A free newsletter published by the church A free newsletter published by the church for every home in Boxted & Langham for every home in Boxted & Langham Cover Picture: Daffodils. Reproduced with kind permission of Andrew Stacey . SERVICES

7th March - 10 am - The Eucharist via ‘Zoom’ 14th March - 9.15 am - “Messy Church” via ‘Zoom’ 10 am - The Eucharist via ‘Zoom’ 21st March - 10 am - The Eucharist via ‘Zoom’ 4 pm - DEEP service via ‘Zoom’ 28th March - Palm Sunday - 9.15 am - The Eucharist via ‘Zoom’ 2nd April - Good Friday 10 am - Reflection & dramatic readings via ‘Zoom’ 2 pm - An hour at the Cross - meditation via ‘Zoom’ 4th April - Easter Day 6.30 am Sunrise service - gathered outside at St Peter’s 10 am Easter Eucharist via ‘Zoom’ Hopefully - depending on the situation -10 am - Easter Eucharist gathered outside at St Mary’s. Email Jo Rassell, Church Administrator, for the Zoom link ([email protected]). A recording of each service will be on the website on Sunday afternoon.


St Mary's, Langham St Peter’s, Boxted The precautions recommended for The necessary risk assessment has been Covid 19 security have been completed completed for St Peter's and this in St Mary’s Church and the church is church will remain open each day for open again for private prayer. private prayer

Deadline for submissions for the April edition: 15th March Contact the editor via email: [email protected] elcome to the March As the weather begins to improve and issue. This month we Eastertide approaches, we may reflect on how are fortunate to have fortunate we are to have such wonderful another contribution countryside to enjoy, all on our doorstep — from the Langham Heritage Group covering and I write this in mid-February with several W - a notable figure from the inter war years inches of snow on the ground. The forecast is whose earthly remains are to be found in the for bright days to come shortly — I’m sure churchyard at Langham. Max Plowman’s we could all do with some of those! connection to the parish arose through his Steve Pollington purchase of The Oaks on School Road. Editor We also have the pleasure of meeting (below) our new Assistant Curate following the retirement of Mandy Elmes. I am sure we all wish her a warm welcome.

Hello - Christian ministry working for the charity Prison I am the Assistant Curate Fellowship which was an to the parishes of West exciting and challenging Bergholt, Great Horkesley, experience. I helped Langham with Boxted, and develop their ministry also St Luke’s in throughout England and Highwoods, and have Wales, and also in other benefitted so much from countries, particularly Rev Mandy’s wisdom and training volunteers to experience as she helped deliver the OCN- me learn about rural multi- accredited restorative parish ministry. justice course Sycamore I thought you might like to Tree (based on the story know a little about me and of Zacchaeus), which how I became a priest. I enables prisoners to learn have always lived in Essex, about, and take was born in Brentwood, responsibility for, the spending my childhood effects of crime on victims and teenage years there. I and communities. have always sensed God’s I love helping people presence in my life and was develop, grow and flourish baptized and confirmed in in their lives - I’ve been St Thomas’ Church, Brentwood. involved in healing prayer ministry, helped I enjoyed working for a stockbroker, and then open the Oak Tree Coffee House for St after a break to bring up my 3 children, Luke’s church, managed Colchester’s trained as a senior manager, developing a homeless centre Beacon House, and was career in sales and marketing. Chaplain at the Gilberd secondary school. In 1994, following an Alpha course, I I’m now looking forward to God continuing encountered Jesus afresh at the Bradwell to use my gifts, skills and experience in the pilgrimage. With renewed faith and rural parishes. responding to a strong sense of God’s call on my life in 1999, together with my husband Tim, we downsized and moved to a village Reverend Anne Mason near Maldon. God quickly led me into The questionnaire can also be found on Langham Parish Council Report – the website above, completed and returned to the Clerk. January/February 2021 nder the s106 agreement signed U off by CBC and the Developers in December Langham will benefit from improvements to the Community angham Parish Council meets Centre, Community Shop, Pre-School L monthly (excluding August and and Recreation Ground with the December) on the first Wednesday of available funding. These projects are the month at 7.30 pm. Owing to the being co-ordinated by the Parish Covid-19 restrictions, meetings take Council and the improvements will place remotely by Zoom. Any members bring about new facilities and lasting of the public wishing to join the meeting enhancements for the benefit of the should e-mail the Clerk, Carol Harbach, on village and the wider community. [email protected] . The Clerk has received many notes of Questions are taken from members of appreciation and the public as part of the agenda which thanks for the also includes items relating to Christmas hampers transport, planning, footpaths and delivered to other matters affecting the village. deserving residents Detailed information on these and in December. We other matters are available on the are gratified to learn website that this gesture of The Emerging Local Plan (ELP) from goodwill, at what Colchester Borough Council (CBC) has was a difficult time been exercising us over the last five to for many, was so six years, with discussion, debate, well received. meetings and representations by the The Parish Council Parish Council, interested parties and continues to members of the public. CBC allocated monitor traffic in the village and three sites for potential development in surrounding area. Owing to current Langham, two in School Road for 40 restrictions and the very low traffic and 30 dwellings respectively and one levels, the planned traffic survey has in Wick Road for 10 dwellings. A been delayed until more normal speculative application was made for 46 conditions are experienced. The Parish dwellings in School Road by Linden Council is monitoring the situation Homes Ltd., which received conditional with regard to two significant Ardleigh approval by CBC as the planning planning applications at the Old authority in 2020. Work on the site Ipswich Road on the approach to the began at the beginning of February. A Ardleigh Interchange. If approved, preliminary scheme has now been put movement of heavy goods vehicles forward for 30 dwellings on the second through the village could increase allocated site in School Road by significantly. Williamson Developments Ltd. A promotional document seeking the A number of people have expressed an views of residents has been circulated interest in filling the vacancy on the by the company. Parish Council and we are currently discussing the nature of the role of a The Parish Council has also distributed Parish Councillor with them. a survey questionnaire on this subject and we would encourage as many as Tony Ellis can to reply in the reply-paid envelope. So what's to moan about? Spring is on its way, it will get dryer and we look forward to releasing a Buzzard that was bought into us starving. It is now eating well and waiting for better weather to go back to its territory. any of us have come to acknowledge It is a similar scenario the truth of that old adage, ‘You don't for a Barn Owl which M know what you'll miss until it's gone’, will be taking wing in the near future. So don't be it a person, a pet or the disrupted rhythm of forget, if we can help we are here, operating The lucky life. nearly thirty years and facing the future with hope and compassion.” 1. Karen Jones (74) The current situation has bought home to us at SESAW, how much we miss the help and That’s enough for now, Mum. It’s time for you 2. Bob Schofield (49) commitment received from Firms in the past. to feed all the animals including me, your usual It's very apparent just how much hard work correspondent, 3. Patchwork Pals (75) and effort they put into helping us maintain 4. Hugh & Marilyn Halsall (55) the kennels and catteries on site, thus giving us Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua. more time for the animals. That said we are Some numbers available. still here, a bit scruffier, up to our ears in mud but never the less the animals are clean, warm Suffolk & Essex Small Animal Welfare, Reg.Charity Contact Sue Armstrong in their heated kennels, well fed and loved, No.1124029, Stoke Road, Leavenheath, CO6 4PP. Tel: 01787 210888 01206 271127 Langham with Boxted Parochial Church Council.

Dear Neighbours, future especially as they have recently moved from Highwoods to live in Great Horkesley. think we were all taken aback ntil then we shall continue to by the sudden announcement of hold weekly services together Revd Mandy’s retirement from U with West Bergholt and Great her position as our Rector at the Horkesley churches on Zoom. Should Iend of last month. Her husband Paul’s you wish to attend at 10am on a accident has turned out to be much Sunday morning, please contact our more serious than we might have administrator Jo Rassell on anticipated and he continues to be on a [email protected] long road to full recovery. Our hearts go out to them both at this difficult to receive details of the link. time made more stressful by the Alternatively, a recording is available restrictions on hospital visiting from Sunday afternoon each week at imposed by the pandemic. We very much hope that they will soon be able to enjoy some tranquil and happier Jo can also provide details of Bible times together. study and prayer groups as well as being the first line of enquiry for Many of you will no doubt be baptisms, weddings, funerals and wondering who will be leading our prayer requests. You can reach her by two churches in the future and I am phone 01026 243683 but if she is out of pleased to report that the PCC has the office, please leave a message on already been in helpful pre-vacancy the answerphone. discussions with Bishop Roger together with the PCCs of West Lastly, may I remind you that both St. Bergholt and Great Horkesley. Peter’s Church Boxted and St. Mary’s Meanwhile the day-to-day running of Church Langham are open every day our two churches is the responsibility for private prayer. Everyone is of our church wardens overseen by the welcome to drop in whether or not Area Dean, Revd Canon Paul you happen to be a regular church- Norrington. goer. We very much look forward to the Wishing you good health and time when we can meet together in happiness in the month ahead. person and are already working to put together a provisional rota of services with the help of our curate Revd Anne Patsy Ann Maggs Mason. We hope to see more of Anne Vice Chair, Langham with Boxted and her husband Tim in the near Parochial Church Council. Langham Heritage Group MAX PLOWMAN AND THE ADELPHI CENTRE Ian Hollands

imon Gallup’s article “Mystery of The Oaks” in the February issue S brings to mind the elegant headstone1 at the grave of Max Plowman in Langham Churchyard. Mark Plowman, always known as ‘Max’, was born on 1st September 1883 into a prosperous family of Plymouth Brethren. After school, he worked for ten years in the family brick-making business but, abandoning formal religion, took to journalism and writing Romantic poetry. By the time of his marriage in 1914 to Dorothy Lloyd Sulman, also a poet, he had gained distinction for his studies of the poet William Blake and as a poet in his own right. Although opposed to war, shortly after its outbreak in 1914 Plowman burst and was invalided home, being enlisted as a Field Ambulance - orderly and was subsequently for many months treated for ‘shell commissioned into the West shock’. Yorkshire Regiment, writing in uring his treatment, Plowman’s justification: “Who am I that I should D pacifist convictions were say to another man – You do my killing? strengthened and in January 1918, after One either believes in active resistance or publishing an anti-war polemic “The Right non-resistance...” He saw front-line to Live”, he resigned his commission but action from July 1916 but by was court-martialled and dismissed from October he had developed the army. He later explained his actions overwhelming doubts about the in the tract “War and the Creative Impulse”, morality of war. In January 1917 he which defined the socialist- was severely concussed by a shell- which he asserted for the rest of his life. Aldous Huxley, (another close friend), D H Lawrence and Dylan Thomas. In 1934 Murry bought The Oaks at Langham, where Plowman and he established the Adelphi Centre as a pacifist community for, in Murry’s words, “the study and practice of the new socialism” and, in Plowman’s, “works of constructive pacifism”. The Centre combined a community farm and market garden with educational activities directed towards the regeneration of society. notable feature of the Centre was A the annual summer school attended by literati such as , Jack Common, George Orwell and John Strachey, lecturing on politics, philosophy and literature. Living at the Adelphi Centre, Plowman remained the editor of Plowman’s grave in Langham churchyard “The Adelphi” and a prolific contributor to magazines. In 1927 he published, under the nom de plume “Mark VII”2, an account of his In 1935 formed the Peace experiences in “A Subaltern on the Somme”, Pledge Union (PPU), Plowman (who a well-regarded volume in the anti-war served as its first General Secretary) and literature of the period. Murry being among its earliest sponsors; other sponsors included Vera Brittain, y the 1930s, Plowman had gained Aldous Huxley, George Lansbury, scholarly status as an expert on Bertrand Russell and . William Blake3, with which his B Two years later, with the Adelphi Centre pacifist philosophy was closely commune beginning to disintegrate, the connected. In 1929 he had met John PPU sponsored a number of Basque Middleton Murry (1879-1957), a socialist children and their teachers, refugees from pacifist writer and critic, their friendship the Spanish Civil War, to live at the enduring for the rest of Plowman’s life. Centre4 as one of the many ‘colonies’ He joined Murry in developing “The established by the Basque Children’s Adelphi”, a socialist literary monthly, Committee. becoming its editor from 1938. Contributors to “The Adelphi” included At the end of the civil war in 1939 the children returned to Spain or were relocated elsewhere in England and their and The Oaks was requisitioned. But on place at the Adelphi Centre was taken by 27th February 1943 Plowman’s widow, a band of conscientious objectors (also Dorothy, delivered at Langham sponsored by the PPU), who were later (presumably at The Oaks) a valedictory joined by evacuees from London. lecture4 on the history of the Adelphi Plowman declared in an early 1941 Centre under the title “If poetry is not a edition of “The Adelphi” that the religion, what is?” Adelphi Centre was “experiencing a Notes great revival..... on the eve of making the 1 The headstone and its inscription are thought to be Langham Voluntary Service a great the work of David Kindersley, the celebrated letter- pioneering example of creative pacifist cutter and sculptor, but the supposition is yet to be confirmed. living” but in reality it was on the 2 “Mk VII” was stamped on the base of WW1 verge of collapse. British rifle and machine gun cartridges. He fell ill towards the end of May 1941 3 See “An Introduction to the Study of Blake” and “The Poems and Prophesies of William Blake”. The first lines and died of pneumonia on 3rd June. of Blake’s “Jerusalem: England! awake!” are inscribed Murry and Mary Gamble (who had lived on Plowman’s headstone. with Murry at Adelphi Cottages, Moor 4 During the children’s stay, the house was known as “Basque House”. Road) moved in early 1942 to set up a 5 Papers in the Alexander Turnbull Library, commune at Lodge Farm, Thelnetham, Wellington, New Zealand. Suffolk, where Murry was to die in 1957,

CHILDRENS’ SOCIETY I'd like to thank you all for your BOXES 2021 commitment and generosity over the past year, and will of course let you ue to the current lockdown and know when it is possible to resume a D the Covid pandemic, the 'normal service'. In the meantime it Childrens’ Society are advising box- would be brilliant if you continue to fill holders and collectors to abide by your boxes and I shall be pleased to Government guidance at all times, collect them as soon as it is safe to do and therefore NOT to hand in so. their collecting boxes until the Gill Pullen and Denise Hobday situation improves. The priority is the safety of everyone involved.

Little Owls Pre School Boxted Ofsted registered Phone: 01206 273226 Email: [email protected]

The puzzle of ‘Langham’ Steve Pollington

casual inquirer might come upon the place- name Langham and immediately conclude thatA it comprises two fairly common elements The entry for Laingaham in the Domesdæg Book. It drawn from Old English: lang meaning ‘long, is owned here (1086) by Walter Tyrrel, who went on extensive’ and hām meaning ‘homestead, to gain notoriety as the man who killed William II settlement’. A rather unremarkable name of a in a New Forest hunting accident … or was it common type for a village or estate of which deliberate? the most notable feature was its size or length. Lawa perhaps, or Laha. The group would have This is not the case, however. As with called themselves Lawingas, “Lawa’s people.” Boxted’s name (published in the February but the name Lawa itself is obscure and issue) which turns out to have nothing to do without parallels. (Possibly a man of a similar with box hedges, Langham’s first element is name was known in Oxfordshire, because a not related to the word ‘long’ at all. Checking lake near Cuddesdon was named after him.) the Little Doomsday records, we find that in he trail becomes even harder to follow 1086 the place was called Laingaham (not lang T from here because it splits into two. On ham as would have been expected). “So the one hand Lawingeham looks like an early what?” you may think, “the spelling is a bit spelling of Lauanham but that belongs to off”. Early spellings can often be very helpful Lavenham in Suffolk and is not related to our in determining what a place-name really village. means. On the other, Lawingeham shares its beginning Other early records of the name point to a Law- with Lawshall (Suffolk), and that is from different interpretation. These include the mis hlaw-sele ‘hall by the burial mound’. This is -divided La Wingeham in 1130, Leingaham interesting because ancient burial mounds are around 1190, and Lawingeham in 1197. found in the parish today, in the form of crop Interpretations vary, but these spellings all marks; the mounds themselves are probably point to an unusual type of place-name which Bronze Age in date and were already two is found across Essex, East Anglia, Kent and thousand years old when the East Saxons Sussex – the type which occurs in settled in our district. Existing field Corringham, Tillingham, etc. The format is a monuments were treated with respect by the short name followed by ‘ing- and the word Saxons, who regarded them as the dwellings ‘ham’. These names are often thought to be of supernatural beings, ghosts and spirits. quite early – 7th century at the latest – because It is only speculation, but the Lawingas who they are applied to settlement types that gave their name to Langham could be the ceased to exist after that time. ‘people who live by the burial mound’. Langham’s old name Lawinga ham could mean See P.H. Reaney, The Place-Names of Essex, ‘settlement of the followers of’ a man called English Place-Name Society Volume XII. (1969) Cambridge University Press.

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Scheduled dates for meetings. 2021 March 3 & 17, April 20, May 5 & 19, June 2 & 16, July 6 & 21. Contact: [email protected]

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For ALL Advertising Queries, contact CARISMA BODYTECH LTD YOUR LOCAL GARAGE Paul Armstrong Services Repairs Bodywork MOT Insurance work 01206 228221 [email protected] [email protected] Brookhouse Farm Boxted Road Tel: 01206 616604 Colchester CO4 5HH

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JOHN TOKELY USE Painter & Decorator LANGHAM COMMUNITY SHOP No job too large or small. AS YOUR 9 Nayland Road Colchester CO4 5EG Mobile: 07976 848310 Tel: 01206 845665 DELIVERY ADDRESS

STEVE RAYNER YOUR PARCELS House/Garden Maintenance STORED UNTIL COLLECTED Grass/Hedge cutting * Weed control * Clearance * Collection charge £1.50 Small tree work * Gutters cleared * Gates / Fencing * Shed Services Langham Community Shop Mobile: 07709 972728 School Road Langham

BS GARDEN MAINTENANCE Colchester Essex CO4 5PA Hedge & Grass Cutting * Pruning Planting * Painting & Odd Jobs * Winter Logs Mobile: 07513 150526 Tel: 01206 273292

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Langham and its Parish Council

need YOU! ANGLIA LANDSCAPES The Parish Council needs new members to enable 01206 272357 it to continue efficiently. All groundworks carried out This Council represents the Village and looks after its interests. Suppliers of: *10mm stone *Sand * *20mm stone If new members are not elected or co-opted to *Topsoil *Plainings *Crushed concrete bring the Council up to its full capacity, there is a Collected or delivered possibility that the Council could be disbanded. This would result in the interests of the village being passed over to others, with no representation from the village residents. This could be the end of Langham as we know it, an independent rural village, not just another village that is swallowed up by Colchester. HAIRDRESSER IN LANGHAM We need enthusiastic residents of Langham to ≈ Ladies & Gents trim £10 Child £8 step forward and join the Council before it is too ≈ Blowdry £12 / £15 set £12 late. ≈ Regrowth tint £28 /£31 inc b/dry If you want to find out more please contact the ≈ Perms inc set / b/dray £34 / £39 Parish Clerk on ≈ Foils inc b/dry £28/£33/£38 [email protected]. Call Katrina on 233435

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Please mention the Newsletter when replying to advertisements PW BODY REPAIRS LTD J B BO IL ER S

Insurance work, Dents/Scuffs, End of lease cars, Vans, Motorhomes and Caravans Oil Boiler & Aga Maintenance 01206 323126/ 07785 268971 Mobile: 07885-504036 [email protected] Birchwood Farm Unit W, Birchwood Road CO7 6HX



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surrounding area Friendly, helpful on site service [email protected] Call me on: 07929 919599 LANGHAM COMMUNITY COUNCIL requires a NEW SECRETARY The Community Centre is at the heart of Available for Hire the village and, as well as three rooms for hire, houses Langham Community A flexible venue with a choice of large, medium Shop and Langham Pre-School. and small rooms, all with kitchen facilities. We are a busy Centre with many local Pleasant rural village setting with dedicated and commercial bookings dealt with by parking. our Marketing Manager. Conveniently situated on the Essex/Suffolk We would welcome someone with fresh border close to the A12. ideas and enthusiasm. If you would like If you have any questions about the facilities, or to be part of a team of Trustees who would like to arrange a visit to have a look volunteer their time to keep Langham around, please contact our Commercial & Community Centre well-maintained and Marketing Manager, Sue Armstrong in the first financially viable, please contact Interim instance. Her contact details are: Secretary Paul Armstrong on 01206 616604 or email Tel: 01206 271127 or 07741 284132 [email protected] email: [email protected]

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Michael J Byles Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installations Servicing & Maintenance Oftec Registered General Plumbing & Heating work also undertaken Telephone 01206 822225 Mobile 07717 012433 E –mail: michaeljbyles

WHEELCHAIR LOAN The Short Term Wheelchair Loan Charity (Reg. No.112657,, based at Clacton Hospital, helps people needing the short-term use of a wheelchair. The chairs are for all ages and reasons. The service is a perfect interim solution if you require a DAILY HOPE - A FREE PHONE LINE wheelchair for an occasion such as a holiday, a wedding or OF HYMNS, REFLECTIONS AND PRAYERS. to help accommodate a visiting relative. The service is funded by donations and is free to users, although a deposit Available 24 hours a day on 0800 of £40 from borrowers is asked for. 804 8044, it has been set up for those unable to join in online church services Enquiries may be phoned to 01255 201763 or emailed to during the period of restrictions. [email protected]

Please mention the Newsletter when replying to advertisements BOXTED VILLAGE HALL THE PARISH OF LANGHAM Cage Lane, Boxted , CO4 5RE WITH BOXTED Contact Contact Details Website Debbie Eley Rector The Revd Dr Mandy Elmes, Telephone:- 01206 870266 The Rectory Church Close West Bergholt, CO6 3JZ 01206 240906 Mobile: 07872 649967 Email:- boxted@community- Email: [email protected] Assistant Curate Revd Anne Mason 01206 851792 / 07895 970834 Home to a number of local clubs and [email protected] regular activities, it is also available Lay Minister Denise Hobday 230918 for hire for parties and functions, Church Administrator (for the parishes of with a capacity of 120 seated in rows Langham with Boxted, West Bergholt and Great or 100 seated at tables. Horkesley ) Janine Wilde 243683 Email: [email protected] If you have any new clubs or Church Office currently closed due to COVID19 - events planned in the future, all enquiries through email please. please consider using the village Churchwardens hall as your venue. St Mary’s Langham Stephen Garner 272599 Deadline for submissions for the [email protected] April edition: Denise Hobday 230918 15th March [email protected] Contact the editor via email: St Peter’s Boxted [email protected] Dominic Shiel 273324 Zone Youth Group NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE? Dominic & Linda Shiel 273324 The Edge Youth Group SAMARITANS Dominic & Linda Shiel 273324 oOo Available 24 hours a day St Mary & St Peter Newsletter 116 123 Editor Stephen Pollington 683670 Email: [email protected] 34 Walsingham Rd, Advertising Paul Armstrong 616604 Colchester CO2 7BP Email: [email protected] Open 10am to 8pm daily Distribution Ann Barnard (Boxted) 272349 01206 561234 Andrew Stacey (Langham) 272806