E1564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2015 NATIONAL FARM TO SCHOOL ington home last week at the age of ninety- CONGRATULATING DAVIS & MONTH nine. It is especially sad that we will not be ELKINS COLLEGE able to celebrate his 100th birthday at Edwall HON. Park in August. Washington State lost a pas- HON. ALEXANDER X. MOONEY OF OHIO sionate leader, one who faithfully served his OF WEST VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community and the people of Northeastern IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 29, 2015 Washington. Thursday, October 29, 2015 Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, October is Na- Before serving in the state legislature, Sen- Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. Speak- tional Farm to School Month, an important op- ator Barr grew wheat and raised cattle near er, I would like to congratulate Davis & Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia for their recent portunity to celebrate the close connection be- Edwall, Washington. His experience as a acceptance into the Museum Assessment Pro- tween local schools and local food in commu- farmer encouraged him to become more in- gram (MAP). This program will help develop nities throughout the country. Farm to School volved in his local community, culminating in initiatives play an important role in growing and improve the College’s already outstanding his run for a seat in Washington’s 7th Legisla- collection, which includes pieces from Native that connection, improving child nutrition, sup- tive District. In 1976, Senator Barr was elected porting local jobs and economies, and edu- American history, to traditional Appalachian to the Washington State House of Represent- cating the next generation about the sources culture, and showcases West Virginia’s rich of their food. atives where he served for seven years before history. This accomplishment required the Many of our rural communities are strug- being elected to the Washington State Senate. hard work and dedication of the students, fac- gling. Meanwhile, access to affordable, nutri- In the Senate, Senator Barr was a tireless ulty, and staff of Davis & Elkins College. It tious food continues to be a challenge for champion for Northeastern Washington, focus- makes me proud to see colleges like Davis & many inner city communities. With these ing on issues closest to his constituents, agri- Elkins thriving. I wish everyone involved with trends at work, it will be especially important culture and natural resources. It was often this great achievement the best in their future studies and careers. to grow our Farm to School initiatives. One said that if three people were gathered at a such initiative in Sandusky, Ohio connects stu- meeting in the 7th Legislative District, Senator f dents and their families with fresh, healthy Barr would be one of them. HONORING MR. RONALD S. food and local food producers. These pro- MOULTRIE grams are vitally important because they Throughout his career, Senator Barr served bridge the gap between rural and urban com- as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on HON. C.A. munities and help build local food systems Agriculture and the Western States Legislative OF MARYLAND that provide food security and independence. Forestry Task Force, co-chaired the Joint Se- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is no wonder that Farm to School pro- lect Committee on Water Resource Policy, Thursday, October 29, 2015 grams are cropping up all over the country, and served as the Ranking Republican Mem- today reaching more than 40,000 schools and ber on the Agriculture and Ecology and the Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise over 25.5 million students. Here are the out- Parks committees. In December 1993, Sen- before you today to honor Ronald S. Moultrie, comes: ator Scott Barr announced his retirement from a United States Intelligence Officer for the Na- For Farmers: Growing sales opportunities. tional Security Agency (NSA), on the occasion the Washington State Senate, at the age of Reliable demand. Expanded community inter- of his retirement. Mr. Moultrie has honorably est in local foods. seventy-seven. Even after his retirement, Sen- served our country for over 36 years, including For Schools: Reduction in child obesity; ator Barr continued to be a champion for the time spent in the United States Air Force and fresh and local food options that increase par- 7th Legislative District, working to preserve the the Central Intelligence Agency. ticipation rates in school food programs, there- way of life that those in his community enjoy. Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. by boosting revenues. Senator Barr served as the president of the Moultrie’s most notable position was his ten- For the Community: Keeps food dollars in Washington Association of Wheat Growers, ure as Director of the Signals Intelligence Di- the community; ensures healthy local farms rectorate (SIGINT) program at NSA. As Direc- headed up the Expo Food and Soil Associa- that provide jobs, pay taxes, and protect work- tor, he led a civilian and military workforce, tion, and supported youth development ing agricultural land. while effectively guiding the integration and Mr. Speaker, America’s Farm to School pro- through local 4–H programs. Senator Barr was transformation of SIGINT reporting, dissemina- grams are a win-win-win scenario. also instrumental in ensuring 4–H programs tion, and collection capabilities. So as we conclude this month long celebra- continued to function and thrive throughout His duties at NSA led him to be a key voice tion, I urge my colleagues in the House to Washington State. Before running for the state in global operational activities of critical impor- support H.R. 1061, The Farm To School Act legislature, Senator Barr was also a key advo- tance to the Department of Defense and the of 2015 introduced by Congressman FORTEN- cate on behalf of the Lincoln County Con- Intelligence Community. He is considered to BERRY, which reauthorizes Farm to School servation District. be one of NSA’s foremost active senior execu- programs through FY 2021 and allows land tives, with a strong focus on diversity efforts. grant colleges and universities to participate On a personal level, Scott was a friend and Throughout Mr. Moultrie’s career he has as well. a role model, not only to me but to everyone been awarded numerous honors including, the Connecting our nation’s schools to locally serving in Eastern Washington and across our USAF Meritorious Service Medal (1983), De- produced nutritious foods is not a partisan state. Scott desired to better the lives of those fense Meritorious Service Medal (1986), NSA issue. It affects both Democratic and Repub- around him and to support young people in Meritorious Civilian Service Award (1996, lican districts. The House has an opportunity order that they may reach their full potential. 1998), NSA Exceptional Civilian Service to act on this pressing matter with dispatch Even in his late nineties, Scott had a con- Award (2000, 2001, 2015), NSA Director’s today. I suggest we take it. tagious energy and excitement for life—he Distinguished Service Medal (2004), National f was committed to giving back and remained Intelligence Superior Service Medal (2008), Presidential Rank Award: Meritorious Execu- active in his community. CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF tive (2011), and the National Intelligence Dis- FORMER WASHINGTON STATE I rise to thank Senator Scott Barr for his tinguished Service Medal (2014). SENATOR SCOTT BARR years of service to Northeastern Washington. Mr. Moultrie graduated from the University He leaves behind a legacy in leadership and of Maryland, College Park Magna Cum Laude HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS devotion to his community and will be remem- with a Bachelor of Arts. He then attended the OF WASHINGTON bered for his commitment to issues close to Defense Intelligence College, where he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the hearts of the people of Washington State. earned a Master’s of Science. Subsequently, he enrolled at the Federal Executive Institute My thoughts and prayers remain with his wife, Thursday, October 29, 2015 and later became an Intelligence Fellow at the Dollie Mae, his children, and other family Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, Harvard University Kennedy School of Busi- I rise today to honor my close mentor and members and friends. Washington State lost a ness. friend, former Washington State Senator Scott truly dedicated and passionate leader. He will Mr. Moultrie is married and lives with his Barr, who passed away in his Colville, Wash- be missed. wife near Annapolis, Maryland where they are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:40 Oct 30, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.008 E29OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1565 notable philanthropists. Mr. Moultrie is also a The economic impacts on the families of IN RECOGNITION OF THE DEEP blood donor and a proud member of NSA’s those with Down syndrome are also stag- LOSS BEING EXPERIENCED BY Red Cross 10-Gallon Club. gering. Medical care costs for children in their NEW MEXICAN COMMUNITIES Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me first four years are twelve times higher than DUE TO THE DEATH OF LILLY today to honor Mr. Moultrie and his lifelong the costs associated with a child without Down GARCIA dedicated service to the United States govern- syndrome. Nearly 40 percent of families have ment and the Intelligence Community. It is HON. BEN RAY LUJA´ N with great pride that I congratulate Mr. suffered a financial setback or have forced a OF NEW MEXICO Moultrie on his retirement and wish him the family member to stop working because of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES best of luck in all his future endeavors. child’s condition. f Progress has been made in some areas Thursday, October 29, 2015 ´ RECOGNIZING OCTOBER AS DOWN that impact individuals with Down syndrome. Mr. BEN RAY LUJAN of New Mexico. Mr. SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH The life expectancy for individuals with this Speaker, I rise today to express the sorrow disability has greatly increased. The 21st Cen- and profound loss that is being felt in commu- tury Cures Act, a bipartisan bill that passed nities across New Mexico following a heinous HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON act of violence that took the life of an innocent OF the House of Representatives earlier this ses- young girl. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion, provides additional funding to the Na- Four year-old Lilly Garcia was in the back tional Institute of Health for medical research Thursday, October 29, 2015 seat of her car with her family, when in a case that one day may move the needle of innova- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. of road rage, a bullet that was fired at her car, Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased today to rec- tion in research and treatment forward enough hit her, and killed her. This senseless violence ognize October as Down Syndrome Aware- to improve the lives of individuals with Down was shocking and heartbreaking. It has shak- ness Month. Down syndrome is a congenital syndrome. en our community to its core. We cannot turn disorder arising from a chromosome defect, I am pleased to recognize the 400,000 a blind eye to violence like this. Sadly this likely a full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Americans with Down syndrome and the fami- story of violence is not unique. This defect causes intellectual impairment and lies who have sacrificed so that these individ- In Rio Rancho we lost Officer Gregg Benner who was shot and killed in the line of duty, physical abnormalities. uals can live their lives to the fullest. Approximately 1 in 700 babies in the United and in Albuquerque, Officer Daniel Webster States are born with Down syndrome. Infants died this week after he too was shot in the line with Down syndrome are more likely to have of duty. We must have a real discussion about other medical issues such as hearing loss, how we address the violence that has taken heart defects, and various eye diseases. Fur- the lives of too many loved ones, and only by thermore, African American infants born with coming together as a community can we make Down syndrome have a lower chance of sur- a change. viving past the first year of life than infants My heart goes out to the family of Lilly Gar- with Down syndrome from other racial and cia and all those who have lost someone they ethnic backgrounds. love to violence.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:40 Oct 30, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.011 E29OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS