Protection for Nationals of Haiti

Memorandum of Understanding Between the OF AMERICA and

Signed at Saint Lucia July 15, 1994


Pursuant to Public Law 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)—

“. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”


Migration and Refugees: Protection for Nationals of Haiti

Memorandum of understanding signed at Saint Lucia July 15, 1994; Entered into force July 15, 1994.


TD GOVIUMBJ1T OF SAINT l,UCXA ~d THE GovmtmCIN'l' or THE UNI'l'l:D S':A'l'ES or AKU.ICl (hereinafter referr!pd. ta•• ·the Partiee .. ,, Aware of the deter1oration 1~ the bwun r1;hta 11t.ua1:1on 1n 11aiti tollow1n9 th• overtb.row of Prealdent Ari•tido on the 30th of SepteBer 1911; Conaciou• of th• f&ct that man, nat1onala ot &aiti are fleeing the1r country; The Govermnent of St Lucia cur of deep concern about the de•parate condition, under which the na 1onale ot Bt1ti continue to eX11t an~ deeirou, of extending Bumanita ian Aeaiatance to th••• Notional•; end Deairou1 of creating conditio~ for the eetabliabment of a tempora%'y prcteet1on facility in Saint L~e1a available to ~at1onal1 of Haiti 'Who are ·tleeino their countryJ !n cooperation with the Un.ited·xationa High commiseioner for Refugees and in 1upport of the effcrt t~ re1tore democracy to Haiti; Have agreed•• followa:

Thi• Memorandum of Onder~tandin; addre1aee possible cooperation betw••n th• Govarnme~t of Sainl Lucia and the Government cf the United State, o:! America in eetabli•h1ng and operating a tu,porary protection ta~ility in tlie territ.o~ af Saint Lucia under . the au, icee of the united Kationa High Ccmllisaion r tor Refugee, (•tnmca~) for national• of 'Haiti their eouu ry (hereinafter l:'eferred to •• 11 t.he ooerat1on • ) . ~~ - 2 -

rh• GoveJ:'Nllent of the ~ited State, cf America or it, deaiqnated c:ontracto~ m11y e ·a1:.abli1b, maintain, and or:,erato, in eccpexatio:i vitb UNHCJ., a rec•ption · center and any nece1eary teropo:ary protection !aeillti•• ud raquired 1uppor:t lfacilitie, at a loeatiou in hint Lucia to b• determined (hereinafter referred to as •the facilitiee• >, and may tako •uch o~her aetion• a, are meeeaaary to tb• operation,

1rwa, ,1 ::e»EPO•• of tbt r1a111t1,a ~• purpose of ~h• fae.i:1litia1 will i:,. to provide tu.porary protection for national• of Ba~ti fleein; th•ir countrr not exceedinv FiY• l'.b.OU•lllld (S,000). , kt!s+•, Z£•~•gprt; o# M1tion,11 oi B11t1 ft.• Covermnat of Saint.I tueia •hall arant au.thorisat1on to afficial1 of the aovernment ·of, th• united State• of America to enter ~nLtot"Y, in.olu.dillg r:a&tio~al airspace and the territari&l , .. &lld intarnal watara, oi Saint t.*cia to transport to th• feciliti•• raation•l• ot Hai~i r•1c:\.\tM! or interdicted at ••• aftd :for other purpo••• conaiatent 1rith thi1 Memor~d\U11 of Unde:r,tandin;. The Part1e1 will QOQrd,1na~• aoncerning rou~•• and aecurity for auoh tran•portation of n&tion•l• of Haiti. ·

Hoipt1n1n~i~&1ts111t11, 'm11 Govermaent of tho jted State• of Amarica, in oooper•tion vi~b VHBCR, •ball pi'avid• f th• baaic health and welfare of the D&tional1 oi: Haiti within • facilitie,. In thi.1 regard, tb• GovorDJHat of B,aint l.Uoia au bori••• the covarmaent of t..h• United State• of Alll*rica to apply it1 OWZl ~•gulationa.

1. '&e Government qf *-e Vnited state, of America thall, in cooporatio~ wi~h U'ITJlt:a, p~ovi ior the naral ••eurlty, aood order, &nd di1oipliJl.e Of . nati Dal• &t alr1ta991 Of the operation, In t.hie re9ard, the Cav•~nt of_}labt Lucia authorit•• the Oov•r nt of the United ltatea of Alll•riea ~o apply it• own revulation•~ vi+ 2. Law ere!orcement o~ticitl• of the Government of Saint Lucia ·,hall coopKat.e wii.h t.he author ti•• Government of the tJnit.ed sscati•• 0£ AtMarioa iu mainuin! o o•neral 1ecurity, qoc:,d ord•r, aJ:ad discipline in the facilitiet.

3. ~h• Cov•rnment cf th• ~ited State• of America 1hall, at the request of th• Government ofi· nt ~uoia, tran1t•r any national of Haiti in ~h• facili~l•• reaaon ly su1pected of committing• critainal act in laint Lucia following into laint Lucia pur•uant to this H4NIIC>randuffl of 'Ondar•tandino to • cu1tadI of the Government of saint Lucia for the exerci•• of crimi &l juriad otion.

· ISGIII W;\.'ci.].it;lt• Both P&rt1•• will undeik• to ••~r• tran•paNric:y in the o,-ratlOA o! -tu faoili~iea a , to thie end, will snake tiJlely and :ea1onl.ble •rren;ement, for ap priate •=••• to th• fac111t1•• ~yz (1) p•r1ot1.1 de•1;nated by th• GOvernment of th• 'Ollited State, of Aa•~i•a ~~.Cove~~~ of laint ~uci& a1 obaerv.r1, and (ii) ~r• o! the pre••· 1 ''-ppit-411tion1 am g;:.f,,10n~ for B4:uqa9• Tb• »arti•• ,~all cooper•~• with UN!CR. in 'th• perfor12U121ca of it1 duty of providino international protection a11d of aeekilig pennOAent aolqtJ.on• to~• p~obl.. • ot tie refui;e••·

1. '.rb• CoveJ:'DlfteAt of the (Unitad 8tat:e1 of Americ• 1hall bear the necea1ary co1t1 directly attrit)ut&ble to the operation, including the aoata• of ••-..bliahho,. m&intai.Jun~, and cloainq th• :t&ailitiee.

a. lub1•ct to the limita~ion in Article 21(1), th• aovemaent of th• vnitacl• of. -.rica {.ill relllllmr1a the Qo,ternment of Saint i.ucia !or directly attributabl co1t1 it ha• incurred in the operat.1.on, inal\M!liZl9 adaini•,:.rativ• coate dir•etly &ttribut&l>l• to implementa~ion o! thi• Kemoraadum of Und•:ratljncting.1 - + -

3. The Government of Salnt Lucia ahall provide neceaaary real property far tbe operation at po co1t to the Government of the United scat•• of America. ·

l , '1'he ••rtio• ab.all tte all re11onatile care to protect th& natural environment in the eon uct of ~h• op•ration. In thi• regard, app~opriate ~•••uree •hall 1::)41 aopted with regard to the diapo••l of all w•1te. ~- conai•t•nt with paraaraph 1 of thie Articl•, upon clo•ur• of tla• faoili~i••, the Govatmll9n~ tlltl lll>ited ltata• of Alllerie& ohllll, wal••• othe.rvite agrNd, ~ v• froll\ Luei• all moveable p-operc.J... at ~ fGo.U.it1••, • Pare1•• 1hall mtually •vr•• on the at1po1ition of innovabl• prope 1••. . at,~l't.!.~nn•"- 1. 'l'b1 Govel"DJllent of SaiJJi· Luci& ehall aoc.ord to peraonnel of th• Cov•:=aent of ~he tblitcd at•t• ci ADArica a11igned to the operation (heNinafter referred to a, •u -atatea peracnnel •) priv1leuea and immuaiti•• oquiva.lent to thaae ovided to p•r1onnel of COJIIPU'able rank o! th• United ltat•• lml>a••Y· 2, It ,hall be th• re1poni:' i.bility of the united States peraoruial to reepeot th• law• of S•int uci& &nQ to ab1t&in frcmL any activity i11con111tent vith th• apirit of thit Memorandum of Vncler•tedin;. Authoriti•• of t>i• Government o; the llD1tld St1'te1 o:f America will take n~•••ry mea1U%'tla tc that end~

Th• COve:nm•nt of Saint Lua:· ahall permit united ltatee peraa~n•l to enter &nd ait Luc:1 upo21 preaentatiOA of Vnited l

rrJ1oal\J;iNAt 'l'be CoYunlle11t oi Gai.Dt ~ ehall per:,u.t the V41•••l•, aircraft, ud vehiel•• of tb.• Unitod Sta , and united 1tate1 per1onnel, to :mDn !realy within laint Luci• in p 1Qit of 'their official dutiea. I l. 'rhe Qovarnmant of tha Onited States of .America aball be exe1nptad from the payment ol an aale1, ue•, or other taxes or charges levied by the C:OVermnent 0£ ea· t Lucia or it, ag•nciea. 2. Th• Government of Sel1,nt Lucia ahall ezempt united Stat•• personnel from any taxee, lee•, or other charges on incom• received from th• Unit•d states.

1. tt'he COV.rmaent o: Lucia allall 111av, tree from duties, feet, du••, internal taxation,••1· r other a11e11nent1, tbe importation or .xporu~iOA oi produot•, p.opa y, mater1a11, or ecpipment imported into Saint Lucia by or a:a. behalfj of th•

1. Both Pert.iee ehall vaivje uy and all clew aaainat each other (ot:ber thu coD~actual cl•ill•> for CIU\a;e, lo•• or da1truction of the otlier't property ari•int from ~otiviti•• to which th11 Meaorandwa af VIUler•~andlllf applie•. 2. With re•pect to clailna a;a:Lftat the United 1tate1, ot.her- than contractual clai.11• end tb.oae w ivad pur1u&r1t to 'P't'&;raph 1 of this .&rt:.lale, th• Govarnaent. ot the ted ltat•• of America, in accsa%'dance with ii.e lecpl av.tborit..1... , all p&J' j\\at, fa1r and r•••onabl• ~•tioai ill aettlDleot. oi a itor.rou, c:ilaima ari1u;1 out of ac:t• or omi•1iona o! United i>er:ao el, or whiah u• otheNi•o incidental to apera~~ora-rel•~•d act1vit1•• af 'tbe GoVermnent of~ Unl~ed It&~•• of Marica, TIL••• clailaa •hall expeditiou1ly proce11ed. ud ••ttl•d by 'Oait•d lta~•• autboritl•• J.a aecordence w1th tJ'n.1t•d ltate1 law. 3. c:l&iD for dwg-e :!opvty or pera0111 CllllHd by national• of Haiti in l•iD.t ~ucia pur1u t to thi1 Mtnorandma of Under1tandina ahall be d.i.1ou•••4 by th• ttee ••tabliahed purauant to icl1 20(1). ~~ - 6 -

l:Jlblic Qt111tiea, ca~£f;:,!'and suppqrt AD4 1erv1011 1. The Government of the United stat•• cf America may u1e wa~r.. electricity, and public htilitiee and !acillti•• on term. and condition,, 1nc1Udinq rate• or~1charqe1, no l••• favorable than thoae evailabl• to the Government o . Saint Lucia, in like c:ircumetance1, UAle•• otherwi•e agreed. ~e . vernment of Saint Lucia ahall, upon reque•t, •••i•~ Onit•d lt&t~• autho~itie• in Dbtai~in; wat•r, electricity, and other public ut111t1•• and focilitie1. I 2 - T!le c.overnment of th.. United. State• of Aallrica 1hall h• autborized to u1e i te ow cmqmunicat.ion• 11etwo.te, coaumic:ation1- •l•ctron1c1 1JJ1tallatiosi1, rad1 frec;uenc1.. , tr&Dlport@le •ipm41nt, and ~ic eaamanicationa •Y•t , ·•• wall a, tbo•• of ~b• Government a~ 1a1n.t Luo1a, ••maybe nece•• to &CCOJ11Jl1th the •peo1fic pgrpoeee of th• operation. ~ <=ave t af Saint Luci& ,hall facilitate the uae o! 1ta cammunicatione tacil tiea. · 3. l'he Government of lain~ Lucia will provict. or for the provi,ion ot auc:h additional ,~port and ••rvic•• a• :may 1M requ•1ted tJy t:h• Governmtnt cf the Unitedf St.ate• of Allerica on •9!'Nd t•?'IU and authorisN of:eiciala of the Govfl'lllUlnt of the tJ11ited Btete• of America to ooncract 1n taint Luci&.

a,, gf 'l'r1n:tl!!@tr1:: ra;illtic• Veh~ole,, ve•••l•, •l\d air~rait of th• trn.itad ltate• ah&ll not be •ubj •ct to 'the payment. of ar port f ..•. pilotage eha.rqe•, navlqatioti or overflight · c,harlijiD.g e1, or toll• or other uee char;••, inaludi119 livb.t and har~r d •, while in Saint t.ucio. Aircraft operated by ar !or the united tatea •hall ol»••rv• .local air traffic control nplaticm• While in Saint Lucia. V•11e11 OVMd. or opai-ated by the united IU.tes ehall not h4I •ubject to oompulaary pilotage at port1 in l&int Lucia.

l. flie GovernaeD.t of l&in~uc.,ia •hall ••ive any requiremeDta tor the lioen•ing Ind credentialin of h•alth car• or other Oa.ited lc•t•• per•ounel who .. are properly c:r ntialed under United l!ltatea l•w or regu1ati0n1. ..; ., -

2. The QovernJMnt of SaJ,.nt Lucia •hall exempt United Stat•• poreonn•l who ore 11c:en1•4 unc1i united stat•• 1.11.w or regulations from holding a driver'• liaen•• i• ued by autboi-itie• of &&int Lucia. Service vllhiclea OW11ed or ope ated bY th• united. State, •hall he exempted frosn any lie•n1in9, r• i•tratfon, or inaurance ~irement•,

1. Th• Parti•• avreo -to ••1"abli1h a Committee for con•ult.ation 011 any matter rela~J..nq t.o tJio $plemantat1on ot thi• Meaorandwu ot t1nder•tand,n9. mraca vill ~ r+pr•••nted on ~• cmmd.ttee. 2. Any cU.aagreuaent• r!:dinf th• interpretation of thi1 Muloranchm of vaclai:atamUav whi. c:ammt l)e reeolvecl by ~• COIIU.ttee ref•rred to 1~ paragraph 1 of it .lrticla thall ~ raaolved through diplomatic ohanuela. s. ~bi• MllmDrandUJI ot und•r1tanG1ng 1na11 enter 1llto force upon aignature, 4. Any aodific,atio111 o; amendma11t1 to thi• Ke.orande of aball l1e ~y mutua~ con1ent, in w~1ting, of the lartie1. ,. ~bi• Nemorandu:11 ot und•r•tandJ.Aa •h•ll ~emain 1n force until terminated by eith•r tarty, upoi on• month•e written not~fic•tion. , • Upon ~minatiofl, t.iu. Qovernment of 't:h8 united Stat•• of AMric1 •hall J:)e Qran'ted a reaalona.bla time within which to terminate ~b• op•rat:l.on and cloee the fao!litie•,

1. Jtertormanoe of all obligation, and connitmellt• ot. the Govemaant of the ~ited Stat • of Ameriea in ·1:bi• Kemorandu of UndC'at&Ddinq 11 •Ub,aat to th 1vailOility of appropriatad fundt, Jrotb1ng in th1• Hwr&ndwn of nder1tanding nay bti read •• illplyinv that tll• united &tat.M ccmgr••• will at a later date appropriate fund• •ufficieAt to meet comnitaent• f th• Qo\te~m».eD~ of the Uhited 8~at•• of Amarica wider th.11 Mmorand of t1nder1tandin;, 2. Nothlnq in tlliis Memorandum of Unde:;-111tanding ~ill ccnfe:t" any rights or int•r•ata anforceable ;at law or ot.nerwise on noD-Parties to tnie Memor4ndum of underatandin~.

l)QNE at Saint Lucia, this ~----->J...... ,/ .(.+I_.,, ____ day o f Ju l y, 1994, i n d up 1'icate.