. C. Boatman, and Stock and Wood Fork 31 ae. in S , Wallowa- 20 no. in NE;~C 7T 3053 Lostine, Ore . By E. 0: Allen, Agt. . River . 40 ao . in NW'.SE . Sec. 10 9 Loetine, Ore. Tp. 3. S. R. 43'E. W. M. (Proof 58, Vol. 1, Wallows County, Oregon. P. Allen. W. H., July, 144 Irrigation Foley- South 30 ao . in NB SW-, Lostine, Oregon . 1891 and Stock . Masterson Fork 34.6 an. in SW3NW4, (Proof 39, Vo .l ) Wallowa • 38 an. in NW , River 15 ao. in 4 , (Sea also West Side irrigation and Waler Ditch 26.9 an. in SE46Wi, Sec . 9, Co. . Tract 1) Tp. 1 S. R. 43'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

f Alumbaugh . Japes F . . 1895 2* Irrigation Southwick Wallowa . 8 • an . in S , Wallowa, Oregon. ' River 15 no. in SFiS , Sao. 21 , (Proo). 40 .41, t 5 an. in , Sec. 28 , Vol. 1) Tp. 1 N. R. 43"E. W. M. Wallowa County . Oregon.

April, 61:• Irrigation Alumbaugh Wallowa 24 ao. in SE.FS2, Sec . 21, ' 1895 biver 7 an . in SW , Sec. 22 , 30 an. in NWNWb, Sec . 27 , Tp. 1 N. R. 43 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. • q ~13 3 g'Amee, Martha. 1887 10 Irrigation Marsh Bear 10 an. in NW48Ei, Sec . 10 , By G. V. Assn, and Stock Davis Creek Tp. 1 N. R. 42E. W. M. Wallowa, Ore. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 42, Vol . 1)


Dat. o f Amount Name and Pmtoffice Addrm e Number U.e Name of Ditch Stream Dc,erlptlon of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Priority PerS,cond Acct.

Ditch 1905 9230 Storage far Wallowa Wallowa To supplement the diversio n Companies , acre Supplemental Lake Lake far direct irrigation fo r Joseph, Oregon . feet Irrigation , the lands described herei n By Z. H. Dobbin , Domestic and under the names of the fol - Joseph, Oregon . Stoc k lowing claimants : (Proof 43, Vol . 1 Silver Lake Ditch Company , F/ ,.c•6 _ . •iva C r ) - 8740 .4 _rera ZS Farmers Ditch Company , Citizens Ditch Company, Big Bend Ditch Company, Wrenn-Dobbin Ditch Company , Dobbin Ditch Company , Bales, Thos. (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No. 1) 1 4 4 4 1l'Barton, Guy, 1885 13 Irrigatio n Barton Prairie , 13 no . in SW,WSW' ~y, Sec . 2 , Joseph, Oregon . (Domestic and Creek Tp. 3 S. R . 45 E . W . M. , (Proof 44, Vol . 1Stock Wallowa County, Oregon.

Basin, Linnie, (See under Hurricane Cr~ek Irrigating Ditch Co . , Tract No . 1)

ty Bauer, E . , 1885 29i Irrigation Wade Little --29u no. in SE WW, Sec. 12, Enterprise, Ore. Hurricane Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E . W . M . , By Jacob Bauer , Wallowa County, Oregon. Enterprise, Ore . (Proof 45, Vol . 1 )

'- 9 Beecher, H . W . , 1885 6 Irrigation 4m0 1 Spring ` B no . in NE4SEi-, Sec. 15 , Enterprise, Ore. and Stock ditch Branch Tp. 2 S. R . 44'E. W. M . , (Proof 46, Vol. 1) Wallowa County, Oregon.

(See also under Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No . 3~

Beecher . Oral . Enterprise, Ore . (See under Alder Slop e Utah Co ., Trac t No . 3 ) Beers, A. C . , (See under West Sade Irrigation and Water Ditch Co ., Tract To. 2) ,eve 0312- Bennett, Al trod 8 ., 1885 Su .,c.d ., 97i Irrigatio n Shinn Hurricane 40 no . in . and N . J. Sinnott, Domestic and aim . in , Sec . 25 , :,rL S,• .- -- -..i. 4g The Dallas . Ore. T.. .N.ur, vf_Y.F3S/ Stock 38 ao . in SE' B , By N. 7. Sinnott . 11 ac. in SW46E4 , Sec. 24 , (Proof 47 . Vol . 1) Tp . 2 S . R . 44•'E . W. M. (Stipulation, Find- Wallowa County, Oregon. lugs . Paragraph 16

Yf'Big Bend later Ditch 7u1y 1 . 3197 .6 Irrigation Big Bend Wallowa Tract No . 1 : Company, a carp- 1902 Domestic Ditch River and , 80 no . in Ni S , oration, and Stook Dawson 40 ac . in SW 6 . $VF By Fred W . Falconer, Planing 22 no . in SR S.R4, Sec . 21 , President . Mill Tp. 2 S . R. 45 E . W . M. Joseph, Oregon. Waste Wallowa Count', Oregon. (Proof 48, Vol . 1) Water (Proof No . 49, Vol. 1 )

Tract No . 2 :

, 30 ac . in NR NW~I~- , Nara< t ,, R,56fs t 40 no . in NW4NWh; Sec. 15 . r 1rl! <~• l 39 ac . in ~, n,/ Wad• Due a• iy Ge 40 ac . in , 40 ao. in SW-1'W-1; See V.I . 5,n ./d o„ 9 I' 33 no . in S Vol . 39 . Special Oreler : P- 2 as . in , Sec. 10 , 3 Tp. 2 S . R . 45E. W. M. (~ „ ~1 ,Med h Ce 1. 7 7/6 7 Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof SD, Vol . 1)

Tract No. 3 : 160 as . in NH4, Sec . 4 35 ao . in . 40 ac . in , 80 ao . in S ; 10 ao . in NWWS 4, Sec . 3 . Tp. 2 S. R . 45 E. W . M. Wallowa County . Oregon. (Proof 51, Vol . 1 )


Amount Name and Pmtnf(Ica Address Date o f Namher Relative Coble Fee t Aerea Dee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Priority Per Second

Big Bend Water Tract No. 4: Ditch Company , - 80 ac . in Ni (oont'd .) 31 ac. in S , 40 ac . in E, Sec . 4 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 52, Vol . 1 ) Tract No . 5: - - T 40 ac . in , 30 ac. in S , 80 ac. in *8 , 14 aa. in N SB Sec . 15, Tp. 2 S. R. 45'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 53 . Vol. 1) Tract No . 8: = 40 ac. in NWiNEi , 180 ac . in NW4, Sec . 22, 80 ao. in *SWt, 23 ac. in SW-8 , Sec . 15 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 54, Vol . 1) (Of the above described land , / 15 ac . in SWi8E4 Sec . 15 is supplemented by water from Farmer's Ditch ) Tract No . 7: Irrigated from Big Ben d Ditch only : , 20 ac. in E}, 35 no. in S L; 40 aa. in SSE, Sec . 29 , Tp. 2 S . R. 45 E. W. M. (Proof 58, Vol. 1 ) Tract No . 8: Supplemented by Dobbin and Wrenn-Dobbin Ditch: , +-- 20 ac . in , 40 ac, in , 5 ao . in S g 1 , Sec. 29 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof fib, Vol . 1) Tract No . 9 : 40 ao. in Nl*SWi, 30 aa . in NWiNSW-, 80 ac. in Si. SW 38 no. in NF}48 , 80 ac. in W- S 40 ac. in S$i3 , Sec. 3, Tp. 2 S. R. 45'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 57, Vol . 1) Tract No . 10: 10 no . in SW . , 5 ac. in S , Sec . 29 , 40 ac. in , 40 no. in 4 , 38 ac . in SWNW* , 5 ac . in SENW1, Sec . 28, Tp. 2 S. R . 45'E. T. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 48 . Vol. 1)


Dates laS ovf Amoun Name and Panto( floe Addres s a Cub le t Feet Nomher lfee Name of Ditch Stre .m Description of Land or Place of Us e of Appropriator Priority Per Second Acres

Big Bend Water Tract No . 11 : Ditch Company, ` 40 no. in NE2SE4 , (cont'd.) 36 ac. in NW}SE*•, 40 no . in S e-S* ; 40 ac . in SB S3 -, Sec . 5 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W . M. Wallowa County, uregon . (Supplemented by water from Farmers Ditch ) Tract No. 12 : 40 ac . in NrP}3.NES, 40 ac . in Nili-NE.. , Sec . 8 , Tp. 2 S . R. 45E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . 40 no . of above described _ land (10 ac . in NEW and 30 ac . in i are supplemented by water fro m Dobbin Ditch .

Tract No . 13 : 160 ac . in NW-1'. 40 ac . in , 40 no. in NV4 , 13 an . in SWW,,NHS, Sec . 10 , Tp. 2 S. R . 45 E . W . M. (Proof' 58, Vol . 1 ) 40 ac . in SE, Sec . 10 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E . W . M . Supplemented by Farmers Ditch .

Tract No . 14 : 30 no . in NW SW~, , 5 ao . in 5W,I-SW ., Sec. 22 , Tp . 2 S . R . 45 - E. W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 59, Vol . 1 )

Unknown water user , Tract No . 15 : 35 ac . in RE-2..6W , 1 38 ac . in NP'•SW 4 , Sec . 29 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E. W . M . Wallowa County, uregon .

Tract No . 16 : ' . 30 ac . in NF.NE-, Sec . 16 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45 E . W . M. Wallowa county, Oregon .

Tract No . 17 : 23 no ., in ac . in 80 an . in S ; v71'')Tp.2Se .in. HS,4 , Sec. N. 5 0 . 45E. W D Wallowa County, Oregon . v 51'1 ' ans Tract No . 18 : QP ~Ia ~ 'f~ 12 no . in NELNWo 21 aa. in NW, NWi o 40 ac . in SW , 18 ac . in SEiNW- Sec . 4, Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon

. 19 : . Tract No 40 no . in NEbNWl, 40 ao . in NW NW- , 40 ac, in SW ; 40 no, in SEiNW,;, Sec . 9 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Amoun Name and PoetoffIce Addree. Dete . f t Number Use Nemo of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use Appropriator Cubic Fee of Priority Per td Secon

Big Bend Water Tract No . 20 : Ditch Company , 40 ac . in NL'NE4' : (cont' d . ) 40 at. in NYit-1E-3-, 40 at . in S 4 40 at . in S ; 40 at . in NE46W , 40 at . in SE*SE¢, Sec . 9 , Tp. 2 S. R . 45E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. - "1 Tract No . 21 : t 30 ac . in NW1gSE4; 10 at . in NE?;SW-, Sec . 9 , Tp. 2 S . R . 46'E . W. M. , Wallowa County', Oregon . 00 '' Bilyen, Chas . G . , 188 4 32i• Irrigation Cottingham Scotch - 3* ao. in NE}6EIa, Sec . 27 , Enterprise, Ore , and Domestic Otto- Creek Tp. 2 S . R . 44'E . W . M. (Proof 80, Vol. 1; Worstel l Wallowa County, Oregon .

S qBishop, Walter , 1890 12 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 12 at . in SW}NWa, Seo . 34 , By L. T . Powers Valle y River Tp. 2 N. R. 42'E . W . M. Wallowa : Ore. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 81, Vol . 1 ;

Boatmen, M. g. 9 1890 , 108 Irrigation Slough Wallowa t 20 at. in NW:}qNW¢l , Corvallis, Ore . Domesti c Ditch River , 6 ac . in SWWNWt- r By Allen , Agt. . and Stook 24 at . in NE1BWI.: 38 ac. in , (Proofi620 Vol. 1 - 20 at. in S , Seo . 11 , ~ Tp . 1 S . R . 43'E. W. M. T34/1, Wallowa County . Oregon . 4 r1 rBoling, G : T . , 1895 8} Irrigation City o f Bear 1 at . in Lot 48, Residenc e Wallowa ; Oregon. and Stock Wallowa Creek Addition to City of_Wall_owa , (Proof 63, Vol. 1; ' Oregon . 1 an. in SW NW4, Sec . 14 , Tp. 1 N . R . 42'E . W. M. Wallowa Count . Oregon . ~~~++ Cancelled - sp . or Re c. Vol. P. „ Boner, John O . , 1908 13 Irrigation Old Hurricane v 13* ac. in SW, Sed . 30 , Joseph, Ore. Domestic Settlers Creek Tp. 2S . R. 45 E . W . M. , (Proof 64 9 Vol. 1 ) and Stock Slough Wallowa County, Oregon. (See also under Wilson Ditot Association, T:act No . 2 )

Bon rpi Walter B. , (See under MoonR) ne Ditch Company, Tract No . 1) ~~,, /'Bonner, S.. 858 . 1883 59 Irrigation Pine HurricanL 20 at . in NPi48W*, Joseph, Ore. Domestic Tree Creek ) 3 ao . in S ~~ . (Proof 85, Vol. 1) and Stook Ditch 1 ac . in SF SW , Sec.259 IrrSph, \.c~ . F. , . 2S . R. 44'E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. - ?' Bonner, 1Ca., 1896 16 Irrigation Wood ~ South 10 ac . in NE : Lestins, Ore. and Stook Boatman Fork 6 at . in CF,1NWW, Sec. 15 , (Proof 66 9 vol. 1) Wallowa Tp . 1 S. R. 43'E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. s q 1 Bonner, Wm. and ' 1881 21i- Irrigation Bowman South 2 at . in NW , Mrs. Fm. Bonner, and Stock Fork , 17* ao. in SW , Lostine, Ore . Wallowa - 2 at . in S]BWW*, Sec . 15 , (Proof 87 . Vol. 1) Tp. 1 S . R . 43 E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. p 9l t Bookout, John . 1877 100 Irrigation Smell Weaver - 4 at . in N1 SE-, Sec . 5 , Enterprise, 07re6on. Domestic Ditches Creek andv 8 at . in N*SFr%, (Proof 68, Vol . 1) and Stook Small 10 at . in SE-SW-, (See Stipulation Hind- Springs '- 40 at. in NW48E19 Inge, Paragraph 12, - 40 at . in SW?SEy, Sec . 4 , W. M. , Subdivision 5 ) Tp. 2 S. R . 44 T. (See oleo under Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No . 4) Wallowa County, Oregon.

WALLOWA RIVER - 37 - , ,

e Date Amount '' . Addres s Number Name of Ditch Stream De.crlption of Land or Place of Us e Name and Foetal' Relativ e CAm Prof Acres Use of Appropriator Priority Per Second

. ' ISEookout, Rebecc a ., 1908 2 Irrigation 'Wagner Wallowa 2 ac. in SEbNW4, sec 2 , Enterprise, Ore. I Tp. 25 . R. 44"E. W . M . , By John Bookout Wallowa County, Oregon. Enterprise, Ore . (Proof 69, Vol . 1;

y9k Bookout, W . R . , 1877 4 Irrigation Smal l Spring 4 ac . in SWsSWi, Sec . 4 , Enterprise, Ore . Ditch Branch Tp. 2 S . R . 44E. W. M. , (Proof 70, Vol . 1 Wallowa County, Oregon. (See also under Alder Sloper Ditch Co ., Tact No . 5) ~ i N Boyd, Phoebe, 1887 8 Irrigation Johnston Bear 1 8 so. in SE, Sec . 10 , Wallowa, Oregon . and Stook Creek Tp. 1 N . R . 42"E . W . M. (Proof 71, Vol. 1' Wallowa County, Oregon.

•1' Boyd, W . B. Sr ., 1890 109 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 46 ac . in .N1"}N*, Sec. 3 , Wallowa, Ore . and Stock Valley Tp . 1 N . R . 42 E . W. 14 . Dv (Proof 72, Vol. 1 - El an . in SFSWi, , 39i ac . in SW4SEs, - 3 ac . in SEsSE4, Sec . 34 , Tp. 2 N . R . 42E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 73, Vol . 1 1884 U2i- Irrigation Levi Wallowa , Mina . in SWWSW4, Sec . 3 4, and Stock Rogers t 80 ac . in *SE*, Sec . 33 . Tp. 2 N. R. 42'E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Boyd, W. H. Jr ., 1890 12 Irrigation Lower Wallowa - 6 ac . in SWhN* , Wallowa, Ors . and Stock Valley 6 sc . in lot 3, Sec . 3 , (Proof 74, Vol . 1) Tp . 1 N. R. 42•E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

' (Proof V5, Vol. 11 1884 227 .9 Irrigation Levi Rogers Wallowa 34 ac . in SW , - 43 .ac . in Lot 3 , 50.9 ac . in Lot 4 , 40 ac . in SE.} , - 40 ac . in NE;?:S , 20 ac . in NWSW~, Sec. 3 , Tp . 1 N . R . 42 E. W. M . i 9 Brace, lied M., 1894 i Irrigation Wallowa Beer Beginning at a point 626' W . Wallowa, Oregon . and stock Town Creek of the NE car . of the NW4NW , (Proof 76, Vol. 1) see . 14, T . 1 N . R . 42 E . , running onence S . 209' ; thew) W. 104' ; thence N. 209' ; thence E . 104' to place of be. ginning, being* ac . in NW N - Sec . 14, T . 1 N . R. 42 E.W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon. 94 )- ffiemlet, Chas. D., 1904 10 Irrigation Lower Wallowa - 10 ac . in NIS**, Sec . 33 , Wallowa, Ore,. Valley Tp. 2 N . R . 42"E . W. M. (Proof 77, Vol. 1) Wallowa County, Oregon.

Brewer, H. S . . (See nadir Chamberlain Ditch Co . . Tract No. 4 ) ~ 46 Bright, IfFa J. lf., 1881 6 Irrigation Bowman So . Fork-5i ac. in Se* , Loetine, Ore . Domestic Wallowa . - ac . in Naas*, Sec. 15 , (Proof 78, Vol . 1) and Stock Tp. 1 S . R. 43'E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

WALLOWA RIVER - 58 - - ,. I ~~ ~

f Amoan t Name and Postofflee Address Date o Number Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Piave of Use of Porto ristor R efudtf per Second A OT°• - P Bright, James W. 1896 Irrigation Boatman & Wallowa Lots 6 and 7, Block 3 , Lostine, Ore. Wood an d Bowman Addition to Tawe (Proof 79, Vol . 1 ) , Town Ditch of Lostine, Oregon.

BIr k, D . D. 1883 3 Irrigation Private Alder and - S so . in NWW SR*, sec. 16, Wallowa, Oregon Domestic Smith Cr. T. 2 8 ., R . 44 B . W.N. (Proof 80, Vol. 1 and Stock and a ftllowa County, Oregon. 10 sprinig in MOAT i¢d vso ,_5.e 5c p f, 00, Si* See . Sae Pecrar 6ou,v;=',/- I/, 3F.5- 16, T . 2 S. B. 44 B.

Brook, D. D . (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co. , Tract No. 6 )

1 41'7 r B.roc1:, William H. 1885 6 Irrigation No name lhrray 6 aa . in NW4- 8B , Seo .16 Enterprise, Ore . Creek Tp . 2 S. B. 44 B. W. 16 (Proofs 81,82, Vol. 1) 1882 4 Irrigation No name Alder -- 4 ao . in BW4 NR , Sea.;6 Creek Tp. 2 S . B. 44 B. W.M. (supplemental to Alder Slope Ditch ) - - A')% Wallowa County, Oregon .

gook, William (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tract Ho . 7

Brown, W. J. 1894 1} Irrigation Wallowa Bear 1*-sc . in Buck 19 Palouse, Wash . Tom Creek 3CDonald Addition to (Proof 83, Vol. 1) Ditch 0itsy of Wallowa, Oregon.

til l 2 Brownlee, B. H. 1900 7 Irrigation -Rich Bear 7 ao . in fiW* SW*-, Sec .11 Wallowa, Ore. Domeetic Creek W . 1 N. B..-42 B . W.M. (:Proof 85, Vol. 1) and Stock Wallowa County, Oregon , Beginning at the NW cor . of the S* SWy of Sec .11, Tp . 1 N. B. 42 B. W.M., thenc e running B. 2 .05 oh .; theme N. 23° 15 9 B. 22.58 oh.;thon g W. 11 .06 oh . ; thence S. 20 .56 at. to the place o f beginning. Saving and exoepting from above al l that lies E. of Bear Creek present channel and about 3 acres heretofore deeded to Nellie Ferguson ; and als o excepting a right of way to O. R. &N. Co., being a strip of land 100 , wide •oroae S. oor . of same.

1 i Proof 84, Vol. 1) 1905 1 Irrigation Bstaml Bear Lots 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 , domestic Water Creek Block 4, Claimant Addition y and stock Way - to City of Wallowa, Oregon . 1 'Braes, Jesse B . 1880 iDomeetic and Small Spring BE HW}, SW4 SE 3 an d Enterprise, Ora . stook ditch branch Lot 1; Sec . 6 , (Proof 86, Vol. 1) Lot 4, Sec . 5 , Tp. 2 S. R. 44 B. W. M. ! Wallowa County, Oregon.

Zee, Jesse E ., (See under alder Slope Ditah Co., Tract No . 8 ) q1 3 =harm, Ernest 1888 1 Irrigation Betas I Prairie - 1 ao . in NE -SW , Sec. 13, Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek Tp. 3 S . R. 45 B. W.M. (Proof 87, Vol. 1) and Stack WlOilms County, Oregon. (See etipulatimy Paragraph 12, Findings)


Date of Amoun t Deecriptlon of Lander Place of ile a Name and Poemffice Addree. Relative Cubic Feet Acre Dee Name of Ditch Stream of Appropriato r Priority Per Second s

II Buchanan, 7. H . 1888 1 Irrigation Estes Prairie 1 ac . in NWiSW4, Sec . 12 , Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek Tp . 3 S . R. 45•E. W . M. , (Proof 88, Vol . 1 ) and Stoc k Wallowa County, Oregon. (See Stipulation , Paragraph 12, Find- ings )

. of the following ),9 7 Burleigh, I. A . , 1907 3 Irrigation Small Wallowa 3 ac Enterprise, Ore . ditc h described lands : (Proof 89, Vol . 1 ) Commencing at a point 60 rods N of the SW corner of the Ei of the SE of Sec . 2,Tp . 2 S .R . 44 S . W.M., thence E 80 rods t o the E line of said Sec. 2 , thence N along the E lin e of said Section 2, 20 rods , thence W 80 rode ; to W line of the E half of Sec . 2; thence S to place of Begin- ning . . (Proof 90. Vol . 1) 1907 7 Irrigation Small Wallowa , 7 ac . of the following ditch described lands : Commencing at a point 60 rods N of the SW corner of the B- of the SE of Sec . 2, Tp . 2 S ., R. 44 E.W.M., thence E . 80 rod e to the E line of said Sec - tion 2 ; thence N along the E lim of said Sec . 2 ; 20 rode thence W 80 rods to the W line of the Rio t said Sec . 2 ; thence S to place of beginning.

Burdett, D. S. (Sue under Orange_ Water Ditch Co ., Tr-at No . 1 ) (See under Wrenn & Dobb_n Ditch Co ., Tract No . 1 )

Burgett, C . B. (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co ., Tract No . 5 )

Cameron, G . W. (See under O hambe:lain Titch Co ., Tract No . 6) • I Of ,2G 53 e-M 39 Castor, S. P . , P 1881 47i Irrigation Old H: rricane ac. in BBiNXi Joseph, Ora . Domestic Settlers Creek :;-- 18i ac . in NW . (Proof 91, Vol . 2 ) and Stock Slough 33 an . in SW, Sec . 36 , (See Stipulation , Castor & Tp. 2 S . R . 44•E. W. M . Paragraph 12 of Page Wallowa County, Oregon. Findings, 8ubdi- 189E 33 Irrigation ditches vision 6 ) Domestic and Stook ' ( ':f . . .tt

~~ 12,,,., S2. . .27 P. 29-3 Domestic 11' 57L £ 0,- . 1/ )AKI, i o f c/ and Stook (7k -33Z/ )

(See also Moonahi: Ditc h Company, Tr ant No . 2)

Cavineea, L. S. (Sue under Wilson Ditch Association, net No . 1 )

Chapin, Mand (See under Mooneh ne Diiich Company, Tract No . 9 ) q J ~ Chamberlain Ditch C o., 1885 293 Irrigation Chamber- Bear Tract No . 1 : ea a corporation Domestic end lain Creek 80 ao . in NNSWi, Sec . 15 , 7.0 Crowder , Stock Tp. 1 N .R . 42•E . W. M. Seorete±y Wallowa 'odnty, Oregon. Wallowa, Oregon. (Proof 101, Vol . 2 ) (See Findings, Para- graph 23 ) Tract No . 2 : 30 Sc . in SWiSWi , 20 ac . in SE*6W2-, Sec .1 0 35 ao . in SW, Sec. 1 5 Tp . 1 N . R . 42•E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 107, Vol . 2 )


Date o f Amount Name and Poetofflee Addres s Relative NomA...e..r Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e ofo Appropriator Per Second

Chamberlain Ditch ITrno t No. 3: ., (cant'd .) _156 ac. in St-sr, Seo . 15, Co - 40 ac. in N ''N . riwt - 22 Etc . in NW 30 ao in SE}. Sec. 22, Tp. 1 N. R . 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 110 . Vol. 2)

1895 1105 Irrigation Tract No. 4 : Domestic and 4 ac . In NNNNW} , Stock ,. 40 ac . in e' , ,- 40 ao . in NW 4 Seo. 10 , Tn. 1 N . R. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County . Oregon .

Tract Ho. 5 :

- 40 ac . in NSE*, Seo . 9, Tp . 1 N. R . 42 E. W. L. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No. 8: - 8 no. in NW . Seo . W . , 5 ac. in 8232, Sec . 4 . Tp . 1 N. R. 42 E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 95. Vol . 2)

Tract No. 7 : 40 ao . in SBiS*, Sec . 9 . Tp. 1 N . R. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County . Oregon . (Proof 96 . Vol. 2 )

Tract No. 8: - 1* ac. in SE4NB}, Seo . 18 . Tp. 1 N . R . 42 E. x. U. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 97 . Vol. 2)

Tract No. 9 : - 10 ao . in S}. Seo . 15 . Tp. 1 N . R. P. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 98, Vol. 2 )

Tract No. 10 : 5 no . In N S.C . 15 . Tp . 1 N. R . 42 B. W . M. Wallowa County. Oregon. (Proof 99 . Vol. 2 )

Tract No . 11 : - 19 W . in N . Soc . 15 0 Tp. 1 H . R. 42'2'. W . M . Wallowa County . Oregon . (Proof 100, Vol . 2)

Tract No. 12 : Trs+ ..5p .o V01.1 r,.2e3 - :3T 1$7fJI,_ L- 40 cc . In ~• - 5 so. in Nips - 7 as, in SW24-8 Al Seo . 15, Tp. 1 N . R. 42 B. W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon , (Proof 101 0 Vol . 2)

?root No . 13 : - 40 ao . in , Moo . in • Sao. 16 . Tp. 1 N. R. 42 Y . N. M. Wallowa County . Oregon. (Proof 102. Vol. 2 )

WALLOWA AIT2R - 41 . 1 F sr

Amount Data of is Fee N.mher Name of Ditch Btresm Description of Land or Place of Ils e Name and Po.toffiee Address Relative Acres Uee of Appropriator ro rit7 Per B.co.d

(Tract No . 14: co ., ( Chamberlain Ditch 120 ac . in SEdW, Sec . 10 , 7-2- Co., coust'd . ) Tp . 1 N . R . 42'E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 103, Vol . 2)

Tract No . 15 : 10 ac. in , - 5 ac . in , 10 ao . in SE4NWi, Sec . 15 , Tp. 1 N. R . 42E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 104, Vol . 2 ) Tract No. 18 : - 5 ac . in NEiNW , Sec . 15 , ( Tp. 1 N . R . 42'E. W . M . , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 105, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 17 : 38 ac . in SWi3W4, ,- 18 ac . in SE46W ' , -- 10 ac . in SE4 E4, Sec. 4 , - 14 ac. in NE46H , 20 ac . in SE-1S , Sec . 5 , 25 ac . in 80 ao . in , - 80 ac . in , - 34 ac . in SW 4 4 , - 40 ac . in S , -23ac . in , 9 ac . in SEES , 80 ac . in W~ S , Sec. 9 ; - 4 an . in ,Sec. 8 , 30} ac . in NW*N 9 - 4 ac . in SW*NN}, Sec . 18, Tp . 1 N. R . 42E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 106, Vol . 2)

Tract No. 18 : - 7 ao . in SN SWh, Seo . 4, Tp. 1 N . R . 42'E . W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 108, Vol . 2 )

Tract No. 19 : ' - 10 ao. in NW}4NW * Sec . 15, Tp . 1 N. R. 42'E. W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 109, Vol . 2 )

Tract No. 20: - 20 ac . in NEi8Fr4, Sec . 16 , Tp . 1 N. R . 42E: W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 111, Vol . 2)

Tract No. 21: - 10 ac. in NW*NW*, Sec . 15, Tp . 1 N . R . 42 E. W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 112 . Vol . 2 )

Tract No. 22 : ,- 20 ac . in SE W . Sec . 15 , Tp. 3. N . R . 42'E . W . M. Wallowa Cotnty, Oregon . (Proof 113, Vol . 2)

. I I

WALLOWA RIVER - 42 - 15 3.

Data of Amoun t Nam. and P..tofflm Addre.e Numb r Ilse Name of Ditch 6trc.m Description of Land or Place of De e Priority Cubic Fee[ parseeRelative of Approprl.tar Pd.db Per Second

Chamberlain Ditch Tract No . 23 : Co . (cont'd .) 1 14 ac . in S , /" - 16 ac. in N~W y , Sec . 10 , Tp. L N . R. 42 E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 114, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 24 : 2 ac . in SWiNW, Sea. 22 , Tp. 1 N . R . 42 E . W . M . WallowaCounty, Oregon . (Proof 115, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 25 : - 15 ac. in S , L v 20 ac . in a , Sec . 10 , Tp. 1 N . R . 42E. W . M. Wallowa County . Oregon . (Proof 116, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 26 : 10 ac . in NW , Sec. 15 , Tp . 1 N. R . 42E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 117, Vol. 2 )

Tract No . 27 : 10 ac . in NW?NW4, Sec . 15 , Tp. 1 N. R . 42'E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 118, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 28: - 6 ac . in N , 6 aa . in SE; ,Seo. 10, C Tp. 1 N . R . 42'E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 119, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 29 : ,- 10 ac. in SW8W4, Sec. 10 . Tp. 1 N. R. 42"E . W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 120, Vol . 2 )

Tract No . 30 : . 5 .o, , 7 /p .,,4 ;,/ .- . ,'012,p .b7 ac . in 4014 _ 5 I g -3:5' ac. in Sec. 10 , Tp. 1 N . R . 42 E. W . M. Yâa11owi County, Oregon . Proof 121 . Vol. 2 )

Chapman, E. W ., (See unSer Loatiae Dith Co ., Tract Ho. 3)

Loetiae Ditch Co., Tract o. 4) :J Chapman . Lyman, (See un .er f66f . ,s ~''CEenoweth . Amanda A ., 1889 1831 Supplemental Private Alder Supplemental to water use d Enterprise . Ore . Irrigation 1 Creek by Amanda A. Chenoweth o n (Proof 122, Vol. 2) Tract No . 9 through Alder / oe T.+~ • Or V./ . 3,,, .37 Slope Ditch for the same lands . For description of lands see Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tract No . 9 . q1 3 Childers, Geo . 1896 2} Irrigation Woods So. Fork Si ac, in Ne*, Sec . 15 . Loetine,Ore . Boatman Wallowa Tp. 1 S . R . 43'E . W . M . (Proof 123, Vol . 2) Wallowa County, Oregon.


Data o f Amount Name and PoatofMe Addeo,. Number See Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of U . of Appropriator PrioritPriorityy Per Second

ftf Citizens Water Ditch Aug. 14 113 .84 Irrigation Citizen', Wallow a Lots and blocks in the Co ., a corporation , 190 0 Domestic I Water River town of Joseph, Oregon , L. E . Oaviness , and Stook Ditc h and adjoining tracts, an d President . Company - 8.69 ac . in °PSigNWi , Joseph, Ore. Ditch 1.44 an . in NW-~EWi-, (Proof 124, Vol . 2 ) = 0.86 an . in SWiSWy , - 9.98 an. in ;W*NW , Sec . 29 , ,- 4 ac . in NE 6E4, son (See also McClain, J. Hied, and Mitche, J. M. 8tlfre .J•14) - 80 an . in 1- mi, . 30 , 1.46 an. in SESEqL, 1.29 an C1n . /v~ .1 Div. • . in SF:'.O , v 1.71 ac . in NE E M ., +mss l3k / 35/ 1.00 ac . in NEa 4 , - 2.00 an. in SEEgy, Sec . 31 , I . 0.58 an . in NWWSW-, 0.83 an . in SWiSWi, Sec . 32 , Tp . 2 S . R . 45E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. and supplemental to land s in Sec . 20, T. 2 S. R . 45E. owned by M. J . Creighton . , and supplemental to lands irrigated through Farmers Ditch .

Clark, A. S ., (See under Lostine Ditch Co ., Tract No 5)

fQClarke . F. A., 1898 25 Irrigation Town Wallowa '-16 an . in NWiSWi, Enterprise, Ore . Domestic ditch River • 7 an . in SW SW-- . (Proof 125, Vol . 2) and Stook - 2 an . in NEiSWi, Sec . 1 . (See stipulation, pp. 2 S . H . 44•E . W . M. , Bindings . Paragraph Wallowa County, Oregon. 12 . Sub. 3 )

/TClearwater Ditch . 16ey 994.82 Irrigation Clear- So . ;Fork -80 an. in Si SW Seo . 30 , Company . a corp ., 1897 Domestic water Wallowa , 15 ac . in NE Wm. H. Sherod, Pr 8. . and Stock ditch River.. ' 15 ao. in , Wallowa, Oregon. - 8 an. in , (Proof 126, Vol . 2) . 12 ao . in NWq ,-.Sec . 31 , Tp. 1 N . R. 43 E . W . M . Supplemented by water from the Middle Valley Ditch .

27 an . in , I - 9 ao . in 4 ,Seo . 36 , an . in NWiNEi, (Lot 2 ) 40 ac . in SWiN2}, (Lot 7 ) 28 ac t in SEiNXi , 40 ac . in NES , 17 ao. in NWiNWA; - 11 ac . in , 40 an . in S 40 an . in , 6i an . in NW4SW y • 20 an . in SE4SW -; 41 ac an. 40 . in NNWWSl , (Lot(Lot9lo) 39 an .. in -K . ; (Lot is) 41 an. in SE (Sec. 25) 1 ac. in . . , 9 ao . in S° q 31 an. in NE, ' ° . , 20 ac . in • . , , .- 25 an . in S' 4 •q , 3 an. in S , 39 no. in N 4 34 ao . in NWt3W*; 34 an . in SWtSW , : 39.75 ac .. in S W4 , ,- 15 ac .. inNMI~5 , • 35 no . in S 4 Sec . 24 ,

i e, ,t2 E

WAILOWA RIVER – 44 – 5 5

Amount Data . t Npmher Name of Ditch Streit . De,crlptian of Land or Place of Uee Name and Po.toffIce Addree e Rel teativofe Cubic Feet Aeree Use of ADPropdator Priority Per Second

Clearwater Ditch 2 ac . in Nn-OW-4 ; 2 ac . in S OWn i Company, Inc . .) i 5 ac . in, SE 3W =, Soc . 13 , (cont'd , 5 an . in NB NI , 'Sec . 23 , . 30 ao . in NB SW , 5 no . in fti.S , 9 ac . in SI's S, Sec. 14 , Tp. 1 N . R . 42 E . W . N. Wallowa County, Oregon.

L- 1.52 ao . in Block 34 , 0.53 ao . in V4 Block 33 , 1.02 an . in Block 24. Residence Addition to City of Wallowa, Oregon .

Cole, A. E . , (See under Moonshine Ditch Company, act No . 3 ) 9 y' Cole, Geo . L . 1880 1 Irrigation Cole Cole s 1 ao . in Lot 3, Sec . B , Toseph, Ore. Domestic Bitch or Tp . 3 S . R . 45'E. W. M. (Proof 127, Vol . 2) ale s and Stook Spring Wallowa County, Oregon. (See under Moonshine Ditch Co., Trac No. 4)

t Cook, Mrs . Florence A. . 1888 27 Irrigation Coo k Spring 2 ac . in NJst,LNW;t , Loetine, Ore . Creek i 25 an . in NW NV , Sec . 34 , (Proof 128, Vol . 2) Trib . of Tp. 1 S . R . 43'E . W. M. (See stipulation, So. Fork Wallowa County, Oregon. Findings, Paragraph 12, Sub . 2 )

Oft BEES*, Cook, Frank,' 1905 2 Irrigation Not Wallowa 2 ac . in Sec . 2 , Enterprise, Ore . Domestic: named River Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E . W . M . (Proof 129, Vol . 2) and Stock Fallows County, Oregon. described as follows : Beginning on Sec . line thence Ill corner Sec . 2 Tp. 2 S . R. 44 E. W . M . bears N . 3°38' W. 2.5 0 chains ; thence S . 890 54 ' W. 9 .12 chains ; thenc e S. 2°58' E . 2.50 chains ; thence N. 89 054' E . 9 .1 5 chains ; thence N . 3°38' W . 2.50 chains'to the plac e ofbeginaing, containing 12 .28 ae . more or les s except a right of way here- tofore granted to the O . R . & N . Co . Cook . G . B . (See under Sheep Fidge Ditch Co ., Trac ; No . 1 ) So. Fork--23 ao. in SWINE}, ~r90ook, J. W ., 1880 10 Irrigation Cook & 1888 70 Data. & Stook Lewin D . 0 .Wallowa - 23 no . in NWtsmi, - Loetine, Ore . . 22 , (Proof 130, Vol. 2) (See alae under Sheep Ridge Ditch Co ., Tract No . 2)River - 29 ao in SWWSEi, Sec Tp . 1 S . R . 43'E. W . M. l Wallowa County, Oregon.

., 189 0 5} Irrigation Cook Alder - ao . in NE}SW1, Sec . 15 , "'Cook, L . M . Enterprise, Ore . Domestic and Creek Tp . 2 S . R . 44 E . W . M (Proof 131, Vol . 2) Stock Wallowa County, Oregon .

Cook, Nancy, T . , (See ender Sheep Fidge Ditc h Co ., Trac No . 3 sod Weat Side Irrigationand Water Ditch Co ., Tract o. 3)

y p , r9 . 7 , Cornelison, T . M., 1889 4 'Irrigation Ivanhoe Prairie 4 an . in NWWSE-, Sec Enterpriee, Ore . (Domestic Creek Tp . 2 S . R . 45"E . W . M. (Proof 132, Vol . 2) land Stock Wallowa County, Oregon.

WALL0WA RIVER - 45 - `I r- i!

Data o f Amount Name and Posed tiee Address ubic F Number U.e Nems of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Le e of Avv,uprintor PRelative Per Se and Aerce

d9° Couoli, Leonard, 1896 5.28 (Irrigation (Wood So . Fork 5.26 ao. in Blocks 16 Wallowa, Oregon. ,Domestic Boatman Wallowa and 17 , (Proof 134, Vol.2) / and Stock * Blook 19, N Block 12, f-'~o /- %~_(- : . n_ . , :" .; L. y. :, :, r' t : !• . .,; ~r,.~ =~ Lots 1,2 ;3,4,5,9,10,11 ;12 , c Po .D _?Z 37 1$ .14,15.18 of Block 9, in the Town of Evans, Oregon . (Proof 133, Vol. 2 ; Feb. 15, Irrigation Couch Bear See State Engineers Per- 1912 Highline Creek mit No. 1091. Ditch V4OD 53++ d 59'tl ~~ Courtney . A. W., 1883 88 Irrigation Biggs So .Fork 1 an. in NMN*, Sec . 9 , Evans, Ore . Domestic or Mill Wallowa 22 ac. in NEiS&l, * (Proof 135, Vol .2) and Stook 17 an . in PW 1 S , t r+'t 35?9 > p ,t -ca4 '- c'" i (n ) 8 ac . in SWig6 ,y , -Lc L .--. N= : = i/=n, .nhW ;E (4)40 aa. in SEISE-, Sea. 4 , . W . M. C. ) T~ 3C 2 YoD tt,_ n,+ Tp. 1 S. R. 43'E ", .,• Wallowa County, Oregon. 1 1 Courtney, A. W. eat 1883 97} Irrigation Fitz- So . Fork 21 ac. in NWW* , Lucy Courtney, Domestic patrick Wallowa 24k-no . in SW , Evans, Ore . and Stock 25 an. in NE,iNW-y, , (Proof 136, Vol . 2) 3 n 17niao. in NWl,S*, 7 ao. in SW6 , Sec. 4, Tp. 1 S. R. 43,E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Courtney, M. 0. , (See uner Sheep Ridge Ditch Co., Treat No . 4 ) Cousins, S. J. (See usher West Side Irrigation and inter Ditch Co., Tract eO No. 4) Cove Ditch Company, Jima 410.4( Irrigation Cove Wallowa - 18 so. in NE,,'• . , By J. W. Hays, BsOY.+1890 Domestic . 3$ aa. in ' ~. Joseph, Ore . and Stock '26.ac. in SW:. . ' (Proof 137, Vol. 2) 1 ac. in S 30 ac. in . , 40 ao. in 'q'^,e , T- c3- Arse , /9.159c /./wN .. . ;r L. 3/ 80 ac. in Sj NWW, 39 ao. in 80 no . in *S . 34 ac. in S , ' 4 ao. in NW 6R-, ' 12 ac . in $Wi6E , - 4 ac. in SESE4, Sec. 31 , 3 ac . in SWhSE*, Sec . 30, Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. M. — 6.4 ac. in Lot 2, Sea . 6 , Tp. 3 S. R. 45 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon, Of the above lands -35 ac. in , :25 aa . in S, Sec. 31, I• PpVf.2 S. R. 45 E . W . M: . -2 ac . in Lot 2, Seo . 6 , Tp. 3 S. R. 45 E. W. M. , are supplemented by water from the Moonshine Dithh . gg 3 1'raig, Geo. S. . 1895 117 Irrigation Craig Prairie , 11 ac . in Enterprise . Ore. Creek 40 ac. in NWSS , (Proof 138. Vol. 2) 0 28 ao . in -" 4 no. in SBS*, sec . 1, Tp. 2 S. R. 44'E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 139, Vol . 2) 1889 3 Irrigation Ivanhoe Prairie ,- 3 ao . in SEnSYW*, Sec . 6 , and Stook Creek Tp. 2 S. R. 45'E . W. M. Wallowa County. Oregon.


Date of Amoun t Nemo and Po.taffica Addres s c Number Use Name of Ditch Street. Description of Lind or Pismo of Ue e of Approprf f iIcatora PryRclatiive Cer iSerond Acre.

46j Craig, W. F. . 1889 37} Irrigation Ivanhoe Prairie ,- 28 no. in NF . Enterprise . Ora. Domestic and Creek 15 nc. in NS4, Sec. 7. (Proof 140 0 Vol. 2 stock Tp. 2 S . R . 45 E . W . M. Wallowa County . Oregon. AN'-51L Walloon' 56i ao. in N*Nt}, Sec. 12 . ter" ('Proof 141 0 Vol. t Nov . 12, 84 Irrigation Craig (See stipulation, 1900 Domestic and lt3 int River W. 2 S. R . 44, E. W. N. Findings . Pareprap . :rock ac. in NF N , 17) . 85 ac. in NF';,', Sec. 7 0 Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. M. / (Seo also under steam-Dobbin Ditch Co., 'Tract No. 2) Wallowa County, Oregon. 9 Sec. 11. /' Crasser, J. R.• 1892 4 Irrigation Maxwell Beer 4 ac. in SW ed, Wallowa. Ore. Aller Crook Tp . 1 N. R. 42 E. R. N. (Proof 142. Vol. 2 Wallowa County, Oregon. G 23.4 no. in S~. -1Cray,9 Resale F ., Apr. 8. 44.8 Irrigation Magill. So. Fork,' Mt. Vernon, Hash 1886 Domestic and Poley- Wallowa - 1 21.4 aa. in 3 . Sec. 9 . By O. J. Paley, Stook Allen Tp. 1 S . R . 45 E. Z. N. Lostine . Ore. 4allowa County, Oregon. (Proof 144, Vol . 2 (Proof 1430'01. 2 1896 25.2 Supplemental Miles So. Fork To supplement diversion i Irrigation Magill Wallowa from Magill Foley-Allen ditch for the following lands also described and included above : - 11.6 ea. in SW . 13.6 an. in SS„ .4 . Seo. 9, Tp. 1 S . R. 45 E. W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon. 9 )' Creighton, Nary J. 18M 966.5 Irrigation Creighton Wallowa 320 ac . in Ni . 160 no. in v1~, it 471 letterman , Portland,Ore . Domestic River ay W. Al Jones, - • and Stock 80 no. is S . Sea. 20, bV A sum . Oregon. `- 9 ac. in _ ,` 321 ac in (Proof 145, Vol. i 571 at. in N'W NW-}. SW' HI (see Stipulation . 37 sc. in SW-110$ ' Findings . in gE'1NW; , 19• P 440 0 ao. in NE*B 10 cc. in , - 18 no. inSWSW , 31 ac. in :3 ~ 160 an. in S8 , ao. 17. Tp. 2 S. R. 45 X. V. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. y9 1904 60 Irrigation 3. B. Cook Spring - 26 ac. in NW i4si , am . 27 . - /'Crow eros., . in SW38N . Sec. 22 . 8y S. P. Crw, Domestic Ditch Creek, r 24 no Lostine• Ours. and Stock Trib. of W. 3. S. R. 43 E. R. M. (Proof 146• Vol. 8 So. Fork Wallowa County. Oregon . (See Stipulation . Findings . Paregra. ]2. Sub. 2) (See also under :cheep midge Ditch Co., Treat No . 6 . and West Side Irrigation and Water -titch Co., Tract No. 6 ) ,YY I ~ Stock and Riparian .botch Those lands of claimant s S Crow, C. 2. . 1878 .- letsrprin. Ore. Do:mantic ownership Creek described no being !mi . Crow gated fron the Hurricane and S. P Ditch and being adjacent M. Crow. . . h Lonna* . fn's. to the channel of Scotc (woof 147, Vol . 8) Creek. C. E. Crow, Agt. See under Hurricane Ditdh Enterprise. Ors. Campeny

Crow, Chas. Ls (See. wader Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co., Tract No. 2)


Date of Amoun t a Namb. r Uee Name of Ditch Ht~eam Description of Lund or Place of Us e :!lame and Parlance Addree Relative a Feet Aerea of Appropriator Priority ty Per er Second

4 So. Fork Lote 9, 10, 11 and 12 , )Crow,~ 9 Grace, 1896 0.69 Irrigation Boatman Lostine, Ore . domestic and & Wood Wallowa Block G, Town of Lostine , (Proof 148, Vol . 2) stock. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Crow, Maas . E. and race, (See under Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co ., Tract No . 3. )

4 Beginning at a point 169 ' ) ' Crow, M ., ' 1896 3/4 Irrigation Boatman So . Fork Lostine, Ore . and stook & Wood Wallowa N. of a point 20' E. of n ( Proof 149, Vol . 2) the NE corner B1k . H, Tow _ of Lostine, Ore . ; thence N . (See also under Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co ., 106i' ; thence W . 250' ; tract 4.) thence S . 106i' ; thence E . 300' to place of beginning .

Crow, M. & Co . (See order Lostine Ditch Co ., Tract No . 6)

. in SW Sec . 10 , 3 ` Crow, S . 4 . 1891 10 Irrigation Magill So . Fork 10 an SW4, Lostine ; Ore. Poley Wallowa Tp. 1 S . R . 43E. W . M. (Proof 150, Vol . 2) Allen Wallowa County, Oregon. (See also under Loetina Ditch Co ., Tract No. 7 .)

1, 3 Crow, S . M. and 1896 0.52 Irrigation Boatman & So . Fork Lots 14, 15, 16, Block B , Guaaie, Wood Wallowa in Town of Lostine, Oregon Loatine,Ore. ~ (Proof 151, Vol . 2 )

Crow, S . P., (See under Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co ., Tract No . 5 ; Lostine Ditch Co . , Trac t No . 8 ; Sheep Ridge Ditch Co., Trus t 11o. 5 ; West Side Irrigation and Water Ditch Co ., Tract No . 6)

Crow, S. P. and C . E. (See under Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co ., Tract No. 6)

Crowder, J. A. , (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co ., Tract No. 7 )

e 3 Curtisa, B. L . and Z. 1884 40 Irrigation Levi Wallowa - 40 an . in NW6E4, Seo. 3 , 7. . Rogers Tp. 1 N . R. 42 E . W . M . Wallowa, Ore . Wallowa County, Oregon. BF B. A. Searle , Mt. . Wallowa, Oregon . (Proof 152, Vol . 2 )

Curtiss, B: R . . 1900 19 Irrigation Rogers Wallowa — 19 an . in SE4SW4, Sec. 3 , DI Wallowa, Ore. Tp. 1 N . R ; 42E. W. M. (proof 153, Vol. 2) Wallowa County, Oregon .

d o ( Daggett, S . T. . April, Irrigation Small Spring r 5i an . in SEWSWW, Sec . 22 , Joseph . Ore . 1890 ~ Domestic ditches Creek Tp; 6 . S . R . 44E. W . M . (Proof 154, Vol . 8) and stook Wallowa County, Oregon. (See Findings, Paragraph 20)

v 4 o - Daggett, W. E., 1878 2 Irrigation Not named Mountain 2 ao . in N] 8F1, Sec . 22 , Enterprise, Ore. domestic stream Tp. 2 S . R. 44'E . W. M. (Proof 155, Vol . 2) and stook Wallowa County, Oregon .

(Snpplenented by water from Alder Slope Ditch) (See al3o under Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No . 10 )

Daniel, G. D..b (See Or Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tract No . 8)

Deridhisar, Mrs . H. B., (Sea under Big Send Witer Ditch Com , Tract o. 1)

WALLOWA. RIVER - 48 - 1 5 { .1

Date of c moun t Name and Po.tnffim Address Nom,e r Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Piece of the Relative PeACultir Peet Aeree oof Appropriato r Pderib Per Second

Davis, Elsa , (See under Wilson Ditc h Association, Tract No . 3 )

Davis, William E ., (See aider Wilson Ditch Association, Tract No . 4 )

a9 ' Jl'•Dawson, H. E. and Feb. 30.00 58 Power Dawson Wallowa Water used at planing mill Geo. F ., 1884 H.P. situated W . of Block 4 , "de', o Joseph, Ore. -L irri9Q!•0,1 Town of Joseph, returned t Co N^p° stream 185' W . of Lot 10 , {Proof 156, Vol . 2) ~ ;9 e J wo ; 9.-: " i " " y (See Findings, Para- ~P, Block 4, Town of Joseph , Wallowa County, Oregon . graph 24) 1, 5 .1,, ,./ed C'erf. it 1-7

5 °Diggins, David, 1883 10 Irrigation Small Prairie . 8 ac . in Estate of, by domestic and ditches Creek 4 ac . in ~•, Sec . 3 , S. P . Williams, Es ., stock Tp . 3 S . R . 45•E. W. M. Joseph, Ore. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 157, Vol. 2) (8upplemented by water from Silver Lake Ditch )

D 9 „f' Dolbbin Ditch Canpeay, Aug. 10, 2025 .1 Irrigation Dobbin Wallowa Tract No . 1 : a corporation, 1900 I domestic end River ,10 ac. in NEllar , Joeeph, Oregon. I stook 30 ac. in 4 4 , Seo . 8 By A. W. Sohaupp, jgt., Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. M . Joseph, Ore . Supplemented by water s (Proof 158, Vol . 2) from Big Bend Ditch . (See Stipulation, . Findings, Paragraph t- 40 ac . in S , 17.) 40 ac . in S 4 , 40 ac . in Ej, 40 ao . in NW E , 40 ac . in SS ; 40 ao . SnS ,9eo. 8 , 30 ac . in 40 ac. in . , 40 ac . in SL 4 . - . ; 40 act. in SW;;-S - 10 ac . in NW-gg8 40 ac . in SW' S . ; Sec. 9 , t- 40 ac . in ° .. , - 40 ao . in , 40 ac . in , Sec . 16 , . 40 ao . in 35 ac . in 30 ac . in S :..;r .. , - 9 ac . in 4 ., Sec . 17 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45 E . W . M.

Tract No . 2 : - 40 ao . in S , 40 ac . i n ~1a 40 ac . in S~E g SW?} , 40 no . in SW*BH4, Sec . 16 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45 'E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. . Tract No . 3 : 35 ac . in , t- 40 ac . in ; - 30 ac . in S . 10 ac . in S , Seo . 21 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Tract No . 4 : .- 25 ao . in a ;l=•. . 40 ao . in T. , 30 ao . in SW , 3 ac . in 40 ac . in ; ~., . , 40 ao. in . ; . , 40 ac . in SW :."' ., Seo . 21 , Tp. 2 B . R. 45 E . W. M .

Wallowa River - 49 - P. n

Date of Amoun t Name and Poetofflee Add.. Nomhe r Ilse Name of Ditch Stream Description of Lend or Place of Um ReLti CAm Feet Arree of Approvrietor Priorit y ty Per Beeond

Dobbin Ditch Company Traot No . 5 : 4D ao . in SW , (continued) 1- 1 40 ac. in NW*SW4, 40 ao . in SWWSW-, Sec . 15 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 5 : Oi ao . in NE;SEi, Sec . 30 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 7 :

1- 40 ac . i n 40 ac. in WN - 20 ac . in SW 4, f - 30 ao . in S 4 , sec. 29 , Tp. 2 S. R . 45'E . W . IL Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 8 : 40 ao. in -18WA:

1- 5 an . in , - 40 so . in , I - 40 ao . in NW 4 E4 , Sec . 19 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W. M. I Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 9 : ! ' .20 aa . in , 40 an. in 4 , 5 ac . in , Sec . 29 , Tp. 2 S. R . 45"E . W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 10 : t 40 ao . in , - 40 no . in S "E , Sec . 20 , Tp. 2 S . R . 45'E . W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon. E7~ ao . in NZS}, Sea . 20, supplemented by water from Creighton Ditch . 40 ao . in swg~ , - 40 ac . in SE NE , 40 ac . in , 40 no . in N 6E,g; Sec . 16 , Tp. 2 S. R. 45E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 12 : 1 39} no . in NP}6* , 35 ac . in NWSW,~y , 17 ac. in SW-0W*, -- 39 an . in SE±BW, Sec. 8 , Tp. 2 S. R . 45'E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract NO . 13: Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 , in Block 2, Mahon' s Addition to Town of Joseph, Oregon.

Tract No . 14 : Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 , Block 2, Mahon's Addi - tion to Town of Joseph , Oregon .


Datel e o f Amount Nam6e Name and Po.tofflee Addree. Rorite Cable Pen t r Use Name of Ditch Stream De .cdptlon of Land or Place of Ti .. of Appropriator priority Per Second Acres

Dobbin, J . H., (See un er Big Bjnd Water Ditch Company, Tract No . 21) ( S s also Dobbin Diteh Co.l Tract No . 1, and Wrenn & Dobbin Di oh Co., Taaot No . 3)

Dodson, J. C., (See under Wrenn & Dobtin Ditch Co., Tract No . 4

Dorsey, Mary C ., (State 1ngineer'e Permit No. E102, Ce_tificate o Water Righ t 1439 )

I U Dougherty, William F . , 1890 13 Irrigation Lower Wallowa t-' 13 ac . in NeDDi, Sec. 3 , Wallowa, Ore . and Stook Valley Rive r Tp. 1 N. R . 42'E . W . M . (Proof 160, Vol. 2 ) Wallowa County, Oregon . 1 / 3'' Do party, Winthro p F., 1890 39 Irrigation Levi Wallowa 39 ao . in SW48H}, Sec . 3 , Wallowa, Ore . and stock Roger s Tp . 1 N. R . 42 E. W . M. (Proof 161, Vol. 2 ) Wallowa County, Oregon. t y 3 t Driver, H . E. , 1883 172 Irrigation Geo . So . Fokk - 180 ac . in S , Sec. 30 , Wallowa, Ore . domestic and Jacobs Wallowa v 4 ac . in , (Proof 162, Vol. 2 ) stook L- 8 ac . in S 4 4, Sec . 29, (See Findings, Para- Tp. 1 N. R . 43"B. W. M. graph 22) Wallowa County, Oregon.

/ is Bads, W . C ., (OD. nnriwr Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No . 11 ) Enterprise, Ore .

'). Eggleeon, J . A . , 1901 3} Irrigation Eggleson Spring in v' 3i ac . in N& NFA-, Sec . 18, Joseph, Ore. Soc . 17 , Tp. 2 S . R. 45E. W. M . (Proof 163, Vol . 2) Tp. 2 N . Wallowa County, Oregon. R. 45 E.

(Supplemented by water from Granger D'toh) (See also under Granger Water Ditch Co ., Tract 2, and Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co ., Tract No . 5)

" Elliott, Hilda, (See under Lost ina Ditch Co ., Tract Nc . 9)

Eggleson, J. A . , (See under Dobbin Ditch Co., Tract No. 2 )

9 Ellis, Julien , 1885 77 Irrigation Elli s Spring '- Supplemental to water fr m Enterprise, Ore . domestic and branch Alder Slope Ditch for la34 (Proof 164, Vol . 2) stock of Julian Ellis Irrigate d therefrom. (See under Alder 31ope Ditch Co ., Trac t No . 12)

0 1 1 9 S amna ' C . D . , 1890 10 (Irrigation Emmons - Wallowa - 8 ac. in SP , Enterprise, Ore . Pitapat- liver ="4 ac. in a 4 , Seo . 30 (Proof 165, Vol. 2) ric k Tp. 1 S . R . 44'E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tenet No . 13 )

G mono, L. B., 1884 90 Irrigation pma11 Scotch 29 ac . in S& SW ;Sec . 26 ; Joseph, Ore. ditches 3reek - 35 an . in Sec . 35 ; (Proof 166, Vol . 2 C) '28 ao. in NE4 .4 , Sec . 34 , Tp. 2 S . R . 44 E. W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon.

1881 Domestic Small Scotch Above described lands . and stook ditches 'reek 0 1 7 3 Enterprise, City of, 1898 40 Irrigation City 'allows - 10 ac . in , Sec . 1 ; By W. F. Savage, Ditch - 10 ac. in . Sec . 2 , Recorder, Tp . 2 S. R . 44 E . W. M . Enterprise, Ore . - 20 no . in S*BE,, Sec . 35 , (Proof 167, Vol. 2) Tp. 1 S . R . 44 E. W. M. (Seq Sti r at n, Wallowa County, Oregon . g 12, Sub . 3) WALLOWA RIVER - 51 -

I r)

Date of Amoon t Name and Postoftiee Addreee Number Relative Coble Feet Acres Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Ti, . ofa Appropriato r Priority Pcr Second

Enterprise, City of, Nov, 20 7 .00 ~ Municipal City Water Spring C t of ahterpriee , By W. F. Savage , 1908 Works Wallowa County, Oregon . Recorder, System (continued)

9 Eterprise Eleotric Oct. 4 , 75.00 426 Power Enterprise Wallowa Plant located in Lot 4 , tl a Oompany,'a car- 1905 H.P. Electric River Sec. 3 Tp. 2 S. R. 44 E. , `a poration, Co. Ditch W; M. Wallowa County, By R. L. Forsythe , c/a,-, Is ' , . . , Oregon. ro w. Supt. Water returned to stream Enterprise, Ore . at that point . 3 q (Proof 169, Vol. 2) t).- dr (( Proof 170, Vol. 2) 1898 122 236 Power Mill Wallowa In City of Wallowa, Oregon. by U. R. Wilson. Agt., H.P. Race River Water returned to stream for Enterprise , , . 37 I in Sec. 14, Tp. 1 N. R. Electric Co. . c 42 E. W. M. Wallowa, Ore . tea,,:

1 4 I Enterprise MercantLe 1888 60.18 109.4 Power Mill Wallowa Power plant situated and and Milling Co., H.P. Ditch & River water returned to stream Geo. W. Hyatt . Pres. , Flume Prairie in Lot 2, Sec . 2, Tp. 2 S.. Enterprise, Ore . Creek R. 44 E. W. ii. ; (Proof 171, Vol. 2) Wallowa County, Oregon. (See stipulation Findings, Paragraph 14, subdivision 4.) y9 ;I ' Sstea, T. N. , 1878 7 Irrigation Estee Prairie v 7 ac . in SE}NW , Sec. 13 , Joseph, Ore. Domestic Tp. 3 S. R. 45•E. W. M. . (Proof 172, Vol. 2) and stock Wallowa County, Oregon. (See Stipulation, Findings , Paragraph 12 ) y t !.°Fairchild . Abijah. 1907 8 Irrigation Fairchild Wallowa t.- 8 ac . in NE 'S1-, Seo. 2; Enterprise, Ore . River Tp. 2 S. R. 44`E. W. M. , (Proof 173, Vol . 2) Wallows County, Oregon.

Falconer. Fred W. , (See under Big ben d Ditch Company, Tract No. 2)

3 5 Fermers Water Ditch 1900 4852 Irrigation I Farmers Wallowa -I 160 an. in Ni , " Company, a corporation, Domestic and River 80 an. in NSB9 pf By H. B. Davidhizc,r, Stock - 40 ac. in SW1S*, 10 ac . in SE SE-, Sec . 2% President. I Joseph, Ore . 18 ac. in S ;8 , Sea 021 , (Proof 174. Vol. 2) - 40 ac. in NE4 ; (See Stipulation, 80 sc. in S ; Findings, paragraph 17) - 40 no. in 4 , 10 ac. in SW4, - 35 ac. in W . 40 an . in S , - 160 ac. in 3 , Sec. 22. 160 ao. in 80 sc. in Ni 15 ac . in AB}f ; 10 ac . in 4 .. , Soo. 27 20 ac . in 5 ac . in SW .' tT.. , 37i ao . in .:' 4 9 26 ac. in EP i 40 a0. in SW , 20 ac. in S , 20 ac . in 4 , Sec. 26 13i ac. in NW4 . 40 ac. in SW4NE, 29} ac. in S, Sec. 23

2 5 '/


'1 if7 r

Date of Amoun t Name and Fontaine. Address Numbe r Relative Cubic Feet Acres Use Nome of Ditch 6treem Deeerlption of Lend or Piece of De e of Appropriator Priority Per Second

Farmers Water Ditc h Tp. 2 3. R . 45 E. W . U . Company, (continued} = (bast mentioned 29i an . supplemented by water from Silver Lake Ditch ) '- 80 no . in N NWi; 40 no . in SW: , - 38 no . in S 33 an . in NESW3, See. 23 . Tp. 2 S. R . 45 E. W.M. (20 no . of above 33 ao . in N71~6Wa, Sec . 23 sup- plemented by water from Silver Lake ditch ) 39 no . in NWj6W4- . Sec . 23 . (3 no . of above 39 no. in NWyGW~., Sea . 25 supple - mented by water from Praia Crook through Johnson ditch) 32 no . in SW-ESWL, 40 no . in 71W484 , 37 an . in SN'S . Soc . 2 3 12 an . in NCr 33 ao . in SW . 20 no . in NE 40 ac. in AWSW, 80 no . in S,} s Sec . 1 4 55 no . in , 32 as . in S . 3* no. in NE;iS*9 - 17 no. in NWS I ,15 nc. in S SE*. Sec . 15 (Lest mentioneA 15 ac . in SW • SEi,Sec .15 3-np plemented by water from Rig Bend ditch ) 1- 35 an . in SE SE-, Sec . 15 15 as . in SW 40 an . in S s r0 38 no . in N1f s 26 no . in S2 8*, Sec . 10 59i- as . in NEOE--. i 8 no. in Sys 2* no . in NW[E , 29 ae . in N NW, 16 no . in S ; 4 , $8 no. in NW}BW}, E0 nc . in 3W18d s Seo . 11 ° 3 no. in NFSW4 . 1NV Mine . in NW?.SW}, 40 nc ._in Sli^BW3, Seo. 2 Tl 2 3 . R . 45 E. W. M . 3.4 tie: in SE*8W* 9 25 an . in Si** , - 37;} ao . in S282, see . 2 10 an. in { Ftt . • 20 an. in S . 9 no . in FEIN* , Sec. 3 160 no . in NFL. 80 no . in ASS}, Seo. 9 40 no . in NEN*, Seo. 16 TD. 2 8. R . 45 S . W . M . 9 no . in N 28 no . in NiV-g 40 no . in SW-'';8W~y5 , 8 no. in S213Wg,g : Sec . 3 4 14 no. In 35 as . in NVt E?- , - 80 no . in Si , 40 no . in s s 6 no . in NW. , 15 no . in SW ;. , 40 as . in SSrNW4, , z/r .


f Amoun t Name and Pwtofflee Address Date o Numbe r Relative Cubic Fee t Aerce Dee Nem. of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of De e of Appropriator priority PerBecand I Farmers Vater Ditch ` 160 an. in S Sec. 33 Ccngp. 5 no. in Avg . (continued) I 1e ao. in NEi6W?- • 9 no. in SiTiSN'; 58 no. in ~.E eps; See . 28 29 no. in Yt,:^SWl, i S an. in S,fiSfft-p 40 no. in SP- • 15 an. inHE3L- 23 ac . in : k 40 an. In si46* , 20 so. in SF,4.SE-, Sec . 32 Tp, 1 9, A. 45 E. 2, M. 40 so. in N 20 ac. in NW.. • 7 an. in S4- - 15 no. in 15 as. in :AP: , 40 no. in , 15 an. in N. Oil 36 ac . in :.tiY{S } , 80 no . in 5 52k, Soc. 5 Tp. 8 S . i:. 45 3, N i M. (Of the above describe d lands, 40 nc . in N81.S8 -, 3 6 ac. in 2 , and 80 no. t in the SgSR, of sec. 5. Tp. 2 S. R. 45 Z. A. i:. are supplemented by rater from Dig Bend Ditch ) Lands mimed by N . E. Bandon and irrigated both from farmers Dinob and from Silver Lake Water Co. ditch: 38 ac. iA 1?7 `Wr , - 40 ao. in NWr4.8Vri. 36 na. inr•.$5f ; C so. in sr4NW , 38 ea. in ' - 30 am. in NX', Sec. 24 10 no . in SE?.S7}, •- 40 as . in SWAB • 40 no. in 1 ST , g em . in NES • 10 co. in SE . 21 no . In S1 ., 16fr an. In Hn• , 18 no. in ?**9-. - no. in N1L3ifi, Seo . 13 - lit- ac. in NW.il,'S* 18 ss. in P%46,Y?i,, -- 37'fr an, in 5Ft 6p%t. 21 an. in SWW?', - - 29} an. in Nri•8ffy 40 ao. in NRSVt. b an. in iNi'7XE , - 18k no. in SWi9iAi-, 40 an. in SE . 40 ac. in S .4 , 40 an. in N+'' 40 an. In NS; , . Seo. 12 1 an. in S1 SS , - m. in 9848 • , 57 ao. in : Sec. 1

55 no . in N V 5W . - 12 ao. in NE SA'- . 5 ao. in :cFEiiifl; 15 ae. in R17;i9W , no. in Nli•?;NWi-, Seo . 1 TF. 2 S. P. 'S Y. W. kl.

WALLO1A RIM .. 6i • ,~ tit E

Date of Amount Name and Pwmt[Ic. Address elative Nomhar U.e Name of Ditch fitream Description of Land or Place of Use oof Appropriator Fur Secondt Acre .

Farmers Water Ditch Lands Irrigated and owne d Company Elizabeth Heaven ; ~~(Continued) ' 26 ac . in S2 WWII' 8 ac . in NB NW4,Sec .32 T. 2 S . R. 45 E. W.M.

Lando to be irrigated by C. A. Pratt and V. C . Pratt : 10 ac . in SWi FES 20 ac. in N' i 20 ac . in SWC SE 38} ac . in NE* SW'- 10 ac . in NW4 SWC 6 ac . in SWi SWf, Sec,2 8 6 ac . in N* NW?, Sec . 33 T. 1 S . R. 45 E . W .M.

Lands to be irrigated by R. F . 80-abblefield : 80 ac . in Ni Sfi , 30 ac . in SW4 SW? • 40 so. in SEi SW •, Sec .33 2. 1 S . R. 45 E . W .M . 19alTowa County, Oregon.

penman, John (See nnLe r Chamberlain Ditch Co . Trac t No . 9 )

Fipps, O . B . (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co . Tract No . 10 )

y" Fitapatriok, C. A. 1891 151 Irrigation Magill So. Fork 43 ac . in NES Ni Enterprise, Ore . Domestic Foley Wallowa 40 ac . in WW1-19F. (Proof 175, Vol .2) and stook Allen 43 ac . in SEgi NE# Pitapat- 25 ac . in N2 SE4, Sec . 8 rick T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W.M. e(Otj 1 Wallowa County, Oregon. (5cr9 Fitspatrick, F. W. 1896 2e Irrigation Boatman So. Fork Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1C Loetine, Ore . and stock & Wood Wallowa 11,12,13,14 in Block D. , (Proof 176, Vol . 2 .) and Town Lots 13 and 14 in Block C. Ditch Town of Loetine, Oregon. 7-03o55 Lots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 3, Bowman Addition to Lostine, Oregon.

(Proof 177 Vol. 2) 1890 33k- Irrigation Fitzpat- Wallowa - 1 no . in SWQ NW~- and stock rick 4i so . in SEi^, ?M 21 ao . in NB Sfi - 7 ac. in NWT SWi, Sec .24 T. 1 S . R . 43 E. W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

v Fitzpatrick, Wm,. (See eater Lostine Ditch Co., Tract N . 10) A ogga„I C to6 9 ac . in 2 Fitzpatrick, F. Ir. . 1890 107i Irrigation Fitapat- Wallowa - 54 NWI J. A: and Maggie and stook rick & - 21 so . in NW SW4 f Sec . 3 0 By F. W. Pitapat. Eons T. 1 9 . R . ,E• W. . rick, and Fitz- 11 sc. in NW4 NE Lostine, Oregon . patriok 15 no. in SWC NE' (Proof 178, Vol02) .- 6 sc. in NB4 NW' 24 so . in AE'i SE4 3'o5q 3 an . in NWT Sri, Sec .2 5 19 ac.. in SE SW~- 1 ac . in SW4 SB*, Sec .24 it T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W .11 . Wallowa County, Oregon .

WALLOWA RIVER 55 1 : "':

• Date of Amoun t Name and Po.tofflc. Addrne N .mhe r U.e Name of Ditch 9tr

Fleming, )hrs . Elizabeth (See under Grange r Vater Ditch Co . Tract No . 3 ) (Se e under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co., Tract Nc . 6 )

Fletcher, Henry (Se e under Big Bend Water Ditch Company, Tract No . 3 )

Flesbman, N. W . (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co ., Tract No . 11 )

Foster, S . A. (See under Dobbin Ditch Company, Tract No . 3 )

Foster, Mrs . E . E . (See under Brenn & obbin Ditch Co ., Tract Nc . 7 )

3° Franklin, G . T. 1901 3 Irrigation Wagner Wallowa 3 ac . of the following Enterprise, Ore . Franklin River described lands ; (Proof 179 . Vol . 2) Beginning at the SE cor . of the NWT SEA Sec .2,n_2_S. R. 44 R., thence N. 26-2/3 rode to a point on the E . line of said NW4 SRI- o f said Sec . 2, thence W . 60 rode, thence S . 26-2/3 rods , thence E. 60 rods to begin- ning, containing 10 acres .

Frauenfelder, L. H. (See under Wilson Ditch Association, Tract Hc . 5)

f Gaston, B . F. 1886 7 Irrigation Tally Wallowa 7 an . in II* NE ; Sec .20 Wallowa, Ore . and stook Master- River T . 1 n. R . 43 E. W.I . (Proof 180, Vol . 3) son Wallowa County, Oregon.

y9 v 3 Getohell, A. E . 1892 3 Irrigation Maxwell Bear - Beg . at SE . cor . Seo .10 ,A Wallowa, Oregon . Miller Creek T. 1 N.__R . 4E •_W. M. - (Proof 181, Vol . 3) thence N. 10 rode ; S .' 12 .28 rods ; E . 10 rode, S . 12 .2 8 rods to beginning ; also , Beg . 6 .32 chs . N. of SE nor . of sec . 10, thence W. 6 .3 2 ohs . ; thence N . 6i rode ; thence E. 6 .32 ahs . ;thenc e S. 6i rods to place of be - ginning, also, Beg . 6 .3 2 chs . N . of SE oar . Sec .1 0 thence W. 12-4/13 rode ; thence S . 13 rode ; thence B 12-4/15 rode ; thence N . 1 3 rods to place of beginning .

Gibson, W. H. and I. E. 1885 12 Irrigation Gibson Prairie - 10 an . in SR NE}l, Sec . 3 Kingsley Domestic Snapper, Creek - 2 no . in SW4 NW., Sec . 2 Joseph, Oro . &ANCELao Spec.Or . V.`_k p . . it and Stook Williams T. 3 S . R. 45 E . W. H. By W. H . Gibson Barton Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 182, Vol. 3)

Gillespie, J. P . (See ceder Loa4ine Dltoh Co . Tract No . 11)


f Amoan t Namo and Poatolflc . Addres Date o Numbe r Relative Cubic Feet Aeras Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of lin e of Appropriatormto Priority Per Remind

9 1 9 p Glenn, C . 8. 1883 139E Irr~g ation Fitz— So. Fort - 40 ac. in SEti- NW Lostine, Ore . patriot Wallowa 40 ao. in NE SW-1 (Proof 183, Vol . 3) 4 so. in NWF?- SW 40 ac. in SE4 SW ; Sec . 33 44 ac. Num, NEI. 11 so. in SW4 ND4, Sec .28 T. 1 N. R. 43 E. W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

5 1 3 Goebel, Joseph 1904 1.6 Irrigation Spring Spring 1 se. in SW4 SE•, Wallowa, Ore . and Stock Creek Creek 0.6 an. in SE4 SE#, Sec. 11 (Proof 184, Vol. 3) Tp. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

D 9 Goadman, R . V. and 1881 24 Irrigation Bowman So. Fork 14 ac. in Sn NE-i' Co I. Domestic Wallowa - 1 so. in SE- NW4, Sea. 15 Lostina, Ore . and Stock T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W. M. (Proof 186, Vol . 3 ) Wallowa County, Oregon .

6•nrr~, .— Q c L e: I• IS $72108, : YP'• 7 .FCSt . JO~ 9i otter, S . A. and Octobe r 37.8 60 Power Mill Wallowa Power plant in Lot 5, Block Ben. Gotter 1888 H. p. ditch River 20, Town of Enterprise, Enterprise, Ore . Pot. c .C/~ M''iii Co~r .i IA ., .3 eJ Oregon. Water returned t o (Proof 186 Vol . 5) stream near W. line of NW!NFF, (See Stipulation, Findings, Paragraph 12, subdivision 4) Sec. 2, W . 2 S. R. 44 E . w. ifal lowa County, Oregon. 3' 3 tlOowing, H. N. 1883 4 Irrigation Johnson Prairie -- 4 no. in SP- NEg, Sec .22 Joseph, Ors. Stock and Creek T. 2 S. R. 45 E. W.Y. (Proof 187, Vol . 5) Domestic Wallowa County, Oregon. (Supplemented by water from Farmers Utah) Above described lands . Domestic

.9 Granger Water Ditch Nov. 1, 1068.'5 Irrigation Granger Wallowa Tract No . 1 , Co., a corporation 1889 Domestic Water River O. T. Proat,Pree ., and Stock Ditch 40 ao. in NDg NW1 Joseph, Ore . 40 ac. in sr NW (Proof 188, Vol . 5) i 14 ao. in S NW 13 ac. in NW*SW Nps, Sec.18 Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. Tract No . 2;

40 an. in NWgO:t NEL 29 an. in N 37 ao. in SW1 NE;, Sec.18 20 ac. in SW4 3E4' I 3 ac. in SFS SE4, Sec. •7 Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E . W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon . Tract No . 3;

. 40 so. in SEL S&1 37 an. in SWi SE+ 40 ac. in SEf SW+ 16 an. in SW*. SW9, Sec.18 Tp. 2 S. R. 45 E . W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon . Tract No . 4: Di of Block 9, Riverside Ad. dition to City of Joseph : Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8, in Block 1, Mahon l s Add. to Cii of Joseph,Oregon,Lots 5,6,7 , 8,9,10,11 Ind 12, in Block i Mahouts Add. to City of Jos t Oregon. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Date of Amoun t Normo and Posteftlee Addre.e PC is Feet AmCe r Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of AppPonta +teto r Prlatia C

Granger Water Ditch .-• . Block 3, Mahon+e Addition (Contiauted) to City of Joseph, Oregon

Tract. No . 5 : 40 ac . in NE4 NW 40 ac . in NWI NWb 20 ac . in SW i NWj 30 ac . in SB NW;,. Sec .2 9 Tp . 2 S . R. 45 E. W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon .

Tract . No . 6 : 40 ac . in NE? NWq 12 ac . in NVQ- NW 36 ac . in NW4 NEI, 38 so . in NE,I, NE4, Sec .1 9 Tp . 2 S . R. 45 E . W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Tract No . 7 • 40 ac . in NE– NEI 35 ac . in MI- NB`,Seo .30 Tp . 2 6 . R . 45 E . W. Y. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Tract No . 8 : 28 oro . in Ate- SE 34 no . in LrW4 3 40 ac . in NL'y SW~4 15 oro . in NW4 SW-,Sec .18 Tp. 2 S . R . 45 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No. 9 : 40 so . in SEj SE - 40 ac . In SAa SEI 40 so . in SE- SW' ~ : v ' ' -- oro . in SWsI SB, Sec .1 9 Tp . 2 S . R . 45 E . W. N. Wallowa ;aunty, Oregon .

Tract No. 10 : 12 ac . in SEQ NW 40 ac . in N W ; 37 ac . in SWi- N211NE - . 40 ac . in NDi NWs,Sec .30 Tp . 2 S . R . 45 E . W.M . Wallowa County, Oregon .

5 ''Oustafson, Andrew 1887 7 I Irrigation Pipes Bear 7 ac . of the following Wallows, Ore . Ditch Creek described lands, being it (Proof 189, Vol . 3) the 1tWiNE -, 5ec ._lb,~T .1 N. , R . 42 E . W.M . Wallowa County , Oregon. Beginning at a point 660+ E . and N.10 degrees E.65 5 + of SW our . of NWiNE} Sec .15,Tp .1 N R .42 E.W.1u ., theme E .520 + mor or lees, to center of channe l of Bear Creek, thence running in a southeasterly direction to a point due east of place of beginning ; thence W.770 , to the place of beginning , containing *acres .

;giiN, Victoria (See uni.er Burrioane C ek Irrigating Ditch Co ., Tract No . 7)


Data v Amount Name and Pmtoff ice Add.. . Number un. Name of Ditch Stream De.eription of Land or Place of Un a eelotl a Peet Aeree of Appropriator Priority ty Per er Second

8 1905 5 Irrigation Wagne r wallows - 15 no . in NR SE;:, Seo.2 y '3 Halsey, J. D . . 44 B. W. N. Bnterpxtse, Om . T. 2 S. R (Proof 190, Vol . 5 ) Vallowa county, Oregon.

- . X. 1896 3 Irrigation Boatman S. Fork 3 so . of the following des Hanholton, M t Lasting, Ore. Domestic & Fbod Wallowa Bribed lands% Beginning a (Proof 191, Vol . 3) and stook the SE our. of Lot 10 of Elk. 5, Bowman Add . to Town_ of Lostine, Ore. ; thence S . 418', more or less, to N . lies of Laaert Land ; thenc e W. 204', more or less, to E. line of the Rumble land ; thence N . 418' ; thence F . to place of beginning. Also Bsg .at a point 60' S. of the SE.cor. of Lot 10, Elk. 2, in Bowman Add. to Town of Lestine, Ore. ; t)enoe 8. 120' ; thence W. 167' to line of county rend ; thenc e N. 124' along said Count y Bond; thenoo E. 192' to place of beginningg; except a stri p of land along W. and N. Bides of said lands one rod wide Weed as a water ditch . Also beg. at a point 180' S . of the SE our . of said Lot 10,51k. 2, thence S . 240 ft; thence F. 83' to line of county road ; thence N . alon g said County Road 248' ; thence E.157' to place of beginning ; except a strip of land one r e along the 7. side of said lam used as a water ditch; to- gether with a water right sufficient to ibrninh water for irrigation and domesti c use on said land .

p d ' 'Ranblsn, ârank 1885 107 Irrigation Cotting- Scotch,- 20 ac . in SW NWA{, E'Itsrpriso, Ore. Domestic ham Otto Creek 20 so . in SF. AW? (Proof 192, Vol . 3) and stook Coretell 54 sc . in MTh. Swi. Ditch 33 no . in NVV- S, seo.26 T. 2 S . R. 44 E. 'Y. M. Wallowa C onnty, Oregon .

Hamilton, Charlie (See nater Sheep Ridge Ditch Co ., '£r ant No. 7 )

Hasslsek, D. M. (Sow 'Infer Sheep Ridge Ditch Co ., ''ra3t No. 8)

j I Esonsek, 3. R. 1885 4 Irrigation Aammae k Spring v 4 ea . in ?G:g BFl, Sec .17 Enterprise, Oregon Domestic Branch T. 2 8 . R. 44 F. W. k . (Proof 193, Vol. 3) and stook near W. wallows County, Oregon. line o f Soo 17 T. 2 S. R. 44F3.It:

bo' ,' (Proof 194, Vol. 3) 1885 4 ±rigation Private Spring "- Supplemental to Hammac k *mastic branch ditch water for land and Stook described above.

HnmmOk, F . F. (See notes Sheep Ridge Ditch Co., Tract No. 9 )


9 y in

Data of Amoun t Name and Poem[[ ice Address Relative Coble Feet Number Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Ue e ofo Appropriato r Priority Per Second , Acres

a y 3 Hammack, A. E. 1890 3 Irrigation Private Spring -1 3 ac. in NWg HE4, Sec .17 Enterprise, Ore . Domestic & Spring T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W.H. , (Proof 195, Vol. 3) end Stook Branch Wallowa County, Oregon.

pd 3 9 Hammock, W. J. 1890 3 Irrigation Weaver Weaver 3 ao . in SW4 SE, Sec . 8 Enterprise, Ore . Creek T. 2 S., R. 44 E. W.M. (Proof 196, Vol . 3) Wallowa County, Oregon.

1900 2 Irrigation Hammock - 2 no. in AWg HE1, Sec .17 No. 1 & 2 Spring T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Branch Wallowa County, Oregon. Weaver Creek

1905 0.2 Steawspower Hammock Weaver Steam power at saw mil l at Saw Mill No. 2 Creek in HWZ HE;, Sec . 17, T. 2 S. R. 44E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon.

rl ~ ..'"Harris, Estate of May 191 Irrigation i Standley Wallows- 80 ac. in Si NEi A. J. 1893 Domestic Tully - 10 so. in SE- NWT Rhoda B . Smith, ., i and stock 1 Storey or - 4 sc. in BE?:- SWs Wallowa, Ore. Wallowa 40 sc . in NB SET (PrO of 197, Vol. 3 ) Irrig. Co. 39 ao. in NW3 SB 18 sc. in SW* SE4, Sec .13 T. 1 H . R. 42 E . W. M. Wallows County, Oregon .

A S Barrie, H . W. May 10 Irrigation Montt or Bear 10 so. in S\L HE?-1Sea .l5 Wallowa, Ore . 1906 & Stock Community Creek T. 1 H. R. 42 E . W.M. (Proof 198, Vol. 3) ditch Wallowa County, Oregon . Feb.16 5 6 ao. in above legal sub- 1911 division. Permit . E:102

(Proof 199, Vol. 3) Ms r 1i. Irrigation Harris Bear - 1 so. om EE4 3B -, Sec .lS 1899 and domestic Creek T. 1 B. R.-42 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Harris, Joseph A . 1904 20 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 20 ac. in SW4 HE4, 5eo .33 Wallowa, Ore . Valley River T. 2 H . R. 42 E . W. M. (Proof 200, Vol. 3) Wallowa County, Oregon .

Harris, J. B. (See= er Hurricane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co., Tract No . 8 ) -13blt 4834 'rHart, B. A. 1889 10 Irrigation Ivanhoe Prairie - 10 ao. in Lot 7, Sec . 6 Mntsrprbs,Ors. Domestic Creek T.2 S. R. 46 E . W. M. (Proof 201, Vol. E) and Stook Wallowa County, Oregon . ; ,ar, P. 2 i6 (r-3343) c ,~y. P ./ , -cl.- 3 .--. si p • a Y /. 7 55,05 Hann, J. F. 1896 6.9 Irrigation Wood So. Fork - Block 1, -Q, g, 15j Evans, Oregon and Stock Boatman Wallowa Lots 1,2,3,14,15,16, Blk. 6 ; (Proof 202, Vol. 3) r ` yGSS i i'/4,i A, e F• SLot. s 3,3,4,5k. ,6,7,8, Elk. 5 ; T 3637 o Poli '~. Lots 1,2,15,16, B1k. Lots 9,10,11,13,12,15,16, in Blk. (],2= Tom of Evans, Wallows County, Oregon.


Date of Amoun t Nvmbe c Name and Poetoffica Addreea elatise Use Name of Ditch Stream De.erlptlan of Land or Place of Ue e of Appropriator Per Second Acres

45-C:/° *7311 ¢1637 53+1 1) ' Ilaun, J. F. 1889 1731 Irrigation Hann & Wallowa 7 ac . in NW NEl Evans, Ore . Domeatio Williams River - 19 no. in SWg-4 NE lProof 203, Vol. 31 and Stook 38 no. in NE 3W-i' L', 38 ao . in NWA NW1- d . Ir 22iao. in SW3 NWI} l"t° 37 ac . in SE NW1 1 ` 12 no. in NW?- q, Sec .3 T. 1 S. R. 43 No W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . Proof 204, Vol . 5) 1895 4.9 Irrigation Laotian So. Fork 2.9 ao. in NE+ SW?- Flora Wallowa 2.0 no . in WWI- Will Co . T. 1 S . R. 43 E. W. N. Ditch Wallowa County, Oregon. I:Proof 206, Vol. 3) 1883 20 Irrigatio n Mill or So. Fork 10 ao. in NE}l,Sec.10 i NNW1 r,k3S4c, cPO f, zo=,~ Domeeti i Biggs Wallowa 10 ac. in SW SFS,Sec. 8 Er, °-°'1'" "" and stook T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Prawn., Janina F. and Nellie, ($.ee under Lostine Ditch Co., Tact No. 12 )

3 Ewan, J. F. 1883 271 Irrigation Fitapatricl[ So. Fork 40 ao. in WEI OW; Eveae, Ore . and Wallowa 21 no. In NW: - SWW1- John McDonald and 29 no. 1;1 SW* SW1- Leonard Conch, - 40 ac. in SE* SW1 Wallowa, Ore ., 16 sa. in NWa SE3- By J. F. Haan. 6 ao. in SW SE ,Sec.28 (Proof 206, Vol. 3.) 80 ac. in A HW 10 sc. in SW+ NMI, Sec.33 T. 1 N. R. 43 E . W.N. Wallowa County, Oregon. 5 t,i Nays, James 1878 130 Irrigation Private Alder Supplemental to water from Enterprise, Ore . Domestic ditohes Creek & Alder Slope ditch from (Proof 207, vol. 3) ~ Z and Stock Springe James Hgya , lands irrigated Cancelled - sp. or Roc. Vol. __ on claim- therefrom. ant' s (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co. limo . No.14) lands

No . _3985'9 Ire es, W. S. 1883 37 Irrigation Pine Hurricane 20 ao. in Nil. SW?- Sec .25 Joseph, Oregon Domestic Tree / 17 no. in NW*. N4,Sec .36 (Proof 208, vol. 3) and Stook Bit T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. 5t' Cr1 ''P• lJ Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 209, vol. 3) June 4 Irrigation Saw Hurricane- 4 no. in 2 RWt,Sec1 .36 1878 Domestic Will , T. 2 S. R. 44 T. W. M. h I s, . Wallowa County, Oregon. and Stook Ditc `r I •~ : : 1_.. rA C

[tearing, G . W. 1900 15 Irrigation Rich Bear 15 ac . in SW, NWL,Seo . 11 Wallowa, Ore . ~ Ditch Creek T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. (Proof 210, Vol. 3) Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 211, Vol . 3) I 1887 2 Irrigation Johnston Bear 2 no. in SD NEi, Sec. 10 1 Domestic or McDon- Creek T. 1 N. R. 42 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon . ~ i and stock aid Ditch oy9 3 1tendricks, D. B. 1891 44 Irrigation Hendricks Prairie - 10 ac. in NES SES Pawns, Calif. Creek 4 ao. in SE„ SE*, Sec .34 (Proof 212, Vol .3) 20 ac. in Slit NW;• . 10 on. in N~4 SWj-, Sec . 35 Tp. 2 S. R. 45E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

(See also under Dobbbin Ditch Comany,Traot No. 4) (See also under nn & Dobbin DLtch Co.,TreLct No. 8) WALLOWA RIPER 61

-' Ie,, r.

Dntea[ Amoun t Name and Po.toffto. Addrrae Numbe r D.e Nsmc oL Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e Aer .. of Appropriator Priority Per Second

Hendrickson, Olaf (See under West Side Irrigation and Water Ditch Co., Trac t No. 7

gp Hsmderson, J. H. 1890 112 Irrigation A number Spring - 32 no. in AEA cowl Domestic of small 28) - ea : in NRg Sara , Henderson, and Stock ditches crosd crossins g 40 no. in i E SWl RRb andh Elgin lan 12 n in S NE ,Sec :9 and E Spring springs T. 2 S. R. 44 E . W. M. Enna It. Von Blockland, branches rising Wallow County, Oregon La Grande, Ors. i Spring on each and in NO 40 of Seo• (Supplemented by State Wary F. Kennard , I Sec. 9 9, Tp. 2 S. Engineer's Permit 760 Thompson St. , T. 2 S. R.44 E . , No. 4805 Portland, Ors . R . 44 E . W. M. (Proof 213, 214, Vol 3) W . M. i

Hogoboon, Marano' ( See under Moonshine Ditch Company, Tract Wo. )

Holmes, Wm. R. ( See under Big Band Ditch Company, "'roo t No. 4 )

> S ?Horner, Charles 1902 1.84 Irrigation Homer Wallowa 1 .84 ac. in NEI- SE-,Seo .2 Enterprise, Ore . River T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. (Proof 215, Vol . 3) Wallowa County, Oregon.

Houser, Geo. H. 1881 2 Irrigation Bowman So. Fork - 2 ao. in SE- NWk, Seo. 15 Lostine, Ore . Domestic Wallows T. 1 S . R . 43 E. W. M. (Proof 216, Vol.a) and Stook Wallowa County, Oregon. ( Sae also under Lostine Ditch Co., Tract No . 1! ) ( See also under west Side Irrigatio and Water Ditch Co., Tract No . 8)

(Proof 217, Vol. 3) 1897 6 Irrigation Cook & So. Fork 6 no. in SEsi W Seo . 16 Lewis Wallowa T. 1 S. R . 43 E . W. 3L (By Per— Wallowa County, Oregon. Ipission)

? Rubes, John 1908 16 Irrigation Chapman Bear - 6 ac. in NW- NE Z} Wallowa, Ore . Creek 11 no. in NEt- NWWq,Seo .3 (Proof 218, Vol . 3) T. 1 Se~t__E .W_.l_L (Proof 219, Vol . 3) 1895 20 Irrigation Hamilton 9 ao. in 54 SW - 11 so. in SW*i SB,Seo.34 T. 1 N., R. 42 E . W.11 . Wallowa County, Oregon.

Rog, John A . and IS.. under Chaaberlaijn Ditch Co., Tracts No. 1land 12) I Mae. H. M. Woman ~I

a ft 3 Hulse, O. 8. 1901 3.29 Irrigation Wagner Wallows - 3.29 no. in NF1} SE" Sea. 2 Enterprise, Ore . T. 2 S. R. 44E. W.M. (Proof 220, Vol . 3) Wallowa County, Oregon.

o"-5 $ Hunt, Bettie ~ 1876 30 Irrigation Four Prairie , 30 ao. in S2 SW?-,Sec .11 Joseph, Ore . Domestic ditches Creek T. 3 S. R. 45 E.1, M. (Proof 221, Vol . 3) and stook not Wallow County, Oregon. named

1.25 8 Power Four Prairie Place of use on abov e H.P . ditches Creek described lands . not named

Hunter, Wm. (See under Lostine Ditoh Co Tract No . 15( '_ 7 3 WALLOWA RIVER 62

Date of Amount Number Nam. and Poe* ffim Addre . . Relativ e Coble Feet U.e Name of Ditch Stream Darerivtion of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Priorib Per Second Agree

6, 0 y° Minter, J. B . and 1896 ~' Irrigation Boatman So. Fork ' ao. in NW NE AAA Hunter, Domestic & Wood Wallow 6 ao. in NE4 RW*, Sec.16 Caroline, Alberta and Stock T. 1 S . R . 43 W.N., Canada. Wallowa County, Oregon. By W. B . Hunter,Agt . Costing, Ore . (See also under Lostine Ditch Co . , Tract No . 4) (Proof 222 . Vol .5)

b y 3 °Hurricane Creek Ir– 1883 1283 Irrigation Hurricane Hurricane Tract No . 1 : • rigating Ditch Co ., Domestic Creek Creek 40 ao . in STA. a corporation, Stock and Irrigating 40 so . in 2.2 2 H.P. Power Ditch Co ., - 40 ao . in ,Seo .23 By S .P .Crow ,Soo ., 44 It oetin*, Or . Ditch Tp . 2 .S . R. S.,W.N. (Proof 223, Vol. S) Wallowa County, Oregon. (Seo Stipulation, Findings, Paragraph 15, Su i:ision 6) (Proof 224, Vol . 5 ) (See Stipulation, Paragraphs 16 and 1E, Find ) Tract No . 2 : 40 aur in NWi FFFw,3ec .26 80 ac . in Si SE*, Sec .23 30 ac . in HW;- SW?- 40 ac. in SW SW9,Ses.24 T. 2 S . R . 44 'E.W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 225, Vol . 3 )

Tract So . 3 : 5 ao. in NW4 SB , Sec . 3 6 Tp. 2 S . R. 44 E . W. M. Wallow County, Oregon. (Proof 226, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 4 : Ni, 25 ac . in ` Seo .35 40 ac. in âa7 80 ao. in Wi 'SR;-, Sec. 26 T. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. N. , Wallow County, Oregon . (Proof 227, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 5 s

40 ac. in BEZ RB 40 so. in SE?- HE9 80 ac. in H SE}, Sec .26 T. 2 3. R . 44 E. W.N. , Wallowa County, Oregon. ( Proof 228, Vol. 3 )

Tract Ho . 6 : 37* ao . in RH}-RE3-,Sec .3 5 T. 2 S . R . 44 E. WAG , Wallow County, Oregon. (Proof 229, Vol. 3 )

Tract No . 7 : NW-5 ao . in 58 ao . in 37 ao . in SB3-g RW4 36 ao . in App SW 35 so . in SEi SWLSec.23 T. 2 S . R. 44 E . W .M. , Wallowa Country, Oregon. (Proof 230, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 8 : 37 no . in SWC 5Li114 Sec .14 40 ao . in RW4 NEf,Sec .2 3 T. 2 S . R . 44 B.W.M. Wallows County, Oregon . (Proof 231, Vol . 4 )


Amoun t s Date of Numbe r Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e Name and Po.tafflce Addres Relative Aeree oof Appropriator Per Second

Hurricane Creek Peri- Tract No. 9: Mating Ditch Co. , 31 no. in SW! SWb (continued) 28 no. in SE+ sWW ,Sec.14 40 ao. in NEI We- 35 ao. in NW - WWI 2 no. in SW WW1 5 so. in SB NW-,Seo.23 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. Lk. nallose County, Oregon. Overshot wheel in NW- NWT Soo. 23, T. 2 5. R . 44 F. W. W. (proof 232, Vol. 3) Tract No. 10 1 32 no. in NEo SE+ 20 ao. in NW1t SE 40 ao. in SE+ Sl}, sec.14 1 sc. in NW+ si_ttp 21 ao. in SW1 SW 1j iixisx Sec.13 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W.11. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (proof 233, Vol. 3) Tract No. 11 : 33i no. in NW} NW?, Sea.24 40 ao. in NES NRi 32 no. in 611' WEZ 40 su in NE SB'+, Sec.23 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. 7.15. Wallowa County, Oregon. (proof 234, Vol. 3 )

9 mli, Wentell, 1879 24 Irrigation Oastin So, Fork 7 ac. in We+ NWn Wallows, Ore. and stook wallowa 9 so. in g We - (Proof 235, Vol. 31 1881 1 Tully- So. Fork 9 so. in SWi-,Seo .29 Hill Wallowa T. 1 N. R. 43 E. W.15. 7911owa County, Oregon. 06.3 'Isiah, D. 1890 16 Irrigation Isiah Wallowa 16 no. in SW! Si ISeo, .l1 Lasting', Ora. I I T. 1 S. R. 43 F. W. 1t. (proof 236, Vol. 3 ) wallows County, Oregon. li D Inland Irrigating 1900 326k Irrigation Islaad wallows 19 so. in sW SSI- Water Ditch Co. Irri- Domestic Irrigat- 15 no. in 2 3 SS Enterprise, Ore. gated and stook ion 20 so. in WW Ey Log YoCormsok 755 Ditch 27 no. In SV- NW - Fatorpriss,Ore. inc ha, ; yet to - 40 ae. in SE4 NW! (proof 237, Vol. 3) ,' bs ir- 30 no. in NEI SW+ rigs ted % I ./'P.33o._ - 36 so. in sW',Soo.12 t40 ao. in NB. NE- erf, 306 Jo r 326 cres . 21 no. in NW+ NE3 salsa. In sr NE-,seo.11 9 ao. in Sri S/} 36 ac. in SW4 SE : 3 so. in SB1 S'4,8eo . 2 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. 15. Walloa County, Oregon.

Jackson, C. (See miler Chamberlian Diltoh Co., Tract No. 13)

s Alums, DgNd. 1908 5 Irrigation Chapman Bear 5 ac. In Sit $, Sea.' Wallowa, Oro . Heber Creek T. 1 S. R. 42 E. W. (Proof 238, Vol . 3) Walloa Count', Oregon.


Data o f Amount Name and Po.tofflco Addre. e Cub l Number Use Name of DItcM Stream De .crlptlon of Land or Place of Use of Approor l.tor Priority P e er Second Aere .

4 0` 9 Johnson, O. I. 1906 16 Irrigation Lower Wallow a. 16 ac. in SL Sri, Sec . 27 Walloon, Or.. Valls{y River T. 2 N. R . 42 E. V. By?. E. Johnson Wallowa County, Oregon. wallows, Ore. (Proof 239, Vol. 3 )

3 Jbhason, Ernest F ., 1887 130 Irrigation Johnson Wallowa" 47i ac . in 2 NW, Sea .4 a P Wallowa, Or*. and stook 40 ac. in N! NF„1 (Proof 240, Vol . 3) - 13 ao. in W NEI, Sec.5 T. 1 N. R . 42 B. W.$. 29i so. in Sti- 3E11 Seo .32 T. 2 N. R. 42 E. W .R . W loon County, Oregon.

Y ' 4 pJOhnson, Joseph P., Oat. 575 Irrigation Johnson Walloon` 60 so. in NEI AEt (Lot 1 ) Wallowa, Orr. 1900 and stook 45 awn is ...# Rte_, (Lot 2 ) By 'Ernest F . Johnson 48 ao . in 31 PW--, Sec. 4(Lat3 Wallowa, Or.. T. 1 N. B. 4 2 (Proof 241, Vol. 3 ) 80 an. In > SW- 60 so. in St Sad, Seo.33 57 an. in NB SE- 35 ac. in SF SEx,Seo.32 T. 2 N. R. 42 E. e. L. Wallowa County, Oregon.

wallow- 40 so. in Sal NVa, svo ;23.. 3 e (Proof 24t, Vol. 5) 1886 40 Irrigation Rogers a I r; and stook Johnson T :,-2--$.1 R. 42 7•, . WA. wairoea County, Oregon. m9 ,r 3Johnson, Lee W. 1880 3 Irrigation Johnson Prairie- 3 so . in NE Sec .(5- , Beattie* Nebr . domestic Creek T. 2 S. R. 45E. 9.1a. isstrade 1. Kenney and stook wallow County, Oregon. Corning, Calif. (1 right to sapplessnt and Chas. F. Johnson the water used through the Joseph, Ore . Farmers Water Ditch Co . Burs of Notate of ditch on above described 1 Sarah Johnson lands) By Chan.P.Johnson (',Proof 245, Vol. 3 )

%.u7 1 Johnston, T . C. 1890 40 irrigation Lover Wallowa- 40 an. in NV W, Sea .34 and stook Valley R. 2 5 .,R. 42 F. V.2. (;Proof 244, Vol. 3) Wallow County, Oregon .

It ?Advance, V. K. 1904 47 Irrigation Lower Wallows- 1 ao . in SBx S! -, Sec. 2 8 •hallow*, Oro. Talley 58 an. in NSg 1E4 (1Pwoof 245, Vol . 5 ) 8 se . in NWl 52?•, Seo . 3 3 T. 2 N. R. 42 E . W.7 Wallowa County, Oregon.

Johnsen, T. E. 6, Irrigation Brownell Regain According to term and Ped Witabard, and 1909 Johnson Canyon limitations of state Ernest Johnson Bsnalgy F7agineer•e Permit No . 18

By .9. K. Johnson I Application No. 67 While's, Oregon. (Proof 546, Vol. 5 )

Jonas, T. B. (bee under Dobbi n Ditch Company, Trac t No. 5 ) (See nater Wrenn & Dobkin Ditch Co ., Tract No. 9


-Fr) R

Dote o f Amount Name s Relativ e Cubic Fee t Nleree Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Lend or Place of Use andof P oOfriotor Addres Priority Per Second r

O 3 Joseph, City of Aug. 6 General Citizen s Wallowa General Municipal a t By Aug. White 1900 Municipa l Water River Purposes in City of Recorder, Ditch Joseph, Wallowa County, Joseph, Ore . and Oregon. (]roof 247, Vol . 3 ) Joseph Water System /I 1' 3pJoseph Light & Power 1882 50 625 Power Fos flume Wallowa Joseph Milling Co . Mill and Joseph Milling Co ., .{ R.P. r 4 and barrel in City of Joseph . Wallowa eti P~ DN ys ut, 5 10r F. D. MaCslly, kw"' .i" stave County, Oregon. sr, Dr:, Va1.2,pH 7 Joseph, Ore . V o l . rr flume (Froof 248, Vol . 3 ) Joseph Light & Power Co .'s (Ewe Contest, Findings, Paragraph 19,1 Power plant in City of Joseph, Wallowa Caantr, Oregon.

9 capper, L. 1882 7* Irrigation Co. ditch Wallowa 6} no. in SWa NE,b, Joseph, Ore . Domesti c ! 1 no. in I79FZ SE£-, Sec . 2 (Proof 249, Vol . 3 ) & Stook I T. 3 S. R. 45E. W. M. Wallowa Cora ty, Oregon .

(Proof 250, Vol . 3) 1874 60 Irrigation Prairie Prairie , 34 no . in SW-.NWl Domestic Creek Creek - 13 no. in 7R-W S and Stock 13 so. in NWi , Sec.11 T. 3 S., R. 45 E. W.M. Walloon County, Oregon.

%000hl, Bari 1885 5 Supplementa l Small Spring . Enterprise, Ore. Irrigation ditches Creek (Proof 251, Vol, 3 ) p6Domestic -' 5.0 no. in ?Mt n% Seo.15 Vol . U-- P. .L .: ~.. R Cancelled-so . o-Rec . and Stock. 1. ' . 44 E . W .In. (Supplemet,ted by water from Silver Wallowa County, Oregon. Creek ditch )

I t 3 p Koch, J. B., 1877 10 Supplemental Small Spring I 2.5 eo. in RR -NE - Enterprise, Ora. Irrigation ditches creek 5 no. in NW (Proof 282, Tol. 3 ) Domestic 2.5 no. in SW4 NL.,i; , Sec0 22 (see Findings, Paragraph 21) Stook T. 2 S. R. 44 E . W.M. Wallows County, Oregon . (A right to supplement the (See under Alder Slope Ditoh Co., Tract No. 15) water used through the Alde r slope ditch for the irrigatic of the above described lends .

(Proof 253, Vol. 3) 1895 5 Irrigation Small Wallowa . 5 so. in Block 35, ditches iRiver Amended lumber's Additio n to City of Enterprise, Ore . 1 1 3 Hnohl, Rudolf, 1883 90 Irrigation Gehl So, Fork . 40 no. in SW}}C- NE; Loetine, Ore. Domestic ditch Wallowa 16 no. in SLS}}- NB (Proof 264, Vol. 3) and stook 34 ono. in EE1 SE4, Seo.32 T. 1 N. R. 43 E . W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon. May 1897 Domestic Clear- So. Fork water Wallowa

nanny, Oscar R . 1905 5 Irrigation Small Funk 3 ac. in Lot 3, Seo . 51 Enterprise, Ore. Domestic ditches Creek T. 1 S. R. 44 E . W. M. (Proof 255, Vol. 5) and stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

.~ I

Wallowa River 66. ti "7 f7

Date of Amoun t Nuns and Pmto((lee Address PRelotve Per is FF eat Numbe r Uee Name of Ditch Stream De.erlPtl .n of Land er Plata of Use .(Appropriator Second Aer ..

1 p ,° Laird, H . C. 1885 140 Irrigation Smell Springs Supplements ; to water from Enterprise, Ore . Domestic Ditches and Alder Slope ditohes for (Proof 256, Vol . 3 ) and Stock spring lands of H. C. Laird, irr - branches igation therefrom . (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tract 16)

Langmo, John (See under Char,erlain Ditch Co., Tract No. 14) 8 ° 3° Langston, Laura 1881 7 Irrigation Haas Haas 5 ao. in SNSg- SWgW, Seo. 14 Enterprise, Ore . and stook ditch branch 2 ao. La NJ NW, Sea . 23 (Proof 257, Vol. 3) T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (6lwp1seented by water through Horr i Ditch and inol14edIn the deearlption_of_land,rigated from that ditch (See also under 3nrrioane Irrigating Ditch Co., Tract No . ) b~ 3 C~,~ $ Lanphear, F. H. 1896 35 Irrigation Robin Hnrricanel,36 no. in SEQ SW-, Sec. 36 Joseph, Ore . Boner Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 E. H .lf. (.Proof 258, Vol. 3) 5GITallowa County, Oregon. (bee also under Moonshine Ditch Company, Tract No. 6) y

3 Lewis, Jay and 1880 10 Irrigation Cook & So. Fork -' 21- ac. in 4 N7 Edith Lewi s Domestic Lewi s Wallowa - 15 ao. in SI NES~. By Jay Lewis , 1888 179F- and Stook or Sheep 18 ea. in N[£- SF ;, See.15 Lostine, Ore. Ridge (:Proof 259, Vol . S ) Cook So. Fork , 14 so. in 1GEt NE'I- Lewis Wallowa , 33 ao. in Np~ , Sec . 22 an. in SRI , Sec. 10 40 so. in SWpi 35 no. in SE 10 an. in SEI HEI-, See. 15 .\ T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W. H. (_An. in Hs S Sec. 15, T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M., sup- plemented by water on tontine ditch under date of 189: ) (See a:so under Losti a Ditch Co., tract No. 16 ) (Seo a.eo under Sheep Ridge Ditch Co ., Tract No . 10) -

Lewin, Jay (ase under Big Bend Ws{ter Ditoh Company, Tract Jo. 5 ) P 3 ! 3Li11,V, Estate of Dao. 1896 5 Irrigation Boatman So. Fork - 5 sm. in SW9 SW-, Sec . 10 ;lb" S. ?. Lilly, Adnr . and ntook Wood Wallows T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. Leoetins, Or.. Wallowa County, Oregon. (;Proof l60, Tel. 3) 9 D r/ • 18 so. in NWagg- H!7i, Seo .13 Linn, A. F. 1596 45 Irrigation Linn Little - 25 no. in REQ . . Enterprise, Ore . Hurricane T. 2 S. R.W. M. (Proof 261, Vol. 3 ) 4 ¢E

1885 47 Irrigation Wade Wallows 36 ac. in NV4 River 11 so. in N NW , Sec .13 T. 2 S. .B. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. 8t sLlteh, Sam . 1881 589 Irrigation Small Alder Creak Supplemental to water from ffiterpriso, Or.. Domestic ditohes and Alder Slope ditch for use (Proof 262, Vol . 3) and Stook Spring on lands of Sam ditch branch irrigated therefrom. (See also under Alder Slope Ditch Co. Tract No. 17)


Date of Amoun t Numbe N.mo and Pmtoffiee Address Relative Cubic Feet r Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e ofo Appropriato r priority Per Semnd Aeree

F 1 ' Looks, W. G. 1908 5 Irrigation Small Spring 2 no . in SR? SV?- Enterprise, Or.. Dowestio branch - 3 no . in P8 sv , Sec. 15 (Proof 263, Vol . 3 ) and stook Tp . 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Walloon County, Oregon. 8 1 Long, B. F., 1885 40 Irrigation used. Wallow- 30 ac. in SW:l fdE- , Enterprise, Ors . and stook River . 10 an. in 2741; SP, Sec .13 (Proof 264, Vol. 3 ) T. 2 S. R . 44 E . w . X . wallow County, Oregon. 4 4 91 7Lostins, City of 1881 2.6 General Bosman so. Fork In the City of Loetine, Ey B . V . Goodman, sUenioipal Wallow Wallowa county, Oregon . Esaorder (Proof 266, Vol . 3

e Loetins Ditch Co ., 1893 428.05 Irrigation Lootin g, So. Fork Tract No. 1 : a corporation, Domestic Pitch Wallow 9 ac . in xH! N1??, sec .15 Jsy Lewis Pros. and Stook Co.ditch T. 1 S. R. 43 E. v. U. Dram, or.. Tallow% County, Oregon. (Proof 266, Vol. 3) ( Proof 267, Vol . 3 )

Tract Eo. 2 : 1 no. in Nw7= WE i, Seo .l5 T. 1 S . R . 43 E. W.2. Wallowa County, . Oregon . ) (Proof 268; vo1.3 Trent No . 3 . 1 • ao . lrlLots. 6t 9•8• 91• 0a 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, R1ock- E Magill-Colo Addition t o Town of Loetine, Oregon. (Proof 269, Vol . 5 )

Trnot Mo. 4 : Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9, 1,2,3,34 Block 3, Magill-Cole Addition to Town of Tontine Oregon. {Proof 270, Vol . 3 )

Tract No. 51 Lots 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 1 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 53, Block 3 Cole and Magill Addition to Town of Looti : Oregon (Proof.2?1, Vol. 3 )

Tract No. 6: Lots, 6, 7,8, Block 4 Cole-Magill Addition t o Toen of Lostine, Oregon . (Proof 272, Vol. 3 )

Treat No . 7 : I 1 no. in SW-! SFr, Sec .10 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. o.R. Wallowa County, Oregon . ~ described as follow : Coonenolog at a point 4611 E. and 7 rolls and 13' 4" of the A8 tor . of the Si S1 Seo . 10, '". 1 S. A . 4 W.h. ; t3000e E . 20i rods : thence S . 7 rode, 13' 4" ; thence W. 20i. rods ; thane N. to place of beginning. (Proof 273, Vol. 5)


Date o f Amount Noma and Pe.b[Elee Add.,.. Boleti ty Coble Nombe r Dee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Lond or Place of Dee of AOptnpriator priority Acre.

Loetine,Ditoh Co .(Co!tieaedl Tract No . 8 : 1 ac . in SWi Sâ -,3ec.10 T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W.H. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 274, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 9 : Lots 16 and 17, in Block 4 ; and a tract joining on the E. aide of Block 17, Col e and Magill Addition to Town of Loetine, Oregon. (Proof 275, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 10 : Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , 20, 21, in Block 3, Cole and Magill Addition to Loetine , Oregon. (Proof 276, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 11 : 8 ao, in 5W4 SES, Sec .10 T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W. M. , Wallow County, Oregon described as follows ; ooemmencing at a point 46 9 E. and 15 rods 10 . 2" a . of the NW oor . of the Si SE9 of Sec . 10, T . 1 S. R . 43 E. , N. M. ; thence E. 20i rods ; theme S . 12 rods ; thence W . 20 rode ; thence N. to plac e of beginning. (Proof 277, Vol . 3 )

Tract No. 12 : 40 so. in WE: Nilg 30 ac . in NW— NW;` 30 ac . in SW NB'y . in 5* RW$s40 ao 28i ac . in NE: S* 1 4 ao . in WWI SWt,See . 10 40 ao . in NEQ SW1, 3 so . in NW 30 ac . in SW 40 ao . in S4 8W-,Sec . 3 T . 1 S . R . 43 E. W.H . , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 278, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 13 : 53 no . in NW* SE i, Seo .l b Tp . 1 S . R . 43 E. W.M. , ;Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 279, Vol . 3 )

Tract No. 14 : 6i no . in NEi SW-, Sec.10 Tp. 1 S. R. 43 E. W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 280, Vol. 3) Tract No . 16 5i ac . in SW* SES, sec.10 T. 1 S . R . 43 E. W.M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 281, Vol . 3 ) Tract No . 16 : i0 ac . in Swl SE+ 18 ao . in SEi, Sec .10 10 ac . in 4 SE4 6 ao . in SES NB*, Seo .15 , T . 1 S . R. 43 E. W.H.

WaT .:d1Wa ATVFP P.O A 0 r1

Amount Date v Nomher Uee Noma of Ditch Stream Description of Lond or Place of Use Name and Poste( Um Address DeLtl a Coble Feet Acre . of Appropriator Priority Per Second

9 ac . in N3+SE , Seo . 1 5 Lostine Ditch Co. (Contirmed) T . 1 S . R . 43 E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Of the above described land , 9 an . in NE4 SE , Sec . 15 i s supplemented by water through Crook and Lewis ditch. (Proof 282, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 17 : 1 no . in NE+ SW14, Sec .10 T . 1 S . R . 43 F . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon . described as follows ; Starting at a point 14 fr. , N. of the N1$cor . of Lot 1 , Blk. 4, Magill and Cole ad- dition to Town of Loatine , Ore., thence 323 ft . E. , thence N. 136 fit; thence W. 323 ft.t thence S. 135 ft . to beginning . (Proof 283, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 18 : ac . in N'tWi- NE? , Sec . 1 5 T. 1 S . R. .43 E . W.M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 284, Vol . 3 )

Tract No . 19 : Lots 13,14,15,17, Block 4 in Cole de Magill Addition to City of Loatine, Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 285, Vol . 3 1 9~ r JI f~i /1 Loatine Milling Co . 1895 1 Irrigation Loetine So, Fork ao . in NW SS .T. O . Kid.dle,Pree . Milling Wallowa * sm . in SW+ SWC-, Seo . 10 Loatine, Oregon. Co . T . 1 S . R . 43 E . W . M. (Proof 286, Vol . 3) ditch Wallow County, Oregon.

64 218 Power Loetin o So . Fork Milling . purposes . Wate r R. P . Milling Wallowa returned to stream in Co. NW4 SW*, See . 10, T . 1 S . , / 'owe (-/ et A7 ditch I . 43 E. W.K . Wallowa County, Oregon .

S Magill, S . L. 1891 78 .6 Irrigation Magill So . Fork 33 no . in SW- SE ; Loatine, Ore . Domestic Polby Wallowa - 34.6 ao .in SR? SE4, Sec . 9 (Proof 287, Vol . 4) and Stock Allen 11 se .in SW4 SW4, Sec .i O (See Findings, Par.- or Poley T . 1 S . R. 43 E . W.M. agraph 22) Masterson Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 288, Vol . 4) 1896 108 .6 Irrigation Mile s So, Fork 40 an . in NW S Domestic Magill Wallowa 34 ac . in SW+ SBA, Seo . 6 and Stook 34.6 ac. in NW+ NW+, Sec. 9 T . 1 S . R. 43 E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 289, Vol. 4 ) 1889 215 Irrigation Middl e So . Fork 80 ac . in NW T Domesti c Valley Wallowa - 80 ao . in SW and stook Irrigator s 16 no . in SW4 5W - & Water - 40 ac . in SE SW F , Sec . 32 Ditch Co . T . 1 N. R . 43 E . W.M . Wallowa County, Oregon . r

(Sot also nnde: West Side Irrigation and Water Ditch Co ., Tract No . 9 )


Amount Data o f Number U .. Nems of Ditch [itre .m Description of Land or Pl .ce of Use and P .M!' Ice Addre.e priorit y obic Feen t Acres Nome of Approprlator priority Per Secondd

Mahon, W. T. (See unde r Dobbin Ditch Co., Tract No. 6) (Si. under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co., Trac t No. 10) (See under Granger Water Ditch Co., Trac t No. 4) 9 y 5' Mann, Harland D. Aeky 1 2 Irrigation M No.tt Bear 2 ac. in SB } NE- , Sec .16 Wallows, Ore . 1906 or Creek T. 3. N. R. 42'E. W. M. By Susan Mann Community Wallowa County, Oregon . Wallows, Ore . ditch 'PC (Proof 290, Vol . 4) /N•4 2

Mann, Janes (See ender Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tract No. 15) } Marquis, Laura M. May 20, 10 Irrigatio n No name Prairie 10 ac. in SWC AW;, Sec. 1 Nnterpriee, Oro . 1904 Creek 7 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. (Proof 291, Vol. 4) Wallowa County, Oregon.

g'' 3arnhall, S . J. 1277 5 Irrigation No name Spring 5 so. in SBh SW , Sec . 5 Dnterpriee,Ore . Domestic Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. 3. , (Proof 292, Vol . 4 ) and Stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

1 5° Maateraon, J . A, 1873 122 Irrigation Tully Wallowa 27 ac. in SWiNE Wallowa, Ore. Domesti c Msterman River 23 no. in SE-1 Ny (Proof 293, Vol. 4) and Stoo k 11 no. in NE- H6~y} 19 ao, in NWl NW 6ac. inS~WNPZ . in SEi $ 19 so NN' ' 4 ac. in 5B- SB9 , Sec. 20 13 ac. in N8 SWC, Sec . 21 T. 1 N. R. 43 E. W.M.

f ,q fr 3 Naawell, J. L. 1900 .1,j Irrigation Maxwel l Bear 10 ac. in NE} , Seo.15 Wallows, Ore . Miller Creek *am. in SFA S , Sec.10 (Proof 294, Vol. 4) T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

°9 3 MaAleander, A. V. , 1881 38 Irrigation Talley So. Fork . 38 ac. in NW- NW9, Sec .29 Mallows, On , ditch Wallowa T. 1 N., R. 43 E. T. M. (Proof 295, Vol. 4) Wallowa County, Oregon .

f lMoAlieter, J. W. 1881 57 Irrigation McAlister Wallowa - 26 so. in NW 211:1 Tarlook,Calif. Domesti c River - 8 ao. in SW* 2*, Sec. 33 By Chas. McAlister and stock 6 ao. in NE- BE°, Seo . 32 Enterprise, Ore . 17 no. in SEi SH}, Sec . 29 (Proof 296, Vol . 4) T. 1 S . R. 44 E . W. M. Wallows County, Oregon . (See under Alder 'lope Ditch Co., Tract No. 18 )

3 aI Bitth, Mrs . Marty 1887 5i Irrigation A. H. Pip e~ Bear 3 ao. in NW NE*, Sec . 15 i Wallows, Ore. and Creek T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. N. (Proof 297, Vol . 4) Domeatio Wallowa County, Oregon.

3 ' ,MnCAafa, C. A. 1879 6 Irrigation Roupe Prairie- 5 ac . in NW N , Sec . 11 Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek T. 3 S. R. 45 E., W.M. (Proof 298, Vol . 4) and stook Wallow County, Oregon. of 31 NeClain, .1. Fred Aug. 14, 80 Irrigation Citizens Wallows - 80 ac. in Ei SP. Sec. 28 Joseph, Ore. 1900 Domestic and River T. 2 S. R. 45E . W.11. y J. M. Mitchell and Stook Farmers Wallows County, Oregon. Joseph, Ore . 'Proof 299, Vol: 4)


Dale v Amount Numb, Name and Poste( fice Addree a Cubic Fee Acres Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Lend or Place of Us e of Appropriator Priority e t Per Second

.ecOomae, Mrs . H. M. and John A. Hug (See and r Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tracts No. 1 and 12)

oy 5I MoCoreaok, B. L. 1886 3.75 Irrigation Small Alder 3.75 ac. in NL`i- SB ,Seo .10 Enterprise, Ore . and ditch Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 E . W. M. (Proof 300, Vol . 4) Domesti c Wallowa County, Oregon .

.10 McCormack, Charlotte 1886 5 Irrigation Small Alder 6 no . in SI NM , Sec . 10 Fr_terprise, Ore . Domestic Ditch Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 R. W. M. (Proof 301, Vol . 4) and stock Wallowa County, Oregon. (See un er Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tra t No. 19) o' 3I MoCabbin, Mrs . J. H. Apr. 8 14 Irrigation Magill So, Fork - 10 on. in 11B IB. Lostine, Ore . 1886 Domestic Paley Wallowa - 4 ac. in NW NE*, Sec .16 (Proof 302, Vol. 4) and Stook Allen T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W.l . Wallowa County, Oregon. (See also under nest Side Irrigation and Water Ditch Co., Tract No. 10) v AG ", MdCsbbin L. P. Nov. 12, 143 Irrigation I Craig wallow 40 ac. in S"i-t'• BW:.-Lr Enterprise, Ore . 1900 Domestic River 34 so. in SB NWi (Proof 304, Vo1.4) and Stock 38i ac. in BD SWL., , (- A. c-r - 15 ae. in NWh- SW*, Sea . 7 T. 2 S. R. 45 E . W. M. 15S ac. in SB NE4, Seo .12 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 303, Vol . 4) 1889 5 Irrigation Ivanhoe Prairie • 5 ac. in SBg NV, Sec . 7 Domestic Creek T. 2 S. R. 45 E . W. M. and Stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

' McCubbia, I.. B . (See under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co., Pr-act No. 11 ) pb 3 McCully, F. D. 1881 100 Irrigation Metes Prairie 20 ac. is NSi NES Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek - 20 ac . in SE (Proof 308, Fol. 4) and Stock 10 ao. in NB?' (See Stipulation, Paragraph 12, Findings) 40 ac. in , See.36 - 10 a0. in S. 4 SES, Sec.26 T. 2 S . R . 45 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

(See also under Big Bend. Water Ditch Company, Tract No. 10) (See also under Dobbin Iitch Company, Tract No . 7 (See als o under Grange r Ditch Co., Tract No. 4) (See alec under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co ., Tract No. 12 )

1bDonald, Rector (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tract No. 17)

12onald, John 1907 8- 1 Supplemental McNutt Bear To supplement the wate r Wallowa, Ore. Irrigation Creek diverted through the Cites (Proof 306, Vol. 4) Domestic of Wallowa ditch for the and stook following described lands : 8 no. in SD . 5 , Sec. 15 T. 1 N. R. 42 B . W.M. Wallow County, Oregon.

(Proof 307, Vol . 4) 1887 70 Irrigation Pipes Bear 30 ac. in SWk NE4 Domestic Creek 30 ac. in g NEj and stook . 10 so . in 8E,, Seo.10 T . 1 N. R . 42 E. N. M . Wallowa County, Oregon.

O.T TAM'A LTrrP ep s (w S'

Dat t v Amo.n t Numbe r Nam . and Pogo( fice Addles. ubi eet Acres Use Name of Ditch 9ere.m Description of Lend or Place of Ilse of Appropriator Priority Per Seco nd X153*m iri

" McDonald, John 1893 42 Irrigation City o f Bear 34 ao . in SWC NW , Sec .14 Wallow, Ore . Domestic Wallowa Creek 8 ao . in SEy NE4, Sec.15 (Proof 308, Vol . 4 ) and Stock T. 1 A. R . 42 E. W.Y. , Wallows County, Oregon . (8 so . of above described land supplemented by water through McNutt ditch )

(Proof 309, Vol. 4 ) 1896 Irrigation Wood So . Fork All of Block 7, Lots, 6,7 , _* 3657 PO P and Stock Boatman Wallows 8 in Block 9, Lots 6,7,8 , 9, 10, 11, in Block 8, Town of Lectin, Oregon .

(See also under Chamberliin Ditch Co. Tract No. 2)

McDonald, laggi e (See = er Chamberlain Ditch Co ., Trac t No. 18 )

Mani:ridge, --- - (See anter Big Bend Water Ditch Company, Tract No. 16 ) II MoFetridge, Fred (Sea under Big Bend Watley Ditch Company, Tract No. 19 )

MMcFe tridge, E. O . (See under Big Bend Wate r Ditch Company , Tract No. 20 )

kcFetridge, Joseph (See under Big Bend Water Ditch Company, TractNo. 17 and 18 ) . 16) Marge. , 114'Mo (see nailer Chamberlai n Ditch Company , Tract No

i lk3Nntt, Ira E. April,1, . 7 Irrigation Pratt Bear - 7 sa . in fFY; SL`s•, See. 15 Wallowa, Ore. 1899 Hayes Creek T. 1 N. R . 42 E.'W .h. (Proof 310, Vol . 4) Wallows County, Oregon .

of' 1. 1 Meek., Chas . W. 1880 11 Irrigation Not Prairie Water sufficient to ir- Joseph, Ore . named Creek Agate any 11 acres in the (Proof 311, Vol. 4) 1878 Stook and follcwing described tracts : Doae otic 30 so . in IPA- 7 ac. in 5Sfi - 3 so . in SB 5D , Sec . 14 T. 3 6. R . 45 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

1880 7.76 22 Power Flume Prairie Saw Mill in NV SB,Sec .14 H. P . Creek T. 3 6 . R. 45 E. W. M. Wallows County, Oregon .

30.ohellod, X (See under Wilson Ditch Association , Tract No. 6 ) )00- 53 -07 53°-0' ' Y Miles, S . W. 1882 622 Irrigation Miles So . Fork 12 no . in N;'- NB?- 3Zc . Domestic Wallowa - 15 so . in N W ~~ Oregon and stook 3 so . in S N , Sea. 9 r .4) (Proof eg, VOZ 27 ao . in NC RW (See Stipulation, Fin.tInge, Paragraph 2) 38 aa . in SAS NWT . 3 so . in SEa NW. 1*ao. in NEq SW?- 80 ma in W SW? 37 so. in SE'' SW+p 1 so. in S E3, Sec. 4 42 so, i n 40 so. in SSr 8E4 80 so. in B SE4, Sec . 5 "At 1 S . R . 4 E___&`,M. 40 so. in NW SE4 80 so. in Sr SE -i-, Sec . 32 9 ao. in SV SW, Sec .33 T. 1 11 . R . 43 E. W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon


Amoun t e Data of Numbe r Uee Name of Ditch Stream Deerrtptlon of Land or Puce of W Name and Poste( flee Address Relative Cubic Feet Aeree of Appropriator priority Second

' ~~° Supplemental Middle So. Fork To supplement the diversion ~° Miles, S . W . 1889 186 Irrigation Talloyy wallows through the Miles ditch for .. Evans, Ore . Domestic Irriga- River the following described land s (Proof 313, Vol. 4) and Stock tion and also described and include d Water D6>YCh in the lands described abov e Co. under the Milos ditch, to-wi i ditch. 17 ao . in NW- WW1, Seo . 4 40 so . in NB NE , Sec . 5 T. 1 S . R . 45 B . W.H. 40 ao . in N SE 80 no . in Si- SEd, See . 3 2 9 ac . in SW} SWw, Sec.33 T. 1 N . R. 45 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 314, Vol . 4) 28% 467.5 Supplemental Miles So. Fork To supplement diversions Irrigation Magill Wallow a through Niles ditch and Domestic River Middle Valley Irrigation and and stook Water Ditch Co . ditch for the following described lands, a] described and included abov e under said ditch, to-wit :

' 10.8 ac . in ~ - ►- : 19.6 ao. in Mg sec . 9 T. 1 8. B . 43 E . W.H. Wallows County, Oregon

"y . Proof 314, Vol . 4) 1896 30.4 Irrigation Miles So. Fork - 15. ao . in NP NWl, Seo . 9 Magill Wallowa 27 so . in NWt EWA- River • 38 ao. in SW4441 WWII 3 ac . in d NW$ 15i ac . in BBr} SWW 80 so. in W~ SW44 , Sec .4 • 42 so . in 40 so . in g NE 80 ac. in E SRI, Sec. 6 T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W. H. 40 ac . in NW. 8R 80 ac. in S'i SL*, Sec . 32 9 ac . in SW4 SW4, Sec.33 T . 1 N. R. 43 B . W ] S Wallows County, Oregon.

(Proof 316, Vol . 4) 18% 4.5 Irrigation Wood- So. Fork •, All of Blocks 13, 18, Si. and stook Boatman Wallows Block 19 ; Lot 14, in Block 7-#3637 upon L,/ ~/r wtrs/ River 12 ; Lot! 1, 4,5,6, in Block P/4 Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, in Block 6 ; Lots 3, 4, 6, 12, 1 14, Block 8; All in City o f Evans, Wallowa County, Orega

Miller, B . P. (See under Alder Slope )itch Co ., Tract No. 20) Enterprise, Ore .

11~~ I 3 7L'Lller, Goo . A. 1892 4 Irrigation 1fiwell ar - 4 so . in SE4 SR*, Sec. 10 Wallowa, Ors. Hiller )reek T. 1_14_8 . 42 E . W.H. , (]..'roof 516, Vol. 4) Wallowa County, Oregon. I i

NELtohell, Flora P . (See under Big Bend Water Ditch Company, Tract Nal. 6)


WALLOWA RIVER 74 ~ ,4 f.

Date of Amoun t Nvmhcr Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Lond or Place of Use Name and Pmtoff Ice Address Relative Cuhie Peet Acres of Appropriator Priority Per Second

l': itohell, Henry 1893 67 Irrigation Silver Wallowa 10 ao. in S SW ,Seo.28 Joseph, Ore. Domestic Lake River 29 ao. in BW° By .T. N. Iitohill 0.26 Ioe and 26 ao. in S Joseph, Ore. Fish 2 so. in NW} ,Sec.33 (Proof 317, Vol. 4) Pond T. 2 S. R. 46 E. W.M. (Findings, Paragraph 19) Whllowa County, Oregon. Fish and Ice pond in SW NW4 Sec. 33, T. 2 S. , R. 46 E. W. M.

]Mitchell, Herman (See and Rig Bend Ira Itch Cosploy, Tracts No. 7 and 8) (See and Wrenn & Dobbin itch Oo., Trac t No. 13) 91 7Litaihell, J. 1894 Irrigation Silver Wallowa 1 so. in SW* Joseph, Ore . Domestic lake River 1 a*. In SW4 SW, Sec .33 Proof 318, Vol . 4) and Stock T. 2 S. R. 46E. W. L Wallow County, Oregon.

`ng. 30, 217 Irrigation Silver Wallow. 40 ao. in NB SE`s Proof 320, Vol . 4) 1880 Domestic Lake and River 40 ao. in NWy S* (Findings, Paragraph . 19) wd stock Mitchell 35 an. in SW° SEA 32 ao. in SET, SRj, Seo.29 50 ao. in SW; SWg 40 ao. in NW4 6*, Seo .28 T. 2 S. R. 46 E. W.1i. Wallowa County, Oregon. )Proof 319, Vol . 4) Aug. 14, 217 Supplemental Citisen•s Wallowa . To supplement the diversion 1900 Irrigation River through the Silver Lake an d Domestic Mitchell ditches for lands and stook last described above under Silver Lake-Mitchell ditohee. l Mitchell, J. M. Aug. 14, 6 Irrigation Citisens Wallowa 5 so. in SI SW4, Seo. 29 and 1900 Domestic River T. 2 S ., R. 46E. W. It. Ike. J. It. Mitchell and Stook Wallows County, Oregon . Joseph, Ore. (Proof 3t1, Vol . 4 ) l ( 111to.hell, Thomas, 23.09 Irrigation Staadly Wallowa , 3.09 ao. in 3 NWI~ Wallowa, Ore. 1895 Domestic Tully River - 20 ao. in S3* NWg,8eo.13 (Proof 322, Vol . 4). and Stook Story T. 1 N. R. 42 E . W.M. Wallow,Caanty, Ore.

Mown, Too (See anter Wilson Ditch Aceociation, Tract No . 7 ' G O Moomshino,Ditch Cos- 8 A. It. 706.34 Irrigation Moonshine Hurricane Tract No. 1 : pain a eorperatic . Nov. 30, Domestic Creek -7 36. so. in SI* 8W4, Sec.3l Joseph, Ors. 1901 and stook T. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. It. Coo. L. Cols, Pres.. 1 Wallows County, Oregon. Joseph, Oregon (Supplemsntsd by Cove Ditch. (;Proof 328, Vol. 4) (See Stipulation, Paragraph (See Stipulation, lindsgs, Paragraph 14) 16, Findings) Tract No . 2: 40 an. in NWQ 7 ao. in SW* , Seo. 36 T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W.& Wallows County, Oregon. tesctxNexxtr

Tract No . 3 : 40 ao. in 3$} NW ' 34}"ae. in Lot S (SW4 NWl) 27 ac. in SW* NE* 24 ao. in BW3** SEi-, Seo. 6 T. 3 S. R. 46 E. W.,. ~`} ! Wallows County, Oregon. -q r,


Date of Amoun t Namo end Pamfflee Address ti NumbeA.... r Uee Name of Ditch Stream De.crlption of Land or Place of U m of oothirl .tot Pr r la tive Pe lbBeFend

)ooashine Ditch Co. (continned) Tract No. 4 : t 47.6 so . in Lot 5 ; 77 .6 ao. in Let 4 ; Qee . 6 T. S S . R. 465. W .=, Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No. 5 : 16 ac . in NT ST *ac . in Lot 6, Seo . 6 T. 3 S . R . 46 B.W.1. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract Io. 6 1 15 ac. in Sri. SE, Seo .E 5 36 ao. in SWi SWi 40 so. in SE4 SWi, Seo .36 . T. 2 S . R . 44 E. 7.V. Z'—aTfeia County, Oregon. (36 so . of above land in S1* SW!., sec. 36 is Supple- mented by water from Robin Boner ditch from Hurricane Creek )

Trnot .Jo. I t 40 ao. in SYi S* 40 ao. in SB- S, Sec .36 T. 2 3 . B. 44 B. W. I. 20.07 so. in J BE4 NZ ,Lo t 20.07 ac.in Ni !Fri ~IRR,Lot f $9 ac in iYE+2 Lot 7 37 so-in , Lot 8 3 ao.in ,, Lot 9 8 oo. in 4 BEa.,, Lot 10 Sec . I T. 3 S . R. 44 B . W. M. Tallows County, Oregon.

Tricot No . 8 8 40 no . in 2BB Sr Seo.36 T. 2 S . R. 44 E . No M. Ballon County, Oregon .

Tract NO . 9 : us. In Lot 3 3* 10i eo . in RE} NW,, Lo 6 Sec . 1 T. 3 S . B. 44 E. W. R. Wallows County, Oregon.

Moore, Cora E. (mound Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tract No . 19 )

Moore, C. 1 . (See stud Chamberlain D tch Co., Traci No . 3 )

Moore, Prod J. (bee I Chmberlain D tab Co., Tract No. 20 ) I Moose K . 8. (See ondek Chamberlain D toh Co., Tract No . 21 ) l Moore John L. I (See nnd erl Chamberlain Dtoh Co., Traci No . 22)

Merelook & Rumble (See order Dobbin Ditch Company, Tract No. 8 )

4 )Moore, IH. M. 1895 4 Irrigation City of Bear , 4 so . in SEq HE}, Seo.15 Wallowa, Or.. Domestic Walloon Creek T. 1N. R. 42 E. W. M. (Proof 324, vol. 4) and stook Wallow► County, Oregon.



Amount s Date o f Nembrr Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e Nam . and Poetoffice Addres taat oi Rel f Cubic P eet Acrce Uee of Appropriator Priorib Per Second

f l blmford, 0. W. May 1893 98 Irrigation Wallowa Wallowa 141 ao. in Br* Wallop, Ore. Domestic Irrigation River 30 ao. in N4 EW By W. G. Trill and 'took Co. or 36 ao. in NW NCI, Sec.13 Wallow , Ore. Standley— , 11} sc. in NE4 5P ,Sec . 14 (Proof 326, Vol . 4) Talley 1 so. S* SWl, Seo. 12 Story no. SB SE , Sec. 11 T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. H. Wallowa County, Oregon.

1 10 Warrey, A. R. 1877 100 Irrigation Small Spring ' Supplemental to water from Enterprise, Ore. Domestic ditches and Alder Supe ditch for A . R. . 4) and stook Spring Marrero lends described (Proof 321, Vol branch under Alder Slope Ditch Company's appropriation . (See under Alder Slope Ditch Co., Tract No. 21) 0 )lhrray, Thomas 1890 8 Irrigation Small Murray 8 no. in SE SP*, Seo.17 Enterprise, Ore. ditch Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 B. W. M. (Proof 327, Vol . 4) Wallowa County, Oregon:

(Proof 328, Vol . 4) 1891 5 Irrigation Murray Alder -' 5 no. in SW SB-, Sec.10 Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. \ 9 i lfesdhss, W. J. 1883 27i Irrigation Creighton Wallowa ' 27i so . in N* SE*, Sec .20 Joseph, or.. Domestic River T. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. M. (Proof 329, Vol . 4) and stook Wallow' County, Oregon. (Supplemented by water used through Dobbin Ditch )

'Thee also under dobbin Ditch Company, Tract ft. 10) (See also under Wrenn i Dobbin Ditch Go., Tract No. 14) 1, SPC, I 3 1IIW1 y, W. Pr 1883 1 Irrigation Ranby Spring 1 so. in Lot 9, S* NEi Joseph, Ors . Domestic branch T. 3 S. R. 44 E. V. M. !r A. W. Sobsnpp. and stook or Wallowa County, Oregon. Joseph, Ore. 1 AeVby (Proof 580, Vol . 4) Creek (See also under I[oonehine Ditch Company, Tract So . 7)

~ /r q l lfibley*Miwnugh 1908 15 Long Pond & Sibley Wallowa Place of use in *Soo . 11 Iismber Company, Milling I )damnaagh River T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa, Ore. purposes Lumber Wallowa County, Oregon. By J. H. I{iemeugh Cancelled-sp. or Rec. vol. L P. IL"? Company Secy. ditch and Wallowa, Ore. will pond. (Proof 351, Vol. 4)

AOL~n, Anna (s ms wrier Losttne Dit Co ., Tract No. 17 ) I Notting/Wm, Harry H. (See under Big Hem Water Ditch Company, Tract No . 9) y'' I 5011very B. B. i 1904 9i Irrigation Lower Wallop - 9i no. in NW* SWs, See.34 Wallows, Ore. Valley River T. 2 N. R. 42 E. W. M. , lIProof 332, Vol. 4) i ditch Wallows, Cannty, Oregon.

Olsen, Estate of L ., 1890 28 Irrigation Olsen spring 8 so. in SW4 SB , Sec.27 N . Crow, Ada. Dom stio I • 20 so. in NWAs4,,$ec.34 Loetine, Ore. and Stook T. 1 S. R.45 E. W. )I. N Na P1 (Proof 333, Vol,. 4) Wallows County, Oregon .


v — — Date of A ...et Name and Po.to(fie. Address Cobb Numbe r U .c Name of Ditch Stream D..erlptlon of Land or Plaea of Doe of Appropriator Prior eecond Aere. ity

Osborn, J. A . (See ender Chamberlain itch Co ., Tract No . 23 )

~ I V Otto, Alfred G. Dem. 22, 71* Irrigation Otto Hurricane- 5* an. in NW? S*,Sec . 2 Enterprise, Ore. 1900 and ditches and spring, 40 so. in 1E4 SEi-, Seo . 3 (Proof 334, Vol. 4) 22 30 Power and Creek T . 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. , H.P . Stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

to Owensby, Margaret 1896 } Irrigation Hurricane Hurricane - * so. in RE} SOS, Seo .35 Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek Creek T. 2 S. R. 44 E. W. M. 8y Mortimer Beale and stock Ditch Wallowa County, Oregon. Joseph, Ore . (BY Per- (Proof 358, Vol . 4) mission

P Y 8 3Pace, John E . April 26i- Irrigation Alnmbangh Wallowa 9 ao. in 5B SE Walloa, Ore. 1895 Domestic River 17* ac. in IIWfr SE*, Sec.21 (Proof 336, Vol . 4) and T. 1 A. R. 43 E . W. E. Stock Wallowa County, Oregon . 7} eA. in SVl AEA` (Proof 337, Vol . 4) 1895 571 Irrigation Southwick Wallowa 30 ac. in SB 14 and stook As Pace River 20,ae. . in HW4 } SBj, Sec.21 T. 1 B. R. 43 B. W.W. Wallowa County, Oregon .

]Pace, J. _. (Seo Hader Dobbin Ditch Company, Tract No. 11) (See sunder Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co., Tract No. 15) 5o'13O. 55338 Page, Jennie 1895 40 Irrigation Old Hurricane 40 so. in SE} BBA, Sec . 36 Joseph, Ore . Domestic Settlers Creek T . 2 S . R . 44 E. W. M. (Proof 338, Vol. 4) and stook Slough Wallowa County, Oregon . (See Stipulation, 3indingw , Paragraph 12, subdivision 6) or T— gg23 Q Pod Castor (See also Moonehiae Ditch Page Company), Tract N . 8) Ditch

]Pamobeoker, John B. (See snider Chamberlain Ditch Co., Trac t No. 24)

pipes, A. J. (See undsr Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tract Jo. 25)

1 :Pipes, A. H. and 1887 50 Irrigation Marsh Bear 3 ac. in SEA SEA Domestic Davie Creek - 35 so. in SW , Sec. 10 Bettie I. Pipes : ~0, Wallow, Ore. and stook 12 so. in NT BE,~, Seo . li (Proof 339, Vol. 4) T. 1 N. B. 42 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

3` ; Block 2 3~Poe, A . J. and 1895 1 Irrigation Town So. Fork Lots 4 and 5 ]BDmi Poe. Domestic ditch Wallowa Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, I.eetine, On . sad Stock Cole-Magill Addition to (Proof 340, Vol . 4) Tom of Loetine, Wallows County, Oregon .


Amoun t e t Dat Numbe r Description of Land or Plnee of Use Name and Poston Ice Address Pyrioriv Curi Feet Aeree Ilse Name of Ditch Stream ofo Appropriato r rlori b Per Seconde Second

3 y -9 Po:Iey, A. F. 1908 16 Irrigation Masterson So. Fork ' 16 ac . in !Mini, Seo . 13 Enterprise, Ore . Domestic Wallowa T. 1 N. R. 42 E . W. M. (Proof 541, Vol . 4) and Stook River Wallowa County, Oregon .

(See also Hader Iig Bend Water Ditch 'company, Tract No. 13 ) (See also under Dobbin Ditch Company, Tract No . ..2 ) 3 3 g Paley, O. J. Apr. 8, 68.6 Irrigation Magill so . Fork 34 ac. in NE4 SSS Loatine, Ore . 1886 Domestic Paley Wallowa 34.6 so. in NWW SEi, Sec . 9 (Proof 542, Vol . 4) and Stook Allen River T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon .

30i 1 Powell, John W. 1890 40 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 40 ae . in SW NW, See . 34 Wallows, Ore. and stook Valley River T. 2 N. R. 42 E. W. M. W. S. Powell, At. Wallowa County, Oregon. Wallowa, Ore . (Proof 343, Vol . 4)

5 Powell, W. S. 1890 7 Irrigation Lower Wallows ' 7 ao . in Ni SE} N, Seo . 3 Wallowa Oregon and stook Valley River T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. (Proof 544, Vol . 4) Wallowa County, Oregon.

3 2' 1Pmere, J. V. 1890 46 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 13 so . in S4 NE* Wallows Oregon Valley River 32 so. in NWt SEi, Sec . 34 (Proof 346, Vol . 4) T. 2 N. R. 42 F. W. L. Valliwa County, Oregon.

3 ' Powers, L. T. 1890 80 Irrigation Lower Wallowa 40 so. in SEi NWT Wallows, Ore. Valley River - 40 ac . in NB SW.t, Seo . 34 (Proof 346, Vol . 4) T. E N. R. 42 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

. 27 Jl Powere, W. B. 1890 24i Irrigation Lower Wallowa 2} sc. in SEi- SWg, Sec Wallows, Ore. Valley River 2 so. in NI* NEi By L. T. Powers 20 so. in Mi 8 , Sec. 34 Wallows, Ore. T. 2 N. R. 42 E . W. M. (Proof 347, Vol . 4) Wallows County, Oregon.

a h16 i I 'Pratt, Oscar Feb. 10, 20 Irrigation Pratt Waa ' 20 ac . in NW(SEi1 Sec. 22 Wallows, Ore. 1909 ver T. 1 N. R. 42 E . W. M. (Proof 348, Vol . 4) Wallowa County, Oregon .

(Proof 549, Vol. 4) Apr. 1, 20 i Irrigation Pratt tear 20 no. in NW* NB 4 Sec . 22 1899 Reyes Creek T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon.

A ' %'1 Price, Bertha 1884 35 Irrigation Scotch Scotch 15 act. in SWq NW-, 611 Oarlkoa,Awe., Domestic Creek & Creek 20 so . in SE1 RWq, Sec . 26 Portland, Ore . and stock Cunningham T. 2 8. R. 44 E. W. M. _ By L. B. ons Otto—Woratell Wallowa County, Oregon. Joseph, Ore . (Proof 550, Vol . 4)

114 1 IProebwtel, Mary E. 1880 80 Irrigation Small prairie 60 so. in E- SEa, Seo. 3 Joseph, Ore . Domestic ditches Creek T. 3 S. R. 45 E. W. M. (Proof 351, Vol. 4) and stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

WALLOWA um . 794 0

f Amount Name and Postoffice Addres s Date o Number De.eription of Land or Place of Use Relativ e Cubic Fee t Acre . Use Name of Ditch Stream of Appropriator Priority Per Second

Pralnt, O . T. (see un r arsg r Wste° Ditch Co., Tract No . 6 ) (see un gr Wrenn b Dobbin Ditch Co ., ^root No . i f 2-

5 Pearls, G . s . 1900 63} Supplemental Reavis Little 16 ac . in SW' NW4 . in SW4 SW-, Sec . 12 Enterprise, Ore . Irrigation Hurricane 15 no 32i ac . in SE} NRi, Seo. 1 1 (Proof 552, Vol. 4 ) Domestic an d Creek Stook T. 2 S . R. 44 B . W. B. Wallowa County, Oregon. (This right is supplementa l to right through the Islan d Irrigating Water Ditch Co .' e ditch )

Reiser, Stella (See ander Dobbin Ditch Company, Trac No . 13 )

Reimer, W. H . (See and er Dobbin Ditch Company, Trio No . 14 )

Repplinger, Peter (See ander Alder Slope itch Co ., Tract No . 22) Enterprise, Ore . (a ) g no . in NEI 1Th 'Rieh, Ben 1890 41 Irrigation Pipes Bear - •5 Y1 1 h Sec . 10 Wallowa, Ore . or Creek,' s IS ~ so . in NwI , 3 (a) 3 0,• Vol . 2.1 ,68. . 42 E . W . B. a (Proof 355, Vol . 4 ) TSf. ;r -f, Sp Davi s T. 1 N. R Wallowa County, Oregon.

• . in NW} SWW, Sec . 11 Rich, O . D . 1900 3 Irrigation Rich Bear Cr . 3 no Wallowa, Ore . Domestic T. 1 N . R . 42 E. W. 1 . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 354, Vol . 4) and Stook 1,, ~7~24 14 .ao . in SWi NW1 j Robins, W. H. 1885 129 Irrigation Robins Rarrioane Harriman, Ore . Domestic Boner Creek 36iao . in sE14 14 60 sc . in N} SWW, Sec . 36 (Proof 366, Vol . 4) and stook / T . 2 S . R. 44 E. V. M.

30 ace in SWi SEg1 Roeheford, ire . E . 0 1895 60 Irrigation Rooheford Wallow a 30 ac. in SE$ SW4, Sec . 2 9 Cove, Ore . McAllister River . M. (Proof 356, Vol . 4) T . 1 S . R . 44 E . W Wallowa County, Oregon .

Roe, 0 . J. (See and er Alder Slop e bitch Co ., Tra t No . 23 )

10 an . is NW4 121-, Sec .1 5 Hoesch, Julius 1887 10 Irrigation Pipes Bear . 42 E . W . W . La Grande, Ore . Creek T. 1 N . R Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 567, Vol. 4 )

1 acre in SW; SWW, Sec . 12 : I Hollinger, N. P . 1878 1 Irrigation Estes Prairie . 14 , Joseph, Ore . Domestic Creek T . 3 S . B . 45 E. W Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 568, Vol . 4) and Stook (See,Stipnlation, Paragraph 12 Finding ) I I

Roop, O . C . (See under Chamberlain Ditch Co ., Tract No . 26 )

Roop, Dora (See uud.er Chamberlain Ditch Co., t No . 27 )

Daft a [ A .00nt Name and Postoffice Addree e Relativ e Cubic Fee t Number Uee Name of Ditch tires. Deecriptlon of Land or Place of Us e of Appropriator Priority Per Second Acrce

a ~ 1 Ramp, N . T. 1875 15 Irrigation Prairie Prairie S so. in Vt. NE; Joseph, Ore. Domeatio Crook Creek 13 no. In INT: WW, yea . 14 (Proof 359, Vol. 4) /880 20 and Stook flitch . 20 so. in SW SEL, boa. 11 Tp . 3 S. R. 4.5 B . W. N. , 'sallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 560, Vol. 4) 1890 6 Irrigation Romp Prairie 2 no . in s°:3- n Domesti c Mapper Crook - 4 an . in RA SBg, Soo . 11 and stook NaLsia T. 3 S . fl. 45 5 . 9. M. 'aliowa County, Oregon .

Rowley, Prank (See under Nilson Ditch Aesooiatien, 'rant Po. 9 )

Rcyetar, S. R. (Sero anter West :Ho Irrigation and water Ditch Co., Trac t Eo. 1.2)

14) Nudger, Albin (say m.LAr Big Bend eater Di toh CoaQst~, Tract 20 .

Rwdbia & J:oralook (Sae leader Dobbin Ditch Company, Tract No. 8)

Banwell, J. A. _ (See Roder Union Wal1oww Investment Company)

ril 1 30 Irrigation Pratt Bear SO so. in SV s'Bl, soot . 1 5 8ebaeffar, R. W. Ap . Wallowa, ore . 1899 Rays Creek T. 1 R. R . 42 E. W. M (Proof 551, Vol . 4) Wallowa County, Oregon.

. 1 1 ~ l sabaut, Therewia 1898 3 Irrigation City of Boar , 5 ao . in SP SWn, sea Wallowa, Ore. Baliowa Crook T. 1 W. R . 42 E. v. N. By John 8o13e0. rr llown County, f)rsG n . 4) (Above inntle included in (Proof 362, Vol City of Wallow Ditch Claim)

Tracts Wo. 11 arid 12) Scott, Arihor (San under Big Bend ►Sier Pitch Co*cpany,

, 51 ao . in 5W.i Sih, Sea. 2 3 Sheehan, D. W. 1890 51 Irrigation olnntead Spring }P 44 . P. 'sutorprise, Ore. Creek T. 2 S . R. E. W (Proof 565, Vol. 4) gallows County, Oregon .

Traci! Ido . 8lhedg lode's Diteh 00. 1897 444.5 Irrigation Sheep so.Fork i t e Ridge Wallow 30* as . in WW- S1 , Sec. 14 a corporation Domaetio River. T. 1 S . R . 43 S. W. V. $y Je1T ] , Seeir. and stook Destine, Oro . Wallowa County, Oregon. (proof 367, Vol. 4) (Proof 366, Vol. 4)

Treat No . 2 ; 7 ac, in 9E" Iso. 1nWN* j 25 ao . in S74„- RP. , neo. 22 T. 1 s . R. 43 V. W. 14 Wallow County, Oregon . (Proof 566, vol . 4 )

Tract No . S e - 5 no. in Ww .NI*, Soo . 27 T. 1 S. R . 43 R. W. B. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 569, Vol. 4)


Amoun t DaM e of Nnmhe r Stream Description of Lend or Place of Ti . . Name and Neat lee Addreee R.lRelative l:nhle Peet Acree Ti., Name of Ditch of ADProvrlatar Priority Per Second

Sheep Ridge Ditch Co . (Continued) ~ Traot No . 4 : 39 no . in NVZ 36 ao . in NWx 16 ea . in NWiswi-i . see .14 20k- ac . in NB SBi,Seo .1 5 T . 1 S . R . 43 E. W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 370, Vol . 4 )

Tract No . 5 : 37 no . in SWq SWi 19i ac . in SBt- SW3, Sec . 14 21 no . in NW--Ws, See . 23 T. 1 S . R. 43 E . W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 371, Vol . 4 )

Trsat.No. 6 : 5 no . in NE+ NW*, Sec . 27 T . 1 S . R. 43M. W . M . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 372, Vol. 4 )

Tract M . 7 : 3 so . in SWi NW4, Seo . 23 aa . in NL4 S . , 25 nc. in SE° SD , Sec . 2 2 1i ac . in NF-i , Sec . 27 T . 1 S . R . 43 E . W . M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 573, Vol . 4 )

Tract No . 8 : 3* ac . in 3Ei SW° 4 ic . in WW1,: SW , Sec .14 T . 1 S . R . 43 E. W. M. , Tallows County, Oregon. (Proof 574, vol. 4

Tract No . 9 : 39 ac . in SE4 NAF}, Sec . 14 T . 1 S. R . 43 E . W . M. , Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 375, Vol . 4 )

Traot No . 10 : 21 ac . in SE* I -, Sec . 1 5 30 sm . in NE} 5 no . in NW - , Sac . 2 2 T . 1 S. R . 43 E. 'W. M. , Tallows County, Oregon. (36i no . of above laude suppleilented by water from Cook & Lewis ditch ) (Proof 376, Vol . 4 ) 7 3 1 Sherod, Williams 1885 270 Irrigation Geo. So . Fork ' 34 no . in SWC NWT Villein, Ore. Domestic Jacobs Wallowa 40 ac . in SEiNWI- (Proof 377, Vol . 4) ,and Stook Riser 80 ao . in Ni SW4, Sec . 5 0 (see findings, Paragraph 22) I - 22 no . in SWi SW4- 3 ao . in S2 SW , Sec.2 9 18 no . in NN - NB1. - 35 ao . in HGF- i. . 38 so . in NW4 NW i, Sec . 32 T. 1 N. R. 43 E . W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon.

Sheets, Amanda E. (see nndar Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No. 24 ) Des Moines, Iowa Frank Sheets, q,at . , Enterprise, Ore.

• ~


Date of Amoon t Nnm6e r Name and Pasta ffiee Address Relati Use Name of Ditch Stre.m Description of L.nd or Place of Ilse of Appropriator Priority Per Second Acrae 3,7397 r 39857 _

Shinn, R. A. 1898 10 irrigation Hurricane Barrio ane 5 so . in SWgi 1fEb Joseph, Ore. stock Creek Creek ~5 ac . in NB4 S* ,W. . . I '.? (Proof 378r Vol. 4) Tn,ui 1 F T. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. BM. Wallowa County, Oregon.

c 39860_ i7 5 Shinn, Rosetta F . 1883 80 Irrigation Pine Hurricane 80 ac . in NW!, sec . 25 Joseph, Ore. Domestic Tree Creek T. 2 S . R. 44 E . W. H (Proof 379, Vol . 4) and stock Tr_ s r c, V-;, -_ ; ~ . \=5 Wallowa County, Oregon.

20 ac . in NB - Sit, (Proof 380, Vol . 4) 1892 56i Irrigation Shinn Hurricane , 36i- so . in SI* Hit, Sec .2 5 Domestic T. 2 S . R . 44 E . W . H. , and stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

Silver Creek Ditch Oat . 25 See inoom-Irrigation Silver Silver Lunde deecribed in Coslpaey, a corporation. 1910 Permit plots Lake Creek Engineer's Permit No . 582 By W. E . Daggett , Stat e No. 582 ditch Secretary . Engineers Enterprise, Ore. Permi t (Proof 381, Vol . 4) No . 582

55AZ j 4831 55" i Silver Lake Water 189E 4075 Irrigation Silver Wallowa 10 ac . in SWC4

r Ditoh Company, Domestic Lake River 3 . in RB-3 C' a oorporation stook 3 o and ditch . in S REgg~ By G. Y. Teeker, 3 an . in SW*, Sec .32 JoseCh, Ore . 160 ao . in NEi (Proof 382, Vol. 4) 40 ac . in NE• NF' T —,2S'13 Pop ..,- 40 ao . in SES N W 40 se . in NEt Sit 138ac . in Nit SW-i• 15 ac . in SE SW-i- 11 sc . in SW SES 80 an . N sr.* 5i ao . in SE4 S E4-, Sec .33 320 ac. i n 80 ao. in Sit 6 sc . in SW4 Sit

E3 ao . in SE SW gl 40 ao . in HW SBd-

E0 ao . in HEl SE 40 ac . in SW+ r : 33 ac . In SE- , Sec. 3 4 T Z g/3 P 23. u c NEi vf~ ()) P a y o. . . +; '0 160 ac. in SW= Ste z7 25 ac . in NEgl S 30 ac. in NW4 S4- 80 ao . in S* 8E4, sec . 27 ffry 20 ao . in N14 0 ac. in SB NE 5 % ------p.80 an . in E NEQ 80 ac . in 3/5 7 as iss~cd 40 ac. in S.* Nii C. . t cAo, ..gc . 20 ac . in SW* Nil- 80 so . i n 30 ac. in NW}

40 ac. in Nil- : 12 ac. in S4 , Sec .3 5 40 so. in SW 30 ac . in SE--, Seo .3 6 13}so . in 4 N - 20 . inn se 35 so . i p Sit ' • 17 ac . inSE n4 20 ac . in SES 40 no . in NEI SJ Src,z b


WAT.T .flWA T.TIMP RS 1' ,

Date o f Amount Name and Peanut fio. Addl... Numbe r Name of Ditch De .edption of Land or Place of tree Relative Cubic Acres U .e Stream ofo Appropriator Priority eccod

SilYer Lake Water Ditch Company (Cont ) 20 ac•in HW* SWL 80 ao .in S* g 80 ac . in S 40 ao . in s 30 ao .in 6 „ Seo . 2 6 - 160 ae . in 6} ac .in SW , Sec . 3 6 17 ao .in NWT 40 sc .in NW 37i ao . in 22 ac . in 39 ao .in 40 ao .in 80 ae .in 5 4- 5W4, Sec . 2 5 40 ao .in SWi S W1 - 17 ao.in SE`s 8W1,Sea .24 40 ac .in 52 ao.in &i ,Seo .2 3 31 ao .in Si 8 ,Seo .3 l T. 2 S . R . 45 E. p.m. 3 an . in NW* AW*,Seo .l e T. 2 S . R . 46 E . W. H. , 40 so . in RES NE} 34 so . in gpJ 16 no . in S Misc. in SRI 11 ao . in , Seo . 3 11 ac . in 57jao . in ,sec . 2 T. 3 S . R . 45S . W. M . Wallowa County, Oregon.

Lunde owned by Elizabeth Reaverna, of Joseph, ore . 13 4c . in SW- NB- 54 ao . in S F NW 55 no . in HES a-, Sec . 32 T. 2 S. R . 45 R. W. lt . Wallowa County, Oregon.

The following rights are enp - plemental, haying additiona l rights from other eoorcas s 40 ao . in $E* S p*, Seo .2 8 T. 2 S . R . 46 E . W. M. Supplemented by water frcm Citizens ditch .

10 no . in NE* SE*, Seo. 3 4 T. 2 S. R . 45 E. W. H. Supplemented by water throug h Hendricks ditch from Prairi e Creek.

'--' . 29i ao . in SE* NE* 20 so . in RE* 8W*, Seo.23 T. 2 S . R. 45 E . W . B. Supplemented by water from Farmers ditch.

6 no . in NWQ NE* 4 ao . Lu SWq NEj°y Sec . 3 T . 3 S . R . 46 E . W. Y. , Supplemnted by waters from Prairie Creek.


Date ° Amoun t Numbe r Name and P ..mffie° Addrea. Relativef Cubi c Use Name of Ditch Stream De .crlptt.n .f L .nd .r Place °[ Ue. of Appropriator riority Seeond A ° r0B

Silver Late Water Ditch Compaq, . (cantimaed) lands owned by A. E. Baudo n and irrigated both fro' Farmers ditch and Silver Lake Ditch. 56 ao . in NB i SW1y 40 ao. in NWp- 31'3- 36 ao . in Si 40 so . in SV NW+ 38 so . in 30 so . in SBE , sec. 24 10 so . in SRI- 40 so . in Sigh 40 so. in ser? 9 so . in s* 16 so . in my 211so .in N 16} so. in 18 .o.ta sods BB BE , Sea . 1 3 18 so. in I8 ao. in Slid SLS

21~ ao. in slf~ SY't 29i ao .in NW" SWa 40 so . in RID'g SWI 5 so . in iVi. 18iso . In SW 40 ac. in SEpi 40 so. in SWi 40 ac. BWp1 lIHTu 40 ao . in HE4 H , Seo . 1 2 1 ao . in SWa- S 28 so . in S! S 39 no . in SW SW1 56 so . In WW1. SW} lB so. in 6 so . in S 13 so. in 9W- 5 sc. In RW If , sec:. 1 ?. 2 S . R . 45 E. N. 1 . Willow County, Oregon.

Stith, A. D. (See lander !fast Side I4igat;imsad Water Ditch Co ., Tract Wo . 13)

Smith, Jam M. (See lander Chamberlain Ditch Co., Tzsot is. 28)

.3 Stanley, law B. 1888 1 Irrigation Stanley Springs ,, 1 so . in SW i R W}, See . 8 Joseph, Ore . Domestic - ditches in secs. T. 3 S . R . 46 E. W. M. Chas . M . Stanley and Stook 7 i 18, Wallowa County, Oregon. Joseph, Ore . T. 5 S ., (Proof 384, Vol . 4) R. 46 E . W. R.

~1 y' steel, E . W. 1908 6i Irrigation Stool small • Sian. in #w 58}, Swe.21 Enterprise, Ore. Domestic ditch tributary T. 2 S. R. 44 S. W. M. , (Proof 384, Vol. 4) and Stook wallow County, Oregon. Ido stanlsfield, R. F. 1890 3 Irrigatio4 Corby Wallow 5 so. in NEi 1P , Sec . 24 Enterpri .., Ore. Domestic River T. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. M. , (Proof 585, Vol. 4) and n took ~

1890 14 Smal l spring 91 so. in BRa iEi ditches Creek 4 so. in 2 1 , Soo . 24 T. 2 S . R. 44 E. W. M. Wallow County, Oregon.

(See siso lamer Harriceso Creek irrigating Ditch Co., Trawl lo. 10 )


Data of Amount Number Nsma and Poatofflea Addres s Cubic Feet Aerea Use Name of Ditch Stream Deaeription of Land or Pleee of Use of Appropri.tor P~orriity Per Secon d

Surber, I. S . !See ender Slope )itch co., Tract No. 26) Bnterpriee, Ore.

1 0 5 Taylor, Estate pf E. !i. 1891 60 Irrigation , Will South 30 no . in BW4 34 1891 Domesti c Poley Fork 30 ac . in SW- RW4, Sec .15 Barry C . Taylor, Adam. & Stock Allen Wallowa T. 1 S., R . 43 B ., W.B . Weudlinng, Oregon. Wallowa County, Oregon . By R . T. Goodman Looting, Ore. (Proof 586, Vol . 5 ) (see also order West Side Irrigation and Water Ditch Co., Tract No. 11 )

h 19 IThospeon, Bd . 188E 103k Irrigation Fits- So. Pork . 40 so. in ERk* Wallow, Ore. patrick sallow. 10 ac. is Ifwi NI (Proof 587, Vol. 5 ) River 131ac . in Sv.+ 8v4- 40 ea . in SE} Has, Seo .2 8 T. 1 B . R. 43 E. N . B. Wallowa Country, Oregon .

Mop, Quincy A. (See under Chamberlain -Ditch Co., Tract No. 29 )

yr 41.5'1 Superaedad by 4tgc'6 7 J 11itl :ty, 8etats of 1907 20 Irrigation Laster-eon Tallow . 10 ac. in AE 4- sif , Sec . 19 Addison 1.. Domestic 'Kelly River • 2 no. in SW;: t- Wallow, Ors. and Stook . 8 so. in S4 SE , Seo . 18 (Proof 388, Vol.5) T. 1 N. R . 45 E . W. N., Jesee E. Tally,Adnr. tallow. County, Oregon.

(Proof 389, Vol. 5) 1909 55 Irrigation Talley, Wallowa 25 ac . in SW: NEi. Domestic No. 2 River , 10 so. in SE; R&1, Seo .19 and Stook T. 1 R. R . 45 B . W . N. Wallow County, Oregon.

(Prtot 390, Tel.. 5) 2900 8* Irrigation fuller- So. Pork # E ac. IA SW SW , sec . 20 Domestic Hill wallow 54 ao . isNEA4p S& - and Stock 15 so . in 34 SE' ir .•. .rt_ ;. p. 33 Z jr Za eo .in SF s . " ^c 2 ac. in SY. N4, sec . 19 T. 1 R. B. 43 E. W. E. Wallows County, Oregon.

(Proof 591, Vol .. 5) )ey 1895 89k Irrigation Standl - Wallop 22 so . in BEI Domsstic Tally River 20 so. in BT'- 33i and stook Storey 30 so . in BN N4, s.0.19 (Wallow 17kao. is SD SB, Sec.18 Irr . Co.) T. 1 S. R. 45 E. W. N . wallow County, Oregon.

I (Praof 592, Vol. 5) 1897 36 Irrigation Talley Wallo w 20 no . in Nle NE~ tz4 No. 1 River 5 no. in S' RE# I 10 ao. in SB WB , sec . 19 T. 1 R. R. 43 E. W. Y. wallows County, Oregon. b~ ~ I ~' lhnl]ys A. B. 2908 40 Irrigation Talley Wallowa 40 so. in SE.* SBS, Sec .13 Wallow, Or+o.. and Stook No. 1 River T. 1 N. R. 42 E. W. N. i(Praof 593, Vol. M Wallows County, Oregon.

g1Milian Jones A. Wy 1893 256 Irrigation Stamlor tallow 40 ao . in 54 SL` p7 Tullgr ►^~ Wallowa, Ors. Ieoseetio River 24 so . in SW ! I(Pralof 594, Vol. 5) and ntook STensy 40w . in AR SW, (Wallow 56 so . in SW1 Irr. Co.) 40 so. in 5F 15 ec. in Sit MC, sac . 15 - 40 so. in S4 )TWk, Seo . 19 T. 1 N. R . 43 R., W. N. Wallowa County, onion. Ct"Y

Date of Amount Number Nam. and Poetoffie. Address Aer °• Uec Name of Ditch Stream D ..crlptlon of Land or Piece of Us e of Appropriator Priority Per Sernnd

Turner, O. C . (Suis under Alder Slops 7o., Tract No. 26)

Unknown Water user (Seem eBigr Bend Water Ditch Company, Tract No . 15)

3) Union Wallowa Invest - 1907 74 Supplemental Wagner Smal l A right to supplement th e neat Company . Irrigation small spring water used through Alder By J. A. Russell , Domestic ditches branch Slope ditch for 35 so . in La Grande, Or.. and stook NEQ NE;}, 39 ao . in SE+ RE+ (Proof 595, 596,Ye1 .8) Seo . 8 T . 2 S. R. 44 B. (Proof 29, Vol. 1 ) W. B . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Successor F . A. Wagner) (Sero Stipulation, Findings, Paragraph 12, Subdivision 5)

(See also under Alder Slope Ditch Co, Tract No . 27 )

1~ I dYan Pelt, Maya's E. I 1887 12 Irrigation Johnston Bear 10 so . in SB NE} Wallowa, Ore . and stook & McDonald Creek 2 no . in NB} SB, Sec . 1 0 (Proof 597, Vol . 5) T. 1 N. R . 42 E . W. N. Wallows County, Oregon . 9

3 Varner, N. D . 1885 231} Supplemental Spring Spring - Supplemental to water Enterprise, Ore . Irrigation Creek Creek from Alder Slope Ditch fo r (Proof 398, Vol . 5) Domestic ditch lands of N. D . Varner , (See Findings, Bs ph 21 and :210) and stook irrigated therefrom and in - eluded in that claim .

(Proof 399, Vol . 5) 1885 I Supplements) Scotch Scotch Supplemental to water from Irrigation Creek Creek Alder Slope Ditch for land s Domestic of N. D. Varner irrigated and stock therefrom and included in the Alder Slope claim. (SN tinder Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No. 28 )

Vergers, F. I: Dec.2 Irrigation Vergers Reavis Lands described in Enterprise, Ore . 1924 Creek Engineer's Permit No . 228 6 (Proof 400, Vol . 5) (State Engineer' s Permit No . 2286)

(See also under Alder 4ope Ditch CO ., Tract No . 29)

Vest, C . E. (See under Granger Water Ditch Co ., Tract No. 7 )

1 Yost, Chase (See under Wrenn !. Dobbin Ditch Co ., ^tact No . 17 )

~a yl Wads, Aaron, 1890 126 Irrigation Corby Wallowa 10 sc. in SW-i- 51* Enterprise, Ors . Domestic River 10 ao. in SW1 HN} (Proof 401 . Vol . 5) and Stook and 40 so . in SE NWL Little - 21 sc . in . SO- Hurricane - 25 ao . in NWT SE; Creek •' 20 no. in SW4 SS , Sea . 13 T. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. Y. Wallowa County, Oregon.

D 1 3 Wadi, Ens► 1888 95} Irrigation Wads Wallows ' 31 so . in SWx• NES ]Evans, Ors• and stook River 7 an . in SE NWr (Proof 40E, Vol. 5) 1 so . in NEi S9W- Sim. in SB} S W 35 an . in NWgi 14 ao . in SWi S , Sec . 1 3 T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W. B. Wallowa County, Oregon.


Amount Date o f Numb., D.eerlption of Land or Place of Us. Name and Po.toffice Addres s Relativ e Cubic Pee t Acres Uee N.me of Ditch Stream of Appropriator Priority Per Second

3i tWade, W. W. 188 5 108 Irrigation Wade Wallowa 4 no . in NE4- NES I Lostine, Ore. and Stook River 22 ao . in N N~ .`fO' (Prof 403, vol . 5 ) , 10 ao. in SWW 35 no . in SE 34 Ac . in NE —NW}1, Sec.14 3 ao . in a N4, Sec .13 T. 1 S . R . 45 E. W. M. Wallow County, Oregon.

(Proof 404, vol . 5) 1890 99 Irrigation Boatman Wallowa 7 no . in NE'I NEi' and stook or River 18 no . in NWT , Sec . 14 Slough 36 no . in SWW S 38 ao . in SE. SW1, Sec . 11 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. E. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Wagner, F. A . (See under Wallowa Lnvstment Co. )

i Wagner, Jacob 8 . 1903 20 Irrigation No name Wallows . 20 no . in NW? SB , Sec . 2 Enterprise, Ore . and stock River T. 2 S . R . 44 E. W. IS. (Proof 405, Vol .6) Wallowa County, Oregon.

1 Walker, C . B. April 1 2 Irrigation Pratt Bear 2 ao. in NWQ SE -, Sec . 1 5 Wallowa, Ore. 1899 Hayes Creek T. 1 N. R . 42 E. W. M. (Proof 406, vol . 5) Wallowa County, Oregon .

l0 )Wallowa, City of 1906 6.0 General City Bear General municipal use By J. C . Baird Municipal Water Creek in the City of Wallowa , City Recorder plant Oregon. Wallowa, Ore . (Proof 407, vol. 5 )

Ward, W. O . (See under Granger Water Ditch Co ., "'rant No. 8 )

31Waugh, Erma E. Jan. 1 Supplemental No. ditch A spring Supplemental to water from Glasgow, Montana 1886 5'0 Irrigation bramh Alder Slope Ditch for use By Elmer C . Waugh monastic on lando of ]lama E . Waugh Enterprise, Ore . and stoo k Irrigated therefrom. (Proof 408, vol . 6 ) (See under Alder Slipe DLtch Co., Tract No. 30)

3) Weaver, Catherine, 1890 76 Supplemental May and A spring Supplemental to waters Enterprise, Ore. I Irrigation Hannah situated from Alder Slope Ditch fo r (Proof 409, Vol. 5) and stook near W . the following described lane (See Stipulation, Findings, Paragraph 12, Snbd:vi .ion 5) line of 26 acres in NN} SWC NWT Sec .7, 15 acres in , y.W1 T. 2 S . , 23 acres i n R. 44 E. 12 acres in SR 4, Sec . 9 W. E. T. 2 S . R. 44 E. W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Proof 410, Vol 5) 1880 Small A spring . ditches branch crossing - land s

(See wader Alder Slope Ditch Co ., Tract No. 31)


Dote o f , Name and Po.toffice Addree e CubiA-0c - Number Dee Name of Ditch Stream Deecrlption of Land or Place of Lion of Appropriator priority Per Becend Acre°

I/I ~ I Wsaver, Elijah)). 1905 7 Irrigation Weaver Wallowa 2 ao. in NV'1 SW} lrlloa, Ore. and Stook No. 1 River 6 on . In SW IWC4 Seo. 4 (Proof 411, Vol . 5) T. IN. R. 42 E. W. B. Wallowa Counts, Oregon.

(Proof 412, Vol . 5) July 1, 40 Irrigation waver Wallowa 30 no. in Sr} , Sec. 4 1097 River 2 ao. in sW* B ac. in SE: si4, Soo. 5 T. I I . B. 42 R. V. 1E. wallow County, Oregon.

(Proof 433, Vol. 6) 1893 10 Irrigation Chamber- Bear - 10 ao . in NW° S4, Sec. 5 lain Creek T. 1 N. R. 42 R. W. 31. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Cancelled - sp . or Rec. Vol. ' I P . l ° DOmsstia' Weaver, Jame W. 1887 0.20 10 Irrigation & weaver x spring ' 10 on. in SSI NWi Sac . 2 1 Enterprise, Ore. to supply a Creak T. 2 S . R. 44 R . V. I. (Proof 414, Vol, 5) wallows County, Oregon. (See Stipulation, .-Inns, Subdivision b of PalrZolheilalne12)

I ~ q 'Weaver, William >i. 1890 82 Irrigation vs. B. Spring '- 17 on. in Sea Bnterprisw, Ors. Domestic waver Branch - 7 ao. in SWr, (Proof 415, Vol. 5) amd stook ditches - 38 ao . in , SI , Seo. 8 (Sew Stipulation, Pi- Lis, Subdivision E of paragraph 12) T. 2 S. R. 44 I. V . N. Wallowa County, Oregon .

Waist, Coo. P. (See tender I:~amberlain 'si.tob Co ., Treat To. 30 ) l ~9

°West Bide Irrigation larch 1261.1 Irrigation Wart So . Fork Tract To . is • on Water Mitch Co., 27 Domestic Side la Slow - 14 ao . in SW1 SI-!. Di/ ha corporation, 1901 end stook Ditch River - 10 so. in SEi SWC, sea. 9 S. P . Owow . SMy. T. 1 S . R . 45 B. W. X. Beaties, Ora. l411owa County, Oregon. (Proof 416, Vol . 6) 1, 1,y (Proof 417, Vol. 5 ) pc,u —r-6 6 9 3 , r r Jo n Tract To. 11 ° 39 so. in Swa Ri#a 34 en. in S . in AEr 19 ao S9Ft 144sc. In NW!. Sec .22 T. 1 S. B. 43 E. V. Y., Wallowa County, Oregon . (Proof 418, Vol . 5 )

Tract To. S i 1* on . In 2W?- 14, Seo . 2 7 Tp. 1 S . R . 43 E. V. B. Wallow County, Oregon. (Proof 419, Vol. 5 )

Tract No . 4 : 45.7 so . in SVt N3•?- 12.5 ao. in SVS 1934 . 1.6 on. in S& - SW 52.2 so. in 14S it , Seo. 0 T. 1 S . R. 45 E. T. N, Wallowa County, Oregon . ( Proof 420, Vol . 5 )

Tract No. 5 , . 2 sc . in , sec. t 7 6 no. in SW-2 40 ao. in Sri S4, Sao . Tp. 1-S . R. 43 E .'W . 1S. _ Wallows County, Oregon . (Proof 421, Vol . 6 )

WAILOWA BIVRS 89 •() (?'

f Amoun t ... Data o Number D. . Noma of Ditch Str ..m Duerlptlan of Land or Plec . of flee Nam* and Parlance Addl Relative Cubla Fmk Aaree of Appropriator Priority Per Second

vent Side Irrigation (Canti>~ed) Tract No . is mad Water Ditch Co ., 5 no. in SE° NW+ 20 no. in NE4 S1F, Sec .22 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 422, Vol . 5 )

Tract No. 7: 6.2 ao. in SW;l S 30.5 ao . in SES• _, Seo .8 5.6 no . in NE + NEx, see.l7 T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 423, Vol . 6 )

Tract No. 8 : 20 ao . in NSA SW+ 41 as . in NW} SW;.,: Sec . 15 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. W. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 424, Vol . 5 )

Tract No . 9 : 2 no . in SW4 SE'i, Seo . 9 32 no . in SE+ Mt, Sec . 5 8 as . in NE+ NW, Sec . 8 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. M. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 426, Vol. b)

Tract No . 10: 30 as . in SW1 eN 20 no . in NE i NEl 26 as . in NW- ) 30 ao . in SE+ NE4 32.8 no . in ?Mi. SE+ 20 ac . in NR's SL 1.5ac . in SW4 SE 27.1 ao . in S4 SE4, Sec . 16 T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. 1L , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 426, Vol . 5)

Tract No . 11 : • 7 ao. in NWi 10 as . in SWi ,.•, Sec . 15 T. 1 S. R. 43 E . W. X. , Vol lowa county, Oregon. (Proof 427, Vci . 6 )

Tract No . 12 : 40 no . in N* N W- Misc. in NW4 3W$ 3.9 ao . in SW 3 26 as . in SEpi NVp, Sec .i6 4 as . in W* SW*, Sec . 9 T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W . 14. , Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 428, Vol. 5)

Tract No. la: • 40 so . in SW4 NE+ - 80 no. in Si NWi

40 ao . in 8W2• 37 as . in 14wg 32 no . in SWC 40 no . in SE 4, Sec .31 T. 1 N . R . 43 E. W. M. . Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 430, Vol . 5 )


Data o f Amount Name and P .tof flee Address Nvmher Relative Cubic Fee t Acres Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of AppropriatorAppropriator Priority Per Second

Teat side Irrigation (Coati>®ed) 1 Tract No. 14 t and Water Ditch Co., 80 so. in N SP.}, Sec . 3 1 T. 1 N. R. 45 E. W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon. (Proof 430, Vol . 5 )

Tract No. 15 : 36 so . in N* 1Fr 40 so. in Tdi 31, Seo . 22 41 so. in SW1 S 28 as.. in SE SW arc . 15 T. 1 s. E. 43 E. T. X. , Wallow County, Oregon. (Proof 431, Vol . 6 ) p 1 9 Thitmore, Carl 1905 16 Irrigation Small Springs , 16 ao . in NE; SEi, 5.c .24 Joseph, Ore . Domesti c ditches in Seo .24 T. 2 S . R . 44 E. V. N., (Proof 452, Vol . 6) and stook T. 2 S . R. Wallow County, Dragon . 44 E. W.X.

Nos also under Parrioane Creek Irrigating Ditch Co., Tract No. 11 ) g ~l :wili tt, J. T. 1868 90 Irrigation Geo . So. Pork - 30 so. in NWZ wallows., Oro Domestic Jacobs Wallowa 40 so . in ST1 U 0. H. Willett, and stook ditch 20 so . in SEi , Soc . 30 Wallowa, ore. T. 1X . R. 43 E. B. X. , (Proof 435, Vol. 5) ~ Wallowa Count^, Oregon. (SOS Findings, Paragraph 2P)

EE - mutt, L. J. 188 7 11 .7 Irrigation Pipes Dear 1 .7 so . in SRS Wallowa, Ore. Iroostio Creek 10 mi. in W;SF, Seo . a C !Proof 434, Vol. 5) and Stook T. 1 N . R . 42 2. T. N . Wallows County, Oregon.

4 1111 Nannie 1887 9 Irrigation Pipes Dear 2 .3 so. in Sw N24- Wallowa, Oro. Domestic Creek 6.7 so. in W S2, 5ec.10 I and Stock T. 1 T. R. 42 E. T. X. Dy I. J . Willett . Wallow, Ors. Walloon Count', Oregon (Proof 436, Vol. 5)

78 Irrigation Erma. Wallowa 3 so . in NE ,• SW4 William, G . T. 1889 ^ Brans, Ore . Domestic Williams Riser 17 act. in !Ye'; Bir (Proof 456, Vol. 6) and stook 26 so. in STS SI 32 so . in S2 SW Seo .3 4 T. 1 A . R. 43 E . W. B. Wallowa County, orison.

3 Tillisms, Robert R. 1870 Domestic Williams Prairie Domestic and stock use of and Stook Creek the following premises : Joseph, Oregon. .i (Proof 437, Vol. 5) Si Sea. 3, 3•, 'ifr 6T}, 5ec T. 3 S. R . 45 E. W. X. , Wallowa County, Oregon. 4 1 1 ~~_ 111 . P . 1696 5E Irrigation Williasi~ Prairie 15 no . in "'Williams, S - 40 so. in Wi- ,o, Seo . I D & mph, Or.. Domestic Creek . 5) and stock T. 3 S . R. 45 E. W. IR. (Proof 438, Vol Wallow Coup, Oregon,

10 so. in AE i, DEQ Sea . 10 (Proof 439, Vol. 6) 1895 1Q Irrigation Not nam d Prairie mastic Creek T. 3 S . R . 45P. W. X. , and Stook I Wallowa County, Oregon .


241/ F /7 2 0 25-i 3 0 30 2 ?

----L----,-- 30 ;2 7 3/ 3 2

Cert ??--' 9 s .5 . c/s, /II

"i is L

Amoun t Name and Foetal` Ice Address Date of Numbe r e Aeree Uec Name of Ditch stream Description of Land or Place of Us of Appropriator Pr ority Per Second

Williams, S. P. 1896 10 Irrigation Not named Prairie 6 so. in SD NBi, Sec. 10 Joseph, Ore . Creek -4 so. in RW} NW4, Seo . 11 — (Proof 440, Vol . 6) iv°A, T ,f s~ or >!,I.2p T. 3 S. R. 45 E. W. M. .9i Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 441, Vol . 5) 1886 6 Irrigation Not named Prairie 6 an. in NW9 RW}, Sec . 11, Domestic Creek T. 3 S . R. 45 E. W. M. , and Stook Wallows County, Oregon .

Williamson, J. B. (See under Lostine Ditch Co., Tract Eo. 18)

.f Williamson, Mrs . J. B. 1881 13 Irrigation Barman So. Fork , 13 ac. in Sift 1Th , Sea 15 Lostine, Ore. Domestic Wallowa T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W.M. , (Proof 442, Vol. 5 ) ~ and stook Wallowa County, Oregon.

Wilson Bros . (See under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co., Priest No. 18) gq 3 Wilson Ditch 1908 64.05 Irrigation Wilson Wallowa Tract No. 1 : Asscoiation Domestio 7.6 so. of the following By L. B. Cavinese and Stook described lands: Joseph, Ore. Beginning 11 .885 ohs. S. (Proof 445, Vol . 5) 0 degrees 531 E. 46 Links N. 87 degrees 50 W . of the cater of Sec. 30, T. 2 S. , R. 45E. W. M ., thence N. 87 egreee 60• W. 1436 ohs ; thence S . O. degrees 501 E. 10.45 ohs; thence S . 87 de- grees 501 E. 14.36 ohs; thence N. O. degrees 501 W. 10.455 ohs. to the place of beginning, containing 15 ac . spore or less, all in Wallowa County, Oregon. Tract No. 2 : 12.5 no. of the following described lands : Block 1 of Thomas Morgan tract. Beginning at a poin t on the N. side of right o f way of the O . R. & N. Co. , tdience to the SW our. Se4.S0a T. 2 S., R._46 E. W. M. bears S. 86 degrees 20+ W. 736 Ft. , thence N. 58 degrees 46+ E. 191.4 ft; thence N. 31 degree 141 W. 199.98 ft.,theece 2.58 degrees 461 E . 97.02 ft. ; thence R. O. degrees 60' W. 165.66 ft. ; thence R. 87 de- grees 50 , W. 1162.82 ft. ; thence on an 8 degree concav e curve to the left 1360 ft . along right of way of O.R.& N to place of beginning contai n ing 12.98 acres, more or less All in Wallowa County, Oregon Tract No. 5 : 20.7 ac. of the following des. oribed lands : Beginning at a point 30 ft . 5, and 19 rode, 5i ft . W. of the NS cor. of the 5V of Seo.30, P. 2 S. R. 46 E. W. M., runty- ing thence V. 97} rode pars- llel with the subdivision line between the A. and S . halves of said Seo . 30.

Date o f Amoun t Name and Poetoffiee Addreee Numbe r Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Uee Relative Cubic Fee t Acres Lime of Ap ...1.1..W Priority Per Sernnd

Wilson Ditch Association (Contained) to a stake ; thence S. 45.72 chain: thenc e E. 9* rods to a stake ;ther N.45 .72 rode parallel with the out dieTTelan line between the B . and i helte s of said Seo.50 ; to the plod of beginningi oontaining 27.8 acre : all in Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No. 4 : 5.8 ae. of the following described t.def Beg s *levee at a point S . 0 degrees 65* E. 23 .1 oh. moreor lisp , thence 47 ohs . W . from the center of Seo . 30, T. 2 S . B . 45F. .W.11 . , Wal own County, Oregon; thence W . 14. 6 ohm, more or less ; thence S . 10. 1 ohs. more or less ; thence N. 68 . egrees 46* E . 16.63 ohm ; 1 . . . .N. 1.35 ohs . to S. point of inning, containing_,8 .57 no . , or lee,.

t HO. 5: 3.6 ac. of the following described : • s: Beg , .tag at a stake whence the Cen = ofn Seo . 50, V. 2 S. R . 45 . B.`L bears N 5 degrees 45 * N. 2518.7 thence 8 . O . d .•oes,10 * E., variation 20 degre 40 . 264 ft. to 4 stake; thence N. : 7 degrees b* W.\825 ft. to a • ,116515 ft. ~ E. bank o f Wal ova Stec, 40 ft.\wide cours e E . thence W.0. degrees 50* W . 264 ft, to stake; thence S. 8 7 dec - 5* E .fi 825 ft. to the place df beglemog, (at 166 f°t. the 4E'. bank of the 'WAliowa River, 40 ft. Wide , oont?se ; NW) ; containing 4 .9 9 so. , all in the SW; 8ee .30, T. 2 S. B. 46 E . W. Wallowa County, orag+om .

Trac t No. 6 : 4.85 so. of the following describ e lands : . Begia :tiag at a stake where th e Cente r of Sec. 30, T . 2 S. B. 46 3 . W.L,. boars N. 27 degree s bd* fE. 51.66 ahs ; thence N. 87 degrees 50* W. 17.638 ohs . to the E . line of the O. R . & N. Co. righ of way; thence along said right of way 2.776 Ohs; thence S . 87 degree s 50* E4 17 .467 ohs. ; thenc e N. O. degres•60• W. 277 ohs . to the place of beginning, containin g 4.85 so. writer rase, all in Wallowa County, Oregon.

Trac t No. 7 : 4 so , of the following describe d lands : Beginning at a point S . 27 degree s 67 * W. 51.66 oh . of the center of Seo. 30,, T. 2 S . B . 46 E. W.16 , thence W. 87 degrees 601 W. 17 .638 ohs . to O . R . 6 N. Cove right of may ; thence in a northwesterly direction along said O . R. &N. Co l right of Way 12.682 ohs. more or 1 1 thenc e

WAT.T.nWA RTrvR OS r:n

Data o f Amount Name .cd Po.toffiea Addres s Bestir . eCubic Fart Number tfee Nome of Ditch Stream De .rrlptlon of Lund or Place of Tiro of Appropriator r Bara Aeree P

Wilson Ditch Association. (centlnned) 5. 87 degrees 50' E. 18.41 8 chs . more or lees ; thence S . 12 .65 Lehr . more or less to t point of beginning, containi 10.786 acres, more or less , in Wallowa County, Oregon .

Tract No . S t 6 sc . of the following desor i ed lands : Beginning at a point 30 ft . S thence 50 ft . W. of the NE c o of the SWW of Sec . 30, T .2S . , R. 45 E. W. M., running thence W. 17 rods parallel with the subdivision lino bet . the N . and the S . halves of said Se c 50; thence S . 45.72 rods ; th e E. 17.i rods ; thence W.45 .7 2 rods parallel with the sub - division line bet . the E . and W. halves of said Sec . 30 to the place of beginning, con- taining 6 acres, more or los e all in Wallowa County, Oregon Wilson, Hugh (bee under Grange r Water Ditch Co ., Tract No. 9 ) (Seo under Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch Co ., irract No . 19 )

i9 l° 3 Wilson, John N . 1890 13 Irrigation Lower Walloon , 5 ae. in SE} 1CSZ Wallows, Ore. Valley , 8 so . in s SEW, Sec . 3 (Proof 445, Vol . 6 ) ditch T. 1 N . R . 42 E . A. M. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Wile Paul (Seo under Granger Water Ditch Co ., root No. IC)

"-'Wilson, loss . B . X. 188E 23 .7 Irrigation Biggs So. Pork ca 22.7 so . in NEZ NEl lostine, Oregon Dommetio or Wallows m 1 so . in SB Sea . 9 By Norbert Wilton and Stock Hill River . T. 1 S . R . 43 E . W. 'M Irostine, Ore . f,5 ) T 0 36/2 6y4L as A V ;.c. Lhl .~ . .// /363 Wallows County, Oregon. (Proof 446, Vol . 5)

(Proof 447, Vol. 6) 1896 12 Irrigation Mile s So. Fork 12 ao . in SEi NE,, Sec. 9 Domestic Magill Wallows T. 1 S . R. 45 E. W. H. & Stock Wallowa County', Oregon .

(Proof 448, Vol. 6) Or. 8 4 Irrigation Magill So. Fork 4 ac. in SE -82 Sec . 9 1886 Domestio Poley 1 Wallowa T. 1 S . R. 43 E . W.M. & Stook Allen Wallowa County, Oregon. qy I Wo1fe, Gideon, 1889 227 Irrigation Middle So. Fork 30 ac . in NV` NV Wallows, Ore. and stook Valley Wallowa 37 ao. in HEl gEi (Proof 449, Vol . 5) or 40 ao . in 5 (See Findings, Paragraiph 22) Foster 40 ac . in S 40 ac . in NW,Sec .3 1 40 so . in SEI SW4,See.30 T. 1 N. R. 43 E . W. M. , Wallowa County, Oregon.

(Proof 460, Vol . 5) 1883 5 Irrigation Geo. So.Fork ' 3 ao . in NE BB , Seo.31 and stook Jacob s Wallowa T. 1 N. R . 43 E . W. M . Wallows County, Oregon. i I (Seo also under Wert Side Irrigation and Water D toh Co ., I?raot No. 14 )


Date of Amoun t Namhe Name and Po.to[Dce Add .... eCubi r U .e Name of Ditch Stream De .cription of Land or Place of Use of Approodetor Priotive P Sc r .." Acre.

q 3 Wolfe, 1887 9 Irrigation N. C .Dav i Bear Cr . 9 ao . in SEs SEi-, Sec .10 f G. JOregon and stock T. 1 N . R. 42 E . W . N. , (Proof 451, Vol . 5) Wallowa County, Oregon.

Womack, C . W. (See snider West Side Irrigation and Water Ditot Co., Tract No. 15 ) qA ,l Womack, J. W. Nay 7, 2541 Irrigation J. W. Bear 30 so . in * Wallowa, Ore. 1884 Womack Creek i0 ac . in S5SPS, Seo .1 6 (Proof 452, Vol . 5 ) 2iso . in 1IEL SW" 40 so . in SWW SWC 40 so . is sW}}~ 23 so . in SW$, Seo .14 27 so . in BE 125 so. in SW1 JE Sec .22 30 sc. in , Sec .2 3

d-534{-1 3 Wallows County, Oregon. 6,1v\ `*' Wood, ileo. D. 1896 82 Irrigation Boatman So. Pork 80 sc . in W- NE&, Seo.10 Evans, Ore . and Stook i & Wallowa 2 sc. in SRI, SEs, Seo . 3 (Proof 463, Vol. 5 ) Wood T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. N. ~ Wallowa County, Oregon.

~y~ 1~ I1~Wood,I J. D . 1881 18 Irrigation Bowman So.Fork 18 so . in NWs NEs, Seo.15 Wallow, Ore. and Stook Wallowa T. 1 S. R. 43 E. W. N. , 454, Vol . 5 ) Wallows County, Oregon. (Proof 4 71' , sS O . . Y. / z> F /85' (T-. 33,98 ctiv., p7 . .

Werstell, B . T . (See under Lost iae Dite Co., Tract No . 19) LOA I 4 V°' Wihnn & Dobbin Ditch 8ept.10 2760 .71 Irrigation Wrenn Wallows Tract No . I t Co., a corporation , 1901 Domestic Dobbin River ,- 40 so. in NByb By A. W. Sohaupp and stock -! 13 ac . in NW; Joseph, Oregon. - 14 so . in SWd NWI (Proof 455, Vol.5) i 40 no . in SE NW,See .18 T. 2 S . B. 45 E . W._ M. j ri * y e" Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No. 2 : 2 no . in WI 25 ao . in , Sec . 7

Wallows County, Oregon .

Tract No . 3 : 10 ao . in NB 30 so . in NW NE - 40 so . in SWi - 40 ac. in SE~ 40 so. in 40 ao . in SEz 40 ao . in S~Wp*- SE 40 ac . in 31 , Sec .8 30 ao . in 19~>li 40 ao . in - 40 ac . in 40 so . in 10 so . in 20 sc . in }}, Sec . 9 40 so. in NE} 55 so . in NV? 101 30 ac . in 9 ao . in , Sec .17 40 ao . in 40 me . In S 40 ac . in , Seo .15 T. 2 S . R ._45 E. W. N. Wallowa County, Oregon.


Data Amoun t r Description of Land or Ploee of De e Name and Pwtoffiee Addreea Perlioria of ty Cubic F eed ~Nomho Uae Name of Diteh Stream of Appropriator Priority Pe r er Second peree _

Co. (Continued) Tract No . 4 : Wrenn & Dobbin Ditch 6i ac . in SW1 40 no . in SE4, 4 1 40 so . in SW- NE• • 40 ao . in SE; NE*, Sec .1 9 T. 2 S . R. 45 F . W. 11. Wallow County, Oregon .

Tract No . 5 1 40 no . in SES' RWI 40 ao . in SW • - 40 so . in SW

4 40 so . in SE1 - 40 so. in SE SE, Sec . 1 6 7,L, 2 S . R . 46 E. 14_4. Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 6 s 16 ao . in SWy SWC , _ 40 so. in SW- 4 37 so. in SVi- S 40 ao. in SE.; , Sec . 18 T. 2 S . R. 45 F._ Wa 36 Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract Ne . 7 : 35 ao . in WEy SWlg 40 ao . is SW4 2- \ SO ao . ins swi 1C so. in SWi, ea: k8 - 7. 2 S . R . 46 S . W .-- ' Wallow County, Oregon .

Tract No . 8 , 40 so . in fi NW 40 ac. in NW* P117#' . 40 so. In SW - NW%, Seo .21 T. 2 S . R . 46E. W.M. = 26 so . in AEe 40 we . in NW3 30 ao . in SI4 WE- S ac . in SE; NR, Seo.21 T. 2 S . R. 46E. W . X. Wallow County, Oregon.

Tract No . 9 s I- 40 ac . in NV° - 40 ao . in BW SWC 40 ao . in SW4 SWW, Sec . 16 . 2 S . R__. 45 E. V. 1S. T_ _ Wallowa County, Oregon.

Tract No . 10 : 6i ao . in NE S•, Sec .3 0 T. 2 S . R. 45 E . W. E. 11a~Ios County, Or egon.

Tract No . il s 40 so. in SWs Rift} 25 so . in SRS NW - 38}ao . in NS S 18 ao . in , Sec .? T. 2 S . R . 45 E . W. N. , Wallows County, Oregon.

Tract No. 12 : 40 ao . in N—El- NII ' L- 40 ao . inN~ NW - 20 so. in SVF ` 30 ac. in SRI NW}, Seo.29 T. 2 S. R. 46 R . W. X. Wallow County, Oregon.



Amount Name and Paetoffiee Address Data of ' Number Relative Cubic Fee t Aeree Uee Name of Ditch Stream De .criptlon of Lund or Place of Den of AoproAppropriatorp Priority Per Second

Wrenn di Dobbin Ditch Co. (Continued) i j Tract No. 13 1 20 so. in 8R!- 8R` - 40 ao. in JW S so. In SV 88.r, Seo.29, Tel 2 8. 8. 45 5. T'.04 Wallowa Count', Oregon . ?root No. 141 40 ao. in 98i 35 40 ao. in SR} S Sec.20 T. E_ 6. R. 45 E. T. N. G~&7.10N6 Coiii y, Urdgmn . Tract No. 15, 40 sc. in 40 so. in SP4 I - 40 w. inice! SE I 40 so. In N'e- S4, Seo.16, . ~ ixe gsn ' Tract No. 16, - 38 so. in 8F1 3iRz 56 ao. in Nr RE? 40 no. in NDi s*, sea. 19 T. 12 so. In RW° lWi', Soo. 19

Tract No. 17, - 40 so. in lits ii ~t~ 40 so. In SS N1$, Sea.30 T. 2 S. R. 45 E. W. It. , 7illoss County, Oregx►. Tract No. 18, 40 so. in R} 37 so. in . 7 L 40 so. in 12 so. in NW1, seo.50 T. 8 S. R. 45 E. W. N. Wailcws' County, Oregon. Tract No. 19, 40 so. in 52 SW1- B as. in SW SWi _ 40 ao. in sWi SS* 40 so. In SEs SE -, 5e4 .19 T. 2 s . B. 45 E. W. 3. Wallesa Canty, Oregon.

Wright, ]ors . J. A. 1893 7* 1 Irrigation Wrights Scotch ' 5* as. in 11E NW*, Seo.55 Joseph, Ors. Domestic Creek 40 sc. in SE- SWC, 600 . 26 By B. I. Henderson and stook It. 2 S. R. 4 4 E. W. ira Joseph, Ors. Wallowa Cauni, Oregon. (Proof 456, Vol. 5)


The amount of water which each of the claimants named in the foregoin g

tabulated statement shall be entitled to divert for irrigation purposes daring an ir-

rigation season extending from ltay first to October first shall not exceed an amount

actually beneficially used for said purposes and is limited to a maxim amount as hereinafter fixed and determined, to-wit)

tll claimants therein named having a right to divert water from Wallowa

River, Swath Fork of Wallowa River and its tributaries, Harricane Creek and it s

tributaries, and Bear Creek and its tributaries, shall be entitled to divert therefrom

(from the particular source or combined sourose from whence they ere entitled to diver t

water for Irrigation) not to exceed one and one half (1t) acre feet for each acre of land

actually irrigated (under the ditch or ditches of each such claimant) and described in the

foregoing tabulated statement, during any period of thirty days during the irrigation season

prior to JOl- Slot of each year= and thereafter not to exceed one (1) acre foot per acre for

said lands during the entire remainder of the irrigation season . For all lands irrigated

with waters of tributary springs, spring branches, and streams not included in the fore- going 'carom' of supply, and including Little Hurricane, Waver, smith, Alder, )) Trey, Bank, Wesly, and Beavis Creek, Haae,Braneh, and Cole springs, and other unnamed springs and spring breaches, tributary do Wallowa Diver, but not to South Bork thereof, Hurricane, Bear an d

Prairie 4r mks, each claimant thereto than be entitled to divert therefrom not to exceed

euc•(1) acre foot far each sore of laud actually irrigated and described in .the foregoing

tabulated statement, during any period of thirty (SO) days during the irrigation season prio r

to hily SIst and thereafter not to exceed ons(l) sore foot per acre for said lands, for the entire remainder of the irrigation season.

That eashedaissnt to the waters of Prairie Creek and its tributaries named in the foregoing-tabulated statement shall be entitled to divert therefrom far each acre of the

lands actually Irrigated and described in said tabulated statement, not to exceed one-eightiet h

(1/80) of ens cubic foot per second .

That the°Aseociated Ditch Companies" not incorporated, including the severa l corporations owning the Farriers Water Ditch, Big Bend ditch, Silver Lake Ditch, Citizens ,

Water ditch, Dobbin ditch and Wrenn-Dobbin ditch, as such corporations are named and designate d

laths foregoing tabulated statement, is entitled, as an association of such corporations, to

store in , for such corporations, to supply said ditches with water supplementar y

to their direct diversions from said Wallows River for the irrigation of the lands

described opposite and under the name . of said corporations, nine thousand tso hundred

thirty (9250) sore feet, when not required to supply prior rights of appropriation of said vatera, and as of the priority date set opposite the name"Aseooiated pitOh Cqs enies °

I the foregoing tabulated statement .


No precise limitation is placed upon the quantity of water which claimants

for domestic and stock use scar diverts but in each case the quantity diverted shall no t

emoeed Wedh quantity as maybe reasonably necessary for those uses, shioh 'uses shall onl y

include ordinary and usual honsshold and domestic requirements, and such quantity as ma y

be essential to supply the umber of bead of stook ordinarily and usually kept byes**



Claimants, named in the foregoing tabulated statement, to the waters of al l

tributary springs, spring branches, and streams involved heroin, other than Wallowa River ,

its south Pork, bear Creek, rurrioane creek and Prairie Creek, shunts entitled, firs t

to the 'us• of such waters for usual and ordinary riparian do®stia and stockinet, with-

ant priority as mou6 them, and, second, to the ase of the surplus of said waters in th e

elder of the priority of their several appropriations for irrigation and other sees as

defined . in said tabulated statement.


Rights of appropriation for supplementary irrigation in the foregoing

Ululated statismt, indicates *atwitter is used traitor* or more ditches or source s

of supply for the same load. In any event, in such ease, the claimant or water user

(including those mater mere frost= or more . corporation ditches) having such sup-

plementary-right 'Unto entitled to divert or ase not to exceed the rate per acr e

allowed in paragraph II preceding for the same land, irrespective of the number o f

ditches, sources of supply, or supplementary rights of said claimants that is to ear ,

the "tomtits. to which such claimant is entitled shall not wooed said rate per acre,

whether rater is diverted from one ditch or scams, or several ditches or sources .

Wall oases where a olsdmaat is entitled according to the foregoing

tabulated stetasat` a divert mater for irrigation from sources other than maliess

giver. Bmrrtamam Creek, Dear Creek, South Pork of lallosa liver, and Prairie Creek, t o

sop#lemoot diversion, tarocgh ditches from swot the last mod streams, in distribution

of the water, such elaimmt shall first be required to utilise the waters of any of the

last armed streams to which he is entitled, either under a corporation ditch, or as a

direct appropriator, before he shall be entitled tantalise the waters from the sp-

pleasentarq sourm as against a olsisunt having a right to the last mentioned waters, and

an or mousses of supply for his lands. Ase between apprepriatore each having supplement- ary rights this provision 3hall not apply, but priority of appropriatin shall prevail .

Priority of appropriation shall be the rale for distribution in all over canes of sup-

pienentarf -irrigation rights.

WALLOtl RITFR 99 210


It between tte Mouthing Ditch Company and the Alder Slope Ditch Company,

corporations, diverting water from Hurricane Creek, it is determined that the Moonshin e

Ditch Company is entitled to priority of appropriation of the waters of said stream, an d

that its appropriation . was initiated on the morning of November 30th, 1901, at about 8

A. fl ., and that the appropriation of the Aider Slope Ditch Company was initiated on the

same day, but about 4 P . P. In the afternoon of said day, and wabsegnont to the initiation

of said appropriation of said Moonshine Ditch Company; that both said appropriations wer e

perfected and completed with reasonable diligence, and each thereof is entitled tozrelat e

back to the respective tins of initiation thereof for priority .


That as between The Joseph Milling Conner and Joseph Light & Power Company ,

contestants, and J. P. Mitchell and Henry Mtitchell, contesteee, it is determined that

the contests*, J. P. Mitchell, is not barred or estopped by virtue of the door** describe d

in Paragraph 29 of the Findings heroin from setting up and asserting the rights claimed

by. his in his proof herein, and in the absenoe of other and additional evidence he i s entitled to the rights sot forth in the tabulated statm .mt herein. That Henry Mitchell ,

contests*, is not entitled to any earlier priority fortis lands than the year 1895, the year it appears water was first used upon said lands, according to his proof on file

herein. vr. That the decree 'mentioned and described in Paragraphs 21 and 20 of sai d

Piodings herein mre hereby recognised and acknowledged, and are to be followed and db-

marred in distribution of water among the parties affected thereby and whose right s

are therein involved end adjudicated.

IX. That thsstipulation not forth in the foregoing findings shall govern the

distribution of latter an among the parties thereto in so far as not inconsistent wit h

the rights *tease not parties to said stipulation or not bound thereby ; and that the

ruts Of tot Dies to n aid stipulation, and their sacoessors in interest in so far a s bound thereby, as set forth and determined in said foregoing tabulated *Utmost, shall

be 'abject to the provisions and conditions of said stipulation ; but said stipulation

shall not be binding upon any but those parties and claimants whose rights are therei n

involved and who ware parties to the samei and accept as between the said parties e o

bound by said stipulations, the f oreging tabulated statement shall prevail as to the

priority of rights and the distribution and use of the waters herein involved, subject to

100 ►ALL08b MXTSH 211

The general provisions hereof in modification thereof, relating to domestic and stook uses , supplementary rights and rotation in the use of water .


That the waters of said stream and its tributaries shall be diverted under th e

rights of prieriW hereby oonfirmad, in the order thereof, according to the priority data

of the several rights, and at all times when those having prior rights shall not require

the we of the quantities of water herein allowed them, Sr only part thereof, each water

shall be at the disposal and enb,eot to the use of those claimants having subsequent rights ,

in their priority order; and for the purpose of carrying into effect this principle, rotation

in the use of water shall be required when necessary to secure a more economical and equitabl e

distribution as swag the several tlsisants ; that where rotation is practicable wag claim -

ants utilising the flow of the street through ditches, a water master shall have authority

to provide for a rotation in the following manner; such water matter shall arrange th e

water users in groups or systems of rotation, first giving to the user who is first in

priority an mount of water equal to the combined quantity of water to which all the user s

in said group or system are entitled, fora length of time bearing the same ratio to the

whole tins required to be the oonplete rotation through the whole group of users, as the

quantity to which the said first user ie entitled bears to the combined spprorpriations of

said users, in said groups, and shall next horse the next user in point of priority with

a like amount of water for his proportionate length of time, and so on, until all the users

in said group ase served ; then the distribution of water shall be repeated in the sans

snort throughout the irrigation season; that in the case of two or more mater nears in

said group or system having the same priorities, then the said water master shall distribut e

the water as between those users having the same priorities to the canasta ditch taps the

streanearest its source first, and the next lower down next, and so on; and in case two or screamers lave equal priorities and divert water through the same ditch, the wate r

'aster shall distribute the utter as between said users to the one whose lands are first

covered Weald ditch and nearest the head thereof, first, and to the next lower down on

said ditch, aril, and so on; and the provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable to

groups or systems of ditches, jointly owned as well as individually owned ; and where two .

or 'ore users spree as between themselves as to the manner and system of rotation in th e

use of water, the said water master shall distribute the water in maaordaaee with such

agresaa0t ; provided alwys that such arreegement into groups or syste of rotation, or

distribatio' under each agreement, shall not interfere with the prior right. of any user not

another of mush group or system, or trimly to such agreement.

101 ►ELLWL RltXR 912


That the rights hereby confirmed for irrigation purposes are confined an d

limited to the irrigation of the lends hereinbefore described, and the waters appropriated

as in the tabulated statement set forth are and shall remain appurtenant to said lands, a n provided by law.


Blah and every appropriator holding permits from the State Engineer of Orego n

for the appropriation of water from Wallowa River and it e tributaries, shall have such wate r

right thereunder as is provided by law, and the rights of such appropriators shall be estab-

lished in the manner provided by law for the issuing of water right certificates in such oases .

By order of the State Water Board of the State of Oregon, made and entered at a n

adjourned regular meeting of said Board, oommrnoed and held on the 16th day of June, 1917 , at the office of said Board, in the State House, at Salem, Oregon .

a i

Dated this 20th day of January r 1919.

(signed) J. W. Knowles Circuit Judge .

STATE OF OBE808 ) ) ss County of Wallowa )

I, I. B. JOBDAI, County Clerk, for Wallowa County, State of Oregon, and

officio Clerk of the Circuit Court, for said County and State, do hereby certify that the foregoing Transcript of Decree recorded in Vol . 8, Page 7 to 83 inclusive, Records of Ciranit Court, for Wallowa County, Oregon, has been by me compared wit h the original Decree and that the same is true and correct copy of said origina l Decree ; and of the whole thereof, as the same appears d record in my office and custody.

Witness my hand and seal of said Court this 24th day of February, A . Dm , 1919 . (Seal of Circuit Court) I,. E . Jordan, Clerk

STAIB OF OREGON' .) I se. County of Marion

I, R . W. Potter, Secretary of the State Water Board of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing copy of Decree of the Circuit Count of the Stat e of Oregon for Wallowa County has been by me compared with, and the same is a full, trne an d correct copy of, the certified copy of such decree as received in the office of the Stat e Water Board and entered of record herein on the 26th day of February, 1919 4

If TESTIMOJY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set sy hand and affixed the seal o f the state Water Board of Oregon, this 26th day of February, 1919 .

R. W . Potter Secretary, State Water Board of Oregon.




Township 2 Nort h

3 2 N 42 E 3 8 27 2 N 42 E 65, 7 9 28 2 N 42 E 6 5 32 2 N 42 E 6 5 33 2 N 42 E 38, 60, 6 5 34 2 N 42 E 37, 38, 65 , 77, 7 9

Township 1 Nort h

3 1 N 42 E 38, 48, 51 , 79, 9 4 4 1 N 42 E 41, 42, 65 , 8 9 5 1 N 42 E 42, 65, 8 9 8 1 N 42 E 4 2 9 1 N 42 E 41, 4 2 10 1 N 42 E 33, 38, 40 , 41, 42, 43 , 56, 61, 71 , 72, 74, 78 , 80, 87, 91 , 9 5 11 1 N 42 E 39, 47, 57 , 61, 77, 80 , 8 1 12 1 N 42 E 7 7 13 1 N 42 E 45, 60, 75 , 77, 79, 8 6 14 1 N 42 E 37, 38, 45 , 52, 73, 77 , 9 5 15 1 N 42 E 40, 41, 42 , 43, 58, 60 , 71, 72, 73 , 76, 78, 80 , 81, 88, 9 5 16 1 N 42 E 41, 4 2 22 1 N 42 E 41, 43, 79 , 9 5 23 1 N 42 E 45, 9 5 24 1 N 42 E 4 4 25 1 N 42 E• 4 4 34 1 N 42 E 6 2 36 1 N 42 E 4 4

18 1 N 43 E 8 6 19 1 N 43 E 8 6 20 1 N 43 E 56, 71, 8 6 21 1 N 43 E 33, 71, 7 8 22 1 N 43 E 3 3 27 1 N 43 G 3 3 28 1 N 43 E 33, 57, 61 , 8 6 29 1 N 43 E 51, 64, 71 , 8 2 30 1 N 43 E 44, 51 82 , 91, 9 4 31 1 N 43 E 33, 44, 90 , 91, 9 4 32 1 N 43 E 66, 70, 73 , 74, 8 2 33 1 N 43 E 57, 61, 73 , 7 4 34 1 N 43 E 91

T O W N S H I P I N D E X (continued )

2 -


Township 1 Sout h

3 1 5 42 E 62, 6 4

3 1 S 43 E 61, 69, 9 5 4 1 S 43 E 46, 73, 7 4 5 1 S 43 E 33, 70, 73 , 74, 9 0 6 1 S 43 E• 3 3 8 1 S 43 E 55, 89, 9 0 9 1 S 43 E 33, 46, 47 , 70, 73, 74 , 79, 89, 90 , 9 4 10 1 S 43 E 33, 48, 61 , 67, 68, 69 , 70, 9 5 11 1 S 43 E 37, 64, 8 8 13 1 S 43 E 87, 8 8 14 1 S 43 E 81, 82, 8 8 15 1 S 43 E 37, 38, 43 , 57, 62, 63 , 67, 68, 69 , 70, 82, 86 , 90, 91, 92 , 9 5 16 1 S 43 E 72, 9 0 17 1 S 43 E 9 0 22 1 S 43 E 45, 47, 67 , 81, 82, 89 , 90, 9 1 23 1 S 43 E 8 2 24 1 S 43 E 5 5 25 1 S 43 E 5 5 27 1 S 43 E 47, 77, 81 , 82, 8 9 34 1 S 43 E 45, 7 7 •• 1 S 43 E 39, 48, 55 , 59, 68, 69 , 70, 73, 7 8

29 1 S 44 E 71, 8 0 30 1 S 44 E 30, 51, 5 5 31 1 S 44 E 30, 31, 32 , 6 6 32 1 S 44 E 31, 32, 7 1 33 1 S 44 E 7 1 35 1 S 44 E 5 1

28 1 S 45 E 54, 5 5 32 1 S 45 E 5 4 33 1 S 45 E 53, 54, 5 5 34 1 S 45 E 5 3

Township 2 Sout h

23 2 S 42 E 6 5

1 2 S 44 E 44, 46, 51 , 7 1 2 2 S 44 E 38, 40, 45 , 51, 52, 56 , 57, 59, 62 , 64, 78, 81 , 88 * Town of Lostin e

T O ( : N S H I P I N D E P (continued ) 3 -


Township 2 Sout h

3 2 S 44 E 31, 52, 7 8 4 2 S 44 E 29, 30, 37 , 3 8 5 2 5 44 E 29, 31, 32 , 37, 39, 7 1 6 2 S 44 E 29, 31, 32 , 3 9 8 2S 44 E 32, 60, 87 , 8 9 9 2 S 44 E 30, 31, 32 , 43, 62, 8 8 10 2 S 44 E 30, 31, 43 , 72, 7 7 11 2 S 44 E 64, 80 12 2 S 44 E 34, 47, 64 , 72, 8 0 13 2 S 44 E 64, 67, 68 , 8 7 14 2 S 44 E 63, 64, 6 7 15 2 S 44 E 29, 30, 34 , 43, 66, 6 8 16 2 S 44 E 29, 30, 39 , 4 5 17 2 S 44 E 59, 60, 7 7 21 2 S 44 E 32, 85, 8 9 22 2 S 44 E 30, 32, 48 , 6 6 23 2 S 44 E 32, 63, 64 , 6 7 24 2 S 44 E 34, 63, 64 , 85, 9 1 25 2 S 44 E 34, 37, 61 , 8 3 26 2 S 44 E 32, 51, 59 , 63, 79, 9 7 27 2 S 44 E 32, 3 7 34 2 S 44 E 5 1 35 2 S 44 E 51, 63, 76 , 78, 9 7 36 2 S 44 E 40, 61, 67 , 75, 76, 78 , 8 0

1 2 S 45 E 54, 8 5 2 2 S 45 E 5 3 3 2 S 45 E 34, 35, 5 3 4 2 S 45 E 34, 35, 3 6 5 2 S 45 E 36, 5 4 6 2 S 45 E 46, 6 0 7 2 S 45 E 45, 47, 57 , 72, 95, 9 6 8 2 S 45 E 36, 49, 50 , 9 5 9 2 S 45 E 36, 37, 49 , 53, 9 5 10 2 S 45 E 34, 36, 5 3 11 2 S 45 E 5 3 12 2 5 45 E 54, 8 5 13 2 5 45 E 54, 8 5 14 2 S 45 E 53

T OWN S H I P I N 0 E X (continued )

4 -


Township 2 Sout h

15 2 S 45 E ' 34, 35, ' 5 3 16 2 S 45 E •36, 49, ' 50 , 53, '95, 96 , 9 7 17 2 S 45 E ' 47, 49,'9 5 18 2 S 45 E '51, ' 57,'58 , '95,'9 6 19 2 S 45 E '50 , ' 58, 96 , 9 7 20 2 S 45 E '47, '50,'77 , '9 7 21 2 S 45 E '34, 49, 52 , 9 6 22 2 S 45 E ' 35, 36, 52 , ' 5 7 23 2 S 45 E . 52, - 53, 65 , '8 4 24 2 S 45 E '54,84, 8 5 25 2 S 45 E '8 4 26 2 S 45 E '52, ' 72, ' 83 , '8 4 27 2 S 45 E ' 52, '8 3 28 2 S 45 E ' 35, '52, ' 71 , '75,"8 4 29 2 S 45 E ' 35, -36, 44 , '50, - 58, ' 75 , "96,'9 7 30 2 S 45 E '37, '44, 46 , "50,"58 , ' 92 , '93,"94,'96 , '9 7 31 2 S 45 E '44, 46, ' 75 , '8 4 32 2 S 45 E -44, ' 55, '83 , '8 4 33 2 S 45 E '75, - 8 3 34 2 S 45 E 61, 83,'8 4 35 2 S 45 E '61, ' 72,8 3 36 2 5 45 E , 84

18 2 S 46 E 8 4

Township 3 Sout h

1 3 S 44 E 76,7 7

2 3 S 45 E ' 34, 56, 66 , ' 84 3 3 5 45 E '49, 56 , -79 , '8 4 6 3 S 45 E '45, 46, 75 , '7 6 8 3 5 45 E ' 8 5 10 3 S 45 E 91,'9 2 11 3 S 45 E '62, 66, 71 , '81, ` 9 2 12 3 S 45 E '40, - 8 0 13 3 S 45 E 39, ' 5 2 14 3 5 45 E ' 29, 73, 81




Now at this time this matter came on for hearing upon the applicatio n

of D. D . Brock, and it appearing to the court :

That a decree was entered adjudicating the rights to the use of the water s

of Wallowa River, in the above entitled court and cause, and that in said decree the land s

owned by applicant D . D . Brock, which are irrigated under date of priority of 1883 fro m

Alder and Smith Creek and a spring in the SE4 of Sec . 16, Tp . 2 S . R . 44 E ., W .M., wer e

erroneously described in said decree as 3 acres in the NW*SE4 of said Section 16 ; that

the true and correct description of said lands is three acres in the NEq of the SE4 o f

Section 16, Tp . 2 S . R. 44 E . W . M . ; that said applicant D. D . Brock is the owner of both

the NWa of the SE4 of said Section and the NE* of the SE4 of said Section ; that sai d

error was a clerical error, and that the correction of said decree would make a chang e

in the description of the place of use of less than a quarter of a mile, and that ther e

are no intervening diversions or users between said points of use, and no person woul d

be injured by the correction of said decree in said respect ;

That the State Engineer of Oregon has issued Water Right Certificate No .2868

to the applicant,D . D . Brock, and the same has been recorded in Wallowa County, Oregon ;

that in justice and right, said correction should be made and the applicant should b e

permitted immediately to use the waters of said stream in accordance with said correction ;

and the court being fully advised in the premises ,

It is CONSIDERED, ORDERED and DECREED that said clerical error in said decre e

be corrected, so that the rights of applicant shall read as follows :

Name Date of Rela— Acres Use Ditch Stream Place of Use tive Priority

D.D.Brock 1883 3 Irrigation Private Alder & 3 A in NE*SEa Domesti c Smith Cr . Section 16 , Prof 80, r~ & Stock & spring Tp . 2 S . , Vol. Vol 1 . in SE4 R. 44 E .W .M . Sec .16 Wallowa T. 2 S ., County,Ore . R.44 E .

It is FURTHER CONSIDERED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court transmi t

to the State Engineer a certified copy of this order and decree, and that the Stat e

Engineer issue a new water right certificate covering said lands and cancelling sai d

former certificate No . 2968 ; And it is further CONSIDERED and ORDERED that any person deeming himself

39 5

aggrieved by such correction may at any time within three months from the date o f

this order petition this court for a rehearing upon the same .

This order is signed in Chambers at La Grande, Oregon, and is entere d

during vacation time with the same force and effect as if entered during term time .

Dated August 21st, 1931 (Si . ed) J . W . Knowles Circuit Judg e

STATE OF OREGON ) s s County of Wallowa

I, D. B . REAVIS, County Clerk of the County of Wallowa, in the State o f

Oregon, and, ex—officio, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said County, do hereby

certify that the foregoing copy of Order Correcting Clerical Error in Description o f

Rights of D. D. Brock is a true and correct exemplification of the original Order an d

of the whole thereof, as compared by me with the original thereof as shown on file an d

of record in my office and custody .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Circui t

Court of the County of Wallowa, in the State of Oregon, at the City of Enterprise, i n

said County and State, this 24th day of August, A . D . 1931 .

D . B . REAVIS (SEAL) Clerk of the Circuit Court of th e State of Oregon for Wallowa County .

By E. Eva Patten, Deputy .

STATE OF OREGON ) ss County of Mario n

I, CHAS . E. STRICKLIN, State Engineer of the State of Oregon, do hereb y

certify that the foregoing copy of ORDER of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon

for Wallowa County, Correcting Clerical Error in Description of Rights of D .D .BROCK

in the Matter of the Determination of the Relative Rights of the Various Claimant s

to the Use of the Waters of WALLOWA RIVER and its Tributaries, is a true and correc t

copy of such Order as the same was received in this office on August 25, 1931, an d

entered of record herein .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of August ,

1931 .

CHAS . E. STRICKLIN , State Engineer .

BE IT RELF2 BERBD, That at a regular term of the Circuit Court of the State o f

Oregon, for the County of Wallowa, begun and held at the Court House in th e

City of Enterprise, in said County and State, on Monday, the day of

the same being the Monday in said month, and the time fixe d

by law for holding a regular term of said Court, when were present :

The Hon . J . T . Knowles, Judge, Presiding .

Robert V. Chrisman, District Attorney .

D. B . Reavis, Clerk .

A. B . Miller, Sheriff .

When, on Thursday , the 22nd, day of April A. D ., 1937, or

the judicial day of said term, among others, the following pro-

ceedings were had, to-wit :

Al Thompson, )


VS. )

D E C R E E A. J. Stader, and Henry F. Cabell, ) E. B . Aldrich and Carl G . Washburne, ) WPJLOWA RIVER constituting the State Highway Com- ) mission of the State of Oregon, )

Defendants . )

Based upon the written stipulation of the parties, on file herein, an d

upon the records and files herein, it is hereby CONSIDERED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED ,


That the defendants herein have no interest in and to the water des-

cribed in plaintiff's complaint, except to divert the same so as properly to

drain the State Highway ;

That the plaintiff is the owner and in possession of the Nii} of th e

NF.} and Si of the NE„} of Section 30, Tp . 1 N . R . 43 E . W'. M., in Wallowa County , Oregon; that the relative rights to the use of the waters of Wallowa Rive r

have been duly adjudicated and determined by the State Water Board of the Stat e

of Oregon, and said determination was duly confirmed by a decree made and entere d

5ee in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wallowa County on the 20th da y

of January, 1919 ; .That the water running off of the Ni of the SEi of Section 30, Tp . 1 N .

R. 43 E. W. M., and collecting at or about a point where the State Highway crosse s the South boundary line of the plaintiff's land in the NE** of said Section 30 , shall be distributed by the water master having jurisdiction over said land, t o the plaintiff, in accordance with the date of priority determined and fixed b y the adjudication proceedings of the Wallowa River, duly confirmed by this cour t by decree made and entered on the 20th day of January, 1919 ; That the plaintiff shall have the right to lower his present flume t o conform to the grade in the borrow pit, and thereafter to repair and maintai n such flume, and to install such gates and measuring devises as are necessary to divert or distribute the water, and the defendants, at their option, shal l have the right to close the culvert situated South of the plaintiff's culver t across said highway, and in case said defendants close said culvert, then th e plaintiff will conduct the ordinary run-off water through his ditches, t o carry the same away from the highway ;

That the defendants, at any time, may remove and re-install suc h flumes, gates, or measuring boxes, or any part thereof, for the purpose o f working upon the highway, and shall make such removal at such times as no t to interfere with the plaintiff's use of the water, except in cases of emer - gency, and all reasonable efforts shall be made by the parties hereto to co - operate so as to continue any irrigation use of such water during such re - moval ; that in ease the defendants desire at any time to fill up the borrow pit so that no run-off water shall collect therein, said defendants shall no t be obligated to install any flumes ; And it is further CONSIDERED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED '

That the water master of Wallowa County be and he is hereby authorizeu an d directed to distrubute said water in accordance with the terms of this decree , and the parties hereto are enjoined and restrained from interfering with th e taking and using of said water except as otherwise provided in this decree ; tha t neither party hereto shall recover costs .

Done and dated at Chambers in La Grande, Union County, Oregon, thi s

22nd day of April, 1937 . (Signed) J . W . Knowles Circuit Judge .

STATE OF OREGON es. County of Wallowa

I, D.B.Reavis, County Clerk in and for the said County and State, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of Decree records of Wallowa County, State of Oregon , has been by me compared with the original, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom,

and of the whole of such' original as the same appears of record and on file in

my office and in my custody .

IN TESTIMONY YkIE`REOF, I have hereunto eat my hand and affixed my

official seal, this 8th day of November, A . D . 1937 .

D. B. REAWIS, County Clerk

(SEAL) By Mildred Jaco, Deputy.

STATE OF OREGON ) ) County of Marion )

I, (PIAS . E . STRICLIN, State Engineer of Oregon, do hereby certify

that the foregoing copy of DECREE of the Circuit Court for Wallowa County ,

dated the 22nd day of April, 1937, in re : run—off waiters from the N SEk Sec. 30 ,

Tp. 1 N ., R . 43 E., W . M ., Wallowa County, is a full, true and correct copy o f

such decree as the same was received in this office and entered of record herei n

this 3rd day of June, 1938 .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of June ,


CHAS . E. STRICKLIN State Engineer .




Now at this time the above entitled matter coming on before the State Engineer of

Oregon for a determination of the extent to which the inchoate water rights allowed by decree

of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wallowa County, have been perfected in accor -

dance with the provisions of the Wallowa River Decree, and a field inspection of the land s

having been ride, the State Engineer of Oregon being now fully advised in the matter, make s

the following Supplemental Findingn .and Order of Determination.

The original Findings and Order of Determination of the State Water Board of Oregon ,

entered and placed of record :,n June 16, 1917, allowed a water right in the name of the Islan d Irrigating Water Ditch Company, Enterprise, Oregon, to the use of the waters of Wallowa River

through the Island Irrigation Ditch for the irrigation of a total of 326 .5 acres of land,

domestic and stock use within Sections 2, 11 and 12, T . 2 S ., It. 44 E ., W.M., under priority

date of 1900, as claimed in Statement and Proof of Claim No . 237, filed by Logan McCormick o f

Enterprise, Oregon, on behalf of the several land owners and water were under said ditc h

company. Said Statement and Proof of Claim was contested but at the time set for hearing sai d

contest, Contestant's attorneys entered a motion for dismissal whereupon said contest was i n

all things dismissed.

The water right allowed the Island Irrigating Water Ditch Company is described and se t

out in the tabulation of water ruts, appearing on page 424 of said Findings and Order of Deter-

mination. Under said tabulated right, in the fourth column under the heading, "Number Acres" ,

appears the following wording, "326 .5 irrigated 755 yet to be irrigated" . In the last column of said tabulation under the heading, "Description of land or place of use", the 326 .5 acres are

set out as to location end number of acres within the several government subdivisions of sai d

Sections 2, 11 and 12, T . 2 S., R . 44 E., W.M., as described in said Statement and Proof o f

Claim no. 237 . Thearding, "755 yet to be irrigated" has been interpeted to mean that said Islan d

Water Ditch Company had, within the then ownership of its several individual landowners ,

an additional 755 acres which it was contemplating to irrigate under its claim and which wa s

allowed as an inchoate right .

The Decree of the Circuit Court in the matter, entered of record on January 20, 1919 ,

referred to as the Wallowa River Decree, confirmed this right as allowed, the tabulation of water rights in said decree ontaining the identical carding, on page 64 thereof . However, the

Court did not set a time limit within which said lands were to be reclaimed and placed under

irrigation, and, =nest for the carding, 0 755 yet to be irrigated", makes no reference to inchoate rights .

An ausmination of the evidence and teetimmry of this proceeding, filed in the offic e

of the County Clerk of WhI owa County, failed to disclose any information relative to an y

lands under the old Island Irrigating Water Ditch Company other than the 326 .5 acres for

which a vested right was allowed. Nor was any information available from individuals Mho have personal knowledge of the prenisea dating bask to the tine of the determination, from

1916 to 1919.

The promisee involved in the 326 .5 acres of vested right and the lands described in

said Statement and Proof of Claim No . 237, were inspected on October 3, 1959 audit appeared that the lands ender irrigation at the present time are substantially the same, if not less

in acreage due to subsequent subdivision, than were being irrigated during the period 191 6

to 1919 .

Therefore, it appears that whatever meaning was intended by the wording "755 yet

to be irrigated", or the source to which said wording easy be attributed, has been lost o r forgottwl during the Intervening years .

And the Stets Engineer of Oregon, bang now fully advised in the matter, it i s hereby CONSIDERED AND ORDERED that the inchoate right implied by the wording in said Wallow a

River Decree, 0755 yet to be irrigated", has not been perfected to the present tine and i s therefore declared to be lost by failure to complete during the intervening forty years, an d is of no further force or effect .

Dated at Sales, Oregon, this 10th day of Weather, 1959 .

LEWIS A. STAi4LE State Engineer. STATS OF OREGON ) ea . County of Marion )

I, LEWIS A . STANLEY, State Engineer of the State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of Supplemental Findings and Order of Determination in th e matter of the Determination of the Relative Rights of the various claimants to the us e of the waters of Wallowa River and its tributaries, a tributary of Grande Ronde River , has been compared with the original and that it is a correct transcript therefrom an d of the whole thereof as same appears of record in my office and custody .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of December, 1959 .

LEWIS A. STANLEY State E .neer .




Now at this time the above matter coming before the Court for entry of Decree upon

the Supplemental Findings of Fact and Order of Determination of the State Engineer, dated

December 18, 1959 and duly filed with the County Clerk of Wallowa County, and the Cour t

having issued its Order setting the date of the 4th day of April, 1960 and the hour of 1 0

o'clock A . Y. as the time for hearing any exceptions to said Supplemental Findings and Orde r

of Determination, in the Circuit Court room of the County Court Rouse in Enterprise, Oregon.

And said meeting was held and attended by the Court, as scheduled ; however, no

objectors appeared before the Court in this matter, and no objections have been filed with the

Court, accordingly it appears that said Supplemental Findings and Order of Determination shoul d be confirmed therefor :


(a) That the proceedings of the State Engineer of Oregon, in this matter, be, and they hereby are, in all things, approved .

(b) That the Supplemental Findings of Fact and Order of Determination of the Stat e

Engineer of Oregon, dated December 18, 1959, as filed in this Court on the 18th day of January,

1960, are hereby made the Findings and Order of Determination and Decree of this Court . ENTERED in open Court this 26th day of October , 1960.

/sgd/ W. F . Brownton W. F . Brownton, Circuit Judge STATE OF OREGON ) ) as . County of Wallowa )

I, MARJORIE MARTIN, County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts, an d

Custodian of the Record ; in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that I have care -

fully compared the foregoing copy of Supplemental Decree in the Matter of the Determinatio n of the Relative Rights of the Various Claimants to the use of the waters of Wallowa River and

its Tributaries, a tributary of Grande Ronde River with the original thereof as the same appears

on file and of record in my office and in my official custody, and the same is a full, true an d

correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal a t

Enterprise in said County and State, this 27th day of October , 1960 .

/sgd/ Marjorie Martin County Clerk STATE OF OREGON ) ) as . County of Marion )

I, LEWIS A . STANLEY, State Engineer of the State of Oregon, do hereby certify tha t

the foregoing copy of Supplemental Decree of the Circuit Court for Wallowa County, Oregon ,

In the Matter of the Determination of the Relative Rights of the Various Claimants to th e

Use of the Waters of Wallowa River and Its Tributaries, A Tributary of Grande Ronde River ,

is a true and correct copy of the certified copy of such decree as the same was receive d in this office and entered of record herein this 31st day of October, 1960 .

IN VfTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of October, 1960 .

LEWIS A. STANLEY State Engineer