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White House Special Files Box 44 Folder 11 Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 44 11 n.d. Memo New Hampshire Daily Newspapers- name, location, and editor. 5 pages. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hamphire list. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire Tentative Schedule. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire Airport Arrival. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire East Activities. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire Party Reception. Friday, May 18, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire Hotel Arrangements. 44 11 1959 Memo New Hampshire Contact List. 44 11 1959 Memo Sullivan Should Call list. 44 11 09/11/1959 Other Document Executive Committee: Hopkinton-Everett Dam. Oversized- not scanned. 44 11 09/26/1959 Memo RHF & Bhaldeman discussion. 44 11 10/28/1959 Letter To Richard F. Cooper from H.R. Haldeman. Expenses at Eagle Hotel. 44 11 10/30/1959 Letter From Richard F. Cooper to H.R. Haldeman. Acknowledges Eagle Hotel expenses. Friday, May 18, 2007 Page 2 of 2 .c->: ~m1 HAMPSHIRE DAILY N'Etr1SPAPERS Claremont - THE DAILY EAGLE, 19 Sullivan Street Publisher Mr-s. Rhoda Shaw Clark Editor Nelson S. Bryant Concord - THE CONCORD MONITOR, 3 North State Street Managing Editor - William P. Newell Editor - James M. Langley Dover - FOSTER'S DAILY DEMOCRAT, 335 Central Avenue Editor - Philip C. Foster Keene - KEENE EVENING SENTINEL, tIJ West Street Publisher - James C. Ewing Editor - Ralph W. Newell Laconia - LACONIA EVENING CITIZEN, 18 Beacon Street Editor - Edward J. Gallagher Lebanon - VALLEY !WiS, P.O. Box 70, White River Jct., Vermont Publisher - Walter C. Paine Managing Editor - John H. Auran Manchester - 1-1ANCHESTER UNION LEADER, 35 Amherst Street Publisher - William Loeb Editor - Hugh R. O'Neil Editor of Sunday Edition, NEW HAl·IPSHIRE SUNDAY NENS Bernard J. Mcquaid Nashua - THE NASHUA TELEGRAPH, 60 Main Street Publisher - Irving R. Van Aurmen Managing Editor - Fred H. Dobens Portsmouth - THE PORTSHOUTH HERALD, 82 Congress Street Publisher-Editor - Justin D. Hartford NEi HAMPSHIRE WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS I V Berlin - THE BERLIN REPORTER, P.O. Box 1032 Publishers - John and Thomas F. Houlihan Editor - Albion W. Warren, Jr. 16 JOURNAL, 225 Lisbon St., Lewiston, ltIaine (French language) Editor - Louis P. Gagne ~~stol - THE BRISTOL ENTERPRISE, 27 Central Square Pub1isher-Editor- Hcn, Edward J. Bennett , 2. /.-'Canaan - CANAAN REPORTER and ENFIELD ADVOCATE, Main Street Publisher-Editor - Elmer Dulmage veenter Ossipee - CARROLL COUNTY INDEPENDENT Editor - Parker M. HarroW' veolebrook - COLEBROOK NEliS AND SENTINEL, 230 :l.fain Street Managing Editor - John B. Value vDerry - DERRY NEWS-ENTERPRISE, 6 Birch Street Publisher-Editor - John J. Brennan /'Exeter - EXETER NET.iS-LETTER, 255 Water Street Publisher-Editor - James P. Lynch Farmington - THE FARMINGTON NSNS, Central Square Publisher-Editor - Sam S. Clevenson V Franklin - THE FRANKLIN JOURNAL TRANSCRIPI', 405 Central Street Editor - Richard P. Lewis Goffstown - THE GOFFSTa.JN NEVIS, 70 Hain Street Editor - Norman Piper ·/Hampton - THE HAHPTON UNION, 575 Lafayette Road Editor - Edward S. Seavey, Jr. vfI~over - THE HANOVER GAZETTE, 4 Allen Street Editor - David D. Hewitt /Hillsborough - THE HILLSBOROUGH MESSENGER, Central Square Editor - Richard Howard - TRI-TaYN YANKEE Publisher-Editor - Donald B. l.fadden, Jr. JAFFREY - THE HONADNOCK LEDGER, P.O. Box 326 Publisher-Editor - Richard Noyes ·'Lancaster - THE COOS COUNTY DEHOCRAT, 79 1Iain Street Publisher-Editor - Clinton L. \</hite Lebanon - THE GRA:HTE STATE FREE PRESS, 7 xni Street Publisher-Editor - \Hlliam A. Smith VLittleton - THE LITTLETON COURIER, 102 l.fain Street Publisher - John H. Colby Editor - Reginald Colby Manchester - L'ACTION, 1042 Elm Street (French language) Editor - Josaphat T. Benoit Meredith - THE HEREDITH NEiS, '('later Street Publisher-Editor - Neal W. Phillips 3. '~1i1.ford - THE HILFORD CABINET and THE 'WILTON JOURNAL, Ilfiddle Street Publisher-Editor - l'lilliam B. Rotch Nashua - L'IMPARTIAL, 23 Elm Street (French language) Publisher-Editor - Armand Biron vNewport - THE NEliPORT ARGUS-CHAMPION, l8a West Street Publisher - Nicholas J. 11ahoney, Jr. Editor - Eve M. 'I'lhittaker ~/North Conway - THE NORTH CONvlAY REPORTER Editor - Paul K. Blanchard i/ I' /:i~' I I ", J .•'1 l Penacook - PENACOOK ADVERTISER / {~, ~ -' .........., Publisher-Editor - Charles H. Cummings //' Peterborough - THE PETERBOROUGH TRANSCRIPT Editor - Paul C. Cummings ,/ Pittsfield - THE VALLEY TI~~S, 4 Green Street Editor - Thomas F. HcKoan V;lymouth - THE PLYHOUTH RECORD and ASHLAND CITIZEN, III Hain St. Publisher - Harold E. Wilkins Editor - Doris H. \'fuerland L/Rochester - THE ROCHESTER COURIER, 54 North Main Street Publisher-Editor - Elery J. Lyndes Somersworth - THE SOl£RSNORTH FREE PRESS, 45 High Street Publisher-Editor - John J. Ballentine / VWarner 1'I{B KEARSARGE INDEPENDENT Publisher-Editor Zane B. Thurston \'101.feboro - GRANITE STATE NEMS, Railroad Avenue Editor - Ralph G. Carpenter II [I~oodsville - TI'iIN STATE ~TEW'S TINES, Central Street Publisher-Editor - trancis H. Andrews Salem - THE I:ID'lS OF SALEH Publisher - C. E. Collins Editor - ~'lilliam F. Collins Salem - SALEH ENTERPRISE Editor - Edward Lee NE'l HAl4PSHIRE RADIO STATIONS Berlin - vlKCB and WKCQ (FH), 27 Green Square President - Richard P. McKee General ~/Ianager - Y1r. Lynn Smith Claremont - WTSV 221 Washi~gton Street Station Manager - William Perry l/ Concord - iiKXL 100 North Vain Street President & General Manager - Frank B. Estes Conway - lffiNC'" East Main Street Owner William Sweeney Station Manager - Lawrence Sherman Dover - WTSN Back Road Station Manager Edward X. Callahan, Jr. Durham WNDR Thompson Hall, University of New Hampshire Operated by Undergraduates of University of N.H. Hanover - WDCR Robinson Hall, Dartmouth College Operated by Undergraduates of Dartmouth College Hanover-Lebanon - WTSL P.O. Box 10.31, Hanover, N.H. Station l·fanager - Howard L. Chase Keene - iiKNE 17 Dunbar Street President - Joseph K. Close General 1-1'anager - Howard E. 1fueelock - WKBK .39 Vernon Street Station Manager - Robert Berry v/ Laconia - WLNH 65.3 r~in Street General }~nager Arthur Rothafel Hanchester - \'lFEA P.O. Box 149 Owner - William Halo, Jr. / - WGIR Front Street Owner - Norman Knight General 11anager - Bernie pack "" - WKBR 155 Front Street Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. - Ralph Gottlieb Treasurer - William F. Rust, Jr. v' Nashua - WO'IW Lund Road Station Manager - Robert E. Trow 5• .~ Nashua - WS}W 502 West Hollis Street President - Gerald Nash General ~~nager - D. A. Rock / PortsIllOuth- - WHEB 3 Pleasant Street Nanaging Director - Harold H. Segal j Rochester - WWNH Rochester Hill Road Station l.fanager - A. J. K. Malin NEW/HAMPSHIRE TELEVISION STATIONS / Manchester - Ttl11UR-TV 1819 Elm Street General Manager - David O'Shea Durham - WENH-TV University of New Hampshire Operated by Undergraduates of University of N.H. ~~nager - Keith J. Nighbert Poland Spring, Me.- ~VM'IW-TV 488 Congress St., Portland, Maine President - John W. Guider Asst. General YJ8J1ager - Robert L. Haynard ;lid;:(- &~ - mu" ~ a ~:~ //0IlJIia:.- UyJ fa 6"1 ~~ ·AltmJU-cklt~ ~ US/f~~~~ ~/Lt ~- ~~. ~£../"'~ Cc>f1b1 c£-". 1ff'-z/ ¢ ~~Uu&;£b:I ~d-c-~ Lldt~ -'1',4.;i;U­ ~ -#41tdA W~ /1'-/dod'4T­ , I ~~J7~/~~ -z­ ~~~ Lv-~CA~~~ (ad: ~~-k///3C}7,~1/3t.?o) ~~~~", ~/~3k ~~M4' ?/UfT~ ~ Fw~ I ~ u~ ,I "7""~ ~c;,'~ =-~#-i':Yr~d ~ {/o~ 9j~ ~ /-(1iJ.l,~/(.t(A:iJ /~ /(J,2tJ{2u ~ - r ~C---~ ~~lf...:j /C~'l~ /~ -U" W /~~~ /O)~~ h (~~~ dcua ~~ ~~ k7~td/ ~<AX ff'trt - Ac,d<-< /;2.: 30 /3zd..e!~~~ 2:~()/ kW~~~.nt- z;j-~/..-&~-~ 2/j-O ~~~-$~ I/o~r~ 3;'30 5~~~~~-&r~ j730 k~-At~ J :bt;l~~ -~ (~r/~~) -w:3O-}//5;a~' "~-~A/~ 6/30- 2 1 JO ~adI ;l;)J} - f;/.j~ ~ f//:J~ 4 ~.$ - /~ ~~()-~F30 $ ~A Ql'30 .Lu-~~~4c~~~~ 1/'!~ aM- t2i<-~ /~./t/l) ~ ~ - 0- _ A/Ltu/ ~k -.3~ ~,IJ~~ ; 7I!ttr~ IIJ~.' ?Jior~ ~~- ~ ~Lfi ~ a»: CL2A4 -~ - Lk­ ~fr'-auvei5~f-~d-~~ ~I-~ -~ r-~ ad ~ (/iJ~) ~dh~~~dCJ~ / - / ~ .;J~. ~ J u;-;u; .rccecea ~ c~ . ':;> \ /ir.LtIJ l~· Ma/1 {~ , adc/~ r-- ~t~r~t:'Ccd~_, - ~~ - U~~ 6/3()-'l,'30 /f/tnAL~~-~~ Mk~~-~ , ' #J~ ~ -f~~~ ~/f/# $j)cuedur-k ;<'J/V rt vA/lldr aa~P7L - ~ ~ -~ 6'2-~ /LI~" - /IA;, ~) ~ Old ab-'~P'k~- ~JA-. '[u.t~ ~aJA~J~; .. , ( i . I : ;' " ~ ,/~ td£( T~~-$ctbu~~- :d'-4 ~~~~~~-~~ ~~~~~. ta- au~ -~~ eat<- 4~ 2Fcuycnr­ ad/z~~~ ~ ~A'1//R! - A1~ ~ ~--7_ " au~~---b/~~./~~ U:d/d- 'IlLa~ Ok AJA/~ - ~ ~ _, ~~tl ...1 ~y~~, ~r I '~Y-~'~~' t24-v q firL /r:' ~//cn.- ~ V ~A///~ ~ '~A':;:~ 7~ au ~p9cn/~ ---------- ¥~~~ ~~kuu.-?L L~ ~ar~~r~, ~~~~ a:laa/d- /% ,/P~h;~'~~- r- ~ /a.?'r! ~ 2t ~~ ~ ?4k ,'/ tehd~2:t~, ~ 9/26/59 RHF and BHaldeman discussion Bob Haldeman to check with Don Hughes for transportation, arrival arrangements, etc. Herb Klein re: background session with the press. This is the knotty problem of the whole thing. Several ways invitation can be extended; i. e., through AP or UPI editors, a press association, or direct from Senator Cotton. One thing that is definite not OK is for invitations to corne from Gov. Powell. Things which are set: Darn D ground-breaking ceremonies in the AM Followed by luncheon put on by the Corps of Engineers (JFHughes has information on this) Followed by stand-up reception back in Concord, put on by the State Committee - Dick Cooper, National Committeeman in charge. (question on this -- wonder if it is the State Committee is actually the sponsoring group, as Dick Cooper is Committeeman, not State Chm.lgg) Main Eason for Ned Sullivan going up with Bob Haldeman is to get the wider soundings of people in the State on just what the political situation is which can be done by two people. Want to contact as many of the name s in the black book as possible to get the feeling of reaction of NR's week-end visit, activity on his behalf, etc. RN's reception must be markedly bigger and better than that given to NR.
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